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Published by the (As amended by i t s 14th Congress ar

from the office of the Secretary-General a t

17, Lawyers Chamber, Supreme Court of India
New Delhi - l I 0 001. INDIA
Tel :91-11-3382271. Fax:91-11-6473145
economic equality,enjoyment of fruits of
scientific progress and natural resources.

The headquarters of the Association shall be at
ARTICLE I: NAME such place as may be decided by the Bureau.
Those who adhere t o this constitution constitute
a voluntary association of democratic lawyers of all ARTICLE 4: MEMBERSHIP
countries under the name o f the International ( I ) Membership of the Association is open to:
Association of Democratic Lawyers.
(a) Any national o r international association
of lawyers having aims and activities which
are in accordance with the aims of the
The aims of the Association are: Association.
(a) To facilitate contact and exchanges of views (b) Any person who accepts the aims of the
between lawyers and lawyers' associations of
Association and by profession o r
all countries and t o foster understanding and
appointment exercises a judicial function
goodwill between them.
or who devotes himself t o the study,
(b) To work together t o achieve the aims set out practice or teaching of law.
in the Charter of the United Nations.
(2) Applications for membership shall be made
(c) To ensure common action by lawyers: t o the Bureau which can provisionally accept
i) to encourage in the realm of lawthe study them. Such acceptances are subject t o
and practice o f t h e principles o f confirmation by decision of the Council.
democracy making for the maintenance
o f peace and cooperation between ARTICLE 5: OFFICE BEARERS
(a) TheAssociation shall have the following office
ii) t o restore, defend and develop bearers t o be elected by t h e General
democratic rights and liberties in Assembly:
legislation and in practice.
iii) t o promote the independence of all Secretary General
peoples and t o oppose any restriction on Treasurer
this independence whether in law o r in
(b) N o person shall hold the same office for more
than two consecutive terms.
iv) t o defend and promote human and
peoples rights. (c) The General Assembly may in recognition of .,
the outstanding contribution of an individual. "....,,
v) to promote preservation of ecology and
elect such an individual as President
healthy environment.
vi) t o struggle for strict adherence t o rule
of law and independence of judiciary and (d) Rules may be framed by the Council t o provide
for the procedure for election of the office
legal profession.
bearers. In the absence of rules, the Council
vii) t o defend peoples right t o development
shall be free t o determine i t s procedure for
and f o r creation o f conditions o f
the purpose.
ARTICLE 6:THE ORGANS ex-officio and the rest shall be elected by the
The Organs of the Association are: General Assembly ensuring a balanced
geographical and gender representation.
(i) the General Assembly
(b) The representatives o f t h e Association
(ii) the Council and
accredited t o international organisations and
(iii) the Bureau t h e e d i t o r o f its publications shall be
permanent invitees t o the Bureau.
(c) The Bureau shall be responsible for directing
(a) The General Assembly is the supreme organ the work ofthe Association in accordance with
of the Association and is competent to take this Constitution and is t o carry o u t the
all decisions in the name of the Association dectsions of the General Assembly and the
including the amendments o f t h e Council.
(d) The Bureau shall assign specific responsibilities
(b) The General Assembly shall be called once in t o the members of the Bureau and may elect
four years. Vice-Presidents. Deputy Secretary-Generals
(c) Member organisations shall be represented and Assistant Treasurers from among ~ t s
by their duly accredited delegates. members.
(d) Every member organ~sationwill have two (e) T h e Bureau may c o n s t i t u t e standing
votes which are div~sible. committees o r special committees and
w o r k i n g groups, n o t necessarily o f its
(e) Individual members of the Association may
participate in the General Assembly without members, with specific responsibilities. All
any right t o vote. such committees shall report t o the Bureau
and work according t o its directions.
ARTICLE 8:THE COUNCIL (f) Any vacancy in the Bureau may be filled in by
(a) Between the meetings o f the General the Bureau itself, subject t o its ratification by
Assembly all its powers except that o f t h e Council. T h e Bureau may i n v i t e
amendment of the Constitution, shall vest in representative of any member association t o
the Council. attend and participate in its meeting (s).

(b) The Council shall comprise ofall the members ARTICLE 10: HONORARY ADVISORS
of the bureau,all other office bearers and one
representative of each member association The General AssemblyIBureau may constitute a
duly appointed by i t t o the Council. Board of Advisors and elect as Honorary Advisors,
eminent persons in the field of law for their contribution
(c) The Council, shall ordinarily be called once a t o the Association, a national association o r t o
(d) All decisions of the Councd shall be taken by
a majority of those present and voting. ARTICLE I I: FINANCE -

(a) The funds of the Association shall be derived

(a) The Bureau shall be the executive organ of the Annual subscriptions of member-
the Association and comprise of not more (i)
Associations and individual members.
than eighteen members t o be elected by the
General Assembly out of which the President, (ii) grants, donations and contrrbutions, sale
Secretary General and theTreasurer shall be of publications, savings and investments
and such o t h e r sources as may be (d) Any member aggrieved may appeal t o the
a u t h o r i s e d b y t h e Bureau, n o t General Assembly against the decision of the
incons~stentw i t h the objects o f the Council and the decision of the General
Association. Assembly shall be final.
(b) All the funds of the Association shall be kept
in the bank accounts of and in the name of ARTICLE I 4 (a):THE PRESIDENT
the Association. The President shall be the head of theAssociation
and will represent it in all fora. HelShe will preside
(c) The bank accounts of theAssociation shali be
operated by theTreasurer andlor such other overthe meetings of the GeneralAssembly,the Council
person(s) who may be specifically authorised and the Bureau. In the absence of the President any of
by the Bureau. the Vice-president o r another member may be
requested t o preside at the meeting.

(a) The accounts of the Association shall be The Secretary General shall be the chief executive
audited every year, by an Audit Committee.
of the Association. I t shali be hislher responsibility t o
(b) After every GeneralAssembly.the Council will keep and maintain the records of the Association.
elect an Audit Committee comprising of not periodically convene all meetings,in the absence of the
less than three members. President t o represent himselflherself o r arrange for
(c) The Audit Committee shall continue t o hold the representation of the Association and t o regularly
ofice till a new Audit Committee i s elected submit reports t o the various organs of theAssociation.
after a General Assembly.
(d) Vacancies in theAudit Committee may be filled
by the Bureau subject t o its ratification at the The Constitution may be amended by the General
next meeting of the Council. Assembly with arwo-third majorityof members present
and voting.
(e) TheAudit Committee may audit the accounts
Itself and if considered necessary, i t may
associate o r authorise any other member(s) ARTICLE 16 :DISSOLUTION
o r professionalAuditor(s) for the purpose. TheAssociation may be dissolved o r merged with
any other organisation having similar objects, by a
ARTICLE 13: EXPULSION resolution of the General Assembly or the Council
approved by a two-third majority of the members
(a) Any member-association o r individual may be present and voting. In the event of dissolution the
expelled f r o m the membership of the
resolution will also indicate the manner of disposal of
Association by a resolution of the Council
the assets of the Association.
adopted by a t w o - t h i r d majority o f the
members present and voting if its activities
are in conflict with those of the Association.
(b) W h e n e v e r a proposal f o r expulsion is
received.the member concerned shall be given
an opportunity t o explain o r of being heard
before taking a decision.
(c) The Council shall state reasons for expulsion
and its decision shall be effective immediately.

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