National Tvet Trainers Academy: Objective

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OBJECTIVE: This evaluation instrument aims to gather remarks and comments of the participants related to the conduct of the Trainers Methodology Level I_. This will serve as a tool in the improvement and strengthening of the program. Part I. Program Evaluation INSTRUCTIONS: Please rate the following program components in terms of the indicators provided below by ticking () the column that best describes your evaluation of each program component. Your rating will be treated confidentially. Adjectival Rating Numerical Rating Outstanding 5 Very Good/Very Adequate 4 Good/Adequate 3 Fair/Satisfactory/Average 2 Inadequate/Unsatisfactory/Poor 1 NAME: POSITION/DESIGNATION: ORGANIZATION/INSTITUTION: DATE: RATING 3

PROGRAM COMPONENT INDICATORS A. Program Design and Organization 1. Clarity of program objectives 2. Organization of course activities 3. Scheduling of activities and time allotment 4. Attainment of program objectives B. Course Content 1. Course content vis-a-vis the program objectives 2. Sequencing of the course contents 3. Sufficiency of information 4. Relevance of course content vis--vis need

PROGRAM COMPONENT INDICATORS C. Training Methodology 1. Effectiveness of selected method 2. Appropriateness to the course activities D. Program Administration and Management 1. Adequacy of provided supplies and materials 2. Timeliness of provision of supplies and materials 3. Availability of training equipment and materials 4. Conduciveness of the training venue to learning 5. Appropriateness of the physical layout of the venue 6. Overall accommodation 7. Secretariat service E. Facilitator/Trainer Instructions: Write the corresponding number to rate each Facilitator/Trainer: 5 Outstanding 4 Very Good 3 Good 2 Average 1 Poor NA Not Applicable


(Name of trainer)

(Name of trainer)

(Name of trainer) (Name of trainer)

1. Knowledge of the subject matter 2. Ability to communicate ideas 3. Ability to arouse interest 4. Ability to encourage participation 5. Ability to organize lecture 6. Ability to answer questions 7. Openness to suggestions and comments 8. Ability to encourage critical and/or creative thinking 9. Spontaneity in expression of ideas 10. Use of training equipment 11. Comprehensiveness of lecture 12. Ability to provide adequate feedback 13. Ability to provide practical exercises

(Name of trainer) 2

Part II. Skills Instruction: Please rate your acquired skills on the following learning outcomes as a result of this training program: Use the following rating scales: 5 Excellent 4 Very good 3 Good 2 Fair 1 Poor

Learning Outcomes Common Competency Operate word processing software? Operate spreadsheet processing software? Operate presentation software? Core Competency Plan Training Session 1.1 Identifying learners training requirements? 1.2 Prepare session plans? 1.3 Prepare instructional materials? 1.4 Prepare assessment instruments? 1.5 Organize teaching and learning resources? Facilitate Learning Session 2.1 Prepare training facilities/resources? 2.2 Conduct pre-assessment? 2.3 Facilitate training session? 2.4 Conduct competency assessment? 2.5 Review delivery of training session? 1 2

Rating 3

Learning Outcomes Core Competency Supervise Work-Based Learning 3.1 Establish training requirements for trainees? 3.2 Monitor work-based training? 3.3 Review and evaluate work-based learning effectiveness? Maintain Training Facilities 4.1 Plan Maintenance activities? 4.2 Prepare schedule of maintenance? 4.3 Implement housekeeping activities? 4.4 Maintain training equipment and tools? 4.5 Document maintenance inspections? Utilize electronic media in facilitating training 5.1 Present a lesson through direct video footage/capture 5.2 Present lesson via film viewing method? 5.3 Utilize computer and multi-media technology to present a lesson? Conduct Competency Assessment 6.1 Organize assessment Activities? 6.2 Prepare the candidates? 6.3 Gather evidence? 6.5 Record assessment result? 6.4 Make the assessment decision? 6.6 Provide feedback to candidates? 1 2

Rating 3

Part III. Attitude Instructions: Please rate your attitude towards work as a trainer resulting from the activities of this training program. Use the following rating scale: 5 Excellent 4 Very good 3 Good 2 Fair 1 Poor

Rating Work Attitudes punctuality/attendance resourcefulness/creativity Obedience, respect to authority, rules and regulations commitment to work adaptability to change cooperation with co-workers concern to environmental preservation 1 2 3 4 5

Feedback Please indicate your recommended training programs to be offered by this training Institution


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