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1500 Pts - Warriors of Chaos

Scyla Anfinngrim (1 , 105 pts) Scyla Anfingrimm



WS BS St To Wo In


Ld Sv WSv Mgc Cost


1 MB 6 4 5 5 4 3 D6+2* 10 5+ 6+ Composition: Hero Berserk Rage; General; Mark of Khorne; Causes Fear; Frenzy; Hatred; Immune to Psychology; Magic Resistance (3); Scaly Skin; Unbreakable Brass Collar of Khorne 1 Magic Resistance (3), 6+ Ward save. 8 3+

[0] 290

Chaos Warriors (13 , 290 pts) Chaos Warriors of Khorne

12 In 4 5 3 4/5 4 1 5 2/3 Composition: Core Berserk Rage; Musician ; Standard Bearer ; Mark of Khorne; Chaos Armour; Shield; Frenzy Aspiring Champion of Khorne 1 In 4 5 3 4/5 4 1 5 3/4 Eye of the Gods; Berserk Rage; Mark of Khorne; Hand Weapon; Shield; Frenzy

Hand Weapon; Halberd;

8 3+ [30] Halberd; Chaos Armour;

Sorcerer Lord (1 , 325 pts) Sorcerer Lord

1 In 4 5 3 4 4 3 5 3 8 Composition: Lord Eye of the Gods; Level 4 Upgrade; Hand Weapon; Chaos Armour Dispel Scroll 1 One use: Automatically dispels an enemy spell. Talisman of Endurance 1 5+ Ward Save.




[25] [30]

Skullcrushers of Khorne (3 , 264 pts) Skullcrushers of Khorne 2 MC 4 5 3 4/5 4 3 5 2/3 8 1+ 264 Composition: Rare Berserk Rage; Musician ; Standard Bearer ; Mark of Khorne; Hand Weapon; Ensorcelled Weapons; Chaos Armour; Shield; Frenzy Skullhunter 1 MC 4 5 3 4/5 4 3 5 3/4 8 1+ [88] Eye of the Gods; Berserk Rage; Mark of Khorne; Hand Weapon; Ensorcelled Weapons; Chaos Armour; Shield; Frenzy Juggernaut of Khorne 3 7 5 5 2 3 7 [0] Murderous Charge : On the turn a Juggernaut makes a successful charge, it has +1 Strength; Daemonic Attacks; Causes Fear Exalted Hero (1 , 185 pts) Exalted Hero of Khorne (Battle 1 In 4 7 3 5/6 4 2 6 4/5 8 2+ 6+ Standard Bearer) Composition: Hero Eye of the Gods; Berserk Rage; Mark of Khorne; Hand Weapon; Chaos Armour; Battle Standard Bearer; Frenzy Sword of Might 1 +1 Strength. Enchanted Shield 1 Shield; +2 armour save bonus Talisman of Protection 1 6+ Ward Save. Chaos Ogres (3 , 150 pts) Chaos Ogres of Khorne

[20] [5] [15]

2 MI 6 3 2 4 4 3 2 3/5 7 5+ 150 Composition: Special The Will of Chaos; Berserk Rage; Ogre Charge; Musician ; Standard Bearer ; Mark of Khorne; Hand Weapon; Extra Hand Weapon; Heavy Armour; Causes Fear; Frenzy Mutant Ogre of Khorne 1 MI 6 3 2 4 4 3 2 4/6 7 5+ [50] Eye of the Gods; Berserk Rage; Mark of Khorne; Hand Weapon; Extra Hand Weapon; Heavy Armour; Frenzy 9 In 4 5 Composition: Core Musician ; Standard Bearer ; Aspiring Champion 1 In 4 5 Eye of the Gods; Hand Weapon; 3 4 4 1 5 2 8 3+ 6+* 180

Chaos Warriors (10 , 180 pts) Chaos Warriors

Hand Weapon; Chaos Armour; Shield 3 4 4 1 5 3 8 3+ 6+* Chaos Armour; Shield

Total Cost:


Option Footnotes Chaos Armour Options 4+ armour save. Sorcerers may cast spells
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Created with Army Builder - Copyright (c) 1997-2012 Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved.

Ensorcelled Weapons Extra Hand Weapon Halberd Hand Weapon Heavy Armour Musician Shield Standard Bearer Mark of Khorne Eye of the Gods Table

Count as magic weapons, +1 Strength +1 Attack, Requires two hands. +1 Strength. Two-handed. 6+ Ward Save in combat when on foot and fighting with a shield; no effect if mounted. 5+ armour save. +1 to combat resolution in a tie. +1 Leadership when attempting to Rally (may not exceed 10). Allows Swift Reform. +1 armour save bonus. +1 to Combat Resolution, Standard can be captured if unit Flees. Mark of Chaos Bearer is subject to Frenzy. Roster Notes Roll 2D6 whenever a model with this rule kills an opponent in a challenge, or if he kills a monster. A model can have the same gift more than once. (2) - Damned by Chaos : Model must take his own unmodified Ld Test. No re-roll is allowed. If passed model gains; Insanity Gift : Gains Stupidity, if model has Stupidity already, then -1 Ld (to a min 2). If failed; Spawndom : Place a Chaos Spawn anywhere within 6" of model and 1" away from units or impassable terrain. (3) - Evil Eyeball : +1 Ballistic Skill (4) - Unholy Resilience : +1 Toughness (5) - Iron Skin : +1 armour save bonus (6) - Murderous Mutation : +1 Weapon Skill (7) - The Eye Opens : Model may re-roll one failed To Hit, To Wound or saving throw until the end of his next turn. (8) - Unearthly Reflexes : +1 Initiative (9) - Dark Fury : +1 Attack (10) - Slaughterer's Strength : +1 Strength (11) - Aura of Chaos : Gain 6+ Ward Save or increases Ward Save by 1 to a maximum of 3+ (12) - Dark Apotheosis : Model must take his own unmodified Ld Test. No re-roll is allowed. If failed model gains; Divine Greatness : Gains Stubborn, if model already has Stubborn then +1 Ld. If passed; Daemonhood: Model gains Mark of choosing, save Wizard may not take Mark of Khorne. Place Daemon Prince anywhere within 6" of model and 1" away from units or impassable terrain. (Addl. notes: WoC Armybook pg 25) Roll 2D6 on this table: 2-4) Dimensional Cascade : Put large template on the Wizard. Every model (including Wizard) takes a S10 hit. Roll a D6: (1-3) Remove Wizard, (4-6) Remove D6 dice from Power Pool. 5-6) Calamitous Detonation : Put the small template on the Wizard. Every model (including the Wizard) takes a S10 hit. Remove D6 dice from Power Pool. 7) Detonation : Models in contact with the Wizard (but not the Wizard) take a S10 hit. Remove D6 dice from Power Pool. 8-9) Magical Feedback : The Wizard and every other friendly Wizard takes a S6 hit. Remove D6 dice from Power Pool. 10-12) Power Drain : Wizard Level -D3, minimum 0. For every level lost, randomly forget spell. First spell lost is spell that caused miscast. Wizard cannot cast any more spells this turn. Special Rules Must declare charge if able to unless a Leadership test is passed. Cannot choose to restrain pursuit. Attacks made by this model are magical. This includes any special, ranged or Stomp attacks they make. Automatically passes Fear, Terror or Panic tests. May not Flee! if charged. Each MI unit on foot with this rule has Impact Hits (1). Units add their Rank Bonus to Strength. In addition, if when calculating charge distance, the two highest rolls total 10 or more, this becomes Impact Hits (D3). Immune to Psychology and pass Break tests automatically.

Miscast Table

Berserk Rage Daemonic Attacks Immune to Psychology Ogre Charge


Validation Report Army Subtype: Chaos Army; Edition: 8th Edition; Game Type: Normal Game; Special Rules: Forbid Regiments of Renown; File Version: 2.66 Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules Roster Statistics General's Ld: 10 Hierophant Ld: 0 # Models: 32 Total Characters: 615
Created with Army Builder - Copyright (c) 1997-2012 Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved. Download it for FREE at!

Total Core: 470 Total Magic Items: 95 Total Rare: 264 Total Special: 150 % Characters: 41 % Core: 31.4 % Magic Items: 6.3 % Rare: 17.6 % Special: 10 Fortitude: 7 Group Points of Lords Points of Heroes Points of Core Points of Special Points of Rare Min 0 0 375 0 0 Max 375 375 Unlimited 750 375 Used 325 290 470 150 264

Created with Army Builder - Copyright (c) 1997-2012 Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved.

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