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Volume 1, Issue 1 January 24th 2005


LDN Research Trust

PO BOX 1083, Buxton, NORWICH, NR10 5WY UK
Telephone 01603 279508.

Availability of LDN in the UK

LDN can be prescribed in the caps of 4.5 mg.
In This Issue UK say’s John Reid MP
Secretary of State for Dr Scott in the USA is un-
• LDN Survey, Health, if the prescribing able to conduct telephone
further results now doctor thinks it is of thera- consultations, the number
available. peutic benefit. Most GP’s of people trying to access
• More private GP’s
are not willing to prescribe LDN has increased enor-
are open minded
LDN until clinical trials have mously. Those that were
regarding LDN. been carried out. It appears doing well on LDN, find
that LDN is more widely themselves wondering
• First annual LDN prescribe in Scotland than where to turn to next.
conference in New other places in the UK.
York. The few GP’s that are Dr Lawrence is unable to
• Crossword happy to prescribe LDN take on any more new pa-
(this number is increasing tients due to his already LDN trials are urgently
• LDN Poem monthly) most will only is- over stretched workload. needed, first we need to
• Funds raised so far sue a private prescription. I raise the funding. Every
found out last week, a pri- Good news, after ap- little helps!
• Idea’s how you can vate prescription filled from proaching 327 private GP’s
help us. a chemist via Martindale’s, throughout the UK, several
was £155. It is amazing are open minded about Together we can do so much.
when in the USA Skips LDN. Contact Linda on
pharmacy charge just 01603 279508 for details.
$16.75 for the same 30

The First Annual LDN Conference in New York

Conference Description hattan. The meeting will ence will be "Working To-
take place from 9am to wards Widespread Accep-
Conference Theme: 4pm on Saturday, June tance of LDN". Bernard
"Working Towards Wide- 11, 2005. Bihari, MD, the discoverer
spread Acceptance of LDN" of the clinical effects of low
We are very much hoping dose naltrexone, will be the
The First Annual LDN Con- that you will plan on attend- keynote speaker. Dr. Bihari
ference is to be held in New ing. The capacity of the will cover a number of top-
York City at the New York main conference room is ics of interest, including
Academy of Sciences limited to 80 attendees, so recent developments within
(NYAS). The NYAS is lo- please act today by using his practice, and will an-
cated at 2 East 63rd the registration form below. swer questions from the
Street between Madison attendees.
and 5th Avenues in Man- The theme of the confer-
Continue on page 2
LDN Research Trust

LND Conference continued………..

A panel of physicians who the facility's charges. The courage them to
have been prescribing NYAS indicates that the cover LDN in news-
LDN for their patients, as main floor conference papers, TV, radio etc.
well as a panel of actively room and restroom are
involved LDN-Yahoo wheelchair accessible. • Bring together the
Group members, will also community of doctors
be on the agenda. In ad- and patients prescrib-
Here are a few of the
dition, we hope to have a ing and using LDN—
many goals of the all-day
panel of those actively to share experiences
meeting:Update partici-
involved with mounting and to strengthen the
pants on news regarding
clinical trials for LDN. sense of community
LDN and the status of any
Planned opportunities for and empowerment.
clinical trials for LDN.
interaction include large Join together through
group discussions, Q&A brainstorming and net-
following each talk, and • Bring attention to the working in order to for-
Join together through break-out groups. urgent need to put ward efforts being made
brainstorming and LDN to work against toward legitimizing the
networking in order HIV/AIDS in the de- use of LDN.
Although the conference
to forward efforts is a purely not-for-profit veloping world.
To complete an atten-
being made toward effort, a modest registra-
• Draw the attention of dance form go to:
legitimizing the use tion fee ($50) will be re-
the media and en-
of LDN. quested in order to defray events.htm

Funds raised so far.

With all your help we have We have been very busy have strict criteria as to who
managed to raise £2,000 sourcing funding bodies they do and no not support,
towards trials. All the run- where we may be lucky unfortunately we don’t qual-
Thank you all for ning costs of the charity so enough to gain support. Many ify for that many. We will
your support. far been funded by the trus- of the places we have con- keep trying.
tees, apart from £150 that tacted, only meet annually or
was used for web hosting, 6 monthly, we will have to Thank you to all of you that
PO box and collection wait and see if we have been are making regular monthly
boxes. successful. Funding bodies donations.

LDN Survey
We would like to thank all Most people find they have
of you that have taken part had no further progression If you haven’t yet taken part
in the LDN survey; your and some like myself have please could you do so.
help is greatly appreciated. had amazing symptom re-
It is looking as if LDN helps lief. We would like as much data
people with MS at whatever as possible, even if you have
stage you are at. MS is indi- To check out the 2nd 100 stopped taking LDN, we
vidual to each of us and it results go to will still like you to partici-
200 people have taken part in would seem the benefits pate.
the LDN Survey to date. LDN offers varies as well. ml/results

Page 2
Volume 1, Issue 1

Fantastic offer for Batman and Robin fans.

We have several, 300 Ward is now involved each donation
page paper back with dog rescues and £7.50 / $15 goes
books written by Burt adoptions with his new towards LDN clinical
Ward of Hollywood wife and daughter. trials.
fame having played
Robin, the Boy Won- These new books are
der, opposite Adam available for a £15 /
West as Batman, (was $30 donation each If you would like the
only printed in paper plus delivery. They can chance to own one Caption describing picture
back). be shipped from the of these books and or graphic.
USA or the UK . help the charity,
This is a book of sto- please email us.
ries of his exploits on It is a great way for us
and off the set. Burt to raise funds; for

Collection Boxes “To catch the reader's attention, place an interesting

sentence or quote from the story here.”

We have ordered village either in a post

collection boxes that office, shop, coffee
should arrive any day shop, club etc? every
now. little helps.

Could we ask if anyone If you would like a box

would be interested in please email us.
displaying a box in
their home town/ city/

Old mobile phones and used postage stamps

Do you have any old We can also turn used postage
mobile phones that no stamps into cash as well.
longer need?
Please could you save your
We can turn old phones used stamps and post them to
into cash. us?

Page 3
LDN Research Trust
egdirbworT tseroF
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 8. Glowing or smol-
ACROSS dering fragment.
1. Sparkling wine. 13 14 15
9. Make drunk, (slang).
9. Fun gathering. 10. Three-toed sloth.
16 17 18 19 20
13. Art style depicting actual life. 11. TRustees, abbr.
14. Chinese measurement. 21 22 23 24 12. All December 31st’s.
15. 2nd note on diatonic scale. 19. Singer with deep
16. Real Estate, abbr. 25 26 27 voice.
17. English prep school. 20. First resolution or
18. Bachelor of Business Admin., 28 29 30 31
abbr. 21. New Year’s
32 33 34 35 36 37 38
21. Resolution To Healthfully Eat, promise.
abbr. 39 40 41 42 22. Poke fun at gently
22. One who thinks. 23. All right.
25. Use sense of sight. 43 44 45 46 47 48 24. 19th letter of
27. New Year’s party nearest person. English alphabet.
28. United States, abbr. 49 50 51 52 53
26. EUrope, abbr.
29. Gas used in nitroglycerine. 54 55 56 57 58 59 30. Office of Education,
31. Southeast on a compass . abbr.
33. Requirement to be an elder. 60 61 62 32. New Year’s day.
36. Food plate helping. 34. Body part; extremity.
39. Fit; can do. 63 64 65
35. Royal society of
41. Honey making insect. British Sculptors,
66 67 68 69 70 71
42. Cards dealt to a player. abbr.
43. Confections; nuts in caramel. 72 73 36. Writing instrument.
46. Inventor of dynamite. 37. Definite article.
49. CAlifornia, abbr. )C( 101 38. Not off.
51. 4th note on diatonic scale.. © ftrowbridge 1/05
40. Sweetheart.
52. Veterans Administration, abbr. 44. A feline sound.
54. A tropical fruit. 45. Recorded.
58. Not in. If people were to apply the value-achievement mean- 47. Preposition.
60. Nature’s alarm clocks. ing of New Year's Day explicitly and 48. Tropical fruit.
61. Again; afresh. 50. Raised trains.
63. Medical Doctor of Osteopathy, 53. Symbol for gold.
abbr. consistently 365 days each year, they would be hap- 55. Post Office, abbr.
64. A chopping tool. pier. 56. Nova Scotia, abbr.
65. Nurse’s Aide, abbr. 57. Showed self
66. Ohio University, abbr. So every day, fill your champagne glass of life to the esteem.
68. Exist. 59. Drink to.
69. Type of school paper. brim with values—and drink deep to your life and the
61. Cuckoo birds.
72. Relative by marriage. joy that it can and should be. 62. Eliminated.
73. Result of New Year resolution. 64. Beer.
67. United Nations,
68. Bachelor of Arts,
DOWN abbr.
1. Things popped 70. Negative reply.
at New Year’s. 71. Drill Instructor,
. 2. ARkansas, abbr. abbr.
3. Encounter.
4. All the cards in
one’s hand playable.
5. Lotion ingredient.
6. Alcoholic drink.
7. New Style, abbr.

Page 4
Volume 1, Issue 1

I know what it was that day,
as a MS sufferer I can only say.
My world was filled with doom,
gloom, gloom, gloom, as I walk out of the neurologists room,
where he sat and told me,
about my physiology, and in time how it may be,
the slow slide of deterioration,
the endless search for hope and salvation. How did it make
With LDN there’s a chance, you feel when you
a double blinded trial, they may change their stance, were told you had
and LDN be licensed for MS, MS?
so if you could help,
please do you best.

Thank you.

A poem written by Antony Cargill 22/1/2005.

Take the strain out of
shopping and get
yourself a bargain,
Shop online using one of our links and we get a commission. shop online.

Shopping link for the USA

Shopping links in the UK


Page 5

Do you have anything you would like to

share in the next news letter?
Would you like to tell your MS story?
LND Research Trust What drugs/aids/vitamins etc work for you?
We would like to hear from you.
PO BOX 1083, Buxton, NORWICH , NR10 5WY UK

Are you full of ideas and would like to help

Telephone: 01603279508
us fund raise? If so we should love to hear
Email: from you.

Web Site:

A big thank you to Forest for compiling
the Crossword Puzzle and to Antony for
To make a donation you can either make a PayPal his poem.
payment from the web site/send a cheque to the
above address, made payable to the LDN Research
Trust/make a payment directly to any Barclay’s Bank
To vote for the LDN Research Trust please
or online using the following details. go to this site, you can vote daily.
Thank you.
Account Name: LDN Research Trust
Sort Code: 20 03 26
Account Number: 60515213

Wishing you all well,

PUZZLE SOLVED Linda, Alex & Stephanie

It’s a cats life!

Newsletter created by Linda Elsegood

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