Analysis SPM of Year 2007 2012

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Analysis SPM of year 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 & 2012 (Section B & C)

Analysis SPM of year 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 & 2012 (Section B) 2007 26. ICT & Society Ways of making personal data more private / Cara menjadikan data peribadi lebih peribadi 2008 26. ICT & Society 2009 26. Computer Systems 2010 26. ICT & Society Reason choose email 3 reasons why email better than sms 2011 26. Multimedia Medium of delivery used & give 2 advantages of it 2012 26. Information Systems State type of key and justify the answer. State the type of relationship and justify the answer. /Nyatakn jenis kunci dan justifikasi kepada jawapan Nyatakan jenis hubungan dan justifikasi jawapan tersebut

State 2 examples for ethical & law breaking Type of software ; / Nyatakan 2 contoh Open source & etika dan pelanggaran proprietary software. undang-undang Reasons choose the type of software. / Jenis perisian; Sumber Terbuka dan perisian hak milik Alasan mengapa memilih perisian tersebut

/ Medium / Alasan memilih email penghantaran 3 alasan mengapa email lebih baik daripda sms Gunakan dan beri 2 kelebihan menggunakannya

27. Computer Systems

27. Network

27. Network

27. Programming

27. Network

27. Computer Systems State the coding scheme used. List three functions of coding scheme used. /Nyatakan skema pengekodan yang digunakan Senaraikan 3 fungsi kepada skema pengekodan yang digunakan

Differences on how State the name of the State the data type Explain the structure Differences between data being transmitted type of network used. of the network in open source & closed between ring topology architecture figure shown source & star topology. Identify the control Give one feature of the structure & justify the /Terangkan strukur /Perbezaan di antara 2 advantages of ring type of network. answer. rangkaian sumber terbuka dan topology berdasarkan rajah sumber tertutup Sketch the network /Nyatakan jenis data /Perbezaan bagaimana architecture. yang digunakan data dihantar antara topologi cincin dan /Nyatakan nama Kenalpasti struktur topologi bintang kepada jenis senibina kawalan dan justifikasi rangkaian kepada jawapan Berikan satu fitur kepada jenis rangkaian Lakarkan senibina rangkaian

28. Network Differences between internet & intranet

28. Network

28. Multimedia

28. Network

28. ICT & Society State 2 ways that causes pop-up messages appear on the computer screen

28. Multimedia Explain the web editor used.

State type of network Identify the type of Explain the type of communication web editor network technology from the Differences between statement given & give Give 2 reasons why Suggest the type of topologies & network reason interface web editor network architecture attracted more students communication Differentiate between than interface text technology & justify extranet & internet. editor. the answer /Perbezaan di antara internet dan intranet Nyatakan jenis Kenalpasti jenis editor / Jelaskan jenis rangkaian Perbezaan di antara teknologi komunikasi web topologi dan senibina rangkaian daripada penyataan yang diberi Berikan 2 sebab rangkaian Cadangkan jenis dan berikan alasan mengapa antaramuka teknologi rangkaian web editor menarik komunikasi dan minat murid justifikasi jawapan berbanding pengedit teks

Give 2 disadvantages of using the web State 2 kinds of serious editor. damages if user ignore the message /Terangkan pengedit web yang digunakan Nyatakan 2 cara sebab mesej pop-up Berikan 2 kekurangan terpapar di skrin menggunakan pengedit komputer web Nyatakan 2 bentuk kerosakan serius jika pengguna mengabaikan mesej yang terpapar

29. Information Systems

29. Programming

29. Programming

29. Multimedia

29. Computer Systems

29. Programming

Identify the element in State the data type 2 advantages using the List 2 uses of the program as a constant used in a program and type of web editor information from & give reason. give a reason. shown in figure. User database. interface principle suggest 2 ways to Identify control Why numerator State problems that structure is used in the declared as a constant improve the design in the figure shown may arised by shared flow chart & give and give a reason. data. reason. /Nyatakan jenis data /2 kelebihan /Senaraikan 2 kegunaa /Kenalpasti elemen yang digunakan dalam menggunakan jenis maklumat daripada dalam program program dan berikan pengedit web seperti ditunjukkan pada pangkalan data sebagai pemalar dan sebab rajah. berikan sebab Prinsip Antaramuka pengguna Cadangkan 2 cara bagi menambahbaik rekabentuk dalan rajah yang ditunjukkan

State the statement use Suggest a type of to declare Name and software to be used & justify the answer. give a reason why choose it. State the statement use to declare Interest / Cadangkan jenis Rate and justify the perisian yang akan answer. digunakan dan berikan sebab mengapa ia /Nyatakan kenyataan dipilih yang digunakan bagi mengistiharkan Name dan justifikasikan jawapan

30. Multimedia List advantages of using encyclopedia stored on CD

30. Information Systems

30. Information Systems

30. Information Systems

30. Information Systems

30. ICT & Society

Propose the most Identify the suitable Group the attributes Example of Identify attributes of suitable floor to place fields into 2 tables & draw a components in IS. the table given the computer and line to show the Describe the justify the answer. relationship between interrelation between /Kenalpasti attribut Explain why did not /Senaraikan kelebihan Complete the query the components menggunakan results with the data the tables. daripada jadual yang choose other floors. ensiklopedia yang from the table given. diberi. disimpan dalam CD State the type of / Contoh komponen /Cadangkan pelan dalam Sistem lantai yang paling /Kenalpasti Lapangan relationship. Maklumat(IS). sesuai untuk yang sesuai meletakkan komputer /Kumpulkan bersama Jelaskan perhubungan antara 2 komponen dan berikan justifikasi Siapkan hasil Query attribut ke dalam 2 jawapannya. Jelaskan jadual dan lukis bersama data mengapa tidak daripada jadual yang garisan bagi memilih lantai yang menunjukkan diberi lain. hubungan antara jadual

Analysis SPM of year 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 & 2012 (Section C) 2007 31. Network 2008 31. ICT & Society 2009 31. Network State the name of the computer that is not configured to be in the network (IP address) & justify the answer. 2010 31. Programming Draw a flow chart based on the user interface given. 2011 31. Programming Identify the input & output Write the formula used Draw the design for the network. /Cadangkan topologi rangkaian yang akan digunakan dan berikan justifikasi jawapan 2012 31. Network Propose the network topology to be used and justify the answer.

Propose wired network Describe 2 suitable topology security measures to prevent computer Identify hardware to crime. provide internet access & the function Why bank clients should be protected Cadangkan topologi under Malaysian rangkaian berwayar Cyber Law.

/Lukis carta alir berdasarkan Sketch a design of Explain 2 causes of the antaramuka pengguna input interface outcome of the ping yang diberikan. process from PC /Kenalpasti input dan outpit /Nyatakan nama Kenapasti perkakasan /Jelaskan 2 pengukuran komputer yang tidak bagi menghasilakn Tulis formula yang dikonfigurasi dalam capaian internet dan keselamatan yang digunakan sesuai bagi rangkaian(alamat IP) fungsinya mengelakkan jenayah dan berikan justifikasi Lakarkan rekabentuk komputer jawapan antaramuka input

32. ICT & Society Explain computer threat

32. Network Describe 2 types of computer network. Describe types of network communication technologies.

32. Programming Identify 2 variables

32. ICT & Society Identify the type of computer threats

32. Computer Systems

32. Programming

Explain actions on human aspect on security procedure to increase security at the computer control /Jelaskan 2 jenis room. rangkaian komputer. Jelaskan jenis /Terangkan ancaman teknologi rangkaian komunikasi komputer Terangkan tindakan berdasarkan aspek manusia ke atas prosedur keselamatan bagi meningkatkan keselamatan dalam bilik kawalan

Draw a flow chart of a Type of utility computer program that program used & give 2 reads API of an area Write the pseudo code advantages of it based on the table for the program Give 2 examples of shown. computer threats Explain how student /Kenalpasti 2 transfer that file using / Lukiskan carta aliran pembolehubah Give 2 reasons why program komputer computer affected by the same storage medium to another yang membaca API Tulis kod pseudo bagi computer threat & computer and open the sesuatu kawasan suggest 2 ways to program file for editing berdasarkan jadual prevent it yang dipaparkan. /Jenis utiliti program / Kenalpasti jenis yang digunakan dan ancaman komputer berikan 2 kelebihannya Berikan 2 contoh ancaman komputer Berikan 2 sebab mengapa komputer dijangkiti oleh ancaman komputer dan cadangkan 2 cara mengatasinya

33. Information Systems

33. Information Systems

33. Information Systems

33. Programming

33. Multimedia

33. Multimedia

State 4 activities in Data manipulation State the data type for Prepare a report design phase program Identify & explain the data item required analysis for the coupon system. /Sediakan reka bentuk Primary key- Identify laporan Identify the type of & justify Create the output of error & justify the the coupon used. answer. / Manipulasi data Kenal pasti dan / Nyatakan jenis data / Nyatakan 4 aktiviti terangkan untuk item data yang dalam fasa analisis diperlukan untuk program Kekunci utama-Kenal sistem kupon. pasti & justifikasikan Kenal pasti jenis kesilapan & justifikasi Hasilkan kupon yang jawapannya. digunakan.

Sketch the screen Based on the statement design for main menu given design a page storyboard for the main page which should include all the Explain 2 user interface used in the five elements of multimedia. design of the page. / Lakarkan reka bentuk /Berdasarkan skrin untuk halaman kenyataan yang diberikan , reka bentuk menu utama papan cerita untuk halaman utama yang Jelaskan 2 antara muka pengguna yang harus merangkumi ke digunakan dalam reka semua lima elemen multimedia. bentuk halaman. /

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