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Aspire Public Schools

LEASE AGREEMENT This Lease agreement is entered into this ____ da o! "ul #$$% b and bet&een the Aspire Public Schools' a (ali!ornia not)!or)pro!it public bene!it corporation' hereina!ter called LANDL*RD and _______ ' hereina!ter called TENANT' !or the Lease o! certain school real propert on the terms and conditions set !orth herea!ter+ ,-EREAS Landlord is the o&ner o! that certain propert .the Premises/ at located at ______________________________' (ali!ornia' and0 ,-EREAS' the Tenant desires to pro1ide _________________________________ on the premises and0 ,-EREAS' the ___________________________ has demonstrated competence in pro1iding religious and communit ser1ices' and a &illingness to do so' and0 ,-EREAS' Tenant desires to let !rom Landlord the premises 2no&n as the multi)purpose room and three classrooms+ Additional classrooms &ill be let at the rate ______________________ Dollars .3_______/ per month each+ ,-EREAS' Landlord is &illing to let to Tenant the Premises on the terms and conditions set !orth herein0 N*,' T-EREF*RE' Landlord and Tenant .the parties/ !or good and 1aluable consideration agree as !ollo&s4 5+ #+ TERM4 The term o! this Lease shall be _____________________________+ RENT4 The monthl Lease pa ment commencing ______________________ shall be _____________________ and 6675$$ Dollars .3_______/+ This Lease amount shall be inclusi1e all rents' maintenance and utilities and shall be due and pa able' in ad1ance' at the commencement o! the lease term and on the !irst o! e1er month therea!ter+ TERM9NAT9*N4 The Landlord or Tenant ma terminate this Lease &ithout penalt upon thirt .8$/ da s &ritten notice+ :SE *F PREM9SES4 Tenant shall use the Leased !acilities to __________________________________ (*MPL9AN(E ,9T- LA,S4 Tenant shall not use the Lease premises in an &a ' &hich &ill con!lict &ith an la&' statute' ordinance or go1ernmental rule+ Sub)Tenant shall be responsible !or obtaining an use permits' licenses or other permission to operate !rom the cit or other go1ernmental agencies ha1ing <urisdiction+

8+ %+ ;+



TENANT>S A((ESS4 Tenant shall ha1e the right to enter the premises in accordance &ith the schedule attached hereto as E6hibit ?@A4 MA9NTENAN(E AND REPA9R4 Landlord shall be responsible !or all maintenance o! the Lease premises during the duration o! this Lease+ Tenant shall be responsible !or the pa ment an damage' abuse or abnormal &ear and tear to the Premises due to Tenant>s use+ SERD9(ES PR*D9DED @E TENANT4 Tenant shall pro1ide !or custodial ser1ices to the Leased space' to include ser1ices such as empt ing o! trash and cleaning and suppl ing bathrooms' 1acuuming and 2eeping the interior in a neat' clean and orderl condition in compliance &ith all count and state -ealth and Sa!et and Licensing codes+ ALTERAT9*NS' ADD9T9*NS AND 9MPR*DEMENTS 4 Tenant shall not ma2e an changes or alterations &hatsoe1er to the Lease premises or construct ne& impro1ements &ithin the Lease premises+ 9NDEMN9F9(AT9*N @E TENANT4 Tenant shall indemni! the Landlord and Landlord and its entities .as de!ined in the Master Lease/' including' but not limited to Landlord' Landlord' and their o!!icers' directors' emplo ees' and agents .?Landlord and Landlord 9ndemnitiesA/ and hold Landlord and Landlord 9ndemnities harmless !rom an and all loss' cost' damage' in<ur or e6pense arising out o! or related to .5/ claims o! in<ur to or death o! persons or damage to propert resulting !rom acti1ities o! Tenant or its agents' contractors' emplo ees or in1itees during the term and arising out o!' or relating to this Lease' the tenanc created under this Lease' or the premises' and .#/ claims !or &or2 or labor per!ormed or !or materials or supplies !urnished to or at the reGuest o! Tenant or in connection &ith per!ormance o! an &or2 done !or the account o! Tenant on the Premises+ 9! an action or proceeding is brought against Landlord or Landlord b reason o! an such matters' Tenant' upon notice !rom Landlord' &ill de!end same at Tenant>s e6pense b counsel reasonabl satis!actor to the Landlord and Landlord+ The obligation set !orth hereunder shall sur1i1e the e6piration or sooner termination o! this Lease+ The !oregoing indemnit and co1enant to de!end shall not be applicable to claims to the e6tent arising !rom the negligence or &ill!ul misconduct o! Landlord or Landlord+ 9NS:RAN(E4 Tenant shall at all times during the term hereo!' and at its o&n cost and e6pense' procure and continue general liabilit insurance in the amount o! at least 3#'$$$'$$$+ Said policies shall4 5/ speci!icall co1er the indemnit pro1isions o! this Lease and the Master Lease0 #/ name Landlord and Landlord as an additional insured0 8/ not be cancelled or co1erage reduced &ithout !ort )!i1e .%;/ da s prior &ritten notice to Landlord0 %/ be primar o1er an other insurance carried b Landlord+ The abo1e conditions shall be set !orth on a (erti!icate o! 9nsurance and pro1ided to Landlord prior to occupanc b Tenant+ a+ The procuring o! such reGuired polic or policies o! insurance shall not be construed to limit Tenant>s liabilit hereunder or to !ul!ill the indemni!ication pro1ision and reGuirements o! this Lease+ b+ The Landlord shall be solel responsible !or pro1iding !ire insurance &ith e6tended co1erage !or the Leased premises+ 9n the e1ent the demised premises shall be damaged or destro ed b !ire or other calamit ' Landlord shall







promptl and &ith due diligence repair or restore the same to substantiall the same condition the &ere in prior to the happening o! said e1ent+ 9! such repairs or restoration cannot be reasonabl made &ithin three .8/ months !rom the date o! the damage or destruction' then either part ma cancel and terminate this Lease b gi1ing &ritten notice to the other part &ithin thirt .8$/ da s a!ter a responsible building contractor reasonabl determines that said repairs or restorations cannot be made &ithin said three .8/ months period+ 5#+ N*T9(ES4 All notices or demands o! an 2ind reGuired or desired to be gi1en b Landlord or Tenant hereunder shall be in &riting and shall be deemed deli1ered !ort eight .%C/ hours a!ter depositing the notice in the :nited States mail' addressed to the Landlord or Tenant respecti1el at the address set !orth a!ter their signatures at the end o! this Lease+ 58+ :T9L9T9ES4 Landlord shall be responsible !or pa ing !or electricit and !or trash pic2up+ Tenant shall !urnish their o&n telephone ser1ice+


A:T-*R9HED AGENTS4 The parties e6ecuting this document &ill act as authoriIed agents o! their respecti1e organiIations+

LANDL*RD4 Aspire Public Schools' a (ali!ornia not)!or)pro!it public bene!it corporation

TENANT4 ___________________________

_______________________ (harles P+ Robitaille Director o! Real Estate ADDRESS F*R N*T9(ES4 Aspire Public Schools %#= 5Bth Street' Suite #$$ *a2land' (ali!ornia F%=5#)#C#$ .;5$/ #;5)5==$ Jt+ 58B




Exhibit A School Site Usage by ___________________________ August 2004 5st Cth 5;th ##nd #Fth September ;th 5#th 5Fth #=th *ctober 8rd 5$th 5Bth #%th 85st No1ember Bth 5%th #5st #Cth December ;th 5#th 5Fth #=th "anuar #nd Fth 5=th #8rd 8$th Time C4$$ a+m+ K 54$$ p+m+ C4$$ a+m+ K 54$$ p+m+ C4$$ a+m+ K 54$$ p+m+ C4$$ a+m+ K 54$$ p+m+ C4$$ a+m+ K 54$$ p+m+

C4$$ a+m+ K 54$$ p+m+ C4$$ a+m+ K 54$$ p+m+ C4$$ a+m+ K 54$$ p+m+ C4$$ a+m+ K 54$$ p+m+ C4$$ a+m+ K 54$$ p+m+ C4$$ a+m+ K 54$$ p+m+ C4$$ a+m+ K 54$$ p+m+ C4$$ a+m+ K 54$$ p+m+ C4$$ a+m+ K 54$$ p+m+ C4$$ a+m+ K 54$$ p+m+ C4$$ a+m+ K 54$$ p+m+ C4$$ a+m+ K 54$$ p+m+ C4$$ a+m+ K 54$$ p+m+ C4$$ a+m+ K 54$$ p+m+ C4$$ a+m+ K 54$$ p+m+ C4$$ a+m+ K 54$$ p+m+ C4$$ a+m+ K 54$$ p+m+ C4$$ a+m+ K 54$$ p+m+ C4$$ a+m+ K 54$$ p+m+ C4$$ a+m+ K 54$$ p+m+ C4$$ a+m+ K 54$$ p+m+ C4$$ a+m+ K 54$$ p+m+


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