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David Gold Matejka


Pirate Island

Introduction The huge ocean smoothly brushes around the tiny island that will be our home. Mighty palm trees cover the island and sand is the majority of the rest. We drink coconut water and eat monkey corpses. The salty water is surrounding the sandy island. Trees infest the entire island. Traps catch our only source of food and the surrounding islands is setting over the horizon. We hear the ocean hit against the sandy shore and we hear the wind rustling on the trees. We smell the salty sea air and the coconuts on the tall trees. We feel the hot sand, the rough bark of the trees, and the soft ocean water against the soft sandy beach. Chapter 1 Modifications Part I- Analysis of the problem The first step in building a successful civilization is to secure basic human needs such as food and water. Due to its geography, the major challenges the civilization of Pirate Island faces in achieving a basic food and water supply includes the following: 1. Food- Our civilization would have a tough time farming, we dont have any food to grow and we dont have much soil. Also the terrain is already littered

David Gold Matejka with trees that dont produce food. Although we will have a little room for farming, we have tons of fish surrounding our island. 2. Water- our civilization will also have a hard time getting water because we have tons of salt water, but no fresh water. Even though we have a lot of rain. We would have to invent something to catch it with. During the dry season, we would only be able to live on our water reserves. So we would have to protect it from other animals. Another challenge we would have is that we would need to find where all the other animals get their water, which might be surrounded with predators trying to get some food from the water source. Part II- Proposed Solutions Modifications are how humans change the environment to fit the way they live. In our case food and water, our civilization will never survive without securing human needs Our food modifications will be to herd cows from our island and from other island that we would take over. We would kill one cow a day and use it for food and we would build shelter out of the skins of the cows. With the bones of the cows we would cut down trees to make more room for farming. We would use the trees to make fishing pools and sturdier shelters to store extra food. Like the ancient Greeks Instead of cattle, which need lots of flat land for grazing, they raised sheep, which can graze on the side of mountains We will herd cows(Frey 249). Our water modifications will be to use bones of cow to cut down trees and we would hollow out the trunk to catch water. After hollowing out the trees. We would have a slightly more reliable water source. Like the Arabs They conserved in canals and reservoirs (Frey 78). We would make reservoirs out of tree stumps. We would then build earth steps (like the ancient Greeks) and have the reservoir water run through the crops. We are likes the Arabs in the way that we have a extremely unreliable water source and we must conserve water in order to survive.


David Gold Matejka


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