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Deaf Society (Registered) Sargodha

Welfare Society for the Disabled Deaf People

Previously Founded in 1960 and then later in 1980

Pioneers of Society:
In the beginning this society got most financial support from the renowned political
figure of Sargodha city, Alhaj Choudary Sadar ud Din Gujjar (late). He not only laid the
foundation for the society but also promoted in civil society and gain acceptance in
general public. There are many other devoted personality who brought up this society,
amongst them some names are as

Rana Arshad Ali Siddique (Scouts Officer, Sargodha)

Sheikh Ameer Ahemd (Guardian Union of Traders, Sargodha)


Bank account of Society: Currently society holds a banck account number 26 in First
Women’s Bank, University Road Sargodha.

Objectives and Aim: The foremost objective for the formation of Deaf Welfare Society is
the overall welfare of deaf people in any aspect of life. And to make it possible all
resources to address difficulties faced by deaf in all walks of life.

Mission: One of the most prime missions of the society is to enable deaf youth a
reasonable employment preferably in government sector under quota for disabled person.
In this regard the efforts of president of society Mr. Haji Choudary Ashfaq Ahmed are
highly appreciated. His personal devotion and efforts enabled 80 deaf youngsters to
secure employment in different Provisional and Federal government departments.
Providing respected source of income for deaf is on the top of society’s agenda. The
opportunities are provided for male and females equally.

Society is continuously engaged in development of human resources in deaf community.

Society is very keen on training and preparing deaf youth for a productive role in society.
These persistent efforts have gained much appreciation in general public. Deaf are given
much respect and appreciation for their positive contribution is civil society. Their
manners and ability to under take every day tasks astonishes many people in different
parts of life in civil society.

Most educated deaf youth gets employment in government sector. Many get decent
employment in Private commercial organizations or they are adjusted with local business
people to earn their deserved lively hood. There are considerable deaf people who are self
employed and those who are skilled are working honorably as electrician, plumber, tailor
and embroiderer etc. the deaf people are becoming integral part of society and society is
helping them in every way it can.

Sports and Recreation:

Sports are the most cherished chapter of this society and sports events are organized
periodically. Sargodha deaf cricket association is its shinning example.
Under the umbrella of Sargodha Deaf Cricket Association the First All Pakistan Deaf
Cricket Tournament was organized successfully in which teams from all over the country
took part. This event was much appreciated in print and electronic media over national
networks; this was a major milestone for Sargodha Deaf Welfare Society. With that
Society is a regular and prominent participant of sports events at national and
international level.

Conference and Meetings:

In accordance with different events and memorable days different seminars, rallies and
conferences are organization day to day. The Annual All Pakistan Conference of Deaf
was successfully organized by this society in 2007. In which Chairman House Building
Finance Corporation Pakistan Mr. Zaighm Mehmood Rizvi honored the session as Chief
Guest. Apart this on 12th Rabi-ul-Awal special program with langgar is organized
periodically. 14 August is celebrated with much zeal and enthusiasm; seminars and
processions are organized for mass participation. Different programs of dramas, skits are
presented on social aspects of life are presented on such events. These programs require
resources and financial aspect proves to be a great quest for society every time. But
thanks to the cooperation of Mr. Zaighm Mehmood Rizvi Chairman HBFC, he has been
helping society persistently and whole heartedly. For which we are grateful and pray for
Allah’s blessing.
Society also keeps an eye on national and international events and makes its voice heard
on issues of attention and sensitivity. Processions and rallies are organized to make public
aware of issues and to raise voice against corruption and injustice. Press releases are
issued regularly to indicate falsehood and in appreciation of positive aspects. Society also
writes to relevant government bodies and personals about any addressable issue of
relevant nature.

Educational Programs:

Two years back a complete computer academy was established for deaf children. The
computer lab is equipped to give basic computer education to deaf enabling them to with
stand world around them. This computer lab aims to provide a learning space for females
as well. The proper training sessions are conducted on self help basis.
English Language sessions are regular with appropriate sign language taught by senior
instructors. Now children can use SMS service effectively to convey their message. The
communication through electronic devices has been positively influence.
Separate dedicated sessions are conduct of deaf women every Sunday. Where they can
learn and share their experiences and expertise. Cooking, teaching and tailoring are
common features of such sessions. A separate house is rented to this purpose to ensure
their cultural privacy.
Computer academy requires full time/professional teaching staff that could prepare deaf
youth professionally for better employment opportunities. We are in badly needed of
financial resources for that.
Society give special attentions to Deaf Women who live in remote areas are uneducated
and unskilled steps are being made to enable them to have better opportunities in their
lives. Training in sign language with proper basic education is being provided in their
locality but resources are scares. In this respect all suggestions are encouraged for future
efficient and effective plans.
Special sessions of training and development for Deaf women, who stay in home and do
not contribute towards society, are on top agenda of society.
Apart from this marriage of such individuals is an issue in cultural and society so Deaf
welfare society helps to find better matches for Deaf couples. It is requested to all parents
to come up and participate. With that society also helps deaf women to get decent

DWS holds a prominent place in Pakistan; number of initiatives takes by society is much
appreciated in media and all over Pakistan. Very shortly, first time in the history of
Pakistan, First All Pakistan Deaf Women Conference is going be held in Sargodha
explicitly organized by Deaf Welfare Society.

Members of the society:

The society has been working since 1980, many members have been moving places due
to their employment or domestic issues, currently 400 active members are registered with
lot more un-registered members.
Women form a major portion of this society with working personals in government and
private sector. Many members are skilled and self employed; some members have their
own business and some are associated with skilled labor class. Tailoring is one of most
favored and appreciated field of deaf youth, both male and female earn decent livelihood
from this profession.

Mass Communication:

Time to time society releases press release in different papers on current events and topics
of concern. Society remains in pictures and news through its active participation in civil
sector due to that society is much recognized socially. Society regularly becomes the part
of famous Pakistan’s Special Magazine from Islamabad through its active involvement in
concerned issues about deaf all around. Also on electronic media through local cable on
TV society is spreading its message. Society effectively using news media to raise voice
for deaf and make them heard in government sectors.
Tourism and recreation:

Society takes frequent tours to different parts of country. Northern areas are main
attraction for such recreation trips for deaf youth. Many successful tours have been
organized where they made visits to areas like Muree, Kashmir and Salt ranges and
thanks to society officials and contributors these tourism opportunities are provided free
of any cost to deaf people.

Help US:

Immediate Requirements

A computer academy is established for deaf children. The computer lab is equipped to
provide basic computer education to deaf. But it is working on Self-Help basis and
computer academy requires full time/professional teaching staff that could prepare deaf
youth professionally for better employment opportunities.
We are in badly needed of financial resources for that. If society could bear an instructor
at minimum wage of 6000/- monthly then this noble cause can survive to benefit many

With that a house is being rented to support welfare activities. This facility expenses
include monthly rent, electricity, gas and phone bills exceeds 15000/- monthly. These
expenses are meeting by society on Self-Help basis but it’s getting harder day by day, we
need generosity of noble individuals who could support and contribute in this noble cause
and help us.

Future Plans and Strategy:

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