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7, 2013

NR # 3280B

Solon urges Congress to pass anti-dynasty bill

A lawmaker has vowed to push for the passage of a bill prohibiting political dynasties in the country while accepting the fact that this may not be an easy legislative task. Rep. Oscar Rodriguez ( rd !istrict" #ampanga$ said %ouse &ill '()) seeks to e*ualize access to opportunities in public service by preventing the practice of political families of alternately fielding members of their family in every election so as to maintain control in the government. +his practice not only produces un*ualified elective officials but also becomes a source of corruption" Rodriguez said. Rodriguez said in a democratic state" the power to choose its leaders lies in the hands of the people through the democratic process of election. And yet" there is a more powerful controlling force that directs or dictates who will be elected in the government positions" Rodriguez said" clarifying that his bill is not intended to prohibit particular clans or families from seeking public office. ,nfortunately" despite the cited provision in the constitution and the continuous filing of several bills in every -ongress" no bill on anti.political dynasties has graduated into a statute" Rodriguez said. Rodriguez said the phenomenon of political dynasties dates back even earlier than the /panish regime when the ruling class not only controls the economy but also the government. ,nder the bill" political dynasty shall e0ist when a person who is a member of the immediate family of an incumbent or any of his relatives within the second degree of consanguinity or affinity holds or runs for an elective office simultaneously with the incumbent elective official within the same province or occupies the same office immediately after the term of office of the incumbent elective in any local or national election. +he bill provides that it shall also be deemed to e0ist where two or more persons related with each other within the second degree of consanguinity or affinity run simultaneously for elective public office in any local or national election" even if neither is so related to an incumbent elective official. +hose who are not *ualified to run during elections are person related up to the second degree of consanguinity or affinity whether full or half blood" legitimate or illegitimate" to an incumbent elective official and two or more persons related to one another within the second degree of consanguinity or affinity cannot run simultaneously with each other in the same election" even if not related to an incumbent. 1n case one of them voluntarily withdraws his2her candidacy" the other will be allowed to run for office" otherwise" both will be dis*ualified to run for office. 1n case of violation" the -ommission on 3lections shall motto proprio or upon a verified petition of any interested party deny due course any certificate of candidacy filed in violation of the proposed act or in cases the dis*ualified candidate has already been proclaimed" he or she shall ipso facto forfeit his2her right to the office. ( 4$ dpt

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