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Myths and Legends of the Sioux

McLaughlin, Marie L. (1916) In loving memory of my mother, MARY GRAHAM BUISSON, at whose knee most of the stories ontaine! in this little vol"me were tol! to me, this #ook is affe tionately !e!i ate! TABLE OF CONTENTS $e!i ation %orewor! &he %orgotten 'ar of (orn &he )ittle Mi e &he *et Ra##it &he *et $onkey &he Ra##it an! the 'lk &he Ra##it an! the Gro"se Girls &he %aithf"l )overs &he Arti hoke an! the M"skrat &he Ra##it, an! the Bear with the %lint Bo!y Story of the )ost +ife &he Ra oon an! the (rawfish )egen! of Stan!ing Ro k Story of the *ea e *i,e A Bashf"l (o"rtshi, &he Sim,leton-s +is!om )ittle Brave an! the Me!i ine +oman &he Bo"n! (hil!ren &he Signs of (orn Story of the Ra##its How the Ra##it )ost His &ail Unktomi an! the Arrowhea!s &he Bear an! the Ra##it H"nt B"ffalo &he Brave +ho +ent on the +ar,ath Alone an! +on the Name of the )one +arrior &he Sio". +ho Marrie! the (row (hief-s $a"ghter &he Boy an! the &"rtles &he Hermit, or the Gift of (orn &he Mysterio"s B"tte&he +on!erf"l &"rtle &he Man an! the Oak Story of the &wo Yo"ng %rien!s &he Story of the *et (row &he /+asna/ 0*emmi an Man1 an! the Unktomi 0S,i!er1 &he Res"s itation of the Only $a"ghter &he Story of the *et (rane +hite *l"me Story of *retty %eathere! %orehea! &he %o"r Brothers or Inyanhoksila 0Stone Boy1 &he Unktomi 0S,i!er1, &wo +i!ows an! the Re! *l"ms FOREWOR In ,"#lishing these /Myths of the Sio".,/ I !eem it ,ro,er to state that I am of one2fo"rth Sio". #loo!3

My maternal gran!father, (a,tain $"n an Graham, a S ot hman #y #irth, who ha! seen servi e in the British Army, was one of a ,arty of S ot h Highlan!ers who in 4544 arrive! in the British Northwest #y way of York %a tory, H"!son Bay, to fo"n! what was known as the Selkirk (olony, near )ake +inni,eg, now within the ,rovin e of Manito#a, (ana!a3 Soon after his arrival at )ake +inni,eg he ,ro ee!e! ", the Re! River of the North an! the western fork thereof to its so"r e, an! then e !own the Minnesota River to Men!ota, the onfl"en e of the Minnesota an! Mississi,,i Rivers, where he lo ate!3 My gran!mother, Ha26a2ho2ta2win, was a f"ll2#loo! of the Me!awakanton Ban! of the Sio". &ri#e of In!ians3 My father, 7ose,h B"isson, #orn near Montreal, (ana!a, was onne te! with the Ameri an %"r (om,any, with hea!8"arters at Men!ota, Minnesota, whi h ,oint was for many years the hief !istri#"ting !e,ot of the Ameri an %"r (om,any, from whi h the In!ian tra!e on!" te! #y that om,any on the ",,er Mississi,,i was !ire te!3 I was #orn $e em#er 5, 459:, at +a#asha, Minnesota, then In!ian o"ntry, an! resi!e! thereat "ntil fo"rteen years of age, when I was sent to s hool at *rairie !" (hien, +is onsin3 I was marrie! to Ma;or 7ames M )a"ghlin at Men!ota, Minnesota, 7an"ary :5, 45<9, an! resi!e! in Minnesota "ntil 7"ly 4, 45=4, when I a om,anie! my h"s#an! to $evils )ake Agen y, North $akota, then $akota &erritory, where I remaine! ten years in most frien!ly relations with the In!ians of that agen y3 My h"s#an! was In!ian agent at $evils )ake Agen y, an! in 4554 was transferre! to Stan!ing Ro k, on the Misso"ri River, then a very im,ortant agen y, to take harge of the Sio". who ha! then #"t re ently s"rren!ere! to the military a"thorities, an! #een #ro"ght #y steam#oat from vario"s ,oints on the ",,er Misso"ri, to #e ,ermanently lo ate! on the Stan!ing Ro k reservation3 Having #een #orn an! reare! in an In!ian omm"nity, I at an early age a 8"ire! a thoro"gh knowle!ge of the Sio". lang"age, an! having live! on In!ian reservations for the ,ast forty years in a ,osition whi h #ro"ght me very near to the In!ians, whose onfi!en e I ,ossesse!, I have, therefore, ha! e. e,tional o,,ort"nities of learning the legen!s an! folk2lore of the Sio".3 &he stories ontaine! in this little vol"me were tol! me #y the ol!er men an! women of the Sio"., of whi h I ma!e aref"l notes as relate!, knowing that, if not re or!e!, these fairy tales wo"l! #e lost to ,osterity #y the ,assing of the ,rimitive In!ian3 &he notes of a song or a strain of m"si oming to "s thro"gh the night not only give "s ,leas"re #y the melo!y they #ring, #"t also give "s knowle!ge of the hara ter of the singer or of the instr"ment from whi h they ,ro ee!3 &here is something in the m"si whi h "nerringly tells "s of its so"r e3 I #elieve m"si ians all it the /tim#re/ of the so"n!3 It is in!e,en!ent of, an! !ifferent from, #oth ,it h an! rhythm> it is the te.t"re of the m"si itself3 &he /tim#re/ of a ,eo,le-s stories tells of the 8"alities of that ,eo,le-s heart3 It is the te.t"re of the tho"ght, in!e,en!ent of its form or fashioning, whi h tells the 8"ality of the min! from whi h it s,rings3 In the /tim#re/ of these stories of the Sio"., tol! in the lo!ges an! at the am, fires of the ,ast, an! #y the firesi!es of the $akotas of to!ay, we re ogni6e the very te.t"re of the tho"ght of a sim,le, grave, an! sin ere ,eo,le, living in intimate onta t an! frien!shi, with the #ig o"t2of2!oors that we all Nat"re> a ra e not yet "n!erstan!ing all things, not ,ro"! an! #oastf"l, #"t honest an! hil!like an! fair> a sim,le, sin ere, an! gravely tho"ghtf"l ,eo,le, willing to #elieve that there may #e in even the every!ay things of life something not yet f"lly "n!erstoo!> a ra e that an, witho"t any loss of native !ignity, gravely onsi!er the sim,lest things, seeking to fathom their meaning an! to learn their lesson 22 e8"ally witho"t vain2glorio"s #oasting an! trifling yni ism> an earnest, tho"ghtf"l, !ignifie!, #"t sim,le an! ,rimitive ,eo,le3 &o the hil!ren of any ra e these stories an not fail to give ,leas"re #y their vivi! imaging of the

sim,le things an! reat"res of the great o"t2of2!oors an! the e,i s of their !oings3 &hey will also give an intimate insight into the mentality of an interesting ra e at a most interesting stage of !evelo,ment, whi h is now fast re e!ing into the mists of the ,ast3 T!E FOR"OTTEN EAR OF CORN An Arikara woman was on e gathering orn from the fiel! to store away for winter "se3 She ,asse! from stalk to stalk, tearing off the ears an! !ro,,ing them into her fol!e! ro#e3 +hen all was gathere! she starte! to go, when she hear! a faint voi e, like a hil!-s, wee,ing an! alling? /Oh, !o not leave me@ $o not go away witho"t me3/ &he woman was astonishe!3 /+hat hil! an that #eA/ she aske! herself3 /+hat #a#e an #e lost in the ornfiel!A/ She set !own her ro#e in whi h she ha! tie! ", her orn, an! went #a k to sear h> #"t she fo"n! nothing3 As she starte! away she hear! the voi e again? /Oh, !o not leave me3 $o not go away witho"t me3/ She sear he! for a long time3 At last in one orner of the fiel!, hi!!en "n!er the leaves of the stalks, she fo"n! one little ear of orn3 &his it was that ha! #een rying, an! this is why all In!ian women have sin e garnere! their orn ro, very aref"lly, so that the s" "lent foo! ,ro!" t sho"l! not even to the last small n"##in #e negle te! or waste!, an! th"s !is,lease the Great Mystery3 T!E L#TTLE M#CE On e ",on a time a ,rairie mo"se #"sie! herself all fall storing away a a he of #eans3 'very morning she was o"t early with her em,ty ast2off snake skin, whi h she fille! with gro"n! #eans an! !ragge! home with her teeth3 &he little mo"se ha! a o"sin who was fon! of !an ing an! talk, #"t who !i! not like to work3 She was not aref"l to get her a he of #eans an! the season was alrea!y well gone #efore she tho"ght to #estir herself3 +hen she ame to reali6e her nee!, she fo"n! she ha! no ,a king #ag3 So she went to her har!working o"sin an! sai!? /(o"sin, I have no #eans store! for winter an! the season is nearly gone3 B"t I have no snake skin to gather the #eans in3 +ill yo" len! me oneA/ /B"t why have yo" no ,a king #agA +here were yo" in the moon when the snakes ast off their skinsA/ /I was here3/ /+hat were yo" !oingA/ /I was #"sy talking an! !an ing3/ /An! now yo" are ,"nishe!,/ sai! the other3 /It is always so with la6y, areless ,eo,le3 B"t I will let yo" have the snake skin3 An! now go, an! #y har! work an! in!"stry, try to re over yo"r waste! time3/ T!E $ET RABB#T A little girl owne! a ,et ra##it whi h she love! !early3 She arrie! it on her #a k like a #a#e, ma!e for it a little ,air of mo asins, an! at night share! with it her own ro#e3 Now the little girl ha! a o"sin who love! her very !early an! wishe! to !o her honor> so her o"sin sai! to herself?

/I love my little o"sin well an! will ask her to let me arry her ,et ra##it aro"n!>/ 0for th"s !o In!ian women when they wish to honor a frien!> they ask ,ermission to arry a#o"t the frien!-s #a#e13 She then went to the little girl an! sai!? /(o"sin, let me arry yo"r ,et ra##it a#o"t on my #a k3 &h"s shall I show yo" how I love yo"3/ Her mother, too, sai! to her? /Oh no, !o not let o"r little gran! hil! go away from o"r te,ee3/ B"t the o"sin answere!? /Oh, !o let me arry it3 I !o so want to show my o"sin honor3/ At last they let her go away with the ,et ra##it on her #a k3 +hen the little girl-s o"sin ame home to her te,ee, some ro"gh #oys who were ,laying a#o"t #egan to make s,ort of her3 &o tease the little girl they threw stones an! sti ks at the ,et ra##it3 At last a sti k str" k the little ra##it ",on the hea! an! kille! it3 +hen her ,et was #ro"ght home !ea!, the little ra##it-s a!o,te! mother we,t #itterly3 She "t off her hair for mo"rning an! all her little girl frien!s waile! with her3 Her mother, too, mo"rne! with them3 /Alas@/ they rie!, /alas, for the little ra##it3 He was always kin! an! gentle3 Now yo"r hil! is !ea! an! yo" will #e lonesome3/ &he little girl-s mother alle! in her little frien!s an! ma!e a great mo"rning feast for the little ra##it3 As he lay in the te,ee his a!o,te! mother-s little frien!s #ro"ght many ,re io"s things an! overe! his #o!y3 At the feast were given away ro#es an! kettles an! #lankets an! knives an! great wealth in honor of the little ra##it3 Him they wra,,e! in a ro#e with his little mo asins on an! #"rie! him in a high ,la e ",on a s affol!3 T!E $ET ON%E& &here was a hief-s !a"ghter on e who ha! a great many relations so that every#o!y knew she #elonge! to a great family3 +hen she grew ", she marrie! an! there were #orn to her twin sons3 &his a"se! great re;oi ing in her father-s am,, an! all the village women ame to see the #a#es3 She was very ha,,y3 As the #a#es grew ol!er, their gran!mother ma!e for them two sa!!le #ags an! #ro"ght o"t a !onkey3 /My two gran! hil!ren,/ sai! the ol! la!y, /shall ri!e as is #e oming to hil!ren having so many relations3 Here is this !onkey3 He is ,atient an! s"refoote!3 He shall arry the #a#es in the sa!!le #ags, one on either si!e of his #a k3/ It ha,,ene! one !ay that the hief-s !a"ghter an! her h"s#an! were making rea!y to go on a am,ing ;o"rney3 &he father, who was 8"ite ,ro"! of his hil!ren, #ro"ght o"t his finest ,ony, an! ,"t the sa!!le #ags on the ,ony-s #a k3 /&here,/ he sai!, /my sons shall ri!e on the ,ony, not on a !onkey> let the !onkey arry the ,ots an! kettles3/ So his wife loa!e! the !onkey with the ho"se2hol! things3 She tie! the te,ee ,oles into two great #"n!les, one on either si!e of the !onkey-s #a k> a ross them she ,"t the travois net an! threw into it the ,ots an! kettles an! lai! the skin tent a ross the !onkey-s #a k3 B"t no sooner !one than the !onkey #egan to rear an! #ray an! ki k3 He #roke the tent ,oles an! ki ke! the ,ots an! kettles into #its an! tore the skin tent3 &he more he was #eaten the more he ki ke!3 At last they tol! the gran!mother3 She la"ghe!3 /$i! I not tell yo" the !onkey was for the hil!ren,/ she rie!3 /He knows the #a#ies are the hief-s hil!ren3 &hink yo" he will #e !ishonore! with ,ots an! kettlesA/ an! she fet he! the hil!ren an! sl"ng them over the !onkey-s #a k, when he #e ame at on e

8"iet again3 &he am,ing ,arty left the village an! went on their ;o"rney3 B"t the ne.t !ay as they ,asse! #y a ,la e overgrown with #"shes, a #an! of enemies r"she! o"t, lashing their ,onies an! so"n!ing their war whoo,3 All was e. itement3 &he men #ent their an! sei6e! their lan es3 After a long #attle the enemy fle!3 B"t when the am,ing ,arty ame together again 22 where were the !onkey an! the two #a#esA No one knew3 %or a long time they sear he!, #"t in vain3 At last they t"rne! to go #a k to the village, the father mo"rnf"l, the mother wailing3 +hen they ame to the gran!mother-s te,ee, there stoo! the goo! !onkey with the two #a#es in the sa!!le #ags3 T!E RABB#T AN T!E EL% &he little ra##it live! with his ol! gran!mother, who nee!e! a new !ress3 /I will go o"t an! tra, a !eer or an elk for yo",/ he sai!3 /&hen yo" shall have a new !ress3/ +hen he went o"t h"nting he lai! !own his #ow in the ,ath while he looke! at his snares3 An elk oming #y saw the #ow3 /I will ,lay a ;oke on the ra##it,/ sai! the elk to himself3 /I will make him think I have #een a"ght in his #ow string3/ He then ,"t one foot on the string an! lay !own as if !ea!3 By an! #y the ra##it ret"rne!3 +hen he saw the elk he was fille! with ;oy an! ran home rying? /Gran!mother, I have tra,,e! a fine elk3 Yo" shall have a new !ress from his skin3 &hrow the ol! one in the fire@/ &his the ol! gran!mother !i!3 &he elk now s,rang to his feet la"ghing3 /Ho, frien! ra##it,/ he alle!, /Yo" tho"ght to tra, me> now I have mo ke! yo"3/ An! he ran away into the thi ket3 &he ra##it who ha! ome #a k to skin the elk now ran home again3 /Gran!mother, !on-t throw yo"r !ress in the fire,/ he rie!3 B"t it was too late3 &he ol! !ress was #"rne!3 T!E RABB#T AN T!E "RO'SE "#RLS &he ra##it on e went o"t on the ,rairie in winter time3 On the si!e of a hill away from the win! he fo"n! a great om,any of girls all with grey an! s,e kle! #lankets over their #a ks3 &hey were the gro"se girls an! they were oasting !own hill on a #oar!3 +hen the ra##it saw them, he alle! o"t? /Oh, mai!ens, that is not a goo! way to oast !own hill3 )et me get yo" a fine skin with #angles on it that tinkle as yo" sli!e3/ An! away he ran to the te,ee an! #ro"ght a skin #ag3 It ha! re! stri,es onit an! #angles that tinkle!3 /(ome an! get insi!e,/ he sai! to the gro"se girls3 /Oh, no, we are afrai!,/ they answere!3 /$on-t #e afrai!, I an-t h"rt yo"3 (ome, one of yo",/ sai! the ra##it3 &hen as ea h h"ng #a k he a!!e! oa.ingly? /If ea h is afrai! alone, ome all together3 I an-t h"rt yo" all3/ An! so he oa.e! the whole flo k into the #ag3 &his !one, the ra##it lose! the mo"th of the #ag, sl"ng it over his #a k an! ame home3 /Gran!mother,/ sai! he, as he ame to the te,ee, /here is a #ag f"ll of game3 +at h it while I go for willow sti ks to make s,its3/ B"t as soon as the ra##it ha! gone o"t of the tent, the gro"se girls #egan to ry o"t? /Gran!mother, let "s o"t3/ /+ho are yo"A/ aske! the ol! woman3 /Yo"r !ear gran! hil!ren,/ they answere!3 /B"t how ame yo" in the #agA/ aske! the ol! woman3 /Oh, o"r o"sin was ;esting with "s3 He oa.e! "s in the #ag for a ;oke3 *lease let "s o"t3/

/(ertainly, !ear gran! hil!ren, I will let yo" o"t,/ sai! the ol! woman as she "ntie! the #ag? an! lo, the gro"se flo k with a h" k2a2 h" k2a h" k flew ",, kno king over the ol! gran!mother an! flew o"t of the s8"are smoke o,ening of the winter lo!ge3 &he ol! woman a"ght only one gro"se as it flew ", an! hel! it, gras,ing a leg with ea h han!3 +hen the ra##it ame home with the s,its she alle! o"t to him? /Gran!son, ome 8"i k3 &hey got o"t #"t I have a"ght two3/ +hen he saw what ha! ha,,ene! he was 8"ite angry, yet o"l! not kee, from la"ghing3 /Gran!mother, yo" have #"t one gro"se,/ he rie!, an! it is a very skinny one at that3/ T!E FA#T!F'L LO(ERS &here on e live! a hief-s !a"ghter who ha! many relations3 All the yo"ng men in the village wante! to have her for wife, an! were all eager to fill her skin #" ket when she went to the #rook for water3 &here was a yo"ng man in the village who was in!"strio"s an! a goo! h"nter> #"t he was ,oor an! of a mean family3 He love! the mai!en an! when she went for water, he threw his ro#e over her hea! while he whis,ere! in her ear? /Be my wife3 I have little #"t I am yo"ng an! strong3 I will treat yo" well, for I love yo"3/ %or a long time the mai!en !i! not answer, #"t one !ay she whis,ere! #a k3 /Yes, yo" may ask my father-s leave to marry me3 B"t first yo" m"st !o something no#le3 I #elong to a great family an! have many relations3 Yo" m"st go on a war ,arty an! #ring #a k the s al, of an enemy3/ &he yo"ng man answere! mo!estly, /I will try to !o as yo" #i! me3 I am only a h"nter, not a warrior3 +hether I shall #e #rave or not I !o not know3 B"t I will try to take a s al, for yo"r sake3/ So he ma!e a war ,arty of seven, himself an! si. other yo"ng men3 &hey wan!ere! thro"gh the enemy-s o"ntry, ho,ing to get a han e to strike a #low3 B"t none ame, for they fo"n! no one of the enemy3 /O"r me!i ine is "nfavora#le,/ sai! their lea!er at last3 /+e shall have to ret"rn home3/ Before they starte! they sat !own to smoke an! rest #esi!e a #ea"tif"l lake at the foot of a green knoll that rose from its shore3 &he knoll was overe! with green grass an! somehow as they looke! at it they ha! a feeling that there was something a#o"t it that was mysterio"s or "n anny3 B"t there was a yo"ng man in the ,arty name! the ;ester, for he was vent"resome an! f"ll of f"n3 Ga6ing at the knoll he sai!? /)et-s r"n an! ;"m, on its to,3/ /No,/ sai! the yo"ng lover, /it looks mysterio"s3 Sit still an! finish yo"r smoke3/ /Oh, ome on, who-s afrai!,/ sai! the ;ester, la"ghing3 /(ome on yo" 22 ome on@/ an! s,ringing to his feet he ran ", the si!e of the knoll3 %o"r of the yo"ng men followe!3 Having rea he! the to, of the knoll all five #egan to ;"m, an! stam, a#o"t in s,ort, alling, /(ome on, ome on,/ to the others3 S"!!enly they sto,,e! 22 the knoll ha! #eg"n to move towar! the water3 It was a giganti t"rtle3 &he five men rie! o"t in alarm an! trie! to r"n 22 too late@ &heir feet #y some ,ower were hel! fast to the monster-s #a k3 /Hel, "s 22 !rag "s away,/ they rie!> #"t the others o"l! !o nothing3 In a few moments the waves ha! lose! over them3 &he other two men, the lover an! his frien!, went on, #"t with heavy hearts, for they ha! fore#o!ings

of evil3 After some !ays, they ame to a river3 +orn with fatig"e the lover threw himself !own on the #ank3 /I will slee, awhile,/ he sai!, /for I am wearie! an! worn o"t3/ /An! I will go !own to the water an! see if I an han e ",on a !ea! fish3 At this time of the year the high water may have left one stran!e! on the sea2shore,/ sai! his frien!3 An! as he ha! sai!, he fo"n! a fish whi h he leane!, an! then alle! to the lover3 /(ome an! eat the fish with me3 I have leane! it an! ma!e a fire an! it is now ooking3/ /No, yo" eat it> let me rest,/ sai! the lover3 /Oh, ome on3/ /No, let me rest3/ /B"t yo" are my frien!3 I will not eat "nless yo" share it with me3/ /Bery well,/ sai! the lover, /I will eat the fish with yo", #"t yo" m"st first make me a ,romise3 If I eat the fish, yo" m"st ,romise, ,le!ge yo"rself, to fet h me all the water that I an !rink3/ /I ,romise,/ sai! the other, an! the two ate the fish o"t of their war2kettle3 %or there ha! #een #"t one kettle for the ,arty3 +hen they ha! eaten, the kettle was rinse! o"t an! the lover-s frien! #ro"ght it #a k f"ll of water3 &his the lover !rank at a !ra"ght3 /Bring me more,/ he sai!3 Again his frien! fille! the kettle at the river an! again the lover !rank it !ry3 /More@/ he rie!3 /Oh, I am tire!3 (annot yo" go to the river an! !rink yo"r fill from the streamA/ aske! his frien!3 /Remem#er yo"r ,romise3/ /Yes, #"t I am weary3 Go now an! !rink3/ /'k2hey, I feare! it wo"l! #e so3 Now tro"#le is oming ",on "s,/ sai! the lover sa!ly3 He walke! to the river, s,rang in, an! lying !own in the water with his hea! towar! lan!, !rank gree!ily3 By an! #y he alle! to his frien!3 /(ome hither, yo" who have #een my sworn frien!3 See what omes of yo"r #roken ,romise3/ &he frien! ame an! was ama6e! to see that the lover was now a fish from his feet to his mi!!le3 Si k at heart he ran off a little way an! threw himself ",on the gro"n! in grief3 By an! #y he ret"rne!3 &he lover was now a fish to his ne k3 /(annot I "t off the ,art an! restore yo" #y a sweat #athA/ the frien! aske!3 /No, it is too late3 B"t tell the hief-s !a"ghter that I love! her to the last an! that I !ie for her sake3 &ake this #elt an! give it to her3 She gave it to me as a ,le!ge of her love for me,/ an! he #eing then t"rne! to a great fish, swam to the mi!!le of the river an! there remaine!, only his great fin remaining a#ove the water3 &he frien! went home an! tol! his story3 &here was great mo"rning over the !eath of the five yo"ng men, an! for the lost lover3 In the river the great fish remaine!, its fin ;"st a#ove the s"rfa e, an! was alle! #y the In!ians /%ish that Bars,/ #e a"se it #ar-! navigation3 (anoes ha! to #e ,ortage! at great

la#or aro"n! the o#str" tion3 &he hief-s !a"ghter mo"rne! for her lover as for a h"s#an!, nor wo"l! she #e omforte!3 /He was lost for love of me, an! I shall remain as his wi!ow,/ she waile!3 In her mother-s te,ee she sat, with her hea! overe! with her ro#e, silent, working, working3 /+hat is my !a"ghter !oing,/ her mother aske!3 B"t the mai!en !i! not re,ly3 &he !ays lengthene! into moons "ntil a year ha! ,asse!3 An! then the mai!en arose3 In her han!s were #ea"tif"l arti les of lothing, eno"gh for three men3 &here were three ,airs of mo asins, three ,airs of leggings, three #elts, three shirts, three hea! !resses with #ea"tif"l feathers, an! sweet smelling to#a o /Make a new anoe of #ark,/ she sai!, whi h was ma!e for her3 Into the anoe she ste,,e! an! floate! slowly !own the river towar! the great fish3 /(ome #a k my !a"ghter,/ her mother rie! in agony3 /(ome #a k3 &he great fish will eat yo"3/ She answere! nothing3 Her anoe ame to the ,la e where the great fin arose an! sto,,e!, its ,row grating on the monster-s #a k3 &he mai!en ste,,e! o"t #ol!ly3 One #y one she lai! her ,resents on the fish-s #a k, s attering the feathers an! to#a o over his #roa! s,ine3 /Oh, fish,/ she rie!, /Oh, fish, yo" who were my lover, I shall not forget yo"3 Be a"se yo" were lost for love of me, I shall never marry3 All my life I shall remain a wi!ow3 &ake these ,resents3 An! now leave the river, an! let the waters r"n free, so my ,eo,le may on e more !es en! in their anoes3/ She ste,,e! into her anoe an! waite!3 Slowly the great fish sank, his #roa! fin !isa,,eare!, an! the waters of the St3 (roi. 0Stillwater1 were free3 T!E ART#C!O%E AN T!E M'S%RAT On the shore of a lake stoo! an arti hoke with its green leaves waving in the s"n3 Bery ,ro"! of itself it was, an! well satisfie! with the worl!3 In the lake #elow live! a m"skrat in his te,ee, an! in the evening as the s"n set he wo"l! ome o"t ",on the shore an! wan!er over the #ank3 One evening he ame near the ,la e where the arti hoke stoo!3 /Ho, frien!,/ he sai!, /yo" seem rather ,ro"! of yo"rself3 +ho are yo"A/ /I am the arti hoke,/ answere! the other, /an! I have many han!some o"sins3 B"t who are yo"A/ /I am the m"skrat, an! I, too, #elong to a largefamily3 I live in the water3 I !on-t stan! all !ay in one ,la e like a stone3/ /If I stan! in one ,la e all !ay,/ retorte! the arti hoke, /at least I !on-t swim aro"n! in stagnant water, an! #"il! my lo!ge in the m"!3/ /Yo" are ;ealo"s of my fine f"r,/ sneere! the m"skrat3 /I may #"il! my lo!ge in the m"!, #"t I always have a lean oat3 B"t yo" are half #"rie! in the gro"n!, an! when men !ig yo" ",, yo" are never lean3/ /An! yo"r fine oat always smells of m"sk,/ ;eere! the arti hoke3 /&hat is tr"e,/ sai! the m"skrat3 /B"t men think well of me, nevertheless3 &hey tra, me for the fine sinew in my tail> an! han!some yo"ng women #ite off my tail with their white teeth an! make it into threa!3/ /&hat-s nothing,/ la"ghe! the arti hoke3 /Han!some yo"ng warriors, ,ainte! an! s,len!i! with feathers !ig me ",, #r"sh me off with their sha,ely han!s an! eat me witho"t even taking the tro"#le to wash me off3/



&he Ra##it an! his gran!mother were in !ire straits, #e a"se the ra##it was o"t of arrows3 &he fall h"nt wo"l! soon #e on an! his 8"iver was all #"t em,ty3 Arrow sti ks he o"l! "t in ,lenty, #"t he ha! nothing with whi h to make arrowhea!s3 /Yo" m"st make some flint arrowhea!s,/ sai! his gran!mother3 /&hen yo" will #e a#le to kill game3/ /+here shall I get the flintA/ aske! the ra##it3 /%rom the ol! #ear hief,/ sai! his ol! gran!mother3 %or at that time all the flint in the worl! was in the #ear-s #o!y3 So the ra##it set o"t for the village of the Bears3 It was winter time an! the lo!ges of the #ears were set "n!er the shelter of a hill where the ol! win! wo"l! not #low on them an! where they ha! shelter among the trees an! #"shes3 He ame at one en! of the village to a h"t where live! an ol! woman3 He ,"she! o,en the !oor an! entere!3 'very#o!y who ame for flint always sto,,e! there #e a"se it was the first lo!ge on the e!ge of the village3 Strangers were therefore not "n"s"al in the ol! woman-s h"t, an! she wel ome! the ra##it3 She gave him a seat an! at night he lay with his feet to the fire3 &he ne.t morning the ra##it went to the lo!ge of the #ear hief3 &hey sat together awhile an! smoke!3 At last the #ear hief s,oke3 /+hat !o yo" want, my gran!sonA/ /I have ome for some flint to make arrows,/ answere! the ra##it3 &he #ear hief gr"nte!, an! lai! asi!e his ,i,e3 )eaning #a k he ,"lle! off his ro#e an!, s"re eno"gh, one half of his #o!y was flesh an! the other half har! flint3 /Bring a stone hammer an! give it to o"r g"est,/ he #a!e his wife3 &hen as the ra##it took the hammer he sai!? /$o not strike too har!3/ /Gran!father, I shall #e aref"l,/ sai! the ra##it3 +ith a stroke he str" k off a little flake of flint from the #ear-s #o!y3 /Ni2sko2ke2 haA So #igA/ he aske!3 /Har!er, gran!son> strike off #igger ,ie es,/ sai! the #ear3 &he ra##it str" k a little har!er3 /Ni2sko2ke2 haA So #igA/ he aske!3 &he #ear grew im,atient3 /No, no, strike off #igger ,ie es3 I an-t #e here all !ay3 &anka kaksa wo@ Break off a #ig ,ie e3/ &he ra##it str" k again 22 har!@ /Ni2sko 22 haA/ he rie!, as the hammer fell3 B"t even as he s,oke the #ear-s #o!y #roke in two, the flesh ,art fell away an! only the flint ,art remaine!3 )ike a flash the ra##it !arte! o"t of the h"t3 &here was a great o"t ry in the village3 O,en2mo"the!, all the #ears gave hase3 B"t as he ran the ra##it rie!? /+a2hin2han2yo 0snow, snow1 Ota2,o, Ota2,o 22 lots more, lots more,/ an! a great storm of snow swe,t !own from the sky3 &he ra##it, light of foot, #o"n!e! over the to, of the snow3 &he #ears s"nk in an! flo"n!ere! a#o"t hel,less3 Seeing this, the ra##it t"rne! #a k an! kille! them one #y one with his l"#3 &hat is why we now have so few #ears3

STOR& OF T!E LOST W#FE A $akota girl marrie! a man who ,romise! to treat her kin!ly, #"t he !i! not kee, his wor!3 He was "nreasona#le, fa"lt2fin!ing, an! often #eat her3 %ranti with his r"elty, she ran away3 &he whole village t"rne! o"t to sear h for her, #"t no tra e of the missing wife was to #e fo"n!3 Meanwhile, the fleeing woman ha! wan!ere! a#o"t all that !ay an! the ne.t night3 &he ne.t !ay she met a man, who aske! her who she was3 She !i! not know it, #"t he was not really a man, #"t the hief of the wolves3 /(ome with me,/ he sai!, an! he le! her to a large village3 She was ama6e! to see here many wolves 22 gray an! #la k, tim#er wolves an! oyotes3 It seeme! as if all the wolves in the worl! were there3 &he wolf hief le! the yo"ng woman to a great te,ee an! invite! her in3 He aske! her what she ate for foo!3 /B"ffalo meat,/ she answere!3 He alle! two oyotes an! #a!e them #ring what the yo"ng woman wante!3 &hey #o"n!e! away an! soon ret"rne! with the sho"l!er of a fresh2kille! #"ffalo alf3 /How !o yo" ,re,are it for eatingA/ aske! the wolf hief3 /By #oiling,/ answere! the yo"ng woman3 Again he alle! the two oyotes3 Away they #o"n!e! an! soon #ro"ght into the tent a small #"n!le3 In it were ,"nk, flint an! steel 22 stolen, it may #e, from some am, of men3 /How !o yo" make the meat rea!yA/ aske! the wolf hief3 /I "t it into sli es,/ answere! the yo"ng woman3 &he oyotes were alle! an! in a short time fet he! in a knife in its sheath3 &he yo"ng woman "t ", the alf-s sho"l!er into sli es an! ate it3 &h"s she live! for a year, all the wolves #eing very kin! to her3 At the en! of that time the wolf hief sai! to her? /Yo"r ,eo,le are going off on a #"ffalo h"nt3 &omorrow at noon they will #e here3 Yo" m"st then go o"t an! meet them or they will fall on "s an! kill "s3/ &he ne.t !ay at a#o"t noon the yo"ng woman went to the to, of a neigh#oring knoll3 (oming towar! her were some yo"ng men ri!ing on their ,onies3 She stoo! ", an! hel! her han!s so that they o"l! see her3 &hey won!ere! who she was, an! when they were lose #y ga6e! at her losely3 /A year ago we lost a yo"ng woman> if yo" are she, where have yo" #een,/ they aske!3 /I have #een in the wolves- village3 $o not harm them,/ she answere!3 /+e will ri!e #a k an! tell the ,eo,le,/ they sai!3 /&omorrow again at noon, we shall meet yo"3/ &he yo"ng woman went #a k to the wolf village, an! the ne.t !ay went again to a neigh#oring knoll, tho"gh to a !ifferent one3 Soon she saw the am, oming in a long line over the ,rairie3 %irst were the warriors, then the women an! tents3 &he yo"ng woman-s father an! mother were over;oye! to see her3 B"t when they ame near her the yo"ng woman fainte!, for she o"l! not now #ear the smell of h"man kin!3 +hen she ame to herself she sai!? /Yo" m"st go on a #"ffalo h"nt, my father an! all the h"nters3 &omorrow yo" m"st ome again,

#ringing with yo" the tong"es an! hoi e ,ie es of the kill3/ &his he ,romise! to !o> an! all the men of the am, mo"nte! their ,onies an! they ha! a great h"nt3 &he ne.t !ay they ret"rne! with their ,onies la!en with the #"ffalo meat3 &he yo"ng woman #a!e them ,ile the meat in a great hea, #etween two hills whi h she ,ointe! o"t to them3 &here was so m" h meat that the to,s of the two hills were #ri!ge! level #etween #y the meat ,ile3 In the enter of the ,ile the yo"ng woman ,lante! a ,ole with a re! flag3 She then #egan to howl like a wolf, lo"!ly3 In a moment the earth seeme! overe! with wolves3 &hey fell gree!ily on the meat ,ile an! in a short time ha! eaten the last s ra,3 &he yo"ng woman then ;oine! her own ,eo,le3 Her h"s#an! wante! her to ome an! live with him again3 %or a long time she ref"se!3 However, at last they #e ame re on ile!3 T!E RACCOON AN T!E CRAWF#S! Shar, an! "nning is the ra oon, say the In!ians, #y whom he is name! S,otte! %a e3 A rawfish one evening wan!ere! along a river #ank, looking for something !ea! to feast ",on3 A ra oon was also o"t looking for something to eat3 He s,ie! the rawfish an! forme! a ,lan to at h him3 He lay !own on the #ank an! feigne! to #e !ea!3 By an! #y the rawfish ame near #y3 /Ho,/ he tho"ght, /here is a feast in!ee!> #"t is he really !ea!3 I will go near an! ,in h him with my laws an! fin! o"t3/ So he went near an! ,in he! the ra oon on the nose an! then on his soft ,aws3 &he ra oon never move!3 &he rawfish then ,in he! him on the ri#s an! ti kle! him so that the ra oon o"l! har!ly kee, from la"ghing3 &he rawfish at last left him3 /&he ra oon is s"rely !ea!,/ he tho"ght3 An! he h"rrie! #a k to the rawfish village an! re,orte! his fin! to the hief3 All the villagers were alle! to go !own to the feast3 &he hief #a!e the warriors an! yo"ng men to ,aint their fa es an! !ress in their gayest for a !an e3 So they mar he! in a long line 22 first the warriors, with their wea,ons in han!, then the women with their #a#ies an! hil!ren 22 to the ,la e where the ra oon lay3 &hey forme! a great ir le a#o"t him an! !an e!, singing? /+e shall have a great feast /On the s,otte!2fa e! #east, with soft smooth ,aws? /He is !ea!@ /He is !ea!@ /+e shall !an e@ /+e shall have a goo! time> /+e shall feast on his flesh3/ B"t as they !an e!, the ra oon s"!!enly s,rang to his feet3 /+ho is that yo" say yo" are going to eatA He has a s,otte! fa e, has heA He has soft, smooth ,aws, has heA I-ll #reak yo"r "gly #a ks3 I-ll #reak yo"r ro"gh #ones3 I-ll r"n h yo"r "gly, ro"gh ,aws3/ An! he r"she! among the rawfish, killing them #y s ores3 &he rawfish warriors fo"ght #ravely an! the women ran s reaming, all to no ,"r,ose3 &hey !i! not feast on the ra oon> the ra oon feaste! on

them@ LE"EN OF STAN #N" ROC% A $akota ha! marrie! an Arikara woman, an! #y her ha! one hil!3 By an! #y he took another wife3 &he first wife was ;ealo"s an! ,o"te!3 +hen time ame for the village to #reak am, she ref"se! to move from her ,la e on the tent floor3 &he tent was taken !own #"t she sat on the gro"n! with her #a#e on her #a k &he rest of the am, with her h"s#an! went on3 At noon her h"s#an! halte! the line3 /Go #a k to yo"r sister2in2law,/ he sai! to his two #rothers3 /&ell her to ome on an! we will await yo" here3 B"t hasten, for I fear she may grow !es,erate an! kill herself3/ &he two ro!e off an! arrive! at their former am,ing ,la e in the evening3 &he woman still sat on the gro"n!3 &he el!er s,oke? /Sister2in2law, get ",3 +e have ome for yo"3 &he am, awaits yo"3/ She !i! not answer, an! he ,"t o"t his han! an! to" he! her hea!3 She ha! t"rne! to stone@ &he two #rothers lashe! their ,onies an! ame #a k to am,3 &hey tol! their story, #"t were not #elieve!3 /&he woman has kille! herself an! my #rothers will not tell me,/ sai! the h"s#an!3 However, the whole village #roke am, an! ame #a k to the ,la e where they ha! left the woman3 S"re eno"gh, she sat there still, a #lo k of stone3 &he In!ians were greatly e. ite!3 &hey hose o"t a han!some ,ony, ma!e a new travois an! ,la e! the stone in the arrying net3 *ony an! travois were #oth #ea"tif"lly ,ainte! an! !e orate! with streamers an! olors3 &he stone was tho"ght /wakan/ 0holy1, an! was given a ,la e of honor in the enter of the am,3 +henever the am, move! the stone an! travois were taken along3 &h"s the stone woman was arrie! for years, an! finally #ro"ght to Stan!ing Ro k Agen y, an! now rests ",on a #ri k ,e!estal in front of the Agen y offi e3 %rom this stone Stan!ing Ro k Agen y !erives its name3 STOR& OF T!E $EACE $#$E &wo yo"ng men were o"t strolling one night talking of love affairs3 &hey ,asse! aro"n! a hill an! ame to a little ravine or o"lee3 S"!!enly they saw oming ", from the ravine a #ea"tif"l woman3 She was ,ainte! an! her !ress was of the very finest material3 /+hat a #ea"tif"l girl@/ sai! one of the yo"ng men3 /Alrea!y I love her3 I will steal her an! make her my wife3/ /No,/ sai! the other3 /$on-t harm her3 She may #e holy3/ &he yo"ng woman a,,roa he! an! hel! o"t a ,i,e whi h she first offere! to the sky, then to the earth an! then a!van e!, hol!ing it o"t in her e.ten!e! han!s3 /I know what yo" yo"ng men have #een saying> one of yo" is goo!> the other is wi ke!,/ she sai!3 She lai! !own the ,i,e on the gro"n! an! at on e #e ame a #"ffalo ow3 &he ow ,awe! the gro"n!, st" k her tail straight o"t #ehin! her an! then lifte! the ,i,e from the gro"n! again in her hoofs> imme!iately she #e ame a yo"ng woman again3 /I am ome to give yo" this gift,/ she sai!3 /It is the ,ea e ,i,e3 Hereafter all treaties an! eremonies shall #e ,erforme! after smoking it3 It shall #ring ,ea ef"l tho"ghts into yo"r min!s3 Yo" shall offer it to the Great Mystery an! to mother earth3/ &he two yo"ng men ran to the village an! tol! what they ha! seen an! hear!3 All the village ame o"t where the yo"ng woman was3

She re,eate! to them what she ha! alrea!y tol! the yo"ng men an! a!!e!? /+hen yo" set free the ghost 0the s,irit of !e ease! ,ersons1 yo" m"st have a white #"ffalo ow skin3/ She gave the ,i,e to the me!i ine men of the village, t"rne! again to a #"ffalo ow an! fle! away to the lan! of #"ffaloes3 A BAS!F'L CO'RTS!#$ A yo"ng man live! with his gran!mother3 He was a goo! h"nter an! wishe! to marry3 He knew a girl who was a goo! mo asin maker, #"t she #elonge! to a great family3 He won!ere! how he o"l! win her3 One !ay she ,asse! the tent on her way to get water at the river3 His gran!mother was at work in the te,ee with a ,air of ol! worn2o"t slo,,y mo asins3 &he yo"ng man s,rang to his feet3 /C"i k, gran!mother 22 let me have those ol! slo,,y mo asins yo" have on yo"r feet@/ he rie!3 /My ol! mo asins, what !o yo" want of themA/ rie! the astonishe! woman3 /Never min!@ C"i k@ I an-t sto, to talk,/ answere! the gran!son as he a"ght ", the ol! mo asins the ol! la!y ha! !offe!, an! ,"t them on3 He threw a ro#e over his sho"l!ers, sli,,e! thro"gh the !oor, an! hastene! to the watering ,la e3 &he girl ha! ;"st arrive! with her #" ket3 /)et me fill yo"r #" ket for yo",/ sai! the yo"ng man3 /Oh, no, I an !o it3/ /Oh, let me, I an go in the m"!3 Yo" s"rely !on-t want to soil yo"r mo asins,/ an! taking the #" ket he sli,,e! in the m"!, taking are to ,"sh his slo,,y ol! mo asins o"t so the girl o"l! see them3 She giggle! o"tright3 /My, what ol! mo asins yo" have,/ she rie!3 /Yes, I have no#o!y to make me a new ,air,/ he answere!3 /+hy !on-t yo" get yo"r gran!mother to make yo" a new ,airA/ /She-s ol! an! #lin! an! an-t make them any longer3 &hat-s why I want yo",/ he answere!3 /Oh, yo"-re fooling me3 Yo" aren-t s,eaking the tr"th3/ /Yes, I am3 If yo" !on-t #elieve 22 ome with me now@/ &he girl looke! !own> so !i! the yo"th3 At last he sai! softly? /+ell, whi h is itA Shall I take ", yo"r #" ket, or will yo" go with meA/ An! she answere!, still more softly? /I g"ess I-ll go with yo"@/ &he girl-s a"nt ame !own to the river, won!ering what ke,t her nie e so long3 In the m"! she fo"n! two ,airs of mo asin tra ks lose together> at the e!ge of the water stoo! an em,ty keg3 T!E S#M$LETON)S W#S OM &here was a man an! his wife who ha! one !a"ghter3 Mother an! !a"ghter were !ee,ly atta he! to one another, an! when the latter !ie! the mother was !is onsolate3 She "t off her hair, "t gashes in her heeks an! sat #efore the or,se with her ro#e !rawn over her hea!, mo"rning for her !ea!3 Nor wo"l! she let them to" h the #o!y to take it to a #"rying s affol!3 She ha! a knife in her han!, an! if anyone offere! to ome near the #o!y the mother wo"l! wail? /I am weary of life3 I !o not are to live3 I will sta# myself with this knife an! ;oin my !a"ghter in the lan! of s,irits3/

Her h"s#an! an! relatives trie! to get the knife from her, #"t o"l! not3 &hey feare! to "se for e lest she kill herself3 &hey ame together to see what they o"l! !o3 /+e m"st get the knife away from her,/ they sai!3 At last they alle! a #oy, a kin! of sim,leton, yet with a goo! !eal of nat"ral shrew!ness3 He was an or,han an! very ,oor3 His mo asins were o"t at the sole an! he was !resse! in wei26i 0 oarse #"ffalo skin, smoke!13 /Go to the te,ee of the mo"rning mother,/ they tol! the sim,leton, /an! in some way ontrive to make her la"gh an! forget her grief3 &hen try to get the knife away from her3/ &he #oy went to the tent an! sat !own at the !oor as if waiting to #e given something3 &he or,se lay in the ,la e of honor where the !ea! girl ha! sle,t in life3 &he #o!y was wra,,e! in a ri h ro#e an! wra,,e! a#o"t with ro,es3 %rien!s ha! overe! it with ri h offerings o"t of res,e t to the !ea!3 As the mother sat on the gro"n! with her hea! overe! she !i! not at first see the #oy, who sat silent3 B"t when his reserve ha! worn away a little he #egan at first lightly, then more heavily, to !r"m on the floor with his han!s3 After a while he #egan to sing a omi song3 )o"!er an! lo"!er he sang "ntil arrie! away with his own singing he s,rang ", an! #egan to !an e, at the same time gest"ring an! making all manner of ontortions with his #o!y, still singing the omi song3 As he a,,roa he! the or,se he wave! his han!s over it in #lessing3 &he mother ,"t her hea! o"t of the #lanket an! when she saw the ,oor sim,leton with his strange grima es trying to !o honor to the or,se #y his solemn waving, an! at the same time kee,ing ", his omi song, she #"rst o"t la"ghing3 &hen she rea he! over an! han!e! her knife to the sim,leton3 /&ake this knife,/ she sai!3 /Yo" have ta"ght me to forget my grief3 If while I mo"rn for the !ea! I an still #e mirthf"l, there is no reason for me to !es,air3 I no longer are to !ie3 I will live for my h"s#an!3/ &he sim,leton left the te,ee an! #ro"ght the knife to the astonishe! h"s#an! an! relatives3 /How !i! yo" get itA $i! yo" for e it away from her, or !i! yo" steal itA/ they sai!3 /She gave it to me3 How o"l! I for e it from her or steal it when she hel! it in her han!, #la!e ",,ermost3 I sang an! !an e! for her an! she #"rst o"t la"ghing3 &hen she gave it to me,/ he answere!3 +hen the ol! men of the village hear! the or,han-s story they were very silent3 It was a strange thing for a la! to !an e in a te,ee where there was mo"rning3 It was stranger that a mother sho"l! la"gh in a te,ee #efore the or,se of her !ea! !a"ghter3 &he ol! men gathere! at last in a o"n il3 &hey sat a long time witho"t saying anything, for they !i! not want to !e i!e hastily3 &he ,i,e was fille! an! ,asse! many times3 At last an ol! man s,oke3 /+e have a har! 8"estion3 A mother has la"ghe! #efore the or,se of her !a"ghter, an! many think she has !one foolishly, #"t I think the woman !i! wisely3 &he la! was sim,le an! of no training, an! we annot e.,e t him to know how to !o as well as one with goo! home an! ,arents to tea h him3 Besi!es, he !i! the #est that he knew3 He !an e! to make the mother forget her grief, an! he trie! to honor the or,se #y waving over it his han!s3/ /&he mother !i! right to la"gh, for when one !oes try to !o "s goo!, even if what he !oes a"ses "s !is omfort, we sho"l! always remem#er rather the motive than the !ee!3 An! #esi!es, the sim,leton-s !an ing save! the woman-s life, for she gave ", her knife3 In this, too, she !i! well, for it is always #etter to live for the living than to !ie for the !ea!3/ A L#TTLE BRA(E AN T!E ME #C#NE WOMAN A village of In!ians move! o"t of winter am, an! ,it he! their tents in a ir le on high lan!

overlooking a lake3 A little way !own the !e livity was a grave3 (hoke herries ha! grown ",, hi!ing the grave from view3 B"t as the gro"n! ha! s"nk somewhat, the grave was marke! #y a slight hollow3 One of the villagers going o"t to h"nt took a short "t thro"gh the hoke herry #"shes3 As he ,"she! them asi!e he saw the hollow grave, #"t tho"ght it was a washo"t ma!e #y the rains3 B"t as he essaye! to ste, over it, to his great s"r,rise he st"m#le! an! fell3 Ma!e "rio"s #y his misha,, he !rew #a k an! trie! again> #"t again he fell3 +hen he ame #a k to the village he tol! the ol! men what ha! ha,,ene! to him3 &hey remem#ere! then that a long time #efore there ha! #een #"rie! there a me!i ine woman or on;"rer3 $o"#tless it was her me!i ine that ma!e him st"m#le3 &he story of the villager-s a!vent"re s,rea! thr" the am, an! ma!e many "rio"s to see the grave3 Among others were si. little #oys who were, however, rather timi!, for they were in great awe of the !ea! me!i ine woman3 B"t they ha! a little ,laymate name! Brave, a mis hievo"s little rog"e, whose hair was always "nkem,t an! tosse! a#o"t an! who was never 8"iet for a moment3 /)et "s ask Brave to go with "s,/ they sai!> an! they went in a #o!y to see him3 /All right,/ sai! Brave> /I will go with yo"3 B"t I have something to !o first3 Yo" go on aro"n! the hill that way, an! I will hasten aro"n! this way, an! meet yo" a little later near the grave3/ So the si. little #oys went on as #i!!en "ntil they ame to a ,la e near the grave3 &here they halte!3 /+here is BraveA/ they aske!3 Now Brave, f"ll of mis hief, ha! tho"ght to ,lay a ;est on his little frien!s3 As soon as they were well o"t of sight he ha! s,e! aro"n! the hill to the shore of the lake an! sti king his han!s in the m"! ha! r"##e! it over his fa e, ,lastere! it in his hair, an! soile! his han!s "ntil he looke! like a new risen or,se with the flesh rotting from his #ones3 He then went an! lay !own in the grave an! awaite! the #oys3 +hen the si. little #oys ame they were more timi! than ever when they !i! not fin! Brave> #"t they feare! to go #a k to the village witho"t seeing the grave, for fear the ol! men wo"l! all them owar!s3 So they slowly a,,roa he! the grave an! one of them timi!ly alle! o"t? /*lease, gran!mother, we won-t !ist"r# yo"r grave3 +e only want to see where yo" lie3 $on-t #e angry3/ At on e a thin 8"avering voi e, like an ol! woman-s, alle! o"t? /Han, han, tako;a, he het"ya, he het"ya@ Yes, yes, that-s right, that-s right3/ &he #oys were frightene! o"t of their senses, #elieving the ol! woman ha! ome to life3 /Oh, gran!mother,/ they gas,e!, /!on-t h"rt "s> ,lease !on-t, we-ll go3/ 7"st then Brave raise! his m"!!y fa e an! han!s ", thr" the hoke herry #"shes3 +ith the oo6y m"! !ri,,ing from his feat"res he looke! like some very wit h ;"st raise! from the grave3 &he #oys s reame! o"tright3 One fainte!3 &he rest ran yelling ", the hill to the village, where ea h #roke at on e for his mother-s te,ee3 As all the tents in a $akota am,ing ir le fa e the enter, the #oys as they ame tearing into am, were in ,lain view from the te,ees3 Hearing the s reaming, every woman in am, ran to her te,ee !oor to see what ha! ha,,ene!3 7"st then little Brave, as #a!ly s are! as the rest, ame r"shing in after them, his hair on en! an! overe! with m"! an! rying o"t, all forgetf"l of his a,,earan e? /It-s me, it-s me@/ &he women yel,e! an! #olte! in terror from the village3 Brave !ashe! into his mother-s te,ee, s aring her o"t of her wits3 $ro,,ing ,ots an! kettles, she t"m#le! o"t of the tent to r"n s reaming with the

rest3 Nor wo"l! a single villager ome near ,oor little Brave "ntil he ha! gone !own to the lake an! washe! himself3 T!E BO'N C!#L REN &here on e live! a wi!ow with two hil!ren 22 the el!er a !a"ghter an! the yo"nger a son3 &he wi!ow went in mo"rning for her h"s#an! a long time3 She "t off her hair, let her !ress lie "nti!y on her #o!y an! ke,t her fa e "n,ainte! an! "nwashe!3 &here live! in the same village a great hief3 He ha! one son ;"st ome ol! eno"gh to marry3 &he hief ha! it known that he wishe! his son to take a wife, an! all of the yo"ng women in the village were eager to marry the yo"ng man3 However, he was ,lease! with none of them3 Now the wi!ow tho"ght, /I am tire! of mo"rning for my h"s#an! an! aring for my hil!ren3 *erha,s if I lay asi!e my mo"rning an! ,aint myself re!, the hief-s son may marry me3/ So she sli,,e! away from her two hil!ren, stole !own to the river an! ma!e a #athing ,la e thr" the i e3 +hen she ha! washe! away all signs of mo"rning she ,ainte! an! !e ke! herself an! went to the hief-s te,ee3 +hen his son saw her, he love! her, an! a feast was ma!e in honor of her we!!ing3 +hen the wi!ow-s !a"ghter fo"n! herself forsaken, she we,t #itterly3 After a !ay or two she took her little #rother in her arms an! went to the te,ee of an ol! woman who live! at one en! of the village3 &he ol! woman-s t"m#le !own te,ee was of #ark an! her !ress an! lothing was of ol! smoke2!rie! tent over3 B"t she was kin! to the two waifs an! took them in willingly3 &he little girl was eager to fin! her mother3 &he ol! woman sai! to her? /I s"s,e t yo"r mother has ,ainte! her fa e re!3 $o not try to fin! her3 If the hief-s son marries her she will not want to #e #"r!ene! with yo"3/ &he ol! woman was right3 &he girl went !own to the river, an! s"re eno"gh fo"n! a hole "t in the i e an! a#o"t it lay the filth that the mother ha! washe! from her #o!y3 &he girl gathere! ", the filth an! went on3 By an! #y she ame to a se on! hole in the i e3 Here too was filth, #"t not so m" h as at the ,revio"s ,la e3 At the thir! hole the i e was lean3 &he girl knew now that her mother ha! ,ainte! her fa e re!3 She went at on e to the hief-s te,ee, raise! the !oor fla, an! went in3 &here sat her mother with the hief-s son at their we!!ing feast3 &he girl walke! ", to her mother an! h"rle! the filth in her mother-s fa e3 /&here,/ she rie!, /yo" who forsake yo"r hel,less hil!ren an! forget yo"r h"s#an!, take that@/ An! at on e her mother #e ame a hi!eo"s ol! woman3 &he girl then went #a k to the lo!ge of the ol! woman, leaving the am, in an ",roar3 &he hief soon sent some yo"ng warriors to sei6e the girl an! her #rother, an! they were #ro"ght to his tent3 He was f"rio"s with anger3 /)et the hil!ren #e #o"n! with lariats wra,,e! a#o"t their #o!ies an! let them #e left to starve3 O"r am, will move on,/ he sai!3 &he hief-s son !i! not ,"t away his wife, ho,ing she might #e "re! in some way an! grow yo"ng again3 'very#o!y in am, now got rea!y to move> #"t the ol! woman ame lose to the girl an! sai!? /In my ol! te,ee I have !"g a hole an! #"rie! a ,ot with ,"nk an! steel an! flint an! ,a ks of !rie! meat3 &hey will tie yo" ", like a or,se3 B"t #efore we go I will ome with a knife an! ,reten! to sta# yo", #"t I will really "t the ro,e that #in!s yo" so that yo" an "nwin! it from yo"r #o!y as soon as the am, is o"t of sight an! hearing3/

An! so, #efore the am, starte!, the ol! woman ame to the ,la e where the two hil!ren were #o"n!3 She ha! in her han! a knife #o"n! to the en! of a sti k whi h she "se! as a lan e3 She stoo! over the hil!ren an! rie! alo"!? /Yo" wi ke! girl, who have shame! yo"r own mother, yo" !eserve all the ,"nishment that is given yo"3 B"t after all I !o not want to let yo" lie an! starve3 %ar #etter kill yo" at on e an! have !one with it@/ an! with her sti k she sta##e! many times, as if to kill, #"t she was really "tting the ro,e3 &he am, move! on> #"t the hil!ren lay on the gro"n! "ntil noon the ne.t !ay3 &hen they #egan to s8"irm a#o"t3 Soon the girl was free, an! she then set loose her little #rother3 &hey went at on e to the ol! woman-s h"t where they fo"n! the flint an! steel an! the ,a ks of !rie! meat3 &he girl ma!e her #rother a #ow an! arrows an! with these he kille! #ir!s an! other small game3 &he #oy grew ", a great h"nter3 &hey #e ame ri h3 &hey #"ilt three great te,ees, in one of whi h were store! rows ",on rows of ,arfle he #ags of !rie! meat3 One !ay as the #rother went o"t to h"nt, he met a han!some yo"ng stranger who greete! him an! sai! to him? /I know yo" are a goo! h"nter, for I have #een wat hing yo"> yo"r sister, too, is in!"strio"s3 )et me have her for a wife3 &hen yo" an! I will #e #rothers an! h"nt together3/ &he girl-s #rother went home an! tol! her what the yo"ng stranger ha! sai!3 /Brother, I !o not are to marry,/ she answere!3 /I am now ha,,y with yo"3/ /B"t yo" will #e yet ha,,ier marrie!,/ he answere!, /an! the yo"ng stranger is of no mean family, as one an see #y his !ress an! manners3/ /Bery well, I will !o as yo" wish,/ she sai!3 So the stranger ame into the te,ee an! was the girl-s h"s#an!3 One !ay as they were in their tent, a row flew overhea!, alling o"t lo"!ly, /Daw, Daw, &hey who forsook the hil!ren have no meat3/ &he girl an! her h"s#an! an! #rother looke! ", at one another3 /+hat an it meanA/ they aske!3 /)et "s sen! for Unktomi 0the s,i!er13 He is a goo! ;"!ge an! he will know3/ /An! I will get rea!y a goo! !inner for him, for Unktomi is always h"ngry,/ a!!e! the yo"ng wife3 +hen Unktomi ame, his yellow mo"th o,ene! with !elight at the fine feast s,rea! for him3 After he ha! eaten he was tol! what the row ha! sai!3 /&he row means,/ sai! Unktomi, /that the villagers an! hief who #o"n! an! !eserte! yo" are in sa! ,light3 &hey have har!ly anything to eat an! are starving3/ +hen the girl hear! this she ma!e a #"n!le of hoi est meat an! alle! the row3 /&ake this to the starving villagers,/ she #a!e him3 He took the #"n!le in his #eak, flew away to the starving village an! !ro,,e! the #"n!le #efore the hief-s te,ee3 &he hief ame o"t an! the row alle! lo"!ly? /Daw, Daw@ &he hil!ren who were forsaken have m" h meat> those who forsook them have none3/

/+hat an he mean,/ rie! the astonishe! villagers3 /)et "s sen! for Unktomi,/ sai! one, /he is a great ;"!ge> he will tell "s3/ &hey !ivi!e! the #"n!le of meat among the starving ,eo,le, saving the #iggest ,ie e for Unktomi3 +hen Unktomi ha! ome an! eaten, the villagers tol! him of the row an! aske! what the #ir!-s wor!s meant3 /He means,/ sai! Unktomi, /that the two hil!ren whom yo" forsook have te,ees f"ll of !rie! meat eno"gh for all the village3/ &he villagers were fille! with astonishment at this news3 &o fin! whether or not it was tr"e, the hief alle! seven yo"ng men an! sent them o"t to see3 &hey ame to the three te,ees an! there met the girl-s #rother an! h"s#an! ;"st going o"t to h"nt 0whi h they !i! now only for s,ort13 &he girl-s #rother invite! the seven yo"ng men into the thir! or sa re! lo!ge, an! after they ha! smoke! a ,i,e an! kno ke! o"t the ashes on a #"ffalo #one the #rother gave them meat to eat, whi h the seven !evo"re! gree!ily3 &he ne.t !ay he loa!e! all seven with ,a ks of meat, saying? /&ake this meat to the villagers an! lea! them hither3/ +hile they awaite! the ret"rn of the yo"ng men with the villagers, the girl ma!e two #"n!les of meat, one of the #est an! hoi est ,ie es, an! the other of liver, very !ry an! har! to eat3 After a few !ays the am, arrive!3 &he yo"ng woman-s mother o,ene! the !oor an! ran in rying? /Oh, my !ear !a"ghter, how gla! I am to see yo"3/ B"t the !a"ghter re eive! her ol!ly an! gave her the #"n!le of !rie! *age <E liver to eat3 B"t when the ol! woman who ha! save! the hil!ren-s lives ame in, the yo"ng girl re eive! her gla!ly, alle! her gran!mother, an! gave her the ,a kage of hoi e meat with marrow3 &hen the whole village am,e! an! ate of the stores of meat all the winter "ntil s,ring ame> an! withal they were so many, there was s" h a#"n!an e of stores that there was still m" h left3 T!E S#"NS OF CORN +hen orn is to #e ,lante! #y the In!ians, it is the work of the women folk to see to the sorting an! leaning of the #est see!3 It is also the women-s work to see to the ,lanting3 0&his was in ol!en times31 After the #est see! has #een sele te!, the ,lanter meas"res the orn, lays !own a layer of hay, then a layer of orn3 Over this orn they s,rinkle warm water an! over it with another layer of hay, then #in! hay a#o"t the #"n!le an! hang it ", in a s,ot where the warm rays of the s"n an strike it3 +hile the orn is hanging in the s"n, the gro"n! is #eing ,re,are! to re eive it3 Having finishe! the task of ,re,aring the gro"n!, the woman takes !own her see! orn whi h has #y this time s,ro"te!3 &hen she ,ro ee!s to ,lant the orn3 Before she ,lants the first hill, she e.ten!s her hoe heavenwar!s an! asks the Great S,irit to #less her work, that she may have a goo! yiel!3 After her ,rayer she takes fo"r kernels an! ,lants one at the north, one at the so"th, one at the east an! one at the west si!es of the first hill3 &his is asking the Great S,irit to give s"mmer rain an! s"nshine to #ring forth a goo! ro,3 %or !ifferent growths of the orn, the women have an inter,retation as to the hara ter of the one who ,lante! it3 4st3 +here the orn grows in straight rows an! the o# is f"ll of kernels to the en!, this signifies that the ,lanter of this orn is of an e.em,lary hara ter, an! is very tr"thf"l an! tho"ghtf"l3

:n!3 If the rows on the ears of orn are irreg"lar an! #roken, the ,lanter is onsi!ere! areless an! "ntho"ghtf"l3 Also !isor!erly an! slovenly a#o"t her ho"se an! ,erson3 Er!3 +hen an ear of orn #ears a few s attering kernels with s,a es ,ro!" ing no orn, it is sai! that is a goo! sign that the ,lanter will live to a ri,e ol! age3 So ol! will they #e that like the orn, their teeth will #e few an! far #etween3 9th3 +hen a stalk #ears a great many n"##ins, or small ears growing aro"n! the large one, it is a sign that the ,lanter is from a large an! res,e ta#le family3 After the orn is gathere!, it is #oile! into sweet orn an! ma!e into hominy> ,ar he! an! mi.e! with #"ffalo tallow an! rolle! into ro"n! #alls, an! "se! at feasts, or arrie! #y the warriors on the war,ath as foo!3 +hen there has #een a goo! ro, of orn, an ear is always tie! at the to, of the me!i ine ,ole, of the s"n !an e, in thanks to the Great S,irit for his goo!ness to them in sen!ing a #o"ntif"l ro,3 STOR& OF T!E RABB#TS &he Ra##it nation were very m" h !e,resse! in s,irits on a o"nt of #eing r"n over #y all other nations3 &hey, #eing very o#e!ient to their hief, o#eye! all his or!ers to the letter3 One of his or!ers was, that ",on the a,,roa h of any other nation that they sho"l! follow the,le of their hief an! r"n ", among the ro ks an! !own into their #"rrows, an! not show themselves "ntil the strangers ha! ,asse!3 &his they always !i!3 'ven the hir, of a little ri ket wo"l! sen! them all s am,ering to their !ens3 One !ay they hel! a great o"n il, an! after talking over everything for some time, finally left it to their me!i ine man to !e i!e3 &he me!i ine man arose an! sai!? /My frien!s, we are of no "se on this earth3 &here isn-t a nation on earth that fears "s, an! we are so timi! that we annot !efen! o"rselves, so the #est thing for "s to !o is to ri! the earth of o"r nation, #y all going over to the #ig lake an! !rowning o"rselves3/ &his they !e i!e! to !o> so going to the lake they were a#o"t to ;"m, in, when they hear! a s,lashing in the water3 )ooking, they saw a lot of frogs ;"m,ing into the lake3 /+e will not !rown o"rselves,/ sai! the me!i ine man, /we have fo"n! a nation who are afrai! of "s3 It is the frog nation3/ Ha! it not #een for the frogs we wo"l! have ha! no ra##its, as the whole nation wo"l! have !rowne! themselves an! the ra##it ra e wo"l! have #een e.tin t3 !OW T!E RABB#T LOST !#S TA#L On e ",on a time there were two #rothers, one a great Genie an! the other a ra##it3 )ike all genie, the ol!er o"l! hange himself into any kin! of an animal, #ir!, fish, lo"!, th"n!er an! lightning, or in fa t anything that he !esire!3 &he yo"nger #rother 0the ra##it1 was very mis hievo"s an! was ontin"ally getting into all kin!s of tro"#le3 His ol!er #rother was ke,t #"sy getting Ra##it o"t of all kin!s of s ra,es3 +hen Ra##it ha! attaine! his f"ll growth he wante! to travel aro"n! an! see something of the worl!3 +hen he tol! his #rother what he inten!e! to !o, the #rother sai!? /Now, Ra##it, yo" are +itkotko 0mis hievo"s, so #e very aref"l, an! kee, o"t of tro"#le as m" h as ,ossi#le3 In ase yo" get into any serio"s tro"#le, an! an-t get o"t #y yo"rself, ;"st all on me for assistan e, an! no matter where yo" are, I will ome to yo"3/ Ra##it starte! o"t an! the first !ay he ame to a very high ho"se, o"tsi!e of whi h stoo! a very high ,ine tree3 So high was the tree that Ra##it o"l! har!ly see the to,3 O"tsi!e the !oor, on an enormo"s

stool, sat a very large giant fast aslee,3 Ra##it 0having his #ow an! arrows with him1 str"ng ", his #ow, an!, taking an arrow from his 8"iver, sai!? /I want to see how #ig this man is, so I g"ess I will wake him ",3/ So saying he move! over to one si!e an! took goo! aim, an! shot the giant ",on the nose3 &his st"ng like fire an! awoke the giant, who ;"m,e! ",, rying? /+ho ha! the a"!a ity to shoot me on the noseA/ /I !i!,/ sai! Ra##it3 &he giant, hearing a voi e, looke! all aro"n!, #"t saw nothing, "ntil he looke! !own at the orner of the ho"se, an! there sat a ra##it3 /I ha! hi o"ghs this morning an! tho"ght that I was going to have a goo! #ig meal, an! here is nothing #"t a toothf"l3/ /I g"ess yo" won-t make a toothf"l of me,/ sai! Ra##it, /I am as strong as yo", tho"gh I am little3/ /+e will see,/ sai! the giant3 He went into the ho"se an! ame o"t, #ringing a hammer that weighe! many tons3 /Now, Mr3 Ra##it, we will see who an throw this hammer over the to, of that tree3/ /Get something har!er to !o,/ sai! Ra##it3 /+ell, we will try this first,/ sai! the giant3 +ith that he gras,e! the hammer in #oth han!s, sw"ng it three times aro"n! his hea! an! sent it s,inning thr" the air3 U,, ",, it went, skimming the to, of the tree, an! ame !own, shaking the gro"n! an! #"rying itself !ee, into the earth3 /Now,/ sai! the giant, /if yo" !on-t a om,lish this same feat, I am going to swallow yo" at one mo"thf"l3/ Ra##it sai!, /I always sing to my #rother #efore I attem,t things like this3/ So he ommen e! singing an! alling his #rother3 /(inye@ (inye@/ 0#rother, #rother1 he sang3 &he giant grew nervo"s, an! sai!? /Boy, why !o yo" all yo"r #rotherA/ *ointing to a small #la k lo"! that was a,,roa hing very swiftly, Ra##it sai!? /&hat is my #rother> #e an !estroy yo", yo"r ho"se, an! ,ine tree in one #reath3/ /Sto, him an! yo" an go free,/ sai! the giant3 Ra##it wave! his ,aws an! the lo"! !isa,,eare!3 %rom this ,la e Ra##it ontin"e! on his tri, towar!s the west3 &he ne.t !ay, while ,assing thr" a !ee, forest, he tho"ght he hear! some one moaning, as tho"gh in ,ain3 He sto,,e! an! listene!> soon the win! #lew an! the moaning grew lo"!er3 %ollowing the !ire tion from when e ame the so"n!, he soon !is overe! a man stri,,e! of his lothing, an! a"ght #etween two lim#s of a tall elm tree3 +hen the win! #lew the lim#s wo"l! r"# together an! s8"ee6e the man, who wo"l! give forth the mo"rnf"l groans3 /My, yo" have a fine ,la e ", there3 )et "s hange3 Yo" an ome !own an! I will take yo"r ,la e3/ 0Now this man ha! #een ,la e! ", there for ,"nishment, #y Ra##it-s #rother, an! he o"l! not get !own "nless some one ame along an! ,ro,ose! to take his ,la e on the tree13 /Bery well,/ sai! the man3 /&ake off yo"r lothes an! ome ",3 I will fasten yo" in the lim#s an! yo" an have all the f"n yo" want3/ Ra##it !isro#e! an! lim#e! ",3 &he man ,la e! him #etween the lim#s an! sli! !own the tree3 He h"rrie!ly got into Ra##it-s lothes, an! ;"st as he ha! om,lete! his toilet, the win! #lew very har!3 Ra##it was nearly ra6y with ,ain, an! s reame! an! rie!3 &hen he #egan to ry /(inye, (inye/ 0#rother, #rother13 /(all yo"r #rother as m" h as yo" like, he an never fin! me3/ So saying the man !isa,,eare! in the forest3 S ar ely ha! he !isa,,eare!, when the #rother arrive!, an! seeing Ra##it in the tree, sai!? /+hi h way !i! he goA/ Ra##it ,ointe! the !ire tion taken #y the man3 &he #rother flew over the to, of the trees, soon fo"n! the man an! #ro"ght him #a k, making him take his ol! ,la e #etween the lim#s, an!

a"sing a heavy win! to #low an! ontin"e all afternoon an! night, for ,"nishment to the man for having ,la e! his #rother ", there3 After Ra##it got his lothes #a k on, his #rother gave him a goo! s ol!ing, an! wo"n! ", #y saying? /I want yo" to #e more aref"l in the f"t"re3 I have ,lenty of work to kee, me as #"sy as I want to #e, an! I an-t #e sto,,ing every little while to #e making tri,s to get yo" o"t of some foolish s ra,e3 It was only yester!ay that I ame five h"n!re! miles to hel, yo" from the giant, an! to!ay I have ha! to ome a tho"san! miles, so #e more aref"l from this on3/ Several !ays after this the Ra##it was traveling along the #anks of a small river, when he ame to a small learing in the woo!s, an! in the enter of the learing stoo! a ni e little log h"t3 Ra##it was won!ering who o"l! #e living here when the !oor slowly o,ene! an! an ol! man a,,eare! in the !oorway, #earing a tri,e water ,ail in his right han!3 In his left han! he hel! a string whi h was fastene! to the insi!e of the ho"se3 He ke,t hol! of the string an! ame slowly !own to the river3 +hen he got to the water he stoo,e! !own an! !i,,e! the ,ail into it an! ret"rne! to the ho"se, still hol!ing the string for g"i!an e3 Soon he rea,,eare! hol!ing on to another string, an!, following this one, went to a large ,ile of woo! an! ret"rne! to the ho"se with it3 Ra##it wante! to see if the ol! man wo"l! ome o"t again, #"t he ame o"t no more3 Seeing smoke as en!ing from the m"! himney, he tho"ght he wo"l! go over an! see what the ol! man was !oing3 He kno ke! at the !oor, an! a weak voi e #a!e him enter3 He noti e! that the ol! man was ooking !inner3 /Hello &"nkasina 0gran!father1, yo" m"st have a ni e time, living here alone3 I see that yo" have everything han!y3 Yo" an get woo! an! water, an! that is all yo" have to !o3 How !o yo" get yo"r ,rovisionsA/ /&he wolves #ring my meat, the mi e my ri e an! gro"n! #eans, an! the #ir!s #ring me the herry leaves for my tea3 Yet it is a har! life, as I am all alone most of the time an! have no one to talk to, an! #esi!es, I am #lin!3/ /Say, gran!father,/ sai! Ra##it, /let "s hange ,la es3 I think I wo"l! like to live here3/ /If we e. hange lothes,/ sai! the other, /yo" will #e ome ol! an! #lin!, while I will ass"me yo"r yo"th an! goo! looks3/ 0Now, this ol! man was ,la e! here for ,"nishment #y Ra##it-s #rother3 He ha! kille! his wife, so the genie ma!e him ol! an! #lin!, an! he wo"l! remain so "ntil some one ame who wo"l! e. hange ,la es with him13 /I !on-t are for yo"th an! goo! looks,/ sai! Ra##it, /let "s make the hange3/ &hey hange! lothes, an! Ra##it #e ame ol! an! #lin!, whilst the ol! man #e ame yo"ng an! han!some3 /+ell, I m"st go,/ sai! the man3 He went o"t an! "tting the strings lose to the !oor, ran off la"ghing3 /Yo" will get eno"gh of yo"r living alone, yo" ra6y #oy,/ an! saying this he ran into the woo!s3 Ra##it tho"ght he wo"l! like to get some fresh water an! try the string ,aths so that he wo"l! get a "stome! to it3 He #"m,e! aro"n! the room an! finally fo"n! the tri,e water #" ket3 He took hol! of the string an! starte! o"t3 +hen he ha! gotten a short !istan e from the !oor he ame to the en! of the string so s"!!enly, that he lost the en! whi h he ha! in his han!, an! he wan!ere! a#o"t, #"m,ing against the trees, an! tangling himself ", in ,l"m #"shes an! thorns, s rat hing his fa e an! han!s so #a!ly that the #loo! ran from them3 &hen it was that he ommen e! again to ry, /(inye@ (inye@/ 0#rother, #rother13 Soon his #rother arrive!, an! aske! whi h way the ol! man ha! gone3 /I !on-t know,/ sai! Ra##it, /I o"l!n-t see whi h ,ath he took, as I was #lin!3/

&he genie alle! the #ir!s, an! they ame flying from every !ire tion3 As fast as they arrive! the #rother aske! them if they ha! seen the man whom he ha! ,la e! here for ,"nishment, #"t none ha! seen him3 &he owl ame last, an! when aske! if he ha! seen the man, he sai! /hoo2hoo3/ /&he man who live! here,/ sai! the #rother3 /)ast night I was h"nting mi e in the woo!s so"th of here an! I saw a man slee,ing #eneath a ,l"m tree3 I tho"ght it was yo"r #rother, Ra##it, so I !i!n-t awaken him,/ sai! the owl3 /Goo! for yo", owl,/ sai! the #rother, /for this goo! news, yo" shall hereafter roam aro"n! only at night, an! I will fi. yo"r eyes, so the !arker the night the #etter yo" will #e a#le to see3 Yo" will always have the fine ool nights to h"nt yo"r foo!3 Yo" other #ir!s an h"nt yo"r foo! !"ring the hot !aylight3/ 0Sin e then the owl has #een the night #ir!13 &he #rother flew to the woo!s an! #ro"ght the man #a k an! "t the strings short, an! sai! to him? /Now yo" an get a taste of what yo" gave my #rother3/ &o Ra##it he sai!? /I o"ght not to have hel,e! yo" this time3 Any one who is so ra6y as to hange ,la es with a #lin! man sho"l! #e left witho"t hel,, so #e aref"l, as I am getting tire! of yo"r foolishness, an! will not hel, yo" again if yo" !o anything as foolish as yo" !i! this time3/ Ra##it starte! to ret"rn to his home3 +hen he ha! nearly om,lete! his ;o"rney he ame to a little reek, an! #eing thirsty took a goo! long !rink3 +hile he was !rinking he hear! a noise as tho"gh a wolf or at was s rat hing the earth3 )ooking ", to a hill whi h overh"ng the reek, he saw fo"r wolves, with their tails intertwine!, ,"lling with all their might3 As Ra##it ame ", to them one ,"lle! loose, an! Ra##it saw that his tail was #roken3 /)et me ,"ll tails with yo"3 My tail is long an! strong,/ sai! Ra##it, an! the wolves assenting, Ra##it interlo ke! his long tail with those of the three wolves an! ommen e! ,"lling an! the wolves ,"lle! so har! that they ,"lle! Ra##it-s tail off at the se on! ;oint3 &he wolves !isa,,eare!3 /(inye@ (inye@ 0Brother, #rother31 I have lost my tail,/ rie! Ra##it3 &he genie ame an! seeing his #rother Ra##it-s tail missing, sai!? /Yo" look #etter witho"t a tail anyway3/ %rom that time on ra##its have ha! no tails3 'N%TOM# AN T!E ARROW!EA S &here were on e ",on a time two yo"ng men who were very great frien!s, an! were onstantly together3 One was a very tho"ghtf"l yo"ng man, the other very im,"lsive, who never sto,,e! to think #efore he ommitte! an a t3 One !ay these two frien!s were walking along, telling ea h other of their e.,erien es in love making3 &hey as en!e! a high hill, an! on rea hing the to,, hear! a ti king noise as if small stones or ,e##les were #eing str" k together3 )ooking aro"n! they !is overe! a large s,i!er sitting in the mi!st of a great many flint arrowhea!s3 &he s,i!er was #"sily engage! making the flint ro ks into arrow hea!s3 &hey looke! at the s,i!er, #"t he never move!, #"t ontin"e! hammering away on a ,ie e of flint whi h he ha! nearly om,lete! into another arrowhea!3 /)et-s hit him,/ sai! the tho"ghtless one3 /No,/ sai! the other, /he is not harming any one> in fa t, he is !oing a great goo!, as he is making the flint arrowhea!s whi h we "se to ,oint o"r arrows3/ /Oh, yo" are afrai!,/ sai! the first yo"ng man3 /He an-t harm yo"3 ;"st wat h me hit him3/ So saying, he ,i ke! ", an arrowhea! an! throwing it at /Unktomi,/ hit him on the si!e3 As Unktomi rolle! over on his si!e, got ", an! stoo! looking at them, the yo"ng man la"ghe! an! sai!? /+ell, let "s #e going, as yo"r gran!father, /Unktomi,/ !oesn-t seem to like o"r om,any3/ &hey starte! !own the hill, when

s"!!enly the one who ha! hit Unktomi took a severe fit of o"ghing3 He o"ghe! an! o"ghe!, an! finally small ,arti les of #loo! ame from his mo"th3 &he #loo! ke,t oming thi ker an! in great g"shes3 %inally it ame so thi k an! fast that the man o"l! not get his #reath an! fell ",on the gro"n! !ea!3 &he tho"ghtf"l yo"ng man, seeing that his frien! was no more, h"rrie! to the village an! re,orte! what ha! ha,,ene!3 &he relatives an! frien!s h"rrie! to the hill, an! s"re eno"gh, there lay the tho"ghtless yo"ng man still an! ol! in !eath3 &hey hel! a o"n il an! sent for the hief of the Unktomi tri#e3 +hen he hear! what ha! ha,,ene!, he tol! the o"n il that he o"l! !o nothing to his Unktomi, as it ha! only !efen!e! itself3 Sai! he? /My frien!s, seeing that yo"r tri#e was r"nning short of arrowhea!s, I set a great many of my tri#e to work making flint arrowhea!s for yo"3 +hen my men are th"s engage! they !o not wish to #e !ist"r#e!, an! yo"r yo"ng man not only !ist"r#e! my man, #"t grossly ins"lte! him #y striking him with one of the arrowhea!s whi h he ha! worke! so har! to make3 My man o"l! not sit an! take this ins"lt, so as the yo"ng man walke! away the Unktomi shot him with a very tiny arrowhea!3 &his ,ro!" e! a hemorrhage, whi h a"se! his !eath3 So now, my frien!s, if yo" will fill an! ,ass the ,ea e ,i,e, we will ,art goo! frien!s an! my tri#e shall always f"rnish yo" with ,lenty of flint arrowhea!s3/ So saying, Unktomi &anka finishe! his ,ea e smoke an! ret"rne! to his tri#e3 'ver after that, when the In!ians hear! a ti king in the grass, they wo"l! go o"t of their way to get aro"n! the so"n!, saying, Unktomi is making arrowhea!s> we m"st not !ist"r# him3 &h"s it was that Unktomi &anka 0Big S,i!er1 ha! the res,e t of this tri#e, an! was never after !ist"r#e! in his work of making arrowhea!s3 T!E BEAR AN T!E RABB#T !'NT B'FFALO On e ",on a time there live! as neigh#ors, a #ear an! a ra##it3 &he ra##it was a goo! shot, an! the #ear #eing very l"msy o"l! not "se the arrow to goo! a!vantage3 &he #ear was very "nkin! to the ra##it3 'very morning, the #ear wo"l! all over to the ra##it an! say? /&ake yo"r #ow an! arrows an! ome with me to the other si!e of the hill3 A large her! of #"ffalo are gra6ing there, an! I want yo" to shoot some of them for me, as my hil!ren are rying for meat3/ &he ra##it, fearing to aro"se the #ear-s anger #y ref"sing, onsente!, an! went with the #ear, an! shot eno"gh #"ffalo to satisfy the h"ngry family3 In!ee!, he shot an! kille! so many that there was lots of meat left after the #ear an! his family ha! loa!e! themselves, an! ,a ke! all they o"l! arry home3 &he #ear #eing very gl"ttono"s, an! not wanting the ra##it to get any of the meat, sai!? /Ra##it, yo" ome along home with "s an! we will ret"rn an! get the remain!er of the meat3/ &he ,oor ra##it o"l! not even taste the #loo! from the #"t hering, as the #ear wo"l! throw earth on the #loo! an! !ry it ",3 *oor Ra##it wo"l! have to go home h"ngry after his har! !ay-s work3 &he #ear was the father of five hil!ren3 &he yo"ngest #oy was very kin! to the ra##it3 &he mother #ear, knowing that her yo"ngest was a very hearty eater, always gave him an e.tra large ,ie e of meat3 +hat the #a#y #ear !i! not eat, he wo"l! take o"tsi!e with him an! ,reten! to ,lay #all with it, ki king it towar! the ra##it-s ho"se, an! when he got lose to the !oor he wo"l! give the meat s" h a great ki k, that it wo"l! fly into the ra##it-s ho"se, an! in this way ,oor Ra##it wo"l! get his meal "nknown to the ,a,a #ear3 Ba#y #ear never forgot his frien! Ra##it3 *a,a #ear often won!ere! why his #a#y wo"l! go o"tsi!e after ea h meal3 He grew s"s,i io"s an! aske! the #a#y where he ha! #een3 /Oh, I always ,lay #all o"tsi!e, aro"n! the ho"se, an! when I get tire! ,laying I eat ", my meat #all an! then ome in3/ &he #a#y #ear was too "nning to let ,a,a #ear know that he was kee,ing his frien! ra##it from

starving to !eath3 Nevertheless, ,a,a #ear s"s,e te! #a#y an! sai!? /Ba#y, I think yo" go over to the ra##it-s after every meal3/ &he fo"r ol!er #rothers were very han!some, #"t #a#y #ear was a little ,"ny fellow, whose oat o"l!n-t kee, o"t m" h ol!, as it was short an! shaggy, an! of a !irty #rown olor3 &he three ol!er #rothers were very "nkin! to #a#y #ear, #"t the fo"rth one always took #a#y-s ,art, an! was always kin! to his #a#y #rother3 Ra##it was getting tire! of #eing or!ere! an! #"llie! aro"n! #y ,a,a #ear3 He ,"66le! his #rain to s heme some way of getting even with Mr3 Bear for a#"sing him so m" h3 He st"!ie! all night long, #"t no s heme worth trying ,resente! itself3 'arly one morning Mr3 Bear ,resente! himself at Ra##it-s !oor3 /Say, Ra##it, my meat is all "se! ",, an! there is a fine her! of #"ffalo gra6ing on the hillsi!e3 Get yo"r #ow an! arrows an! ome with me3 I want yo" to shoot some of them for me3/ /Bery well,/ sai! Ra##it, an! he went an! kille! si. #"ffalo for Bear3 Bear got #"sy #"t hering an! ,oor Ra##it, thinking he wo"l! get a han e to li k ", one mo"thf"l of #loo!, staye! very lose to the #ear while he was "tting ", the meat3 &he #ear was very wat hf"l lest the ra##it get something to eat3 $es,ite #ear-s wat hf"lness, a small lot of #loo! rolle! ,ast an! #ehin! the #ear-s feet3 At on e Ra##it sei6e! the lot an! hi! it in his #osom3 By the time Ra##it got home, the #loo! lot was har!ene! from the warmth of his #o!y, so, #eing h"ngry, it ,"t Mr3 Ra##it o"t of sorts to think that after all his tro"#le he o"l! not eat the #loo!3 Bery #a!ly !isa,,ointe!, he lay !own on his floor an! ga6e! ", into the himney hole3 $isg"ste! with the way things ha! t"rne! o"t, he gra##e! ", the #loo! lot an! threw it ", thro"gh the hole3 S ar ely ha! it hit the gro"n! when he hear! the voi e of a #a#y rying, /Ate@ Ate@/ 0father, father13 He went o"tsi!e an! there he fo"n! a #ig #a#y #oy3 He took the #a#y into his ho"se an! threw him o"t thro"gh the hole again3 &his time the #oy was large eno"gh to say /Ate, Ate, he2 "n2sin2lo3/ 0%ather, father, !on-t !o that13 B"t nevertheless, he threw him ", an! o"t again3 On going o"t the thir! time, there stoo! a han!some yo"th smiling at him3 Ra##it at on e a!o,te! the yo"th an! took him into his ho"se, seating him in the seat of honor 0whi h is !ire tly o,,osite the entran e1, an! saying? /My son, I want yo" to #e a goo!, honest, straightforwar! man3 Now, I have in my ,ossession a fine o"tfit, an! yo", my son, shall wear it3/ S"iting his a tion to his wor!s, he !rew o"t a #ag from a hollow tree an! on o,ening it, !rew o"t a fine #" kskin shirt 0tanne! white as snow1, worke! with ,or ",ine 8"ills3 Also a ,air of re! leggings worke! with #ea!s3 Mo asins worke! with olore! hair3 A fine otter skin ro#e3 +hite weasel skins to intertwine with his #ea"tif"l long #la k lo ks3 A magnifi ent enter eagle feather3 A rawhi!e overe! #ow, a om,anie! #y a 8"iver f"ll of flint arrowhea!s3 &he ra##it, having !resse! his son in all the latest finery, sat #a k an! ga6e! long an! lovingly at his han!some son3 Instin tively Ra##it felt that his son ha! #een sent him for the ,"r,ose of #eing instr"mental in the !ownfall of Mr3 Bear3 'vents will show3 &he morning following the arrival of Ra##it-s son, Mr3 Bear again ,resents himself at the !oor, rying o"t? /Yo" la6y, "gly ra##it, get ", an! ome o"t here3 I want yo" to shoot some more #"ffalo for me3/ /+ho is this, who s,eaks so ins"ltingly to yo", fatherA/ aske! the son3 /It is a #ear who lives near here, an! makes me kill #"ffalo for his family, an! he won-t let me take even one little !ro, of #loo! from the killing, an! onse8"ently, my son, I have nothing in my ho"se for yo" to eat3/ &he yo"ng man was"s to meet Mr3 Bear #"t Ra##it a!vise! him to wait a little "ntil he an! Bear

ha! gone to the h"nt3 So the son o#eye!, an! when he tho"ght it time that the killing was !one, he starte! o"t an! arrive! on the s ene ;"st as Mr3 Bear was a#o"t to ,ro ee! with his #"t hering3 Seeing a strange sha!ow on the gro"n! #esi!e him, Mr3 Bear looke! ", an! ga6e! into the fearless eyes of ra##it-s han!some son3 /+ho is thisA/ aske! Mr3 Bear of ,oor little Ra##it3 /I !on-t know,/ answere! Ra##it3 /+ho are yo"A/ aske! the #ear of Ra##it-s son3 /+here !i! yo" ome fromA/ &he ra##it-s son not re,lying, the #ear s,oke th"s to him? /Get o"t of here, an! get o"t 8"i k, too3/ At this s,ee h the ra##it-s son #e ame angere!, an! fastene! an arrow to his #ow an! !rove the arrow thro"gh the #ear-s heart3 &hen he t"rne! on Mrs3 Bear an! serve! her likewise3 $"ring the melee, Ra##it sho"te!? /My son, my son, !on-t kill the two yo"ngest3 &he #a#y has ke,t me from starving an! the other one is goo! an! kin! to his #a#y #rother3/ So the three ol!er #rothers who were "nkin! to their #a#y #rother met a similar fate to that of their selfish ,arents3 &his 0the story goes1 is the reason that #ears travel only in ,airs3 T!E BRA(E W!O WENT ON T!E WAR$AT! ALONE AN LONE WARR#OR WON T!E NAME OF T!E

&here was on e a yo"ng man whose ,arents were not over#"r!ene! with the ri hes of this worl!, an! onse8"ently o"l! not !ress their only son in as ri h a ost"me as the other yo"ng men of the tri#e, an! on a o"nt of not #eing so ri hly la! as they, he was looke! !own ",on an! sh"nne! #y them3 He was never invite! to take ,art in any of their s,orts> nor was he ever aske! to ;oin any of the war ,arties3 In the village live! an ol! man with an only !a"ghter3 )ike the other family, they were ,oor, #"t the !a"ghter was the #elle of the tri#e3 She was the most so"ght after #y the yo"ng men of the village, an! warriors from tri#es far !istant ame to ,ress their s"it at winning her for their #ri!e3 All to no ,"r,ose> she ha! the same answer for them as she ha! for the yo"ng men of the village3 &he ,oor yo"ng man was also very han!some !es,ite his ,oor lothes, #"t having never kille! an enemy nor #ro"ght home any enemies- horses he was not 0a or!ing to In!ian r"les1 allowe! to make love to any yo"ng or ol! woman3 He trie! in vain to ;oin some of the war ,arties, that he might get the han e to win his s,"rs as a warrior3 &o all his ,lea!ings, ame the same answer? /Yo" are not fit to ;oin a war ,arty3 Yo" have no horses, an! if yo" sho"l! get kille! o"r tri#e wo"l! #e la"ghe! at an! #e ma!e f"n of as yo" have s" h ,oor lothes, an! we !on-t want the enemy to know that we have any one of o"r tri#e who !resses so ,oorly as yo" !o3/ Again, an! again, he trie! !ifferent ,arties, only to #e ma!e f"n of an! ins"lte!3 One night he sat in the ,oor te,ee of his ,arents3 He was in !ee, st"!y an! ha! nothing to say3 His father, noti ing his melan holy moo!, aske! him what ha! ha,,ene! to a"se him to #e so 8"iet, as he was always of a ;olly !is,osition3 &he son answere! an! sai!? /%ather, I am going on the war,ath alone3 In vain I have trie! to #e a mem#er of one of the war ,arties3 &o all of my ,lea!ings I have got nothing #"t ins"lts in ret"rn3/ /B"t my son, yo" have no g"n nor amm"nition3 +here an yo" get any an! how an yo" get itA +e have nothing to #"y one for yo" with,/ sai! the father3

/I !on-t nee! any wea,ons3 I am going to #ring #a k some of the enemies- horses, an! I !on-t nee! a g"n for that3/ 'arly the ne.t morning 0regar!less of the ol! o",le-s ,lea!ings not to go "narme!1 the yo"ng man left the village an! hea!e! northwest, the !ire tion always taken #y the war ,arties3 %or ten !ays he travele! witho"t seeing any signs of a am,3 &he evening of the tenth !ay, he rea he! a very high #"tte, thi kly woo!e! at the s"mmit3 He as en!e! this #"tte, an! as he sat there #etween two large #o"l!ers, wat hing the #ea"tif"l rays of the setting s"n, he was s"!!enly startle! to hear the neigh of a horse3 )ooking !own into the #ea"tif"l valley whi h was threa!e! #y a #ea"tif"l reek fringe! with tim#er, he noti e! lose to the #ase of the #"tte ",on whi h he sat, a large !rove of horses gra6ing ,ea ef"lly an! 8"ietly3 )ooking loser, he noti e! at a little !istan e from the main !rove, a horse with a sa!!le on his #a k3 &his was the one that ha! neighe!, as the !rove !rifte! f"rther away from him3 He was tie! #y a long lariat to a large sage #"sh3 +here o"l! the ri!er #e, he sai! to himself3 As if in answer to his 8"estion, there a,,eare! not more than twenty ,a es from him a mi!!le age! man oming ", thro"gh a !ee, ravine3 &he man was evi!ently in sear h of some kin! of game, as he hel! his g"n in rea!iness for instant "se, an! ke,t his eyes !ire te! at every revi e an! l"m, of #"sh3 So intent was he on lo ating the game he was trailing, that he never noti e! the yo"ng man who sat like a stat"e not twenty ,a es away3 Slowly an! a"tio"sly the man a,,roa he!, an! when he ha! a!van e! to within a few ,a es of the yo"ng man he sto,,e! an! t"rning aro"n!, stoo! looking !own into the valley3 &his was the only han e that o"r #rave yo"ng frien! ha!3 Being "narme!, he wo"l! stan! no show if the enemy ever got a glim,se of him3 Slowly an! noiselessly he !rew his h"nting knife 0whi h his father ha! given him on his !e,art"re from home1 an! hol!ing it se "rely in his right han!, gathere! himself an! gave a lea, whi h lan!e! him ",on the "ns"s,e ting enemy-s sho"l!ers3 &he for e with whi h he lan!e! on the enemy a"se! him 0the enemy1 to lose his hol! on his g"n, an! it went rattling !own into the hasm, forty feet #elow3 $own they ame together, the yo"ng man on to,3 No sooner ha! they str" k the gro"n! than the enemy ha! o"t his knife, an! then ommen e! a han! to han! !"el3 &he enemy, having more e.,erien e, was getting the #est of o"r yo"ng frien!3 Alrea!y o"r yo"ng frien! ha! two "gly "ts, one a ross his hest an! the other thro"gh his forearm3 He was #e oming weak from the loss of #loo!, an! o"l! not stan! the killing ,a e m" h longer3 S"mmoning all his strength for one more trial to over ome his antagonist, he r"she! him towar! the hasm, an! in his h"rry to get away from this fier e atta k, the enemy ste,,e! #a k one ste, too far, an! !own they #oth went into the hasm3 Interlo ke! in ea h other-s arms, the yo"ng man !rove his knife into the enemy-s si!e an! when they str" k the #ottom the enemy rela.e! his hol! an! straightene! o"t stiff an! !ea!3 Se "ring his s al, an! g"n, the yo"ng man ,ro ee!e! !own to where the horse was tie! to the sage #"sh, an! then gathering the !rove of horses ,ro ee!e! on his ret"rn to his own village3 Being wo"n!e! severely he ha! to ri!e very slowly3 All the long ho"rs of the night he !rove the horses towar!s his home village3 In the meantime, those at the enemies- am, won!ere! at the long a#sen e of the her!er who was wat hing their !rove of horses, an! finally seven yo"ng men went to sear h for the missing her!er3 All night long they sear he! the hillsi!es for the horses an! her!er, an! when it ha! grown light eno"gh in the morning they saw #y the gro"n! where there ha! #een a fier e str"ggle3 %ollowing the tra ks in the san! an! leaves, they ame to the hasm where the om#atants ha! fallen over, an! there, lying on his #a k staring ", at them in !eath, was their her!er3 &hey hastene! to the am, an! tol! what they ha! fo"n!3 Imme!iately the warriors mo"nte! their war ,onies 0these ,onies

are never t"rne! loose, #"t ke,t tie! lose to the te,ee of the owner1, an! striking the trail of the her! !riven off #y o"r yo"ng frien!, they "rge! forth their ,onies an! were soon far from their am, on the trail of o"r yo"ng frien!3 All !ay long they travele! on his trail, an! ;"st as the s"n was sinking they a"ght sight of him !riving the !rove ahea! over a high hill3 Again they "rge! forth their tire! ,onies3 &he yo"ng man, looking #a k along the trail, saw some !ark o#;e ts oming along, an!, at hing a fresh horse, !rove the rest ahea! at a great rate3 Again all night he !rove them, an! when !aylight ame he looke! #a k 0from a high #"tte1 over his trail an! saw oming over a !istant raise, two horsemen3 &hese two "n!o"#te!ly ro!e the #est ,onies, as he saw nothing of the others3 $riving the horses into a thi k #elt of tim#er, he on eale! himself lose to the trail ma!e #y the !rove of horses, an! lay in am#"sh for the two !aring horsemen who ha! followe! him so far3 %inally they a,,eare! on the #"tte from where he ha! looke! #a k an! saw them following him3 %or a long time they sat there s o"ring the o"ntry #efore them in ho,es that they might see some signs of their stolen horses3 Nothing o"l! they see3 Ha! they #"t known, their horses were #"t a few h"n!re! yar!s from them, #"t the thi k tim#er se "rely hi! them from view3 %inally one of them arose an! ,ointe! to the tim#er3 &hen leaving his horse in harge of his frien!, he !es en!e! the #"tte an! followe! the trail of the !rove to where they ha! entere! the tim#er3 )ittle !i! he think that he was stan!ing on the #rink of eternity3 &he yo"ng man hi!ing not more than a h"n!re! yar!s from him o"l! have shot him there where he stoo!, #"t wanting to ,lay fair, he ste,,e! into sight3 +hen he !i!, the enemy took 8"i k aim an! fire!3 He was too hasty3 Ha! he taken more aref"l aim he might have kille! o"r yo"ng frien!, #"t his #"llet whi66e! harmlessly over the yo"ng man-s hea! an! #"rie! itself in a tree3 &he yo"ng man took goo! aim an! fire!3 &he enemy threw ", #oth han!s an! fell forwar! on his fa e3 &he other one on the hill, seeing his frien! kille!, hastily mo"nte! his horse an! lea!ing his frien!-s horse, ma!e ra,i!ly off !own the #"tte in the !ire tion from when e he ha! ome3 +aiting for some time to #e s"re the one who was alive !i! not ome ", an! take a shot at him, he finally a!van e! ",on the fallen enemy an! se "ring his g"n, amm"nition an! s al,, went to his horse an! !rove the her! on thro"gh the woo!s an! rossing a long flat ,rairie, as en!e! a long hain of hills an! sat looking #a k along his trail in sear h of any of the enemy who might ontin"e to follow him3 &h"s he sat "ntil the long sha!ows of the hills remin!e! him that it wo"l! soon #e s"nset, an! as he m"st get some slee,, he wante! to fin! some reek #en! where he o"l! !rive the #"n h of ,onies an! feel safe as to their not straying off !"ring the night3 He fo"n! a goo! ,la e for the her!, an! at hing a fresh horse, he ,i kete! him lose to where he was going to slee,, an! wra,,ing himself in his #lanket, was soon fast aslee,3 So tire! an! slee,y was he that a heavy rain whi h ha! ome ",, !"ring the night, soake! him thro"gh an! thro"gh, #"t he never awakene! "ntil the s"n was high in the east3 He awoke an! going to the ,la e where he ha! left the her!, he was gla! to fin! them all there3 He mo"nte! his horse an! starte! his her! homewar! again3 %or two !ays he !rove them, an! on the evening of the se on! !ay he ame in sight of the village3 &he ol!er warriors, hearing of the yo"ng man going on this tri, alone an! "narme!, tol! the ,arents to go in mo"rning for their son, as he wo"l! never ome #a k alive3 +hen the ,eo,le of the village saw this large !rove of horses a!van ing towar!s them, they at first tho"ght it was a war ,arty of the enemy, an! so the hea! men alle! the yo"ng warriors together an! f"lly ,re,are! for a great #attle3 &hey a!van e! ",on the s",,ose! enemy3 +hen they got lose eno"gh to !is ern a lone horseman !riving this large her!, they s"rro"n!e! the horses an! lone warrior, an! #ro"ght him tri"m,hantly into am,3 On arriving in the am, 0or village1 the horses were o"nte! an! the n"m#er o"nte! ", to one h"n!re! an! ten hea!3 &he hief an! his riers 0or heral!s1 anno"n e! thro"gh the whole village that there wo"l! #e a great war !an e given in honor of the )one +arrior3 &he whole village t"rne! o"t an! ha! a great war !an e that was ke,t ", three !ays an! three nights3

&he two s al,s whi h the yo"ng man ha! taken were tie! to a ,ole whi h was ,la e! in the enter of the !an e ir le3 At this !an e, the )one +arrior gave to ea h ,oor family five hea! of horses3 Being onsi!ere! eligi#le now to ,ay his res,e ts to any girl who took his fan y, he at on e went to the am, of the #ea"tif"l girl of the tri#e, an! as he was always her hoi e, she at on e onsente! to marry him3 &he news s,rea! thro"gh the village that )one +arrior ha! won the #elle of the nation for his #ri!e, an! this with the great feat whi h he ha! a om,lishe! alone in killing two enemies an! #ringing home a great her! of horses, raise! him to the rank of hief, whi h he faithf"lly fille! to the en! of his !ays3 An! many times he ha! to tell his gran! hil!ren the story of how he got the name of the )one +arrior3 T!E S#O'* W!O MARR#E T!E CROW C!#EF)S A'"!TER A war ,arty of seven yo"ng men, seeing a lone te,ee stan!ing on the e!ge of a heavy #elt of tim#er, sto,,e! an! waite! for !arkness, in or!er to sen! one of their s o"ts ahea! to as ertain whether the am, whi h they ha! seen was the am, of frien! or enemy3 +hen !arkness ha! settle! !own on them, an! they felt se "re in not #eing !ete te!, they hose one of their s o"ts to go on alone an! fin! o"t what wo"l! #e the #est !ire tion for them to a!van e ",on the am,, sho"l! it ,rove to #e an enemy3 Among the s o"ts was one who was note! for his #ravery, an! many were the #rave a ts he ha! ,erforme!3 His name was Big 'agle3 &his man they sele te! to go to the lone am, an! o#tain the information for whi h they were waiting3 Big 'agle was tol! to look aref"lly over the gro"n! an! sele t the #est !ire tion from whi h they sho"l! make the atta k3 &he other si. wo"l! await his ret"rn3 He starte! on his mission, #eing aref"l not to make any noise3 He stealthily a,,roa he! the am,3 As he !rew near to the tent he was s"r,rise! to note the a#sen e of any !ogs, as these animals are always ke,t #y the Sio". to notify the owners #y their #arking of the a,,roa h of anyone3 He rawle! ", to the te,ee !oor, an! ,ee,ing thro"gh a small a,ert"re, he saw three ,ersons sitting insi!e3 An el!erly man an! woman were sitting at the right of the fire,la e, an! a yo"ng woman at the seat of honor, o,,osite the !oor3 Big 'agle ha! #een marrie! an! his wife ha! !ie! five winters ,revio"s to the time of this e,iso!e3 He ha! never tho"ght of marrying again, #"t when he looke! ",on this yo"ng woman he tho"ght he was looking ",on the fa e of his !ea! wife3 He remove! his artri!ge #elts an! knife, an! ,la ing them, along with his rifle, at the si!e of the tent, he at on e #ol!ly ste,,e! insi!e the te,ee, an! going over to the man, e.ten!e! his han! an! shook first the man-s han!, then the ol! woman-s, an! lastly the yo"ng woman-s3 &hen he seate! himself #y the si!e of the girl, an! th"s they sat, no one s,eaking3 %inally, Big 'agle ma!e signs to the man, e.,laining as well as ,ossi#le #y signs, that his wife ha! !ie! long ago, an! when he saw the girl she so strongly resem#le! his !ea! wife that he wishe! to marry her, an! he wo"l! go #a k to the enemy-s am, an! live with them, if they wo"l! onsent to the marriage of their !a"ghter3 &he ol! man seeme! to "n!erstan!, an! Big 'agle again ma!e signs to him that a ,arty were lying in wait ;"st a short !istan e from his am,3 Noiselessly they #ro"ght in the horses, an! taking !own the tent, they at on e move! off in the !ire tion from when e they ha! ome3 &he war ,arty waite! all night, an! when the first rays of !awn !is lose! to them the a#sen e of the te,ee, they at on e on l"!e! that Big 'agle ha! #een !is overe! an! kille!, so they h"rrie!ly starte! on their trail for home3

In the meantime, the h"nting ,arty, for this it was that Big 'agle ha! ;oine!, ma!e very goo! time in ,"tting a goo! !istan e #etween themselves an! the war ,arty3 All !ay they travele!, an! when evening ame they as en!e! a high hill, looking !own into the valley on the other si!e3 &here stret he! for two miles, along the #anks of a small stream, an immense am,3 &he ol! man ma!e signs for Big 'agle to remain with the two women where he was, "ntil he o"l! go to the am, an! ,re,are them to re eive an enemy into their village3 &he ol! man ro!e thro"gh the am, an! !rew ", at the largest te,ee in the village3 Soon Big 'agle o"l! see men gathering aro"n! the te,ee3 &he row! grew larger an! larger, "ntil the whole village ha! assem#le! at the large te,ee3 %inally they !is,erse!, an! at hing their horses, mo"nte! an! a!van e! to the hill on whi h Big 'agle an! the two women were waiting3 &hey forme! a ir le aro"n! them an! slowly they ret"rne! to the village, singing an! ri!ing in a ir le aro"n! them3 +hen they arrive! at the village they a!van e! to the large te,ee, an! motione! Big 'agle to the seat of honor in the te,ee3 In the village was a man who "n!erstoo! an! s,oke the Sio". lang"age3 He was sent for, an! thro"gh him the oath of allegian e to the (row tri#e was taken #y Big 'agle3 &his !one he was ,resente! with the girl to wife, an! also with many s,otte! ,onies3 Big 'agle live! with his wife among her ,eo,le for two years, an! !"ring this time he ;oine! in fo"r !ifferent #attles #etween his own ,eo,le 0the Sio".1 an! the (row ,eo,le, to whom his wife #elonge!3 In no #attle with his own ,eo,le wo"l! he arry any wea,ons, only a long willow o",2sti k, with whi h he str" k the fallen Sio".3 At the e.,iration of two years he on l"!e! to ,ay a visit to his own tri#e, an! his father2in2law, #eing a hief of high stan!ing, at on e ha! it heral!e! thro"gh the village that his son2in2law wo"l! visit his own ,eo,le, an! for them to show their goo! will an! res,e t for him #y #ringing ,onies for his son2in2 law to take #a k to his ,eo,le3 Hearing this, the her!s were all !riven in an! all !ay long horses were #ro"ght to the tent of Big 'agle, an! when he was rea!y to start on his homewar! tri,, twenty yo"ng men were ele te! to a om,any him to within a safe !istan e of his village3 &he twenty yo"ng men !rove the gift horses, amo"nting to two h"n!re! an! twenty hea!, to within one !ay-s ;o"rney of the village of Big 'agle, an! fearing for their safety from his ,eo,le, Big 'agle sent them #a k to their own village3 On his arrival at his home village, they re eive! him as one ret"rne! from the !ea!, as they were s"re he ha! #een kille! the night he ha! #een sent to re onnoiter the lone am,3 &here was great feasting an! !an ing in honor of his ret"rn, an! the horses were !istri#"te! among the nee!y ones of the village3 Remaining at his home village for a year, he one !ay ma!e ", his min! to ret"rn to his wife-s ,eo,le3 A great many fan y ro#es, !resses, war #onnets, mo asins, an! a great !rove of horses were given him, an! his wife, an! he #a!e farewell to his ,eo,le for goo!, saying, /I will never ret"rn to yo" again, as I have !e i!e! to live the remain!er of my !ays with my wife-s ,eo,le3/ On his arrival at the village of the (rows, he fo"n! his father2in2law at the ,oint of !eath3 A few !ays later the ol! man !ie!, an! Big 'agle was a,,ointe! to fill the va an y of hief ma!e #y the !eath of his father2in2law3 S"#se8"ently he took ,art in #attles against his own ,eo,le, an! in the thir! #attle was kille! on the fiel!3 &en!erly the (row warriors #ore him #a k to their am,, an! great was the mo"rning in the (row village for the #rave man who always went into #attle "narme!, save only the willow wan! whi h he arrie!3 &h"s en!e! the areer of one of the #ravest of Sio". warriors who ever took the s al, of an enemy, an! who for the love of his !ea! wife, gave ", home, ,arents, an! frien!s, to #e kille! on the fiel! of #attle

#y his own tri#e3 T!E BO& AN T!E T'RTLES A #oy went on a t"rtle h"nt, an! after following the !ifferent streams for ho"rs, finally ame to the on l"sion that the only ,la e he wo"l! fin! any t"rtles wo"l! #e at the little lake, where the tri#e always h"nte! them3 So, leaving the stream he ha! #een following, he "t a ross o"ntry to the lake3 On !rawing near the lake he rawle! on his han!s an! knees in or!er not to #e seen #y the t"rtles, who were very wat hf"l, as they ha! #een h"nte! so m" h3 *ee,ing over the ro k he saw a great many o"t on the shore s"nning themselves, so he very a"tio"sly "n!resse!, so he o"l! lea, into the water an! at h them #efore they se rete! themselves3 B"t on ,"lling off his shirt one of his han!s was hel! ", so high that the t"rtles saw it an! ;"m,e! into the lake with a great s,lash3 &he #oy ran to the shore, #"t saw only #"##les oming ", from the #ottom3 $ire tly the #oy saw something oming to the s"rfa e, an! soon it ame ", into sight3 It was a little man, an! soon others, #y the h"n!re!s, ame ", an! swam a#o"t, s,lashing the water ", into the air to a great height3 So s are! was the #oy that he never sto,,e! to gather ", his lothes #"t ran home nake! an! fell into his gran!mother-s tent !oor3 /+hat is the tro"#le, gran! hil!,/ rie! the ol! woman3 B"t the #oy o"l! not answer3 /$i! yo" see anything "nnat"ralA/ He shook his hea!, /no3/ He ma!e signs to the gran!mother that his l"ngs were ,ressing so har! against his si!es that he o"l! not talk3 He ke,t #eating his si!e with his len he! han!s3 &he gran!mother got o"t her me!i ine #ag, ma!e a ,rayer to the Great S,irit to !rive o"t the evil s,irit that ha! entere! her gran!son-s #o!y, an! after she ha! a,,lie! the me!i ine, the ,rayer m"st have #een hear! an! answere!, as the #oy ommen e! telling her what he ha! hear! an! seen3 &he gran!mother went to the hief-s tent an! tol! what her gran!son ha! seen3 &he hief sent two #rave warriors to the lake to as ertain whether it was tr"e or not3 &he two warriors re,t to the little hill lose to the lake, an! there, s"re eno"gh, the lake was swarming with little men swimming, a#o"t, s,lashing the water high ", into the air3 &he warriors, too, were s are! an! h"rrie! home, an! in the o"n il alle! on their ret"rn tol! what they ha! seen3 &he #oy was #ro"ght to the o"n il an! given the seat of honor 0o,,osite the !oor1, an! was name! /+ankan +anyanka/ 0sees holy13 &he lake ha! formerly #orne the name of &r"th )ake, #"t from this time on was alle! /+i asa2#!e/ 22 Man )ake3 T!E !ERM#T, OR T!E "#FT OF CORN In a !ee, forest, far from the villages of his ,eo,le, live! a hermit3 His tent was ma!e of #"ffalo skins, an! his !ress was ma!e of !eer skin3 %ar from the ha"nts of any h"man #eing this ol! hermit was ontent to s,en! his !ays3 All !ay long he wo"l! wan!er thro"gh the forest st"!ying the !ifferent ,lants of nat"re an! olle ting ,re io"s roots, whi h he "se! as me!i ine3 At long intervals some warrior wo"l! arrive at the tent of the ol! hermit an! get me!i ine roots from him for the tri#e, the ol! hermit-s me!i ine #eing onsi!ere! far s",erior to all others3 After a long !ay-s ram#le in the woo!s, the hermit ame home late, an! #eing very tire!, at on e lay !own on his #e! an! was ;"st !o6ing off to slee,, when he felt something r"# against his foot3 Awakening with a start, he noti e! a !ark o#;e t an! an arm was e.ten!e! to him, hol!ing in its han! a flint ,ointe! arrow3 &he hermit tho"ght, /&his m"st #e a s,irit, as there is no h"man #eing aro"n! here #"t myself@/ A voi e

then sai!? /Hermit, I have ome to invite yo" to my home3/ /How 0yes1, I will ome,/ sai! the ol! hermit3 +herewith he arose, wra,,e! his ro#e a#o"t him an! followe!3 O"tsi!e the !oor he sto,,e! an! looke! aro"n!, #"t o"l! see no signs of the !ark o#;e t3 /+hoever yo" are, or whatever yo" #e, wait for me, as I !on-t know where to go to fin! yo"r ho"se,/ sai! the hermit3 Not an answer !i! he re eive, nor o"l! he hear any noises as tho"gh anyone was walking thro"gh the #r"sh3 Re2entering his tent he retire! an! was soon fast aslee,3 &he ne.t night the same thing o "rre! again, an! the hermit followe! the o#;e t o"t, only to #e left as #efore3 He was very angry to think that anyone sho"l! #e trying to make s,ort of him, an! he !etermine! to fin! o"t who this o"l! #e who was !ist"r#ing his night-s rest3 &he ne.t evening he "t a hole in the tent large eno"gh to sti k an arrow thro"gh, an! stoo! #y the !oor wat hing3 Soon the !ark o#;e t ame an! sto,,e! o"tsi!e of the !oor, an! sai!? /Gran!father, I ame to 22 ,/ #"t he never finishe! the senten e, for the ol! man let go his arrow, an! he hear! the arrow strike something whi h ,ro!" e! a so"n! as tho"gh he ha! shot into a sa k of ,e##les3 He !i! not go o"t that night to see what his arrow ha! str" k, #"t early ne.t morning he went o"t an! looke! at the s,ot a#o"t where he tho"ght the o#;e t ha! stoo!3 &here on the gro"n! lay a little hea, of orn, an! from this little hea, a small line of orn lay s attere! along a ,ath3 &his he followe! far into the woo!s3 +hen he ame to a very small knoll the trail en!e!3 At the en! of the trail was a large ir le, from whi h the grass ha! #een s ra,e! off lean3 /&he orn trail sto,s at the e!ge of this ir le,/ sai! the ol! man, /so this m"st #e the home of whoever it was that invite! me3/ He took his #one knife an! hat het an! ,ro ee!e! to !ig !own into the enter of the ir le3 +hen he ha! got !own to the length of his arm, he ame to a sa k of !rie! meat3 Ne.t he fo"n! a sa k of In!ian t"rni,s, then a sa k of !rie! herries> then a sa k of orn, an! last of all another sa k, em,ty e. e,t that there was a#o"t a ",f"l of orn in one orner of it, an! that the sa k ha! a hole in the other orner where his arrow ha! ,ier e! it3 %rom this hole in the sa k the orn was s attere! along the trail, whi h g"i!e! the ol! man to the a he3 %rom this the hermit ta"ght the tri#es how to kee, their ,rovisions when traveling an! were overloa!e!3 He e.,laine! to them how they sho"l! !ig a ,it an! ,"t their ,rovisions into it an! over them with earth3 By this metho! the In!ians "se! to kee, ,rovisions all s"mmer, an! when fall ame they wo"l! ret"rn to their a he, an! on o,ening it wo"l! fin! everything as fresh as the !ay they were ,la e! there3 &he ol! hermit was also thanke! as the !is overer of orn, whi h ha! never #een known to the In!ians "ntil !is overe! #y the ol! hermit3 T!E M&STER#O'S B'TTE A yo"ng man was on e h"nting an! ame to a stee, hill3 &he east si!e of the hill s"!!enly !ro,,e! off to a very stee, #ank3 He stoo! on this #ank, an! at the #ase he noti e! a small o,ening3 On going !own to e.amine it more losely, he fo"n! it was large eno"gh to a!mit a horse or #"ffalo3 On either si!e of the !oor were fig"res of !ifferent animals engrave! into the wall3 He entere! the o,ening an! there, s attere! a#o"t on the floor, lay many #ra elets, ,i,es an! many other things of ornament, as tho"gh they ha! #een offerings to some great s,irit3 He ,asse! thro"gh this first room an! on entering the se on! it was so !ark that he o"l! not see his han!s #efore his fa e, so #e oming s are!, he h"rrie!ly left the ,la e, an! ret"rning home tol! what he ha! seen3 U,on hearing this the hief sele te! fo"r of his most !aring warriors to go with this yo"ng man an!

investigate an! as ertain whether the yo"ng man was telling the tr"th or not3 &he five ,ro ee!e! to the #"tte, an! at the entran e the yo"ng man ref"se! to go insi!e, as the fig"res on either si!e of the entran e ha! #een hange!3 &he fo"r entere! an! seeing that all in the first ham#er was as the yo"ng man ha! tol!, they went on to the ne.t ham#er an! fo"n! it so !ark that they o"l! not see anything3 &hey ontin"e! on, however, feeling their way along the walls3 &hey finally fo"n! an entran e that was so narrow that they ha! to s8"ee6e into it si!eways3 &hey felt their way aro"n! the walls an! fo"n! another entran e, so low !own that they ha! to rawl on their han!s an! knees to go thro"gh into the ne.t ham#er3 On entering the last ham#er they fo"n! a very sweet o!or oming from the o,,osite !ire tion3 %eeling aro"n! an! rawling on their han!s an! knees, they !is overe! a hole in the floor lea!ing !ownwar!3 %rom this hole ame ", the sweet o!or3 &hey h"rrie!ly hel! a o"n il, an! !e i!e! to go no f"rther, #"t ret"rn to the am, an! re,ort what they ha! fo"n!3 On getting to the first ham#er one of the yo"ng men sai!? /I am going to take these #ra elets to show that we are telling the tr"th3/ /No,/ sai! the other three, /this #eing the a#o!e of some Great S,irit, yo" may have some a i!ent #efall yo" for taking what is not yo"rs3/ /Ah@ Yo" fellows are like ol! women,/ sai! he, taking a fine #ra elet an! en ir ling his left wrist with it3 +hen they rea he! the village they re,orte! what they ha! seen3 &he yo"ng man e.hi#ite! the #ra elet to ,rove that it was the tr"th they ha! tol!3 Shortly after this, these fo"r yo"ng men were o"t ", tra,s for wolves3 &hey wo"l! raise one en! of a heavy log an! ,la e a sti k "n!er, #ra ing ", the log3 A large ,ie e of meat was ,la e! a#o"t five feet away from the log an! this s,a e overe! with ,oles an! willows3 At the ,la e where the ",right sti k was ,"t, a hole was left o,en, large eno"gh to a!mit the #o!y of a wolf3 &he wolf, s enting the meat an! "na#le to get at it thro"gh the ,oles an! willows, wo"l! row! into the hole an! working his #o!y forwar!, in or!er to get the meat, wo"l! ,"sh !own the #ra e an! the log th"s release! wo"l! hol! the wolf fast "n!er its weight3 &he yo"ng man with the #ra elet was ,la ing his #ait "n!er the log when he release! the log #y kno king !own the #ra e, an! the log a"ght his wrist on whi h he wore the #ra elet3 He o"l! not release himself an! alle! lo"! an! long for assistan e3 His frien!s, hearing his all, ame to his assistan e, an! on lifting the log fo"n! the yo"ng man-s wrist #roken3 /Now,/ sai! they, /yo" have #een ,"nishe! for taking the wristlet o"t of the ham#er of the mysterio"s #"tte3/ Some time after this a yo"ng man went to the #"tte an! saw engrave! on the wall a woman hol!ing in her han! a ,ole, with whi h she was hol!ing ", a large amo"nt of #eef whi h ha! #een lai! a ross another ,ole, whi h ha! #roken in two from the weight of so m" h meat3 He ret"rne! to the am, an! re,orte! what he ha! seen3 All aro"n! the fig"re he saw marks of #"ffalo hoofs, also marke! ",on the wall3 &he ne.t !ay an enormo"s her! of #"ffalo ame near to the village, an! a great many were kille!3 &he women were #"sy "tting ", an! !rying the meat3 At one am, was more meat than at any other3 &he woman was hanging meat ",on a long tent ,ole, when the ,ole #roke in two an! she was o#lige! to hol! the meat ", with another ,ole, ;"st as the yo"ng man saw on the mysterio"s #"tte3 'ver after that the In!ians ,ai! weekly visits to this #"tte, an! thereon wo"l! rea! the signs that were to govern their ,lans3 &his #"tte was always onsi!ere! the ,ro,het of the tri#e3 T!E WON ERF'L T'RTLE

Near to a (hi,,ewa village lay a large lake, an! in this lake there live! an enormo"s t"rtle3 &his was no or!inary t"rtle, as he wo"l! often ome o"t of his home in the lake an! visit with his In!ian neigh#ors3 He ,ai! the most of his visits to the hea! hief, an! on these o asions wo"l! stay for ho"rs, smoking an! talking with him3 &he hief, seeing that the t"rtle was very smart an! showe! great wis!om in his talk, took a great fan y to him, an! whenever any ,"66ling s"#;e t ame ", #efore the hief, he generally sent for Mr3 &"rtle to hel, him !e i!e3 One !ay there ame a great mis"n!erstan!ing #etween !ifferent ,arties of the tri#e, an! so e. ite! #e ame #oth si!es that it threatene! to a"se #loo!she!3 &he hief was "na#le to !e i!e for either fa tion, so he sai!, /I will all Mr3 &"rtle3 He will ;"!ge for yo"3/ Sen!ing for the t"rtle, the hief va ate! his seat for the time #eing, "ntil the t"rtle sho"l! hear #oth si!es, an! !e i!e whi h was in the right3 &he t"rtle ame, an! taking the hief-s seat, listene! very attentively to #oth si!es, an! tho"ght long #efore he gave his !e ision3 After thinking long an! st"!ying ea h si!e aref"lly, he ame to the on l"sion to !e i!e in favor of #oth3 &his wo"l! not a"se any har! feelings3 So he gave them a lengthy s,ee h an! showe! them where they were #oth in the right, an! wo"n! ", #y saying? /Yo" are #oth in the right in some ways an! wrong in others3 &herefore, I will say that yo" #oth are e8"ally in the right3/ +hen they hear! this !e ision, they saw that the t"rtle was right, an! gave him a long heer for the wis!om !is,laye! #y him3 &he whole tri#e saw that ha! it not #een for this wise !e ision there wo"l! have #een a great she!!ing of #loo! in the tri#e3 So they vote! him as their ;"!ge, an! the hief, #eing so well ,lease! with him, gave to him his only !a"ghter in marriage3 &he !a"ghter of the hief was the most #ea"tif"l mai!en of the (hi,,ewa nation, an! yo"ng men from other tri#es travele! h"n!re!s of miles for an o,,ort"nity to make love to her, an! try to win her for a wife3 It was all to no ,"r,ose3 She wo"l! a e,t no one, only him whom her father wo"l! sele t for her3 &he t"rtle was very homely, #"t as he was ,r"!ent an! wise, the father hose him, an! she a e,te! him3 &he yo"ng men of the tri#e were very ;ealo"s, #"t their ;ealo"sy was all to no ,"r,ose3 She marrie! the t"rtle3 &he yo"ng men wo"l! make s,ort of the hief-s son2in2law3 &hey wo"l! say to him? /How !i! yo" ome to have so flat a stoma hA/ &he t"rtle answere! them, saying? /My frien!s, ha! yo" #een in my ,la e, yo" too wo"l! have flat stoma hs3 I ame #y my flat stoma h in this way? &he (hi,,ewas an! Sio". ha! a great #attle, an! the Sio"., too n"mero"s for the (hi,,ewas, were killing them off so fast that they ha! to r"n for their lives3 I was on the (hi,,ewa si!e an! some of the Sio". were ,ressing five of "s, an! were gaining on "s very fast3 (oming to some high grass, I threw myself !own flat on my fa e, an! ,resse! my stoma h lose to the gro"n!, so the ,"rs"ers o"l! not see me3 &hey ,asse! me an! kille! the fo"r I was with3 After they ha! gone #a k, I arose an! lo@ my stoma h was as yo" see it now3 So har! ha! I ,resse! to the gro"n! that it wo"l! not ass"me its original sha,e again3/ After he ha! e.,laine! the a"se of his !eformity to them, they sai!? /&he &"rtle is #rave3 +e will #other him no more3/ Shortly after this the Sio". ma!e an atta k ",on the (hi,,ewas, an! every one !eserte! the village3 &he &"rtle o"l! not travel as fast as the rest an! was left #ehin!3 It #eing an "n"s"ally hot !ay in the fall, the &"rtle grew very thirsty an! slee,y3 %inally s enting water, he rawle! towar!s the ,oint from when e the s ent ame, an! oming to a large lake ;"m,e! in an! ha! a #ath, after whi h he swam towar!s the enter an! !ive! !own, an! fin!ing some fine large ro ks at the #ottom, he rawle! in among them an! fell aslee,3 He ha! his slee, o"t an! arose to the to,3

Swimming to shore he fo"n! it was s"mmer3 He ha! sle,t all winter3 &he #ir!s were singing, an! the green grass an! leaves gave forth a sweet o!or3 He rawle! o"t an! starte! o"t looking for the (hi,,ewa am,3 He ame ",on the am, several !ays after he ha! left his winter 8"arters, an! going aro"n! in sear h of his wife, fo"n! her at the e.treme e!ge of the village3 She was n"rsing her #a#y, an! as he aske! to see it, she showe! it to him3 +hen he saw that it was a lovely #a#y an! !i! not resem#le him in any res,e t, he got angry an! went off to a large lake, where he ontente! himself with at hing flies an! inse ts an! living on seawee! the remain!er of his life3 T!E MAN AN T!E OA% &here on e live! a Sio". o",le who ha! two hil!ren, a #oy an! a girl3 'very fall this family wo"l! move away from the main am, an! take ", their winter 8"arters in a grove of tim#er some !istan e from the ,rin i,al village3 &he reason they !i! this was that he was a great h"nter an! where a village was lo ate! for the winter the game was "s"ally very s ar e3 &herefore, he always am,e! #y himself in or!er to have an a#"n!an e of game a!;a ent to his am,3 All s"mmer he ha! roame! aro"n! following the tri#e to wherever their fan y might take them3 $"ring their travels this ,arti "lar year there ame to the village a strange girl who ha! no relatives there3 No one seeme! very"s to take her into their family, so the great h"nter-s !a"ghter, taking a fan y to the ,oor girl, took her to their home an! ke,t her3 She a!!resse! her as sister, an! the ,arents, on a o"nt of their !a"ghter, a!!resse! her as !a"ghter3 &his strange girl #e ame !es,erately in love with the yo"ng man of the family, #"t #eing a!!resse! as !a"ghter #y the ,arents, she o"l! not o,enly show her feelings as the yo"ng man was onsi!ere! her #rother3 In the fall when the main village move! into a large #elt of tim#er for their winter 8"arters, the h"nter move! on to another ,la e two !ays- travel from the main winter am,, where he wo"l! not #e !ist"r#e! #y any other h"nters3 &he yo"ng man ha! a tent #y himself, an! it was always ke,t ni e an! lean #y his sister, who was very m" h atta he! to him3 After a long !ay-s h"nt in the woo!s, he wo"l! go into his tent an! lie !own to rest, an! when his s",,er was rea!y his sister wo"l! say, /My #rother is so tire!3 I will arry his s",,er to him3/ Her frien!, whom she a!!resse! as sister, wo"l! never go into the yo"ng man-s tent3 Along towar!s s,ring there ame one night into the yo"ng man-s tent a woman3 She sat !own #y the !oor an! ke,t her fa e overe! so that it was hi!!en from view3 She sat there a long time an! finally arose an! went away3 &he yo"ng man o"l! not imagine who this o"l! #e3 He knew that it was a long !istan e from the village an! o"l! not make o"t where the woman o"l! have ome from3 &he ne.t night the woman ame again an! this time she ame a little nearer to where the yo"ng man lay3 She sat !own an! ke,t her fa e overe! as #efore3 Neither s,oke a wor!3 She sat there for a long time an! then arose an! !e,arte!3 He was very m" h ,"66le! over the a tions of this woman an! !e i!e! to as ertain on her ne.t visit who she was3 He kin!le! a small fire in his tent an! ha! some ash woo! lai! on it so as to kee, fire a long time, as ash #"rns very slowly an! hol!s fire a long time3 &he thir! night the woman ame again an! sat !own still nearer his #e!3 She hel! her #lanket o,en ;"st a trifle, an! he, at hing ", one of the em#ers, flashe! it in her fa e> ;"m,ing ", she ran h"rrie!ly o"t of the tent3 &he ne.t morning he noti e! that his a!o,te! sister ke,t her fa e hi!!en with her #lanket3 She han e! to !ro, her #lanket while in the a t of ,o"ring o"t some so",, an! when she !i! so he

noti e! a large #"rne! s,ot on her heek3 He felt so sorry for what he ha! !one that he o"l! eat no #reakfast, #"t went o"tsi!e an! lay !own "n!er an oak tree3 All !ay long he lay there ga6ing ", into the tree, an! when he was alle! for s",,er he ref"se!, saying that he was not h"ngry, an! for them not to #other him, as he wo"l! soon get ", an! go to #e!3 %ar into the night he lay th"s, an! when he trie! to arise he o"l! not, as a small oak tree grew thro"gh the enter of his #o!y an! hel! him fast to the gro"n!3 In the morning when the family awoke they fo"n! the girl ha! !isa,,eare!, an! on going o"tsi!e the sister !is overe! her #rother hel! fast to the earth #y an oak tree whi h grew very ra,i!ly3 In vain were the #est me!i ine men of the tri#e sent for3 &heir me!i ine was of no avail3 &hey sai!? /If the tree is "t !own the yo"ng man will !ie3/ &he sister was wil! with grief, an! e.ten!ing her han!s to the s"n, she rie!? /Great S,irit, relieve my s"ffering #rother3 Any one who releases him I will marry, #e he yo"ng, ol!, homely or !eforme!3/ Several !ays after the yo"ng man ha! met with the misha,, there ame to the tent a very tall man, who ha! a #right light en ir ling his #o!y3 /+here is the girl who ,romise! to marry any one who wo"l! release her #rotherA/ /I am the one,/ sai! the yo"ng man-s sister3 /I am the all2,owerf"l lightning an! th"n!er3 I see all things an! an kill at one stroke a whole tri#e3 +hen I make my voi e hear! the ro ks shake loose an! go rattling !own the hillsi!es3 &he #rave warriors ower shivering "n!er some shelter at the so"n! of my voi e3 &he girl whom yo" ha! a!o,te! as yo"r sister was a sor eress3 She #ewit he! yo"r #rother #e a"se he wo"l! not let her make love to him3 On my way here I met her traveling towar!s the west, an! knowing what she ha! !one, I str" k her with one of my #la6ing swor!s, an! she lies there now a hea, of ashes3 I will now release yo"r #rother3/ So saying he ,la e! his han! on the tree an! instantly it r"m#le! to ashes3 &he yo"ng man arose, an! thanke! his !eliverer3 &hen they saw a great #la k lo"! a,,roa hing, an! the man sai!? /Make rea!y, we shall go home on that lo"!3/ As the lo"! a,,roa he! near to the man who stoo! with his #ri!e, it s"!!enly lowere! an! envelo,e! them an! with a great roar an! ami!st flashes of lightning an! lo"! ,eals of th"n!er the girl as en!e! an! !isa,,eare! into the west with her &h"n!er an! )ightning h"s#an!3 STOR& OF T!E TWO &O'N" FR#EN S &here were on e in a very large In!ian am, two little #oys who were fast frien!s3 One of the #oys, /(haske/ 0meaning first #orn1, was the son of a very ri h family, an! was always !resse! in the finest of lothes of In!ian ost"me3 &he other #oy, /Hake/ 0meaning last #orn1, was an or,han an! live! with his ol! gran!mother, who was very !estit"te, an! onse8"ently o"l! not !ress the #oy in fine raiment3 So ,oorly was the #oy !resse! that the #oys who ha! goo! lothes always tormente! him an! wo"l! not ,lay in his om,any3 (haske !i! not look at the lothes of any #oy whom he hose as a frien!, #"t mingle! with all #oys regar!less of how they were la!, an! wo"l! st"!y their !is,ositions3 &he well !resse! he fo"n! were vain an! on eite!3 &he fairly well !resse! he fo"n! selfish an! s,itef"l3 &he ,oorly la! he fo"n! to #e genero"s an! tr"thf"l, an! from all of them he hose /Hake/ for his /Do!a/ 0frien!13 As (haske was the son of the lea!ing war hief he was very m" h so"ght after #y the rest of the #oys, ea h one trying to gain the honor of #eing hosen for the frien! an! om,anion of the great hief-s son> #"t, as I have #efore sai!, (haske aref"lly st"!ie! them all an! finally hose the or,han Hake3 It was a l" ky !ay for Hake when he was hosen for the frien! an! om,anion of (haske3 &he or,han #oy was taken to the lo!ge of his frien!-s ,arents an! !resse! ", in fine lothes an! mo asins3 0+hen the In!ians- sons laim any one as their frien!, the frien! th"s hosen is a!o,te! into the family as their

own son13 (haske an! Hake were inse,ara#le3 +here one was seen the other was not far !istant3 &hey ,laye!, h"nte!, tra,,e!, ate an! sle,t together3 &hey wo"l! s,en! most of the long s"mmer !ays h"nting in the forests3 &ime went on an! these two fast frien!s grew ", to #e fine s,e imens of their tri#e3 +hen they #e ame the age to sele t a sweetheart they wo"l! go together an! make love to a girl3 'a h hel,ing the other to win the affe tion of the one of his hoi e3 (haske love! a girl who was the !a"ghter of an ol! me!i ine man3 She was very m" h o"rte! #y the other yo"ng men of the tri#e, an! many a horse loa!e! with ro#es an! fine ,or ",ine work was tie! at the me!i ine man-s te,ee in offering for the han! of his !a"ghter, #"t the horses, la!en as when tie! there, were t"rne! loose, signifying that the offer was not a e,te!3 &he girl-s hoi e was (haske-s frien! Hake3 Altho"gh he ha! never ma!e love to her for himself, he ha! always "se! honeye! wor!s to her an! was always lo"! in his ,raises for his frien! (haske3 One night the two frien!s ha! #een to see the girl, an! on their ret"rn (haske was very 8"iet, having nothing to say an! seemingly in !ee, st"!y3 Always of a #right, ;olly an! amia#le !is,osition, his silen e an! moo!y s,ell grieve! his frien! very m" h, an! he finally s,oke to (haske, saying? /Do!a, what has ome over yo"A Yo" who were always so ;olly an! f"ll of f"nA Yo"r silen e makes me grieve for yo" an! I !o not know what yo" are feeling so !ownhearte! a#o"t3 Has the girl sai! anything to yo" to make yo" feel th"sA/ /+ait, frien!,/ sai! (haske, /"ntil morning, an! then I will know how to answer yo"r in8"iry3 $on-t ask me anything more tonight, as my heart is having a great #attle with my #rain3/ Hake #othere! his frien! no more that night, #"t he o"l! not slee,3 He ke,t won!ering what /*retty %eather/ 0the girl whom his frien! love!1 o"l! have sai! to (haske to #ring s" h a hange over him3 Hake never s"s,e te! that he himself was the a"se of his frien!-s sorrow, for never !i! he have a tho"ght that it was himself that *retty %eather love!3 &he ne.t morning after they ha! eaten #reakfast, (haske ,ro,ose! that they sho"l! go o"t on the ,rairies, an! see if they wo"l! have the goo! l" k to kill an antelo,e3 Hake went o"t an! got the #an! of horses, of whi h there were over a h"n!re!3 &hey sele te! the fleetest two in the her!, an! taking their #ows an! arrows, mo"nte! an! ro!e away towar!s the so"th3 Hake was over;oye! to note the hange in his frien!3 His ol!time ;ollity ha! ret"rne!3 &hey ro!e o"t a#o"t five miles, an! s aring ", a !rove of antelo,e they starte! in hot ,"rs"it, an! as their horses were very fleet of foot soon a"ght ", to the !rove, an! ea h singling o"t his hoi e 8"i kly !is,at he! him with an arrow3 &hey o"l! easily have kille! more of the antelo,e, #"t !i! not want to kill them ;"st for s,ort, #"t for foo!, an! knowing that they ha! now all that their horses o"l! ,a k home, they !ismo"nte! an! ,ro ee!e! to !ress their kill3 After ea h ha! finishe! ,a king the kill on his horse, (haske sai!? /)et "s sit !own an! have a smoke #efore we start #a k3 Besi!es, I have something to tell yo" whi h I an tell #etter sitting still than I an ri!ing along3/ Hake ame an! sat !own o,,osite his frien!, an! while they smoke! (haske sai!? /My frien!, we have #een together for the last twenty years an! I have yet the first time to !e eive yo" in any way, an! I know I an tr"thf"lly say the same of yo"3 Never have I known yo" to !e eive me nor tell me an "ntr"th3 I have no #rothers or sisters3 &he only #rother-s love I know is yo"rs3 &he only sister-s love I will know will #e *retty %eather-s, for #rother, last night she tol! me she love! none #"t yo" an! wo"l! marry yo" an! yo" only3 So, #rother, I am going to take my antelo,e to my sister2in2 law-s tent an! !e,osit it at her !oor3 &hen she will know that her wish will #e f"lfille!3 I tho"ght at first that yo" ha! #een ,laying traitor to me an! ha! #een making love to her for yo"rself, #"t when she

e.,laine! it all to me an! #egge! me to inter e!e for her to yo", I then knew that I ha! ;"!ge! yo" wrongf"lly, an! that, together with my lost love, ma!e me so 8"iet an! sorrowf"l last night3 So now, #rother, take the flower of the nation for yo"r wife, an! I will #e ontent to ontin"e thro"gh life a lonely #a helor, as never again an I give any woman the ,la e whi h *retty %eather ha! in my heart3/ &heir ,i,es #eing smoke! o"t they mo"nte! their ,onies an! (haske starte! ", in a lear, !ee, voi e the #ea"tif"l love song of *retty %eather an! his frien! Hake3 S" h is the love #etween two frien!s, who laim to #e as #rothers among the In!ians3 (haske gave ", his love of a #ea"tif"l woman for a man who was in fa t no relation to him3 Hake sai!, /I will !o as yo" say, my frien!, #"t #efore I an marry the me!i ine man-s !a"ghter, I will have to go on the war,ath an! !o some #rave !ee!, an! will start in ten !ays3/ &hey ro!e towar!s home, ,lanning whi h !ire tion they wo"l! travel, an! as it was to #e their first e.,erien e on the war,ath, they wo"l! seek a!vi e from the ol! warriors of the tri#e3 On their arrival at the village Hake took his kill to their own tent, while (haske took his to the tent of the Me!i ine Man, an! !e,osite! it at the !oor an! ro!e off towar!s home3 &he mother of *retty %eather !i! not know whether to take the offering or not, #"t *retty %eather, seeing #y this offering that her most herishe! wish was to #e grante!, tol! her mother to take the meat an! ook it an! invite the ol! women of the am, to a feast in honor of the son2in2law who was soon to kee, them f"rnishe! with ,lenty of meat3 Hake an! his frien! so"ght o"t all of the ol! warriors an! gaine! all the information they !esire!3 'very evening Hake visite! his inten!e! wife an! many ha,,y evenings they s,ent together3 &he morning of the tenth !ay the two frien!s left the village an! t"rne! their fa es towar! the west where the am,s of the enemy are more n"mero"s than in any other !ire tion3 &hey were not mo"nte! an! therefore travele! slowly, so it took a#o"t ten !ays of walking #efore they saw any signs of the enemy3 &he ol! warriors ha! tol! them of a thi kly woo!e! reek within the enemies- #o"n!s3 &he ol! men sai!, /&hat reek looks the i!eal ,la e to am,, #"t !on-t am, there #y any means, #e a"se there is a ghost who ha"nts that reek, an! any one who am,s there is !ist"r#e! all thro"gh the night, an! #esi!es they never ret"rn, #e a"se the ghost is +akan 0holy1, an! the enemies on8"er the travelers every time3/ &he frien!s ha! e.tra mo asins with them an! one e.tra #lanket, as it was late in the fall an! the nights were very ol!3 &hey #roke am, early one morning an! walke! all !ay3 Along towar!s evening, the lo"!s whi h ha! #een threatening all !ay, h"rrie!ly o,ene! their !oors an! !own ame the snowflakes thi k an! fast3 7"st #efore it starte! snowing the frien!s ha! noti e! a !ark line a#o"t two miles in a!van e of them3 (haske s,oke to his frien! an! sai!? /If this storm ontin"es we will #e o#lige! to stay overnight at Ghost (reek, as I noti e! it not far ahea! of "s, ;"st #efore the storm set in3/ /I noti e! it also,/ sai! Hake3 /+e might as well entertain a ghost all night as to lie o"t on these o,en ,rairies an! free6e to !eath3/ So they !e i!e! to r"n the risk an! stay in the sheltering woo!s of Ghost (reek3 +hen they got to the reek it seeme! as if they ha! ste,,e! insi!e a #ig te,ee, so thi k was the #r"sh an! tim#er that the win! o"l! not #e felt at all3 &hey h"nte! an! fo"n! a ,la e where the #r"sh was very thi k an! the grass very tall3 &hey 8"i kly ,"lle! the to,s of the nearest willows together an! #y intertwining the en!s ma!e them fast, an! throwing their tent ro#e over this, soon ha! a osy te,ee in whi h to slee,3 &hey starte! their fire an! ooke! some !rie! #"ffalo meat an! #"ffalo tallow, an! were ;"st a#o"t to eat their s",,er when a fig"re of a man ame slowly in thro"gh the !oor an! sat !own near where he ha! entere!3 Hake, #eing the one who was !oing the ooking, ,o"re! o"t some tea into his own ",, an! ,"tting a ,ie e of ,o"n!e! meat an! marrow into a small ,late, ,la e! it #efore the stranger, saying? /'at, my frien!, we are on the war,ath an! !o not arry m" h of a variety of foo! with "s, #"t I give yo" the #est we have3/

&he stranger !rew the ,late towar!s him, an! ommen e! eating raveno"sly3 He soon finishe! his meal an! han!e! the !ish an! ", #a k3 He ha! not "ttere! a wor! so far3 (haske fille! the ,i,e an! han!e! it to him3 He smoke! for a few min"tes, took one last !raw from the ,i,e an! han!e! it #a k to (haske, an! then he sai!? /Now, my frien!s, I am not a living man, #"t the wan!ering s,irit of a on e great warrior, who was kille! in these woo!s #y the enemy whom yo" two #rave yo"ng men are now seeking to make war ",on3 %or years I have #een roaming these woo!s in ho,es that I might fin! some one #rave eno"gh to sto, an! listen to me, #"t all who have am,e! here in the ,ast have r"n away at my a,,roa h or fire! g"ns or shot arrows at me3 %or s" h owar!s as these I have always fo"n! a grave3 &hey never ret"rne! to their homes3 Now I have fo"n! two #rave men whom I an tell what I want !one, an! if yo" a om,lish what I tell yo" to !o, yo" will ret"rn home with many horses an! some s al,s !angling from yo"r #elts3 7"st over this range of hills north of "s, a large village is en am,e! for the winter3 In that am, is the man who lai! in am#"sh an! shot me, killing me #efore I o"l! get a han e to !efen! myself3 I want that man-s s al,, #e a"se he has #een the a"se of my wan!erings for a great many years3 Ha! he kille! me on the #attlefiel! my s,irit wo"l! have at on e ;oine! my #rothers in the ha,,y h"nting gro"n!s, #"t #eing kille! #y a owar!, my s,irit is !oome! to roam "ntil I an fin! some #rave man who will kill this owar! an! #ring me his s al,3 &his is why I have trie! every ,arty who have am,e! here to listen to me, #"t as I have sai! #efore, they were all owar!s3 Now, I ask yo" two #rave yo"ng men, will yo" !o this for meA/ /+e will,/ sai! the frien!s in one voi e3 /&hank yo", my #oys3 Now, I know why yo" ame here, an! that one of yo" ame to earn his feathers #y killing an enemy, #efore he wo"l! marry> the girl he is to marry is my gran!!a"ghter, as I am the father of the great Me!i ine Man3 In the morning there will ,ass #y in ,lain sight of here a large ,arty3 &hey will hase the #"ffalo over on that flat3 After they have ,asse! an ol! man lea!ing a #la k horse an! ri!ing a white one will ome #y on the trail left #y the h"nting ,arty3 He will #e !riving a#o"t a h"n!re! horses, whi h he will leave over in the ne.t ravine3 He will then ,ro ee! to the h"nting gro"n!s an! get meat from the !ifferent h"nters3 After the h"nters have all gone home he will ome last, singing the ,raises of the ones who gave him the meat3 &his man yo" m"st kill an! s al,, as he is the one I want kille!3 &hen take the white an! #la k horse an! ea h mo"nt an! go to the h"nting gro"n!s3 &here yo" will see two of the enemy ri!ing a#o"t ,i king ", em,ty shells3 Dill an! s al, these two an! ea h take a s al, an! ome over to the high knoll an! I will show yo" where the horses are, an! as soon as yo" han! me the ol! man-s s al, I will !isa,,ear an! yo" will see me no more3 As soon as I !isa,,ear, it will start in snowing3 $on-t #e afrai! as the snow will over yo"r trail, #"t nevertheless, !on-t sto, traveling for three !ays an! nights, as these ,eo,le will s"s,e t that some of yo"r tri#e have !one this, an! they will follow yo" "ntil yo" ross yo"r own #o"n!ary lines3/ +hen morning ame, the two frien!s sat in the thi k #r"sh an! wat he! a large ,arty ,ass #y their hi!ing ,la e3 So near were they that the frien!s o"l! hear them la"ghing an! talking3 After the h"nting ,arty ha! ,asse!, as the s,irit ha! tol! them, along ame the ol! man, !riving a large #an! of horses an! lea!ing a fine looking oal #la k horse3 &he horse the ol! man was ri!ing was as white as snow3 &he frien!s rawle! to a little #r"sh overe! hill an! wat he! the hase after the shooting ha! ease!3 &he frien!s knew it wo"l! not #e long #efore the ret"rn of the ,arty, so they rawle! #a k to their am, an! h"rrie!ly ate some ,o"n!e! meat an! !rank some herry tea3 &hen they took !own their ro#e an! rolle! it ", an! got everything in rea!iness for a h"rrie! flight with the horses3 S ar ely ha! they got everything in rea!iness when the ,arty ame #y, singing their song of the hase3 +hen they ha! all gone the frien!s rawle! !own to the trail an! lay waiting for the ol! man3 Soon they hear! him singing3 Nearer an! nearer ame the so"n!s of the song "ntil at last at a #en! in the roa!, the ol! man ame into view3 &he two frien!s arose an! a!van e! to meet him3 On he ame still singing3 No !o"#t he mistook them for some of his own ,eo,le3 +hen he was very lose to them they ea h ste,,e! to

either si!e of him an! #efore he o"l! make an o"t ry they ,ier e! his owar!ly ol! heart with two arrows3 He ha! har!ly to" he! the gro"n! when they #oth str" k him with their #ows, winning first an! se on! honors #y striking an enemy after he has fallen3 (haske having won first honors, aske! his frien! to ,erform the s al,ing !ee!, whi h he !i!3 An! wanting to #e s"re that the s,irit wo"l! get f"ll revenge, took the whole s al,, ears an! all, an! tie! it to his #elt3 &he #"ffalo #eef whi h the ol! man ha! ,a ke! ",on the #la k horse, they threw on the to, of the ol! man3 C"i kly mo"nting the two horses, they hastene! o"t a ross the long flat towar!s the h"nting gro"n!s3 +hen they ame in sight of the gro"n!s there they saw two men ri!ing a#o"t from ,la e to ,la e3 (haske took after the one on the right, Hake the one on the left3 +hen the two men saw these two strange men ri!ing like the win! towar!s them, they t"rne! their horses to retreat towar!s the hills, #"t the white an! the #la k were the swiftest of the tri#e-s horses, an! 8"i kly overtook the two fleeing men3 +hen they ame lose to the enemy they str"ng their arrows onto the #owstring an! !rove them thro"gh the two fleeing h"nters3 As they were falling they trie! to shoot, #"t #eing greatly e.ha"ste!, their #"llets whistle! harmlessly over the hea!s of the two frien!s3 &hey s al,e! the two enemies an! took their g"ns an! amm"nition, also se "re! the two horses an! starte! for the high knoll3 +hen they arrive! at the ,la e, there stoo! the s,irit3 Hake ,resente! him with the ol! man-s s al, an! then the s,irit showe! them the large #an! of horses, an! saying, /Ri!e har! an! long,/ !isa,,eare! an! was seen no more #y any war ,arties, as he was th"s ena#le! to ;oin his forefathers in the ha,,y h"nting gro"n!s3 &he frien!s !i! as the s,irit ha! tol! them3 %or three !ays an! three nights they ro!e stea!ily3 On the fo"rth morning they ame into their own #o"n!ary3 %rom there on they ro!e more slowly, an! let the #an! of horses rest an! ro, the to,s of long grass3 &hey wo"l! sto, o asionally, an! while one sle,t the other ke,t wat h3 &h"s they got fairly well reste! #efore they ame in sight of where their am, ha! stoo! when they ha! left3 All that they o"l! see of the on e large village was the lone tent of the great Me!i ine Man3 &hey ro!e ", on to a high hill an! farther on towar!s the east they saw smoke from a great many te,ees3 &hey then knew that something ha! ha,,ene! an! that the village ha! move! away3 /My frien!,/ sai! (haske, /I am afrai! something has ha,,ene! to the Me!i ine Man-s lo!ge, an! rather than have yo" go there, I will go alone an! yo" follow the trail of o"r ,arty an! go on ahea! with the horses3 I will take the #la k an! the white horses with me an! I will follow on later, after I have seen what the tro"#le is3/ /Bery well, my frien!, I will !o as yo" say, #"t I am afrai! something has ha,,ene! to *retty %eather3/ Hake starte! on with the horses, !riving them along the #roa! trail left #y the h"n!re!s of travois3 (haske ma!e slowly towar!s the te,ee, an! sto,,ing o"tsi!e, stoo! an! listene!3 Not a so"n! o"l! he hear3 &he only living thing he saw was *retty %eather-s s,otte! horse tie! to the si!e of the tent3 &hen he knew that she m"st #e !ea!3 He ro!e off into the thi k #r"sh an! tie! his two horses se "rely3 &hen he ame #a k an! entere! the te,ee3 &here on a #e! of ro#es lay some one a,,arently !ea!3 &he #o!y was wra,,e! in #lankets an! ro#es an! #o"n! aro"n! an! aro"n! with ,arfle he ro,es3 &hese he aref"lly "ntie! an! "nwo"n!3 &hen he "nwra,,e! the ro#es an! #lankets an! when he "n overe! the fa e, he saw, as he ha! e.,e te! to, the fa e of his lost love, *retty %eather3 As he sat ga6ing on her #ea"tif"l yo"ng fa e, his heart a he! for his ,oor frien!3 He himself ha! love! an! lost this #ea"tif"l mai!en, an! now his frien! who ha! won her wo"l! have to s"ffer the "ntol! grief whi h he ha! s"ffere!3 +hat was thatA (o"l! it have #een a slight 8"ivering of the nostrils that he ha! seen, or was it ma! fan y ,laying a tri k on himA (loser he !rew to her fa e, wat hing intently for another sign3 &here it was again, only this time it was a long, !ee, !rawn #reath3 He arose, got some water an! taking a small sti k slowly for e! o,en her mo"th an! ,o"re! some into it3 &hen he took some sage, !i,,e! it into the water an! s,rinkle! a little on her hea! an! fa e3 &here were many ,arfle he #ags ,ile! aro"n! the te,ee, an! thinking he might fin! some kin! of me!i ine roots whi h he o"l! "se to revive her he

starte! o,ening them one after the other3 He ha! o,ene! three an! was ;"st o,ening the fo"rth, when a voi e #ehin! him aske!? /+hat are yo" looking forA/ &"rning 8"i kly, he saw *retty %eather looking at him3 Over;oye!, he rie!, /+hat an I !o so that yo" an get ", an! ri!e to the village with meA My frien! an! I ;"st ret"rne! with a large #an! of horses an! two s al,s3 +e saw this tent an! re ogni6e! it3 My frien! wante! to ome, #"t I wo"l! not let him, as I feare! if he fo"n! anything ha! ha,,ene! to yo" he wo"l! !o harm to himself, #"t now he will #e"s for my ret"rn, so if yo" will tell me what yo" nee! in or!er to revive yo", I will get it, an! we an then go to my frien! in the village3/ /At the foot of my #e! yo" will fin! a ,ie e of eagle fat3 B"il! a fire an! melt it for me3 I will !rink it an! then we an go3/ (haske 8"i kly starte! a fire, got o"t the ,ie e of fat an! melte! it3 She !rank it at one !ra"ght, an! was a#o"t to arise when she s"!!enly sai!? /Roll me ", 8"i k an! take the #"ffalo hair ro,e an! tie it a#o"t my s,otte! horse-s ne k> tie his tail in a knot an! tie him to the !oor3 &hen r"n an! hi!e #ehin! the trees3 &here are two of the enemy oming this way3/ (haske h"rrie!ly o#eye! her or!ers, an! ha! #arely on eale! himself #ehin! the trees, when there ame into view two of the enemy3 &hey saw the horse tie! to the !oor of the !eserte! tent, an! knew that some !ea! ,erson o ",ie! the te,ee, so thro"gh res,e t for the !ea!, they t"rne! o"t an! starte! to go thro"gh the #r"sh an! trees, so as not to ,ass the !oor3 0&he In!ians onsi!er it a #a! omen to ,ass #y the !oor of a te,ee o ",ie! #y a !ea! #o!y, that is, while in the enemy-s o"ntry13 So #y making this !eto"r they travele! !ire tly towar!s where (haske was on eale! #ehin! the tree3 Dnowing that he wo"l! #e !is overe!, an! there #eing two of them, he knew the only han e he ha! was for him to kill one of them #efore they !is overe! him, then he stoo! a #etter han e at an even om#at3 On they ame, little thinking that one of them wo"l! in a few min"tes #e with his forefathers3 (haske noiselessly sli,,e! a artri!ge into the ham#er of his g"n, threw it into a tion an! took !eli#erate aim at the smaller one-s #reast3 A lo"! re,ort rang o"t an! the one he ha! aime! at threw ", his arms an! fell heavily forwar!, shot thro"gh the heart3 Reloa!ing 8"i kly (haske ste,,e! o"t from #ehin! the tree3 He o"l! easily have kille! the other from his on eale! ,osition, #"t, #eing a #rave yo"ng man, he wante! to give his o,,onent a fair han e3 &he other ha! "nsl"ng his g"n an! a !"el was then fo"ght #etween the two lone om#atants3 &hey wo"l! s,ring from si!e to si!e like two great ats3 &hen a!van e one or two ste,s an! fire3 Retreat a few ste,s, s,ring to one si!e an! fire again3 &he #"llets whistle! ,ast their hea!s, tore ", the earth #eneath their feet, an! o asionally one wo"l! hit its mark, only to a"se a flesh wo"n!3 S"!!enly the enemy aime! his g"n an! threw it ",on the gro"n!3 His amm"nition was e.ha"ste!, an! slowly fol!ing his arms he stoo! fa ing his o,,onent, with a fearless smile ",on his fa e, e.,e ting the ne.t moment to fall !ea! from a #"llet from the rifle of (haske3 Not so3 (haske was too honora#le an! no#le to kill an "narme! man, an! es,e ially one who ha! ,"t ", s" h a #rave fight as ha! this man3 (haske a!van e! an! ,i ke! ", the em,ty g"n3 &he &oka 0enemy1 !rew from a s a##ar! at his #elt a long #owie knife, an! taking it #y the ,oint han!e! it, han!le first, to (haske3 &his signifie! s"rren!er3 (haske s al,e! the !ea! &oka an! motione! for his ,risoner to follow him3 In the meantime *retty %eather ha! gotten ", an! stoo! looking at the !"el3 +hen she hear! the first shot she ;"m,e! ", an! "t a small slit in the tent from whi h she saw the whole ,ro ee!ings3 Dnowing that one or #oth of them m"st #e wo"n!e!, she h"rrie!ly got water an! me!i ine roots, an! when they ame to the tent she was ,re,are! to !ress their wo"n!s3 (haske ha! a #"llet thro"gh his sho"l!er an! one thro"gh his han!3 &hey were very ,ainf"l #"t not !angero"s3 &he ,risoner ha! a #"llet thro"gh his leg, also one thro"gh the m"s le of his left arm3 *retty %eather washe! an! !resse! their wo"n!s, an! (haske went an! #ro"ght the #la k an! white horses an! mo"nting *retty %eather ",on the white horse, an! the ,risoner on her s,otte! one, the three soon

ro!e into the village, an! there was a great ry of ;oy when it was known that *retty %eather ha! ome #a k to them again3 Hake, who was in his tent grieving, was tol! that his frien! ha! ret"rne! an! with him *retty %eather3 Hearing this goo! news he at on e went to the Me!i ine Man-s tent an! fo"n! the Me!i ine Man #"sily !ressing the wo"n!s of his frien! an! a stranger3 &he ol! Me!i ine Man t"rne! to Hake an! sai!? /Son2in2law, take yo"r wife home with yo"3 It was from grief at yo"r a#sen e that she went into a tran e, an! we, thinking she was !ea!, left her for s" h3 Ha!n-t it #een for yo"r frien! here, she wo"l! s"rely have #een a or,se now3 So take her an! kee, her with yo" always, an! take as a ,resent from me fifty of my #est horses3/ Hake an! his #ea"tif"l #ri!e went home, where his a!o,te! mother ha! a fine large tent ,"t ", for them3 *resents of ooking "tensils, horses, ro#es an! finely worke! shawls an! mo asins ame from every !ire tion, an! last of all (haske gave as a ,resent to his frien! the &oka man whom he ha! taken as ,risoner3 On ,resenting him with this gift, (haske s,oke th"s? /My frien!, I ,resent to yo", that yo" may have him as a servant to look after yo"r large #an! of horses, this man with whom I fo"ght a two ho"rs- !"el, an! ha! his amm"nition laste! he wo"l! ,ro#a#ly have on8"ere! me, an! who gave me the se on! har!est fight of my life3 &he har!est fight of my life was when I gave ", *retty %eather3 Yo" have them #oth3 &o the &oka 0enemy1 #e kin!, an! he will !o all yo"r #i!!ings3 &o *retty %eather #e a goo! h"s#an!3/ So saying, (haske left them, an! tr"e to his wor!, live! the remain!er of his !ays a onfirme! #a helor3 T!E STOR& OF T!E $ET CROW On e ",on a time there ame to a large village a ,lag"e of rows3 So thi k were they that the ,oor women were sorely trie! kee,ing them o"t of their te,ees an! !riving them away from their lines of ;erke! #"ffalo meat3 In!ee! they got so n"mero"s an! were s" h a great n"isan e that the (hief finally gave or!ers to his am, riers or heral!s to go o"t among the !ifferent am,s an! anno"n e the or!ers of their (hief, that war sho"l! #e ma!e ",on the rows to e.termination> that their nests were to #e !estroye! an! all eggs #roken3 &he war of e.termination was to ontin"e "ntil not a row remaine!, e. e,t the yo"ngest fo"n! was to #e #ro"ght to him alive3 %or a week the war on the rows ontin"e!3 &ho"san!s of !ea! rows were #ro"ght in !aily, an! at the en! of the week not a #ir! of that s,e ies o"l! #e seen in the neigh#orhoo!3 &hose that es a,e! the !ea!ly arrow of the warriors, flew away, never to ret"rn to those ,arts again3 At the en! of the war ma!e ",on the rows, there was #ro"ght to the (hief-s te,ee the yo"ngest fo"n!3 In!ee!, so yo"ng was the #ir! that it was only the great me!i ine of the (hief that ke,t him alive "ntil he o"l! ho, a#o"t an! fin! his own foo!3 &he (hief s,ent most of his time in his lo!ge tea hing the yo"ng row to "n!erstan! an! talk the lang"age of the tri#e3 After the row ha! mastere! this, the (hief then ta"ght him the lang"ages of the neigh#oring tri#es3 +hen the row ha! mastere! these !ifferent lang"ages the hief wo"l! sen! him on long ;o"rneys to as ertain the lo ation of the am,s of the !ifferent enemies3 +hen the row wo"l! fin! a large In!ian am, he wo"l! alight an! ho, a#o"t, ,reten!ing to #e ,i king ", s ra,s, #"t really kee,ing his ears o,en for anything he might hear3 He wo"l! hang aro"n! all !ay, an! at night when they wo"l! all gather in the large o"n il tent 0whi h always stoo! in the enter of the village1 to !etermine ",on their ne.t rai!, an! ,lan for a horse stealing tri,, Mr3 (row was always near#y to hear all their ,lans !is "sse!3 He wo"l! then fly away to his master 0the (hief1 an! tell him all that he ha! learne!3

&he (hief wo"l! then sen! a #an! of his warriors to lie in am#"sh for the rai!ing ,arty, an!, as the enemy wo"l! not s"s,e t anything they wo"l! go #lin!ly into the ,itfall of !eath th"s set for them3 &h"s the row was the s o"t of this hief, whose re,"tation as a +akan 0Holy man1 soon rea he! all of the !ifferent tri#es3 &he (hief-s warriors wo"l! inter e,t, am#"sh an! annihilate every war ,arty hea!e! for his am,3 So, finally learning that they o"l! not make war on this hief-s ,eo,le "n#eknown to them, they gave ", making war on this ,arti "lar #an!3 +hen meat was r"nning low in the am, this hief wo"l! sen! the row o"t to look for #"ffalo3 +hen he !is overe! a her! he wo"l! ret"rn an! re,ort to his master> then the hief wo"l! or!er o"t the h"nters an! they wo"l! ret"rn la!en with meat3 &h"s the row ke,t the am, all the time informe! of everything that wo"l! #e of #enefit to them3 One !ay the row !isa,,eare!, over whi h there was great grief among the tri#e3 A week ha! ,asse! away, when Mr3 (row rea,,eare!3 &here was great re;oi ing ",on his ret"rn, #"t the row was !own ast an! wo"l! not s,eak, #"t sat with a !roo,ing hea! ,er he! at the to, of the hief-s te,ee, an! ref"se! all foo! that was offere! to him3 In vain !i! the hief try to get the row to tell him the a"se of his silen e an! seeming grief3 &he row wo"l! not s,eak "ntil the hief sai!? /+ell, I will take a few of my warriors an! go o"t an! try to as ertain what has ha,,ene! to a"se yo" to a t as yo" !o3/ U,on hearing this, the row sai!? /$on-t go3 I !rea!e! to tell yo" what I know to #e a fa t, as I have hear! it from some great me!i ine men3 I was traveling over the mo"ntains west of here, when I s,ie! three ol! men sitting at the to, of the highest ,eak3 I very a"tio"sly !ro,,e! !own #ehin! a ro k an! listene! to their talk3 I hear! yo"r name mentione! #y one of them, then yo"r #rother-s name was mentione!3 &hen the thir!, who was the ol!est, sai!? -in three !ays from to!ay the lightning will kill those two #rothers whom all the nations fear3-/ U,on hearing what the row state! the tri#e #e ame grief stri ken3 On the morning of the thir! !ay the hief or!ere! a ni e te,ee ,la e! ",on the highest ,oint, far eno"gh away from the village, so that the ,eals of th"n!er wo"l! not alarm the #a#ies of the am,3 A great feast was given, an! after the feasting was over there ame in si. yo"ng mai!ens lea!ing the war horses of the two #rothers3 &he horses were ,ainte! an! !e orate! as if for a harge on the enemy3 One mai!en walke! ahea! of the hief-s horse #earing in her han!s the #ow an! arrows of the great warrior3 Ne.t ame two mai!ens, one on either si!e of the ,ran ing war stee!, ea h hol!ing a rein3 Behin! the hief-s horse ame the fo"rth mai!en3 )ike the first, she #ore in her han!s the #ow an! arrows of the hief-s #rother3 &hen the fifth an! mai!ens ea h hol!ing a rein, walke! on either si!e of the ,ran ing horse of the hief-s #rother3 &hey a!van e! an! ir le! the large gathering an! finally sto,,e! !ire tly in front of the two #rothers, who imme!iately arose an! taking their #ows an! arrows va"lte! lightly ",on their war stee!s, an! singing their !eath song, gallo,e! off ami! a great ry of grief from the ,eo,le who love! them most !early3 Hea!ing straight for the te,ee that ha! #een ,la e! ",on the highest ,oint, a!;a ent to the village, they soon arrive! at their !estination an!, !ismo"nting from their horses, t"rne!, wave! their han!s to their #an!, an! !isa,,eare! within the te,ee3 S ar ely ha! they entere! the lo!ge when the r"m#lings of !istant th"n!er o"l! #e hear!3 Nearer, an! nearer, ame the so"n!, "ntil at last the storm overs,rea! the lo ality in all its f"ry3 %lash ",on flash of lightning #"rst forth from the heavens3 $eafening ,eals of th"n!er followe! ea h flash3 %inally, one flash #righter than any of the others, one ,eal more !eafening than those ,re e!ing it, an! the storm ha! ,asse!3 Sa!ly the warriors gathere! together, mo"nte! their horses an! slowly ro!e to the te,ee on the high ,oint3 Arriving there they looke! insi!e the lo!ge an! saw the two #rothers lying ol! an! still in !eath,

ea h hol!ing the lariat of his favorite war horse3 &he horses also lay !ea! si!e #y si!e in front of the tent3 0%rom this ame the "stom of killing the favorite horse of a !ea! warrior at the #"rial of the owner13 As the In!ians sa!ly left the hill to ret"rn home, they hear! a noise at the to, of the te,ee, an! looking ", they saw the row sitting on one of the s,lintere! te,ee ,oles3 He was rying most ,itif"lly, an! as they ro!e off he flew ", high in the air an! his ,itif"l / aw/ #e ame fainter an! fainter till at they hear! it no more3 An! from that !ay, the story goes, no row ever goes near the village of that #an! of In!ians3 T!E +WASNA+ ($EMM#CAN) MAN AN T!E 'N%TOM# (S$# ER) On e ",on a time there a,,eare! from o"t of a large #elt of tim#er a man attire! in the fat of the #"ffalo3 On his hea! he wore the honey om# ,art of the stoma h3 &o this was atta he! small ,ie es of fat3 &he fat whi h overe! the stoma h he wore as a loak3 &he large intestines he wore as leggings, an! the ki!ney fat as his mo asins3 As he a,,eare! he ha! the misfort"ne to meet /Unktomi/ 0s,i!er1 with his h"n!re!s of starving hil!ren3 U,on seeing the fat, Unktomi an! his large family at on e atta ke! the man, who, in or!er to save his life, starte! to r"n away, #"t so losely !i! Unktomi an! his family ,"rs"e him that in or!er to make #etter time an! also get a little #etter start, he threw off his hea! overing, whi h the Unktomi family hastily !evo"re!, an! were again losing in ",on him3 He then threw off his loak an! they !evo"re! that, an! were lose ",on him again, when he threw off his leggings3 &hese were hastily eaten ",, an!, as they !rew near to a lake, the man threw off the ki!ney fat, an!, r"nning to the e!ge of the lake, !ive! !own into the water an! ke,t #eneath the s"rfa e, swimming to the o,,osite shore3 After the Unktomi family ha! eaten the ki!ney fat they ame to the water-s e!ge, an! the grease was floating on the s"rfa e of the water whi h they la,,e! ",, "ntil there was not a grease s,ot left floating on the s"rfa e3 &he small morsels ha! only shar,ene! their a,,etites, an! as they saw the man sitting on the o,,osite shore, Unktomi an! his family ,ro ee!e! aro"n! the lake an! ame ",on two men sitting on the shore3 Unktomi saw that the other man was /+aka,a,i/ 0,o"n!e! #eef13 &he family s"rro"n!e! the two an! Unktomi or!ere! them to fight3 %earing Unktomi an! his large family, they at on e ommen e! to fight an! *o"n!e! Meat was soon kille!3 &he h"ngry family at on e fell to eating him3 So #"sy were they that none noti e! the fat man sneak off an! !isa,,ear3 +hen they ha! finishe! the ,o"n!e! #eef man they looke! aro"n! to fall ",on the fat man, #"t nowhere o"l! he #e seen3 Unktomi sai!, /I will tra k him an! when I fin! him, I will ret"rn for yo", so stay here an! await my ret"rn3/ He followe! the fat man-s tra ks "ntil farther east on the shore of the lake he fo"n! the fat man in the a t of skinning a !eer, whi h he ha! kille!3 0He ha! hel! on to his #ow an! arrows when he ;"m,e! into the lake13 /My,/ sai! Unktomi, /this will make a fine meal for my h"ngry hil!ren3 I will go after them, so h"rry an! "t the meat ", into small ,ie es so they ea h an have a ,ie e3/ /All right, go ahea! an! get yo"r family,/ sai! %at Man3 $"ring Unktomi-s a#sen e, the fat man h"rrie!ly "t the meat ", into small ,ie es an! arrie! them ", into a tree that stoo! near to the shore3 +hen he ha! arrie! it all ", he threw san! an! !irt ",on the #loo!, an! so left no tra e of the !eer3 On the arrival of Unktomi an! his family, no signs of the fat man or the !eer o"l! #e fo"n!3 &hey wan!ere! a#o"t the s,ot looking for tra ks whi h might lea! them to where the fat man ha! a he! the meat, as Unktomi sai! he o"l! not have arrie! it very far3 Now the fat man was ", in the tree an! sat wat hing them3 &he refle tion of the tree was in the water, an! some of the hil!ren going lose to the shore, !is overe! it as they looke! at the refle tion3 &he fat man "t a ,ie e of meat an! e.ten!ing it

towar!s them, !rew #a k his han! an! ,"t the meat into his mo"th3 /(ome 8"i k, father, here he is eating the meat,/ sai! the hil!ren3 Unktomi ame an! seeing the refle tion, tho"ght the fat man was !own in the lake3 /+ait, I will #ring him ", for yo"3/ So saying, he !ive! !own, #"t soon arose witho"t anything3 Again an! again he trie!, #"t o"l! not rea h the #ottom3 He tol! the hil!ren to gather ro k for him3 &hese he tie! aro"n! his ne k an! #o!y, an! !ive! !own for the last time3 &he last the hil!ren saw of their father was the #"##les whi h arose to the s"rfa e of the lake3 &he ro ks #eing too heavy for him, hel! him fast to the #ottom, an! some h"ngry fish soon ma!e a feast o"t of the #o!y of ,oor /Unktomi3/ T!E RES'SC#TAT#ON OF T!E ONL& A'"!TER &here on e live! an ol! o",le who ha! an only !a"ghter3 She was a #ea"tif"l girl, an! was very m" h o"rte! #y the yo"ng men of the tri#e, #"t she sai! that she ,referre! single life, an! to all their heart2 to" hing tales of !ee, affe tion for her she always ha! one answer3 &hat was /No3/ One !ay this mai!en fell ill an! !ay after !ay grew worse3 All the #est me!i ine men were alle! in, #"t their me!i ines were of no avail, an! in two weeks from the !ay that she was taken ill she lay a or,se3 Of o"rse there was great mo"rning in the am,3 &hey took her #o!y several miles from am, an! rolle! it in fine ro#es an! #lankets, then they lai! her on a s affol! whi h they ha! ere te!3 0&his was the "stom of #"rial among the In!ians13 &hey ,la e! fo"r forke! ,osts into the gro"n! an! then lashe! strong ,oles lengthwise an! a ross the en!s an! ma!e a #e! of willows an! sto"t ash #r"sh3 &his s affol! was from five to seven feet from the gro"n!3 After the f"neral the ,arents gave away all of their horses, fine ro#es an! #lankets an! all of the #elongings of the !ea! girl3 &hen they "t their hair off lose to their hea!s, an! attire! themselves in the ,oorest a,,arel they o"l! se "re3 +hen a year ha! ,asse! the frien!s an! relatives of the ol! o",le trie! in vain to have them set asi!e their mo"rning3 /Yo" have mo"rne! long eno"gh,/ they wo"l! say3 /*"t asi!e yo"r mo"rning an! try an! en;oy a few more ,leas"res of this life while yo" live3 Yo" are #oth growing ol! an! an-t live very many more years, so make the #est of yo"r time3/ &he ol! o",le wo"l! listen to their a!vi e an! then shake their hea!s an! answer? /+e have nothing to live for3 Nothing we o"l! ;oin in wo"l! #e any am"sement to "s, sin e we have lost the light of o"r lives3/ So the ol! o",le ontin"e! their mo"rning for their lost i!ol3 &wo years ha! ,asse! sin e the !eath of the #ea"tif"l girl, when one evening a h"nter an! his wife ,asse! #y the s affol! whi h hel! the !ea! girl3 &hey were on their ret"rn tri, an! were heavily loa!e! !own with game, an! therefore o"l! not travel very fast3 A#o"t half a mile from the s affol! a lear s,ring #"rst forth from the si!e of a #ank, an! from this tri kle! a small stream of water, moistening the roots of the vegetation #or!ering its #anks, an! a"sing a growth of sweet green grass3 At this s,ring the h"nter am,e! an! tethering his horses, at on e set a#o"t hel,ing his wife to ere t the small te,ee whi h they arrie! for onvenien e in traveling3 +hen it #e ame 8"ite !ark, the h"nter-s !ogs set ", a great #arking an! growling3 /)ook o"t an! see what the !ogs are #arking at,/ sai! the h"nter to his wife3 She looke! o"t thro"gh the !oor an! then !rew #a k saying? /&here is the fig"re of a woman a!van ing from the !ire tion of the girl-s s affol!3/ /I e.,e t it is the !ea! girl> let her ome, an! !on-t a t as if yo" were afrai!,/ sai! the h"nter3 Soon they hear! footste,s a!van ing an! the ste,s ease! at the !oor3 )ooking !own at the lower ,art of the !oor the h"nter noti e! a ,air of small mo asins, an! knowing that it was the visitor, sai!? /+hoever yo" are, ome in an! have something to eat3/ At this invitation the fig"re ame slowly in an! sat !own #y the !oor with hea! overe! an! with a fine ro#e !rawn tightly over the fa e3 &he woman !ishe! ", a fine s",,er an! ,la ing it #efore the visitor, sai!? /'at, my frien!, yo" m"st #e h"ngry3/ &he fig"re never move!, nor wo"l! it "n over to eat3 /)et

"s t"rn o"r #a k towar!s the !oor an! o"r visitor may eat the foo!,/ sai! the h"nter3 So his wife t"rne! her #a k towar!s the visitor an! ma!e herself very #"sy leaning the small ,ie es of meat that were hanging to the #a k sinews of the !eer whi h ha! #een kille!3 0&his the In!ians "se as threa!31 &he h"nter, filling his ,i,e, t"rne! away an! smoke! in silen e3 %inally the !ish was ,"she! #a k to the woman, who took it an! after washing it, ,"t it away3 &he fig"re still sat at the !oor, not a so"n! oming from it, neither was it #reathing3 &he h"nter at last sai!? /Are yo" the girl that was ,la e! ",on that s affol! two years agoA/ It #owe! its hea! two or three times in assent3 /Are yo" going to slee, here tonight> if yo" are, my wife will make !own a #e! for yo"3/ &he fig"re shook its hea!3 /Are yo" going to ome again tomorrow night to "sA/ It no!!e! assent3 %or three nights in s" ession the fig"re visite! the h"nter-s am,3 &he thir! night the h"nter noti e! that the fig"re was #reathing3 He saw one of the han!s ,rotr"!ing from the ro#e3 &he skin was ,erfe tly #la k an! was st" k fast to the #ones of the han!3 On seeing this the h"nter arose an! going over to his me!i ine sa k whi h h"ng on a ,ole, took !own the sa k an!, o,ening it, took o"t some roots an! them with sk"nk oil an! vermillion, sai! to the fig"re? /If yo" will let "s r"# yo"r fa e an! han!s with this me!i ine it will ,"t new life into the skin an! yo" will ass"me yo"r om,le.ion again an! it will ,"t flesh on yo"3/ &he fig"re assente! an! the h"nter r"##e! the me!i ine on her han!s an! fa e3 &hen she arose an! walke! #a k to the s affol!3 &he ne.t !ay the h"nter move! am, towar!s the home village3 &hat night he am,e! within a few miles of the village3 +hen night ame, the !ogs, as "s"al, set ", a great #arking, an! looking o"t, the wife saw the girl a,,roa hing3 +hen the girl ha! entere! an! sat !own, the h"nter noti e! that the girl !i! not kee, her ro#e so losely together over her fa e3 +hen the wife gave her something to eat, the girl rea he! o"t an! took the !ish, th"s e.,osing her han!s, whi h they at on e noti e! were again nat"ral3 After she ha! finishe! her meal, the h"nter sai!? /$i! my me!i ine hel, yo"A/ She no!!e! assent3 /$o yo" want my me!i ine r"##e! all over yo"r #o!yA/ Again she no!!e!3 /I will mi. eno"gh to r"# yo"r entire #o!y, an! I will go o"tsi!e an! let my wife r"# it on for yo"3/ He mi.e! a goo! s",,ly an! going o"t left his wife to r"# the girl3 +hen his wife ha! om,lete! the task she alle! to her h"s#an! to ome in, an! when he ame in he sat !own an! sai! to the girl? /&omorrow we will rea h the village3 $o yo" want to go with "sA/ She shook her hea!3 /+ill yo" ome again to o"r am, tomorrow night after we have am,e! in the villageA/ She no!!e! her hea! in assent3 /&hen !o yo" want to see yo"r ,arentsA/ She no!!e! again, an! arose an! !isa,,eare! into the !arkness3 'arly the ne.t morning the h"nter #roke am, an! travele! far into the afternoon, when he arrive! at the village3 He instr" te! his wife to go at on e an! inform the ol! o",le of what ha! ha,,ene!3 &he wife !i! so an! at s"nset the ol! o",le ame to the h"nter-s te,ee3 &hey were invite! to enter an! a fine s",,er was serve! them3 Soon after they ha! finishe! their s",,er the !ogs of the am, set ", a great #arking3 /Now she is oming, so #e #rave an! yo" will soon see yo"r lost !a"ghter,/ sai! the h"nter3 Har!ly ha! he finishe! s,eaking when she entere! the tent as nat"ral as ever she was in life3 Her ,arents l"ng to her an! smothere! her with kisses3 &hey wante! her to ret"rn home with them, #"t she wo"l! stay with the h"nter who ha! #ro"ght her #a k to life, an! she marrie! him, #e oming his se on! wife3 A short time after taking the girl for his wife, the h"nter ;oine! a war ,arty an! never ret"rne!, as he was kille! on the #attlefiel!3 A year after her h"s#an!-s !eath she marrie! again3 &his h"s#an! was also kille! #y a #an! of enemies whom the warriors were ,"rs"ing for stealing some of their horses3 &he thir! h"s#an! also met a similar fate to the first3 He was kille! on the fiel! of #attle3 She was still a han!some woman at the time of the thir! h"s#an!-s !eath, #"t never again marrie!, as the men feare! her, saying she was holy, an! that any one who marrie! her wo"l! #e s"re to #e kille!

#y the enemy3 So she took to !o toring the si k an! gaine! the re,"tation of #eing the most skille! !o tor in the nation3 She live! to a ri,e ol! age an! when she felt !eath a,,roa hing she ha! them take her to where she ha! reste! on e #efore, an! rawling to the to, of the newly ere te! s affol!, wra,,e! her #lankets an! ro#es a#o"t her, overe! her fa e aref"lly, an! fell into that slee, from whi h there is no more awakening3 T!E STOR& OF T!E $ET CRANE &here was on e ",on a time a man who !i! not are to live with his tri#e in a row!e! village, #"t ,referre! a se l"!e! s,ot in the !ee, forest, there to live with his wife an! family of five hil!ren3 &he ol!est of the hil!ren 0a #oy1 was twelve years of age, an! #eing the son of a !isting"ishe! h"nter, soon took to roaming thro"gh the forest in sear h of small game3 One !ay !"ring his ram#lings, he !is overe! a rane-s nest, with only one yo"ng rane o ",ying it3 No !o"#t some fo. or traveling weasel ha! eaten the rest of the rane-s #rothers an! sisters3 &he #oy sai! to himself, /I will take this ,oor little rane home an! will raise him as a ,et for o"r #a#y3 If I leave him here some h"ngry fo. will #e s"re to eat the ,oor little fellow3/ He arrie! the yo"ng rane home an! it grew to #e nearly as tall as the #oy-s five2year2ol! sister3 Being #ro"ght ", in a h"man ir le, it soon grew to "n!erstan! all the family sai!3 Altho"gh it o"l! not s,eak it took ,art in all the games ,laye! #y the hil!ren3 &he father of the family was, as I have #efore mentione!, a great h"nter3 He always ha! a ,lentif"l s",,ly of !eer, antelo,e, #"ffalo an! #eaver meats on han!, #"t there ame a hange3 &he game migrate! to some other lo ality, where no !ea!ly shot like /D"tesan/ 0Never Miss1 wo"l! #e aro"n! to annihilate their fast !e reasing !roves3 &he h"nter starte! o"t early one morning in ho,es of !is overing some of the game whi h ha! !isa,,eare! as s"!!enly as tho"gh the earth ha! swallowe! them3 &he h"nter travele! the whole !ay, all to no ,"r,ose3 It was late in the evening when he staggere! into am,3 He was nearly !ea! with fatig"e3 Hastily swallowing a ", of herry #ark tea 0the only arti le of foo! they ha! in store1, he at on e retire! an! was soon in the sweet lan! of !reams3 &he hil!ren soon ;oine! their father an! the ,oor woman sat thinking how they o"l! save their !ear hil!ren from starvation3 S"!!enly o"t ",on the night air rang the ry of a rane3 Instantly the ,et rane awoke, ste,,e! o"tsi!e an! answere! the all3 &he rane whi h ha! given the ry was the father of the ,et rane, an! learning from Mr3 %o. of the starving on!ition of his son an! his frien!s, he flew to the h"nting gro"n!s of the tri#e, an! as there ha! #een a goo! kill that !ay, the rane fo"n! no tro"#le in se "ring a great 8"antity of fat3 &his he arrie! to the tent of the h"nter an!, hovering over the tent he s"!!enly let the fat !ro, to the earth an! at on e the ,et rane ,i ke! it ", an! arrie! it to the woman3 +ishing to s"r,rise the family on their awakening in the morning she got a goo! sti k for a light, hea,e! ", sti ks on the !ying em#ers, an! starte! ", a ro"sing fire an! ,ro ee!e! to melt or try o"t the fat, as melte! fat is onsi!ere! a favorite !ish3 Altho"gh #"sily o ",ie! she ke,t her ears o,en for any strange noises oming o"t of the forest, there #eing "s"ally some enemies l"rking aro"n!3 She hel! her ,an in s" h a ,osition that after the fat starte! to melt an! 8"ite a lot of the hot grease a "m"late! in the ,an, she o"l! ,lainly see the tent !oor refle te! in the hot grease, as tho"gh she "se! a mirror3 +hen she ha! nearly om,lete! her task, she hear! a noise as tho"gh some footste,s were a,,roa hing Instantly her heart #egan to #eat a tattoo on her ri#s, #"t she sat ,erfe tly 8"iet, alling all her self2 ontrol into ,lay to kee, from making an o"t ry3 &his smart woman ha! alrea!y st"!ie! o"t a way in whi h to #est this enemy, in ase an enemy it sho"l! #e3 &he footste,s, or noise, ontin"e! to a!van e, "ntil at last the woman saw refle te! in the ,an of grease a han! slowly ,rotr"!ing thro"gh the tent !oor, an! the finger ,ointe!, as if o"nting, to the slee,ing father, then to ea h one of the slee,ing hil!ren, then to her who sat at the fire3 )ittle !i! Mr3 'nemy s",,ose that the #rave woman who sat so

om,ose! at her fire, was wat hing every motion he was making3 &he han! slowly with!rew, an! as the footste,s slowly !ie! away, there rang o"t on the still night air the !ee, fier e howl of the ,rairie wolf3 0&his imitation of a ,rairie wolf is the signal to the war ,arty that an enemy has #een !is overe! #y the s o"t whom they have sent o"t in a!van e13 At on e she aro"se! her h"s#an! an! hil!ren3 Annoye! at #eing so "n eremonio"sly !ist"r#e! from his !ee, slee,, the h"s#an! rossly aske! why she ha! awakene! him so ro"ghly3 &he wife e.,laine! what she ha! seen an! hear!3 She at on e ,inne! an ol! #lanket aro"n! the rane-s sho"l!ers an! an ol! ,ie e of #"ffalo hi!e on his hea! for a hat or hea! overing3 Hea,ing ,iles of woo! onto the fire she instr" te! him to r"n aro"n! o"tsi!e of the h"t "ntil the family ret"rne!, as they were going to see if they o"l! fin! some roots to mi. ", with the fat3 H"rrie!ly she tie! her #lanket aro"n! her mi!!le, ,"t her #a#y insi!e of it, an! then gra##e! her three year ol! son an! ,a ke! him on her #a k3 &he father also h"rrie!ly ,a ke! the ne.t two an! the ol!er #oy took are of himself3 Imme!iately ",on leaving the tent they took three !ifferent !ire tions, to meet again on the high hill west of their home3 &he refle tion from the fire in the tent !is lose! to them the ,oor ,et rane r"nning aro"n! the tent3 It looke! e.a tly like a hil! with its #lanket an! hat on3 S"!!enly there rang o"t a s ore of shots an! war whoo,s of the !rea!e! (row In!ians3 %in!ing the tent !eserte! they !isg"ste!ly file! off an! were swallowe! ", in the !arkness of the !ee, forest3 &he ne.t morning the family ret"rne! to see what ha! #e ome of their ,et rane3 &here, ri!!le! to ,ie es, lay the ,oor #ir! who ha! given ", his life to save his !ear frien!s3 W!#TE $L'ME &here on e live! a yo"ng o",le who were very ha,,y3 &he yo"ng man was note! thro"gho"t the whole nation for his a "ra y with the #ow an! arrow, an! was given the title of /$ea! Shot,/ or /He who never misses his mark,/ an! the yo"ng woman, note! for her #ea"ty, was name! Bea"tif"l $ove3 One !ay a stork ,ai! this ha,,y o",le a visit an! left them a fine #ig #oy3 &he #oy rie! /Ina, ina/ 0mother, mother13 /)isten to o"r son,/ sai! the mother, /he an s,eak, an! hasn-t he a sweet voi eA/ /Yes,/ sai! the father, /it will not #e long #efore he will #e a#le to walk3/ He set to work making some arrows, an! a fine hi kory #ow for his son3 One of the arrows he ,ainte! re!, one #l"e, an! another yellow3 &he rest he left the nat"ral olor of the woo!3 +hen he ha! om,lete! them, the mother ,la e! them in a fine 8"iver, all worke! in ,or ",ine 8"ills, an! h"ng them ", over where the #oy sle,t in his fine hammo k of ,ainte! moose hi!e3 At times when the mother wo"l! #e n"rsing her son, she wo"l! look ", at the #ow an! arrows an! talk to her #a#y, saying? /My son, h"rry ", an! grow fast so yo" an "se yo"r #ow an! arrows3 Yo" will grow ", to #e as fine a marksman as yo"r father3/ &he #a#y wo"l! oo an! stret h his little arms ", towar!s the #right olore! 8"iver as tho"gh he "n!erstoo! every wor! his mother ha! "ttere!3 &ime ,asse! an! the #oy grew ", to a goo! si6e, when one !ay his father sai!? /+ife, give o"r son the #ow an! arrows so that he may learn how to "se them3/ &he father ta"ght his son how to string an! "nstring the #ow, an! also how to atta h the arrow to the string3 &he re!, #l"e an! yellow arrows, he tol! the #oy, were to #e "se! only whenever there was any e.tra goo! shooting to #e !one, so the #oy never "se! these three "ntil he #e ame a master of the art3 &hen he wo"l! ,ra ti e on eagles an! hawks, an! never an eagle or hawk ontin"e! his flight when the #oy shot one of the arrows after him3 One !ay the #oy ame r"nning into the tent, e. laiming? /Mother, mother, I have shot an! kille! the most #ea"tif"l #ir! I ever saw3/ /Bring it in, my son, an! let me look at it3/ He #ro"ght the #ir! an! ",on e.amining it she ,rono"n e! it a !ifferent ty,e of #ir! from any she ha! ever seen3 Its feathers were of variegate! olors an! on its hea! was a to,knot of ,"re white feathers3 &he father, ret"rning, aske! the #oy with whi h arrow he ha! kille! the #ir!3 /+ith the re! one,/ answere! the #oy3 /I was so"s to se "re the ,retty #ir! that, altho"gh I know I o"l! have kille! it with one of my ommon arrows, I wante! to #e ertain, so I "se! the re! one3/ /&hat is right, my son,/ sai! the father3 /+hen yo" have the least !o"#t of yo"r aim, always "se one of the ,ainte! arrows, an! yo" will never miss yo"r mark3/ &he ,arents !e i!e! to give a #ig feast in honor of their son killing the strange, #ea"tif"l #ir!3 So a great many el!erly women were alle! to the tent of *retty $ove to assist her in making rea!y for the #ig feast3 %or ten !ays these women ooke! an! ,o"n!e! #eef an! herries, an! got rea!y the hoi est !ishes known to the In!ians3 Of #"ffalo, #eaver, !eer, antelo,e, moose, #ear, 8"ail, gro"se, !" k of all kin!s, geese an! ,lover meats there was an a#"n!an e3 %ish of all kin!s, an! every kin! of wil! fr"it were ooke!, an! when all was in rea!iness, the heral!s went thro"gh the !ifferent villages, rying o"t? /Ho2,o, ho2,o/ 0now all, now all1, $ea! Shot an! his wife, Bea"tif"l $ove, invite all of yo", yo"ng an! ol!, to their te,ee to ,artake of a great feast, given #y them in honor of a great #ir! whi h their son has kille!, an! also to sele t for their son some goo! name whi h he will #ear thro"gh life3 So all #ring yo"r ",s an! woo!en !ishes along with yo"r horn s,oons, as there will #e ,lenty to eat3 (ome, all yo" o"n il men an! hiefs, as they have also a great tent ere te! for yo" in whi h yo" hol! yo"r o"n il3/ &h"s rying, the heral!s ma!e the ir le of the village3 &he g"ests soon arrive!3 In front of the tent was a ,ole st" k in the gro"n! an! ,ainte! re!, an! at the to, of the ,ole was fastene! the #ir! of variegate! olors> its wings stret he! o"t to their f"ll length an! the #ea"tif"l white waving so #ea"tif"lly from its to,knot, it was the enter of attra tion3 Half way ", the ,ole was tie! the #ow an! arrow of the yo"ng marksman3 )ong streamers of fine #ea! an! ,or ",ine work wave! from the ,ole an! ,resente! a very striking a,,earan e3 &he #ir! was fa e! towar!s the setting s"n3 &he great hief an! me!i ine men ,rono"n e! the #ir! /+akan/ 0something holy13 +hen the ,eo,le ha! finishe! eating they all fell in line an! mar he! in single file #eneath the #ir!, in or!er to get a lose view of it3 By the time this vast row! ha! f"lly viewe! the won!erf"l #ir!, the s"n was ;"st setting lear in the west, when !ire tly over the rays of the s"n a,,eare! a lo"! in the sha,e of a #ir! of variegate! olors3 &he o"n ilmen were alle! o"t to look at the lo"!, an! the hea! me!i ine man sai! that it was a sign that the #oy wo"l! grow ", to #e a great hief an! h"nter, an! wo"l! have a great many frien!s an! followers3 &his en!e! the feast, #"t #efore !is,ersing, the hief an! o"n ilmen #estowe! ",on the #oy the title of +hite *l"me3 One !ay a stranger ame to the village, who was very thin an! nearly starve!3 So weak was he that he o"l! not s,eak, #"t ma!e signs for something to eat3 )" kily the stranger ame to $ea! Shot-s tent, an! as there was always a ,lentif"l s",,ly in his lo!ge, the stranger soon ha! a goo! meal serve! him3 After he ha! eaten an! reste! he tol! his story3 /I ame from a very great !istan e,/ sai! he3 /&he nations where I ame from are in a starving on!ition3 No ,la e an they fin! any #"ffalo, !eer nor antelo,e3 A wit h or evil s,irit in the sha,e of a white #"ffalo has !riven all the large game o"t of the o"ntry3 'very !ay this white #"ffalo omes ir ling the village, an! any one a"ght o"tsi!e of their tent is arrie! away on its horns3 In vain have the #est marksmen of the tri#e trie! to shoot it3 &heir arrows fly wi!e off the mark, an! they have given ", trying to kill it as it #ears a harme! life3 Another evil s,irit in the form of a re! eagle has !riven all the #ir!s of the air o"t of o"r o"ntry3 'very !ay this eagle ir les a#ove the village, an! so ,owerf"l is it that anyone #eing a"ght o"tsi!e of his tent is !es en!e! ",on an! his sk"ll s,lit o,en to the #rain #y the shar, #reast#one of the 'agle3 Many a marksman has trie! his skill on this #ir!, all to no ,"r,ose3 /Another evil s,irit in the form of a white ra##it has !riven o"t all the animals whi h inha#it the gro"n!, an! !estroye! the fiel!s of orn an! t"rni,s, so the nation is starving, as the arrows of the marksmen have also faile! to to" h the white ra##it3 Any one who an kill these three wit hes will

re eive as his rewar!, the hoi e of two of the most #ea"tif"l mai!ens of o"r nation3 &he yo"nger one is the han!somer of the two an! has also the sweetest !is,osition3 Many yo"ng, an! even ol! men, hearing of this 0o"r hief-s1 offer, have travele! many miles to try their arrows on the wit hes, #"t all to no ,"r,ose3 O"r hief, hearing of yo"r great marksmanshi,, sent me to try an! se "re yo"r servi es to have yo" ome an! ri! "s of these three wit hes3/ &h"s s,oke the stranger to the h"nter3 &he h"nter ga6e! long an! tho"ghtf"lly into the !ying em#ers of the am, fire3 &hen slowly his eyes raise! an! looke! lovingly on his wife who sat o,,osite to him3 Ga6ing on her #ea"tif"l feat"res for a f"ll min"te he slowly !ro,,e! his ga6e #a k to the !ying em#ers an! th"s answere! his visitor? /My frien!, I feel very m" h honore! #y yo"r hief having sent s" h a great !istan e for me, an! also for the kin! offer of his lovely !a"ghter in marriage, if I sho"l! s" ee!, #"t I m"st re;e t the great offer, as I an s,are none of my affe tions to any other woman than to my 8"een whom yo" see sitting there3/ +hite *l"me ha! #een listening to the onversation an! when his father ha! finishe! s,eaking, sai!? /%ather, I am a hil! no more3 I have arrive! at manhoo!3 I am not so goo! a marksman as yo", #"t I will go to this s"ffering tri#e an! try to ri! them of their three enemies3 If this man will rest for a few !ays an! ret"rn to his village an! inform them of my oming, I will travel along slowly on his trail an! arrive at the village a !ay or two after he rea hes there3/ /Bery well, my son,/ sai! the father, /I am s"re yo" will s" ee!, as yo" fear nothing, an! as to yo"r marksmanshi,, it is far s",erior to mine, as yo"r sight is m" h learer an! aim 8"i ker than mine3/ &he man reste! a few !ays an! one morning starte! off, after having instr" te! +hite *l"me as to the trail3 +hite *l"me got together what he wo"l! nee! on the tri, an! was rea!y for an early start the ne.t morning3 &hat night $ea! Shot an! his wife sat ", away into the night instr" ting their son how to travel an! warning him as to the !ifferent kin!s of ,eo,le he m"st avoi! in or!er to kee, o"t of tro"#le3 /A#ove all,/ sai! the father, /kee, a goo! look o"t for Unktomi 0s,i!er1> he is the most tri ky of all, an! will get yo" into tro"#le if yo" asso iate with him3/ +hite *l"me left early, his father a om,anying him for several miles3 On ,arting, the father-s last wor!s were? /)ook o"t for Unktomi, my son, he is !e eitf"l an! trea hero"s3/ /I-ll look o"t for him, father>/ so saying he !isa,,eare! over a hill3 On the way he trie! his skill on several hawks an! eagles an! he !i! not nee! to "se his ,ainte! arrows to kill them, #"t so skillf"l was he with the #ow an! arrows that he o"l! #ring !own anything that flew with his ommon arrows3 He was !rawing near to the en! of his !estination when he ha! a large tra t of tim#er to ,ass thro"gh3 +hen he ha! nearly gotten thro"gh the tim#er he saw an ol! man sitting on a log, looking wistf"lly ", into a #ig tree, where sat a n"m#er of ,rairie hi kens3 /Hello, gran!father, why are yo" sitting there looking so !ownhearte!A/ aske! +hite *l"me3 /I am nearly starve!, an! was ;"st wishing some one wo"l! shoot one of those hi kens for me, so I o"l! make a goo! meal on it,/ sai! the ol! man3 /I will shoot one for yo",/ sai! the yo"ng man3 He str"ng his #ow, ,la e! an arrow on the string, sim,ly seeme! to raise the arrow in the !ire tion of the hi ken 0taking no aim13 &wang went o"t the #ow, 6i, went the arrow an! a hi ken fell off the lim#, only to get a"ght on another in its !es ent3 /&here is yo"r hi ken, gran!father3/ /Oh, my gran!son, I am too weak to lim# ", an! get it3 (an-t yo" lim# ", an! get it for meA/ &he yo"ng man, ,itying the ol! fellow, ,ro ee!e! to lim# the tree, when the ol! man sto,,e! him, saying? /Gran!son, yo" have on s" h fine lothes, it is a ,ity to s,oil them> yo" ha! #etter take them off so as not to s,oil the fine ,or ",ine work on them3/ &he yo"ng man took off his fine lothes an! lim#e! ", into the tree, an! se "ring the hi ken, threw it !own to the ol! man3 As the yo"ng man was s aling !own the tree, the ol! man sai!? /Iyashka,a, iyashka,a,/ 0sti k fast, sti k fast13 Hearing him say something, he aske!,

/+hat !i! yo" say, ol! manA/ He answere!, /I was only talking to myself3/ &he yo"ng man ,ro ee!e! to !es en!, #"t he o"l! not move3 His #o!y was st" k fast to the #ark of the tree3 In vain !i! he #eg the ol! man to release him3 &he ol! Unktomi, for he it was, only la"ghe! an! sai!? /I will go now an! kill the evil s,irits, I have yo"r won!erf"l #ow an! arrows an! I annot miss them3 I will marry the hief-s !a"ghter, an! yo" an stay ", in that tree an! !ie there3/ So saying, he ,"t on +hite *l"me-s fine lothes, took his #ow an! arrows an! went to the village3 As +hite *l"me was e.,e te! at any min"te, the whole village was wat hing for him, an! when Unktomi ame into sight the yo"ng men ran to him with a ,ainte! ro#e, sat him !own on it an! slowly raising him ", they arrie! him to the tent of the hief3 So ertain were they that he wo"l! kill the evil s,irits that the hief tol! him to hoose one of the !a"ghters at on e for his wife3 0Before the arrival of +hite *l"me, hearing of him #eing so han!some, the two girls ha! 8"arrele! over whi h sho"l! marry him, #"t ",on seeing him the yo"nger was not"s to #e ome his wife31 So Unktomi hose the ol!er one of the sisters, an! was given a large tent in whi h to live3 &he yo"nger sister went to her mother-s tent to live, an! the ol!er was very ,ro"!, as she was marrie! to the man who wo"l! save the nation from starvation3 &he ne.t morning there was a great ommotion in am,, an! there ame the ry that the white #"ffalo was oming3 /Get rea!y, son2in2law, an! kill the #"ffalo,/ sai! the hief3 Unktomi took the #ow an! arrows an! shot as the #"ffalo ,asse!, #"t the arrow went wi!e off its mark3 Ne.t ame the eagle, an! again he shot an! misse!3 &hen ame the ra##it, an! again he misse!3 /+ait "ntil tomorrow, I will kill them all3 My #lanket a"ght in my #ow an! s,oile! my aim3/ &he ,eo,le were very m" h !isa,,ointe!, an! the hief, s"s,e ting that all was not right, sent for the yo"ng man who ha! visite! $ea! Shot-s te,ee3 +hen the yo"ng man arrive!, the hief aske!? /$i! yo" see +hite *l"me when yo" went to $ea! Shot-s am,A/ /Yes, I !i!, an! ate with him many times3 I staye! at his father-s te,ee all the time I was there,/ sai! the yo"ng man3 /+o"l! yo" re ogni6e him if yo" saw him againA/ aske! the hief3 /Any one who ha! #"t one glim,se of +hite *l"me wo"l! s"rely re ogni6e him when he saw him again, as he is the most han!some man I ever saw,/ sai! the yo"ng man3 /(ome with me to the tent of my son2in2law an! take a goo! look at him, #"t !on-t say what yo" think "ntil we ome away3/ &he two went to the tent of Unktomi, an! when the yo"ng man saw him he knew it was not +hite *l"me, altho"gh it was +hite *l"me-s #ow an! arrows that h"ng at the hea! of the #e!, an! he also re ogni6e! the lothes as #elonging to +hite *l"me3 +hen they ha! ret"rne! to the hief-s tent, the yo"ng man tol! what he knew an! what he tho"ght3 /I think this is some Unktomi who has ,laye! some tri k on +hite *l"me an! has taken his #ow an! arrows an! also his lothes, an! hearing of yo"r offer, is here im,ersonating +hite *l"me3 Ha! +hite *l"me !rawn the #ow on the #"ffalo, eagle an! ra##it to!ay, we wo"l! have #een ri! of them, so I think we ha! #etter s are this Unktomi into telling "s where +hite *l"me is,/ sai! the yo"ng man3 /+ait "ntil he tries to kill the wit hes again tomorrow,/ sai! the hief3 In the meantime the yo"nger !a"ghter ha! taken an a.e an! gone into the woo!s in sear h of !ry woo!3 She went 8"ite a little !istan e into the woo! an! was ho,,ing a !ry log3 Sto,,ing to rest a little she hear! some one saying? /+hoever yo" are, ome over here an! ho, this tree !own so that I may get loose3/ Going to where the #ig tree stoo!, she saw a man st" k onto the si!e of the tree3 /If I ho, it !own the fall will kill yo",/ sai! the girl3 /No, ho, it on the o,,osite si!e from me, an! the tree will fall that way3 If the fall kills me, it will #e #etter than hanging ", here an! starving to !eath,/ sai! +hite *l"me, for it was he3 &he girl ho,,e! the tree !own an! when she saw that it ha! not kille! the man, she sai!? /+hat shall I !o nowA/ /)oosen the #ark from the tree an! then get some stones an! heat them3 Get some water an!

sage an! ,"t yo"r #lanket over me3/ She !i! as tol! an! when the steam arose from the water #eing ,o"re! ",on the heate! ro ks, the #ark loosene! from his #o!y an! he arose3 +hen he stoo! ",, she saw how han!some he was3 /Yo" have save! my life,/ sai! he3 /+ill yo" #e my wifeA/ /I will,/ sai! she3 He then tol! her how the ol! man ha! foole! him into this tra, an! took his #ow an! arrows, also his fine ,or ",ine worke! lothes, an! ha! gone off, leaving him to !ie3 She, in t"rn, tol! him all that ha! ha,,ene! in am, sin e a man, alling himself +hite *l"me, ame there an! marrie! her sister #efore he shot at the wit hes, an! when he ame to shoot at them, misse! every shot3 /)et "s make haste, as the #a! Unktomi may r"in my arrows3/ &hey a,,roa he! the am, an! whilst +hite *l"me waite! o"tsi!e, his ,romise! wife entere! Unktomi-s tent an! sai!? /Unktomi, +hite *l"me is stan!ing o"tsi!e an! he wants his lothes an! #ow an! arrows3/ /Oh, yes, I #orrowe! them an! forgot to ret"rn them> make haste an! give them to him3/ U,on re eiving his lothes, he was very m" h ,rovoke! to fin! his fine lothes wrinkle! an! his #ow twiste!, while the arrows were twiste! o"t of sha,e3 He lai! the lothes !own, also the #ows an! arrows, an! ,assing his han! over them, they ass"me! their right sha,es again3 &he !a"ghter took +hite *l"me to her father-s tent an! ",on hearing the story he at on e sent for his warriors an! ha! them form a ir le aro"n! Unktomi-s tent, an! if he attem,te! to es a,e to at h him an! tie him to a tree, as he 0the hief1 ha! !etermine! to settle a o"nts with him for his treatment of +hite *l"me, an! the !e e,tion em,loye! in winning the hief-s el!est !a"ghter3 A#o"t mi!night the g"ar! noti e! something rawling along lose to the gro"n!, an! sei6ing him fo"n! it was Unktomi trying to make his es a,e #efore !aylight, where",on they tie! him to a tree3 /+hy !o yo" treat me th"s,/ rie! Unktomi, /I was ;"st going o"t in sear h of me!i ine to r"# on my arrows, so I an kill the wit hes3/ /Yo" will nee! me!i ine to r"# on yo"rself when the hief gets thro"gh with yo",/ sai! the yo"ng man who ha! !is overe! that Unktomi was im,ersonating +hite *l"me3 In the morning the heral! anno"n e! that the real +hite *l"me ha! arrive!, an! the hief !esire! the whole nation to witness his marksmanshi,3 &hen ame the ry? /&he +hite B"ffalo omes3/ &aking his re! arrow, +hite *l"me stoo! rea!y3 +hen the #"ffalo got a#o"t o,,osite him, he let his arrow fly3 &he #"ffalo #o"n!e! high in the air an! ame !own with all fo"r feet !rawn together "n!er its #o!y, the re! arrow having ,asse! lear thro"gh the animal, ,ier ing the #"ffalo-s heart3 A lo"! heer went ", from the village3 /Yo" shall "se the hi!e for yo"r #e!,/ sai! the hief to +hite *l"me3 Ne.t ame a ry, /the eagle, the eagle3/ %rom the north ame an enormo"s re! eagle3 So strong was he, that as he soare! thro"gh the air his wings ma!e a h"mming so"n! as the r"m#le of !istant th"n!er3 On he ame, an! ;"st as he ir le! the tent of the hief, +hite *l"me #ent his #ow, with all his strength !rew the arrow #a k to the flint ,oint, an! sent the #l"e arrow on its mission of !eath3 So swiftly ha! the arrow ,asse! thro"gh the eagle-s #o!y that, thinking +hite *l"me ha! misse!, a great wail went ", from the row!, #"t when they saw the eagle sto, in his flight, give a few fla,s of his wings, an! then fall with a heavy th"! into the enter of the village, there was a greater heer than #efore3 /&he re! eagle shall #e "se! to !e orate the seat of honor in yo"r te,ee,/ sai! the hief to +hite *l"me3 )ast ame the white ra##it3 /Aim goo!, aim goo!, son2in2law,/ sai! the hief3 /If yo" kill him yo" will have his skin for a r"g3/ Along ame the white ra##it, an! +hite *l"me sent his arrow in sear h of ra##it-s heart, whi h it fo"n!, an! sto,,e! Mr3 Ra##it-s tri ks forever3 &he hief then alle! all of the ,eo,le together an! #efore them all took a h"n!re! willows an! #roke them one at a time over Unktomi-s #a k3 &hen he t"rne! him loose3 Unktomi, #eing so ashame!, ran off into the woo!s an! hi! in the !ee,est an! !arkest orner he o"l! fin!3 &his is why Unktomis 0s,i!ers1 are always fo"n! in !ark orners, an! anyone who is !e eitf"l or "ntr"thf"l is alle! a !es en!ant of the Unktomi tri#e3

STOR& OF $RETT& FEAT!ERE FORE!EA &here was on e a #a#y #oy who ame into the worl! with a small l"ster of !ifferent olore! feathers grown fast to his forehea!3 %rom this he !erive! his name, /*retty %eathere! %orehea!3/ He was a very ,leasant #oy as well as han!some, an! he ha! the res,e t of the whole tri#e3 +hen he ha! grown ", to #e a yo"ng man, he never, like other yo"ng men, ma!e love to any of the tri#e-s #ea"ties3 Altho"gh they were ma!ly in love with him, he never noti e! any of them3 &here were many han!some girls in the !ifferent am,s, #"t he ,asse! them #y3 One !ay he sai!? /%ather, I am going on a visit to the B"ffalo nation3/ &he father gave his onsent, an! away went the son3 &he father an! mother s"s,e te! the o#;e t of their son-s visit to the B"ffalo nation, an! forthwith ommen e! ,re,aring a fine re e,tion for their inten!e! !a"ghter2in2law3 &he mother sewe! together ten #"ffalo hi!es an! ,ainte! the #rave !ee!s of her h"s#an! on them3 &his she ma!e into a ommo!io"s tent, an! ha! work #ags an! fine ro#es an! #lankets ,"t insi!e3 &his was to #e the tent of their son an! !a"ghter2in2law3 In a few weeks the son ret"rne!, #ringing with him a #ea"tif"l B"ffalo girl3 &he ,arents of the #oy gave a #ig feast in honor of the o asion, an! the son an! his wife live! very ha,,ily together3 In the o"rse of time a son ame to the yo"ng o",le, an! the father was very ,ro"! of his #oy3 +hen the #oy #e ame a year ol!, the father sai! to his wife? /I am going for a visit to the 'lk nation3/ &he mother was very sa!, as she knew her h"s#an! was going after another wife3 He ret"rne!, #ringing with him a very #ea"tif"l elk girl3 +hen the B"ffalo woman saw the elk girl she was very !own ast an! sa!, #"t the h"s#an! sai!? /$on-t #e sa!> she will !o all the heavy work for yo"3/ &hey live! 8"ite ha,,ily together for a long time3 &he 'lk girl also #e ame the mother of a fine #oy3 &he two #oys ha! grown ", large eno"gh to ,lay aro"n!3 One !ay the 'lk woman was tanning hi!es o"tsi!e an! the two #oys were ,laying aro"n! near their mothers, when all at on e the #"ffalo #oy ran a ross the ro#e, leaving his tra ks on the white ro#e whi h his ste,2mother ha! nearly om,lete!3 &his ,rovoke! the elk woman an! she gave vent to her feelings #y s ol!ing the #oy? /Yo" l"msy flat mo"th, why o"l!n-t yo" r"n aro"n! my work, instea! of a ross itA/ &he #"ffalo ow stan!ing in the !oor, hear! every wor! that the elk woman ha! sai!, an! when she hear! her son alle! flat mo"th it ma!e her very angry, altho"gh she !i! not say a wor! to any one3 She h"rrie!ly gathere! some of her #elongings an!, alling her son, she starte! off in a westerly !ire tion3 &he h"s#an! #eing a#sent on a h"nting e.,e!ition !i! not ret"rn "ntil late in the afternoon3 U,on his ret"rn his ol!est #oy always ran o"t to meet him, #"t this time as the #oy !i! not ,"t in an a,,earan e, the father feare! that something ha! ha,,ene! to the #oy3 So h"rrie!ly going to his tent he looke! aro"n!, #"t failing to see the #oy or his mother, he aske! his elk wife, where the #oy an! his mother were3 &he elk wife answere!? /She took her #oy on her #a k an! starte! off in that !ire tion,/ 0,ointing towar!s the west13 /How long has she #een goneA/ /Sin e early morning3/ &he h"s#an! h"rrie!ly a"ght a fresh horse an!, witho"t eating anything, ro!e off in the !ire tion taken #y his #"ffalo wife an! #oy3 Near !ark he as en!e! a high hill an! noti e! a small tent !own in the valley3 It was a long !istan e !own to the tent, so it was very late when he arrive! there3 He tethere! his horse an! went into the tent an! fo"n! the #oy an! his mother fast aslee,3 U,on lying !own #esi!e them the #oy awoke, an! ",on seeing his father, motione! to him to go o"tsi!e with him3 On going o"tsi!e the #oy tol! his father that it wo"l! #e "seless for him to try an! oa. his mother to ret"rn, as she was too highly ins"lte! #y the elk wife to ever ret"rn3 &hen the #oy tol! a#o"t what the elk wife ha! sai! an! that she ha! alle! him flat mo"th3 /My mother is !etermine! to ret"rn to her ,eo,le, #"t if yo" want to follow "s yo" may, an! ,erha,s, after she has visite! with her relatives a little while, yo" may in!" e her to ret"rn with yo"3 In the morning we are going to start very early, an! as the o"ntry we will travel thro"gh is very har! soil, I will stam, my feet har! so as to leave my

tra ks im,rinte! in the softest ,la es, then yo" will #e a#le to follow the !ire tion we will take3/ &he two went into the tent an! were soon fast aslee,3 &he father, #eing very m" h fatig"e!, sle,t very so"n!ly, an! when he awoke the s"n was #eating !own ",on him3 &he mother an! #oy were nowhere to #e seen3 &he tent ha! #een taken !own from over him so aref"lly that he ha! not #een awakene!3 Getting his horse, he mo"nte! an! ro!e after the two who ha! left him slee,ing3 He ha! no tro"#le in following the trail, as the #oy ha! stam,e! his feet har! an! left his little tra ks in the soft ,la es3 &hat evening he s,ie! the little tent again an! on getting to it fo"n! them #oth aslee,3 &he #oy awoke an! motione! for his father to go o"tsi!e3 He again tol! his father that the ne.t !ay-s travel wo"l! #e the har!est of all3 /+e will ross a great ,lain, #"t #efore we get there we will ross a san!y hollow3 +hen yo" get to the hollow, look at my tra ks> they will #e !ee, into the san!, an! in ea h tra k yo" will see little ,ools of water3 $rink as m" h as yo" an, as this is the only han e yo" will get to have a !rink, there #eing no water from there to the #ig ri!ge, an! it will #e !ark #y the time yo" get to the ri!ge3 &he relations of my mother live at that ri!ge an! I will ome an! talk to yo" on e more, #efore I leave yo" to ;oin my mother-s ,eo,le3/ Ne.t morning, as #efore, he awoke to fin! himself alone3 &hey ha! left him an! ,ro ee!e! on their ;o"rney3 He mo"nte! again an! when he arrive! at the san!y hollow, s"re eno"gh, there, !ee, in the san!, were the tra ks of his son fille! to the to, with water3 He !rank an! !rank "ntil he ha! !raine! the last one3 &hen he arose an! ontin"e! on the trail, an! near s"n!own he ame in sight of their little tent away ", on the si!e of the ri!ge3 His horse s"!!enly staggere! an! fell forwar! !ea!, having !ie! of thirst3 %rom there he ,ro ee!e! on foot3 +hen he got to where the tent stoo! he entere!, only to fin! it em,ty3 /I g"ess my son inten!s to ome here an! have his last talk with me,/ tho"ght the father3 He ha! eaten nothing for three !ays, an! was nearly famishe!3 He lay !own, #"t the ,angs of h"nger ke,t slee, away3 He hear! footste,s o"tsi!e an! lay in rea!iness, thinking it might #e an enemy3 Slowly o,ening the overing of the !oor, his son looke! in an! seeing his father lying awake, !rew #a k an! ran off ", the ri!ge, #"t soon ret"rne! #ringing a small ,ar el with him3 +hen he entere! he gave the ,ar el to his father an! sai!? /'at, father> I stole this foo! for yo", so I o"l! not get very m" h3/ &he father soon ate what his son ha! #ro"ght3 +hen he ha! finishe!, the son sai!? /&omorrow morning the relatives of my mother will ome over here an! take yo" !own to the village3 My mother has three sisters who have their work #ags ma!e i!enti ally the same as mother-s3 +ere they to mi. them ", they o"l! not ea h ,i k o"t her own witho"t looking insi!e so as to i!entify them #y what they have in them3 Yo" will #e aske! to ,i k o"t mother-s work #ag, an! if yo" fail they will tram,le yo" to !eath3 Ne.t they will tell yo" to ,i k o"t my mother from among her sisters, an! yo" will #e "na#le to !isting"ish her from the other three, an! if yo" fail they will #"ry yo" alive3 &he last they will try yo" on, in ase yo" meet the first an! se on! tests s" essf"lly, will #e to re8"ire yo" to ,i k me o"t from my three o"sins, who are as m" h like me as my refle tion in the water3 &he #ags yo" an tell #y a little ,e##le I will ,la e on my mother-s3 Yo" an ,i k my mother o"t #y a small ,ie e of grass whi h I will ,"t in her hair, an! yo" an ,i k me o"t from my o"sins, for when we ommen e to !an e, I will shake my hea!, flo, my ears an! swit h my tail3 Yo" m"st hoose 8"i kly, as they will #e very angry at yo"r s" ess, an! if yo" lose any time they will make the e. "se that yo" !i! not know, that they may have an e. "se to tram,le yo" to !eath3/ &he #oy then left, after a!monishing his father to remem#er all that he ha! tol! him3 'arly ne.t morning the father hear! a great r"m#ling noise, an! going o"tsi!e, he saw the whole hillsi!e overe! with #"ffalo3 +hen he a,,eare! they set ", a lo"! #ellowing an! ir le! aro"n! him3 One ol! #"ll ame ", an! giving a lo"! snort, ,asse! on #y, looking #a k every few ste,s3 &he man, thinking he was to follow this one, !i! so, an! the whole her!, forming a half ir le aro"n! him, es orte! him !own the west si!e of the range o"t on to a large ,lain, where there stoo! a lone tree3 &o this tree the ol! #"ll le!

him an! sto,,e! when he rea he! the tree3 A large ro k at the foot of the tree serve! as a seat for the man3 As soon as he was seate! there ame fo"r female #"ffaloes, ea h #earing a large work #o.3 &hey set the !own in a row in front of the man, an! the her! row!e! aro"n! loser in or!er to get a goo! view3 &he ol! #"ll ame to the front an! stoo! lose to the #ags, whi h ha! #een taken o"t of the fo"r #o.es3 &he man stoo! ",, an! looking at the #ags, noti e! a small ,e##le resting on the one ne.t to the left en!3 Ste,,ing over he ,"lle! the #ag towar!s him an! se retly ,"she! the little ,e##le off the #ag, so that no one wo"l! noti e it3 +hen they saw that he ha! sele te! the right one, they set ", a terrifi #ellow3 &hen ame the fo"r sisters an! stoo! in a line #efore the man3 Glan ing along from the one on the right to the last one on the left, he ste,,e! forwar! an! ,la e! his han! on the one ne.t to the right3 &hanks to his #oy, if he ha!n-t ,"t that little stem of grass on his mother-s hair, the father o"l! never have ,i ke! o"t his wife, as the fo"r looke! as m" h alike as fo"r ,eas3 Ne.t ame the fo"r #oy alves, an! as they a!van e! they ommen e! !an ing, an! his son was shaking his hea! an! flo,,ing his ears an! swit hing his tail3 &he father was going to ,i k o"t his #oy, when a fainting s,ell took him, an! as he sank to the gro"n! the ol! #"ll s,rang forwar! on to, of him, an! instantly they r"she! ",on him an! he was soon tram,le! to a ;elly3 &he her! then move! to other ,arts3 &he elk wife on l"!e! that something ha! ha,,ene! to her h"s#an! an! !etermine! ",on going in sear h of him3 As she was very fleet of foot it !i! not take her long to arrive at the lone tree3 She noti e! the #loo! s,lashe! on the #ase of the tree, an! small ,ie es of flesh stam,e! into the earth3 )ooking loser, she noti e! something white in the !"st3 Stoo,ing an! ,i king it o"t of the !"st, she !rew forth the l"ster of !ifferent olore! feathers whi h ha! #een fastene! to her h"s#an!-s forehea!3 She at on e took the l"ster of feathers, an! going to the east si!e of the ri!ge, heate! stones an! ere te! a wi kie",, ,la e! the feathers insi!e, an! getting water, she s,rinkle! the stones, an! this a"se! a thi k va,or in the wi kie",3 She ontin"e! this for a long time, when she hear! something moving insi!e the wi kie",3 &hen a voi e s,oke ",, saying? /+hoever yo" are, ,o"r some more water on an! I will #e all right3/ So the woman got more water an! ,o"re! it on the ro ks3 /&hat will !o now, I want to !ry off3/ She ,l" ke! a ,ile of sage an! in han!ing it in to him, he re ogni6e! his elk wife-s han!3 &hey went #a k home an! shortly after the #"ffalo, hearing a#o"t him oming #a k to life, !e i!e! to make war on him an! kill him an! his wife, she #eing the one who #ro"ght him #a k to life3 &he woman, hearing of this, ha! ,osts set in the gro"n! an! a strong ,latform ,la e! on to,3 +hen the #"ffalo ame, her h"s#an!, her son an! herself, were seate! ",on the #o"gh ,latform, an! the #"ffalo o"l! not rea h them3 She flo"te! her re! #lanket in their fa es, whi h ma!e the #"ffalo wil! with rage3 &he h"nter-s frien!s ame to his res "e, an! so fast were they killing the #"ffalo that they took flight an! r"she! away, never more to #other *retty %eather %orehea!3 T!E FO'R BROT!ERS, OR #N&AN!O%S#LA (STONE BO&) Alone an! a,art from their tri#e !welt fo"r or,han #rothers3 &hey ha! ere te! a very omforta#le h"t, altho"gh the materials "se! were only willows, hay, #ir h #ark, an! a!o#e m"!3 After the om,letion of their h"t, the ol!est #rother lai! o"t the !ifferent kin!s of work to #e !one #y the fo"r of them3 He an! the se on! an! thir! #rothers were to !o all the h"nting, an! the yo"ngest #rother was to !o the ho"se work, ook the meals, an! kee, ,lenty of woo! on han! at all times3 As his ol!er #rothers wo"l! leave for their h"nting very early every morning, an! wo"l! not ret"rn till late at night, the little fellow always fo"n! ,lenty of s,are time to gather into little ,iles fine !ry woo! for their winter "se3

&h"s the fo"r #rothers live! ha,,ily for a long time3 One !ay while o"t gathering an! ,iling ", woo!, the #oy hear! a r"stling in the leaves an! looking aro"n! he saw a yo"ng woman stan!ing in the herry #"shes, smiling at him3 /+ho are yo", an! where !i! yo" ome fromA/ aske! the #oy, in s"r,rise3 /I am an or,han girl an! have no relatives living3 I ame from the village west of here3 I learne! from ra##it that there were fo"r or,han #rothers living here all alone, an! that the yo"ngest was kee,ing ho"se for his ol!er #rothers, so I tho"ght I wo"l! ome over an! see if I o"l!n-t have them a!o,t me as their sister, so that I might kee, ho"se for them, as I am very ,oor an! have no relations, neither have I a home3/ She looke! so ,itif"l an! sa! that the #oy tho"ght to himself, /I will take her home with me, ,oor girl, no matter what my #rothers think or say3/ &hen he sai! to her? /(ome on, tanke 0sister13 Yo" may go home with me> I am s"re my ol!er #rothers will #e gla! to have yo" for o"r sister3/ +hen they arrive! at the h"t, the girl h"stle! a#o"t an! ooke! ", a fine hot s",,er, an! when the #rothers ret"rne! they were s"r,rise! to see a girl sitting #y the fire in their h"t3 After they ha! entere! the yo"ngest #rother got ", an! walke! o"tsi!e, an! a short time after the ol!est #rother followe! him o"t3 /+ho is that girl, an! where !i! she ome fromA/ he aske! his #rother3 +here",on the #rother tol! him the whole story3 U,on hearing this the ol!est #rother felt very sorry for the ,oor or,han girl an! going #a k into the h"t he s,oke to the girl, saying? /Sister, yo" are an or,han, the same as we> yo" have no relatives, no home3 +e will #e yo"r #rothers, an! o"r ,oor h"t shall #e yo"r home3 Hen eforth all "s #rothers, an! yo" will #e o"r sister3/ /Oh, how ha,,y I am now that yo" take me as yo"r sister3 I will #e to yo" all as tho"gh we were of the same father an! mother,/ sai! the girl3 An! tr"e to her wor!, she looke! after everything of her #rothers an! ke,t the ho"se in s" h fine sha,e that the #rothers #lesse! the !ay that she ame to their ,oor little h"t3 She always ha! an e.tra #" kskin s"it an! two ,airs of mo asins hanging at the hea! of ea h one-s #e!3 B"ffalo, !eer, antelo,e, #ear, wolf, wil! at, mo"ntain lion an! #eaver skins she tanne! #y the !o6en, an! ,ile! ni ely in one orner of the h"t3 +hen the In!ians have walke! a great !istan e an! are very tire!, they have great faith in ,ainting their feet, laiming that ,aint eases the ,ain an! rests their feet3 After their ret"rn from a long !ay-s ;o"rney, when they wo"l! #e lying !own resting, the sister wo"l! get her ,aint an! mi. it with the !eer tallow an! r"# the ,aint on her #rother-s feet, ,ainting them ", to their ankles3 &he gentle to" h of her han!s, an! the soothing 8"alities of the tallow an! ,aint soon ,"t them into a !ee,, !reamless stee,3 Many s" h kin! a tions on her ,art won the hearts of the #rothers, an! never was a f"ll #loo! sister love! more than was this ,oor or,han girl, who ha! #een taken as their a!o,te! sister3 In the morning when they arose, the sister always om#e! their long #la k silken s al, lo ks an! ,ainte! the ir le aro"n! the s al, lo k a #right vermillion3 +hen the h"nters wo"l! ret"rn with a goo!ly s",,ly of #eef, the sister wo"l! h"rry an! relieve them of their ,a ks, hanging ea h one high eno"gh from the gro"n! so the ,rowling !ogs an! oyotes o"l! not rea h them3 &he h"nters ea h ha! a ,ost on whi h to hang his #ow an! flint hea! arrows3 0Goo! h"nters never lai! their arrows on the gro"n!, as it was onsi!ere! "nl" ky to the h"nter who let his arrows to" h the earth after they ha! #een o"t of the 8"iver13 &hey were all ,erfe tly ha,,y, "ntil one !ay the ol!er #rother s"r,rise! them all #y saying? /+e have a ,lentif"l s",,ly of meat on han! at ,resent to last "s for a week or so3 I am going for a visit to the village west of "s, so yo" #oys all stay at home an! hel, sister3 Also gather as m" h woo! as yo" an an! I will #e #a k again in fo"r !ays3 On my ret"rn we will res"me o"r h"nting an! ommen e getting o"r year-s s",,ly of meat3/ He left the ne.t morning, an! the last they saw of him was while he stoo! at the to, of the long range of

hills west of their home3 %o"r !ays ha! ome an! gone an! no sign of the ol!est #rother3 /I am afrai! that o"r #rother has met with some a i!ent,/ sai! the sister3 /I am afrai! so, too,/ sai! the ne.t ol!est3 /I m"st go an! sear h for him> he may #e in some tro"#le where a little hel, wo"l! get him o"t3/ &he se on! #rother followe! the !ire tion his #rother ha! taken, an! when he ame to the to, of the long range of hills he sat !own an! ga6e! long an! stea!ily !own into the long valley with a #ea"tif"l reek win!ing thro"gh it3 A ross the valley was a long ,lain stret hing for miles #eyon! an! finally en!ing at the foot of another range of hills, the o"nter,art of the one ",on whi h he sat3 After noting the !ifferent lan!marks aref"lly, he arose an! slowly starte! !own the slo,e an! soon ame to the reek he ha! seen from the to, of the range3 Great was his s"r,rise on arriving at the reek to fin! what a !ifferen e there was in the a,,earan e of it from the range an! where he stoo!3 %rom the range it a,,eare! to #e a 8"iet, harmless, la"ghing stream3 Now he saw it to #e a m"!!y, #oiling, #"##ling torrent, with high ,er,en!i "lar #anks3 %or a long time he stoo!, thinking whi h way to go, ", or !own stream3 He ha! ;"st !e i!e! to go !own stream, when, on han ing to look ",, he noti e! a thin ol"mn of smoke slowly as en!ing from a little knoll3 He a,,roa he! the ,la e a"tio"sly an! noti e! a !oor ,la e! into the reek #ank on the o,,osite si!e of the stream3 As he stoo! looking at the !oor, won!ering who o"l! #e living in a ,la e like that, it s"!!enly o,ene! an! a very ol! a,,earing woman ame o"t an! stoo! looking aro"n! her3 Soon she s,ie! the yo"ng man, an! sai! to him? /My gran! hil!, where !i! yo" ome from an! whither are yo" #o"n!A/ &he yo"ng man answere!? /I ame from east of this ri!ge an! am in sear h of my ol!est #rother, who ame over in this !ire tion five !ays ago an! who has not yet ret"rne!3/ /Yo"r #rother sto,,e! here an! ate his !inner with me, an! then left, traveling towar!s the west,/ sai! the ol! wit h, for s" h she was3 /Now, gran!son, ome a ross on that little log #ri!ge ", the stream there an! have yo"r !inner with me3 I have it all ooke! now an! ;"st ste,,e! o"tsi!e to see if there might not #e some h"ngry traveler a#o"t, whom I o"l! invite in to eat !inner with me3/ &he yo"ng man went ", the stream a little !istan e an! fo"n! a o",le of small logs whi h ha! #een ,la e! a ross the stream to serve as a #ri!ge3 He rosse! over an! went !own to the ol! woman-s !"go"t h"t3 /(ome in gran!son, an! eat3 I know yo" m"st #e h"ngry3/ &he yo"ng man sat !own an! ate a real hearty meal3 On finishing he arose an! sai!? /Gran!mother, I thank yo" for yo"r meal an! kin!ness to me3 I wo"l! stay an! visit with yo" awhile, as I know it m"st #e very lonely here for yo", #"t I am very"s to fin! my #rother, so I m"st #e going3 On my ret"rn I will sto, with my #rother an! we will ,ay yo" a little visit3/ /Bery well, gran!son, #"t #efore yo" go, I wish yo" wo"l! !o me a little favor3 Yo"r #rother !i! it for me #efore he left, an! "re! me, #"t it has ome #a k on me again3 I am s"#;e t to very severe ,ains along the left si!e of my #a k#one, all the way from my sho"l!er #la!e !own to where my ri#s atta h to my #a k#one, an! the only way I get any relief from the ,ain is to have some one ki k me along the si!e3/ 0She was a wit h, an! on eale! in her ro#e a long shar, steel s,ike3 It was ,la e! so that the last ki k they wo"l! give her, their foot wo"l! hit the s,ike an! they wo"l! instantly !ro, off into a swoon, as if !ea!31 /If I won-t h"rt yo" too m" h, gran!mother, I ertainly will #e gla! to !o it for yo",/ sai! the yo"ng man, little thinking he wo"l! #e the one to get h"rt3 /No, gran!son, !on-t #e afrai! of h"rting me> the har!er yo" ki k the longer the ,ain stays away3/ She lai! !own on the floor an! rolle! over on to her right si!e, so he o"l! get a goo! han e to ki k the left si!e where she sai! the ,ain was lo ate!3 As he move! #a k to give the first ki k, he glan e! along the floor an! he noti e! a long o#;e t wra,,e! in a #lanket, lying against the o,,osite wall3 He tho"ght it looke! strange an! was going to

sto, an! investigate, #"t ;"st then the wit h rie! o"t as if in ,ain3 /H"rry ",, gran!son, I am going to !ie if yo" !on-t h"rry an! start in ki king3/ /I an investigate after I get thro"gh with her,/ tho"ght he, so he starte! in ki king an! every ki k he wo"l! give her she wo"l! ry? /Har!er, ki k har!er3/ He ha! to ki k seven times #efore he wo"l! get to the en! of the ,ain, so he let o"t as har! as he o"l! !rive, an! when he ame to the last ki k he hit the s,ike, an! !riving it thro"gh his foot, fell !own in a !ea! swoon, an! was rolle! ", in a #lanket #y the wit h an! ,la e! #esi!e his #rother at the o,,osite si!e of the room3 +hen the se on! #rother faile! to ret"rn, the thir! went in sear h of the two missing ones3 He fare! no #etter than the se on! one, as he met the ol! wit h who serve! him in a similar manner as she ha! his two #rothers3 /Ha@ Ha@/ she la"ghe!, when she a"ght the thir!, /I have only one more of them to at h, an! when I get them I will kee, them all here a year, an! then I will t"rn them into horses an! sell them #a k to their sister3 I hate her, for I was going to try an! kee, ho"se for them an! marry the ol!est one, #"t she got ahea! of me an! #e ame their sister, so now I will get my revenge on her3 Ne.t year she will #e ri!ing an! !riving her #rothers an! she won-t know it3/ +hen the thir! #rother faile! to ret"rn, the sister rie! an! #egge! the last one not to vent"re o"t in sear h of them3 B"t go he m"st, an! go he !i!, only to !o as his three #rothers ha! !one3 Now the ,oor sister was nearly !istra te!3 $ay an! night she wan!ere! over hills an! thro"gh woo!s in ho,es she might fin! or hear of some tra e of them3 Her wan!erings were in vain3 &he hawks ha! not seen them after they ha! rosse! the little stream3 &he wolves an! oyotes tol! her that they ha! seen nothing of her #rothers o"t on the #roa! ,lains, an! she ha! given them ", for !ea!3 One !ay, as she was sitting #y the little stream that flowe! ,ast their h"t, throwing ,e##les into the water an! won!ering what she sho"l! !o, she ,i ke! ", a ,"re white ,e##le, smooth an! ro"n!, an! after looking at it for a long time, threw it into the water3 No sooner ha! it hit the water than she saw it grow larger3 She took it o"t an! looke! at it an! threw it in again3 &his time it ha! ass"me! the form of a #a#y3 She took it o"t an! threw it in the thir! time an! the form took life an! #egan to ry? /Ina, ina/ 0mother, mother13 She took the #a#y home an! fe! it so",, an! it #eing an "nnat"ral #a#y, 8"i kly grew ", to a goo! si6e! #oy3 At the en! of three months he was a goo! #ig, sto"t yo"th3 One !ay he sai!? /Mother, why are yo" living here aloneA &o whom !o all these fine lothes an! mo asins #elongA/ She then tol! him the story of her lost #rothers3 /Oh, I know now where they are3 Yo" make me lots of arrows3 I am going to fin! my "n les3/ She trie! to !iss"a!e him from going, #"t he was !etermine! an! sai!? /My father sent me to yo" so that I o"l! fin! my "n les for yo", an! nothing an harm me, #e a"se I am stone an! my name is /Stone Boy3/ &he mother, seeing that he was !etermine! to go, ma!e a whole 8"iver f"ll of arrows for him, an! off he starte!3 +hen he ame to the ol! wit h-s h"t, she was nowhere to #e seen, so he ,"she! the !oor in an! entere!3 &he wit h was #"sily engage! ooking !inner3 /+hy, my !ear gran! hil!, yo" are ;"st in time for !inner3 Sit !own an! we will eat #efore yo" ontin"e yo"r ;o"rney3/ Stone #oy sat !own an! ate !inner with the ol! wit h3 She wat he! him very losely, #"t when she wo"l! #e !rinking her so", he wo"l! glan e hastily aro"n! the room3 %inally he saw the fo"r #"n!les on the o,,osite si!e of the room, an! he g"esse! at on e that there lay his fo"r "n les3 +hen he ha! finishe! eating he took o"t his little ,i,e an! fille! it with /kini2kini ,/ an! ommen e! to smoke, won!ering how the ol! woman ha! manage! to fool his smart "n les3 He o"l!n-t st"!y it o"t, so when he ha! finishe! his smoke he arose to ,reten! to go3 +hen the ol! woman saw him ,re,aring to leave, she sai!? /Gran!son, will yo" ki k me on the left si!e of my #a k#one3 I am nearly !ea! with ,ain an! if yo" ki k me goo! an! har! it will "re me3/ /All right, gran!ma,/ sai! the #oy3 &he ol! wit h lay !own on the floor an! the #oy starte! in to ki k3 At the first ki k he #arely

to" he! her3 /Di k as har! as yo" an, gran!son> !on-t #e afrai! yo" will h"rt me, #e a"se yo" an-t3/ +ith that Stone Boy let !rive an! #roke two ri#s3 She ommen e! to yell an! #eg him to sto,, #"t he ke,t on ki king "ntil he ha! ki ke! #oth si!es of her ri#s loose from the #a k#one3 &hen he ;"m,e! on her #a k#one an! #roke it an! kille! the ol! wit h3 He #"ilt a #ig fire o"tsi!e an! !ragge! her #o!y to it, an! threw her into the fire3 &h"s en!e! the ol! woman who was going to t"rn his "n les into horses3 Ne.t he "t willows an! st" k them into the gro"n! in a ir le3 &he to,s he ,"lle! together, making a wi kie",3 He then took the ol! woman-s ro#es an! #lankets an! overe! the wi kie", so that no air o"l! get insi!e3 He then gathere! sage #r"sh an! overe! the floor with a goo! thi k #e! of sage> got ni e ro"n! stones an! got them re! hot in the fire, an! ,la e! them in the wi kie", an! ,ro ee!e! to arry his "n les o"t of the h"t an! lay them !own on the soft #e! of sage3 Having om,lete! arrying an! !e,ositing them aro"n! the ,ile of ro ks, he got a #" ket of water an! ,o"re! it on the hot ro ks, whi h a"se! a great va,or in the little wi kie2",3 He waite! a little while an! then listene! an! hear! some #reathing insi!e, so he got another #" ket an! ,o"re! that on also3 After awhile he o"l! hear noises insi!e as tho"gh some one were moving a#o"t3 He went again an! got the thir! #" ket an! after he ha! ,o"re! that on the ro ks, one of the men insi!e sai!? /+hoever yo" are, goo! frien!, !on-t #ring "s to life only to s al! "s to !eath again3/ Stone #oy then sai!? /Are all of yo" aliveA/ /Yes,/ sai! the voi e3 /+ell, ome o"t,/ sai! the #oy3 An! with that he threw off the ro#es an! #lankets, an! a great lo"! of va,or arose an! settle! aro"n! the to, of the highest ,eak on the long range, an! from that !i! Smoky Range !erive its name3 &he "n les, when they hear! who the #oy was, were very ha,,y, an! they all ret"rne! together to the"sly waiting sister3 As soon as they got home, the #rothers worke! har! to gather eno"gh woo! to last them all winter3 Game they o"l! get at all times of the year, #"t the heavy fall of snow overe! most of the !ry woo! an! also ma!e it very !iffi "lt to !rag woo! thro"gh the !ee, snow3 So they took a!vantage of the ni e fall weather an! #y the time the snow ommen e! falling they ha! eno"gh woo! gathere! to last them thro"gho"t the winter3 After the snow fell a ,arty of #oys swiftly oaste! !own the #ig hill west of the #rothers- h"t3 &he Stone #oy "se! to stan! an! wat h them for ho"rs at a time3 His yo"ngest "n le sai!? /+hy !on-t yo" go ", an! oast with themA/ &he #oy sai!? /&hey may #e afrai! of me, #"t I g"ess I will try on e, anyway3/ So the ne.t morning when the row! ame oasting, Stone #oy starte! for the hill3 +hen he ha! nearly rea he! the #ottom of the oasting hill all of the #oys ran off e. e,ting two little fellows who ha! a large oaster ,ainte! in !ifferent olors an! ha! little #ells tie! aro"n! the e!ges, so when the oaster was in motion the #ells ma!e a heerf"l tinkling so"n!3 As Stone #oy starte! ", the hill the two little fellows starte! !own an! went ,ast him as tho"gh shot from a hi kory #ow3 +hen they got to the en! of their sli!e, they got off an! starte! #a k ", the hill3 It #eing ,retty stee,, Stone #oy waite! for them, so as to len! a han! to ,"ll the #ig oaster ", the hill3 As the two little fellows ame ", with him he knew at on e that they were twins, as they looke! so m" h alike that the only way one o"l! #e !isting"ishe! from the other was #y the s arfs they wore3 One wore re!, the other #la k3 He at on e offere! to hel, them !rag their oaster to the to, of the hill3 +hen they got to the to, the twins offere! their oaster to him to try a ri!e3 At first he ref"se!, #"t they insiste! on his taking it, as they sai! they wo"l! sooner rest "ntil he ame #a k3 So he got on the oaster an! flew !own the hill, only he was s" h an e.,ert he ma!e a 6ig6ag o"rse going !own an! also ;"m,e! the oaster off a #ank a#o"t fo"r feet high, whi h none of the other oasters !are! to ta kle3 Being very heavy, however, he nearly smashe! the oaster3 U,on seeing this won!erf"l ;"m,, an! the 6ig6ag o"rse he ha! taken going !own, the twins went wil! with e. itement an! !e i!e! that they wo"l! have him take them !own when he got #a k3 So ",on his arrival at the starting ,oint, they #oth aske! him at on e to give them the ,leas"re of the same kin! of a ri!e he ha! taken3 He ref"se!, saying? /+e

will #reak yo"r oaster3 I alone nearly smashe! it, an! if we all get on an! make the same kin! of a ;"m,, I am afrai! yo" will have to go home witho"t yo"r oaster3/ /+ell, take "s !own anyway, an! if we #reak it o"r father will make "s another one3/ So he finally onsente!3 +hen they were all seate! rea!y to start, he tol! them that when the oaster ma!e the ;"m, they m"st look straight ahea!3 /By no means look !own, #e a"se if yo" !o we will go over the "t #ank an! lan! in a hea, at the #ottom of the g"l h3/ &hey sai! they wo"l! o#ey what he sai!, so off they starte! swifter than ever, on a o"nt of the e.tra weight, an! so swiftly !i! the sleigh gli!e over the ,a ke!, fro6en snow, that it nearly took the twins#reath away3 )ike an arrow they a,,roa he! the ;"m,3 &he twins #egan to get a little nervo"s3 /Sit stea!y an! look straight ahea!,/ yelle! Stone #oy3 &he twin ne.t to Stone #oy, who was steering #ehin!, sat ",right an! looke! far ahea!, #"t the one in front ro" he! !own an! looke! into the o"lee3 Of o"rse, Stone #oy, #eing #ehin!, fell on to, of the twins, an! #eing so heavy, kille! #oth of them instantly, r"shing them to a ;elly3 &he rest of the #oys, seeing what ha! ha,,ene!, hastene! to the e!ge of the #ank, an! looking !own, saw the twins laying !ea!, an! Stone #oy himself kno ke! senseless, lying 8"ite a little !istan e from the twins3 &he #oys, thinking that all three were kille!, an! that Stone #oy ha! ,"r,osely steere! the sleigh over the #ank in s" h a way that it wo"l! ti, an! kill the twins, ret"rne! to the village with this re,ort3 Now, these twins were the sons of the hea! hief of the B"ffalo Nation3 So at on e the hief an! his s o"ts went over to the hill to see if the #oys ha! tol! the tr"th3 +hen they arrive! at the #ank they saw the twins lying !ea!, #"t where was Stone #oyA &hey looke! high an! low thro"gh the g"l h, #"t not a sign of him o"l! they fin!3 &en!erly they ,i ke! ", the !ea! twins an! arrie! them home, then hel! a #ig o"n il an! ,"t away the #o!ies of the !ea! in B"ffalo "stom3 A few !ays after this the "n les were ret"rning from a long ;o"rney3 +hen they !rew near their home they noti e! large !roves of #"ffalo gathere! on their si!e of the range3 Har!ly any #"ffalo ever range! on this east si!e of the range #efore, an! the #rothers tho"ght it strange that so many sho"l! so s"!!enly a,,ear there now3 +hen they arrive! at home their sister tol! them what ha! ha,,ene! to the hief-s twins, as her son ha! tol! her the whole story ",on his arrival at home after the a i!ent3 /+ell, ,ro#a#ly all the #"ffalo we saw were here for the o"n il an! f"neral,/ sai! the ol!er #rother3 /B"t where is my ne,hewA/ 0Stone #oy1 he aske! his sister3 /He sai! he ha! noti e! a great many #"ffalo aro"n! lately an! he was going to learn, if ,ossi#le, what their o#;e t was,/ sai! the sister3 /+ell, we will wait "ntil his ret"rn3/ +hen Stone #oy left on his tri, that morning, #efore the ret"rn of his "n les, he was !etermine! to as ertain what might #e the meaning of so many #"ffalo so near the home of himself an! "n les3 He a,,roa he! several #"n hes of yo"ng #"ffalo, #"t ",on seeing him a,,roa hing they wo"l! s am,er over the hills3 &h"s he wan!ere! from #"n h to #"n h, s attering them all3 %inally he grew tire! of their owar!i e an! starte! for home3 +hen he ha! ome to within a half mile or so of home he saw an ol! shaggy #"ffalo stan!ing #y a large #o"l!er, r"##ing on it first one horn an! then the other3 On oming ", lose to him, the #oy saw that the #"ll was so ol! he o"l! har!ly see, an! his horns so #l"nt that he o"l! have r"##e! them for a year on that #o"l!er an! not shar,ene! them so as to h"rt anyone3 /+hat are yo" !oing here, gran!fatherA/ aske! the #oy3 /I am shar,ening my horns for the war,/ sai! the #"ll3 /+hat warA/ aske! the #oy3

/Haven-t yo" hear!,/ sai! the ol! #"ll, who was so near sighte! he !i! not re ogni6e Stone #oy3 /&he hief-s twins were kille! #y Stone #oy, who ran them over a "t #ank ,"r,osely, an! the hief has or!ere! all of his #"ffalo to gather here, an! when they arrive we are going to kill Stone #oy an! his mother an! his "n les3/ /Is that soA +hen is the war to ommen eA/ /In five !ays from now we will mar h ",on the "n les an! tram,le an! gore them all to !eath3/ /+ell, gran!father, I thank yo" for yo"r information, an! in ret"rn will !o yo" a favor that will save yo" so m" h har! work on yo"r #l"nt horns3/ So saying he !rew a long arrow from his 8"iver an! str"ng his #ow, atta he! the arrow to the string an! !rew the arrow half way #a k3 &he ol! #"ll, not seeing what was going on, an! half e.,e ting some kin! of assistan e in his horn shar,ening ,ro ess, stoo! ,erfe tly still3 &h"s s,oke Stone #oy? /Gran!father, yo" are too ol! to ;oin in a war now, an! #esi!es if yo" got mi.e! ", in that #ig war ,arty yo" might ste, in a hole or st"m#le an! fall an! #e tram,le! to !eath3 &hat wo"l! #e a horri#le !eath, so I will save yo" all that s"ffering #y ;"st giving yo" this3/ At this wor! he ,"lle! the arrow #a k to the flint hea! an! let it fly3 &r"e to his aim, the arrow went in #ehin! the ol! #"ll-s foreleg, an! with s" h for e was it sent that it went lear thro"gh the #"ll an! st" k into a tree two h"n!re! feet away3 +alking over to the tree, he ,"lle! o"t his arrow3 (oolly straightening his arrow #etween his teeth an! sighting it for a "ra y, he shove! it #a k into the 8"iver with its #rothers, e. laiming? /I g"ess, gran!,a, yo" won-t nee! to shar,en yo"r horns for Stone #oy an! his "n les3/ U,on his arrival home he tol! his "n les to get to work #"il!ing three sto ka!es with !it hes #etween an! make the !it hes wi!e an! !ee, so they will hol! ,lenty of #"ffalo3 /&he fo"rth fen e I will #"il! myself,/ he sai!3 &he #rothers got to work early an! worke! "ntil very late at night3 &hey #"ilt three orrals an! !"g three !it hes aro"n! the h"t, an! it took them three !ays to om,lete the work3 Stone #oy ha!n-t !one a thing towar!s #"il!ing his fen e yet, an! there were only two !ays more left #efore the harge of the #"ffalo wo"l! ommen e3 Still the #oy !i!n-t seem to #other himself a#o"t the fen e3 Instea! he ha! his mother ontin"ally "tting arrow sti ks, an! as fast as she o"l! #ring them he wo"l! sha,e them, feather an! hea! them3 So #y the time his "n les ha! their fen es an! orrals finishe! he ha! a tho"san! arrows finishe! for ea h of his "n les3 &he last two !ays they ha! to wait, the "n les ;oine! him an! they finishe! several tho"san! more arrows3 &he evening #efore the fifth !ay he tol! his "n les to ,"t ", fo"r ,osts, so they o"l! "se them as seats from whi h to shoot3 +hile they were !oing this, Stone #oy went o"t to s o"t an! see how things looke!3 At !aylight he ame h"rrie!ly in saying, /Yo" ha! #etter get to the first orral> they are oming3/ /Yo" haven-t #"ilt yo"r fen e, ne,hew3/ +here",on Stone #oy sai!? /I will #"il! it in time> !on-t worry, "n le3/ &he !"st on the hillsi!es rose as great lo"!s of smoke from a forest fire3 Soon the lea!ers of the harge ame in sight, an! ",on seeing the tim#er sto ka!e they gave forth a great snort or roar that fairly shook the earth3 &ho"san!s ",on tho"san!s of ma! #"ffalo harge! ",on the little fort3 &he lea!ers hit the first sto ka!e an! it soon gave way3 &he ma!!ene! #"ffalo ,"she! forwar! #y the tho"san!s #ehin! them> ,l"nge! forwar!, only to fall into the first !it h an! #e tram,le! to !eath #y those #ehin! them3 &he #rothers were not slow in "sing their arrows, an! many a no#le #east went !own #efore their !ea!ly aim with a little flint ,ointe! arrow #"rie! !ee, in his heart3 &he se on! sto ka!e stoo! their harge a little longer than !i! the first, #"t finally this gave way, an! the lea!ers ,"she! on thro"gh, only to fall into the se on! !it h an! meet a similar fate to those in the first3 &he #rothers ommen e! to look"sly towar!s their ne,hew, as there was only one more

sto ka!e left, an! the se on! !it h was nearly #ri!ge! over with !ea! #"ffalo, with the now thri e ma!!ene! #"ffalo atta king the last sto ka!e more f"rio"sly than #efore, as they o"l! see the little h"t thro"gh the o,enings in the orral3 /(ome in, "n les,/ sho"te! Stone #oy3 &hey o#eye! him, an! ste,,ing to the enter he sai!? /+at h me #"il! my fen e3/ S"iting the wor!s, he took from his #elt an arrow with a white stone fastene! to the ,oint an! fastening it to his #ow, he shot it high in the air3 Straight ", into the air it went, for two or three tho"san! feet, then seeme! to sto, s"!!enly an! t"rne! with ,oint !own an! !es en!e! as swiftly as it ha! as en!e!3 U,on striking the gro"n! a high stone wall arose, en losing the h"t an! all who were insi!e3 7"st then the #"ffalo #roke the last sto ka!e only to fill the last !it h ", again3 In vain !i! the lea!ers #"tt the stone wall3 &hey h"rt themselves, #roke their horns an! mashe! their sno"ts, #"t o"l! not even s ar the wall3 &he "n les an! Stone #oy in the meantime raine! arrows of !eath into their ranks3 +hen the #"ffalo hief saw what they ha! to onten! with, he or!ere! the fight off3 &he rier or heral! sang o"t? /(ome away, ome away, Stone #oy an! his "n les will kill all of "s3/ So the #"ffalo with!rew, leaving over two tho"san! of their !ea! an! wo"n!e! on the fiel!, only to #e skinne! an! ,"t away for the feasts of Stone #oy an! his "n les, who live! to #e great hiefs of their own tri#e, an! whose many relations soon ;oine! them on the #anks of Stone Boy (reek3 T!E 'N%TOM# (S$# ER), TWO W# OWS, AN T!E RE $L'MS &here on e live!, in a remote ,art of a great forest, two wi!owe! sisters, with their little #a#ies3 One !ay there ame to their tent a visitor who was alle! Unktomi 0s,i!er13 He ha! fo"n! some ni e re! ,l"ms !"ring his wan!erings in the forest, an! he sai! to himself, /I will kee, these ,l"ms an! fool the two wi!ows with them3/ After the wi!ows ha! #i!!en him #e seate!, he ,resente! them with the ,l"ms3 On seeing them they e. laime! /hi n", hi n" 0an e. lamation of s"r,rise1, where !i! yo" get those fine ,l"msA/ Unktomi arose an! ,ointing to a rimson ti,,e! lo"!, sai!? /Yo" see that re! lo"!A $ire tly "n!erneath it is a ,at h of ,l"ms3 So large is the ,at h an! so re! an! #ea"tif"l are the ,l"ms that it is the refle tion of them on the lo"! that yo" see3/ /Oh, how we wish some one wo"l! take are of o"r #a#ies, while we go over there an! ,i k some,/ sai! the sisters3 /+hy, I am not in any ,arti "lar h"rry, so if yo" want to go I will take are of my little ne,hews "ntil yo" ret"rn3/ 0Unktomi always laime! relationshi, with everyone he met13 /+ell #rother,/ sai! the ol!er wi!ow, /take goo! are of them an! we will #e #a k as soon as ,ossi#le3/ &he two then took a sa k in whi h to gather the ,l"ms, an! starte! off towar!s the lo"! with the rimson lining3 S ar ely ha! they gone from Unktomi-s sight when he took the #a#ies o"t of their swinging hammo ks an! "t off first one hea! an! then the other3 He then took some ol! #lankets an! rolle! them in the sha,e of a #a#y #o!y an! lai! one in ea h hammo k3 &hen he took the hea!s an! ,"t them in ,la e in their !ifferent hammo ks3 &he #o!ies he "t ", an! threw into a large kettle3 &his he ,la e! over a ro"sing fire3 &hen he mi.e! In!ian t"rni,s an! arikara s8"ash with the #a#y meat an! soon ha! a kettle of so",3 7"st a#o"t the time the so", was rea!y to serve the wi!ows ret"rne!3 &hey were tire! an! h"ngry an! not a ,l"m ha! they3 Unktomi, hearing the a,,roa h of the two, h"rrie!ly !ishe! o"t the #a#y so", in two woo!en !ishes an! then seate! himself near the !oor so that he o"l! get o"t easily3 U,on the entran e of the wi!ows, Unktomi e. laime!? /Sisters, I ha! #ro"ght some meat with me an! I ooke! some t"rni,s an! s8"ash with it an! ma!e a ,ot of fine so",3 &he #a#ies have ;"st fallen aslee,, so !on-t waken them "ntil yo" have finishe! eating, for I know that yo" are nearly starve!3/ &he two fell to at on e an! after they ha! somewhat a,,ease! their a,,etites, one of them arose an! went over to see how her #a#y was resting3 Noting an "nnat"ral olor on her #a#y-s fa e, she

raise! him ", only to have his hea! roll off from the #"n!le of #lankets3 /-My son@ my son@/ she rie! o"t3 At on e the other hastene! to her #a#y an! gra##e! it ",, only to have the same thing ha,,en3 At on e they s"rmise! who ha! !one this, an! a"ght ", sti ks from the fire with whi h to #eat Unktomi to !eath3 He, e.,e ting something like this to ha,,en, lost very little time in getting o"tsi!e an! !own into a hole at the roots of a large tree3 &he two wi!ows not #eing a#le to follow Unktomi !own into the hole, ha! to give ", trying to get him o"t, an! ,asse! the rest of the !ay an! night rying for their #elove! #a#ies3 In the meantime Unktomi ha! gotten o"t #y another o,ening, an! himself ", in an entirely !ifferent style, an! ,ainting his fa e in a manner that they wo"l! not re ogni6e him, he a"tio"sly a,,roa he! the wee,ing women an! in8"ire! the a"se of their tears3 &h"s they answere! him? /Unktomi ame here an! foole! "s a#o"t some ,l"ms, an! while we were a#sent kille! o"r #a#ies an! ma!e so", o"t of their #o!ies3 &hen he gave "s the so", to eat, whi h we !i!, an! when we fo"n! o"t what he ha! !one we trie! to kill him, #"t he rawle! !own into that hole an! we o"l! not get him o"t3/ /I will get him o"t,/ sai! the mo k stranger, an! with that he rawle! !own into the hole an! s rat he! his own fa e all over to make the wi!ows #elieve he ha! #een fighting with Unktomi3 /I have kille! him, an! that yo" may see him I have enlarge! the hole so yo" an rawl in an! see for yo"rselves, also to take some revenge on his !ea! #o!y3/ &he two foolish wi!ows, #elieving him, rawle! into the hole, only to #e #lo ke! ", #y Unktomi, who at on e gathere! great ,iles of woo! an! st"ffing it into the hole, set it on fire, an! th"s en!e! the last of the family who were foolish eno"gh to let Unktomi tem,t them with a few re! ,l"ms3

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