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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 6340(Print), ISSN

N 0976 6359(Online) Volume 4, Issue 5, September - October (2013) IAEME


ISSN 0976 6340 (Print) ISSN 0976 6359 (Online) Volume 4, Issue 5, September - October (2013), pp. 279-285 IAEME: Journal Impact Factor (2013): 5.7731 (Calculated by GISI)


Dr. Aas Mohammad1, Mr. Yogesh kumar2
1 2

(Mechanical Engg. Dept.F/o Engg. & Tech., Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-25, India) (Mechanical Engg. Dept.F/o Engg. & Tech., Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-25, India)

ABSTRACT This work is a specific application of a particular one degree of freedom six-bar planar mechanism. A complex number dyadic loop closure approach to synthesis mechanism for path to eight precision points is considered. In this technique the position equations which provides additional insight into the geometry of the planer linkage, the angle through which the output link oscillates, for each revolution of the input crank as follow a desired path. The input parameters are displaced points on the coupler as in the tracer path, the displaced orientation angle at each position along the path of the input link provides further development of 6-bar linkage with the help of MATLABr2012b. Keywords: Kinematic parameters, tracer points, links orientation, links length, phase angle. 1. INTRODUCTION The pointer (say tracer point) on the coupler exactly is forced to follow a desired path which may be linear or non linear. The work in this method is used to obtain the solution space for eightprecision-point [4] problem by the authors. Freudenstein's paper on path generation by geared five-bars, Hoffpauir [3] investigated the five-bar mechanism utilizing non-circular gearing to coordinate the input cranks. Joshi et Al. [6] and Joshi [2] used the dyad synthesis of a five-bar variable topology mechanism for circuit breaker applications. Chand and Balli proposed a method of synthesis of a seven-link mechanism with variable topology [5]. zhou and ting [7] deal with adjustable slider-crank linkages for multiple path generation. Gadad et. Al. [8] presented combined triad and dyad synthesis of seven-link variable topology mechanism using a ternary link.One has to reiterate the procedure till he gets a practically feasible mechanism that functions satisfactorily requiring a large amount of time to satisfy their constraints. Dhingra and Mani developed computer aided strategy to solve the precision position type function, path and motion generation for six-bar mechanisms [9]. Thus, an analytical method will

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 4, Issue 5, September - October (2013) IAEME

contribute both in theory and practice to eight precision point-path synthesis of a planar 6-bar linkage. 2. STANDARD FORM OF 6-BAR LINKAGE The Stephenson III linkage shown in fig. (2.1.1.) used to demonstrate the six bar synthesis using dyad approach. From fig. (2.1.2.) there are three independent loops; two loops & one triod loop. From fig. (2.1.1.) E & EJ are path cord J . For motion generation J is prescribed. For path generation with prescribed timing, J is prescribed. For additional function generation, not only J but also J or J is prescribed.

Fig. 2.1.1. Dyadic Synthesis of Stephension III Six-Bar Mechanism

Fig. 2.1.2. Closed Loop Form of Six-Bar Mechanism with Respect to Refrence Plane


International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 4, Issue 5, September - October (2013) IAEME

The path point of the coupler link moves along a path from position E to EJ defined in an arbitrary complex coordinate system by R1 and R J as shown in fig. (2.1.2.).All vector rotations are measured from the starting position, positive counter-clockwise fig. (2.1.1.). Suppose that we specify Jth position for an unknown dyad by prescribing the values of. R1 , R J , J and J as in fig. (2.1.2.). To find the unknown starting position vectors of the dyad, WA, ZA and ZD, a loop closure equation may be derived by summing the vectors clockwise around the loop (1) A0ADEEJDJAJ containing WA eiJ , ZA eiJ , ZD eiJ, R1, RJ, ZD, ZA and WA. WA eiJ + ZA eiJ - ZD eiJ J + ZD - ZA - WA = 0 WA (eiJ -1) + ZA (eiJ -1) - ZD (eiJ -1) = J { J = RJ - R1 } To find the unknown starting position vectors of the dyad WB and ZF, a loop closure equation may be derived by summing the vectors clockwise around the loop(2) B0BEEJBJ containing WB eiJ , ZF eiJ , R1 , RJ , ZF , WB. WB eiJ + ZF eiJ J ZF WB = 0 WB (eiJ -1) + ZF (eiJ -1) = J To find other unknown vectors ZE, we consider another closed loop DBED as ZE + ZF + ZD = 0 ZE = - ( ZF + ZD ) To find other unknown vectors ZC, we consider another closed loop ACDA as ZB + ZC ZA = 0 ZC = ZA - ZB Considering closed loop A0ACC0A0, for finding unknown vector WC WC = C0A0 + WA + ZB 3. EXAMPLE OF SIX-BAR LINKAGE An example is to design a six-bar mechanism with vectors as design variables Z1, Z2 ,Z3, Z4 ,Z5, Z6 ,Z7, Z8 , Z9, Z10 and their orientations at home position with prescribed timing. The desired or target points are eight precision points along a curve which are specified by {(790,670),(619.38,760.31); (462.35,786.22),(359.99,770.73); (338.57,740.94);(541.04,696.60); (836.18,553.29);(888.62,543.54); (789.99,670)} the range of input variables adopted from SAM6.0 are set to J, J [0,2] and J , J , J [0,]. (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)


International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 4, Issue 5, September - October (2013) IAEME

Fig. 3.1. Six-Bar Mechanism with Two Temary Link Having Two Fixed Point Writing down the loop closure equations of independent vector loops E0 F0 G0 GJ FJ E0 yields from fig (3.1) Z6 + Z9 + J Z9 eiJ Z6 eiJ = 0 Z9 eiJ + Z6 eiJ = Z6 + Z9 + J Z6 (eiJ -1) + Z9 (eiJ -1) = J Writing down the loop closure equations of independent vector loops A0 B0 C0 G0 GJ CJ BJ A0 yields fig (3.1) Z1 + Z2 + Z8 + J Z8 eiJ Z2 eiJ Z1 eiJ = 0 Z1 + Z2 + Z8 + J = Z8 eiJ + Z2 eiJ + Z1 eiJ Z8 (eiJ -1)+ Z2 ( eiJ -1) + Z1 (eiJ -1) = J (7) (6)

Fig. 3.2. Mobility of Six-Bar Mechanism from Initial to Primed Position


International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 4, Issue 5, September - October (2013) IAEME

Writing down the loop closure equations of independent vector loops F0 G0 C0 D0 and FJ GJ CJ DJ yields fig (3.1) Z7 + Z9 Z8 Z4 = 0 Z7 eiJ + Z9 eiJ Z8 eiJ Z4 eiJ = 0 Subtract eqn (8) from eqn (9), we get Z7 (eiJ -1) Z4 ( eiJ -1) = { Z9 (eiJ -1) Z8 (eiJ -1)} From fig. (3.1.) Z2 Z4 = Z3 Z5 + Z7 = Z6 Z5 = Z6 Z7 (12) (11) (10) (8) (9)

Where i = 1 and J , J ,J , J , J are respectively the angular displacements of links A0 B0 , B0 C0 ,C0 G0 , E0 F0 and F0 G0 relative to their home position. Equations from (6) to (12) are called kinematic synthesis equations. 4. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Kinematic solution obtained for path generation example of 6-bar mechanism is tabled below TABLE 4.1 Design Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6 Z7 Z8 Z9 Z10 variables Desired 232.4 303.4 371.6 199.0 392.9 336.4 197.9 299.5 282.3 ------links length(mm) Optimized 217.6 298.0 353.6 149.9 386.6 343.0 131.6 166.7 287.0 421.4 links length(mm)

5. CONCLUSION It is well known that the kinematic synthesis problems depending on the prescribed parameters [10] can be categorized into function, motion and path generations. By equating the number of equations to the number of unknowns, one may determine the maximum number of displacements say J, to be six, four and eight, respectively. The proposed method is straightforward and the benefit of the resulting approach in the complex number field and treat complex variables and their conjugate as independent variables. The optimized design variables configured a mechanism obtained by a solution from MATLABr2012b program.


International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 4, Issue 5, September - October (2013) IAEME

6. REFERENCES [1] G. Erdman, G.N. Sandor, Mechanism Design: Analysis and Synthesis, Vol. I, second ed., Prentice-Hall Inc.,Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1991. [2] S.A. Joshi, C. Amarnath, Y.R. Rawat, Synthesis of variable topology mechanisms for circuit breaker applications,in: Proceedings of the 8th NaCoMM Conference, IIT, Kanpur, 1997. [3] Hoffpauir C. R. Path Generation by five-bar Mechanisms. Master's Thesis, Louisiana State University (1964).MCPHATE A. J. Non-uniform Motion Band Mechanism. ASME, Publication 64-Mech-17 (1964). [4] Mcphate A. J. Non-uniform Motion Band Mechanism. ASME, Publication 64-Mech-17 (1964). [5] S. Chand, S.S. Balli, Synthesis of seven-link mechanism with variable topology, in: Proceedings of the CSME-MDE-2001 Conference, paper section no. WA-8, Concordia University, Montreal, Que., Canada, 2001. [6] S.A. Joshi, Variable topology mechanisms for circuit breaker applications, M. Tech. Dissertation, M.E.D, IIT,Bombay, 1998. [7] H.Zhou and K.L.Ting,Adjustable slider-crank linkages for multiple path generation, mechanism and machine theory,vol. 37, no.5, pp.499-509,2002. [8] G.M.Gadad, U.M.Daivagna, and S.S.Balli, triad and dyad synthesis of planer seven-link mechanism with variable topology, in proceedings of the 12th national conference on machine and mechanisms, PP.67-73, 2005. [9] A.K. Dhingra, N.K. Mani, Computer-aided mechanism design: a symbolic-computing approach, Computer Aided Design 25 (5) 300310, 1993. [10] A. Erdman, G. Sandor, S. Kota, Mechanism Design: Analysis and Synthesis, 4th edn.Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 2001. [11] Dr R. P. Sharma and Chikesh Ranjan, Modeling and Simulation of Four-Bar Planar Mechanisms using Adams, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering & Technology (IJMET), Volume 4, Issue 2, 2013, pp. 429 - 435, ISSN Print: 0976 6340, ISSN Online: 0976 6359. [12] Chikesh Ranjan and Dr R. P. Sharma, Modeling Modeling, Simulation & Dynamic Analysis of Four-Bar Planar Mechanisms using CATIA V5R21, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering & Technology (IJMET), Volume 4, Issue 2, 2013, pp. 444 - 452, ISSN Print: 0976 6340, ISSN Online: 0976 6359. APPENDIX Example: First loop closure equation (6) for six bar mechanism written as Z6 (eiJ -1) + Z9 (eiJ -1) = J For eight precision points, say (J = 0,1,2..8); First loop closure equation is formulated in the form as Z6 (ei1 -1) Z6 (ei2 -1) Z6 (ei3 -1) Z6 (ei4 -1) Z6 (ei5 -1) + + + + + Z9 (ei1 -1) Z9 (ei2 -1) Z9 (ei3 -1) Z9 (ei4 -1) Z9 (ei5 -1) = = = = = 1 2 3 4 5

(13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 4, Issue 5, September - October (2013) IAEME

Z6 (ei6 -1) + Z9 (ei6 -1) = 6 Z6 (ei7 -1) + Z9 (ei7 -1) = 7 Z6 (ei8 -1) + Z9 (ei8 -1) = 8 Second loop closure equation (7) is in the form as Z8 (eiJ -1)+ Z2 ( eiJ -1) + Z1 (eiJ -1) = J For J = 0,1,2,3,.8 Z8 (ei1 Z8 (ei2 Z8 (ei3 Z8 (ei4 Z8 (ei5 Z8 (ei6 Z8 (ei7 Z8 (ei8 -1)+ Z2 ( ei1 -1)+ Z2 ( ei2 -1)+ Z2 ( ei3 -1)+ Z2 ( ei4 -1)+ Z2 ( ei5 -1)+ Z2 ( ei6 -1)+ Z2 ( ei7 -1)+ Z2 ( ei8 -1) + Z1 (ei1 -1) + Z1 (ei2 -1) + Z1 (ei3 -1) + Z1 (ei4 -1) + Z1 (ei5 -1) + Z1 (ei6 -1) + Z1 (ei7 -1) + Z1 (ei8 -1) -1) -1) -1) -1) -1) -1) -1) = = = = = = = = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

(18) (19) (20)

(21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)

Third loop closure equation (10) for six-bar mechanism Z7 (eiJ -1) Z4 ( eiJ -1) = { Z9 (eiJ -1) Z8 (eiJ -1)} For J = 0,1,2,..8 Z7 (ei1 -1) Z4 ( ei1 Z7 (ei2 -1) Z4 ( ei2 Z7 (ei3 -1) Z4 ( ei3 Z7 (ei4 -1) Z4 ( ei4 Z7 (ei5 -1) Z4 ( ei5 Z7 (ei6 -1) Z4 ( ei6 Z7 (ei7 -1) Z4 ( ei7 Z7 (ei8 -1) Z4 ( ei8 -1) = -1) = -1) = -1) = -1) = -1) = -1) = -1) = { Z9 (ei1 -1) { Z9 (ei2 -1) { Z9 (ei3 -1) { Z9 (ei4 -1) { Z9 (ei5 -1) { Z9 (ei6 -1) { Z9 (ei7 -1) { Z9 (ei8 -1) Z8 (ei1 Z8 (ei2 Z8 (ei3 Z8 (ei4 Z8 (ei5 Z8 (ei6 Z8 (ei7 Z8 (ei8 -1)} -1)} -1)} -1)} -1)} -1)} -1)} -1)} (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36)

First we solve equations from (13) to (20) ; equations from (21) to (28) then equations from (29) to (36) ; we get optimized value of Z6, Z9 ;Z1, Z2 ,Z8 and Z4 ,Z7 by using MAT LAB Program. After finding the optimized value of Z1, Z2, Z4, Z6 ,Z7, Z8, Z9 we can find Z3 and Z5 from equation (11) and (12). The length of frame which is represented by vector Z10 is generated during graphical vector closed loop of optimized value of links representation on design software like AUTOCAD etc. From the above solution ZJ = a + ib {a = real value; b = imaginary value}

Where ZJ is the vector representation of given kinematic link as shown in figure (3.1.). The optimized dimensions of links length ZJ (say Z1, Z2 ,Z3, Z4 ,Z5, Z6 ,Z7, Z8 , Z9, Z10) are expressed in Table (4.1) with the help of MAT LAB program.


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