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Unit. 1 a. b. c. d. Talking about Question Tag In simple present In simple present continuous In simple present perfect Rules: Tag Question memiliki 2 kalimat, main sentence dan tag question. Subject di main sentence harus kembali di tulis di tag question nya sebagai pronoun. Jika terdapat tobe (am,is,are / was,were) dalam tag question, maka tobe nya di tulis ulang di tag questionnya sebelum subject. Jika terdapat tohave (have, has/ had) dalam main sentence, maka tohave nya di tulis ulang di tag questionnya sebelum subject. Jika tidak terdapat tobe maupun tohave dalam main sentence dan hanya terdapat verb. Maka tag questionnya menggunakan to do (do,does /did) Jika main sentence nya dalam kalimat positif, maka tag questionnya dalam kalimat negative. Jika main sentence nya dalam kalimat negative, maka tag questionnya dalam kalimat positif. Pelajari contoh-contoh berikut ini. 1. Bob is a magician, isnt he? Main sentence tag question 2. Ani and Indra go to school by bike, dont they? Subject subject 3. You are a national footballer, arent you? Tobe tobe 4. We have worked for hours, havent we? Tohave tohave 5. Mira studies really hard for the test, doesnt she? Verb to do 6. Ahmad and Dahlan dont like swimming, do they? Negative positive 7. Yulia sings beautifully, doesnt she? Positive Negative

Unit 2. a. Talking about unidentified person, place and things b. Talking about pronouns and adverbs c. Talking about occupation Artinya: Someone = Seseorang Anyone = Siapapun No-one = Tak seorang pun Everyone = Semua orang

Something = Sesuatu Anything = Apapun Nothing = Bukan apa-apa Everything = Semua nya

Somewhere = Suatu tempat Anywhere = Dimanapun Nowhere = Tak dimanapun Everywhere = Semua tempat

Fungsinya dalam kalimat Someone/Something/Somewhere Digunakan dalam kalimat positif. Boleh digunakan dalam kalimat Tanya hanya jika jawabannya sudah pati Yes Anyone/Anything/Anywhere Digunakan dalam kalimat negative Digunakan dalam kalimat interrogative

+ ) There is someone I want you to meet. + ) There is something I want to tell you. + ) I need to go to somewhere but not here. - ) I dont need anyone to help me. - ) He doesnt need anything. - ) I dont want to go anywhere.

? ) Is it anybody out there? ? ) Is it anything mean something to you? ? ) Do you see my bag anywhere around? No-one/Nowhere/Nothing + ) There is no-one cares about me. Digunakan dalam kalimat positif namun + ) There is nothing you can do + ) There is no where to run memberi arti negatif Everyone/Everything/Everywhere Sama dengan fungsi Anyone/Anything/Anywhere Occupations Match the occupation with the job descriptions. 1. I fly planes to take people to different countries. 2. I work in the hospital to help sick people get better. 3. I work hard to catch thieves who do bad things. 4. I use my camera to take pictures of people and places. 5. I make medicine to help sick people get better. 6. I grow vegetables and look after animals to sell at the market. 7. I fix cars to make them move again. 8. I write for newspapers and magazines to tell people the news. 9. I act in films to be rich and famous.

a. pilot b. doctor c. photographer d. mechanic e. actor f. policeman g. chemist h. farmer i. journalist

UNIT. 3 a. Talking about our world in the future. b. Talking about future predictions and probabilities. Will Exp: Is used to predict He will be rich in the future. (predict that someone will be rich) She will be famous next year. Indonesia will win the match against Phillipines Question Answer : : What will the world of medicine be in the future? It will be modern and can cure any decease.

May Exp: Is used to express probability We may swim with dolphins. They may be robots to help human. Car may fly over the road Question Answer : : What may be different in Sport fifty years from now? People may compete with animals.

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