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GURU NANA( INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT )A**+ ,-. /0 AICTE1 Mi2is3+0 4 HRD1 G ,3. 4 I2.i56 U2.-+ 37- M5258-9-23 4 D-!7i Si:7 G;+.<5+5 M5258-9-23 C 99i33--



I NITIN BEHAL a student of POST GRAGUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT, GURU NANAK INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, NEW DELHI he e!" de#$a e that a$$ %nfo &at%on, fa#ts and f%'u es (u!$%shed %n th%s e(o t a e !ased on &" o)n f%nd%n's and e*(e %en#e+ Th%s %nfo &at%on has !een (u e$" used fo a#ade&%# (u (ose+

I a$so de#$a e that a$$ %nfo &at%on 'athe ed !" &e du %n' the #ou se of the ( o,e#t )%$$ !e -e(t st %#t$" #onf%dent%a$ and )%$$ not !e d%s#$osed )%thout the ( %o #onsent of the auto&o!%$e se#to +

Dr. SEEMA GIRGHAR (Project Guide)

( 5462- 4TH se )



At the times when H m!n "!# es !re $een % esti&ne'( !n' #teri&r m&tt&es h!"e '&min!te' &ne)s *ers&n!#it+ here is !n &,,!si&n r!ther m+ *ri"i#e-e t& intr&' ,e !n' e.*ress m+ -r!tit 'e t& s&me &/ the e.,e*ti&ns *ers&n!#ities with wh&m I h!"e sh!re' !ss&,i!ti&n0 ' rin- m+ *r&1e,t t!s2 !n' wh& *r&"e the !$&"e st!tement H m!n "!# es $ein- % esti&ne'( !s !n' &n#+ $!se#ess $ t wr&n-. I e.*ress m+ th!n2s t& the ,&m*!n+ !n' its st!// wh& -!"e me &**&rt nit+ t& this *r&1e,t.

I e.*ress m+ sin,ere th!n2s t& Miss. Seem! Gir'h!r /&r their sin,ere !n' *r&*er - i'!n,e0 'ire,ti&n !n' en,& r!-ement -i"en t& me /&r the s ,,ess/ # ,&m*#eti&n &/ this *r&1e,t.



Introduction Company profile identify the strategy of the global retailer




-To study of the merchandise Management of the global retailer study of the strength, weakness, treats, opportunity study of the Promotion strategy of the global Retailer Methodology Analysis of data Conclusion Bibliography



Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter v 1


His3 +0 4 C5+s:
With the invention of the wheel in 4000 BC, mans journey on the road of mechanized transport had begun !ince then he continually sought to devise an automated, labor saving machine to replace the horse "nnumerable attempts reached conclusion in the early #$%0s with the building of the first stream driven tractor by a &rench Captain, 'icolas Cugnot "t was however left to (arl Benz and )ottlied *amlier to produce the first vehicles powered by the internal combustion engine in #++, it was then that the petrol engine was introduced, which made the car a practical and safe proposition -he cars in this period were more li.e the cars on our roads today With cars came the era of speed -he first ever land/speed record was established about a #00 years bac., in #+0+ count )aston de Chasseloup/ 1aubat of &rance drove an electric car 2in 3cheres near 4aris5 at a speed of 60 70 miles per hour -his flagged off the era of 8wheels racing, which lasted till #0%4, after which jet and vechiclec were allowed

-he birth of cars as we .now it today occurred over a period of years "t was only in #++, that the first real car rolled down on to the streets -he earlier attempts, through successful, were stream powered road/vehicles -he first self/propelled car was built by 'icolas in #$%0 which could attain speeds of %.m9hour "n #$$# he again designed another stream/driven engine which ran so fast that it rammed into a wall, recording the worlds first accident "n #+0$ &rancois "saac de :ivaz designed the first internal combustion engine -his was subse;uently used by him to develop the worlds first vehicle to run on such an engine, one that used a mi<ture of hydrogen and o<ygen to generate energy -his spawned the birth of a number of designs based on the internal combustion engine in the early #0th century with or no degree of commercial success "n #+%0 thereafter, =ean =oseph >tienne 1enoir built the first successful two/stro.e gas driven engine "n #+%7 he again built an e<perimental vehicle driven by the gas/engine, which ran at the speed of 6.m9hour -hese cars

became popular and by #+%, could be fre;uently espied on the roads -he ne<t major leap forward occurred in #++, when the four stro.e engine was devised )ottileb *amlier and 'icolas ?tto wor.ed together on the mission till the fell apart *amlier created his own engines which he used both for cars and for the first four wheel horseless carriage "n the meanwhile, un.nown to them, (arl Benz, was in the process of creating his own advanced tri/cycle which proved to be first true car -his car first saw the light of the day in #++% -he season of e<periments continued across the seas in the @nited !tates where Aenry &ord began wor. on a horseless carriage in #+00 Ae went several steps forward and in #+0%,completed his first car, the Buadricycle in #+0% this was an automobile powered by a two cylinder gasoline engine -he &ord Cotor Company was launched in #006 and in #00+ he catapulted his vehicle, Codel &ord to the pinnacle of fame Continuing with his innovation, he produced this model on a moving assembly, thus introducing the modern mass production techni;ues of the automobile industry

-he modern car therefore comes from a long list of venerated ancestors, and its lineage will, hopefully grow longer as we progressD


I2.i5 A;3 9 /i!- I2.;s3+0

-he "ndian automobile industry has four major segmentsE # Commercial vehicles 2CFs5 7 4assenger vehicles 6 -hree wheelers 4 &our wheelers 3ccording to the !ociety ?f "ndian 3utomobile Canufacturers 2!"3C5, -he "ndian passenger vehicle has three categories E # 4assenger car

Culti/purpose vehicles 2C4Fs5

6 @tility vehicles 2@Fs5 -he 4assenger car is further divided into various segments based on the length of the car -he "ndian automobile industry was a highly protected slow/ growth industry with very few players till the opening up of the

"ndian economy in #00# low manufacturing costs, availability of s.illed labor, an organized component industry, and the capability to supply in large volumes attracted global auto majors to set up their operations in "ndia after the opening up of the sector &or e<ample, &iat and *aimler Chrysler started outsourcing their component re;uirements to "ndia #00G "ndian subsidiaries of global players, li.e *elphi 3utomotive !ystems and Fisteon, e<ported components to other parts of the world Cacroeconomic factors li.e government regulations, low interest rates, and availability of retail finance played an important role in the rapid development of the automobile industry in "ndia during the late 00s

I2.i52 *5ss-28-+ A5+ 95+:-3

-he "ndian passenger car was characterized by )overnment protection for a period of over four decades after independence 4rior to the #000s, there was little choice for the "ndian consumer as there were only a few major automobile

manufacturers li.e Aindustan Cotors, 4remier 3utomobile and Caruti @dyog 1imited Aindustan Cotors 83mbassador had ruled the roads for nearly three decades -he ruggedness, comfort and spaciousness made the 3mbassador immensely popular

P+-&!i/-+5!iB53i 2
"n #0+7, the )overnment of "ndia entered into a joint venture with !uzu.i Cotor Corporation 2!CC5 of =apan C@1s plant was established at )urgaon in Aarayana and it rolled out its first model, the C/+00 on *ecember #4, #0+6 it was the most successful model of C@1 and enjoyed a near/monopoly status till the mid/#000s

P s3&!i/-+5!iB53i 2
1iberalization of the "ndian economy in #00# and de/licensing of the passenger car industry in #006 paved way for the entry of

global players li.e Ayundai, &ord, )eneral Cotors, -oyota, Fol.swagen, *aewoo and Aonda Ayundai Cotors, the (orean giant, entered "ndia with its small car 8!antro in direct competition with C@1! Hen !antros sales pic.ed up momentum and the model was a huge success -ata >ngineering and 1ocomotive Company 2renamed -ata Cotors in 70065, which was primarily engaged in the production of commercial vehicles till the mid/#000s, rolled out its small car 8"ndica in #00+ "ndica was well received in the and emerged as one of the prime competitors to C@1 3 well developed transport networ. indicates a well developed economy &or rapid development a well/developed and well/ .nit transportation system is essential 3s "ndias transport networ. is developing at a fast pace, 3utomobile "ndustry is growing too 3lso, the industry has strong bac.ward and forward lin.ages and hence provides employment to a large section of the population -hus the role of 3utomobile "ndustry cannot be overloo.ed in "ndian >conomy 3ll .inds of vehicles are produced by the 3utomobile "ndustry "t includes the manufacture of truc.s, buses, passenger cars, defense vehicles, two/wheelers, etc the industry can be broadly divided into the

Car manufacturing, two/wheeler manufacturing and heavy vehicle manufacturing units -he major Car manufacturers are Hindustan Motors, Maruti Udyog, Fiat India Private Ltd., Hyundai Motors India Ltd., Ford India Ltd., General Motors India Pvt. Ltd., Toyota Kirloskar Motors Ltd., Honda Siel Cars India Ltd., Skoda India Pvt. Ltd., to name a few the two/wheeler manufacturing is dominated by the companies li.e TVS, Honda Motor y le and S ooter India !Pvt." Ltd., Hero Honda, #a$a%a, &a'a', et -he heavy motors li.e busses, truc.s, defense vehicles, auto ric.shaws and other multi/utility vehicles are manufactured by Tata(Tel o, )s%ok Leyland, *i %er Motors, &a'a', Ma%indra and Ma%indra

M5C + M52;45A3;+-+s 4 A;3 9 /i!-s i2 I2.i5

Caruti @dyog 1td )eneral Cotors "ndia &ord "ndia 1td >icher Cotors Bajaj 3uto *aewoo Cotors "ndia Aero Cotors Aindustan Cotors Ayundai Cotors "ndia 1td :oyal >nfield -elco -F! Cotors *C *esigns !waraj Cazda 1td

C5+ M52;45A3;+-+s I2 I2.i5

Caruti @dyog 1td Ayundai Cotors "ndia 1td &ord "ndia 1td )eneral Cotors "ndia Aindustan Cotors :eva >lectric Car Co *aimler Chrysler "ndia 4vt 1td &iat "ndia 4vt 1td -oyota ( Cotor 1td !.oda 3uto "ndia 4vt 1td

F +. I2.i5

&ord Cotor Company is an 3merican multinational corporation and one of the largest automobile manufacturers in the world Based in *earborn, Cichigan, a suburb of Cetro *etroit, the was founded by Aenry &ord and incorporated in #006 &ord now encompasses many global brands, including 1incoln and Cercury in the @!, =aguar, 3ston Cartin and 1and :over of )reat Britain, and Folvo of !weden &ord also owns a one/third controlling interest of Cazda, and is listed as the worldIs third largest based on vehicle sales in 700, &ord has also been one of the worldIs ten largest corporations by revenue "n #000, &ord ran.ed as one of the worldIs most profitable corporations Aowever, in recent years, it has not fared as well &ord has not gained share in 'orth 3merica since #00, &ord introduced methods for large/scale manufacturing of cars, and large/scale management of an industrial wor.force, especially elaborately engineered manufacturing se;uences typified by the moving assembly lines Aenry &ordIs combination of highly efficient factories, highly paid wor.ers, and low prices revolutionized manufacturing and came to be .nown around the world as &ordism by #0#4

B+52.s 52. M5+D;-s

-oday, &ord Cotor Company manufactures automobiles under several names including 1incoln and Cercury in the @nited !tates "n #0,+, &ord introduced a new mar;ue, the >dsel, but poor sales led to its discontinuation in #0%0 1ater, in #0+,, the Cer.ur brand was introducedJ it met a similar fate in #0+0 &ord has major manufacturing operations in Canada, Ce<ico, the @nited (ingdom, )ermany, Brazil, 3rgentina, 3ustralia, China, and several other countries, including !outh 3frica where, following divestment during apartheid, it once again has a wholly/ owned subsidiary &ord also has a cooperative agreement with :ussian )3H !ince #0+0, &ord has ac;uired 3ston Cartin, =aguar, *aimler 2division of =aguar5, 1and :over, and :over from the @nited (ingdom and Folvo Cars from !weden, as well as a controlling share 266 4G5 of Cazda of =apan, with which it operates an 3merican joint venture plant in &lat :oc., Cichigan called 3uto 3lliance "t has spun off its parts division under the name Fisteon "ts prestige brands, with the e<ception of 1incoln, are managed through its 4remier 3utomotive )roup

&ordIs non/manufacturing operations include organizations such as automotive finance operation &ord Cotor Credit Company &ord also sponsors numerous events and sports facilities around the nation, most notably &ord Center in downtown ?.lahoma City and &ord &ield in downtown *etroit "t is also notable that both facilities share design aesthetics in addition to their common name and similar downtown locationD

G! /5! M5+:-3s
"nitially, &ord models sold outside the @ ! were essentially versions of those sold on the home, but later on, models specific to >urope were developed and sold 3ttempts to globalize the model line have often failed, with >uropeIs &ord Condeo selling poorly in the @nited !tates, while @ ! models such as the &ord -aurus have fared poorly in =apan and 3ustralia, even when produced in right hand drive -he small >uropean model (a, a hit in its home, did not catch on in =apan, as it was not available as an automatic -he Condeo was dropped by &ord 3ustralia, because the segment of the in which it competes had been in steady decline, with buyers preferring the larger local model, the &alcon ?ne recent

e<ception is the &ocus the >uropean model has sold strongly on both sides of the 3tlantic

A!3-+253- F;-! E-7iA!-s

Bill &ord was one of the first top industry e<ecutives to ma.e regular use of an battery electric vehicle, a &ord :anger >F, while the company contracted with the @nited !tates 4ostal !ervice to deliver electric postal vans based on the :anger >F platform -he alternative fuel vehicles, such as some versions of the Crown Fictoria especially in fleet and ta<i service, operate on compressed natural gas / or C') !ome C') vehicles have dual fuel tan.s / one for gasoline, the other for C') / the same engine can operate on either fuel via a selector switch &le<ible fuel vehicles are designed to operate smoothly using a wide range of available fuel mi<tures / from pure gasoline, to bioethanol/gasoline blends such as >+, 2+,G ethanol, #,G gasoline5 4art of the challenge of successful mar.eting alternative and fle<ible fuel vehicles, is the general lac. of establishment of sufficient infrastructure 2fueling stations5, which would be essential for these vehicles to be attractive to a wide range of consumers !ignificant efforts to ramp up production and distribution of >+, fuels are underway and e<panding

G-2-+5! M 3 +s I2.i5 P+i,53- Li9i3-.


)eneral Cotors "ndia, incorporated in #004 as a ,0K,0 joint venture company with the C( Birla )roup of Companies, became a fully owned subsidiary of )C in #000 when )C?C bought the remaining shares -he company was restructured in #000 and was converted from a 4ublic 1imited company to a 4rivate 1imited company )eneral Cotors "ndia is now a wholly/owned subsidiary of )eneral Cotors Corporation, the largest in the world "t offers products under the Chevrolet brand in the country "ntroduced in "ndia in 7006, under the banner &or a special journey called lifeL, Chevrolet has emerged as one of the fastest growing brand names in "ndia -oday, the Chevrolet brand clearly is established for ;uality, reliability, safety, innovation, value for money proposition, environment/friendliness and customer care )C "ndia has e<panded its dealership networ. to 0, sales points and over ##0 service centers, so far -he networ. is still being e<panded to cater to its recent entry into the mini/car segment with the Chevrolet !par. "n addition, two new parts distribution centres have also been set up in Caharashtra and *elhi to supplement the two e<isting centers in )ujarat and -amil 'adu )C "ndia is the pioneer in introducing several industry/first programmes including a centralized 74<$ call centre to attend to

customer complaints and provide any information related to )C "ndiaIs products and services through just a local call to 6060/+0+0 from any landline or mobile phone in the country Chevrolet also provides additional peace of mind to its customers with an industry/first assurance of fi<ed cost for 4,,000 .ilometers or three years on service and maintenance with a LCost of ?wnershipL program 3 customer can pay a predetermined, fi<ed amount while buying a Chevrolet product rest assured that if its maintenance costs e<ceed this predetermined amount, the difference will be reimbursed ?ther first programmes introduced by the company earlier included chauffeur training programmes, mobile roadshow caravans, the ?( ,/!tar pre/owned car program, and a best/in/ class warranty of three/years9#00,000 .ilometers, service holidays and fuel economy rallies )C "ndia presently produces the Chevrolet ?ptra Cagnum 2both petrol and diesel5, the Chevrolet -avera, the Chevrolet !:F, the Chevrolet 3veo, the Chevrolet 3veo @/F3 and the Chevrolet !par. at its plant in Aalol near Baroda, )ujarat -he Chevrolet 3veo @/F3, Chevrolet !par. and Chevrolet ?ptra Cagnum *iesel have all been rated best in class in their respective segments against stiff competition by auto journalists

across the country -he -avera, ?ptra and 3veo/@/F3 have, between them, won a number of automotive e<cellence awards since launch

)C "ndiaIs state/of/the/art plant at Aalol near Baroda has received the "!? 0007K#004 Buality Canagement !ystem certification in #000 and was re/certified for "!?/000#K 7000 standards in 3pril 700, )C "ndia also received the "!? #400# certification for its >nvironment Canagement !ystem in 7000, which was re/certified for "!? #400#K7004 standards in 'ovember 700, )C "ndiaIs plant also received the prestigious 6 1eaves 3ward from the Centre for !cience and >nvironment 2C!>5 for overall environmental performance in 700#/07 Besides, it has also bagged Buality Circle awards instituted by various state governments -he capacity of Aalol facility has been e<panded to +,,000 units from %0,000 units in 3pril 700$ to meet increased demand for Chevrolet vehicles "n the meantime, )C "ndiaIs second plant is fast coming up at -alegaon, near 4une in Caharashtra >nvisaged with an initial annual production capacity of #40,000 vehicles, the

plant is e<pected to commence production by the last ;uarter of 700+

M57i2.+5 A2. M57i2.+5


!et up in #04, to ma.e general/purpose utility vehicles for the "ndian, CMC soon branched out into manufacturing agricultural tractors and light commercial vehicles 21CFs5 -he company later e<panded its operations from automobiles and tractors to secure a significant presence in many more important sectors -he Company has, over the years, transformed itself into a )roup that caters to the "ndian and overseas mar.ets with a presence in vehicles, farm e;uipment, information technology, trade and finance related services, and infrastructure development -he Company has recently started a separate !ector, Cahindra !ystems and 3utomotive -echnlogies 2C!3-5 in order to focus on developing components as well as offering engineering services

MFM 75s 3< 95i2 *-+53i28 .i,isi 2s

-he 3utomotive *ivision manufactures utility vehicles, light commercial vehicles and three wheelers -he Company has recently entered into a =F with :enault of &rance for the manufacture of a mid/sized sedan, the 1ogan, and with "nternational -ruc. M >ngine Corporation, @!3, for manufacture of truc.s and buses in "ndia

-he -ractor 2&arm >;uipment5 *ivision agricultural tractors and implements that are used in conjunction with tractors, and has also ventured into manufacturing of industrial engines -he -ractor *ivision has won the coveted *eming 3pplication 4rize 7006, it the only tractor manufacturing company in the world to secure this prize CMC employs around ##,%00 people and has eight manufacturing facilities spread over ,00,000 s;uare meters "t has 40 sales offices that are supported by a networ. of over $+0 dealers across the country -his networ. is connected to the CompanyIs sales departments by an e<tensive "- infrastructure CMCIs outstanding manufacturing and engineering s.ills allow it to constantly innovate and launch new products for the "ndian -he L!corpioL, a !@F developed by the Company from the ground up, resulted in the Company winning the 'ational 3ward for outstanding in/house research and development from the *epartment of !cience and "ndustry of the )overnment in 7006 "n the tractor, the Company launched "ndiaIs first tractor with turbo technology / the Cahindra !arpanch ,0, *" !uper -urbo CMCIs commitment to technology/driven innovation is reflected in CompanyIs plans of setting up of the Cahindra :esearch Falley,

a facility that will house theCompanyIs engineering research and product development wings, under one roof -he CMC philosophy of growth is centered on its belief in people 3s a result, the Company has put in place initiatives that see. to reward and retain the best talent in the industry CMC is also .nown for its progressive labour management practices "n the community development sphere, the company has implemented several programs that have benefited the people and institutions in its areas of operations ?n the occasion of its %0th anniversary, the Company announced a range of C!: activities supported by a commitment of #G of 4rofit after -a< for its C!: initiatives

M57i2.+5 B !-+ M .-!s

Cahindra Bolero *" Cahindra Bolero *iH Cahindra Bolero 4lus Cahindra Bolero !1> Cahindra Bolero !1N 7W* Cahindra Bolero !1N 4W* Cahindra Bolero F1N C:*e

M57i2.+5 SA +*i M .-!s

Cahindra !corpio 1N 7W* Cahindra !corpio 1N 4W* Cahindra !corpio F1N 7W* Cahindra !corpio F1N 4W* Cahindra !corpio )ateway 7W* Cahindra !corpio )ateway 4W*

M57i2.+5 >0! M .-!s

Cahindra Nylo >7 Cahindra Nylo >4 Cahindra Nylo >% Cahindra Nylo >+

M57i2.+5 ?<7--!-+s M .-!s

Cahindra 3lfa 4assenger Cahindra 3lfa C') Cahindra Champion

M57i2.+5 R-25;!3 L 852 M .-!s

Cahindra :enault 1ogan # 4 )1 Cahindra :enault 1ogan # 4 )1>

Cahindra :enault 1ogan # 4 )1N Cahindra :enault 1ogan # , *1> Cahindra :enault 1ogan # , *1! Cahindra :enault 1ogan # , *1!N Cahindra :enault 1ogan # , *1N Cahindra :enault 1ogan # % )1! Cahindra :enault 1ogan # % )1!N Cahindra :enault 1ogan # % )1N

M5+;3i S;B;:i

-he motoring publicIs first view of the new way forward came at the 7007 4aris Cotor !how where the Concept/! was unveiled "t was a rally/inspired concept vehicle that reflected influences from !uzu.iIs two/and four/wheel racing activities and combined the benefits of !uzu.iIs racing heredity with cutting/edge technological features "n "ndia, got to see the same car at the 3uto ><po in =anuary 7004 'e<t was the Concept/!7, an open/top sports car in which !uzu.i evolved its new/model concept into a form with a more laid/bac. personality @nveiled at the 7006 &ran.furt Cotor !how, the Concept/!7 was dimensionally similar to the new/generation production vehicle toward which we were steadily / a vehicle to be .nown as the !wift 4lans for the !wift too. shape around a totally new mindset / to create a =apanese car developed in >urope for todayIs global -he result is an innovative, sporty and elegant design that has genuine international appeal -wenty/one engineers and designers from "ndia spent considerable time contributing to the design process of the !wift "t was the e<acting >uropean standards that were set as the benchmar.

-he new !wiftIs handling reflects a >uropean focus while meeting our local re;uirements -he suspension has been modified to deal with tough "ndian road conditions, while retaining the >uropean handling characteristics )round clearance has been increased, by using bigger tyres to tac.le speed brea.ers -he engineers developed a totally new chassis and refined it through trac. tests and through a programme of rigorous road testing -he result is handling that satisfies the most e<acting motorists &inally, at the 7004 4aris Cotor !how, the world press saw the !wift a vehicle that embodies !uzu.iIs uni;ue *'3 in a way thatIs certain to generate e<citement about our new vision for the compact/cargenre

Caruti !uzu.i +00 Caruti !uzu.i 3lto Caruti !uzu.i ?mni Caruti !uzu.i Fersa Caruti !uzu.i !N4 Caruti !uzu.i 3/!tar Caruti !uzu.i :itz

M5+;3i S;B;:i M .-!s

Caruti !uzu.i !wift Caruti !uzu.i )ypsy Caruti !uzu.i Wagon : Caruti !uzu.i Hen >stilo Caruti !uzu.i !wift *zire Caruti !uzu.i )rand Fitara

T 0 35

700, was also the year that -oyota launched the 1e<us brand in =apan, to develop it into a global lu<ury brand =apanese sales of the )!, "! and !C series, which pursue the essence of lu<ury, attracted considerable attention from customers and established a strong lu<ury vehicle image ?utside =apan, -oyota launched a number of projects "n the Czech :epublic, -oyota started joint production of the 3ygo with 4!3 4eugeot Citroen, and in China, -oyota began production of the 4rius and the Crown/their first/ever production overseas "n "ndia, !outh 3frica and 3rgentina, -oyota launched the "CF 4roject, which see.s to develop more efficient production and supply systems on a global scale 700, also mar.ed the year that -oyota concluded a basic agreement with &uji Aeavy "ndustries for the formation of a business tie/up -oyota is continuing discussions with &uji Aeavy "ndustries to form a collaborative relationship that focuses on development and production and is beneficial to both companies 3lso during 700,, -oyota launched a new management structure, and finally, at the end of the year, -oyota announced its production

plans for 700%, with goals surpassing 0 million units for the entire -oyota group -oyota is pursuing every possibility, from the improvement of conventional engines to the development of new power sources

T 0 35 (i+! s:5+ I2.i5 P,3 L3.

3s a joint venture between ( )roup and -oyota Cotor Corporation, -oyota ( Cotor 4rivate 1imited 2-(C5 aims to play a major role in the development of the automotive industry and the creation of employment opportunities, not only through its dealer networ., but also through ancillary industries *ate ?f >stablishment Chairman Fice Chairman Canaging *irector *eputy C*Is Whole/time *irector 4aid/"n Capital !hareholders ?ctober %, #00$ Cr :yoichi !asa.i Cr Fi.ram ! ( Cr A 'a.agawa Cr !andeep !ingh Cr ! -omonaga Cr ! Fiswanathan :s $ billion -oyota Cotor Corporation 2+0G e;uity5 ( )roup 2##G e;uity5

I22 ,5 M .-!s
"nnova > 7 ,1 *iesel "nnova > 7 01 4etrol "nnova ) 7 ,1 *iesel "nnova ) 7 01 4etrol "nnova F 7 ,1 *iesel "nnova F 7 01 4etrol

T 0 35 P+5.
-oyota 4rado

C + !!5 A!3is M .-!s

3ltis # + = 3ltis # + ) 3ltis # + )1 3ltis # + F1

C59+0 M .-!s
Camry 7 41 2C9-5

Hi2.;s352 M 3 +s

Aindustan Cotors 1imited 2AC15, "ndiaIs pioneering automobile manufacturing company and &lagship Company of the C ( Birla )roup was established just before "ndian independence, in #047 by Cr B C Birla of the industrious Birla family Commencing operations in a small assembly plant in 4ort ?.ha near )ujarat, the manufacturing facilities later moved to @ttarpara, West Bengal in #04+, where it began the production of / the 3mbassador Aindustan Cotors 1imited over the years has e;uipped itself with state/of/the/art facilities for the production of passenger cars, truc.s and multi utility vehicles Besides passenger cars 23mbassador, )rand, and 3vigo5, Culti @tility Fehicles, 4orter, and 4ushpa.5 and the :-F, Aindustan Cotors also manufactures passenger cars in the mid size premium segment 2Citsubishi 1ancer, 1ancer !elect, and 1ancer Cedia5 and has brought in !ports @tility Fehicle 2Citsubishi 4ajero5 into the "ndian in collaboration with Citsubishi Cotors, =apan Contributing significantly to the "ndian 3utomotive industry for over five decades, Aindustan Cotors 1imitedIs manufacturing facilities are situated in the states of Cadhya 4radesh, -amilnadu

and West Bengal Aindustan Cotors 1imited functions with a commitment to core values such as ;uality, safety, and environmental care, combined with customer/oriented total solutions

T7- P!523s
Ti+;,5!!;+ )C7-225i6 ><clusive state/of/the art plant dedicated to the manufacture of Citsubishi 1ancer cars in technical collaboration with Citsubishi Cotors, =apan Fiew *etails U335+*5+5 )( !:5356 -he 3utomobile division at @ttarpara, West Bengal near (ol.ata, is engaged in the manufacture of 4assenger Cars/ 3mbassadors, Contessa and Culti @tility Fehicles /, 4orter and 4ushpa. Pi3759*;+ )I2. +-6 -he 4ithampur plant houses the :oad -rusted Fehicle division, manufacturing the L:-FL brand of multi utility vehicles, in technical collaboration with ?(3 Cotor Company, 3ustralia

Mi!-s3 2-s
'9#2 / Aindustan Cotors 1imited was incorporated at 4ort ?.ha in )ujarat as a small assembly plant for passenger cars '9#% / Aindustan Cotors 1imited shifted its activities to @ttarpara in West Bengal and set up facilities for manufacture of cars and truc.s '9=' / Aindustan Cotors 1imited further diversified its activities by setting up an >arthmoving >;uipment *ivision at -iruvallur, near Chennai, -amil 'adu for the manufacture of >arthmoving e;uipments such as dumpers, front/end loaders, crawler tractors and so on '9%" / Aindustan Cotors 1imited commenced a 4ower 4roducts *ivision at Aosur, (arnata.a for manufacture of heavy duty transmission re;uired for >arth moving >;uipments '9%$ / -he Commercial Fehicle *ivision for the manufacture of Aeavy Commercial Fehicles at Fadodara, )ujarat was commenced *ue to increase in project cost and material cost arising out of adverse e<change fluctuation, the project was abandoned -he company sold a part of the assets of this division to )eneral Cotors "ndia 1imited, for manufacture of L?pel 3straL range of passenger cars in the premium segment

'9%= / Aindustan Cotors 1imited commenced production of petrol engines and transmissions at 4ithampur, Cadhya 4radesh, in collaboration with "suzu Cotor Company, =apan '99$ / Aindustan Cotors 1imited modernized, upgraded and e<panded its three e<isting divisions >arthmoving >;uipment *ivision, 4ower 4lant *ivision and the @ttarpara 4lant '99= / Aindustan Cotors 1imited began the production of the :oad -rusted Fehicle '99% / Commenced the Citsubishi 1ancer Car project 200' / -he >arthmoving >;uipment *ivision plant was sold off to Caterpillar, @!3 2002 / 1aunch of the Citsubishi 4ajero 2in collaboration with Citsubishi Cotors, =apan5, in "ndia 200# / Components Business 2 4@4/4ithampur and 44* Aosur 5 transferred to 3F->C a company jointly held by AC, 3ctis and C( Birla )roup

A9/5ss5. + M .-!s
3bout 3mbassador # +1 C4&" 7 01 *!H # ,1 *!1 # +1 C')

H 2.5

Aonda !iel Cars "ndia 1td , 2A!C"5 was incorporated in *ecember #00, as a joint venture between Aonda Cotor Co 1td , =apan and !iel 1imited, a !iddharth !hriram )roup company, with a commitment to providing AondaIs latest passenger car models and technologies, to the "ndian customers

-he Aonda City, its first offering introduced in #00$, revolutionized the "ndian passenger car and has ever since been recognized as an engineering marvel in the "ndian automobile industry -he success of City as well as all its other models has led A!C" to become the leading premium car manufacturer in "ndia -he total investment made by the company in "ndia till date is Rs. '$20 A+ +-s, further investment of :! #000 crore is planned and being currently invested for the coming second plant in :ajasthan -he company has a capacity of manufacturing'001000 A5+s.

S7 <A5s- M52;45A3;+i28 F5Ai!i30

A!C"Is state/of/the/art manufacturing unit was set up in #00$ at )reater 'oida, @ 4 with an investment of :s 4,0 crore -he

green/field project is spread across #,0 acres of land 2over %,00,000 s; m 5 -he initial installed capacity of the plant was 60,000 cars per annum, which was thereafter increased to ,0,000 cars on a two/ shift basis -he capacity has further been enhanced to #,00,000 units annually in &ebruary 700+ -he capacity e<pansion was necessitated by the e<cellent performance of all the Aonda models, particularly the growing demand for Ci30 G> in "ndia !everal modifications were done by the company with the objective of offering higher ;uality products to its customers, faster and ; -he e<pansion process also included e<pansion of the covered area in the plant, from #,0$,000 s; m to #,6#,$04 s; m A!C" currently produces the H 2.5 Ci30 G>, Civic and 3ccord models in "ndia and the premium !@F, C:/F is sold as a fully imported unit from =apan -he company operates under the stringent standards of "!? 000# for ;uality management and "!? #400# for environment management

S5!-s 52. Dis3+i/;3i 2 N-3< +:

Aonda !iel Cars "ndia has a strong sales and distribution networ. spread across the country -he networ. includes %# facilities in "2 cities HSCI .-5!-+s7i*s 5+- /5s-. 2 37- H?S F5Ai!i30H )S5!-s1 S-+,iA-1 S*5+-s6 4 +9531 44-+i28 A 9*!-3- +528- 4 s-+,iA-s 3 i3s A;s3 9-+s.

P+ .;A3 R528Aonda !iel CarIs product range in "ndia includes the Aonda City HN in the mid/size segment, Civic M Civic Aybrid in the 1ower * segment and 3ccord in the lu<ury segment and third generation all/new C:/F 2both 7 01 7 W* and 7 41 4W*5 in the !@F segment While the Ci30 G>, Civic and 3ccord are manufactured at the companyIs plant, the C:/F M Civic Aybrid is imported from =apan as a Completely Built @nit

Ci30 G>
City HN is today recognized as one of the most successful car brands in the country "ts success is a replica of the success of its predecessor / the original Aonda City, launched way bac. in #00$ "n fact, A!C" too. a historic step in 7006, when it introduced the

'ew/City at a time when the original City was still performing brilliantly and it was an immediate success -he City HN was launched two years later in 700, as an enhanced version of the 'ew/City and is strongly associated with durability, reliability, ;uality and fuel/efficiency -he City HN range includes 4 variants / >Ni, )Ni, CF23utomatic -ransmission5 and F->C While >Ni, )Ni and CFvariants come with the advanced combustion system of the # , litre "ntelligent *ual M !e;uential "gnition 2i/*!"5 engine, City F->C embodies a # , litre F->C 2Fariable Falve -iming and 1ift >lectronic Control5 engine -he F->C version was reintroduced in the new City in response to customer demand -he City F->C comes with sporty e<teriors and plush interiors, catering to the premium segment customers ?n the outside, the car is adorned by #4 alloy wheels, front and rear fog lamps and rear disc bra.e -he interiors are more lavish with leather steering, centre console and beige and blac. upholstery -he City is manufactured with =9I indigenisation level and currently enjoys 2"I share in its segment

A!C" launched the # +F Civic in "ndia in =uly 700% which became a runaway success -he company has also launched the # +F version of the Civic in =une 700$ -he Civic is AondaIs largest selling model globally and is now sold in appro<imately #%0 nations and regions worldwide -he Civic made its debut, with a two/door model in =uly #0$7, followed shortly by a three/door version -he series was a major hit, especially among young people and for three consecutive years, from #0$7 to #0$4, the Civic won the I Car of the Oear =apanI award CivicIs development process contrasted completely with Aonda tradition :ather than pursue development based primarily on the vision of Company founder !oichiro Aonda, the CivicIs development team traveled to various world mar.ets, gained local .nowledge and e<perience first/hand, and then set about creating a car that is needed right now ?verseas production of Civic began in "ndonesia in #0$,, and Civic vehicles are now made in ## countries, including 'orth 3merica, >urope, 3sia and !outh 3merica -otal cumulative production of Civic models at the end of calendar 7004 was

appro<imately #% million units it one of the most popular models in Aonda history -he eight/generation Civic was launched towards the end of 700, in the @! and early 700% in =apan "t already has the distinction of being voted as the top car in different mar.ets and categories !ome of these includeK

Car of the Oear at the prestigious *etroit 3uto !how 700% :ed dotK best of the best award for highest design ;uality in >urope 700%ICar of the OearI by the 3utomobile =ournalists 3ssociation of Canada 23=3C5 700% L'orth 3merican Car of the OearL presented by a group of 40 international automotive journalists L-op !afety 4ic. / )oldL award by the "nsurance "nstitute for Aighway !afety 2""A!5 for earning L)oodL ratings in frontal, side impact and rear impact tests and measurements

700$ I"ndian Car of the OearI -he Civic has an indigenisation level of =2I and enjoys #"I share in its segment

Ci,iA H0/+i.
-he launch of the Civic Aybrid in =une 700+ is the fulfillment of yet another commitment A!C" made to its customers / of bringing in latest technologies and models from AondaIs global line/up "t also see.s to strengthen A!C"Is efforts towards the protection of the environment and conservation of energy sources -he Aonda Civic Aybrid !ystem features a 6/stage i/F->C P "C3 that employs AondaIs # 61 i/F->C 2Fariable Falve -iming and 1ift >lectronic Control5 engine to provide three stages of valve timing 2low/speed, high/speed, and cylinder idle mode5, combined with a compact and efficient electric motor, AondaIs "C3 2"ntegrated Cotor 3ssist5 system -ogether with highly efficient CF- transmission, the system provides nearly 4$G enhanced fuel efficiency than a regular # +1 Civic 3- without compromising on driving performance -he Civic Aybrid can deactivate all four of its cylinders and operate using only the electric motor in certain steady/state cruising situations "n addition, the internal combustion engine is switched off when car comes to a stop while the bra.e pedal is pressed -hese factors contribute greatly to the reduction of fuel consumption and emissions, particularly in city traffic

3part from slee., aerodynamic e<teriors and new/age lu<urious interiors, Aonda Civic Aybrid offers the best in safety technology, including 3ctive Aeadrest and four !:! 3irbags 2driver, assistant and side air bags5, besides other safety features -he Civic Aybrid will be imported from =apan as a completely built unit and will be available in two colours / e<clusive 4remium White 4earl and 3labaster !ilver

AAA +. %37 G-2-+53i 2

Aonda !iel Cars "ndia 1td, announced the launch of its premium, upscale 3ll/new >ighth )eneration Aonda 3ccord in "ndia -he 3ll/new 3ccord comes with ,/speed Canual -ransmission and ,/speed 3utomatic transmission with P5..!- s7i431 to give the e<hilarating e<perience of &/# racing -he 3- now has S7i43 H !.i28 S0s3-9 which avoids unnecessary gear shifting on winding roads and helps in hassle free drive -he handling is another .ey improvement in +th )eneration 3ccord -he chassis and the body have been renewed by introducing AondaIs latest technology to achieve best in class

handling -ogether with E5+i5/!- G-5+ R53i )EGR6 s3--+i281 the new 3ccord becomes ; and more agile despite its big size -he new M;!3i & Li2: R-5+ s;s*-2si 2 aids in stable driving !afety of passengers and pedestrians is a top priority for Aonda -he new 3ccord is e;uipped with the best of safety technologies, <i37 i23-!!i8-23 siJ 5i+/58s1 including side curtain air bags, A.,52A-. C 9*53i/i!i30 E28i2--+i28 )ACE6 body and G&F +AC 23+ ! T-A72 ! 80 )G&CON6 for enhanced safety of the vehicle occupants during a collision -he use of high/tensile steel has been considerably increased improving torsional rigidity, while also achieving major weight savings -he interior design blends lu<ury with advanced functionality including -i873&<50 * <-+ s-53 adjustment with lumbar support, 3i!3 52. 3-!-sA *iA s3--+i28 <7--!1 an 5.,52A-. 5;.i s0s3-9 with a centre multi/selector and @!B port 3s in "ndia, this car is mainly chauffeur driven, A!C" has customized some features to suit the "ndian customerIs driving habits !o, the car has +-5+ 5;.i A 23+ !s1 +-5+ AC ,-23s and +-5.i28 !i873s at the rear

-he 3ll new Aonda 3ccord will be available in three types in both 3utomatic and Canual transmission / 3ccord 7 4, 3ccord 7 4 >legance and 3ccord 7 4 "nspire

-he 6rd generation C:/F was introduced in 'ovember 700% -he all/new, third generation Aonda C:/F offers its customers a distinctive combination of Ithe comfort of a sedan with the thrills of a !@FI -he engine is a 7 4/liter *?AC i/F->C, which delivers a powerful tor;ue of #%7 ps Q ,,+00 rpm :ealtime 4W* is a uni;ue feature of the car which is the first in its class -he :ealtime 4W* intelligently detects adverse road conditions and switches to 4/ wheel drive instantly "n normal conditions the all/new C:/F operates in front wheel drive mode but in wet, muddy roads or off/ road conditions, it automatically switches to 4/wheel drive instantly 3n enlarged clutch and stiffened transmission parts help distribute 70G additional tor;ue to the rear wheels which ensures smooth drive in bad road conditions without compromising on safety or fuel consumption A!C" recently introduced the 7 01 7W* 27/Wheel *rive5 Aonda C:/F which is more agile M has a sporty handling -he new

lighter engine gives good fuel efficiency, without compromising on performance -he C:/F currently enjoys ?=I share in its segment

S5!-s P-+4 +952A-he cumulative sales of the company during the &inancial Oear period 3pril / Car 700+ was $21%02 units as against $'1?2" units sold in 3pr / Car I0$ recording an increase of 2.#I

E2,i+ 29-23 52. S54-30

-he Aonda )roup is globally recognized for its concern towards environment, safety and conservation of the society in which it operates A!C" follows the same in "ndia for achieving high standards in environmental safety in the various processes of car manufacturing

C +* +53- A<5+.s 52. AAA !5.-s 200%

-otal Customer !atisfaction 2Aonda City and Aonda C:/F5 by -'! IBest ><ecutive CarI 2Aonda Civic5, C'BC 3utocar 3uto 3wards IBest Brand for eco friendlinessI 2A!C"5 by 3uto "ndia

IBest ad campaign of the yearI 2A!C"Is #0th anniversary campaign5 by ?verdrive


Canufacturer of the Oear by C'BC -F/#+ 3utocar I!@F of the OearI 2Aonda C:/F5 by '*-F 4rofit Car M Bi.e I!@F of the OearI 2Aonda C:/F5 by ?verdrive IBest *riverIs CarIaward by C'BC -F/#+ 3utocar 3uto 3wards ICar of the OearI2Aonda Civic5 by C'BC -F/#+ 3utocar 3uto 3wards 700$ ICar of the OearI2Aonda Civic5 by '*-F 4rofit Car M Bi.e 3wards 700$ Fiewers IChoiceI award by '*-F, C'BC and 3aj -a. -'! -otal Customer !atisfaction !tudy 700% 23ccord, C:/F M City5 I'*-F C'B/333 4: M Communications -eam of the OearI


Best "ndian Company 2unlisted5 by Business !tandard )roup Canufacturer of the Oear by '*-F 4rofit/Car "ndia

Canufacturer of the Oear by C'BC/-F #+ 3utocar "ndia 'o # Cid !ize Car 2Aonda City5J 'o # >ntry 1u<ury Car 2Aonda 3ccord5 and 'o # 4remium !@F 2Aonda C:/F5 by -'! Best Cid/size Car in "nitial Buality 2Aonda City5 and Cost 3ppealing Cid/size car 2Aonda City5 by =* 4ower


C'BC 3utocar C3: of the year 7004 / Aonda City "C"C" ?verdrive !@F of the Oear 7004 / Aonda C:/F "C"C" ?verdrive Car of the Oear 7004 / Aonda City Business !tandard Cotoring Car of the Oear 7004 / Aonda City


Buality Brand power -hese are the two priorities for Ayundai Cotor Company as it prepares for the future 'o longer content to follow and learn, Ayundai is now to lead the motor industry in shaping the evolution of motor vehicles With "t will also carry with it a new set of responsibilities, such as greater transparency in management and the environmental, social and economic facets of sustainable development By publicly announcing a new global environment management body last year, Ayundai reiterated its commitment to leadership in the social sphere Ayundai reinforced its place as a top/rated by winning the 7006 )lobal 3utomotive !hareholder Falue 3ward presented by 4riceWaterhouse Coopers and 3utomotive 'ews 3nd for the second consecutive year, Ayundai captured top honors in the ConsumersI !atisfaction !urvey conducted by = * 4ower and 3ssociates which also rated the Ayundai !onata first in its 7007 and 7006 "nitial Buality !urvey By active implementation of four management policies in 7004, Ayundai will accelerate the speed of development &irst, Ayundai will step up global management by establishing local support

systems across the globe to maintain momentum as a growing global player, e<pand overseas manufacturing bases and raise :M* capabilities above the industry standard !econdly, by repositioning its brand identity to be .nown as a of refined and elegant automobiles Ayundai will enhance its brand value 3nd by improving its product development system Ayundai will ma<imize the company is value -hirdly, Ayundai will maintain its sustainable management capabilities more Ayundai will devote itself to fulfilling social friendly vehicles while respecting responsibilities as a global by development safer and environmentally fundamental values, striving for ethical management and e<panding contributions to social causes 1astly, Ayundai will attach greater importance to human resources We will e<pand the recruitment of engineers and global specialists multi/lingual talented individuals who are at home anywhere in the world Ayundai Cotor will reinforce its position of strength and confidence by continually improving its management capabilities 3nd by promoting the development of national and international co/prosperity, the company will raise its net value

S 2535 M .-!s
!onata 7 4 F-F!onata 7 0 C:*i C9!onata 7 0 C:*i 39-

i'0 M .-!s
i#0 # # i:*> i#0 # 7 (appa

G-3B P+i9- M .-!s

)etz 4rime # # 1 41

)etz 4rime # 6 1 41 )etz 4rime # , C:*i

E-+25 M .-!s
Ferna 4etrol Ferna *iesel

H0;2.5i AAA-23
3ccent ><ecutive

S523+ >i28
!antro Ning

H0;2.5i i20
Ayundai i70

H0;2.5i T;As 2
Ayundai -ucson


-he Cercedes/Benz Classic Center is proud to reintroduce the car that began it all :eplicas of the Benz three/wheeler / the car whose patent is regarded as the Lbirth certificate of the automobileL / are once again in production Crafted from the original materials / and with the same handcrafted precision / the replica three/ wheelers convey the uni;ue significance of the original -he origins of the *aimler/Benz company founded through a merger in #07% date bac. to the mid/#++0s, when )ottlieb *aimler 2#+64/#0005 with Wilhelm Caybach 2#+4%/#0705, and (arl Benz 2#+44/#0705 independently invented the internal combustion engine/powered automobile, in southwestern )ermany 3lthough they were merely si<ty miles apart, these pioneers were unaware of each otherIs early wor. (arl Benz had his shop in Cannheim and invented the worldIs first true automobile powered by an internal combustion engine in #++, "t had three wheels Ae was granted a patent for his automobile, dated =anuary 70, #++%, for what he called the LBenz 4atent CotorwagenL 3mong many inventions, Benz patented his first engine in #+$0 and included in his IintegralI design for the

Cotorwagen patent application, a high/speed single/cylinder four/ stro.e engine of his own design "n #++,, )ottlieb *aimler and design partner Wilhelm Caybach, in Cannstatt, !tuttgart, were granted a patent dated 3ugust 70, #++, for what is generally recognized as the prototype of the modern gas engine, that they named the Lgrandfather cloc. engineL ?n Carch +, #++%, *aimler purchased a stagecoach made by Wilhelm Wimpff M !ohn and he and Caybach adapted it to hold this engine, thereby creating a four/wheeled carriage propelled by an engine, as many had before them -he only distinction about this carriage was that it carried an internal combustion engine 'one of many similar attempts to adapt carts, boats, or carriages, in many countries, were propelled by this type of engine ?n the official history pages of the Cercedes/Benz "nternet site it is referred to as La carriage / without a drawbar but with the conventional drawbar steering 3 carriage without horses L *aimler and Caybach later purposely built, from scratch, the first four/stro.e engine powered automobile with four wheels in #++0 -hey founded *C) in #+00 and sold their first automobile in #+07

!tationary engines were his major business and he invented many improvements to them and their application, but (arl Benz continued to refine his Cotorwagen through several models and sold his first automobile in #+++ Ae built his first four/wheeled model in #+0# Benz M Cie, the company started by the inventor, became the worldIs largest manufacturer of automobiles by #000 "n #+00, *C) automobiles built at @ntertur.heim 2a city district of !tuttgart5 were raced successfully by >mil =elline. 2#+,6/#0#+5, an automobile enthusiast and dealer Ae had the name of his daughter, Cercedes, painted on the automobiles for good luc. Wanting faster race cars, it was =elline. who spurred the development of the seminal #000 *C) model that would be the first of the *C) Cercedes series, bearing the name of his daughter 3fter suggesting some design specifications, he promised to purchase thirty/si< of the new *C) model if Caybach would name the new 6, hp engine contained in it the *aimler/Cercedes engine 3 contract of five hundred and fifty thousand mar.s was made for these new models Within wee.s he contracted for thirty/ si< of another *C) model with + hp engines Ae was granted an e<clusive concession to sell the new *C) automobiles in 3ustria/ Aungary, &rance, Belgium, and @!3

-hat new model later would be named LCercedes 6, hpL and it was a very important advance in automobile design -he contract called for delivery of the first automobile to =elline. in the &all, but it did not reach him until *ecember 77, #000 Ae became obsessed with the name Cercedes and even had his name changed to =elline./Cercedes =elline. was invited to sit on the *C) board of directors, which he did from #00# until #000, when he retired from automotive activities in favor of diplomatic appointments -he name change also was helpful in preventing legal troubles, because after the death of *aimler, *C) had sold e<clusive rights to the name, *aimler, and technical concepts to companies abroad 3s a result, lu<ury automobiles branded *aimler were, and still are, built in >ngland 3 fire that gutted the old !teinway piano factory in 'ew Oor., which had been converted to produce the new Cercedes models, cut short the dream of 3merican production -he rival companies of *aimler/Cotoren/)esellschaft 2*C)5 and Benz M Cie started to cooperate in #074, due to necessity arising from a troubled )erman economy after World War ", and finally merged in #07% to become *aimler/Benz 3), which produced Cercedes/Benz automobiles and truc.s -he merger agreement established that the two companies were re;uired to remain

together until 7000 While focusing on land vehicles, Cercedes/ Benz also built engines to power boats and airplanes 2military and civil5, and even Heppelins (arl Benz died in #070

B-2B M .-!s
C/C13!! C1/C13!! C1!/C13!! >/C13!! C/C13!! !/C13!! !1/C13!! !1(/C13!!

S: .5

-he origins of !.oda go bac. to the early #+00s where, li.e many long/established car manufacturers, the company started out with the manufacture of bicycles "t was #+04, and 7%/year old Faclav (lement, who was a boo.seller by trade in Clada Boleslav, Czechoslova.ia 2then Bohemia5 was unable to obtain the right spare parts to repair his )erman bicycle (lement returned his bicycle to the manufactuers, !eidel and 'aumann, with a letter, in Czech, for them to carry out repairs, only to receive a reply, in )erman, statingK L"f you would li.e an answer to your en;uiry, you should try writing in a language we can understand L 3 disgusted (lement, despite not having any previous technical e<perience, then decided to start his own bicycle repair shop, which he and Faclav 1aurin opened in #+0, in Clada Boleslav Before going into business partnership with (lement, 1aurin was an already established bicycle manufacturer from the nearby town of -urnov -he first model, Foiturette 3, was a success and the company was established both within 3ustria/Aungary and internationally *uring the &irst World War !.oda was engaged in war production "n #+00 it added motorcycles and in #00, cars

3fter WW" it began producing truc.s, but in #074, after running into problems and being hit by a fire, the company sought a partner 3s a result it merged with !.oda Wor.s, the biggest industrial enterprise in 3ustria/Aungary and then Czechoslova.ia Cost later production was under the !.oda name 3fter a decline during the economic depression, !.oda was again successful with models such as the 4opular in the late #060s

S;/si.i5+0 4 EAG
-he Felvet :evolution brought great changes to both the politics and economy of Czechoslova.ia, and most industries were subject to privatization "n the case of !.oda automobile the government decided to bring in a strong foreign partner FW3) was chosen in #000 and on #00#/04/#% !.oda become the fourth brand of FW3) FW3) was pitted against &rench :enault, who lost because its strategic plan did not include producing high value models in the Czech factories 2-he -wingo low cost hatchbac. was set to be produced in the !.oda factories 3t the time the decision was made,privatization to a major )erman company was somewhat controversialJhowever the subse;uent fortunes of other >astern/Bloc automobile manufacturers such as 1ada/3utoF3H and Hastava, and of !.oda wor.s itself, once !.oda autoIs parent company, prove that this was a right decision

Bac.ed by FW .now/how and investments the design both style and engineering has improved greatly -he #00% model &elicia was still based on the floorplan of the &avorit, but ;uality improvements helped and in the Czech :epublic the car was as popular as it was value for money -he subse;uent models ?ctavia and &abia finally made their way to the demanding >@ mar.ets -hey are built on common FW3) floorpans, e g ?ctavia on the )olf floorplan and therefore directly related to the FW )olf, 3udi 36 and !>3- 1eon

S: .5 F5/i5 M .-!s
&abia #7F A-49,# .W # 7 4etrol &abia # 4-*" 4*9,# .W *iesel

S: .5 OA35,i5 M .-!s
?ctavia # + 70F 4etrol ?ctavia # 0 -*" *iesel

S: .5 L5;+5 M .-!s
1aura # 0 -*" 4* *iesel 1aura # 0 -*" 4*235 *iesel

S: .5 S;*-+/ M .-!s
!uperb -!" 235 !uperb -*" 4* 235 !uperb F% &!" 4<4 235

T535 M 3 +s

-ata Cotors 1imited/ is "ndiaIs largest private automobile and commercial vehicle manufacturing company "t is also the worldIs %th biggest commercial vehicle manufacturer "t is part of the -ata )roup -ata Cotors is widely credited for putting "ndia on the automotive map by designing and developing its own range of cars -ata Cotors date bac. to #04, when they started -rains -ata Cotors was first listed on the 'O!> in 7004 "t has its manufacturing base in =amshedpur, and 4une "n 7004 it also bought *aewooIs truc. manufacturing unit in !outh (orea "n Carch 700,, it ac;uired a 7#G sta.e in Aispano Carrocera !3, giving it controlling rights in the company -ata Cotors is a company of the -ata and !ons )roup, founded by =amsetji -ata "t is currently headed by :atan -ata -ata CotorsI range of passenger cars is still not comprehensive by international standards "n commercial vehicles -ata Cotors commands an imposing %,G share in the domestic heavy commercial -he company is fast trying to modernise its range of commercial vehicles -ata Cotors has the uni;ue distinction of giving "ndia its first and only indigenously built passenger car / -he -ata "ndica and the

premium feature sedan / -he -ata "ndigo -he "ndica, launched in #00+, reached the 7,,0,000 sales mar. within ,7 months of launch -ata Cotors is "ndiaIs only fully integrated automobile manufacturer with a portfolio that covers truc.s, buses, utility vehicles and passenger cars "t would be no e<aggeration to say that -ata Cotors provides the wheels for "ndiaIs growth -ata Cotors is one of the largest companies in the -ata )roup with a total income of @!R 7 6, billion Core than 6 million -ata vehicles ply on "ndian roads -ata a dominant force in the "ndian automobile industry

P5ss-28-+ C5+s
"ndica Fista "ndica F7 "ndica F7 -urbo "ndica F7 Neta "ndica F7 *icor "ndigo "ndigo N1 "ndigo Carina "ndigo C! 'ano

Fi53 C5+s
4alio !tile 4alio !tile Cultijet &iat ,00 &iat 1inea

U3i!i30 E-7iA!-s
!afari *icor !umo )rande !umo Ficta Nenon Nt


S5!-s R-* +3
Maruti Suzuki sales till February 2010
Car market leader Maruti Suzuki India Limited sold a total of 96,650 e!i"les in February 2010# $!is in"ludes 11,%%5 units of e&'orts# $!is is t!e !i(!est e er total mont!ly sales in t!e "om'any)s !istory *'re ious !i(!est 95,6+9 units in ,anuary 2010-# $!e "om'any !ad sold a total of .9,190 e!i"les in February 2009# In February 2010, t!e "om'any sold %+,.65 units in t!e domesti" market, u' 20 'er "ent o er "orres'ondin( mont! last year# $!is is t!e !i(!est e er domesti" sales in a mont!# $!e 're ious !i(!est mont!ly domesti" sale /as %1,0%. units, in ,anuary 2010# $!e sales fi(ures for February 2010 are (i en belo/0

In February Se(ment Models A1 C A2 A3 M800 Omni, Eeco* 2010 3178 2009 4075

$ill February 4 20093 C!an(e 10 -22.0% 39.6% 30266 90450

1'ril20% 3 4 Mar"!209 200%309 C!an(e 46953 71927 -35.5% 25.8% 26.9% 32.0% 22#.4 -46.6% 22#14 80#.4 49383 77948 511396 75928 .1+655 7489 .221++ .9216.

10668 7641

Alto, Wa on-!, E"tilo, #$i%t, A- 60380 50331 20.0% #ta&, !it'* #(4, )*'i&e -./"., ,ita&a -&an0 10254 8043 27.5% %++%0 .0090 20#54 285 535 -46.7%

578427 455981 88862 67333

$otal 5assen(er Cars M+, 6omesti" 7&'ort $otal Sales

.%%005 6+219+ 3255 6095

%+.65 .0625 20#04 11885 8565 38.8% 96650 .9190 22#04

.91260 6+%2%9 131982 58209 9282+2 .06+9%

126.7% 70023

H0;2.5i I2.i5 * s3s 3i!! D-A-9/-+ 2009 s5!-s +-* +3 H0;2.5i announced today that it has sold 77 % percent more new cars in "ndia during the month of *ecember 7000 compared to the same month a year earlier 3ccording to AyundaiIs monthly sales report, the company sold 4$7#$ new vehicles in "ndia last month, while in the same month a year earlier, the (orean largest sold 6+,07 new vehicles in the fast growing car Ayundai Cotor "ndia produces small cars such as i70 and i#0 hatchbac. and about half of them are sold in "ndia, while the rest of them are destined for mar.ets overseas, including >urope and other 3sian mar.ets *uring the last month of 7000, the i#0, i70 and !antro mini/car have been the top performing Ayundai vehicles with sales topping at 44#70 units "n addition, Ayundai also sold a little more than 6000 units of 3ccent hatchbac. and 70 units of Ayundai !onata sedan 3ccording to 3rvind !a<ena, director of Car.eting and !ales of Ayundai Cotor "ndia, the overall economic situation have in "ndia have improved and the automotive seems to have stabilized ?verall Ayundai sales during all #7 months of the year increased by #, percent to ,,0++0 units, compared to 4+0646 new vehicles sold a year earlier Ayundai revealed its "ndian sales soared #+ percent 2to 7+0+%6 units 5 when compared to 700+, while sales overseas increased to 7$00#$ 2-< H0;2.5i A5+s Aave you seen latest @! car sales numbersS 3uto blog has published a very nice sales table by automa.ers regarding the @!

&ebruary 7000 car sales "f you are one of those interested in the monthly sales numbers, " strongly advise you to visit the While the automotive industry struglles from falling new car demand, most automa.ers e<perienced sharp declines in sales last month )C, -oyota, Aonda and others have lost up to ,0 percent or even more sales compared to the same month of last year -here are, however, some e<ceptions that have done a good job last month (ia and !ubaru both posted gains in &ebruary sales Ayundai did also ;uite good in the @! in &ebruary, with sales falling TonlyU # , percent compared to last years &ebruary Ayundai Cotor 3merica reported its sales decreased to 60 %7# vehicles from 6#000 vehicles sold a year earlier despite aggressive mar.eting and a program that allows buyers to return their cars should they lose their jobs While sales of the >lantra compact sedan rose 66 percent to +,0$+, the sales of the companys best selling model, the !onata sedan, tumbled more than 40 percent Ayundai !onata has seen some ups and downs over the past few months, but its year/to/date numbers stay close to the last years numbers Ayundai )enesis sedan has had the best selling month with sales going up to # 7%6 units H0;2.5i s5!-s 35/!-:

Ayundai sales jump 47G in =an 70#0

-he domestic sales in =anuary are the highest since #00+ when AC"1 launched its flagship !antro in !eptember -he countrys second largest, Ayundai Cotor "ndia, on Conday reported 4# %0G growth in sales at ,7,%6, units in =anuary 70#0 -he company had sold 6$,#$# units in =anuary 7000 *omestic sales during the month rose by 40 +,G to 70,%0# units compared to 7#,0#% units in the same month last year, Ayundai Cotor "ndia 1td 2AC"15 said in a statement -he domestic sales in =anuary are the highest since #00+ when AC"1 launched its flagship !antro in !eptember, it added TWe have started the year on a right note and we hope the momentum will continue with the help of the stimulus pac.age offered by the government,U AC"1 director 2Car.eting and !ales5 3rvind !a<ena said ><ports of the company grew 47 ,+G to 76,064 units from #%,#,, units in the year/ago period, it added "n its 37 segment 2!antro, i#0, i70 and )etz 4rime5, the company sold 4$,#04 units, while in the 36 segment 23ccent and Ferna5 sales were at ,,,07 units -he 3, segment 2!onata -ransform5 of AC"1 witnessed sales of 70 units, while its !@F -ucson had no ta.ers during the month

T535 M 3 +s F-/+;5+0 . 9-s3iA s5!-s 53 #21#9? 2 s.1 '9I 7i87-+ 3752 J52;5+0 s5!-s.
-ata Cotors domestic sales for the month of F-/+;5+0 2009 were 47,406 nos , the 7i87-s3 in the last 4 months *omestic commercial vehicle sales at 76,4,4 nos were the highest since !eptember 700+, while domestic passenger vehicle sales at #0,060 nos were the highest since Cay 700+ -he companys total sales 2including e<ports5 were 46,+## vehicles, also highest in the last 4 months While the financial stimulus announced by the )overnment, particularly for commercial vehicles, has had a positive impact, the retail would still ta.e some time to reach the corresponding period levels of the last fiscal 3s a result, &ebruary 7000 domestic sales nos were #,G lower than that of &ebruary 700+ Cumulative sales 2including e<ports5 for the company were 444,0$# nos , #4G lower than the corresponding period in the last fiscal P5ss-28-+E-7iA!-s -he companys sales of passenger vehicles in &ebruary 7000 in the domestic at #0,060 nos were the 7i87-s3 this fiscal since Cay 700+ sales of #0,764, 4G up over J52;5+0 2009, and '."I 7i87-+ than vehicles sold in &ebruary last year ?verall sales were in the positive territory only for the second time since Cay 700+ -he &ebruary 7000 passenger car sales of the "ndica and "ndigo range put together at #,,,74 nos were the highest this fiscal, surpassing =anuary 7000 sales of #,,40% and #,G higher than &ebruary 700+ Car sales have been in positive territory since ?ctober 700+ for four of the five months, due to growing new "ndica Fista sales -he "ndica range sales at ##,6#, nos came into the positive territory for the first time this fiscal and were #7G higher than &ebruary 700+, continuing at their pea. level this fiscal

of =anuary 7000 sales of ##,466 nos -he "ndigo range sales of 4,700 nos were 7$G higher than &ebruary 700+ -he @tility Fehicle9!@F range accounted for sales of 6,,#, nos , 70G higher than =anuary 7000, but 64G lower than &ebruary 700+ Cumulative sales of passenger vehicles in the domestic for the fiscal were #$%,4,4 nos , a decline of $G over #00,07# nos in the same period last year Cumulative sales of the "ndica range at 0$,,$, nos , reported a reducing decline of 70G Cumulative sales of the "ndigo family were 44,%#4 nos , a growth of $0G Cumulative sales of the @tility Fehicle9!@F range at 64,7%, nos declined by #$G EJ* +3s -he companyIs sales from e<ports at #,6#+ vehicles in &ebruary 7000, were up $G over =anuary 7000, but declined by %+G compared to 4,00$ vehicles in &ebruary 700+ -he cumulative sales from e<ports for the fiscal at 6#,%## nos declined by 6,G over 4+,,0$ nos in the same period last year

T535 M 3 +s J52;5+0 20'0 s5!-s 53 $"1#=% ,-7iA!-s.

-ata Cotors total sales 2including e<ports5 of -ata commercial and passenger vehicles in =anuary 70#0 were %,,4$+ vehicles, a growth of $$ per cent over 6%,06# vehicles sold in =anuary 7000 -he companys domestic sales of -ata commercial and passenger vehicles for =anuary 70#0 were %7,707 vehicles, a $4 per cent growth over 6,,$04 sold in =anuary last year

Cumulative sales 2including e<ports5 for the company for the fiscal at 40+,#0+ vehicles, recorded a growth of 74 per cent over 400,7+4 sold last year

4assenger vehicles -he passenger vehicles business reported a total sale and distribution offta.e of 7+,,4$ vehicles 27%,74, -ata P 7,607 &iat5 in the domestic in =anuary 70#0, the highest ever and a 46 per cent increase compared to #0,0## vehicles 2#+,66# -ata P #,,+0 &iat5 in =anuary last year !ales of -ata cars, at 77,$0$ vehicles are the highest ever and a growth of 4$ per cent over =anuary 7000 !ales of the -ata 'ano were 4,00# vehicles -he "ndica range sales were ##,44+ vehicles, the highest this fiscal though flat over =anuary last year -he "ndigo range recorded sales of $,7,+ vehicles, the highest ever since the "ndigos launch in 7007 and a growth of +6 per cent over =anuary last year -he !umo 9 !afari range accounted for sales of 6,,6+ vehicles, the highest this fiscal and a growth of 7# per cent over =anuary last year

=aguar 1and :over sales continued their upward trend since launch in =une with their highest sales in =anuary Cumulative sales and distribution offta.e of passenger vehicles in the domestic for the fiscal are 700,,$6 vehicles 2#+0,#+4 -ata P 70,6+0 &iat5, against #%7,47, vehicles 2#,$,460 -ata P 4,0+% &iat5 last year, a growth of 76 per cent Cumulative sales of the 'ano are 7#,,6, vehicles Cumulative sales of the "ndica range at 0#,70, vehicles, reported a growth of % per cent Cumulative sales of the "ndigo family are 4#,$74 vehicles, higher by 6 per cent,

coming into the positive territory for the first time this fiscal based on the growing acceptance of the newly launched "ndigo Canza Cumulative sales of the !umo 9 !afari range are 7,,%60 vehicles, lower by #$ per cent EJ* +3s -he companyIs sales from e<ports at 6,7$% vehicles in =anuary 70#0 registered a growth of #%$ per cent compared to #,77$ vehicles in =anuary last year -he cumulative sales from e<ports for the fiscal at 7%,$00 vehicles are lower by #7 per cent over 60,706 vehicles in the same period last year

T 0 35 i2A+-5s-s 2009&20'0 8! /5! s5!-s 4 +-A5s3 /0 ?I.

-oyota Cotor Corp 2$706 -5, has raised its global sales forecast for the year to Carch 70#0 by 6 percent to % $ million cars, the -o.yo !him bun daily reported on !aturday, in the latest sign of a nascent recovery in auto demand -here have been subtle signs that demand for new cars and truc.s are improving !everal automa.ers plan to increase production over the ne<t few months, and -oyota is no different +euters is reporting that the WorldIs 1argest has raised its sales forecast by 6G to % $ million units for the year ending Carch 70#0 -oyota is also reportedly to increase production by a not/so/subtle +G to a total of % 4, million units -oyota is neither confirming nor denying the report, which originated in the Tokyo S%i$,undaily !ome of the reasons cited for the increased forecast and production center around incentives from governments all over the world Aere in the !tates, Cash for Clun.ers payed a big role in -oyotaIs sales increase, while low emissions vehicle subsidies of up to R7,+00 by the =apanese government has helped spur sales in the automa.erIs home

M57i2.+5Ks . 9-s3iA 5;3 2$.9I 8+ <37 i2 J;!0 2009

D 9-s3iA UE s5!-s 8+ < /0 "$.#I

s5!-s +-8is3-+

Cumbai, 3ugust #, 7000K Cahindra M Cahindra 1td 2CMC 1td 5, a part of the @! R% 6 billion Cahindra )roup, today announced that its domestic auto sales stood at 7#0,$ units in =uly 7000 -he companys total domestic volumes 2including joint ventures5 for the month of =uly 7000 stand at 7#0,$ units, as against #$607 units in =uly 700+ / a jump of 7% 0G -he total @F sales in =uly 7000 which includes !corpio, Bolero, NO1? and 4ic./@p stands at #%%++ as against sales of #0%$7 in =uly 700+, which is a growth of ,% 4G -he company sold a total of 774%6 vehicles 2*omestic P ><ports5 in =uly 7000, as against #+40$ vehicles 2*omestic P ><ports5 sold in =uly 700+ 3bout the Cahindra )roup -he @! R% 6 billion Cahindra )roup is among the top #0 industrial houses in "ndia Cahindra is the leader in multi/utility vehicles in "ndia "t made a milestone entry

into the passenger car segment with the 1ogan Cahindra M Cahindra is the only "ndian company among the top tractor brands in the world -he )roup has a leading presence in .ey sectors of the "ndian economy, including the financial services, trade, components, after/, retail and logistics, automotive

information technology and infrastructure development Cahindra has made an entry in the two/wheeler segment which will see the company emerge as a full/range player with a presence in almost every segment of the automobile industry -he Cahindra )roup recently e<panded its "- portfolio when -ech Cahindra ac;uired the leading global business and information technology services company, !atyam Computer !ervices -he company is now .nown as Cahindra !atyam CahindraIs &arm >;uipment !ector is the proud recipient of the =apan Buality Cedal, the only tractor company worldwide to be bestowed this honour "t also holds the distinction of being the only tractor company worldwide to win the *eming 4rize -he @!

based :eputation "nstitute recently ran.ed Cahindra among the top #0 "ndian companies in its )lobal 700K -he WorldIs Best Corporate :eputations list Cahindra is also one of the few "ndian companies to receive an 3P ):" chec.ed rating for its first !ustainability :eport for the year 700$/0+

G-2-+5! M 3 +s +-* +3s '0'I i2A+-5s- i2 s5!-s i2 D-A-9/-+ 2009

Car )eneral Cotors today reported #0#G growth in its sales in *ecember 7000, the highest in a month since its inception in the country in #00% -he company sold +,7,+ units in *ecember 7000 as against 4,04# units in *ecember 700+, it to register the highest/ever monthly sales, a company release here said "t sold sold 4,#4$ units of !par., #,,#0 units of !@F -avera, %#% units of the premium sedan Cruze, 406 units of 3veo @/Fa, 6$4 units of 3veo, #%+ units of ?ptra, +,0 units of Beat and +7 units of Captiva, it said With this, )C "ndia closed the third ;uarter of this financial year 23pril to *ecember, 70005 at ,,,$74 units against 4$,$+% units sold during the corresponding period 700+ LWe are pleased to see such robust growth for all our car lines, and we believe these world class products will further propel the Chevrolet brand in the,L )eneral Cotors "ndia vice/ president 4 Balendran said

@nder the pre/owned car programme IChevrolet/?(I, )C "ndia had planned to open 40 more outlets in the country by this year/ end -he company had already opened 60 outlets across 74 cities, it said )C "ndia produces the Chevrolet Captiva, Chevrolet ?ptra, Chevrolet Cruze, Chevrolet 3veo, Chevrolet 3veo @/F3, Chevrolet !par., Chevrolet Beat and Chevrolet -avera, the release added

GM I2.i5Ls M5+ s5!-s 53 ''1??0 ;2i3sM 7i87-s3&-,-+ i2 5 9 237. )eneral Cotors "ndia today reported a over two/fold jump in sales at ##,660 units in Carch, its highest ever in a month in #6 years of operations, on the bac. of strong showing by its small cars Beat and !par. -he company had sold ,,00# units in the same month last year, )eneral Cotors 2)C5 "ndia said in a statement L"ntroduction of best/in/segment cars from the 600 series, increase in customer outreach through distribution networ., our uni;ue value proposition li.e Chevrolet Cashless ?wnership offer are the factors that have led to the impressive sales,L Balendran said -he Carch sales beat the previous monthly record of ##,### units made by the company in &ebruary this year )C "ndia said the robust sales in Carch has been led by its two small cars // Beat and !par.

-he company sold 6,7%% units of the hatchbac. !par., $#, units of the sedan Cruze and 4,,0+ units of the latest compact car Beat in the reporting month, it added "t also sold 4,4 units of premium hatchbac. 3veo @/Fa, 4#0 units of the entry/level sedan 3veo, #6, units of the mid/sized sedan ?ptra, #,%,4 units of the multi/utility vehicle -avera and #$0 units of the !@F Captiva LWe are pleased to see such robust growth for all our car lines and we believe these world class products will further propel the Chevrolet brand in the,L Balendran said


T /- 4i!!-. /0 37- A;s3 9-+ '. N59-@@@@@@@@@@@@@.. 2. A8- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ?. A..+-ss@@@@@@@@@@@@@ #. T-! 2 . ". OAA;*53i 2 B;si2-ss s-+,iA37-+

20% 12"ine"" 50% 30% #e&3ice ot4e&

$. Y ;+ 9 237!0 i2A 9-

56 20000&#0000 /6 #0000&$0000 C6 $0000&%0000 .6 %0000 5/ ,-

9% 46% 18%

20,000 - 40,000 40,000 - 60,000 60,000 - 80,000 80,000 a5o3e


=. D 0 ; <2 5 A5+N 56 Y-s ) 6 8 3 D;-s. %

/6 N ) 6 8 3 9

20% 6e" 7o 80%

%. R-A-23!01 75,- 0 ; *;+A75s-. 520 2-< A5+N 56 Y-s ) 6 /6 N ) 6

40% 60%

6e" 7o

9. I4 0-s1 37-2 <7iA7 /+52.N 5. M5+;3i) 6 /. H0;2.5i) 6 .. C7-,+ !-3 ) 6 -. F5i3 ) 6 4. F +. ) 6 7. M57i2.+5 ) 6 i. 37-+ ) 6

A. T535) 6 8. H 2.5 ) 6

Ma&2ti 8.2n0ai 10% 20% 50% 20% 0% 9ata C4e3&olet :ait :o&0 8on0a Ma4in0&a Ot4e&

'0. W753 . ; ! : 4 + <7-2 ; /;0 5 A5+N 5. P-+4 +952A/. P *;!5+i30 .. P+iA-. A-s37-3iA s5!- s-+,iA-s

A. S353;s 4. 543-+

; e&%o&m anc e 30% 0% 20% 30% ; o/2la&it. # tat2" 10% 10% ; &ic e A e" t4etic a%te& " ale "e&3ice"

''. W7iA7 /+52. . -s ; !i:-N 5. M5+;3i) 6 /. H0;2.5i) 6 .. C7-,+ !-3 ) 6 -. F5i3 ) 6 8. H 2.5 ) 6 7. M57i2.+5 ) 6

A. T535) 6 4. F +. ) 6 i. 37-+ ) 6

Ma&2ti 8.2n0ai 10% 20% 50% 20% 0% 9ata C4e3&olet :ait :o&0 8on0a Ma4in0&a Ot4e&

T /- 4i!!-. /0 +-35i!-+s 1. N59-@@@@@@@@@@



?. I2 <7iA7 /+52.s . -s ; .-5!N 5. M5+;3i) 6 /. H0;2.5i) 6 -. F5i3 ) 6 4. F +. ) 6 7. M57i2.+5 ) 6 i. 37-+ ) 6 A. T535) 6 .. C7-,+ !-3) 6 8. H 2.5 ) 6

Ma&2ti 8.2n0ai 10% 0% 10% 20% 20% 10% 0% 30% 9ata C4e3&olet :ait :o&0 8on0a Ma4in0&a Ot4e&

#. Is 37-+- 520 C7528- i2 s5!-s 3+-2.s i2 2009 *+i + 3 *5s3 0-5+sN I4 i2A+-5s- 37-2 52s<-+ D;-s3i 2 "N 5. I2A+-5s-. i2 s5!-) 6 /. D-A+-5s-. i2 s5!-) 6

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10 %

: a llin C a & / &ic e "

> o $ 3e 4 ic le " / e n e t&a tio n





SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND SUGGESTIONS '6 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS -he major findings of this study are listed below very briefly, according to the objectives of the study BRAND AWARENESS -he analysis of data, which was collected from the respondents, shows very clearly that #00G of the respondents were aware of all the brands USAGE PATTERN @sage pattern of the consumers can be understood by e<plaining following findingsK BRAND TRIAL 3nalysis shows that, #00G of the respondents use Caruti car and Ayundai and 00G of the respondents have used -oyota cars and &ord cars Aonda cars, &ait cars, 3mbassador Car, Cahindra cars etc PLACE OF PURCHASE 3nalysis shows that most of the respondents were purchasing brand of Cars from showrooms and from companies COMPARITIEEANALYSIS Comparative analysis has been done on the basis ofK -he TattributesU of the cars -he Teasy availabilityU of the cars -he most Teffective advertisementU of the cars

SUGGESTIONS &ollowing few suggestions are made based on findingsK




MATERIAL COLLECTED BY& T7- 7-!* 4 O+852iB53i 2 M5258-+ 52. s3544 9-9/-+s. T7- 7-!* 4 <-/si3-s !i:-:

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