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B e t t e r C i t y , B e t t e r L i f e

The second and third decades of the 21st Century will see unprecedented growth in cities, as
the world will transform from 50% urban today to 70% urban in just over a single generation.
Arguably the greatest challenge facing humanity, a collaborative, sustainable approach is
needed to address this rapid urbanization.

The World Urban Campaign provides the necessary platform for such collaboration. Coordinated
by UN-Habitat, but owned and driven by a long list of committed partners, the Campaign is
your opportunity to become part of the urban solution.

Working together, urban communities – those living and working in towns and cities, and
those who have an impact on development – can set precedents, develop tools, and offer policy
options to achieve resilient and sustainable urban communities by engaging partners in a global
movement of public, private, and social sectors worldwide.
Cities are the greatest
legacy of humanity.
We need to nurture
them carefully.
Take action and join the
partnership today!
Message from the Executive Director of UN-Habitat 5

01 The 21st Century Urban Challenge 6

02 The Positive Role of Cities 7

03 Raising the Urban Agenda 8

04 Campaign Goals 9

05 The Road to Success 11

06 Towards an Equitable, Prosperous, and Sustainable City for the 21st Century 12

07 Campaign Partners 14

08 How Can I Join? 16

Join as a City Changer 17

Sign up to the World Urban Campaign as a Member or Partner 18

Join as a City: Organize a Local City Changer Campaign 20

Launch Your National Urban Campaign 22

09 How it Works 24

10 World Urban Campaign Activities 26

Our Partners 28

4 | Join The World Urban Campaign; BetterCity, Better Life

“We need to demonstrate that change is possible through
the genius, creativity and audacity of people and decision-
makers to make the wisest choices for our urban future.
This is the essence of the World Urban Campaign.”
Joan Clos
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Executive Director of UN-Habitat

Join The World Urban Campaign; BetterCity, Better Life | 5

The 21st Century Urban Challenge
The second and third decades of the 21st century will known as slums. About one-third of the global urban
see an irreversible and historically unprecedented population lives in these conditions, and if populations
phenomenon. Half of the world’s population currently continue to grow at their projected rate, it is estimated
lives in cities, and this will grow to 60% by 2030 and that 889 million people will live in slums by 2020. The
70% by 2050. The number of cities with more than 1 percentage of populations living in these conditions is
million inhabitants has swelled to over 450, more than higher in some regions, such as in Sub-Saharan Africa,
20 of which are ‘megacities,’ with a population of more where 6 out of 10 urban resident are living in slums.
than 10 million. Many such slums are squatter settlements comprised
of improvised dwellings, characterized by an absence
Much of this urbanization is taking place in developing
of any formal urban planning and disconnected from
nations and is changing the physical and demographic
the city’s infrastructure. Lacking necessary resources
face of our world. In 1950, developing nations accounted
and policy priorities, many city governments are ill-
for less than 40% of the world’s urban population. By
equipped to meet the demands of rapid urbanization
2005, that figure reached 70%. It is projected that the
and the needs of future urban residents.
urban population in developing nations will continue
to grow, reaching 80% by 2030. By 2050, 93% of the The prevalent model for global standard urbanization
urban population growth will occur in developing has produced unbalanced densities, segregation,
countries. These escalating figures highlight the need poverty, and environmental degradation. It has missed
to establish clear and inclusive priorities in order to the economic advantages offered by economies of
build a sustainable urban future. agglomeration, while losing the sense of conviviality
that the street and public space could provide. It has
This age of urban expansion and economic globalization
isolated a large part of the population in slums and
has produced patterns of growth and development
sub-standard housing areas from the formal city, giving
that both provide dynamic opportunities while posing
rise to gated communities and increasing surveillance
imperative challenges.
and control. The unexpected consequences of this
One of the major challenges faced by cities today unsustainable model include the increasing cost of living
is the growing number of urban dwellers living in cities, unemployment, high energy consumption, and
in impoverished informal settlements commonly negative environmental impacts.

The prevalent model for global standard urbanization generates

segregation, poverty, and environmental degradation in most
parts of the world.

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The Positive Role of Cities
The urban transition poses complex challenges for a Cities also offer the best climate change solutions. A
shared, sustainable future. Yet cities themselves also compact, densely populated, and well-planned city
provide the answers to these challenges and drive generates lower emissions and consumes less energy
solutions. Cities are the greatest assets in promoting per capita than sprawling and dispersed urban districts.
and pursuing sustainable development. The quality of a city’s urban fabric has significant
implications for ecologically sustainable development,
Urbanization and urban density bring economic
given that buildings account for 30% of all greenhouse
advantages to a region. In a compact and well-planned
gas emissions. Of equal importance, a densely
city, investments in urban infrastructure will reach
populated, well-planned city offers the opportunity
more recipients and yield more benefit per dollar than
for inclusive governance, which is fundamental to
in rural contexts. A compact city offers businesses a
sustainable urban development.
comparative advantage in terms of competitiveness
and employment. Poor and disadvantaged people The urban agenda must recognize, promote, and
living in cities are more likely to be lifted out of poverty capitalize on the role of cities as drivers of solutions.
than their rural counterparts.

Beunos Aires, Argentina © João Monteiro Join The World Urban Campaign; BetterCity, Better Life | 7
Raising the Urban Agenda
How we plan, build, and manage our cities today will This is the essence of the World Urban Campaign:
determine the outcome of our efforts to achieve more engaging the public at large, civil society, the business
sustainable and harmonious development tomorrow. sector, the research community, and governments in
Addressing the challenges of our urban future, and a global movement that elevates the urban agenda
harnessing the city as an asset, requires the commitment through a positive vision and an understanding of
of all as city changers working towards a better urban the tremendous benefits cities can bring to future
future. generations.

But cities cannot address all these challenges alone. The World Urban Campaign is a global partnership
The urban agenda must be set as a part of national designed to promote a positive vision for sustainable
government policy. urbanization and prioritize the urban agenda at the
highest level in development policies. Its mission is to
Elevating the urban agenda and dealing with the fastest
achieve these objectives by engaging and mobilizing
urbanization rates in history are challenges which will
partners around the world and from every walk of life.
require new and innovative ways of thinking, new
levels of understanding, and, most importantly, new

Engaging the public at large, civil society, the business sector, the
research community, and governments in a global movement is
the essence of the World Urban Campaign.

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Campaign Goals
The Campaign offers a broad platform to raise the urban agenda, improve policies at the national level, and raise
awareness for sustainable urbanization. Coordinated by UN-Habitat, but owned and driven by our valued partners,
the Campaign has these goals:

1 To Unite
• Convince public, private, and social
sectors that investing in creative, resilient,
2 To Connect
• Create lasting linkages among all city
changers and facilitate the coherent and
and sustainable cities and communities is strategic coordination of partners.
essential to our shared future.

3 To Enable
• Provide the means to achieve creative,
resilient, and sustainable cities and
4 To Measure
• Establish benchmarks, monitor progress,
and share knowledge worldwide.

The success of the World Urban Campaign will be measured by the presence and enactment of more policies
promoting sustainable urban development at the national level.

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The Road to Success

1 Accessible and pro-poor land, infrastructure,

services, mobility and housing.

2 Socially inclusive, gender sensitive, healthy

and safe development.

3 Environmentally sound and carbon-

efficient built environment.

4 Participatory planning and

decision making.

5 Vibrant and competitive local economies

promoting decent work and livelihoods.

6 Assurance of non-discrimination and equal

rights to the city.

7 Empowering cities and communities to plan for

and effectively manage adversity and change.

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Towards an Equitable, Prosperous, and
Sustainable City for the 21st Century
The World Urban Campaign has six thematic areas:

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Campaign Partners
Taking the slogan ‘to unite’ to heart, our valued Business Partners are vital to the pursuit of
partners include a variety of public sector, private sustainable urban development, they are experienced
sector, and community representatives. They are also in addressing the challenges of our urban future, and
made up of a balanced mix of organizations from the can utilize its dynamism, adaptability, and ingenuity to
global North and South. harness the benefits and tremendous potential of cities.
Philanthropic foundations and development banks
Political Partners represent local governments,
and agencies are critical partners as well, providing
communities, and national governments. Local
and mobilizing the resources to turn intention into
governments and parliamentarians are responsible
for pursuing sustainable development policies at
the municipal and regional levels, as well as inclusive Expert Partners from the academic world and
governance measures sensitive to the needs of their research institutions generate vital contributions and
constituencies. National governments must support fresh ideas for dealing with the quickly evolving urban
policy frameworks that elevate the urban agenda and agenda. The World Urban Campaign recognizes that
bolster local government efforts to pursue sustainable professionals from a broad range of fields related
urbanization. to human settlements and sustainability bring key
expertise and experience requisite for delivering
Civil Society Partners are indispensible partners
sustainable urbanization at scale. Researchers and
for advancing and disseminating the urban agenda.
academics generate vital contributions and normative
Community-based and civil society organisations
solutions for progressing and evolving the urban
utilize innovative solutions for helping the urban poor
and promoting sustainable development. Many have
developed effective ways of collaborating with their Media Partners are needed to spread the message.
national governments and municipalities to advance Telling the stories of what works best and what
the urban agenda and the needs of their constituents. doesn’t, the media are crucial, indispensible partners
for advancing and disseminating the urban agenda.

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The Partners
• AARDE Foundation • Habitat Partner Universities • Shack/ Slum Dwellers
• African Planning Association • Habitat Professionals Forum International (SDI)

• African Union of Architects • Huairou Commission • Siemens

• Arcadis NV • IAU lIe de France • South-South News

• Building and Wood Workers • IFLA • UNDP World Alliance of

International Cities Against Poverty
• International Labor
• Cities Alliance Organization • UN Global Compact Cities
• Commonwealth Association • International Union of
of Planners Architects (UIA) • UNISDR

• CORDAID • Institut Africain de Gestion • United Cities and Local

Urbaine (IAGU) Governments
• DCity
• ISOCARP • United Religions Initiative
• EcoCity Builders
• IVM • University of Napoli
• Josslyn Institute of • UPSAB
Sustainable Communities • Veolia Environnement
• Lafarge • WBCSD
• Mayors for Peace • WIEGO
• Metropolis • World Future Council
• Fira de Barcelona
• Municipal Art Society of New • Youth Advisory Board
York (MASNYC) • Zerofootprint
• Global Parliamentarians on
• Nomadeis
• Oxford Brookes University
• Global Studio
• Penn Institute for Urban
• Global Urban Development
Research of the University of
• Green World City Pennsylvania
• Practical Action
• Habitat for Humanity

All Partners and Members are listed on

the World Urban Campaign website:

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How can I Join?
There are many ways you can become a Partner, • You would like to make use of the products of the
depending on your preferences and capabilities: campaign for educational, training, or advocacy
• You have a story to tell or an ongoing project
in your city or community that you feel deserves • You would like to have a say in determining policies
international attention, and would be useful to and priorities of the campaign together with other
others. partners.

• You would like to know how other people and • You would like to become a sponsor of any of the
communities are dealing with issues that you have in above.
your community.

• You would like to take part in a global network

and coalition dedicated to policy debate and policy

As an individual As an organisation
1 Be a City Changer 2 Be a Member/ Partner/
Sponsor of the World
Urban Campaign

As a city As a country
3 Be a City Partner 4 Launch your National
Urban Campaign

Join us:

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Join as a City Changer
‘I’m a City Changer’ is an initiative to raise awareness ‘I’m a City Changer’ Awareness
on positive actions that have demonstrated impacts
on people’s lives in urban areas and that improve the
livability of cities. City Changers join together in city-level campaigns
for better cities, engaging the general public and
‘I’m a City Changer’ acts as a conduit for the World
demonstrating the value of attitudes and practices
Urban Campaign to raise awareness on fundamental
towards improving the livability of cities.
issues, while kickstarting campaigns on our urban
future, and the role of each and every person. Those city-level campaigns should be able to convey
to each and every citizen, young and elderly, male
‘I’m a City Changer’ awareness campaigns in cities and
and female, that changes in consumption, technology
special events can trigger a global movement putting
use, life styles, and attitudes can dramatically improve
cities at the heart of solutions to ensure a harmonious
our quality of life and impact the livability of cities for
future for ourselves and generations to come.
future generations.

City Changers
Communications Resources
• Raise awareness in a city/ community/ neighborhood
• City Changer E-Magazine: an electronic magazine
on key issues to achieve positive impacts towards
to disseminate key messages, experiences, and
better cities.
practices that demonstrate positive changes in
• Share experiences and learn from other cities in improving the livability of cities.
order to contribute to further change. • City Changer website: a dynamic web platform for
interaction between city changers.
Successful City Changers demonstrate positive changes
towards: • City Changer social media: 2.0 platforms for
• A Resilient City everyday interaction between networks and city
• A Green City changers.
• A Safe and Healthy City
• An Inclusive City
• A Planned City
• A Productive City

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Sign up to the World Urban Campaign
as a Member or Partner
You are a non-governmental organisation, a communication and commit through in-kind
community-based organisation, a research institution, contributions to the Campaign’s core activities. They are
a foundation, a private sector company, a university, listed on the Campaign website, main brochure, have
or another relevant organization. You can engage as their activities mentioned in the Campaign calendar of
it suits you: events, enjoy visibility at the World Urban Forum.

Members sign up to the World Urban Campaign Paris Sponsors provide cash contributions to the Campaign
Principles while promoting the Campaign in their for core Campaign activities. They also participate in
activities and communications. They are listed on the key decisions as members of the Campaign Steering
Campaign website and main brochures. They enjoy Committee. They enjoy higher visibility through the
visibility at the World Urban Forum. Campaign branding, and especially at the World Urban
Forum, where they are also considered World Urban
Lead Partners are official partners of UN-Habitat and Forum sponsors.
are committed to the World Urban Campaign activities
through their in-kind contribution to the Campaign’s Media Partners provide cash contributions and
core activities. They are members of the Campaign deliver news on the urban world. They contribute
Steering Committee in which they participate regularly. to high-profile events, enjoy high-level networking
They enjoy high visibility through the Campaign opportunities, meet with diverse stakeholders, and act
branding, and especially at the World Urban Forum. as part of the Urban Journalism Academy.

Associate Partners sign up to the Paris Principles,

promote the Campaign in their activities and

Selection Process
To sign up, institutions may contact the Campaign Secretariat.
For more details, read the World Urban Campaign Guidelines for
Partners Engagement. A membership entry form is available from

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Communications Resources Events
• World Urban Campaign website: Members and All Members and Partners are featured at the World
Partners have their logos displayed on the Partners Urban Forum, with their logos displayed in the WUC
page of the official website. Partners enjoy visibility Exhibition area and on the publications featured for
by having their stories, solutions, and latest news the event. Depending on the level of commitment,
shared on the website. Partners and Sponsors can also feature prominently in
other high profile international events.
• City Changer E-Magazine: The E-Magazine is an
electronic resource to disseminate key messages,
experiences, and practices that demonstrate positive Join the Partnership
changes in improving the livability of cities, largely
Join the partnership and become a part of the solution!
drawn from partner projects and input.
You can learn more about which level of commitment
is best for your organization on the World Urban
Campaign website:

Join The World Urban Campaign; BetterCity, Better Life | 19

Join as a City: Organize a Local City
Changer Campaign
To join the World Urban Campaign at the city level, Cities can launch City Changer campaigns together
cities can become City Partners by organizing local ‘I’m with other cities, and can share and collaborate in a
a City Changer’ campaigns to engage citizens through variety of ways:
public forums, exhibitions, city walks, sport events,
• One-to-One Sharing: Sharing solutions can be done
concerts, etc. to raise awareness about positive change.
between two cities that have established a platform
The purpose of city-led City Changer campaigns is to of collaboration in order to raise awareness and
appeal to and mobilize individual citizens, communities, share solutions on their common challenges and
municipal officials, service providers, and the political areas of concern.
leadership of a city. This can be done by encouraging
• Sharing Through a Network of Cities: Solutions
these actors to promote positive actions towards
can be shared within a network of cities, linked by
a green, inclusive, productive, planned, resilient,
territorial or thematic relations. The establishment
safe, and healthy city, and to share their stories and
of these relationships can facilitate cooperation,
innovation, and sharing, and can enable the
Cities can organize events focused on sharing and establishment of larger and further-reaching events
structured learning, and can promote activities which and activities such as competitions, fairs, exhibitions,
cultivate dialogue, action, and participation towards a and public forums.
better city.
• Sharing at the National Level: The local City Changer
Cities organizing City Changer events can use the ‘I’m campaigns can join a National Urban Campaign to
a City Changer’ slogan and logo to spread the message become a key part of the preparatory process toward
and to gather support for positive change within the Habitat III, the Third United Nations Conference
city. Events can also involve local figures and can be on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development,
used to build up National Urban Campaigns. which will address the future of cities.

• Sharing Globally: A city can also decide to share

Change Your City; Change its experiences directly with the rest of the world

Other Cities through the World Urban Campaign, the global

platform preparing for Habitat III.
The spirit of ‘I’m a City Changer’ is about sharing
solutions both at the local and global levels. The local
City Changer platform promotes the search for unique
and innovative solutions sparked by local proposals,
while inspiring change through sharing experiences
from around the world.

20 | Join The World Urban Campaign; BetterCity, Better Life

Communications Resources • City Changer Website: After hosting a City Changer
local event, please visit the ‘I’m a City Changer’
• ‘I’m a City Changer’ Toolkit: When launching an ‘I’m website to share your story in order to inform and
a City Changer’ campaign, cities, individuals, and inspire others around the world!
organizations can utilize the ‘I’m a City Changer’
• City Changer E-Magazine: The E-Magazine is an
Toolkit, available both in print and on the World
electronic resource to disseminate key messages,
Urban Campaign website. The Toolkit provides
experiences, and practices that demonstrate positive
further information on the City Changer platform,
changes in improving the livability of cities.
as well as event ideas and details regarding the use
of the logo and slogans.

An awareness-raising ‘City Changer’ event in Naples, Italy focused on urban

mobility and featured a bike tour to promote the message. The event took
place during the Sixth Session of the World Urban Forum in September.
© Alessandra Pirera

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Launch Your National Urban Campaign
National Urban Forums and National governments can then catalyze the
engagement of the partners from civil society, press and
Advocacy at the Country Level media, business organisations, local authorities, research
National governments have a vital role to play in institutions, and academia through National Urban
advancing the World Urban Campaign. They must Forums, which have the potential to articulate pressing
support its policy framework in order to promote urban issues building on their national urban agenda.
the urban agenda and strengthen local governments
National Urban Campaigns shall emphasize positive
and other partners’ efforts to achieve sustainable
changes in the urban sector, reward successful
initiatives, and encourage all key players to take bold
The National Urban Forums are conceived to serve action for better cities.
as advocacy platforms and vehicles to raise the profile
of urban issues in partners’ countries. They are meant Communications Resources
to: • The National Urban Campaign Toolkit provides

• support the design of a policy framework for details and suggestions for launching a campaign

concerted action and programmes that address at the country level. The Toolkit is available for

national urban issues, download on the Campaign website.

• promote the World Urban Campaign at the national • City Changer E-Magazine: a bi-monthly electronic

level, magazine to disseminate key messages, experiences,

and practices that demonstrate positive changes in
• contribute to the preparations of the World
improving the livability of cities.
Urban Forum by mobilizing all concerned national
stakeholders and harmonizing their approaches in • World Urban Campaign website: a web platform

support of the urban agenda. for interaction and knowledge sharing between
members and partners, cities, and countries holding
National governments are encouraged to launch their National Urban Forums.
own National Urban Campaigns using the National
Urban Forum framework in promotion of the urban
agenda, engaging all partners and mobilizing the
media to disseminate key messages.

‘Better City, Better Life’ and ‘I´m a City Changer,’ must

become a reality at the national level.

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How it Works
Governing Structure The Secretariat’s primary roles are to monitor, guide,
and liaise with partners and committees in order to carry
Beyond member and partner organisations, the World out agreed activities, to coordinate the Campaign’s
Urban Campaign is comprised of several governing workplan and events, and to develop protocols and
committees under the leadership of the UN-Habitat processes to match the Campaign’s goals with partners’
Executive Director: interests.
• The World Urban Campaign Steering Committee
The Secretariat includes an internal UN-Habitat-
• The World Urban Campaign Secretariat based Task Force to advise on campaign strategies
• The World Urban Campaign Standing Committee and communications activities as well as support

• The World Urban Campaign Sub-Committees the intergration of the Campaign throughout the

The Campaign Steering Committee

The Campaign Standing Committee
The Steering Committee is the World Urban Campaign’s
governing body, and is comprised of UN-Habitat’s The Standing Committee is the Steering Committee’s
partner organisations. The Steering Committee is executive organ, and is comprised of up to 11 partners.
responsible for establishing the campaign’s goals and The Standing Committee sets and approves the Steering
objectives, defining the activity strategies and annual Committee’s agenda, reviews progress reports and new
workplan, and setting the Campaign’s governing member applications, and approves expenditures.
procedures. The Steering Committee elects its Chair
and Co-Chair every two years. The Steering Committee The Campaign Sub-Committees
works closely with the World Urban Campaign The sub-committees serve as working groups for
Secretariat. World Urban Campaign activities, and are comprised
of Steering Committee members. Sub-committees help
The Campaign Secretariat plan and bolster a variety of campaign activities such as

The World Urban Campaign Secretariat is the UN- outreach and communication strategies, business plans

Habitat team responsible for coordinating the Steering and resource mobilization, knowledge sharing, and

Committee and monitoring its activities. capacity building.

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Executive Director

WUC Steering Committee WUC SECRETARIAT

The WUC governing body acting as: Secretariat of the World Urban
• Advisory body to the Executive Campaign, coordinating the Steering
Director Committee.
• Catalyzing, action-planning, and Composition: UN-Habitat team
monitoring organ
Composition: UN-Habitat + Partners

WUC Steering Committee WUC SUB-CommitteeS

Executive organ of the Steering • Tools and Methods
Committee. • Good Policies and Enabling
Composition: UN-Habitat + Partners Legislation
• Communication
• Resource Mobilization
• Monitoring and Reporting

Join The World Urban Campaign; BetterCity, Better Life | 25

World Urban Campaign Activities
All members promote the World Urban Campaign Knowledge Sharing
and its six thematic areas in their activities and
Knowledge sharing activities include initiatives
communications, and in turn enjoy visibility in the
bolstered by the work of Campaign sub-committees
World Urban Campaign website and materials, and
such as ‘Good Policies & Enabling Legislations,’ ‘Tools
at the World Urban Forum. There are three levels of
and Methods,’ and general knowledge dissemination
Campaign activities that all members contribute to:
and capacity building.

Awareness Building
Awareness building activities include the ‘I’m a City
Communications activities disseminate information
Changer’ awareness campaigns, city events, and the
about the campaign. These activities and materials
World Urban Forum.
include the City Changer E-Magazine, appeal material,
and the World Urban Campaign and ‘I’m a City Changer’

It’s time for change.

It’s time for action.
Join the World Urban Campaign.
Become a City Changer.

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Coordinated by

Top Sponsors

Main Sponsors

Lead Partners

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Associate Partners


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World Urban Campaign Secretariat, UN-Habitat
Tel.: +254 20 762 4576

Ana B. Moreno
Chief, Advocacy, Outreach and Communications

Christine Auclair
Project Leader, World Urban Campaign

Sarah ‘Laney’ Stone

Communications Consultant, World Urban Campaign

Euclide Inyumbira
Design Consultant, World Urban Campaign

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