Fausz Edward Mary 1962 Germany PDF

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To I


C/O Harold.KcFarland, Minister

P.O. Box 968
Joliet, Illinois USA.

Our Dear Priends in Christ:

We are using this personal means of expressing our heart-felt thanks for the SERVICE you are rendering to not only the Missionaries here in Germany, "but to God's servants throughout the worldi For your sacrifices are not only measured in dollars, but in long hours spent,
in doing God's work!

Mary is slowly recovering from the injuries she received in the recent auto-accident, and the Lord has blessed us in many ways. The child ren and I are fine, as we write thi


Now that we are permanently located in our apartment, again letters are pouring in from our German listener expressing their joy and appreciat
ion over the fact that we have re

turned to Germany to resume our woi

with them#

Enclosed is a small gift (we wish it could be more) and ve ask only
that our names be placed on the mailing list of HQHIZONS<

Closing, with a prayer for all ' ^est German Christian Mission
Edward & Mary Pausz & FamilyAnd Miss Henning, Missionaries


Eschersheimer Landstrasse


Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Fausz (16) FRANKFURT/ M.
Eschersheimer Landstr. 341

V/ith j^od' Richest Blessings to All', /*''

rid, (Jebbie h. Bobby. Ed, Mary, David, Serving our Lord in German^-#

West Germany


schersheimer andstrasse^


- - 196'^%^

J-'' Our Tear Friends in Christ;'^^\.v,.-.:?'-^'6nce again, we pause for jlf' a few moments to thank you wcndorful- folks for your continued

pie of Surope Since we have been sharing our heart-aches and diS:-^
appointments? it is a. real blessing to be able to have you share in'^

interest ani ^pport of the work among the German-speaking peO'

I. from ilbelm

I our Victories!

(One of the men wnom i~bapt"ised quite some time ago.);

He stated in his

Yourovill be amused at the recent letter I r^gAy^

iie wro"Ce and' told me that he had written a letter to Moscow, telling

them that Christ is the only Hope for the world.

letter that unless they all repent (including Krushchev) and get j
baptized into Christ that the whole bunch of them were going to I go to Hell! He said that if Russia would stop bluffing smaller^
ccJintries and would! listen to our Radio Broadcast instead, thp.t their time wouj d be spent much better. He gave them the time-

k \

frequency and nature of our Radio Program.

Mary told me

that his letter certainlja didn't help to make my life

any safer (from the Communists.)

I really marvel at the man's courage;

but I told her that

for not many

Christians would have it within themselves to do what he did V7ith Christian Love and the Power in the tremendous struggle against World,

of the Gospel of Christ as our only weapons, we/ hope that we can have at least a small part

Communism, Denominationalism, Romanism, ,

and other False Teachings that are be-^

ing taught masses

of souls



close, we all jcoLn in


sending our






Ila Belle

i Id

11 ^1 li 111
>5 JLvV il iX





Fourth Anniversary
of Broadcast

Talents and Time

'^OING our best to make the most out of ^'both our talents and time, Ed, Mary and
Ila Belle have been teaching Bible school classes at a U.S. Army Chapel near Frank furt. Ed has been teaching the Junior High class and Mary and Ua Belle each have had a class of first graders. Having heard and seen the liberal teachings in many of the chapels here in Europe, we took this oppor tunity to teach the Bible to these young people. We pray and trust that this teaching may have had some influence upon these
young lives. We have done this in addition to our German work and it has in no way inter

fered with it. However, with Ed preaching

the series of evangelistic meetings throughout Europe, he will have to give this up. This additional opportunity has enabled us in combating liberal and modern teachings and on several occasions has permitted Ed to preach several Sunday morning messages, presenting God's Word in its fullness. This
work, of course, has been in addition to the

UNDAY, October 7th marks the beginning of our fifth year of preaching the Gospel in the German language over Radio Luxembourg to the German-speaking peoples of Europe. After much prayer and hard work, our very first broadcast went 'on the air" the morning of October 5, 1958. We want to take this opportunity to salute
Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Coble, founders of the

sermons preached in German on Radio Luxem bourg every Lord's Day morning.

Gospel Broadcasting Mission, through whom this broadcast is being made possible. Through financial cooperation with them, we are able to keep this broadcast on the air. The Cobles are raising the funds to pay for the actual radio-time, while the West German Christian Mission pays for the follow-up and
studio costs.

AS we enter into the second phase of our

missionary work here in Germany, we urgently request your prayers. Even while this article is being read, we are engaging in a series of evangelistic meetings in those areas from which the greatest response is being received. Visitation and preparation for these meetings were made long before this article appeared in print. This was necessary in order to lay the groundwork, rent the halls and prepare local publicity for these meetings. Personal preparation was also necessary as we prayed to God for the added physical and spiritual strength needed for conducting these meetings. This series of meetings, which I will


It is a real privilege to work shoulder-toshoulder with them in this endeavor to reach

millions of souls who would otherwise be

deprived of hearing about Christ and His Church. Many sacrifices have been made on their behalf to raise the money for radio-time and oiff hats go off to them for the vital part they are having in bringing Christ to the

personally be conducting, will not be limited to Germany alone, but will also reach into many other strategic areas of Europe.


aN the April die Hoffnung we told you about sending an Easter package to a
widow in Poland. We are happy to report that she received the package, but sorry to

By Ila Belle Henning

They do not request that we send food but

rather state that their physical needs do not trouble them as much as their spiritual needs. They receive so much strength from just being able to hear the Gospel by means of radio and by the sermon copies we send
each week. Because of the circumstances

say in the place of the New Testament which

we had sent was a note from the postal authorities stating that such things were

not permitted. God's Word is being kept out! Recently a letter was received from a
widow with three children living in East

under which they live, their hope and strength can only come from God. We receive requests for German Bibles

Germany telling of the illness of two of the

children and how hard it was for them to get

quite frequently and they are sent. Recently

there have been a number of requests for

along. Our German secretary was concerned

and immediately got busy inquiring as to
what food items could be sent and how much.

Hungarian Bibles and New Testaments and

we have secured these through the American

Bible Society and are able to fulfill their He, along with the Fausz family and I, went requests. Thanks be unto God for the Christians in together and sent a sizeable package of food stuffs. It is rather hard to believe that just a America who are making it possible to reach few miles from us there are people who are the German-speaking peoples on both sides starving for physical food and lack of clothing. of the Iron Curtain with the True Gospel.

the home Scene

(^TBOUT the time that you read this,
Cnt school will have started for our three
children here in Frankfurt. David will be in

By Mary Fausz

months. They both enjoyed it very much, and it gave them wonderful opportunities for making new friends.
Please write to us from time to time,

Junior High. Debbie Ann will be in the Sixth Grade and Bobby will be in the First Grade. With Bobby attending Kindergarten this sum mer, it has been a very busy summer for all of us, and we haven't even had time for a vacation. We hope, though, that with the remaining week or two before school begins, to have at least a few days of much-needed

because we are always eager to know how

everything is going back home. Before closing, we want to thank each of you for the part you have in spreading the Gospel
of Christ to other lands! May our God and
Father in Heaven bless and keep you as

you strive to do His will!

August was the month for celebrations

for both Ila Belle and David. We saved some

We have a German costume consisting of leather shorts, leg bands, suspenders and
Bavarian hat, suitable for use in mission

cake mix that was sent to us, and had a

special birthday cake on the 22nd for Ila Belle, and birthday cake for David on the
23rd. Since we all love cake, you can rest assured that it didn't last long, even though

the birthdays were so close together. Debbie attended a Girl Scout Camp and David a Boy Scout Camp during the summer

plays, parades or display. The costume will fit a boy between the ages of 10 and 12. It is being made available to the churches through our Forwarding Agent, Brother Coleman T. Sparrow.

^jP^HIS is Eschersheimer Landstrasse 341, the building which houses the West German
Christian Mission. The first floor Is being occupied by the Commerz Bank, butwe have leased the entire second floor for a ten-year period. Adequate space has been allowed for the combination office and study which is the room on the extreme right. To the left of the office. Is a three bedroom apartment with kitchen, living room and bath for the Fausz family, and behind the office (on the right) is a separate apartment for Miss Henning. She has her own living room-bedroom, kitchen and private both. The office separates the two apartments, making it possible to enter the office from either or both apartments. There is no yard in which the
children can play.


^#ANY of you may be interested in hearing ^Hthat we have now prepared two new sets
of slides, which are being made available through both our Forwarding Agent, Brother Sparrow, and through Mission Services. We
have labeled these slides: "A" and "B.* Set

As the Mission grows, our expenses increase proportionately, and we will need extra support for the forthcoming evangelistic meetings which will be conducted throughout Germany and Europe. For example, we will need extra funds to carry rent expense, newspaper publicity and other incidentals connected with evangelistic meetings. Besides
this, the children's school tuition has been

A deals with our German work, and Set B

tells of our travel to Germany and our recent tour of Berlin. We have equipped both of these sets with a tape recording, explaining each slide as it appears on the screen. Each one of us takes a turn talking on the tape. We have also prepared a type-written com mentary for those who may not have access to a tape recorder. A third set of slides "C" is being prepared by David and Debbie Ann which is designed to show in children's groups and meetings. They will tell of the customs and life here in Germany, and will deal with things in which children are most

raised to $105.00 per quarter per child as over the previous amount of $85.00. We are trusting the Lord that these necessary funds
will be on hand to enable us to continue in

this phase of our missionary labors.

West German Christian Mission


Eschersheimer Landstrasse 341
The above address is the same for the

Fausz family and Miss Henning. All personal

mail should be directed to this address.

Forwarding Address Coleman T. Sparrow, 315 Cherokee Trail, Garden Farms, Huntington 5, West Virginia

BOX 96t



N(>N mof IT


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By David, Debbie Ann and Bobby

KIDS! Would you like to know how
they celebrate Christmas over here in

this every Sunday evening until all four candles are lit, and on the Sunday before
Christmas we read about the birth of Jesus

Germany? We'll tell you then! During the last week of November every one makes a wreath out of evergreen. Four candles are placed on the wreath to show the preparation for the birth of our Lord. One candle stands for the Law, orje for the Psalms, and one for the Prophets. The foxirth candle stands for the Gospels. On the fourth Sunday before Christmas, the first candle is lit to represent the proph ecies and promises of Christ's coming in the the Law, We read these promises out of the Bible, as we light the first candle, and then we have cookies and milk {grown-ups have coffee) while we sing Christmas carols. On the third Sunday before Christmas, we light
two candles and read from Psalms. We do

in the New Testament. We do this in our

home. They call this wreath an "Advent


We like to exchange packages and gifts

at Christmas too; but we know that this isn't the main reason for celebrating Christmas.

The greatest fun is in sharing with others, and we like to help prepare packages for our
listeners who are living behind the Iron Cur

tain. They are very, very poor and need our

help and prayers.

In closing, we want to wish you and your mothers and dads a very wonderful Christmas!

^^HIS MEANS "Merry Christmas" in

German and we are taking this opportunity to wish each and every one of you a
very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

of our Lord Jesus Christ to the German-speaking peoples of Europe, Second, we are thankful that God has blessed us with the health and strength necessary to carry on His work. Although we
have not been able to do all that we had

There are so many things for which we are thankful, as we approach the Christmas

season, that space will not allow us to list them here. The first thing that would head such a list is the gratitude we feel in our
hearts towards you Christians in America

who are faithfully supporting our work and who are giving generously of your tithes and your offerings. Without your help, of course, it would not be possible to continue in the labors of preaching and teaching the Gospel

planned to do (due to lack of funds], we are thankful for both the strength and opportunity God has given us to hold an evangelistic meeting in the Black Forest of southern Germany. Here, amid humble surroundings and with a stable for a church, we were able to preach the Gospel of Christ and to have fellowship with other baptized believers who believe and practice New Testament Chris tianity in the same manner as we.


"On the Field" Financial Report
July 20, 1961 through November 15, 1962
Balance on Hand July 20, 1961

Loan for Apartments $ 5,000.00

Radio Listeners State-side Churches 56.24 25,364.30

Promotion (Slides, Tapes and Etc.) Moving and Storage School Tuition Apartments (Down Payment, Real Es
tate Fees, and

213.43 332.14

1, 1,397.64


Salaries (Livinglink
and German Sec

Etc.) Repair on Tape


5, 5,267.09

retary) $10,459,56 Office Supplies 499.25 Paper for Sermon Copies 242.18 Postage 1,003.66 Rent (Hotel 5 Months; Apart ments and Office 4,984.32 Broadcasting Studio 2,454.74 Public Transporta tion (Including
from LeHavre to

Bank Charges
Office Curtains Electric Transformer

Office Sign Miscellaneous (Phone

Calls and Tele

grams to States,

Police Registra
tion, Miscellaneous


: 234.56

Frankfurt) Car Expense (Insur ance and Payments

on Opel)


Balance on Hand November 15,1962 Outstanding Bills at Present: Paper $ 100.00

Broadcast Studio


Car (Volkswagen)
Heating and Teleohone (Office)


100.00 110.00
$ 310.00



ox 96a





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While the main department stores in dovmtown Frankfurt are showing material and commercial signs of Christmas, the letters that we receive daily from our listeners indicate an increasing spiritual interest and heartfelt concern for the teachings of Christ.
Fastened to the door of our office is a map




(Except for Livinglink Pledges)

German Secretary Salary $100.00 Office Supplies 50.00 Printing and Paper 150.00 Postage . 100.00 Rent for Apartments and Office . . . . 145.00 Broadcast Studio * 120.00

of Europe. Before me on my desk are letters from individuals within a 1,000-mile radius
of Radio Luxembourg. These are letters

from people living in Hungary, in Poland, in West Germany, in East Germany and in many
other different countries of Europe. They are people with souls, whose sole interest is not only to bear the Gospel of Christ but also to share it with others. This year, like every year, we will light the candle which Gisela
sent us from behind the Iron Curtain and we

Car Expense (Insurance, Gas and Payments) Heating and Phone (Office) School Tuition (9 Months) Promotion in the States (Slides and
die Hoffnung) Evangelism (Evangelistic Meetings, Printing, Publicity, Meeting house Rent).

156.00 12.00 160.00


will remember her and her people in a special prayer to our Heavenly Father as she labors against tremendous odds of Communist tyranny and brutal dictatorship. We will remember, too, the Roman Catholic priests
and ministers of denominational churches who have written us in their search for the


* (Depending on response of the churches)


Truth of the Gospel of Christ. We will remem ber the widow in East Germany who, together
with her two small children, is almost starving to death. We hope to remember her


along with the widow in Poland not only with prayer but with packages that will contain special treats and the necessities of life. We will remember the eighty-year-old, blind preacher in the Black Forest with whom I had the privilege of holding an evangelistic meet ing. And last (but not least) we will remember you, and you, and everyone who is having a part in our taking the Gospel of our Lord
Jesus Christ to the millions of German-speaking peoples of Europe.

May God bless you richly and may this

Christmas be the happiest Christmas that

you have ever had the privilege to enjoy because of your having shared the Gospel
of Christ with others.

Edf Mary and Ila Belle

Forwordlng Address

Coleman T. Sparrow, 315 Cherokee Trail, Garden Farms, Huntington 5, West Virginia


WE DON'T always see the seed we sow

or see where it falls; but when it

begins to sprout and grow we are able

to see just how far it has been canied. This
was the case in a letter we received from the

radio listener whose picture appears above.

Living in a medium-sized city on the Rhein River, this 60-year-old man is having a vital part in spreading the Gospel of Christ. About a year ago he wrote us a letter asking for an increased number of sermon copies
each week. We had been sending a sizable package of sermons, and always enclosed the niunber of sermons he requested.

and playing it back to the people as he tries to reach as many souls as he con with the Gospel of Christ. In addition to this, he also passes out our sermon copies and tracts for people to read. By the time that this news article appears in print, I will have arranged to meet him personally and further discuss with him the New Testament position. He is 60 years old and the sign on the trailer attracting the attention of the passers-by says, "The Call
to Decision" and "Bread for the World." The

local German newspaper which recently carried an article about him, had nothing but
praise for this man who had dedicated himself to this unusual means of reaching the masses

He is completely unknown to us except through correspondence. A recent letter from him explained that he had a motorcycle with
a small trailer hitched to the back. In the

of the people on the street with the Gospel

of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Thus from day to day we are meeting

consecrated and dedicated individuals who

trailer is a tape recorder which he uses to play back our broadcast to as many people on the street as will stop and listen. He is recording our broadcast each week on tape

eagerly want to do all they can to promote the true, pure, simple, saving Gospel of our
Lord Jesus Christ.

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