AdV2 Touch Test Design Document

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AdTouch V2 System

Test Design Specification


SUBMISSION DATE: 28 October, 2013

Nikhil Verma Pallavi Keskar Jasdeep Singh Arneja Rahul Akurati SJSU ID: 008128354 SJSU ID: 008120619 SJSU ID: 008154406 SJSU ID: 008118708

Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................3 Purpose of this document ..............................................................................................................................3 Test Objective .................................................................................................................................................3 Work Distribution ...........................................................................................................................................3 Schedule .........................................................................................................................................................3 Detail Test Strategy ............................................................................................................................................5 System Level Function Testing .......................................................................................................................5 Category Partitioning Testing .........................................................................................................................5 Advertisement ................................................................................................................................................6 Account...........................................................................................................................................................9 Schedule .......................................................................................................................................................11 Test cases for Advertisement: ......................................................................................................................17 Account.........................................................................................................................................................52 Schedule .....................................................................................................................................................129 Boundary Value Analysis ............................................................................................................................158 Decision Table Testing ................................................................................................................................158 System Performance Testing ..........................................................................................................................160 System Process Speed ................................................................................................................................160 Test Cases: ..................................................................................................................................................161 Automation System Performance Testing .....................................................................................................169

Purpose of this document
The whole purpose for this document is to define a detailed view of the testing strategy of Ad-Touch V2 System, mentioning the details of the testing methodology used for testing. We listed all the test cases to be performed, information of the testers assigned to the test cases, pre-conditions for executing the test cases, test data required to execute the cases and additional information required to perform the test cases.

Test Objective
The objective of this document is to provide elaborate information of the test plan required for executing the test cases. This kind of detailed information reduces confusion for the testers while performing the testing of the application and enhances the test coverage criteria. This document provides detail information about the work distribution among the team, tasks assignments and addition information required for the tester in performing the test cases. The testing method is black box testing, all the test results are logged in and bug report will be generated accordingly.

Work Distribution
S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Team Member Nikhil Verma Pallavi Keskar Jasdeep Singh Aneja Rahul Akurati Role Team Lead, Test Engineer Test Engineer Test Engineer Performance Test Automation Engineer

No. Members 1. Nikhil, Pallavi, Jasdeep, Rahul 2. Nikhil, Pallavi, Jasdeep, Rahul 3. Jasdeep Responsibilities Project overview Review test plan and analyze test strategies and methods Design test case for Advertisement component using black box testing methods Design test case for Account component using black box testing methods Design test case for Schedule component Duration 1 day 3 days Start time Finish time

10/12/2013 10/13/2013 10/15/2013 10/17/2013

5 days

10/18/2013 10/22/2013

4. Pallavi

5 days

10/18/2013 10/22/2013

5. Rahul, Nikhil

5 days

10/18/2013 10/22/2013 3

6. Nikhil, Pallavi, Jasdeep, Rahul 7. Nikhil, Pallavi, Jasdeep, Rahul 8. Nikhil, Pallavi, Jasdeep, Rahul

using black box testing methods Design test cases for system process speed Design test cases for automation system and performance testing. Review and submission for test design document

4days 3 days

10/23/2013 10/27/2013 10/24/2013 10/27/2013

1 days

10/27/2013 10/28/2013

Detail Test Strategy

System Level Function Testing
The system level functional testing procedure requires black box testing techniques for AdTouch V5 system. The system is deployed on a VM and needs remote access if source code is not installed. The components tested are Advertisement, Account and Schedule based on the specifications and requirement. The process works heavily on discovering system level errors, issues with the system interface and functional errors. The Black Box testing methods used are Category partition, boundary value analysis and decision table testing. Category-partition testing: Advertisement, Schedule and Account features include numerous sub-components. Each sub-component will be partitioned into its own category and tested. Decision-table based testing: Depending on what type of user is currently logged in the features - Advertisement, Schedule and Account of AdTouch responds differently. Decision-table based test cases are generated to test the restrains and also activity of a particular type of user as defined in the requirement specification.

Category Partitioning Testing

Criteria: The 3 features of the AdTouch Mobile Advertising System has many sub-components that have to be tested. Each sub-component will be partitioned into specific categories to perform testing. The following steps need to be performed: Divide features - Advertisement, Schedule, and Accounts into various functional units Recognize test inputs and the environment conditions Make up the categories. Divide each category into specific choices Write a test specification for every unit Produce test cases

ADVERTISEMENT Test Case Functio Field to be ID nality tested To Be Tested Ad1.1 Add Advertisement ID Ad1.2 Add Advertisement ID Ad1.3 Add Advertisement ID Ad1.4 Add Product Ad1.5 Add Product Ad1.6 Ad1.7 Ad1.8 Ad1.9 Ad1.10 Ad1.11 Ad1.12 Ad1.13 Ad1.14 Ad1.15 Ad1.16 Add Add Add Add Add Add Add Add Add Add Add Product Product Advertisement Type Advertisement Type Advertisement Type Advertisement Type Advertisement Class Advertisement Class Advertisement Class Advertisement Class Advertisement Image File Advertisement Image File Advertisement Audio File Advertisement Audio File Advertisement Video File Description Input Expected Output

Test valid Test duplicated Test empty Test empty Test length < 2 Test valid Test duplicate Test type Test Type Test Type Test Type Test Class Test Class Test Class Test Class Test valid Image File Test empty Image File Test valid Audio File Test empty Audio File Test valid Video File

987654 987654 NO ID entered empty box Empty input Z Tab Tab Classified Coupon Holiday Season Promotion Bar Code Content Convention Location Image file from local disk Leave empty Audio file from local disk Leave empty Video file from local disk

Pass - check available Not available Error in availability check Fail to add ads Cannot be added Pass create and add Use existing product as input Pass create and add Pass create and add Pass create and add Pass create and add Pass create and add Pass create and add Pass create and add Pass create and add Pass create and add with selected image file Pass create and add with no image Pass - create and add with selected audio file Pass create and add with no audio file Pass create and add with selected video 6

Ad1.17 Ad1.18

Add Add

Ad1.19 Ad1.20

Add Add

file Ad1.21 Ad1.22 Add Add Advertisement Video File Advertisement Link Through URL Advertisement Link through URL Advertisement Content Keys Advertisement Content Keys Advertisement Content Text Advertisement Content Text All Advertisement ID Advertisement ID Product Product Product Test empty Test incorrect Test empty Test incorrect Test product from dropdown list Test empty Test incorrect Test incorrect Test incorrect Test incorrect Test incorrect Test Test empty Video File Test valid URL Test empty URL Test valid content key Test Empty Test valid content text Test empty Leave empty Pass create and add with no video file Pass create and add with the URL Pass create and add with no URL Pass create and add Pass create and add with no content key Pass create and add with Test content text Pass create and add with blank content Text Pass search Pass to search Return nothing Pass to search Pass to search Pass search and return product



Leave empty

Ad1.24 Ad1.25 Ad1.26

Add Add Add

Test Content Keys Leave empty Test content text



Leave empty

Ad.2.1 Ad.2.2 Ad.2.3 Ad.2.4 Ad.2.5 Ad.2.5.1

Search Ads Search Ads Search Ads Search Ads Search Ads Search Ads

Enter correct inputs Empty input Enter incorrect ID Empty input incorrect Id Valid product name

Ad.2.6 Ad.2.7 Ad.2.8 Ad.2.9 Ad.2.10 Ad.2.11 Ad.2.12

Search Ads Search Ads Search Ads Search Ads Search Ads Search Ads Search

Account Id Account ID Advertisement type Advertisement Type Advertisement Type Advertisement class Advertisement

empty input incorrect id choose Coupon choose Holliday choose Season promotion choose Content choose

Pass to search Pass to search Fail to search Fail to search Fail to search Fail to search Fail to search 7

Ad.2.13 Ad.2.14 Ad.2.15

Ads Search Ads Search Ads Search Ads Search Ads Search Produc ts


Class Advertisement Class Advertisement Status Advertisement Approval Status Advertisement Approval Status

Incorrect Test Incorrect Test incorrect Test Incorrect Test Incorrect Test Invalid

Convention choose Location choose Active choose Approved choose Denied

Fail to search Fail to search Fail to search

Fail to search


Not Authorized

Test Case ID AC1.1 AC1.2 AC1.3 AC1.4 AC1.5 AC1.6 AC1.7 AC1.8 AC1.9 Functionali ty To Be Tested Add Add Add Add Add Add Add Add Add Field to be test Account ID Account ID Account ID Account ID Account Name Account Name Account Name Account Name Organizatio n Name Organizatio n Name Organizatio n Name Account Type Account Type Account Type Account Type Description Input Expected Output

Test availability Test duplicate Test Length Test empty Test empty Test length Test valid Test duplicate Test empty

AC101 AC101 687550300 Leave empty Leave empty 100490..46 AC17 AC17 Keep empty

Available Not available Cannot enter Not available Fail to create Fail to input Pass create and add Fail to create and add Fail to create and add with empty input Fail to input Pass create and add Pass create and add Pass create and add Pass create and add Pass create and add Pass search Fail to search Fail to search Fail to search Fail to search 9

AC1.10 AC1.11 AC1.12 AC1.13 A1.14 AC1.15 AC.3.1 AC.3.2 AC.3.3 AC.3.4 AC.3.5

Add Add Add Add Add Add Search Account Search Account Search Account Search Account Search Account

Test length Test valid Test valid Test type Test type Test type all

123..101 AC100 AC100 Administrator Mobile User Publisher correct input Leave empty C177 Leave empty C177

Account ID Account ID Account Name Account Name

Test empty Test incorrect Test empty Test incorrect

AC.3.6 AC.3.7 AC.3.8 AC.3.9 AC.3.10 AC.3.11 AC.3.12 AC.3.13 AC4.1 AC4.2 AC4.3 AC4.4 AC4.5 AC4.6 AC4.7 AC4.8 AC4.9 AC4.10 AC4.11

Search Account Search Account Search Account Search Account Search Account Search Account Search Account Search Account Search User Search User Search User Search User Search User Search User Search User Search User Search User Search User Search

Organizatio n Name Organizatio n Name Account Type Account Type Account Type Account Status Account Status Approval Status All field User ID User ID Email Email First Name First name Last Name Last Name User Type User Type

Test Empty Test incorrect

Leave empty C177 Administrator Mobile User Publisher Active Inactive Approved C41 Leave empty C411 Leave empty Leave empty Cc Leave empty

Fail to search Fail to search Fail to search Fail to search Fail to search Fail to search Fail to search Fail to search Pass search Fail to search Fail to search Fail to search Fail to search Fail to search Fail to search Fail to search Fail to search Fail to search Fail to search

Test Type
Test Type Test Type Test Status Test Status Test Approval Status Test search Test Empty Test incorrect Test empty Test incorrect Test empty Test incorrect Test empty

Test incorrect 411 Administrator Test type Test type Mobile User


Test Id Functionali ty S1.1 Create Schedule S1.2 Create Schedule S1.3 Create Schedule Schedule Id Valid Schd1234 Create a schedule with specified Id Schedule Id Length 1.23E+08 Failure to insert Schedule Id Blank Fail Availability Field Description Test Input Expected Output


Create Schedule

Schedule Id



Fail Availability


Create Schedule

Advertisem ent Advertisem ent Advertisem ent Space


Fail to create a schedule


Create Schedule



Create a schedule for the valid Ad


Create Schedule



Failure to create schedule


Create Schedule


Failure to create schedule


Create Schedule




Create a schedule with the given space id

S1.10 Create




Failure to create


Schedule S1.11 Create Schedule Space Duplicate Space001

the schedule Failure to create the schedule

S1.12 Create Schedule

Schedule Type

Day-Choose One

Failure to create schedule

S1.13 Create



Select date range

Create schedule for




the specified dates

S1.14 Create



Select the discrete

Create Schedule for




the dates selected

S1.15 Create Schedule

Schedule Type


Select the fixed date

Create Schedule for the fixed date selected

S1.16 Create Schedule S1.17 Create

Schedule Type Schedule

Time-Choose One TimeSelect Time range

Failure to create schedule Create schedule for




the specified time

S1.18 Create



Select the discrete

Create Schedule for





time Select the fixed time

the time selected Create Schedule for the fixed time selected

S1.19 Create Schedule

Schedule Type



List Schedule



Display the list of schedules


List Schedule


Schedule Details View


Display Schedule page should be displayed


List Schedule


Update Schedule


Update Schedule page is displayed.

Repeat steps S1 S11 for Update Schedule S3.1 Search Schedule S3.2 Search Schedule S3.3 Search Schedule Schedule Id Valid id Sch001 Successful Search Schedule Id Incorrect Id Sch1 Search failed Schedule Id Blank Search Failed



Search Schedule

Advertisem ent Advertisem ent Advertisem ent Space



Search Successful


Search Schedule





Search Schedule




Search Schedule


Search Failed


Search Schedule




Search Failed


Search Schedule




Search Successful

S3.10 Search Schedule

Schedule Type



List all schedules based on days

S3.11 Search Schedule S3.12 Search Schedule S3.13 Search Schedule S3.14 Search Schedule

Schedule Type Schedule Status Schedule Status Schedule Approve Status



List all schedules based on Time



List all active schedule



List all inactive schedule



List all approved schedule 14

S3.15 Search Schedule

Schedule Approve Status Schedule Approve Status All



List all denied schedule

S3.16 Search Schedule



List all pending schedule

S3.17 Search Schedule S3.18 Search Schedule S4.1 Add Predefined Time S4.2 Add Predefined Time S4.3 Add Predefined Time


Successful search



Search Failed

Predefined Type


-Choose one-

Cannot Create a predefined day for schedule

Predefined Type


Select the available day

Creates the schedule for predefined date

Predefined Type


Select the

Creates the

predefined schedule for time from the predefined time available slots


List Predefine Days



List all the predefined schedules







Displays the details

Predefine Days S5.3 List Predefine Days Update

Schedule View Predefined Schedule Update None

of predefined day

Update Predefined day page is displayed. Repeat steps S33 S35 for Update


Test cases for Advertisement:

Test case Test case # Ad1.1 Priority: High Test Item: Add Advertisement ID Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October 25- 2013

Precondition: Advertiser account has been logged in Description: To test the Advertisement ID of Add function of the Ad feature Specification Input 987654 Expected output Pass check available Test procedure: Result

1. Enter 987654 into Advertisement ID field 2. Click on Check Available 3. Check the display icon (Pass or fail the availability) Test case Test case # Ad1.2 Priority: High Test Item: Add Advertisement ID Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: Account has been logged in Advertisement ID 987654 has been already created Description: Test the Advertisement ID of Add function of the Advertisement feature. The test available should fail because the Advertisement ID already exists Specification Input 987654 Expected output Fail check available Test procedure: Result

1. Enter 987654 into Advertisement ID box 2. Click Check Available 3. Check the display icon (Pass or fail the availability)

Test case 17

Test case # Ad1.3 Priority: High

Test Item: Add Advertisement ID Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja

Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: account has been logged in Description: Test the Advertisement ID of Add function of the Advertisement feature Specification Input Empty input Expected output Fail check available Test procedure: Result

1. Leave the Advertisement ID box empty 2. Click Check Available 3. Check the display icon (Pass or fail the availability) Test case Test case # Ad1.4 Priority: High Test Item: Add Product Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: Account has been logged in. Rest all fields have been filled out correctly Description: Test Product box of Add function of the Advertisement feature Specification Input Empty input Expected output Fail to add an advertisement Test procedure: Result

1. The Product box be kept empty 2. Click on add product from the drop down list 3. Correctly fill out other fields 4. Check and confirm that the advertisement is NOT created Test case Test case # Ad1.5 Priority: High Test Item: Add Product Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: Account should be logged in correctly. Check that other fields have been entered correctly 18

The product should not already be in the system Description: Test the product input of the add function of advertisement feature. Specification Input Advertisement ID: 123 Product: a Advertisement Type: Classified Advertisement Class: Barcode Advertisement Content Keys: Nokia Advertisement Content Text: This is an Nokia Ad Expected output Pass to add product and advertiser with input for product < 2 Result

Test procedure: 1. Enter 123 into Advertisement ID box 2. Click "Check Available". The ID should be available 3. Enter "a" into product box 4. Pick Classified in Advertisement Type 5. Pick Barcode in Advertisement Class 6. Browse an image file for Advertisement Image File 7. Browse an audio file for Advertisement Audio File 8. Enter a valid URL into Advertisement Link Through URL 9. Enter Nokia into Advertisement Content Keys 10. Enter "This is a Nokia ad" into Advertisement Content Text 11. Click Create advertisement Test case Test case # Ad1.6 Priority: High Test Item: Add Product Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: Advertiser account has been logged in. Every other field have been entered correctly The product is not in the system Description: Test the product input of the add function of advertisement feature Specification Input Advertisement ID: 123 Product: Nokia Advertisement Type: Classified Advertisement Class: Barcode Advertisement link through URL: Expected output Successfully created and added this product into the system Result


Advertisement Content Keys: Nokia Advertisement Content Text: This is a Nokia ad Test procedure: 1. Enter 123 into Advertisement ID box 2. Click Check Available. The id should be available 3. Enter Nokia into product box 4. Click add product on the drop down list 5. Pick Classified in Advertisement Type 6. Pick Barcode in Advertisement Class 7. Browse an image file for Advertisement Image File 8. Browse an audio file for Advertisement Audio File 9. Enter a valid URL into Advertisement Link Through URL 10. Enter Nokia into Advertisement Content Keys 11. Enter This is a Nokia ad into Advertisement Content Text 12. Click Create advertisement Test case Test case # Ad1.7 Priority: High Test Item: Add Product Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: Account has been logged in. All other fields have been entered correctly. Advertisement ID must be 123 The product must already be existing in the system Description: To test the duplicate product input of the add function of advertisement feature. Specification Input Advertisement ID: 123 Product: Nokia Advertisement Type: Classified Advertisement Class: Barcode Advertisement Content Keys: Nokia Advertisement Content Text: This is a Nokia ad Expected output Use existing product as input Result

Test procedure: 1. Enter 123 into Advertisement ID box 2. Click Check Available. The ID should NOT be available 20

3. Enter Nokia into product box 4. Click Nokia on the drop down list 5. Pick Classified in Advertisement Type 6. Pick Barcode in Advertisement Class 7. Browse an image file for Advertisement Image File 8. Browse an audio file for Advertisement Audio File 9. Enter a valid URL into Advertisement Link Through URL 10. Enter Nokia into Advertisement Content Keys 11. Enter This is an Nokia ad into Advertisement Content Text 12. Click Create advertisement Test case Test case # Ad1.8 Priority: High Test Item: Add Advertisement Type Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: Account has been logged in. All other fields have been entered correctly. The product does NOT exist in the system Description: Test advertisement type of the add function of advertisement feature.

Specification Input Advertisement ID: 132 Product: Nokia tab Advertisement Type: Classified Advertisement Class: Barcode Advertisement Content Keys: Nokia Advertisement Content Text: This is a Nokia ad Expected output Successfully create and add the advertisement into the system Result

Test procedure: 1. Enter 132 into Advertisement ID box 2. Click Check Available. The id should be available 3. Enter Nokia tab into product box 21

4. Click Add product on the drop down list 5. Pick Classified in Advertisement Type 6. Pick Barcode in Advertisement Class 7. Browse an image file for Advertisement Image File 8. Browse an audio file for Advertisement Audio File 9. Enter a valid URL into Advertisement Link Through URL 10. Enter Nokia tab into Advertisement Content Keys 11. Enter This is a Nokia tab ad into Advertisement Content Text 12. Click Create advertisement 13. Check to see if the advertisement is added into the system Test case Test case # Ad1.9 Priority: High Test Item: Add Advertisement Type Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: Account has been logged in. All other fields have been entered correctly. The product does not exist in the system Description: Test advertisement type: Coupon of the add function of advertisement feature.

Specification Input Advertisement ID: 321 Product: Nokia tab1 Advertisement Type: Coupon Advertisement Class: Barcode Advertisement Content Keys: Nokia tab1 Advertisement Content Text: This is a Nokia tab1 ad Expected output Successfully create and add the advertisement into the system Result

Test procedure: 1. Enter 321 into Advertisement ID box 2. Click Check Available. The id should be available 3. Enter Nokia tab1 into product box 22

4. Click add product on the drop down list 5. Pick Coupon in Advertisement Type 6. Pick Barcode in Advertisement Class 7. Browse an image file for Advertisement Image File 8. Browse an audio file for Advertisement Audio File 9. Enter a valid URL into Advertisement Link Through URL 10. Enter Nokia tab2 into Advertisement Content Keys 11. Enter This is an Nokia tab2 ads into Advertisement Content Text 12. Click Create advertisement 13. Check to see if the advertisement is added into the system Test case Test case # Ad1.10 Priority: High Test Item: Add Advertisement Type Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: Account has been logged in. All other fields have been entered correctly. The product does NOT exist in the system Description: Test advertisement type: Holiday of the add function of advertisement feature.

Specification Input Advertisement ID: 312 Product: Boston hotel ticket Advertisement Type: Holiday Advertisement Class: Barcode Advertisement Content Keys: Boston hotel ticket Advertisement Content Text: Boston hotel ticket Expected output Successfully create and add the advertisement into the system Result

Test procedure: 1. Enter 312 into Advertisement ID box 2. Click Check available. The id should be available 3. Enter Boston hotel ticket into product box 23

4. Click add product on the drop down list 5. Pick Holiday in Advertisement Type 6. Pick Barcode in Advertisement Class 7. Browse an image file for Advertisement Image File 8. Browse an audio file for Advertisement Audio File 9. Enter a valid URL into Advertisement Link Through URL 10. Enter Boston hotel ticket into Advertisement Content Keys 11. Enter This is Boston hotel ticket ad into Advertisement Content Text 12. Click Create advertisement 13. Check to see if the advertisement is added into the system Test case Test case # Ad1.11 Priority: High Test Item: Add Advertisement Type Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: Account has been logged in. All other fields have been entered correctly. The product does NOT exist in the system Description: Test advertisement type: Season Promotion of the add function of advertisement feature.

Specification Input Advertisement ID: 987 Product: Winter Ticket Advertisement Type: Season Promotion Advertisement Class: Barcode Advertisement Content Keys: Winter Ticket Advertisement Content Text: Winter Ticket Expected output Successfully create and add the advertisement into the system Result

Test procedure: 1. Enter 987 into Advertisement ID box 2. Click Check Available. The id should be available 3. Enter Winter Ticket into product box 24

4. Click add product on the drop down list 5. Pick Season Promotion in Advertisement Type 6. Pick Barcode in Advertisement Class 7. Browse an image file for Advertisement Image File 8. Browse an audio file for Advertisement Audio File 9. Enter a valid URL into Advertisement Link Through URL 10. Enter Winter Ticket into Advertisement Content Keys 11. Enter Winter Ticket ads into Advertisement Content Text 12. Click Create advertisement 13. Check to see if the advertisement is added into the system Test case Test case # Ad1.12 Priority: High Test Item: Add Advertisement Class Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: Account has been logged in. All other fields have been entered correctly. The product does NOT exist in the system Description: Test advertisement Class: Bar Code of the add function of advertisement feature. Specification Input Advertisement ID:456 Product: Book Advertisement Type: Classified Advertisement Class: Barcode Advertisement Content Keys: Book Advertisement Content Text: Book Expect output Successfully create and add the advertisement into the system Result

Test procedure: 1. Enter 456 into Advertisement ID box 2. Click Check Available. The ID should be available 3. Enter Book into product box 4. Click add product on the drop down list 5. Pick Classified in Advertisement Type 6. Pick Barcode in Advertisement Class 7. Browse an image file for Advertisement Image File 8. Browse an audio file for Advertisement Audio File 9. Enter a valid URL into Advertisement Link Through URL 25

10. Enter Book into Advertisement Content Keys 11. Enter Book ads into Advertisement Content Text 12. Click Create advertisement 13. Check to see if the advertisement is added into the system. The Class should be Barcode

Test case Test case # Ad1.13 Priority: High Test Item: Add Advertisement Class Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: Account has been logged in. All other fields have been entered correctly. The product does NOT exist in the system Description: Test advertisement Class: Content of the add function of advertisement feature.

Specification Input Advertisement ID: 147 Product: Book 147 Advertisement Type: Classified Advertisement Class: Content Advertisement Content Keys: Book147 Advertisement Content Text: Book147 Expected output Successfully create and add the advertisement into the system Result

Test procedure: 1. Enter 147 into Advertisement ID box 2. Click Check Available. The id should be available 3. Enter Book147 into product box 4. Click Add product on the drop down list 5. Pick Classified in Advertisement Type 6. Pick Content in Advertisement Class 7. Browse an image file for Advertisement Image File 8. Browse an audio file for Advertisement Audio File 9. Enter a valid URL into Advertisement Link Through URL 10. Enter Book147 into Advertisement Content Keys 26

11. Enter Book147 ads into Advertisement Content Text 12. Click Create advertisement 13. Check to see if the advertisement is added into the system. The Class should be Content

Test case Test case # Ad1.14 Priority: High Test Item: Add Advertisement Class Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: Account has been logged in. All other fields have been entered correctly. The product does NOT exist in the system Description: Test advertisement Class: Convention of the add function of advertisement feature.

Specification Input Advertisement ID: 114 Product: Convention Advertisement Type: Classified Advertisement Class: Convention Advertisement Content Keys: Convention Advertisement Content Text: Convention Expected output The advertisement is successfully created and added to the system. Result

Test procedure: 1. Enter 114 into Advertisement ID box 2. Click Check Available. The ID should be available 3. Enter Convention into product box 4. Click add product on the drop down 5. Pick Classified in Advertisement Type 6. Pick Convention in Advertisement Class 7. Browse an image file for Advertisement Image File 8. Browse an audio file for Advertisement Audio File 27

9. Enter a valid URL into Advertisement Link Through URL 10. Enter Convention into Advertisement Content Keys 11. Enter Convention ads into Advertisement Content Text 12. Click Create advertisement 13. Check to see if the advertisement is added into the system. The Class should be Convention

Test case Test case # Ad1.15 Priority: High Test Item: Add Advertisement Class Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: Account has been logged in. All other fields have been entered correctly. The product does NOT exist in the system Description: Test advertisement Class: Location of the add function of advertisement feature. Specification Input Advertisement ID: 115 Product: Room available for party Advertisement Type: Classified Advertisement Class: Location Advertisement Content Keys: Location Advertisement Content Text: Location Expected output The advertisement is successfully created and added to the system. Result

Test procedure: 1. Enter 115 into Advertisement ID box 2. Click Check Available. The ID should be available 3. Enter Room available for party into product box 4. Click add product on the drop down list 5. Pick Classified in Advertisement Type 6. Pick Location in Advertisement Class 7. Browse an image file for Advertisement Image File 8. Browse an audio file for Advertisement Audio File 9. Enter a valid URL into Advertisement Link Through URL 28

10. Enter Room available for party into Advertisement Content Keys 11. Enter Room available for party ads into Advertisement Content Text 12. Click Create advertisement 13. Check to see if the advertisement is added into the system. The Class should be Location

Test case Test case # Ad1.16 Priority: High Test Item: Add Advertisement Image File Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: Account has been logged in. All other fields have been entered correctly. The product does NOT exist in the system Description: Test Advertisement Image File of the add function of advertisement feature.

Specification Input Advertisement ID: 116 Product: Test Image File Advertisement Type: Classified Advertisement Class: Barcode Advertisement Image File: browse an image from local disk Advertisement Content Keys: Test Image File Advertisement Content Text: Test Image File Expected output Result The advertisement is successfully created and added to the system with a specific image that has been chosen from an image file

Test procedure: 1. Enter 116 into Advertisement ID box 2. Click Check Available. The ID should be available 3. Enter Test Image File into product box 4. Click add new product from drop down list 29

5. Pick Classified in Advertisement Type 6. Pick Barcode in Advertisement Class 7. Browse an image file for Advertisement Image File 8. Browse an audio file for Advertisement Audio File 9. Enter a valid URL into Advertisement Link Through URL 10. Enter Test Image File into Advertisement Content Keys 11. Enter Test Image File ads into Advertisement Content Text 12. Click Create advertisement 13. Check to see if the advertisement is added into the system. 14. Check the image of the advertisement to see if it is correct

Test case Test case # Ad1.17 Priority: High Test Item: Add Advertisement Image File Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: Account has been logged in. All other fields have been entered correctly. The product does NOT exist in the system Description: Test empty Advertisement Image File of the add function of advertisement feature.

Specification Input Advertisement ID: 117 Product: Test Empty Image File Advertisement Type: Classified Advertisement Image File: leave the image empty Advertisement Class: Barcode Advertisement Content Keys: Test Image File Advertisement Content Text: Test Image File Expected output The advertisement is successfully created and added to the system with no image for the ads Result

Test procedure: 1. Enter 117 into Advertisement ID box 2. Click Check Available. The ID should be available 3. Enter an Empty Image File, that would serve as test, into product box 4. Click Add New Product from drop down list 30

5. Pick Classified in Advertisement Type 6. Pick Barcode in Advertisement Class 7. Leave Advertisement Image File Empty 8. Browse an audio file for Advertisement Audio File 9. Enter a valid URL into Advertisement Link Through URL 10. Enter Test Empty Image File into Advertisement Content Keys 11. Enter Test Empty Image File ads into Advertisement Content Text 12. Click Create advertisement 13. Check to see if the advertisement is added into the system. 14. Check the image of the advertisement to see if it is empty

Test case Test case # Ad1.18 Priority: High Test Item: Add Advertisement Audio File Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: Account has been logged in. All other fields have been entered correctly. The product does not exist in the system Description: Test the audio file of the add function of advertisement feature Specification Input Advertisement ID: 118 Product: Test Audio File Advertisement Type: Classified Advertisement Audio File: browse an audio file from the local disk Advertisement Class: Barcode Advertisement Content Keys: Test Audio File Advertisement Content Text: Test Audio File Expected output The advertisement is successfully created and added to the system with a specific audio file from the disk Result

Test procedure: 1. Enter 118 into Advertisement ID box 2. Click Check Available. The ID should be available 3. Enter Test Audio File into product box 4. Click Add New Product from drop down list 31

5. Pick Classified in Advertisement Type 6. Pick Barcode in Advertisement Class 7. Browse an image for Advertisement Image File 8. Browse an audio file for Advertisement Audio File 9. Enter a valid URL into Advertisement Link Through URL 10. Enter Test Audio File into Advertisement Content Keys 11. Enter Test Audio File ads into Advertisement Content Text 12. Click Create advertisement 13. Check to see if the advertisement is added into the system. 14. Check the audio of the advertisement to see if it is correct

Test case Test case # Ad1.19 Priority: High Test Item: Add Advertisement Audio File Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: Account has been logged in. All other fields have been entered correctly. The product does NOT exist in the system Description: Test empty audio file of the add function of advertisement feature Specification Input Advertisement ID: 119 Product: Test Audio File Advertisement Type: Classified Advertisement Audio File: leave empty Advertisement Class: Barcode Advertisement Content Keys: Test Empty Audio File Advertisement Content Text: Test Empty Audio File Expected output The advertisement is successfully created and added to the system with NO audio file Result

Test procedure: 1. Enter 119 into Advertisement ID box 2. Click Check Available. The id should be available 3. Enter Test Empty Audio File into product box 4. Click Add New Product from drop down list 5. Pick Classified in Advertisement Type 6. Pick Barcode in Advertisement Class 7. Browse an image for Advertisement Image File 32

8. Leave audio file empty for Advertisement Audio File 9. Enter a valid URL into Advertisement Link Through URL 10. Enter Test Empty Audio File into Advertisement Content Keys 11. Enter Test Empty Audio File ads into Advertisement Content Text 12. Click Create advertisement 13. Check to see if the advertisement is added into the system. 14. Check the audio of the advertisement to see if it is empty

Test case Test case # Ad1.20 Priority: High Test Item: Add Advertisement Video File Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: Account has been logged in. All other fields have been entered correctly. The product does NOT exist in the system Description: Test video file in the add function of advertisement feature Specification Input Advertisement ID: 120 Product: Test Video File Advertisement Type: Classified Advertisement Video File: browse a video file from the local disk Advertisement Class: Barcode Advertisement Content Keys: Test Video File Advertisement Content Text: Test Video File Expected output The advertisement is successfully created and added to the system with a specific video file that has been chosen from the local disk. Result

Test procedure: 1. Enter 120 into Advertisement ID box 2. Click Check Available. The id should be available 3. Enter Test Video File into product box 4. Click Add New Product from drop down list 5. Pick Classified in Advertisement Type 6. Pick Barcode in Advertisement Class 7. Browse an image for Advertisement Image File 8. Browse an audio file for Advertisement Audio File 9. Browse an video file for Advertisement Video File 10. Enter a valid URL into Advertisement Link Through URL 33

11. Enter Test Video File into Advertisement Content Keys 12. Enter Test Video File ads into Advertisement Content Text 13. Click Create advertisement 14. Check to see if the advertisement is added into the system. 15. Check the video of the advertisement to see if it is correct Test case Test case # Ad1.21 Priority: High Test Item: Add Advertisement Video File Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: Account has been logged in. All other fields have been entered correctly. The product does NOT exist in the system Description: Test empty video file of the add function of advertisement feature Specification Input Advertisement ID: 121 Product: Test Empty Video File Advertisement Type: Classified Advertisement Video File: Video file input is left empty Advertisement Class: Barcode Advertisement Content Keys: Test Empty Video File Advertisement Content Text: Test Empty Video File Expected output The advertisement is successfully created and added to the system with no video file Result

Test procedure: 1. Enter 121 into Advertisement ID box 2. Click Check Available. The ID should be available 3. Enter Test Empty Video File into product box 4. Click Add New Product from drop down list 5. Pick Classified in Advertisement Type 6. Pick Barcode in Advertisement Class 7. Browse an image for Advertisement Image File 8. Browse an audio file for Advertisement Audio File 9. Leave video file empty for Advertisement Video File 10. Enter a valid URL into Advertisement Link Through URL 11. Enter Test Empty Video File into Advertisement Content Keys 34

12. Enter Test Empty Video File ads into Advertisement Content Text 13. Click Create advertisement 14. Check to see if the advertisement is added into the system. 15. Check the video of the advertisement to confirm that it is empty Test case Test case # Ad1.22 Priority: High Test Item: Add Advertisement Link Through URL Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: Account has been logged in. All other fields have been entered correctly. The product does Not exist in the system Description: Test advertisement link URL of add function of advertisement feature

Specification Input Advertisement ID: 122 Product: Test Advertisement URL Advertisement Type: Classified Advertisement Link Through URL: Advertisement Class: Barcode Advertisement Content Keys: Test Advertisement URL Advertisement Content Text: Test Advertisement URL Expected output The advertisement is successfully created and added to the system with a valid URL: Result

Test procedure: 1. Enter 122 into Advertisement ID box 2. Click Check Available. The id should be available 3. Enter Test Advertisement URL into product box 4. Click Add New Product from drop down list 5. Pick Classified in Advertisement Type 6. Pick Barcode in Advertisement Class 7. Browse an image for Advertisement Image File 8. Browse an audio file for Advertisement Audio File 9. Browse a video file for Advertisement Video File 35

10. Enter a valid URL: into Advertisement Link Through URL 11. Enter Test Advertisement URL into Advertisement Content Keys 12. Enter Test Advertisement URL ads into Advertisement Content Text 13. Click Create advertisement 14. Check to see if the advertisement is added into the system. 15. Check the URL of the advertisement to see if it is Test case Test case # Ad1.23 Priority: High Test Item: Add Advertisement Link Through URL Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: Account has been logged in. All other fields have been entered correctly. The product does not exist in the system Description: Test empty advertisement link URL of add function of advertisement feature Specification Input Advertisement ID: 123 Product: Test empty Advertisement URL Advertisement Type: Classified Advertisement Link Through URL: leave empty Advertisement Class: Barcode Advertisement Content Keys: Test Empty Advertisement URL Advertisement Content Text: Test Empty Advertisement URL Expected output Fail create and add the advertisement into the system with a empty URL Result

Test procedure: 1. Enter 123 into Advertisement ID box 2. Click Check Available. The id should be available 3. Enter Test Empty Advertisement URL into product box 4. Click Add New Product from drop down list 5. Pick Classified in Advertisement Type 6. Pick Barcode in Advertisement Class 7. Find an image for Advertisement Image File 8. Find an audio file for Advertisement Audio File 9. Find a video file for Advertisement Video File 36

10. Leave empty for Advertisement Link Through URL 11. Enter Empty URL into Advertisement Content Keys 12. Enter Empty URL ads into Advertisement Content Text 13. Click Create advertisement 14. Confirm to see if the advertisement is added into the system. 15. Check the URL of the advertisement and confirm its empty

Test case Test case # A1.24 Priority: High Test Item: Add Advertisement Content Keys Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: Account has been logged in. All other fields have been entered correctly. The product does NOT exist in the system Description: Test Advertisement Content Keys of add function of advertisement feature Specification Input Advertisement ID: 124 Product: Test Content Keys Advertisement Type: Classified Advertisement Class: Barcode Advertisement Content Keys: Test Content Keys Advertisement Content Text: Test Content Keys Expected output The advertisement is successfully created and added to the system with specific content keys Result

Test procedure: 1. Enter 124 into Advertisement ID box 2. Click Check Available. The ID should be available 3. Enter Test Content Keys into product box 4. Click add new product from drop down list 5. Pick Classified in Advertisement Type 6. Pick Barcode in Advertisement Class 7. Browse an image for Advertisement Image File 8. Browse an audio file for Advertisement Audio File 9. Browse a video file for Advertisement Video File 10. Enter a URL for Advertisement Link Through URL 11. Enter Test Content Keys into Advertisement Content Keys 12. Enter Test Content Keys ads into Advertisement Content Text 13. Click Create advertisement 37

14. Check to see if the advertisement is added into the system. 15. Check the Content Keys of the advertisement to confirm if it contains Test Content Keys Test case Test case # A1.25 Priority: High Test Item: Add Advertisement Content Keys Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: Account has been logged in. All other fields have been entered correctly. The product does not exist in the system Description: Test Empty Advertisement Content Keys of add function of advertisement feature

Specification Input Advertisement ID: 125 Product: Test Empty Content Keys Advertisement Type: Classified Advertisement Class: Barcode Advertisement Content Keys: Test Empty Content Keys Advertisement Content Text: Test Empty Content Keys Expected output Create fails and add the advertisement into the system with empty content key Result

Test procedure: 1. Enter 125 into Advertisement ID box 2. Click Check Available. The ID should be available 3. Enter Test Empty Content Keys into product box 4. Click add new product from drop down list 5. Pick Classified in Advertisement Type 6. Pick Barcode in Advertisement Class 7. Browse an image for Advertisement Image File 8. Browse an audio file for Advertisement Audio File 9. Browse a video file for Advertisement Video File 10. Enter a URL for Advertisement Link Through URL 11. Leave content key empty for Advertisement Content Keys 12. Enter Test Empty Content Keys ads into Advertisement Content Text 38

13. Click Create advertisement 14. Check to see if the advertisement is added into the system. 15. Check the Content Keys of the advertisement to see if it is empty Test case Test case # A1.26 Priority: High Test Item: Add Advertisement Content Text Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: Account has been logged in. All other fields have been entered correctly. The product does NOT exist in the system Description: Test Advertisement Content Text of add function of advertisement feature

Specification Input Advertisement ID: 126 Product: Specific Content Text Advertisement Type: Classified Advertisement Class: Barcode Advertisement Content Keys: Test Content Text Advertisement Content Text: Test Content Text Expected output The advertisement is successfully created and added to the system with a specific content text Result

Test procedure: 1. Enter 126 into Advertisement ID box 2. Click Check Available to confirm ID availability 3. Enter specific Content Text into product box 4. Click add new product from drop down list 5. Pick Classified in Advertisement Type 6. Pick Barcode in Advertisement Class 7. Browse an image for Advertisement Image File 8. Browse an audio file for Advertisement Audio File 9. Browse a video file for Advertisement Video File 10. Enter a URL for Advertisement Link Through URL 11. Enter Test Content Text for Advertisement Content Keys 12. Enter Test Content Text ads into Advertisement Content Text 39

13. Click Create advertisement 14. Check to see if the advertisement is added into the system. 15. Check the Content Text of the advertisement to see if it contains Specific Content Text

Test case Test case # A1.27 Priority: High Test Item: Add Advertisement Content Text Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: Account has been logged in. All other fields have been entered correctly. The product does NOT exist in the system Description: Test Empty Advertisement Content Text of add function of advertisement feature

Specification Input Advertisement ID: 127 Product: Test Empty Content Text Advertisement Type: Classified Advertisement Class: Barcode Advertisement Content Keys: Test Empty Content Text Advertisement Content Text: Leave empty Expected output Failed to create and add the advertisement into the system with empty content text Result

Test procedure: 1. Enter 112 into Advertisement ID box 2. Click Check Available. The id should be available 3. Enter Test Empty Content Text into product box 4. Click add new product from drop down list 5. Pick Classified in Advertisement Type 6. Pick Barcode in Advertisement Class 7. Browse an image for Advertisement Image File 8. Browse an audio file for Advertisement Audio File 9. Browse a video file for Advertisement Video File 10. Enter a URL for Advertisement Link Through URL 40

11. Enter Test Empty Content Text for Advertisement Content Keys 12. Leave Content Text empty for Advertisement Content Text 13. Click Create advertisement 14. Check to see if the advertisement is added into the system. 15. Check the Content Text of the advertisement to see if it is empty

Test case Test case # A2.1 Priority: High Test Item: Search Ads Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: - Account needs to be logged in - A1.6 : add an advertisement Description: Test the Advertisement ID of Search Ads function of the Advertisement feature Specification Input AdvertisementID: 123 Product: Nokia AccountId: abc123jas Advertisement Type: Classified Advertisement Class: Barcode Advertisement Status: Inactive Advertisement Approval Status: Pending Expected output successful search ad Result

Test procedure: 1. Fill out other fields as specified in input 2. Click Search Advertisement 3. Advertisement should be displayed, make sure all fields match with input Test case Test case # A2.2 Priority: High Test Item: Search Ads Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: - Account has been logged in - A.1.6: add an advertisement 41

Description: Test the Advertisement ID of Search Ads function of the Advertisement feature Specification Input AdvertisementID: (Kept Blank) Product: Nokia AccountId: abc123jas Advertisement Type: Classified Advertisement Class: Barcode Advertisement Status: Inactive Advertisement Approval Status: Pending Expected output Pass to search ad because of the input empty field in Advertisement ID Result

Test procedure: 1. Advertisement ID field is empty 2. Fill out other fields as specify in input 3. Click search Advertisement 4. Advertisement is NOT displayed. Test case Test case # A2.3 Priority: High Test Item: Search Ads Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: - Account has been logged in - A.1.6: add an advertisement

Description: Test the Advertisement ID of Search Ads function of the Advertisement feature Specification Input AdvertisementID: Nokia Product: Nokia AccountId: abc123jas Advertisement Type: Classified Advertisement Class: Barcode Advertisement Status: Inactive Advertisement Approval Status: Pending Expected output Return nothing, because of incorrect Advertisement ID input Result

Test procedure: 1. Enter Nokia to AdvertisementID 2. Fill out other fields as specified in input 3. Click search Advertisement 42

4. advertisement is NOT displayed Test case Test case # A2.4 Priority: High Test Item: Search Ads Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: - Account has been logged in - A.1.6: add an advertisement Description: Test the Product of Search Ads function of the Advertisement feature Specification Input AdvertisementID: Nokia Product: AccountId: Nokia Advertisement Type: Classified Advertisement Class: Barcode Advertisement Status: Inactive Advertisement Approval Status: Pending Expected output Pass to search ad Result

Test procedure: 1. Enter Nokia to AdvertisementID 2. Leave Product inbox blank 3. Fill out other fields as specify in input 3. Click search Advertisement 4. Advertisement is NOT displayed Test case Test case # A2.5 Priority: High Test Item: Search Ads Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: - Account has been logged in - A.1.6: add an advertisement Description: Test the Product of Search Ads function of the Advertisement feature Specification Input AdvertisementID: Nokia Expected output Pass to search. Result 43

Product: Nokia AccountId: Nokia Advertisement Type: Classified Advertisement Class: Barcode Advertisement Status: Inactive Advertisement Approval Status: Pending

It would return Nokia ads

Test procedure: 1. Enter Nokia to AdvertisementId 2. Enter Nokia in Product 3. Fill out other fields as specified in input 4. Click search Advertisement 5. Advertisement is NOT display Test case Test case # A2.5.1 Priority: High Test Item: Search Ads Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: - Account has been logged in - A.1.6: add an advertisement Description: Test the Product of Search Ads function of the Advertisement feature Specification Input AdvertisementID: Nokia Product: select Nokia from dropdown list AccountId: Nokia Advertisement Type: Classified Advertisement Class: Barcode Advertisement Status: Inactive Advertisement Approval Status: Pending Expected output Pass to search. Return Nokia ads Result

Test procedure: 1. Enter Nokia to AdvertisementId 2. Enter Nokia in Product 3. Fill out other fields as specified in input 4. Click search Advertisement 5.Advertisement is NOT displayed Test case 44

Test case # A2.6 Priority: High

Test Item: Search Ads Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja

Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: - Account has been logged in - A.1.6: add an advertisement Description: Test the AccountID of Search Ads function of the Advertisement feature Specification Input AdvertisementID: Nokia Product: Nokia Account id: Advertisement Type: Classified Advertisement Class: Barcode Advertisement Status: Inactive Advertisement Approval Status: Pending Expected output Pass to search, return Nokia ads Result

Test procedure: 1. Enter Nokia to AdvertisementId 2. Enter Nokia in Product 3. Leave AccountId inbox empty 4. Fill out other fields as specify in input 5. Click search Advertisement 6. Advertisement is NOT display

Test case Test case # A2.7 Priority: High Test Item: Search Ads Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: - Account has been logged in - A.1.6: add an advertisement Description: Test the AccountID of Search Ads function of the Advertisement feature Specification Input AdvertisementID: Nokia Product: Nokia Expected output Pass to search ad Result


AccountId: Nokia Advertisement Type: Classified Advertisement Class: Barcode Advertisement Status: Inactive Advertisement Approval Status: Pending Test procedure: 1. Enter Nokia to AdvertisementID 2. Enter Nokia in Product 3. Enter Nokia to AccountID 4. Fill out other fields as specify in input 5. Click search Advertisement 6. Advertisement is NOT displayed Test case Test case # A2.8 Priority: High Test Item: Search Ads Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: - Account has been logged in - A.1.6: add an advertisement Description: Test the Advertisement Type of Search Ads function of the Advertisement feature Specification Input AdvertisementID: Nokia Product: Nokia AccountId: Nokia Advertisement Type: Coupon Advertisement Class: Barcode Advertisement Status: Inactive Advertisement Approval Status: Pending Expected output Fail to search ad, because of the incorrect choice from Advertisement Type dropdown menu Result

Test procedure: 1. Chose Coupon from Advertisement Type drop down list 2. Fill out other fields as specify in input 5. Click search Advertisement 6. Advertisement is NOT displayed Test case 46

Test case # A2.9 Priority: High

Test Item: Search Ads Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja

Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: - Account has been logged in - A.1.6: add an advertisement Description: Test the Advertisement Type of Search Ads function of the Advertisement feature Specification Input AdvertisementID: Nokia Product: Nokia AccountId: Nokia Advertisement Type: Holiday Advertisement Class: Barcode Advertisement Status: Inactive Advertisement Approval Status: Pending Expected output Fail to search ad, because of the incorrect choice from Advertisement Type dropdown menu Result

Test procedure: 1. Chose Holiday from Advertisement Type drop down list 2. Fill out other fields as specified in input 5. Click search Advertisement 6. No advertisement display

Test case Test case # A2.10 Priority: High Test Item: Search Ads Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: - Account has been logged in - A.1.6: add an advertisement Description: Test the Advertisement Type of Search Ads function of the Advertisement feature Specification Input Expected output Result 47

AdvertisementID: Nokia Product: Nokia AccountId: Nokia Advertisement Type: Season Promotion Advertisement Class: Barcode Advertisement Status: Inactive Advertisement Approval Status: Pending

Fail to search ad, due to incorrect choice from Advertisement Type dropdown menu

Test procedure: 1. Chose Coupon from Advertisement Type drop down list 2. Fill out other fields as specify in input 5. Click search Advertisement 6. Advertisement is NOT displayed

Test case Test case # A2.12 Priority: High Test Item: Search Ads Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: - Account has been logged in - A.1.6: add an advertisement Description: Test the Advertisement Class of Search Ads function of the Advertisement feature Specification Input AdvertisementID: Nokia Product: Nokia AccountId: Nokia Advertisement Type: Classified Advertisement Class: Convention Advertisement Status: Inactive Advertisement Approval Status: Pending Expected output Fail to search ad, because of the incorrect choice from Advertisement Class dropdown menu Result

Test procedure: 1. Chose Convention from Advertisement Class drop down list 2. Fill out other fields as specified in input 5. Click search Advertisement 48

6. Advertisement is NOT displayed Test case Test case # A2.13 Priority: High Test Item: Search Ads Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: - Account has been logged in - A.1.6: add an advertisement Description: Test the Advertisement Class of Search Ads function of the Advertisement feature Specification Input AdvertisementID: Nokia Product: Nokia AccountId: Nokia Advertisement Type: Classified Advertisement Class: Location Advertisement Status: Inactive Advertisement Approval Status: Pending Expected output Fail to search ad, due to incorrect choice from Advertisement Class dropdown menu Result

Test procedure: 1. Chose Location from Advertisement Class drop down list 2. Fill out other fields as specify in input 5. Click search Advertisement 6. Advertisement is NOT displayed

Test case Test case # A2.14 Priority: High Test Item: Search Ads Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: - Account has been logged in - A.1.6: add an advertisement 49

Description: Test the Advertisement Status of Search Ads function of the Advertisement feature Specification Input AdvertisementID: Nokia Product: Nokia AccountId: Nokia Advertisement Type: Classified Advertisement Class: Location Advertisement Status: Active Advertisement Approval Status: Pending Expected output Fail to search ad, due to incorrect choice from Advertisement Status dropdown menu Result

Test procedure: 1. Chose Active from Advertisement Status drop down list 2. Fill out other fields as specify in input 5. Click search Advertisement 6. Advertisement is NOT displayed Test case Test case # A2.15 Priority: High Test Item: Search Ads Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: - Account has been logged in - A.1.6: add an advertisement Description: Test the Advertisement Approval Status of Search Ads function of the Advertisement feature Specification Input AdvertisementID: Nokia Product: Nokia AccountId: Nokia Advertisement Type: Classified Advertisement Class: Location Advertisement Status: Inactive Advertisement Approval Status: Approved Expected output Fail to search ad, due to incorrect choice from Advertisement Approval Status dropdown menu Result

Test procedure: 1. Chose Approve from Advertisement Approval Status drop down list 2. Fill out other fields as specify in input 5. Click search Advertisement 50

6. Advertisement is NOT displayed Test case Test case # A2.16 Priority: High Test Item: Search Ads Tester Name: Jasdeep Arneja Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: October-25-2013

Precondition: - Account has been logged in - A.1.6: add an advertisement Description: Test the Advertisement Approval Status of Search Ads function of the Advertisement feature Specification Input AdvertisementID: Nokia Product: Nokia AccountId: Nokia Advertisement Type: Classified Advertisement Class: Location Advertisement Status: Inactive Advertisement Approval Status: Denied Expected output Fail to search ad, because of incorrect choice from Advertisement Approval Status dropdown menu Result

Test procedure: 1. Chose Denied from Advertisement Approval Status drop down list 2. Fill out other fields as specify in input 5. Click search Advertisement 6. Advertisement is NOT displayed


Test case Test case # AC1.1 Priority: High Test Item: Account ID- AddAccount Tester Name: Pallavi Test Type: CategoryPartition Date:

Precondition: Logged in into the account Account ID AC101 has not been registered in the system. Description: Test availability of the account ID of Add of Account. Specification Input AC101 Expect output Account ID is available Test procedure: Result

1. On Account tab click add 2. Enter AC101 as Account ID 3. Click on Check Available 4. Verify that the account id is available

Test case Test case # AC1.2 Test Item: Account ID- AddAccount Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Account ID AC101 has been already registered in the system. Description: Test duplicate account id. Specification Input AC101

Expect output Account ID is not available Test procedure:


1. On Account tab Click on Add 2. Enter C101 as Account ID 3. Click on Check Available 4. Verify that the account id is not available 52

Test case Test case # AC1.3 Priority: High Test Item: Account ID- AddAccount Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Precondition: Logged in into the account Account ID 687550300 does not exist in the system. Description: Test account id length. Specification Input 687550300 Expect output Cannot enter into the box Test procedure: Result

1. On Account tab click Add 2. Enter 687550300 as Account ID

Test case Test case # AC1.4 Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Description: Test empty account id. Specification Input Leave empty Expect output Not available Test procedure: Result Test Item: Account ID- AddAccount Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

1. On Account tab Click on Add 2. Keep account ID empty 3. Click on check available


Test case Test case # AC1.5 Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Description: Test empty account Name. Specification Input Account ID: AC15 Account Name: Keep empty Organization Name: AC15 Account Type: Advertiser Expect output Fail to create account Result Test Item: Account Name- AddAccount Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Test procedure: 1. On Account tab Click on Add 2. Enter the input in the corresponding boxes 3. Click on create

Test case Test case # AC1.6 Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Description: Test length of account name . The account name input must be over 46 characters. Specification Input Account ID: AC16 Account Name: 100490(46 chars) Organization Name: AC15 Account Type: Advertiser Expect output Fail to input Result Test Item: Account Name- AddAccount Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Test procedure: 1. On Account tab click on Add 54

2. Enter inputs into corresponding boxes


Test case Test case # AC1.7 Priority: High Test Item: Account Name- AddAccount Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Precondition: Logged in into the account Account name AC17 does not exist in the system. Description: Test a valid account name. Specification Input Account ID: AC17 Account Name: AC17 Organization Name: AC17 Account Type: Advertiser Expect output Successfully create and add an account into the system Result

Test procedure: 1. On Account tab Click on Add 2. Enterthe inputs into corresponding boxes 3. Click on create

Test case Test case # AC1.8 Priority: High Test Item: Account Name- AddAccount Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Precondition: Logged in into the account Account name AC17 already exists in the system. Description: Test a duplicate account name. Specification Input Account ID: AC18 Account Name: AC17 Organization Name: AC17 Account Type: Advertiser Expect output Fail to create and add an Account into the system Result

Test procedure: 1. On Account tab Click on Add 2. Enter the inputs into corresponding boxes 56

3. Click on create


Test case Test case # AC1.9 Test Item: Organization NameAdd-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account. Correct inputs have been entered into all other fields Description: Test an empty organization

Specification Input Account ID: AC19 Account Name: AC19 Organization Name: Keep empty Account Type: Advertiser Test procedure: Expect output Fail to create and add the account into the system keeping organization Name empty. Result

1. On Account tab Click on Add 2. Enter the inputs into corresponding boxes 3. Click on create

Test case Test case # AC1.10 Priority: High Test Item: Organization NameAdd-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Precondition: Logged in into the account. Correctly entered inputs into all other fields . Description: Test the length of the organization name up to 100 chars. Specification Input Account ID: AC100 Account Name: C100 Organization Name: 7823(100 chars) Account Type: Advertiser Expect output Cannot input more than 100 characters Result

Test procedure: 1. On Account tab Click on Add 2. Enter the inputs into corresponding boxes 58

3. Click on create


Test case Test case # AC1.11 Test Item: Organization NameAdd-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Successfully logged in into account. Entered correct values into all other fields . Description: Test a valid organization name

Specification Input Account ID: AC110 Account Name: AC110 Organization Name: AC110 Account Type: Advertiser Expect output Successfully create and add an account with organization name AC110 into the system Test procedure: Result

1. On Account tab Click on Add 2. Enter the inputs into corresponding boxes 3. Click on create

Test case Test case # AC1.12 Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account. Entered all other fields correctly Test Item: Account Type- AddAccount Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Description: Test advertiser account type of Add account Specification Input Account ID: AC120 Account Name: AC120 Organization Name: AC120 Account Type: Advertiser Expect output Successfully create and add an account with Advertiser account type Test procedure: 1. On Account tab Click on Add 2. Enter the inputs into corresponding boxes 60 Result

Test case Test case # AC1.13 Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account All other fields entered correctly Description: Test Administrator account type of Add account Specification Input Account ID: AC130 Account Name: C130 Organization Name: C130 Account Type: Administrator Expect output Successfully create and add an account with Administrator account type Test procedure: 1. On Account tab Click on Add 2. Enter the inputs into corresponding boxes 3. Click on create Result Test Item: Account Type- AddAccount Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Test case Test case # AC1.14 Priority: High Test Item: Account Type- AddAccount Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Precondition: Logged in into the account Entered correct inputs into all the other fields Description: Test Mobile User account type of Add account Specification Input Account ID: C114 Account Name: C114 Organization Name: C114 Account Type: Mobile User Expect output Successfully create and add the account with Mobile User account type Test procedure: 1. Click on Add of Account tab 2. Fill out the inputs into corresponding boxes 61 Result

3. Click on create


Test case Test case # AC1.15 Priority: High Test Item: Account Type- AddAccount Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Precondition: Logged in into the account Entered correct input into all other fields. Description: Test Publisher account type of Add account Specification Input Account ID: AC105 Account Name: AC105 Organization Name: AC105 Account Type: Publisher Expect output Successfully create and add an account with Publisher account type Test procedure: 1. On Account tab Click on Add 2Enter the inputs into corresponding boxes 3. Click on create Result


Test case Test case # AC2.1 Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into account. Description: Test List account of Account Feature Specification Input None Expect output Successfully list all the accounts in the system Test procedure: Result Test Item: List-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

1. On Account tab Click on List 2. Check for the accounts


Test case Test case # AC2.2 Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account. Description: Test the View detail of list function of Account feature Specification Input None Expect output Successfully view the detail of a chosen account Test procedure: Result Test Item: View-List-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

1. On Account tab Click on List 2. Click on a specific account view 3. Verify the details of the account

Test case Test case # AC2.3 Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account. Description: Test the Update of list function of Account feature Specification Input None Expect output Successfully view the details Result Test Item: Update-List-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013


of a chosen account Test procedure: On the Account tab Click on 1. List 2. Click on a specific account Update 3. Refer to AC1.1-AC1.15 for Update test cases 4. Check to see that the account has been updated according to the changes


Test case Test case # AC2.4 Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Test Item: Add User-List-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Description: Test the Add User view of list function of Account feature Specification Input None Expect output Successfully view the user Sign up view of a chosen account Test procedure: Result

On the Account tab Click on 1. List 2. For a specific account click on Add User 3. Refer to AC1.1-AC1.15 for Update test cases 4. Verify that the account has been updated

Test case Test case # AC2.4.1 Test Item: User ID- Add UserList-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Enter correct inputs into all other fields .

Description: Test empty user ID of add user from list account of account feature Specification Input User ID: Keep empty Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Pass to create the user with empty user ID Test procedure: On Account tab Click on 1. List 2. For a specific account click on Add User 3. Keep user ID empty 67 Result

4. Enter valid inputs for other fields based on Requirement Specification Doc. 5. Click on User Signup


Test case Test case # AC2.4.2 Test Item: User ID- Add UserList-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Entered correct inputs into all other fields.

Description: Test length of user ID of add user option from list account of account feature. Length is up to 8 characters or numbers or any combinations of 2 types Specification Input User ID: 3045954321 Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Fail to input into user ID Result

Test procedure: 1. On Account tab Click on List 2. On a specific account Click Add User 3. Enter 3045954321into User ID 4. Enter valid input into other fields based on Requirement Specification Doc.

Test case Test case # AC2.4.3 Test Item: User ID- Add UserList-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Entered correct inputs into all other fields Description: Test a valid user ID.

Specification Input User ID: AC343 Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Successfully create and add user into the corresponding account Test procedure: Result

1. On Account tab Click on List 2. On a specific account Click Add User 3. Enter AC343 4. Enter valid inputs into other fields based on Requirement Specification Doc. 69

5. Click on User Signup


Test case Test case # AC2.4.4 Test Item: User ID- Add UserList-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account. Enter correct inputs into all other fields Description: Test a duplicate user ID.

Specification Input User ID: AC343 Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Pass to create and add the user into the corresponding account Test procedure: Result

1. On Account tab Click on List 2. On a specific account Click Add User 3. Enter AC343 into user ID 4. Enter valid inputs into other fields based on Requirement Specification Doc. 5. Click on User Signup Test case Test case # AC2.4.5 Test Item: Email- Add User-ListAccount Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Enter correct inputs into all other fields.

Description: Test an empty email of add User functions from List-Account Specification Input Email: Keep empty Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Fail to create and add the user into the corresponding account Test procedure: Result

1. On Account tab Click on List 2. On a specific account Click Add User 3. Keep email empty in email box 4. Enter valid inputs into other fields based on Requirement Specification Doc. 5. Click on User Signup 71

Test case Test case # AC2.4.6 Priority: High Test Item: Email- Add User-ListAccount Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Precondition: Logged in into the account Entered valid inputs into all other fields. Description: Test the length of the email of add User functions from List-Account Specification Input Email: Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Fail to enter email input into the email box Test procedure: 1. On Account tab Click on List 2. On a specific account Click Add User 3. Enter into email box Result

Test case Test case # AC2.4.7 Test Item: Email- Add User-ListAccount Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Entered valid inputs into all other fields.

Description: Test a valid email of add User functions from List-Account Specification Input Email: Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Successfully create and add the user into the corresponding account Test procedure: Result

1. On Account tab Click on List 2. On a specific account Click Add User 3. Enter into email box 4. Enter valid inputs into other fields based on Requirement Specification Doc. 72

5. Click on User Signup


Test case Test case # AC2.4.8 Test Item: Email- Add User-ListAccount Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Entered valid inputs into all other fields.

Description: Test a duplicated email of add User functions from List-Account Specification Input Email: Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Fail create and add the user into the corresponding account Test procedure: Result

1. On Account tab Click on List 2. On a specific account Click Add User 3. Enter into email box 4. Enter valid inputs into other fields based on Requirement Specification Doc. 5. Click on User Signup

Test case Test case # AC2.4.9 Test Item: Password- Add UserList-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Entered valid inputs into all other fields. Description: Test an empty password of Add User from List-Account Specification Input Password: Leave password empty Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation)

Expect output Fail to create and add the user into the corresponding account Test procedure:


1. On Account tab Click on List 2. On a specific account Click Add User 3. Leave password empty for password box 4. Enter valid inputs into other fields based on Requirement Specification Doc. 5. Click on User Signup 74

Test case Test case # AC2.4.10 Test Item: Password- Add UserList-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Entered valid inputs into all other fields.

Description: Test password length. The password length is up to 32 characters or numbers or any combinations of 2 types Specification Input Password: 123..33 Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Pass to input the password into password box Test procedure: 1. On Account tab Click on List 2. On a specific account Click Add User 3. Enter 123..33 into password box Result

Test case Test case # AC2.4.11 Test Item: Password- Add UserList-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account. Entered correct inputs into all the other fields

Description: Test a valid password. The password length is up to 32 characters or numbers or any combinations of 2 types Specification Input Password: AC3501 Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Successfully create and add the account with password AC3501into the system Test procedure: Result

1. On Account tab Click on List 2. On a specific account Click Add User 3. Enter AC3501 into password box 4. Enter valid inputs into other fields based on Requirement Specification Doc. 75

5. Click on User Signup


Test case Test case # AC2.4.12 Priority: High Test Item: First Name- Add UserList-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Precondition: Logged in into the account Enter correct inputs into all other fields. Description: Test an empty First Name of add user from List-Account Specification Input First Name: Keep empty Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Pass to create and add the user into the corresponding account Test procedure: Result

1.On Account tab Click on List 2. On a specific account Click Add User 3. Keep the First Name empty 4. Enter valid inputs into other fields based on Requirement Specification Doc. 5. Click on User Signup

Test case Test case # AC2.4.13 Test Item: First Name- Add UserList-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Enter correct inputs into all other fields.

Description: Test the length of First Name add user from List-Account. First name is up to 45 characters or numbers Specification Input First Name: xyz123..46 Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Fail to input the first name Result

Test procedure: 77

1.On Account tab Click on List


Test case Test case # AC2.4.14 Test Item: First Name- Add UserList-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Enter correct input into all other fields.

Description: Test a valid First Name of Add user from List-Account Specification Input First Name: AC0010 Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Successfully create and add a user with first name AC0010 into corresponding account Test procedure: Result

On Account tab Click on 1. List 2. on a specific account Click Add User 3. Enter AC0010 as First Name 4. Enter valid inputs into other fields based on Requirement Specification Doc. 5. Click on User Signup

Test case Test case # AC2.4.15 Test Item: Last Name- Add UserList-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Enter correct input into all other fields. Description: Test an empty Last Name of add user from List-Account Specification Input Expect output Last Name: leave empty Fail to create and add the Valid inputs for other fields (see user into the corresponding Requirement Documentation) account Test procedure: On Account tab Click on 1. List 2. on a specific account Click Add User 3. Keep the Last Name box empty



4. Enter valid inputs into other fields based on Requirement Specification Doc. 5. Click on User Signup


Test case Test case # AC2.4.16 Test Item: Last Name- Add UserList-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Enter correct input into all other fields.

Description: Test the Last Name length of add user from List-Account. First name is up to 45 characters or numbers Specification Input Last Name: xyz345..46 Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Fail to input the Last name Result

Test procedure: 1. On Account tab Click on List 2. on a specific account Click Add User 3. Enter xyz345..46 into Last Name box

Test case Test case # AC2.4.17 Test Item: Last Name- Add UserList-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Enter correct input into all other fields.

Description: Test a valid Last Name of Add user from List-Account Specification Input Last Name: AC7417 Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Successfully create and add a user with last name AC7417into corresponding account Test procedure: Result

1. On Account tab Click on List 2. on a specific account Click Add User 3. Enter AC7417into Last Name box 4. Enter valid inputs into other fields based on Requirement Specification Doc. 81

5. Click on User Signup


Test case Test case # AC2.4.18 Test Item: Phone- Add User-ListAccount Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Enter correct input into all other fields.

Description: Test an empty Phone of add user from List-Account Specification Input Phone: leave empty Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Fail to create and add the user into the corresponding account Test procedure: Result

1. On Account tab Click on List 2. on a specific account Click Add User 3. Keep the Phone field empty 4. Enter valid inputs into other fields based on Requirement Specification Doc. 5. Click on User Signup

Test case Test case # AC2.4.19 Test Item: Phone- Add User-ListAccount Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Enter correct input into all other fields.

Description: Test the Phone length of add user from List-Account. Phone is up to 45 characters or numbers Specification Input Phone: 123.46 Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Fail to input the first name Result

Test procedure: 1. On Account tab Click on List 2. on a specific account Click Add User 3. Enter 123.46 as Phone 83

Test case Test case # AC2.4.20 Test Item: Phone- Add User-ListAccount Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Entered correct inputs into all the other fields

Description: Test a valid Phone number of Add user from List-Account Specification Input Phone: 123-456-7890 Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Successfully create and add a user with phone number 123-456-7890 into corresponding account Test procedure: Result

On Account Tab click on 1. List 2. For a specific account click on Add User 3. Enter 123-456-7890 as Phone 4. Enter valid inputs into other fields based on Requirement Specification Doc. 5. Click on User Signup Test case Test case # AC2.4.21 Test Item: Street 1- Add UserList-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in. Entered correct inputs into all other fields

Description: Test an empty Street 1 of add user from List-Account Specification Input Street 1: leave empty Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Fail to create and add the user into the corresponding account Test procedure: Result

1. On Account tab Click on List 2. For a specific account Click on Add User 3. Keep the Street 1 field empty 4. Enter valid inputs into other fields based on Requirement Specification Doc. 84

5. Click on User Signup


Test case Test case # AC2.4.22 Test Item: Street 1- Add UserList-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Entered correct inputs into all the other fields

Description: Test the Street 1 length of add user from List-Account. Street 1 is up to 45 characters or numbers Specification Input Street 1: 123.46 Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Fail to input the Street 1 Result

Test procedure: 1. On Account Tab click on List 2. For a specific account click on Add User 3. Enter 123.46 as Street 1 Test case Test case # AC2.4.23 Test Item: Street 1- Add UserList-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Entered correct inputs into all the other fields

Description: Test a valid Street 1 address of Add user from List-Account Specification Input Street 1: AC0972 Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Successfully create and add a user with Street 1 address AC0972into corresponding account Test procedure: Result

1. On Account Tab click on List 2. For a specific account click on Add User 3. Enter AC0972 as Street 1 4. Enter valid inputs into other fields based on Requirement Specification Doc. 86

5. Click on User Signup


Test case Test case # AC2.4.24 Test Item: Street 2- Add UserList-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Entered correct inputs into all the other fields

Description: Test an empty Street 2 of add user from List-Account Specification Input Street 2: Keep empty Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Successfully create and add the user into the corresponding account with Street 2 address empty Test procedure: Result

1. On Account Tab click on List 2. For a specific account click on Add User 3. Leave the Street 2 box empty 4. Enter valid inputs into other fields based on Requirement Specification Doc. 5. Click on User Signup Test case Test case # AC2.4.25 Priority: High Test Item: Street 2- Add UserList-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Precondition: Logged in into the account Entered correct inputs into all the other fields Description: Test the Street 2 length of add user from List-Account. Street 2 is up to 45 characters or numbers Specification Input Street 2: 123.46 Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Fail to input the Street 2 Result

Test procedure: 1. On Account Tab click on List 2. For a specific account click on Add User 88

3. Enter 123.46 as Street 2


Test case Test case # AC2.4.26 Test Item: Street 2- Add UserList-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Entered correct inputs into all the other fields

Description: Test a valid Street 2 address of Add user from List-Account Specification Input Street 2: AC1035 Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Successfully create and add a user with Street 2 address AC1035into corresponding account Test procedure: Result

1. On Account Tab click on List 2. For a specific account click on Add User 3. Enter AC1035 as Street 2 4. Enter valid inputs into other fields based on Requirement Specification Doc. 5. Click on User Signup Test case Test case # AC2.4.27 Test Item: Street 3- Add UserList-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Entered correct inputs into all the other fields Description: Test an empty Street 3 of add user from List-Account Specification Input Street 3: leave empty Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation)

Expect output Successfully create and add the user into the corresponding account with Street 3 address empty Test procedure:


1. On Account Tab click on List 2. For a specific account click on Add User 3. Keep the Street 3 field empty 4. Enter valid inputs into other fields based on Requirement Specification Doc. 90

5. Click on User Signup


Test case Test case # AC2.4.28 Test Item: Street 3- Add UserList-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Entered correct inputs into all the other fields

Description: Test the Street 3 length of add user from List-Account. Street 3 is up to 45 characters or numbers Specification Input Street 3: 123.46 Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Fail to input the Street 3 Result

Test procedure: 1. On Account Tab click on List 2. For a specific account click on Add User 3. Enter 123.46 into Street 3 box Test case Test case # AC2.4.29 Test Item: Street 3- Add UserList-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Entered correct inputs into all the other fields

Description: Test a valid Street 3 address of Add user from List-Account Specification Input Street 3: AC2429 Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Successfully create and add a user with Street 3 address AC2429 into corresponding account Test procedure: Result

1. On Account Tab click on List 2. For a specific account click on Add User 3. Enter AC2429 as Street 3 4. Enter valid inputs into other fields based on Requirement Specification Doc. 92

5. Click on User Signup


Test case Test case # AC2.4.30 Priority: High Test Item: Street 4- Add UserList-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Precondition: Logged in into the account Entered correct inputs into all the other fields Description: Test an empty Street 4 of add user from List-Account Specification Input Street 4: Keep empty Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Successfully create and add the user into the corresponding account with Street 4 address empty Test procedure: Result

1. On Account Tab click on List 2. For a specific account click on Add User 3. Leave the Street 4 box empty 4. Enter valid inputs into other fields based on Requirement Specification Doc. 5. Click on User Signup Test case Test case # AC2.4.31 Test Item: Street 4- Add UserList-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Entered correct inputs into all the other fields

Description: Test the Street 4 length of add user from List-Account. Street 4 is up to 45 characters or numbers Specification Input Street 4: 123.46 Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Fail to input the Street 4 Result

Test procedure: 1. On Account Tab click on List 2. For a specific account click on Add User 94

3. Enter 123.46 as Street 4


Test case Test case # AC2.4.32 Test Item: Street 4- Add UserList-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Entered correct inputs into all the other fields

Description: Test a valid Street 4 address of Add user from List-Account Specification Input Street 4: AC2432 Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Successfully create and add a user with Street 4 address C2432 into corresponding account Test procedure: Result

1. On Account Tab click on List 2. For a specific account click on Add User 3. Enter C2432 into Street 4 4. Enter valid inputs into other fields based on Requirement Specification Doc. 5. Click on User Signup Test case Test case #AC2.4.33 Test Item: City- Add User-ListAccount Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Entered correct inputs into all the other fields

Description: Test an empty City of add user from List-Account Specification Input City: keep empty Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Fail to create and add the user into the corresponding account Test procedure: Result

1. On Account Tab click on List 2. For a specific account click on Add User 3. Leave the City box empty 4. Enter valid inputs into other fields based on Requirement Specification Doc. 96

5. Click on User Signup


Test case Test case # AC2.4.34 Test Item: City- Add User-ListAccount Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Entered correct inputs into all the other fields

Description: Test the City length of add user from List-Account. City is up to 45 characters or numbers Specification Input City: abc123..46 Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Fail to input the City Result

Test procedure: 1. On Account Tab click on List 2. For a specific account click on Add User 3. Enter abc123..46 into City box Test case Test case # AC2.4.35 Test Item: City- Add User-ListAccount Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Entered correct inputs into all the other fields

Description: Test a valid City of Add user from List-Account Specification Input City Name: AC24it Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Successfully create and add a user with City name AC24it into corresponding account Test procedure: Result

1. On Account Tab click on List 2. For a specific account click on Add User 3. Enter AC24it as City 4. Enter valid inputs into other fields based on Requirement Specification Doc. 5. Click on User Signup 98

Test case Test case # AC2.4.36 Test Item: Zip Code- Add UserList-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Entered correct inputs into all the other fields

Description: Test an empty Zip Code of add user from List-Account Specification Input Zip Code: Keep empty Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Fail to create and add the user into the corresponding account Test procedure: Result

1. On Account Tab click on List 2. For a specific account click on Add User 3. keep the Zip Code field empty 4. Enter valid inputs into other fields based on Requirement Specification Doc. 5. Click on User Signup Test case Test case # AC2.4.37 Priority: High Test Item: Zip Code- Add UserList-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Precondition: Logged in into the account Entered correct inputs into all the other fields Description: Test the Zip Code length of add user from List-Account. Zip Code is up to 45 characters or numbers Specification Input Zip Code: xyz456..46 Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Fail to input the Zip Code Result

Test procedure: 1. On Account Tab click on List 2. For a specific account click on Add User 3. Enter xyz456..46 as Zip Code 99

Test case Test case # AC2.4.38 Test Item: Zip Code- Add UserList-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Entered correct inputs into all the other fields

Description: Test a valid Zip Code of Add user from List-Account Specification Input Zip Code: AC9408 Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Successfully create and add a user with Zip Code AC9408into corresponding account Test procedure: Result

1. On Account Tab click on List 2. For a specific account click on Add User Enter AC9408into Zip Code 3. box 4. Enter valid inputs into other fields based on Requirement Specification Doc. 5. Click on User Signup Test case Test case # AC2.4.39 Test Item: State- Add User-ListAccount Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Entered correct inputs into all the other fields

Description: Test an empty State of add user from List-Account Specification Input State: keep empty Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Fail to create and add the user into the corresponding account Test procedure: Result

1. On Account Tab click on List 2. For a specific account click on Add User 3. keep the State field empty 100

4. Enter valid inputs into other fields based on Requirement Specification Doc. 5. Click on User Signup


Test case Test case # AC2.4.40 Test Item: State- Add User-ListAccount Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Entered correct inputs into all the other fields

Description: Test the State length of add user from List-Account. State is up to 45 characters or numbers Specification Input State: xyz456..46 Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Fail to input the State Result

Test procedure: 1. On Account Tab click on List 2. For a specific account click on Add User 3. Enter xyz456..46 into State box Test case Test case # AC2.4.41 Test Item: State- Add User-ListAccount Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Entered correct inputs into all the other fields

Description: Test a valid State of Add user from List-Account Specification Input State: AC123 Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Successfully create and add a user with State name AC123 into corresponding account Test procedure: Result

1. On Account Tab click on List 2. For a specific account click on Add User 3. Enter AC123 as State 4. Enter valid inputs into other fields based on Requirement Specification Doc. 5. Click on User Signup 102

Test case Test case # AC2.4.42 Priority: High Test Item: Country- Add UserList-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Precondition: Logged in into the account Entered correct inputs into all the other fields Description: Test an empty Country of add user from List-Account Specification Input Country: keep empty Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Fail to create and add the user into the corresponding account Test procedure: Result

1. On Account Tab click on List 2. For a specific account click on Add User 3. keep the Country field empty 4. Enter valid inputs into other fields based on Requirement Specification Doc. 5. Click on User Signup Test case Test case # AC2.4.43 Priority: High Test Item: Country- Add UserList-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Precondition: Logged in into the account Entered correct inputs into all the other fields Description: Test the Country length of add user from List-Account. Country name is up to 45 characters or numbers Specification Input Country: zyx456..46 Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation) Expect output Fail to input the Country Result

Test procedure: 1. On Account Tab click on List 2. For a specific account click on Add User 103

3. Enter zyx456..46 into Country box


Test case Test case # AC2.4.44 Test Item: Country- Add UserList-Account Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account Entered correct inputs into all the other fields Description: Test a valid Country of Add user from List-Account Specification Input Country: ACSA12 Valid inputs for other fields (see Requirement Documentation)

Expect output Successfully create and add a user with Country name ACSA12 into corresponding account Test procedure:


1. On Account Tab click on List 2. For a specific account click on Add User 3. Enter ACSA12 into Country box 4. Enter valid inputs into other fields based on Requirement Specification Doc. 5. Click on User Signup


Test case Test case # AC.3.1 Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account AC.1.7: add account to system Test Item: Search Account functions of Account feature Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Description: Test all field of Search Accounts function of Account feature Specification Input AccountId: AC0017 Account Name: AC0017 Organization Name: AC0017 Account type: Advertiser Account Status: Inactive Account Approval Status: Pending Expect output Display the account c17 Result

Test procedure: 1. In all fields enter values as input. 2. Check to see if the account AC0017list


Test case Test case # AC.3.2 Test Item: Search Account functions of Account feature Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account C.1.7: add account to system Description: Test AccountId field of Search Accounts function of Account feature Specification Input AccountId: Account Name: AC07 Organization Name: AC07 Account type: Advertiser Account Status: Inactive Account Approval Status: Pending Expect output Cant find account AC07 because Account Id field left blank


Test procedure: 1. Keep Account Id field blank 2. In all fields enter values as in input 3. Cant find account c17 because Account Id field left empty Test case Test case # AC.3.3 Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account AC.1.7: add account to system Test Item: Search Account functions of Account feature Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Description: Test Account Id field of Search Accounts function of Account feature Specification Input AccountId: AC009 Account Name: AC009 Organization Name: AC009 Account type: Advertiser Account Status: Inactive Account Approval Status: Pending 1. Enter AC009 in AccountId 107 Expect output Cant find account AC009 because of incorrect input in AccountId Result

Test procedure:

field 2. In all fields enter values as in input above 3. Cant find account c17 because of incorrect input in AccountId field


Test case Test case # AC.3.4 Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account AC.1.7: add account to system Test Item: Search Account functions of Account feature Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Description: Test AccountName field of Search Accounts function of Account feature Specification Input AccountId: AC009 Account Name: Organization Name: AC009 Account type: Advertiser Account Status: Inactive Account Approval Status: Pending Expect output Cant find account AC009 because of empty input in AccountName field Result

Test procedure: 1. Keep Account Name field empty 2. In all fields enter values as in input 3. Cant find account c17 because of empty input in AccountName field

Test case Test case # AC.3.5 Test Item: Search Account functions of Account feature Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account AC.1.7: add account to system Description: Test AccountName field of Search Accounts function of Account feature Specification Input AccountId: AC009,Account Name: AC009, Organization Name: AC009 Account type: Advertiser Account Status: Inactive Account Approval Status: Pending Expect output Cant find account AC009 because of incorrect input in AccountName field


Test procedure: 1. Account Name: AC009 2. In all fields enter values as in input above 109

3. Cant find account AC009 , incorrect input in AccountName field


Test case Test case # C.3.6 Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account C.1.7: add account to system Test Item: Search Account functions of Account feature Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Description: Test Organization Name field of Search Accounts function of Account feature Specification Input AccountId: c17, Account Name: c17, Organization Name: Account type: Advertiser Account Status: Inactive Account Approval Status: Pending Expect output Cant find account c17 because of empty input in Organization Name field Result

Test procedure: 1. Leave Organization Name field blank 2. In all fields enter values as in input. 3. Cant find account c17 because of empty input in Organization name field

Test case Test case # C.3.7 Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account C.1.7: add account to system Test Item: Search Account functions of Account feature Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Description: Test Organization Name field of Search Accounts function of Account feature Specification Input AccountId: c17, Account Name: c17, Organization Name: c177 Account type: Advertiser Account Status: Inactive Account Approval Status: Pending Expect output Cant find account c17 because of incorrect input in Organization Name field Result

Test procedure: 1. Put in Organization Name: c177 2. In all fields enter values as in input 111

3. Cant find account c17 because of incorrect input in Organization name field


Test case Test case # AC.3.8 Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account AC.1.7: add account to system Test Item: Search Account functions of Account feature Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Description: Test Account Type drop-down-menu of Search Accounts function of Account feature Specification Input AccountId: AC009,Account Name: AC009 Organization Name: AC009 Account type: Administrator Account Status: Inactive Account Approval Status: Pending Expect output Cant find account AC009 because of incorrect choice in Account Type dropdown-menu Test procedure: 1. Pick Administrator from Account Type drop-down-menu 2. In all fields enter values as in input 3. Cant find account AC009, incorrect choice in Account Type drop-down-menu Result

Test case Test case # AC.3.9 Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account AC.1.7: add account to system Test Item: Search Account functions of Account feature Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Description: Test Account Type drop-down-menu of Search Accounts function of Account feature Specification Input AccountId: AC009,Account Name: AC009 Organization Name: AC009 Account type: Mobile User Account Status: Inactive Account Approval Status: Pending Expect output Cant find account AC009 because of incorrect choice in Account Type dropdown-menu Test procedure: 113 Result

1. Pick Mobile User from Account Type drop-down-menu In all fields enter values as in 2. input 3. Cant find account AC009 because of incorrect choice in Account Type drop-down-menu


Test case Test case # AC.3.10 Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account AC.1.7: add account to system Test Item: Search Account functions of Account feature Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Description: Test Account Type drop-down-menu of Search Accounts function of Account feature Specification Input AccountId: AC009, Account Name: AC009, Organization Name: AC009 Account type: Mobile User Account Status: Inactive Account Approval Status: Pending Expect output Cant find account AC009 because of incorrect choice in Account Type dropdown-menu Test procedure: 1. Pick Publisher from Account Type drop-down-menu 2. In all fields enter values as in input. 3. Cant find account AC009 because of incorrect choice in Account Type drop-down-menu Test case Test case # AC.3.11 Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account AC.1.7: add account to system Test Item: Search Account functions of Account feature Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013 Result

Description: Test Account Status drop-down-menu of Search Accounts function of Account feature Specification Input AccountId: AC009, Account Name: AC009, Organization Name: AC009 Account type: Advertiser Account Status: Active Account Approval Status: Pending Expect output Cant find account AC009 because of incorrect choice in Account Status dropdown-menu Test procedure: 1. Pick Active from Account Status drop-down-menu 2. In all fields enter values as in 115 Result

input. 3. Cant find account c17 because of incorrect choice in Account Status drop-down-menu


Test case Test case # AC.3.12 Test Item: Search Account functions of Account feature Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account AC.1.7: add account to system Description: Test Account Approval Status drop-down-menu of Search Accounts function of Account feature Specification Input AccountId: AC009,Account Name: AC009 Organization Name: AC009 Account type: Advertiser Account Status: Inactive Account Approval Status: Denied Expect output Cant find account AC009 because of incorrect choice in Account Approval Status drop-down-menu Test procedure: Result

1. Pick Denied from Account Approval Status drop-down-menu 2. In all fields enter values as in input. 3. Cant find account AC009, incorrect choice in Account Approval Status drop-down-menu Test case Test case # AC.3.13 Test Item: Search Account functions of Account feature Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Account Logged in into the account AC.1.7: add account to system Description: Test Account Approval Status drop-down-menu of Search Accounts function of Account feature Specification Input Expect output Result AccountId: AC009,Account Name: AC009 Cant find account AC009 Organization Name: AC009 because of incorrect choice Account type: Advertiser in Account Approval Status Account Status: Inactive drop-down-menu Account Approval Status: Approved Test procedure: 1. Pick Approved from Account Approval Status drop-down-menu 2. In all fields enter values as in


input. 3. Cant find account AC009, incorrect choice in Account Approval Status dropdown-menu


Test case Test case # AC.4.1 Test Item: Search User functions of Account feature Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in into the account AC.1.7: add account AC009 to system User added to account AC009 with information: UserId: AC401 email: password: AC401 First Name: AC Last Name: AC401 User type: advertiser Phone: 9997776 Street1: AC401 street Street2: City: AC401 Zipcode: 5678 State:CA Country: US

Description: All field of Search User function of Account feature Specification Input User Id: c41 email: First Name: AC Last Name: AC401 User Type: Advertiser User Status: Inactive User Approval Status: Pending AccountId: AC009 Expect output Find user c14 Result

Test procedure: 1. Fill all fields as input 2. User AC401with information as input should be display


Test case Test case # AC.4.2 Priority: High Test Item: Search User functions of Account feature Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Precondition: Logged in into the account AC.1.7: add account AC009 to system User added to account AC009 with information: UserId: AC401 email: password: AC401 First Name: AC Last Name: AC401 User type: advertiser Phone: 9997776 Street1: AC401 street Street2: City: AC401 Zipcode: 5678 State:CA Country: US Description: UserId field of Search User function of Account feature Specification Input User Id: email: First Name: c Last Name: 41 User Type: Advertiser User Status: Inactive User Approval Status: Pending AccountId: c17 Expect output Cant find user c14 because UserId field left blank Result

Test procedure: 1. Leave UserId field blank 2. Fill all fields as input 3. Cant find user c14 because UserId field left blank


Test case Test case # C.4.3 Priority: High Test Item: Search User functions of Account feature Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Precondition: Logged in into the account AC.1.7: add account AC009 to system User added to account AC009 with information: UserId: AC401 email: password: AC401 First Name: AC Last Name: AC401 User type: advertiser Phone: 9997776 Street1: AC401 street Street2: City: AC401 Zipcode: 5678 State:CA Country: US Description: UserId field of Search User function of Account feature Specification Input User Id:c411 email: First Name: c Last Name: 41 User Type: Advertiser User Status: Inactive User Approval Status: Pending AccountId: c17 Expect output Cant find user c14 because incorrect input in UserId Result

Test procedure: 1. Put c411 in UserId field 2. Fill all fields as input 3. Cant find user c14 because incorrect input in UserId


Test case Test case # C.4.4 Priority: High Test Item: Search User functions of Account feature Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Precondition: Logged in into the account AC.1.7: add account AC009 to system User added to account AC009 with information: UserId: AC401 email: password: AC401 First Name: AC Last Name: AC401 User type: advertiser Phone: 9997776 Street1: AC401 street Street2: City: AC401 Zipcode: 5678 State:CA Country: US Description: Email field of Search User function of Account feature Specification Input User Id:c41 email: First Name: c Last Name: 41 User Type: Advertiser User Status: Inactive User Approval Status: Pending AccountId: c17 Expect output Cant find user c14 because empty input in Email Result

Test procedure: 1. Leave Email field blank 2. Fill all fields as input 3. Cant find user c14 because empty input in Email


Test case Test case # C.4.5 Priority: High Test Item: Search User functions of Account feature Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Precondition: Logged in into the account AC.1.7: add account AC009 to system User added to account AC009 with information: UserId: AC401 email: password: AC401 First Name: AC Last Name: AC401 User type: advertiser Phone: 9997776 Street1: AC401 street Street2: City: AC401 Zipcode: 5678 State:CA Country: US Description: Email field of Search User function of Account feature Specification Input User Id:c41 email: First Name: c Last Name: 41 User Type: Advertiser User Status: Inactive User Approval Status: Pending AccountId: c17 Expect output Cant find user c14 because incorrect input in Email Result

Test procedure: 1. Email: 2. Fill all fields as input 3. Cant find user c14 because incorrect input in Email


Test case Test case # C.4.7 Priority: High Test Item: Search User functions of Account feature Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Precondition: Logged in into the account AC.1.7: add account AC009 to system User added to account AC009 with information: UserId: AC401 email: password: AC401 First Name: AC Last Name: AC401 User type: advertiser Phone: 9997776 Street1: AC401 street Street2: City: AC401 Zipcode: 5678 State:CA Country: US Description: First Name field of Search User function of Account feature Specification Input User Id:c41 email: First Name: cc Last Name: 41 User Type: Advertiser User Status: Inactive User Approval Status: Pending AccountId: c17 Expect output Cant find user c14 because incorrect input in First Name Result

Test procedure: 1. First Name: cc 2. Fill all fields as input 3. Cant find user c14 because incorrect input in FirstName


Test case Test case # C.4.8 Priority: High Test Item: Search User functions of Account feature Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Precondition: Logged in into the account AC.1.7: add account AC009 to system User added to account AC009 with information: UserId: AC401 email: password: AC401 First Name: AC Last Name: AC401 User type: advertiser Phone: 9997776 Street1: AC401 street Street2: City: AC401 Zipcode: 5678 State:CA Country: US Description: Last Name field of Search User function of Account feature Specification Input User Id:c41 email: First Name: c Last Name: User Type: Advertiser User Status: Inactive User Approval Status: Pending AccountId: c17 Expect output Cant find user c14 because empty input in Last Name Result

Test procedure: 1. Leave Last Name blank 2. Fill all fields as input 3. Cant find user c14 because empty input in Last Name


Test case Test case # C.4.9 Priority: High Test Item: Search User functions of Account feature Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Precondition: Logged in into the account AC.1.7: add account AC009 to system User added to account AC009 with information: UserId: AC401 email: password: AC401 First Name: AC Last Name: AC401 User type: advertiser Phone: 9997776 Street1: AC401 street Street2: City: AC401 Zipcode: 5678 State:CA Country: US Description: Last Name field of Search User function of Account feature Specification Input User Id:c41 email: First Name: c Last Name: 411 User Type: Advertiser User Status: Inactive User Approval Status: Pending AccountId: c17 Expect output Cant find user c14 because incorrect input in Last Name Result

Test procedure: 1. Leave Last Name field blank 2. Fill all fields as input 3. Cant find user c14 because incorrect input in Last Name


Test case Test case # C.4.10 Priority: High Test Item: Search User functions of Account feature Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Precondition: Logged in into the account AC.1.7: add account AC009 to system User added to account AC009 with information: UserId: AC401 email: password: AC401 First Name: AC Last Name: AC401 User type: advertiser Phone: 9997776 Street1: AC401 street Street2: City: AC401 Zipcode: 5678 State:CA Country: US Description: User Type drop-down-menu field of Search User function of Account feature Specification Input User Id:c41 email: First Name: c Last Name: 41 User Type: Administrator User Status: Inactive User Approval Status: Pending AccountId: c17 Expect output Cant find user c14 because incorrect choice in User Type drop-down-menu Result

Test procedure: 1. Pick Administrator from User Type drop-down-menu 2. Fill all fields as input 3. Cant find user c14 because incorrect choice in User Type drop -down-menu


Test case Test case # C.4.11 Priority: High Test Item: Search User functions of Account feature Tester Name: Pallavi Keskar Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct-24-2013

Precondition: Logged in into the account AC.1.7: add account AC009 to system User added to account AC009 with information: UserId: AC401 email: password: AC401 First Name: AC Last Name: AC401 User type: advertiser Phone: 9997776 Street1: AC401 street Street2: City: AC401 Zipcode: 5678 State:CA Country: US Description: User Type drop-down-menu field of Search User function of Account feature Specification Input User Id:c41 email: First Name: c Last Name: 41 User Type: Mobile User User Status: Inactive User Approval Status: Pending AccountId: c17 Expect output Cant find user c14 because incorrect choice in User Type drop-down-menu Result

Test procedure: 1. Pick Mobile User from User Type drop-down-menu 2. Fill all fields as input 3. Cant find user c14 because incorrect choice in User Type drop -down-menu


Test case Test case # S1.1 Test Item: Create Schedule feature Schedule Id Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in from Advertiser Account. All others fields need to be correctly filled.

Description: Testing for blank Schedule Id in create schedule feature. Specification Input Schedule id: Blank: Valid input for other fields (Refer to requirement specification) Expect output Fail to create and add schedule. Result

Test procedure: 1. Click on Add from Schedule tab 2. Leave Schedule ID empty 3. Enter valid inputs for other field (refer to Req. Spec. Doc.) 4. Click on Create Schedule

Test case Test case # S1.2 Test Item: Create Schedule feature Schedule Id length Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in from Advertiser Account. All others fields need to be correctly filled.

Description: Testing length of Schedule Id. Specification Input Schedule id: schd123456 Valid input for other fields (Refer to requirement specification) Expect output Fail to create and add schedule. Result

Test procedure: 1. Click on Add from Schedule tab 2. Enter the schd123456 3. Enter valid inputs for other field (refer to Req. Spec. Doc.) 129

4. Click on Create Schedule


Test case Test case # S1.3 Priority: High Test Item: Create Schedule feature-Schedule Id Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account All other relevant fields need to be correctly filled Description: Test for valid and correct schedule id Specification Input Schedule Id: schd1234 All other fields filled( Refer to req. spec. doc) Expect output Create a schedule with the specified Schedule Id Test procedure: 1. Click on Add from Schedule tab 2. Enter the schd1234 3. Enter valid inputs for other field (refer to Req. Spec. Doc.) 4. Click on Create Schedule Result

Test case Test case # S1.4 Test Item: Create Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account All other relevant fields need to be correctly filled

Description: Test for duplicate schedule id Specification Input Schedule Id: schd1234 All other fields filled( Refer to req. spec. doc) Expect output Fail to create and add schedule. Test procedure: 1. Click on Add from Schedule tab 2. Enter the schd1234 3. Enter valid inputs for other field (refer to Req. Spec. Doc.) 131 Result

4. Click on Create Schedule


Test case Test case # S1.5 Priority: High Test Item: Create Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account All other relevant fields need to be correctly filled Description: Test for blank advertisement. Specification Input Advertisement: All other fields filled( Refer to req. spec. doc) Expect output Fail to create and add schedule Test procedure: 1. Click on Add from Schedule tab 2. Leave the advertisement field blank 3. Enter valid inputs for other field (refer to Req. Spec. Doc.) 4. Click on Create Schedule Result

Test case Test case # S1.6 Priority: High Test Item: Create Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account All other relevant fields need to be correctly filled Description: Test for valid and correct advertisement. Specification Input Advertisement: ad0001 All other fields filled( Refer to req. spec. doc) Expect output Create a schedule for given advertisement. Test procedure: 1. Click on Add from Schedule tab 2. Enter ad0001 in the advertisement field 3. Enter valid inputs for other field (refer to Req. Spec. Doc.) 4. Click on Create Schedule 133 Result

Test case Test case # S1.7 Priority: High Test Item: Create Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account All other relevant fields need to be correctly filled Description: Test for invalid advertisement. Specification Input Advertisement: ad001 All other fields filled( Refer to req. spec. doc) Expect output Fail to create the schedule Result

Test procedure: 1. Click on Add from Schedule tab 2. Enter ad001 in the advertisement field 3. Enter valid inputs for other field (refer to Req. Spec. Doc.) 4. Click on Create Schedule

Test case Test case # S1.8 Priority: High Test Item: Create Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account All other relevant fields need to be correctly filled Description: Test for blank space field. Specification Input Space: All other fields filled( Refer to req. spec. doc) Expect output Fail to create the schedule Result

Test procedure: 1. Click on Add from Schedule tab 2. Leave the space field blank 3. Enter valid inputs for other field (refer to Req. Spec. Doc.) 134

4. Click on Create Schedule


Test case Test case # S1.9 Priority: High Test Item: Create Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account All other relevant fields need to be correctly filled Description: Test for valid space field. Specification Input Space: space001 All other fields filled( Refer to req. spec. doc) Expect output Create a schedule with given space id Test procedure: 1. Click on Add from Schedule tab 2. Enter space001 in the space field 3. Enter valid inputs for other field (refer to Req. Spec. Doc.) 4. Click on Create Schedule Result

Test case Test case # S1.10 Priority: High Test Item: Create Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account All other relevant fields need to be correctly filled Description: Test for invalid space id. Specification Input Space: spce1 All other fields filled( Refer to req. spec. doc) Expect output Failure to create the schedule for given space id Test procedure: 1. Click on Add from Schedule tab 2. Enter spce1 in the space field 3. Enter valid inputs for other field (refer to Req. Spec. Doc.) 136 Result

4. Click on Create Schedule


Test case Test case # S1.11 Priority: High Test Item: Create Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account All other relevant fields need to be correctly filled Description: Test for duplicate space id. Specification Input Space: space001 All other fields filled( Refer to req. spec. doc) Expect output Failure to schedule with given space id Test procedure: 1. Click on Add from Schedule tab 2. Enter space001 in the space field 3. Enter valid inputs for other field (refer to Req. Spec. Doc.) 4. Click on Create Schedule Result

Test case Test case # S1.12 Priority: High Test Item: Create Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account All other relevant fields need to be correctly filled Description: Test for blank schedule type Specification Input Schedule Type: Day/Choose one All other fields filled( Refer to req. spec. doc) Expect output Failure to create schedule. Result

Test procedure: 1. Click on Add from Schedule tab 2. Choose schedule type as Day and dont select further 3. Enter valid inputs for other field (refer to Req. Spec. Doc.) 4. Click on Create Schedule 138

Test case Test case # S1.13 Priority: High Test Item: Create Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account All other relevant fields need to be correctly filled Description: Test for Continuous Day schedule type Specification Input Schedule Type: Day/Continuous All other fields filled( Refer to req. spec. doc) Expect output Create schedule for continuous day selected Result

Test procedure: 1. Click on Add from Schedule tab 2. Choose schedule type as Day and select continuous dates 3. Enter valid inputs for other field (refer to Req. Spec. Doc.) 4. Click on Create Schedule

Test case Test case # S1.14 Priority: High Test Item: Create Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account All other relevant fields need to be correctly filled Description: Test for discreet Day schedule type Specification Input Schedule Type: Day/Discreet All other fields filled( Refer to req. spec. doc) Expect output Create schedule for discreet day selected Test procedure: 1. Click on Add from Schedule tab 2. Choose schedule type as Day and select discreet dates 3. Enter valid inputs for other field (refer to Req. Spec. Doc.) 139 Result

4. Click on Create Schedule


Test case Test case # S1.15 Priority: High Test Item: Create Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account All other relevant fields need to be correctly filled Description: Test for fixed Day schedule type Specification Input Schedule Type: Day/Fixed All other fields filled( Refer to req. spec. doc) Expect output Create schedule for fixed day selected Test procedure: 1. Click on Add from Schedule tab 2. Choose schedule type as Day and select fixed date 3. Enter valid inputs for other field (refer to Req. Spec. Doc.) 4. Click on Create Schedule Result

Test case Test case # S1.16 Priority: High Test Item: Create Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account All other relevant fields need to be correctly filled Description: Test for blank time schedule type Specification Input Schedule Type: Time/Choose One All other fields filled( Refer to req. spec. doc) Expect output Failure to create schedule. Result

Test procedure: 1. Click on Add from Schedule tab 2. Choose schedule type as Time and select choose one 3. Enter valid inputs for other field (refer to Req. Spec. Doc.) 141

4. Click on Create Schedule


Test case Test case # S1.17 Test Item: Create Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account All other relevant fields need to be correctly filled

Description: Test for Continuous Time schedule type Specification Input Schedule Type: Time/Continuous All other fields filled( Refer to req. spec. doc) Expect output Create schedule for continuous time selected Result

Test procedure: 1. Click on Add from Schedule tab 2. Choose schedule type as Time and select continuous time range 3. Enter valid inputs for other field (refer to Req. Spec. Doc.) 4. Click on Create Schedule

Test case Test case # S1.18 Test Item: Create Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account All other relevant fields need to be correctly filled

Description: Test for discreet Time schedule type Specification Input Schedule Type: Time/Discreet All other fields filled( Refer to req. spec. doc) Expect output Create schedule for discreet time selected Result

Test procedure: 1. Click on Add from Schedule tab 2. Choose schedule type as time and select discreet time 3. Enter valid inputs for other field (refer to Req. Spec. Doc.) 4. Click on Create Schedule 143

Test case Test case # S1.19 Priority: High Test Item: Create Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account All other relevant fields need to be correctly filled Description: Test for fixed Time schedule type Specification Input Schedule Type: Time/Fixed All other fields filled( Refer to req. spec. doc) Expect output Create schedule for fixed time selected Test procedure: 1. Click on Add from Schedule tab 2. Choose schedule type as Time and select fixed time 3. Enter valid inputs for other field (refer to Req. Spec. Doc.) 4. Click on Create Schedule Result

Test case Test case # S2.1 Priority: High Test Item: List Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account Description: Test for Listing schedules. Specification Input NA Expect output Display list of schedules Test procedure: Result

1. Click on List from Schedule tab


Test case Test case # S2.2 Test Item: List Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account

Description: Test for View link of schedule list. Specification Input NA Expect output Display the schedule details view page Test procedure: Result

1. Click on List from Schedule tab 2. Click on View hyperlink of the schedules listed

Test case Test case # S2.3 Test Item: List Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account

Description: Test for Update link of schedule list. Specification Input NA Expect output Display the update schedule page. Repeat test case S1S11 Test procedure: Result

1. Click on List from Schedule tab 2. Click on Update hyperlink of the schedules listed


Test case Test case # S3.1 Priority: High Test Item: Search Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Precondition: Logged in from Advertiser Account. Description: Testing for blank Schedule Id in search schedule feature. Specification Input Schedule id: Blank Expect output Search Failed Test procedure: Result

1. Click on Search from Schedule tab 2. Leave Schedule ID empty 3. Click on Search Schedule

Test case Test case # S3.2 Priority: High Test Item: Search Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account Description: Test for valid and correct schedule id Specification Input Schedule Id: schd1234 Expect output Search Successful Test procedure: Result

1. Click on Search from Schedule tab 2. Enter the schd1234 3. Click on Search Schedule


Test case Test case # S3.3 Test Item: Search Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account Description: Test for invalid schedule id Input Schedule Id: schd123

Specification Expect output Search Failed Test procedure: 1. Click on Search from Schedule tab 2. Enter the schd1234 3. Click on Search Schedule


Test case # S3.4

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account Description: Test for blank advertisement. Specification Input Advertisement:

Test case Test Item: Search Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma

Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Expect output Search Failed Test procedure: 1. Click on Search from Schedule tab 2. Leave the advertisement field blank 3. Click on Search Schedule


Test case Test case # S3.5 Test Item: Search Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account Description: Test for valid and correct advertisement. Specification Input Expect output Advertisement: ad0001 Search Successful Test procedure: 1. Click on Search from Schedule tab 2. Enter ad0001 in the advertisement field 3. Click on Search Schedule




Test case Test case # S3.6 Test Item: Search Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account

Description: Test for invalid advertisement. Specification Input Advertisement: ad001 Expect output Search Failed Test procedure: Result

1. Click on Search from Schedule tab 2. Enter ad001 in the advertisement field 3. Click on Search Schedule

Test case Test case # S3.7 Test Item: Search Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account

Description: Test for blank space field. Specification Input Space: Expect output Search Failed Test procedure: Result

1. Click on Search from Schedule tab 2. Leave the space field blank 3. Click on Search Schedule


Test case Test case # S3.8 Test Item: Search Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account Description: Test for valid space field.

Specification Input Space: space001 Expect output Search Successful Test procedure: Result

1. Click on Search from Schedule tab 2. Enter space001 in the space field 3. Click on Search Schedule

Test case Test case # S3.9 Test Item: Search Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account Description: Test for invalid space id.

Specification Input Space: spce1 Expect output Search Failed Test procedure: Result

1. Click on Search from Schedule tab 2. Enter spce1 in the space field 3. Click on Search Schedule


Test case Test case # S3.10 Test Item: Search Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account Description: Test for Schedule Type - Day. Specification Input Expect output Schedule Type: Day Search Successful Test procedure 1. Click on Search from Schedule tab 2. Select Schedule Type as Date 3. Click on Search Schedule


Test case Test case # S3.11 Test Item: Search Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account Description: Test for Schedule Type-Time. Specification Input Expect output Schedule Type: Time Search Successful Test procedure: 1. Click on Search from Schedule tab 2. Select Schedule Type as Time 3. Click on Search Schedule


Test case # S3.12

Priority: High Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account Description: Test for Schedule Status-Active. Specification Input Expect output Schedule Status: Active Search Successful Test procedure: 1. Click on Search from Schedule tab 2. Select Schedule Status as Active 3. Click on Search Schedule

Test case Test Item: Search Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma

Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013



Test case Test case # S3.13 Priority: High Test Item: Search Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account Description: Test for Schedule Status-Inactive. Specification Input Schedule Status: Inactive Expect output Search Successful Test procedure: Result

1. Click on Search from Schedule tab 2. Select Schedule Status as inactive 3. Click on Search Schedule

Test case Test case # S3.14 Priority: High Test Item: Search Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account Description: Test for Schedule Approve Status-Approved. Specification Input Schedule Approve Status: Approved Expect output Search Successful Test procedure: 1. Click on Search from Schedule tab 2. Select Schedule Approve Status as approved 3. Click on Search Schedule Result


Test case Test case # S3.15 Priority: High Test Item: Search Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account Description: Test for Schedule Approve Status-Pending. Specification Input Schedule Approve Status: Pending Expect output Search Successful(Returns pending schedule) Test procedure: Result

1. Click on Search from Schedule tab 2. Select Schedule Approve Status as Pending 3. Click on Search Schedule

Test case Test case # S3.16 Priority: High Test Item: Search Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account Description: Test for Schedule Approve Status-Denied. Specification Input Schedule Approve Status: Denied Expect output Search Successful(Returns Denied schedule) Test procedure: Result

1. Click on Search from Schedule tab 2. Select Schedule Approve Status as Denied 3. Click on Search Schedule


Test case Test case # S3.17 Priority: High Test Item: Search Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account All other relevant fields need to be correctly filled Description: Test for Schedule search with all valid inputs. Specification Input All fields filled( Refer to req. spec. doc) Expect output Search Successful Test procedure: 1. Click on Search from Schedule tab 2. Enter valid inputs for all field (refer to Req. Spec. Doc.) 4. Click on Search Schedule Result

Test case Test case # S3.18 Priority: High Test Item: Search Schedule feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account All other relevant fields need to be correctly filled Description: Test for Schedule search with all invalid inputs. Specification Input All fields filled( Refer to req. spec. doc) Expect output Search Failed Test procedure: 1. Click on Search from Schedule tab 2. Enter invalid inputs for all field (refer to Req. Spec. Doc.) 4. Click on Search Schedule Result


Test case Test case # S4.1 Priority: High Test Item: Add Predefined feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account All other relevant fields need to be correctly filled Description: Test for Add predefined time-Blank Specification Input Predefined Type-Choose One Expect output Creation of predefined time failure Test procedure: Result

1. Click on Add Predefined time from Schedule tab 2. Click on Create Predefined Day

Test case Test case # S4.2 Priority: High Test Item: Add Predefined feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account All other relevant fields need to be correctly filled Description: Test for Add predefined time-Day Specification Input Predefined Type-Day Expect output Create Predefined schedule day Test procedure: Result

1. Click on Add Predefined time from Schedule tab 2. Select Predefined type-Day and select the days. 3. Click on Create Predefined Day


Test case Test case # S4.3 Priority: High Test Item: Add Predefined feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account All other relevant fields need to be correctly filled Description: Test for Add predefined time-Hour Specification Input Predefined Type-Hour Expect output Create Predefined schedule Hour Test procedure: Result

1. Click on Add Predefined time from Schedule tab 2. Select Predefined type-Hour and select the time 3. Click on Create Predefined Day

Test case Test case # S5.1 Priority: High Test Item: List Predefined feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account Description: Test for List predefined day Specification Input NA Expect output List all the predefined day type schedules Test procedure: Result

1. Click on List Predefined time from Schedule tab


Test case Test case # S5.2 Priority: High Test Item: List Predefined feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account Description: Test for List predefined day-View Specification Input Click on View hyperlink. Expect output Display the predefined day details Test procedure: Result

1. Click on List Predefined time from Schedule tab. 2. Click on View hyperlink for any of the listed predefined day type.

Test case Test case # S5.3 Priority: High Test Item: List Predefined feature Tester Name: Nikhil Verma Test Type: CategoryPartition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Precondition: Logged in from Advisor Account Description: Test for List predefined day-Update Specification Input Click on Update hyperlink. Expect output Display the predefined day details update page. Test procedure: Result

1. Click on List Predefined time from Schedule tab. 2. Click on Update hyperlink for any of the listed predefined day type.


Boundary Value Analysis

Decision Table Testing



System Performance Testing

This is to test the system behavior and ensure that it meets the system requirements and specifications. This testing is partitioned as system process speed and system success and failure rate.

System Process Speed

This includes the functional speed of each feature in the website. Each feature is tested multiple times and average time is calculated to meet the system requirement. Test Case ID A.1.1 A.1.2 A.1.3 A.1.4 B.1.1 B.1.2 C.1.1 C.1.2 Testing Functionality Advertisement Testing Field Add Search Add Products Search Products Add Search Add Search

Reservation User


Test Cases:
Test Case# A.1.1 Test Case Test Item: Add function of the advertisement Tester Name: Rahul Akurati Test Type: Category-Partition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Priority: High Precondition: Account advertiser has been logged in

Description: Add function of Advertisement feature Specification Input Expected Output Result Ad Id#: a11 Click Add Advertisement and Product: a11 note down the system response Ad Type: Classified time for each run. Ad Class: Barcode Assign run=1 if success and runAd Link through URL: 0 on failure Run1: 1 Ad Content key: a11 Run2: 1 Ad content text: a11 Run3: 1 Run4: 1 Run5: 1 Run6: 1 Run7: 1 Run8: 1 Run9: 1 Run10: 1 Success rate(success/total): Test Procedure 1. Fill in all fields as input 2. Click create advertisement 3. Redo step 1 and 2 with ad id#: a12,a13,a14,a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a10 keeping all other fields as same 4. Compare with the expected output


Test Case# A.1.2

Priority: High Precondition: Account advertiser has been logged in A.1.1 should be pass

Test Case Test Item: Search function of the advertisement Tester Name: Rahul Akurati

Test Type: Category-Partition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Description: Search function of Advertisement feature Specification Input Expected Output Result Ad Id#: a11 Click Search and note down Product: a11 the system response time for Ad Type: Classified each run. Ad Class: Barcode Assign run=1 if success and runAd Status: Inactive 0 on failure Ad Approval Status: Pending Run1: 1 Run2: 1 Run3: 1 Run4: 1 Run5: 1 Run6: 1 Run7: 1 Run8: 1 Run9: 1 Run10: 1 Success rate(success/total): Test Procedure 1. Fill in all fields as input 2. Click search advertisement 3. Redo step 1 and 2 with ad id#: a12,a13,a14,a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a10 keeping all other fields as same 4. Compare with the expected output


Test Case# A.1.3

Priority: High Precondition: Account advertiser has been logged in

Test Case Test Item: Add function of the advertisement->Product Tester Name: Rahul Akurati

Test Type: Category-Partition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Description: Add function of Advertisement->Product feature Specification Input Expected Output Result Ad Id#: a11 Click Add Product and note Product: a11 down the system response time Ad Type: Classified for each run. Ad Class: Barcode Assign run=1 if success and runAd Link through URL: 0 on failure Run1: 1 Ad Content key: a11 Run2: 1 Ad content text: a11 Run3: 1 Run4: 1 Run5: 1 Run6: 1 Run7: 1 Run8: 1 Run9: 1 Run10: 1 Success rate(success/total): Test Procedure 1. Fill in all fields as input 2. Click create product 3. Redo step 1 and 2 with ad id#: a12,a13,a14,a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a10 keeping all other fields as same 4. Compare with the expected output


Test Case# A.1.4

Priority: High Precondition: Account advertiser has been logged in A.1.3 should be pass

Test Case Test Item: Search function of the product Tester Name: Rahul Akurati

Test Type: Category-Partition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Description: Search function of Product feature Specification Input Expected Output Result Ad Id#: a11 Click Search and note down Product: a11 the system response time for Ad Type: Classified each run. Ad Class: Barcode Assign run=1 if success and runAd Status: Inactive 0 on failure Ad Approval Status: Pending Run1: 1 Run2: 1 Run3: 1 Run4: 1 Run5: 1 Run6: 1 Run7: 1 Run8: 1 Run9: 1 Run10: 1 Success rate(success/total): Test Procedure 1. Fill in all fields as input 2. Click search product 3. Redo step 1 and 2 with ad id#: a12,a13,a14,a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a10 keeping all other fields as same 4. Compare with the expected output


Test Case# B.1.1

Priority: High Precondition: Account advertiser has been logged in

Test Case Test Item: Add function of the reservation Tester Name: Rahul Akurati

Test Type: Category-Partition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Description: Add function of reservation feature Specification Input Expected Output Result Ad Id#: a11 Click Add Reservation and note Product: a11 down the system response time Ad Type: Classified for each run. Ad Class: Barcode Assign run=1 if success and runAd Link through URL: 0 on failure Run1: 1 Ad Content key: a11 Run2: 1 Ad content text: a11 Run3: 1 Run4: 1 Run5: 1 Run6: 1 Run7: 1 Run8: 1 Run9: 1 Run10: 1 Success rate(success/total): Test Procedure 5. Fill in all fields as input 6. Click create reservation 7. Redo step 1 and 2 with ad id#: a12,a13,a14,a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a10 keeping all other fields as same 8. Compare with the expected output


Test Case# B.1.2

Priority: High Precondition: Account advertiser has been logged in B.1.1 should be pass

Test Case Test Item: Search function of the reservation Tester Name: Rahul Akurati

Test Type: Category-Partition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Description: Search function of Advertisement feature Specification Input Expected Output Result Ad Id#: a11 Click Search and note down Product: a11 the system response time for Ad Type: Classified each run. Ad Class: Barcode Assign run=1 if success and runAd Status: Inactive 0 on failure Ad Approval Status: Pending Run1: 1 Run2: 1 Run3: 1 Run4: 1 Run5: 1 Run6: 1 Run7: 1 Run8: 1 Run9: 1 Run10: 1 Success rate(success/total): Test Procedure 5. Fill in all fields as input 6. Click search reservation 7. Redo step 1 and 2 with ad id#: a12,a13,a14,a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a10 keeping all other fields as same 8. Compare with the expected output


Test Case# C.1.1 Priority: High Precondition: Account admin has been logged in

Test Case Test Item: Add function of the user Tester Name: Rahul Akurati

Test Type: Category-Partition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Description: Add function of user feature Input User Id#: u11 Specification Expected Output Click Add User and note down the system response time for each run. Assign run=1 if success and run0 on failure Run1: 1 Run2: 1 Run3: 1 Run4: 1 Run5: 1 Run6: 1 Run7: 1 Run8: 1 Run9: 1 Run10: 1 Success rate(success/total): Test Procedure Result

9. Fill in all fields as input 10. Click create user 11. Redo step 1 and 2 with ad id#: a12,a13,a14,a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a10 keeping all other fields as same 12. Compare with the expected output


Test Case# C.1.2 Priority: High Precondition: Account user has been logged in C.1.1 should be pass

Test Case Test Item: Search function of the user Tester Name: Rahul Akurati

Test Type: Category-Partition Date: Oct 27, 2013

Description: Search function of user feature Input User Id#: u11 Specification Expected Output Click Search and note down the system response time for each run. Assign run=1 if success and run0 on failure Run1: 1 Run2: 1 Run3: 1 Run4: 1 Run5: 1 Run6: 1 Run7: 1 Run8: 1 Run9: 1 Run10: 1 Success rate(success/total): Test Procedure Result

9. Fill in all fields as input 10. Click search advertisement 11. Redo step 1 and 2 with ad id#: a12,a13,a14,a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a10 keeping all other fields as same 12. Compare with the expected output


Automation System Performance Testing

Our automation involves creation of scripts for performance testing and executing those for capturing the system performance. Criteria: Automating system performance tests reduces the manual testing activities thereby achieving redundancy in test operations and achieve better test coverage. We have chosen Selenium IDE as the test tool using C# for coding the scripts which helps in auto-run to test the system performance.


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