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Alert and Reminder System Using Ajax

The main aim is a simple personal organizer which has some basic functionalities and it is similar to a Personal Organizer.

This document is the only one that describes the requirements of the system. It is meant for the use by the developers, and will also by the basis for validating the final delivered system. Any changes made to the requirements in the future will have to go through a formal change approval process. The developer is responsible for as ing for clarifications, where necessary, and will not ma e any alterations without the permission of the client.

In this personal organizer users can use this tool without any worry about sharing of data or information with other users or third party people. They are a lot of security for different users who have been registered with Alert and !emainder "ystem. #sers can add contact details of his friends, relative or any other person related to him. After adding the contact users have an option of editing it for changes happened in his friends change in contact details. If any of the above$specified functions fail the corresponding error message will be displayed which ma es the pro%ect friendlier to the user. The application software is developed with &y"ql database and '#I based front$ end tool ()**. The information about the users is stored in the database in the related tables. All designing of pages are done with ("P+s and (ava. ,or loo and ,eel we have added some of good technologies li e A(A- .Asynchronous (ava"cript and -&/0. This ma es view files over the networ in good loo . To implement we need to use (ava

"erver Pages .("P0 where we have a plug$in which can be download from Internet. #sing (ava Technologies ma es our pro%ect more robust and importantly portability over different systems. (ava "erver Pages have both 1T&/ and (ava 2ode Technologies included and can use both of it.

Existing System
The first step involves creation of Alert and !emainder "ystem and its usage. The importance of a Personal Organizer is it features and its functionality. A Personal Organizers will be mostly "tand lone "oftware where it can be used only on that particular computer on which it is installed. If #ser wants to access from any corner of the planet then it will be a problem. "ome of the Problems with e3isting applications4 5 &ost of the Personal Organizer software is "tand lone applications. 5 Application will be slow when Internet speed is slow. "o it indirectly dependent on speed of the Internet 2onnection. 5 6o special feature of adding web lin s and its related notes. 5 *3isting Applications cannot be accessed from through online. 5 7ata is not protected with other #sers who are online. 7ata will not have security.

Proposed System
Alert and !emainder "ystem is a simple personal organizer which has some basic functionalities and it is similar to a Personal Organizer. In this personal organizer users can use this tool without any worry about sharing of data or information with other users or third party people. They are a lot of security for different users who have been registered with Alert and !emainder "ystem. #sers can add contact

details of his friends, relative or any other person related to him. After adding the contact users have an option of editing it for changes happened in his friends change in contact details.

Mod les:
&odules in the Alert and !emainder "ystem are Sec rity Mod le Address Mod le Reminder Mod le !eb lin"s and #otes Mod le

Mod les Description:

Sec rity Mod le: This security module plays a vital role. 8e can provide security to users, through id and password. "o that it prevents the user from viewing the unauthorized information. #sers without proper #sername and Password will not have permissions to enter the site. "ecurity module deals with all #ser Authentication and Authorization process. #ser can register with the A(A- 9ased Personal Organizer and can become a !egistered #ser. Address Mod le4 In this module user can add contacts of different friends or relatives or different person. After adding the contact user can even have the option of editing the contact details and save it. 8hen address boo is filled with a lot of users contacts list. Then it will be

difficult for user to find a particular address and contact number or information about him. ,or this purpose user have search operation where user can enter first name and see results related to him. Address boo has added contact, edit contact and search operation for user to be friendlier with the pro%ect. These are the main functionalities of address boo . Reminder Mod le: In this module user can set a reminder for a particular date where it can be a birthday, marriage anniversary or an important meeting. 8hen a reminder is set for a particular date then user can view the reminders when he logins at the first page itself. "o when user sees the reminder he gets reminded about that reminder with te3t or message provide with the reminder. All reminders can be viewed at the first page of the application. A simple message is also displayed beside the date at which is been set. !eb lin"s and #otes Mod le4 8eb lin s and notes is module which is special feature in this application. The purpose of this module is to add different web lin s and some information about that web lin . This ma es user to now about different web lin s and information about it. This can be used as reference purpose for sudden requirement. A web lin can deleted if it is not need and all web lin s should start with http4:: because users can directly clic the hyperlin provided with information. "o users can directly clic the lin when it is found to be useful.

$ard !are Re% irements:

Processor : Pentium$III .or0 1igher Ram : ;<&9 .or0 1igher : =)&9


$ard dis" : =>'9

So(t !are Re% irements:

So(t)are : (ava ) "tandard *dition. 8indows6T:)>>> ("P with Tomcat "erver 1T&/ ,(ava"cript (792 &y "?/

Operating System : Server Side &lient Side Services Database : : : :

*ntegrated Development Environment : &y *clipse

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