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Accounting entries with Transaction Keys Page 1 of 30

AccountIng entrIes In ||
WIth TransactIon Keys In SAP

by Pavan L KulkarnI

Accounting entries with Transaction Keys Page 2 of 30

Table of Contents
1. TransactIon Keys and |odIfIers ............................................................................. 3
1.1. Fole of TransactIon keys In Account 0etermInatIon.................................. 3
1.2. |ost commonly used TransactIon Keys ........................................................ 3
1.J. Account CroupIng [Ceneral |odIfIer]........................................................... 4
1.4. Common |odIfIers: .......................................................................................... 5
2. AccountIng entrIes at the tIme of Coods FeceIpt.............................................. 6
2.1. nItIal Stock Entry............................................................................................. 6
2.2. CF for ConsumptIon / ServIces...................................................................... 6
2.J. CF for stock case 1.......................................................................................... 7
2.4. CF for stock case 2.......................................................................................... 8
2.5. CF wIth Planned delIvery costs case 1......................................................... 8
2.6. CF wIth Planned delIvery costs case 2......................................................... 9
2.7. CF for SubcontractIng case 1 [PrIce control=S] ....................................... 10
2.8. CF for SubcontractIng case 2 [PrIce Control=7]....................................... 11
2.9. CF SubcontractIng wIth Planned del costs................................................ 12
2.10. Complex SubcontractIng entrIes wIth prIce dIfference [PF0] ........... 13
2.11. CF for ConsIgnment................................................................................... 14
2.12. CF for Free of Charge materIal ............................................................... 14
J. AccountIng entrIes not InvolvIng CF/F dIrectly.............................................. 15
J.1. |aterIal PrIce Change ................................................................................... 15
J.2. |aterIal to |aterIal transfer........................................................................ 15
J.J. Plant to Plant transfer .................................................................................. 17
J.4. ConsIgnment usage ........................................................................................ 17
J.5. PIpelIne materIal wIthdrawal ...................................................................... 19
J.6. Subsequent Adjustment [SC]........................................................................ 19
J.7. PostIng for CF/F clearance......................................................................... 21
4. AccountIng entrIes at F........................................................................................ 23
4.1. SImple nvoIce 7erIfIcatIon .......................................................................... 23
4.2. F wIth small prIce dIfference ..................................................................... 24
4.J. F wIth prIce dIfference for one of the InvoIcIng lInes ........................... 24
4.4. F wIth Unplanned del costs [dIstrIbuted among lInes] .......................... 26
4.5. F wIth Unplanned del costs [separate C/L account].............................. 27
4.6. F wIth nvoIce FeductIon............................................................................. 28
4.7. F wIth Exchange rate dIfference................................................................ 29
4.8. |FKD settlement............................................................................................ 30

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1. TransactIon Keys and hodIfIers
1.1. Role oj Transacton keys n Account 0etermnaton
TransactIon Keys play a major role In Account 0etermInatIon apart from
Chart of Accounts, 7aluatIon CroupIng code, 7aluatIon Class and Ceneral
TransactIon keys are predefIned In SAP for nventory movements and
nvoIce 7erIfIcatIon transactIons. A value strIng, whIch Is a generalIzed
component for postIng record, Is assIgned to each relevant |ovement type In
nventory |anagement and each TransactIon In nvoIce 7erIfIcatIon. These
contaIn keys for the relevant postIng transactIon Instead of actual C/L
accounts. These transactIon Keys are determIned automatIcally from the
transactIon or from the movement type. t Is therefore necessary to assIgn the
relevant C/L account to each postIng transactIon.
1.2. Most commonly used Transacton Keys

AUM Expense/revenue from stock transfer
Expense/revenue from consumption of
consignment material
BSV Change in stock account
BSX Inventory posting
DIF Materials management small differences
FR1 Freight clearing
FR2 Freight provisions
FR3 Customs clearing
FR4 Customs provisions
FRL External activity
FRN Incidental costs of external activities
GBB Offsetting entry for inventory posting

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KBS Account-assigned purchase order
KDM Materials management exch.rate diffs
KDR MM exchange rate rounding differences
KON Consignment payables
PRD Cost (price) differences
RAP Expense/revenue from revaluation
RKA Inv.reductions from log.inv.verification
UMB Gain/loss from revaluation
UMD Gain/loss from revaluation
UPF Unplanned delivery costs
WRX GR/IR clearing account

1.3. Account Crouny [Ceneral Modjer]
TransactIon key for example C88 Is used for dIfferent types of
transactIons lIke [Sales Issue, ProductIon Issue, PhysIcal Inventory, ScrappIng
etc]. n order to channel these same type of transactIons Into dIfferent C/L
accounts, |odIfIers are used. An account groupIng Is assIgned to relevant
|ovement type In nventory |anagement.
n SAP It Is possIble to use |odIfIers for three TransactIon Keys and they
are: C88, PF0 and KDN.
C: DffsettIng entrIes lIke Inventory consumptIons [Sales Issue, productIon
Issue, InItIal stock entry, CF wIthout PD etc.]
PP0: To post PrIce dIfferences to dIfferent accounts In case of PD receIpts, CF
for ProductIon orders, or other movements It Is possIble to use dIfferent
|odIfIers for PF0.
KDN: To have dIfferent accounts for ConsIgnment lIabIlItIes and PIpelIne
lIabIlItIes |odIfIers are used along wIth KDN.

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1.4. Common Modjers:
Modifier Description
BSA For initial entry of stock balances
INV For expenditure/income from inventory differences
For goods issues for sales orders without account
assignment object (the account is not a cost
For goods issues for sales orders with account
assignment object (account is a cost element)
For consumption from stock of material provided
to vendor
VBR For Internal goods issues
VKA For sales order account assignment
VNG For Scrapping
VQP Sample withdrawals without account assignment
VQY for sample withdrawals with account assignment
ZOB GR without Purchase Order - 501 movement type.
ZOF GR without Production Order - 521 movement type
AUA For order settlement
PRF GR against production orders and order settlement
PRA For Goods issues and other movements
Transfer Postings [Price difference in case of
External amounts]
PIP Pipeline Liabilities
[Blank] Consignment Liabilities

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Account entrIes wIth TransactIon Keys:

2. AccountIng entrIes at the tIme of Coods PeceIpt
2.1. lntal Stock Entry
|aterIal: TEST
PrIce control: |ovIng PrIce=100NF
Tcode: |Igo/CF/Dthers
|ovement Type: 561

As the materIal Is taken to stock, stock account 8SX Is debIted wIth
correspondIng credIt entry to C88 [wIth 8SA as modIfIer].

2.2. CR jor Consumton / Servces
|aterIal: none, only descrIptIon wIth account assIgnment as K.
Tcode: |Igo/CF/PD
|ovement Type: 101

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The CF Is done agaInst the PD and hence vendor needs to be paId for the goods
supplIed. ThIs lIabIlIty to pay Is establIshed through CredIt entry WFX. As the
PD Is for consumptIon [not for stock], C/L Is entered whIle creatIng the PD
Itself and hence there Is no automatIc account determInatIon. The only Tran
Key whIch has no account determInatIon Is K8S whIch Is debIted In thIs case.
Postnys ]or c PD Servce order would clso hcve smlcr entres.

2.3. CR jor stock case 1
|aterIal: TEST
PrIce Control: 7 [100]
PD PrIce: 120 NF
Tcode: |Igo/CF/PD
|ovement Type: 101

AgaIn WFX Is credIted to set the vendor lIabIlIty. And Instead of K8S thIs tIme
8SX Is debIted as the materIal [TEST] Is taken Into stock. Also note that the

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prIce dIfference [20 NF] Is absorbed by the materIal Itself as Its prIce control Is
7|ovIng prIce. The movIng prIce goes up wIth thIs entry.

2.4. CR jor stock case 2
|aterIal: TESTS
PrIce Control: S [100]
PD PrIce: 120 NF
Tcode: |Igo/CF/PD
|ovement Type: 101

n thIs case, WFX Is credIted wIth the full PD amount of 120. 8ut 8SX Is debIted
wIth 100 as the materIal Is wIth SStandard prIce; materIal Is always debIted
wIth thIs prIce only. The dIfference between the PD prIce and materIal prIce Is
debIted to prIce dIfference account wIth key as PF0.

2.5. CR wth Planned delvery costs case 1
|aterIal: TEST
PrIce Control: 7 [100]
PD PrIce: 100 NF
FreIght and Customs: FFA1, ZDA1 5 each
Tcode: |Igo/CF/PD
|ovement Type: 101

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Stock account wIth key 8SX Is debIted wIth the total amount [materIal+planned
delIvery costs]. WFX Is credIted wIth 100 [lIabIlIty for the vendor supplyIng
materIal]. FreIght and Custom accounts are credIted separately usIng keys FF1
and FFJ. As freIght and custom vendors can be dIfferent, these amounts can be
paId to separate vendors.

2.6. CR wth Planned delvery costs case 2
|aterIal: TESTS
PrIce Control: S [100]
PD PrIce: 100 NF
FreIght and Customs: FFA1, ZDA1 5 each
Tcode: |Igo/CF/PD
|ovement Type: 101

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Note the dIfference In case of materIal havIng prIce control as S. n thIs case
Instead of debItIng the freIght and custom costs to 8SX, prIce dIfference
account wIth PF0 Is debIted. FemaInIng entrIes of WFX, FF1 and FFJ remaIn
the same.

2.7. CR jor Subcontractny case 1 [Prce control=S]
|aterIal: SU8CDN
PrIce Control: S [500]
PD PrIce: 50 NF
Component: TEST [7100]
Tcode: |Igo/CF/PD
|ovement Type: 101/54J

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The materIal SU8CDN Is at standard prIce of 500 and hence the stock account
8SX Is debIted by 500. PD Is created at 50 NF [I.e. SubcontractIng charges] and
hence WFX Is credIted wIth 50. The correspondIng balancIng entrIes for 8SX
and WFX are 8S7 and FFL. And as the raw materIal TEST Is used as the
component 100 Is debIted and credIted wIth 8SX and C88.

2.8. CR jor Subcontractny case 2 [Prce Control=V]
|aterIal: SU8CDN7
PrIce Control: 7 [500]
PD PrIce: 50 NF
Component: TEST [7100]
Tcode: |Igo/CF/PD
|ovement Type: 101/54J

Note the changes here. As the materIal Is valuated at 7, stock account goes up
by the IncomIng value, whIch Is the sum of PD prIce and component consumed
[50+100]. Hence 8SX Is debIted by 100. CorrespondIng CredIt entry to 8S7 Is
also 150. FemaInIng entrIes remaIn the same.

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2.9. CR Subcontractny wth Planned del costs
|aterIal: SU8CDN
PrIce Control: S [500]
PD PrIce: 50 NF
Component: TEST [7100]
FreIght cost: FFA110
Tcode: |Igo/CF/PD
|ovement Type: 101/54J

The entrIes are almost same except two new lInes. FreIght charges are debIted
to FFN and credIted to FF1.

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Scme scencro when the mctercl s o] Movny Prce:

AccountIng entrIes are the same as S. 8ut the dIfference Is that the freIght cost
Is added to the stock account.

2.10. Comlex Subcontractny entres wth rce djjerence [PR0]

ThIs case Is possIble when the end Item Is maIntaIned at Standard costIng. t Is
confIgurable In SAP to have PF0 In subcontractIng, per valuatIon area. f thIs Is
set as yes, then there wIll be entry wIth PF0, If there Is any dIfference.
n the example, materIal SU8CDN Is at std prIce of 500. Hence 8SX Is debIted
wIth 500. SubcontractIng charges are 50, so WFX Is credIted wIth thIs amount.

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PostIng of freIght charges are sImIlar to other cases. Now the dIfference whIch
Is fallIng Into PF0 Is wIth respect to the IncomIng value.
ncomIng value= PD net prIce [50] +FreIght cost [5]+Component value [100]=155
0Ifference= Std prIce [500]ncomIng value [155]=J45.
8SX Is balanced by both PF0 and 8S7.

2.11. CR jor Consynment
There won't be any accountIng entrIes when CF Is done for ConsIgnment PD.
The Inventory stIll belongs to the vendor and he Is valuatIng It. There Is only
physIcal movement of stock from vendor's warehouse to company's warehouse.
LIabIlIty or entrIes Into fInance are posted when the materIal Is consumed from
consIgnment stock.

2.12. CR jor Free oj Charye materal
f the materIal Is havIng PrIce Control as 7 [movIng prIce], then there won't be
any accountIng entrIes. The IncomIng ZEFD prIce Is absorbed by the movIng
prIce and the net value of the Item goes down.
f the materIal Is havIng prIce as S [Std prIce], then there wIll be accountIng
entrIes as the IncomIng value Is ZEFD, dIfferIng from the materIal prIce. 8SX
and PF0 are Involved In the entrIes.
EntrIes for Free of Charge CF

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3. AccountIng entrIes not InvoIvIng CPlIP dIrectIy
3.1. Materal Prce Chanye
n SAP, materIal prIce can be changed by usIng the Tcode |F21. The accountIng
entrIes are sImIlar for both 7 and S prIce control. PrIce can eIther be Increased
or decreased whIch Is dIrectly affectIng the stock account and therefore hIttIng
8SX. The balancIng act Is done by the account CaIn/Loss revaluatIon whIch Is

3.2. Materal to Materal transjer
nventory from one materIal can be transferred to another materIal. The only
condItIon for thIs Is, both the materIals should have the same base unIt of
measure. |ovement type used Is J09.
There are four possIble cases wIth thIs scenarIo dependIng on the PrIce control
of the materIals.

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As long as the receIvIng materIal Is maIntaIned at 7, there won't be any
dIfference entrIes. The receIvIng materIal wIth 7 wIll always accept the
IncomIng prIce. f the receIvIng materIal Is at S, and If the IncomIng prIce Is
dIfferent from Its std prIce, then there wIll be prIce dIfference entrIes.
Case 1: S to 7:
TESTS [100] to TEST [75]

EntrIes are sImple In thIs case, 8SX 0r to 8SX Cr. No entry for prIce dIfference.

Case 2: 7 to S:
TEST [75] to TESTS [100]

Here the receIvIng materIal Is at S, and hence the dIfference amount Is posted
to a Exp/Fev account wIth AU|.

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3.3. Plant to Plant transjer
ThIs Is sImIlar to the prevIous scenarIo, only dIfference Is dIfferent valuatIon
areas, materIal beIng the same. AgaIn the same four cases [S7] are possIble.
The entrIes wIll also be of the same nature 8SX, 8SX and AU|.
Note n ccse o] STD, the cccountny entres hcppen when the mctercl ssued
]rom the shppny plcnt. At the recevny plcnt when the 6R s done, there
won't be cny cccountny entres.
3.4. Consynment usaye
Case 1: To own stock
|aterIal: TEST
PrIce Control: 7 [75]
nfo Fecord PrIce: 100
|ovement Type: 411 K

The entry Is sImple wIth stock account goIng up by the Info record prIce and
the same thIng gettIng credIted by the specIal transactIon key KDN. Though the
Info prIce Is dIfferent from the valuatIon prIce, there Is no postIng for
dIfference as the prIce control Is 7.

Case 2: ConsumIng dIrectly from ConsIgnment stock
|aterIal: TEST
PrIce Control: 7 [75]
nfo Fecord PrIce: 100
|ovement Type: 201 K

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n thIs case 8SX Is replaced by C88 as It Is dIrect consumptIon.

Case J: |aterIal wIth prIce control S, to own stock
|aterIal: TESTS
PrIce Control: S [100]
nfo Fecord PrIce: 85
|ovement Type: 411 K

Here there Is a new entry wIth AKD, whIch Is exp/rev account. The materIal Is
havIng prIce control S wIth 100 as Its prIce. 8ut the Info record Is at 85. The
dIfference of 15 Is posted wIth AKD.
The entrIes for dIrect consumptIon wIll be sImIlar to above, only dIfference
beIng C88 In place of 8SX.

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3.5. Pelne materal wthdrawal
PIpelIne materIal Is assumed to be avaIlable all the tIme. ThIs type of materIal
Is not planned, purchased. The materIal Is never stored. The materIal Is
wIthdrawable at any tIme. nfo record should be maIntaIned for the materIal
for PIpelIne category.

EntrIes are KDN and C88.

3.6. Subsequent Adustment [SC]
ThIs Is a sub process of SubcontractIng scenarIo. f there Is an excess or under
consumptIon of components provIded to vendor apart from the quantIty
mentIoned In the PD, subsequent adjustment Is done to such PD's. |ovement
types used are 121 for the end Item and 54J [544 for under consumptIon]for
the component.

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Case 1: When the end Item Is havIng prIce control 7
Excess consumptIon of component TEST

As component Is Issued agaIn, there Is credIt 8SX and debIt C88 entry wrt TEST.
8ecause of thIs consumptIon, the end Item SU8CDN7 Is debIted wIth the same
amount and correspondIng credIt happens to change In stock wIth 8S7.
f the same component Is under utIlIzed, then the entrIes would be exact
reverse of the scenarIo shown.

Case 2: When the end Item Is havIng prIce control S

Here the entrIes are sImIlar to prIce control 7, dIfference beIng 8SX gettIng
replaced by PF0.

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Ths entry to PR0/8S\ s only possble ] Prce d]]erence postny ]or Std cost
mctercl s con]yured n SPRD. l] not con]yured, then the entres cre only ]or
the component consumpton.

3.7. Postny jor CR/lR clearance
QuantIty dIfference between goods receIpt and InvoIce receIpt for a Purchase
Drder result In a balance on the CF/F clearIng account. AccountIng entrIes
whIch happen when thIs CF/F Is cleared manually Is consIdered here.
Case : PD Is created for a qty of 10. CF Is done for qty 9. F Is done for qty 10.
7endor fInally doesn't supply the remaInIng one qty. Hence there Is a need to
reduce the lIabIlIty set agaInst the vendor from qty 10 to 9.
EntrIes at CF [for qty 9]

EntrIes at F [for qty 10]

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When |F11 Is run, It shows the dIfference for qty 1.

When the dIfference Is posted, the entrIes are:

WFX Is credIted wIth 100 whIch Is the dIfference amount. As F has been made
for 1000, the stock account has to go up by 100 [prIce of qty 1] and hence 8SX
Is debIted by 100.

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4. AccountIng entrIes at IP

nvoIce 7erIfIcatIon
t Is a process where In the detaIls of vendor InvoIces are captured. The
system checks the quantIty agaInst the CF and prIce from the PD. t Is possIble
to have varIances In the form of quantIty, prIce and date. The varIances are
eIther accepted or rejected based on the tolerances confIgured In the system.

4.1. Smle lnvoce Verjcaton
|aterIal: TEST [7/100]
PD qty/prIce: 1/ 100
CF qty: 1
F qty/prIce : 1/ 100

ThIs Is a sImple entry wIth CF/F account gettIng debIted [to knock out the
credIt entry at CF] wIth WFX and payment for vendor Is set ready wIth the
credIt entry usIng the key K8S [whIch has no automatIc account
determInatIon]. The credIt account for vendor Is selected from the
Reconclcton account set In the vendor master.

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4.2. lR wth small rce djjerence
|aterIal: TEST [7/100]
PD qty/prIce: 1/ 100
CF qty: 1
F qty/prIce : 1/ 98

As the InvoIce amount Is 98, vendor account Is credIted wIth thIs amount wIth
K8S. CF/F Is cleared wIth the CF amount 100 wIth WFX. The dIfference of PD
prIce and F prIce Is posted to the dIfference account usIng the key 0F. Note
that 0F comes Into pIcture when the total InvoIce amount [at the header of F]
Is not matchIng wIth the amount of the InvoIcIng lInes. 0lF comes only n
lnvoce \er]ccton.

4.3. lR wth rce djjerence jor one oj the nvocny lnes
Case 1:
|aterIal: TEST [7/100]
PD qty/prIce: 1/ 100
CF qty: 1
nvoIce header amount: 98
nvoIce lIne amount: 98

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7endor Is credIted wIth 98 [as per header amount]K8S. CF/F wIth 100 as CF
was done at PD prIce -WFX. The thIrd lIne 8SX Is because of the InvoIce lIne
amount 98, whIch Is not matchIng wIth the PD prIce 100. The dIfference Is
posted back to the stock as the materIal Is valuated wIth |ovIng prIce. 7alue of
the materIal TEST goes down by 2.

Case 2:
|aterIal: TESTS [S/100]
PD qty/prIce: 1/ 100
CF qty: 1
nvoIce header amount: 98
nvoIce lIne amount: 98

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The dIfference when It comes to PrIce control S Is, It cannot go back to stock
account. The prIce varIatIon Is posted to the PF0 account. Dther entrIes wIth
K8S and WFX remaIn the same.

Case J: Header and LIne amount dIfference

PD prIce: 100
nvoIce header: 100
nvoIce LIne: 98

As there Is dIfference between the header and lIne amount, the entry Is posted
to 0F. The lIne amount dIfference Is posted back to the materIal that Is stock
account 8SX.
l] we consder the scme scencro wth c mctercl hcvny prce control S,
nstecd o] 8SX, there wll be PR0.

4.4. lR wth Unlanned del costs [dstrbuted amony lnes]
|aterIal: TEST [7/100]
PD qty/prIce: 1/ 100
CF qty: 1
nvoIce header amount: 100
nvoIce lIne amount: 100

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Unplanned cost: 25

t Is confIgurable to post the Unplanned delIvery costs to get dIstrIbuted among
the lInes or post to a separate account per company code. ThIs Is the fIrst case,
where In the unplanned costs are dIverted to the lInes.
PD prIce and Unplanned costs add to 125 and hence vendor account Is credIted
wIth 125 K8S. As the PD prIce Is 100 and to knock out CF credIt entry WFX Is
debIted wIth 100. The unplanned cost of 25 Is to be carrIed by the lIne Item
TEST, whIch Is valuated at |ovIng prIce and hence the amount gettIng debIted
to stock account wIth 8SX.
l] the scme scencro s done usny c mctercl wth prce control S, the entres
cre K8S, WRX cnd PR0 [nstecd o] 8SX].

4.5. lR wth Unlanned del costs [searate C/L account]
f It Is confIgured to post the unplanned delIvery costs to a separate account,
then Instead of dIstrIbutIng among the lInes a separate entry Is posted to an
account set agaInst the TransactIon Key UPF.
So the typIcal entrIes would be:
K8S - Cr to vendor account
WFX - 0r CF/F clearIng
UPF - 0r Unplanned costs

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4.6. lR wth lnvoce Reducton
nvoIce reductIon Is a process where In CredIt memo Is automatIcally created
when the vendor InvoIce amount Is greater than the acceptable lImIts.
FeductIon could be due to quantIty or prIce varIances. When the InvoIce lIne Is
selected for reductIon [t s necesscry to menton n the nvoce lne thct the
detcls ]rom the vendor cre wrony (error), cnd enter correct qucntty cnd

nvoIce reductIon results In two accountIng documents. Dne wIth the normal
accountIng document credItIng 7endor [wIth the amount mentIoned by vendor]
and clearIng CF/F account. n thIs a specIal account called nvoIce FeductIon
clearIng account Is debIted.
Second accountIng document pIcks up the excess amount and debIts the vendor
account. ThIs debIt entry Is counter balanced by the credIt entry to the specIal
account credIted In the fIrst accountIng document.

PD qty / PrIce: 100 @ 10 NF
CF qty : 10
F qty / prIce: 10 @ 12 NF

AccountIng entrIes: ThIs Is an example for PrIce varIance reductIon.

FIrst AccountIng document:
7endor account [K8S] : 120 Cr
CF/F account [WFX] : 100 0r
nv.Fed.ClearIng account [FKA] : 20 0r

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Second AccountIng document:
7endor account [K8S] : 20 0r
nv.Fed.ClearIng account [FKA] : 20 Cr

4.7. lR wth Exchanye rate djjerence
ThIs type of transactIon comes Into pIcture when the InvoIce [related to a PD]
Is posted wIth a dIfferent exchange rate to that of the goods receIpt and the
materIal cannot be debIted/credIted due to standard prIce control or stock

PD qty / PrIce : 10 @ S1
Exchange rate : 45 [wrt NF]
CF qty : 10
F qty E Exchange rate: 10 / 50 NF

AccountIng entrIes:
At CF:
Stock account [8SX] : 450 0r
CF/F account [WFX] : 450 Cr
At F:
7endor account [K8S] : 500 Cr
CF/F account [WFX] : 450 0r
Stock account [8SX] : 50 0r [ f the materIal Is valuated at |ovIng PrIce
And there Is stock to cover the dIfference]

Exchange rate dIff [K0|] : 50 0r [If the materIal Is at standard prIce control or
f the materIal wIth prIce control 7, havIng

Accounting entries with Transaction Keys Page 30 of 30

4.8. MRK0 settlement
To settle the consIgnment/pIpelIne wIthdrawals |FKD Is run. ThIs sessIon
brIngs up all the transactIons whIch have set the vendor lIabIlIty. Select the
transactIon to be paId and process. ThIs makes a credIt entry to the vendor
account, ready for payment.
As there Is no CF/F clearance Involved In thIs, there Is no WFX key. nstead
key K8S [whIch has no automatIc account determInatIon] Is used for both
CredIt and 0ebIt.
7endor account [K8S] : Cr
ConsumptIon for nt Coods [K8S] : 0r

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