Homework 08 F13 PDF

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1. A non-corrosive pressurized gas is stored in a spherical vessel of diameter 1.2 m,
and wall thickness 5 mm. The gas pressure is 6 MPa. The material is an AISI
4130 steel with fracture toughness 110 MPa.m
, and !
= 1090 MPa. Assume
that any crack that forms is elliptical in shape, with a surface trace of 2a and depth
0.5a, and that for this configuration, !
! !!!"! !". Does this design satisfy the
leak-before-break criterion? (Yes)

2. Determine the axial load that will cause failure of the polymethylmethacrylate
specimen shown below. Use the given dimensions and material properties and the
formula for stress intensity factor. (2.4 kN)

! !
! !
! !

! ! ! !

! ! !!! !!! ! ! !" !!
! !!! !"#! !
! !
! !
! !" !"#

3. Problem 3. Answer the following questions briefly:

a. Why are materials with high yield strengths also typically more brittle?
b. According to linear elastic fracture mechanics, the stress ahead of a crack tip
varies as ! !
, where ! is the distance ahead of the crack tip. In reality, what
prevents the stress from becoming unbounded as ! ! !?

>? A fiactuie test was conuucteu on an AISA 4S4o steel with a yielu stiength of
1S8u NPa. A stanuaiu compact specimen (as shown in the uata book) was
useu with 2 = Su.8 mm, ( = 12.9S mm anu a shaip pie-ciack of 0 = 2S.4 mm.
Failuie occuiieu at a loau of 1S.uS kN.

3(=@ Calculate @A BCD EF0Vm)
3<=@ Boes this qualify as a valiu plane stiain @G7 value. (<#')
3A= Estimate the uiametei of the plastic zone at fiactuie (D9HI ??)

B@? Cylinuiical specimens of length 2S mm anu uiametei S mm aie loaueu in
axial tension. The tensile stiess that causes Su% of the specimens to fiactuie
is 12u NP. uiven that the Weibull paiametei ? J C, calculate the axial stiess
that woulu give a suivival piobability of 99.u% foi cylinuiical specimens of
length Su mm anu uiametei 11 mm

C? A laboiatoiy expeiiment to measuie the Weibull paiameteis foi an alumina
piouuceu the following iesults: ?= 1u, M* = 4uu NPa (with N* = Suu mm

3(= Calculate the meuian tensile loau foi failuie of the component shown
below, when loaueu by a foice O as shown below. (P+'.#1Q RI >SL

B)L U1)(# 0+ #;51#'')*+ -*1 ("# .),(" *- ("# '0?56# )+ (#1?' *- < B,)'(0+7# -1*? *+#
B))L V067&60(# ("# '(1#'' )+ (#1?' *- ("# 0556)#, 6*0, 0+, <
B)))L M&2'()(&(# (")' )+(* ("# 3#+#106 U#)2&66 #;51#'')*+
B)8L G+(#310(# *8#1 ("# 8*6&?# *- ("# 7*?5*+#+( B)( .)66 2# 0+ )+(#310()*+ *8#1 *+6<
*+# ,)1#7()*+= ')+7# ("# '(1#'' *+6< 801)#' .)(" <L

thickness = 5 mm
30 mm
10 mm
20 mm

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