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Bryce Murray Sep/21/13 English 1102.


Assignment One Reflection

During assignment one I think my strengths were during my observations I was actually doing and playing apart in my figured world and this added to my descriptions. Also another strength I feel like I had was being able to be close to my figured world before the assignment, rather than just picking a random figured world to observe. Because I already knew how everyone acts and the acceptable behavior, and having a connection with the actors, artifacts, and discourse communities. Another strength of mine was my ability to ask good questions in my interview and getting great answers from the team captains. As for my weaknesses I feel like I could have gone into a bit more detail about emotions and described my surroundings and bit more than I did. Another weakness was being more precise on the different time frames, in some parts of my observations I used thirty minute tie intervals and sometimes I didnt. After my assignment one was reviewed by my fellow peers they left some useful comments. One comment that I thought was useful, stated that I should describe more of my emotions and also my teams feelings during the drills. Another one was try to go into more detail about what happened during breaks, also how everyone interacts before and after practice. Also my peers told me to put in the definition of my figured world, state the main actors which are my team captains. Also they included for me to state the artifacts, and name the different discourse communities within the figured world which would be vets, rookies, and coaches. I also think a weakness of mine was that I didnt feel like I got more observations sometimes because either practice was short or because I was busy running drills, I felt like being a part of my observation was kind of a double edge sword to the point where it worked out for me but at the same time kind of affected my observation. Because I was not able to truly observe everyone at practice individually. While reading over my assignment one I would want you to pay attention to the observations, because I was actually taking part in the actions I was observing and I feel like nobody else was doing the same thing as me. By getting up and actually getting into the action rather than sitting back and observing. Also I would want you to pay attention to my interviews I conducted with the three captains of the team, I feel the way they answered the questions really brought out their personalities.

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