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Term 4 2013

Week 3

Monday 27th - Friday 1st November 2013 Tuesday

Whole class teaching,
Shared writing

Whole class teaching, shared planning.
Shared writing

Whole class teaching,
Shared writing

Whole class teaching,
Shared writing

Whole class teaching,
Shared writing

Conference with Nikitah, Kate, Jazmine, Marshall, Laim, Caidyn, Leo, Reagan, Ruby, Pania
Support planning

Rove and support/ conference as needed.

Conference with Sam, Ryan, Conference with Nikitah, Phoenix, Jahkarn, Kate, Jazmine, Marshall, Ella, Corton, Laim, Caidyn, Leo, Reagan, Ruby, Pania Kadince, Kai, Does my writing make sense? Fraser
Does my writing make sense?

Rove and support as needed.

Buddy sharing and editing.

Conference with Sam, Ryan, Phoenix, Jahkarn, Ella, Corton, Kadince, Kai, Fraser
Does my plan make sense?

Conference with Thomas, Taylor, Rileigh-Kaye, Jaiden, Harrison, Emma, Charlotte, Katelyn, Calais, Ben, Jayde, Aalaa

Does my plan make sense? Does my writing make sense?

Rove and support/ conference as needed.

Conference with Thomas, Taylor, Rileigh-Kaye, Jaiden, Harrison, Emma, Charlotte, Katelyn, Calais, Ben, Jayde, Aalaa

Have I used the success criteria? How can I make my writing better?

Purpose and Task:
are writing) (Why we

Shared writing

Shared writing

Shared writing

Shared writing


To share our understanding of the need for seatbelts and booster seats. Learning Intentions: We are learning to: Write to explain Success Criteria:

Title Opening sentence that introduces the topic to be explained. Body paragraphs that give more details. Precise and specific language. Visual text that matches and adds to the text. A concluding paragraph that is a wrap up

can you remember about writing to explain? Share with your learning partner What do you know about booster seats? Seatbelts? Share with your learning partner The law in N.Z has recently changed.
Share info, poster and web stuff, what happens when no belts We

plan, what else do Reread what I have I need to add to my plan? already written. Is it in order? Make changes to make Start writing my sure my message is explanationideas for clear. the opening sentence, Continue explanation remember the opening
sentence that introduces the topic to be explained.

changes to make sure my message is clear. Edit spelling, tense Add visual text

checking and thinking then sharing with a buddyget

somebody to share some ideas about my poem


first draft with a buddy. Talk about writing together. How could I improve my writing?

Share with your learning partner

Shared writing

are going to write a piece to explain why seatbelts and booster seat are so important. Who should be writing too? Select audience What have you learned? Share with your learning partner
Shared writing -planning

Motivation: The law has recently changed meaning children

need to stay in booster seats for longer. Keep ourselves safe.

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