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Shivji ke Aarti

Jai Shiv onkara, Prabhu jai Shiv onkara, Brahma Vishnu Sadashiv ardhangi dhara Om Har Har Mahadev.. Ekanan, haturanan, !an hanan raje, Hansasan "arudaSan Vrishvahan saje Om Har Har Mahadev.. #o bhuj, haru haturbhui dashmukh ati sohe, $inon ru! nirakhte tribhuvan janmohe Om Har Har Mahadev.. Aksh%ama&a banama&a mundma& dhari, 'handan mrigmad sohai, bha&e shubhkari Om Har Har Mahadev.. Shvetambar Pitambar Bagambar ange, Brahmadik Sankadik Pretadik sange

Shivji ke Aarti And Meaning

Jai Shiv onkara, Prabhu jai Shiv onkara, Brahma Vishnu Sadashiv ardhangi dhara Om Har Har Mahadev.. Glory be to Shiva who is Om and is represented by Omkara .. Shivalinga. Hey Shiva! Hey Omkara! Hey Prabhu! Glory be to You. May Brahma !ishnu and other devatas who are "orever pleasant along with Mahadeva remove my problems. Ekanan, haturanan, !an hanan raje, Hansasan "arudaSan Vrishvahan saje Om Har Har Mahadev.. Hey Shiva #i you are Brahma$ you are !ishnu and you are Shiva. You being the absolute true being %ons%iousness and bliss you "ill all these roles. You are so %harming as !ishnu with one "a%e as Brahma with "our and as Shiva with "ive. &s Brahma you sit on the swan as !ishnu you sit on garuda .. an eagle' like bird .. and as Shiva you ride on (andi .. a sa%red bull. Hey Shiva #i do relieve me o" my di""i%ulties. #o bhuj, haru haturbhui dashmukh ati sohe, $inon ru! nirakhte tribhuvan janmohe Om Har Har Mahadev..

You are en%hanting in the three worlds to all those who per%eive you with two arms as Brahma or "our arms as !ishnu or with ten arms as Shiva. Hey Omkara rid me o" my distress. Aksh%ama&a banama&a mundma& dhari, 'handan mrigmad sohai, bha&e shubhkari Om Har Har Mahadev.. )earing garlands o" rudraksa *seeds o" the Elcocarpus ganitrus tree used "or making rosaries+ wild "lowers and a third o" skulls and your "orehead glistening with %handan *sandal paste+ and kasturi *musk+ hey Shiva #i destroy my problems.

Shvetambar Pitambar Bagambar ange, Brahmadik Sankadik Pretadik sange Om Har Har Mahadev.. Hey Shiva Omkara dressed in white and yellow silk and wearing a tiger skin and surrounded by Brahma and devatas Sanaka and other rishis and bhutas and prates *goblins and ghosts+ heed my prayer and remove my di""i%ulties.

(ar madh%e kamanda&u au trishu& bhari, Sukhkari dukhahari jag!a&ankari Om Har Har Mahadev.. Hey Mahadeva Omkara you hold the kamandal ... goblet ... as a sanyasin in one hand and a trisul .. trident .. in the other and yet it is you who are the bestower o" happiness and the remover o" all distress and it is you who sustain the whole world. Hey Mahadeva Omkara! , pray do relieve me o" all distress.

Brahma Vishnu Sadashiv janat aviveka, Pranavakshar men shobhit %e tinon eka Om Har Har Mahadev.. Hey Shiva Omkara! Brahma !ishnu and Shiva are seen separately and as individuals by some but they are OM all in -ust One ....ivine /rinity. Hey Omkara , pray to rid me o" my troubles.

$rigun s)ami ji ki arti jo koi nar gave (ahat Shivanand s)ami man van hhit !ha& !ave, Om Har Har Mahadev..

)hosoever sings this arti dedi%ated to Shri Shiva #i the master o" the three gunas .. sattva, rajas and tamas .. will re%eive "ul"ilment o" his heart0s desire. So says Swami Sivananda. Shri Shiva #i do a%%ept my humble prayer and prote%t me "rom di""i%ulties.

Shiv 'ha&isa

Jai "anesh "irija suvan, Manga& mu& sujan (ahit A%odh%a das tum, dev abha% vardan Jai "irija!ati din da%a&a, sada karat santan !rit!a&a. Bho& hahdrama sohat nike, kanan kunda& nag !hani ke. Ang gaur, shir gangabanae, mundama& tan hhar &agae. Vastra kha& bagambar sohe, hhavi ko dekh nag muni mohe. Maina matu ki havai du&ari,

bam ang sohat hhavi ni%ari. (ar men trishu& sohat hhavi bhari karai sada shatrun shahkari. *andi "anesh sohain tahan kaise, sagar madh%a kama& hai jaise. (artik sh%am aur ganarau, %a hhavi ko kahi jat na kau. #evani jab hi ai !ukara, tabahin dukh Prabhu a! nivara. (i%a u!adrav $arak bhari, devani sab mi&i turnahin juhari. $urant shadanan a! !atha%o, &a% nimesh mahin mari gira%o. A! ja&adhar asur sanhara, su%ash tumhara vidit sansara. $ri!urasur sang %udh ma hai, sabahin kri!a kari &inh ba hai.

(i%a ta!ahin Bhagirath bhari, !urve !ratig%a tasu !urari. #avan manan tum sam kou nahin, sevak ustuti karat sadai. Ved nam mahima tab gai, akath anadi bhed nahin !ai. Pragateu dadi+manthan te jva&a, jare surasur bahe biha&a. #inda%a& tahan kari sahai, *i&kanth tab nam kahai. Pujan ,am handra jab kinha, jit ke -anka Vibhishan dinha. Sahas kama& men ho rahe dhari, kinha !ariksha tabahi !urari. Ek kama& !rabhu rakh%au gohi, kama& na%an !ujan hahan soi.

(athin bhakti dekhi Prabhu Shankar, bha%e !rasan di%e i hhatvar. Jai Jai Jai Anant avinasi karat kri!a sab ke ghat vasi. #ushat saka& nit mohi satavaen, bhramat rahe mohi hain na avaen. $rahi trahi main nath !ukarun, %ahi avasari mohi, ani ubaro. -ai trishu& shatruni ko maro, sankat se mohe ani ubaro. Mata !ita bhrata sab hoi, sankat men !u hhat nahin koi. Svarmi ek hai as tumhari ai haranu ab sankat bhari. #han nirdhan ko det sadai, jo koi jan ha so !ha& !ahin. .stuti kehi vidhi karaun tumhari

shamahu nath ab huk hamari. Shahkar ho sankat ke nashan, vighna vinashan manga& karan. /ogi %ati muni dh%an &agavain, sharad *arad shish nivavain. *amo, namo jai namo Shiva%e, sur Brahmadik !ar na !a%e. Jo %ah !ath kare man &ai, ta!ar hot hain Shambhu sahai. ,in%a jo koi ho adhikari, !ath kare so !avan+hari. Putra ho na i h hha kari koi, nish hai Shiv !rasad te hoi. Pandit tri%odashi ko &avain, dh%an !urvak horn karavain. $r%odashi vrita kare hamesh, tan nahin take rahe ka&esh.

#hu! di! naived hadhavai, Shankar sanmukh !ath sunavai. Janam Janam ke !a! nashavai, ahtvas Shiv!ur men !avai. (ahe A%odh%a as tumhari, jan saka& dukh harahu hamari.

Shiv 'ha&isa 0ith Meaning

Jai "anesh "irija suvan, manga& moo& sujan, (ahati A%odh%adas tum, deu abha%a vardan. Hail 1ord Ganesh son o" Giri-a who is supremely wise and the start o" all auspi%ious events.&yodhyadas asks you to grant him the boon o" sa"ety and se%urity. Jai "irija!ati deen da%a&a, Sada karat santan !rati!a&a. Hail Giri-apati *Shiv husband o" Giri-a. Giri-a means mountain re"erring to Mt. 2ailash

where 1ord Shiv is supposed to reside.+ the ever kind lord )ho always looks a"ter and prote%ts his devotees. Bha& handrama sohati neeke, (anan kunda& nag !hani ke. He has the moon upon his "orehead and in his ears instead o" rings he has the serpents %oiling around. Ang gaur shiv ganga banai, Mundama& tan kshar &agai. He is "air %omple3ioned with the divine river Ganga "lowing "rom his %rown around his ne%k he has a ne%kla%e o" severed heads and his body is smeared with ash. Vastra kha& baghambar sohe, 'hhavi ko dekh nag muni mohe. He wears the skin o" a panther tied around his waist looking at his %harming view the serpents and high sages get en%hanted. Maina Matu ki !ri%a du&ari, Bam ang rajat Shiv !%ari. /he beloved daughter *re"erring to Parvati+ o" Maina is sitting on his lap at his le"t side She is supremely dear to 1ord Shiv. (ar men soha trishu& ati bhari, (arahi sada shatrun samhari. He %arries a heavy trident in his hand with whi%h he slays the enemies "orever.

*andi "anesh soh tanha kaise, Manas madh%a kama& hon jaise. )ith him are (andi *the bull+ and 1ord Ganesh looking as beauti"ul as lotus "lowers blooming in Mansarovar lake. (artik sh%am aur gana rauo, /a hhavi barnat bane na kauo. He has with him dark %omple3ioned 2artikeya and Ganesh *his sons+ no one is %apable to des%ribe the "ull spe%ta%le. #evan jab hee aai !ukara, $abahin dukh !rabhu a! nivara. )henever the %elestials *devas+ "a%ed problems and %ame to you You always solved the problems and provided su%%our to them. (een u!adrava tarak bhari, devan sab mi&i tumhari !ukari. )hen the demon /arak wrought havo% the %elestials all %alled to you help. $urat shadanan a! !atha%o, -uv nimesh mahi mar gira%o. /hen you immediately sent Sadanand *the si3 "a%ed 2artikeya+ )ho within no time at all destroyed the demon.

A! Ja&&andhar asur sanhara, Su%ash tumhar vidit sansara. You also slayed the demon #allandhar Your glory is well known to the world. $ri!urasur sang %uddha ma ha%i, sabahin kri!a kari &een ba ha%i. By "ighting and killing the .emon /ripurasur You "orgave everybody and saved the Gods. (eenha ta! Bhagirath bhari, Purahi !ratig%a tasu !urari. 2ing Bhagirath wishes.

had per"ormed a rigorous penan%e &nd by you gra%e you "ul"illed his

#ar!a hhod "anga tab a%ee, Se)ak astuti karat sadaee. Be%ause o" this Ganga *the river+ le"t her abode and %ame to earth /hat is why your devotees always sing your praise. Ved naam mahima tav ga%aee, akath anadi bhed nahin !a%ee. /he !edas had tried to des%ribe your glory but the same is beyond e3planation ,t is impossible to "athom your "ull glory. Pragati udadhi manthan te j)a&a, Jare surasur bha%e biha&a. /he sea %hurning

had produ%ed su%h a dread"ul poisonous "lame )hi%h s%ared both the

Gods and demons. Mahadeva tab kari saha%ee, *ee&kantha tuv nam dhara%ee. /he Great God you %ame to their res%ue and drank the poison )hi%h stayed in your throat making it blue hen%e you are %alled (eelkanth *Blue throated one+ Poojan ,am handra jab keenha, -anka jeet Vibhishan deenha. )hen 1ord 6am 7 worshipped you You gave him vi%tory over 1anka and made !ibhishan *6avan0s brother+ it0s king. Sahas kama& ar!anahi vi hari, (eenha !areeksha tabahi !urari. .uring this worship 1ord 6am de%ided to o""er you a thousand lotus "lowers then to assess his "irmness o" "aith you de%ided to test him. Ek kama& Prabhu rakheu go%ee, (ama& na%an !oojan hahin so%ee. 1ord you de%ided to hide one o" the "lowers not "inding it 1ord 6am substituted his lotus like eye "or it. (athin bhakti dekhi Prabhu Shankar, Bha%e !rasanna de%a i hhit var. 1ord Shanker was pleased with His *6am0s+ stead"ast devotion You granted Him the desired boon *o" slaying 6avaana+.

Jai Jai Jai, Ananta Avinasi, (arat kri!a sab ke ghatvasi. Hail to thee O ,n"inite and ,ndestru%tible 1ord shower your gra%e on everybody O Omnis%ient one. #ushta saka& mohi nit%a satavan, Bharmita rahe man hain na aven. , am always troubled by wi%ked people this makes me distressed with no pea%e o" mind. $rahi trahi main nath !ukaro, /eh avasar mohi, ani ubaro. Getting distressed , pray to you 1ord Shanker O 1ord help me in these troubled times. -ai trishoo& shatrun ko marau, Sankat se mohi ani unarau. 8ome with your trident and slay my enemies and "ree me "rom my problems. Mata !ita bhrat sab hoi, Sankat mein !oon hat nahi koi. &lthough , have my mother "ather brothers and "amily Yet in times o" trouble nobody o""ers me help. S)ami ekahi aas tumhari, Ai harahu sab sankat bhari. O 1ord you are my only hope O Master please %ome and take away this heavy burden *problems+.

#han nirdhan kon det sadaee, Arat jan ki !eer mitaee. You give wealth to the poor and you wipe away their di""i%ulties. Astuti kehi vidhi karahu tumhari, Shambunath ab tek hamari. , do not know o" any other way to seek your help "rom my problems Hey Shambunath listen to my prayer now. Shanker ho sankat ke nashan, Vighna vinasan manga& karan. Shankar you are the destroyer o" problems please be the root o" my happiness and wel"are /ogi %athi muni dh%an &aga%e, Sharad *arad Sheesh navavahin. &ll the sages and yogis meditate on you Saraswati *Goddes o" )isdom+ (arad *son o" Brahma+ and the seers bow in reveren%e to you. *amo namo jab namah Shiva%e, Sur brahmadik !ar na !a%e. , now %hant your name 9Om (amah Shivaye9 neither Brahma not all Gods %ould "athom your entire glory. Jo %eh !ath kare man &a%ee,

$o kon hot hain shamboo saha%ee. )hoever reads this prayer with utmost devotion shall de"initely be helped by 1ord Shamboo without any doubt. Putra na ho, i hha kare koi, *ish ha%a Shiv !rasad se hoi. &nybody without a son who prays to you )ill de"initely be blessed with one by 1ord Shiva. Pandit tri%odashi ko &ave, #h%an !oorvak hom karave. /he devotees should get a priest to per"orm yagna *prayer+ on the 47th lunar day o" the "ortnight and with "ull attention and devotion one must pray to 1ord Shiva to get their wishes "ul"illed. $ri%odashi vrita kare hamesha, $an nahi take rahe ka&esha. )hoever "asts on the thirteenth day o" the lunar "ortnight gets pea%e o" mind and a healthy body. #hoo! dee! naived%a hadhavahi, Shanker sanmukha !ath karavahi. )ith a lighted lamp in%ense and other payer material one should worship be"ore an idol o" 1ord Shiva with "ull devotion. Janam Janam ki !a! nasavahin, Anta)as shiv!ur men !avahin.

& devotee o" Shiv will have all the sins *karmas+ o" all his births wiped away and in the end he will live happily in the kingdom o" 1ord Shiva. He% Shankar hai aas tumhari, #ukh !eera ab harahu hamari. O 1ord Shanker you are my only hope now please end all my pains and worries.

4. /his re"ers to the time when the earth was "a%ed with a severe drought. /he then ruling 2ing Bhagirath per"ormed a power"ul penan%e "or water to %ome to earth. /he only hope was "or the river Ganga to %ome down to earth "rom heaven. But the "or%e o" her was su%h that the realm would be destroyed. /he only God who %ould %ontrol her des%ent was 1ord Shiva who trapped her in his hair. Hen%e in all images o" 1ord Shiva we see the river Ganga "lowing "rom his hair. 5. &t the time o" %reation %ertain powers were re:uired by the Gods. /he only way to get those powers was to %hurn the o%ean o" %reation. &s this %hurning was too great "or even the Gods to per"orm they enlisted the help o" the demons. Be"ore they %ould get the powers the %hurning would release a poison that would destroy all the Gods demons and the universe. 1ord Shiv agreed to swallow this poison as only he had the power to do so. )hen the poison appeared he swallowed the same. But his spouse Goddess Parvati "earing that her husband would die o" the poison held his throat preventing the poison "rom going down any "urther. Hen%e the poison stayed in his throat making it the %olour o" dark blue. 6avan was a great devotee o" 1ord Shiva and Shiva had blessed him that he %ould not be destroyed. 1ord 6am knew o" this and he knew that the only solution was to pray to 1ord Shiva to res%ind that boon given to 6avan so that 1ord 6am %ould kill 6avan. */his is "rom /he 6amayana+ 1ord Shiva is one o" /he Gods o" the trinity o" Gods whi%h /he Hindus believe in the other two being Brahma and !ishnu. He is known as the destroyer and destroys the world and the end o" all the "our Yugs *the "our yugs last "or ; <=> >>> years+ "or %reation to start a"resh. He is a uni:ue god in the entire godheads o" Hindu belie" and is in%omparable with any other God. He is moody "ree o" inhibitions easy to please prote%tor o" the down trodden and

has the power to alter the laws o" destiny. He is Mahakaal who destroys and dissolves everything into nothingness. But as Shankara he also reprodu%es that whi%h has been destroyed and dissolved. His symbol o" phallus symbolises this reprodu%tive power. /his prayer *%halisa+ praises the 1ord Shiva and asks "or His help in removing all the problems "rom the devotee?s li"e. ,t is suggested that you "o%us your mind on 1ord Shiva or His idol or Moortee or image and say this prayer.

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