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HVAC Water &Energy Management Comfort for your occupants, comfort for your budget VEOLIA Water Solutions

& Technologies helps you maintain comfortable, healthy indoor spaces and reduce operating costs by optimi ing your heating and cooling systems! Our ser"ices ensure pea# performance and reliability $hile dri"ing do$n fuel and electricity usage, $ater consumption, labor, and maintenance! We also help you manage en"ironmental, health and safety issues, including Legionella ris# minimi ation! We pro"e our "alue year after year in retail stores, schools and colleges, hospitals and clinics, go"ernment facilities, commercial office buildings and by $or#ing $ith facility

management companies $orld$ide! Our complete offerings include% & & & & & & Li'uid and solid $ater treatment chemicals Automated chemical dosing systems (emote monitoring and diagnostics soft$are Site ser"ices )embrane $ater treatment systems *esalination systems for sea$ater and brac#ish $ater

We trac# your entire system and document performance and cost efficiencies! Our feed$ater treatments enhance cooling to$er and boiler performance and protect these critical assets against corrosion, scaling and biofouling! VEOLIA technologies help you ma+imi e efficiency throughout your system to sa"e money, enhance performance, reduce $ater and energy needs, $hile helping to ensure comfort and bring peace of mind to your occupants! Complete treatment solutions backed by a world of experience VEOLIA has a deep history in the facilities industry and "ast #no$ledge of heating and cooling infrastructure! Our roots in $ater and process ser"ice go bac# more than ,-- years. our e+pertise includes complete solutions for entire $ater treatment systems! Our $orld/leading brands include 0ydre+ chemical treatments and )ultipure1 membrane systems! We support you at e"ery le"el, $ith programs including% & Total chemical management & 2omprehensi"e ser"ice and maintenance agreements & 3le+ible financing for capital purchases

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3or coastal facilities, $e pro"ide re"erse osmosis 4(O5 *esalator1 systems that produce clean, safe $ater at an e+tremely affordable cost!

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6lobal solutions 7 $or# for you All of our ser"ices come bac#ed by the full resources of VEOLIA! In our boundaryless organi ation, your VEOLIA Water Solutions & Technologies representati"es learn best practices from colleagues $orld$ide and apply them for your benefit! Our technical field representati"es and authori ed members of our ser"ice net$or#, stationed $orld$ide, $or# on customer sites daily! They monitor processes, identify problems and implement solutions to% & Optimi e heating and cooling performance and occupant comfort & 8eep heat e+changers, cooling to$ers and boilers clean and efficient & 2onser"e $ater and energy to protect the en"ironment and your budget & )anage en"ironmental, health and safety issues Our Legionella management programs include ris# assessments on all $ater systems, specialist training, monitoring ser"ices, and effecti"e treatments! olutions t!at deli"er real business "alue We don9t :ust promise performance ; $e document and pro"e the "alue of our solutions! Our e'uipment and chemicals optimi e $ater usage through higher cycles of concentration! A VEOLIA automated measurement and control system enhances your operating efficiency! & The <IOS2A=> system gi"es you microbiological monitoring results $ith the touch of a button, in seconds instead of days! )easuring for a full range of

microbiological intruders, it lets you ma#e informed treatment decisions, thus impro"e treatment effecti"eness, increase system efficiency, and reduce costs! & A'uadem? remote monitoring and diagnostics lets you monitor your system on the Internet around the cloc# to detect trouble and 'uic#ly ma#e ad:ustments to ensure optimum performance!

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power tool Our comprehensi"e tools help you optimi e cooling to$ers, chillers and boilers to ensure indoor comfort, safeguard assets, and comply $ith en"ironmental, safety and health regulations! The Value 6eneration @lan ; another VEOLIA e+clusi"e ; 'uantifies ho$ $e enhance your #ey business results by increasing uptime, impro"ing efficiency, reducing costs and impro"ing en"ironmental compliance! As a VEOLIAcustomer, you also benefit from% & E+perts dedicated to your success & Technical #no$ledge unmatched in the industry & 2ontinuous and detailed performance monitoring, ensuring ma+imum cost sa"ings & Optimi ed performance to reduce total operating costs Constant inno"ation, continuous impro"ement Aust as your business see#s continuous impro"ement, VEOLIApushes the limits of $ater treatment and process technologies! We consider not :ust your needs today, but your potential for tomorro$! Our global commitment to technology pro"ides nearly unlimited potential for future inno"ations that $ill anticipate and meet your changing needs! Offerings in de"elopment include a flo$/ and temperature/sensing system to identify trends in heat e+changer performance and enable fine/tuning of treatments to suit your specific operating conditions!

As a global leader in innovative equipment and services, VEOLIAis committed to see ing and delivering t!e tec!nolog" to continuall" en!ance "our water and process s"stems.

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