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Fabricated truths

A LAW EACH DAY (KEEPS TROUBLE AWAY) By Jose C. Sison The Philippine St ! "#$%"$%""&

A !e'ent ne(s ite) ' *+ht )y ttention si)ply ,e' *se it !e)in-e- )e o. the (o!n o*t +i))i'/ on ho( to p!o)ote )o0ies n- ins*!e thei! ,o1 o..i'e s*''ess. The ti)in+ o. the ite) so)eho( +i0es 0 li-ity to )y o,se!0 tion. 2 ) not s*!e i. it is one o. the .e( ! !e i-e s o!i+in tin+ in this p !t o. the (o!l- th t is 'opieelse(he!e ,*t 2 /no( th t the ploy h s ,een *se- he!e se0e! l ti)es. The ploy 'onsists in 'on3*!in+ *p 'ont!o0e!sies ,o*t the .il) .e( )onths o! (ee/s ,e.o!e its !ele se. The iss*es ! ise- loo/ 0 li- nse!io*s eno*+h to tt! 't )e-i ttention. An- to ens*!e ) 1i)*) e1pos*!e these iss*es lso .in- thei! ( y in 'o*!t (he!e the iss* n'e o. te)po! !y !est! inin+ o!-e! .o! its initi l sho(in+ ppe !s to ,e )*'h (el'o)e -e0elop)ent .o! the p!o-*'e!s s inte!est in the )o0ie is hei+htene- e0en )o!e. 2t ) y 3*st ,e 'oin'i-en'e ,*t 2 ' nnot help ,*t noti'e the si)il !ity o. this +i))i'/ (ith th t *se- in the .o!th'o)in+ )o0ie , se- on the ,est sellin+ !eli+io*s th!ille!4 5The D 6in'i Co-e5. The ne(s ite) s ys th t its *tho! D n B!o(n h s ,een s*e- in Lon-on En+l n- .o! pl +i !is). T(o histo!i ns4 7i'h el B i+ent n- Ri'h !- Lei+h h 0e ''*se- B!o(n o. hi3 '/in+ n- e1ploitin+ thei! o(n 89:% (o!/ o. histo!i' l 'on3e't*!e4 5The Holy Bloo- n- the Holy ;! il5. B!o(n s i- th t he h - l!e -y '!e-ite- the (o!/ o. B i+ent n- Lei+h in the no0el. So it (o*l- see) th t the!e ( s no !e son t ll to still .ile the s*it e1'ept to -!*) *p )o!e inte!est in the .il). App !ently the p!o-*'e! n- B!o(n hi)sel. tho*+ht th t )o0ie , se- on one o. the ,est sellin+ no0els in 'onte)po! !y ti)es n- (ith st ! st*--e- ' sts he -e- ,y To) H n/s still nee-s )o!e p*,li'ity ,e.o!e it ' n ,e !e l ,lo'/,*ste!. Pe!h ps they (e!e -is ppointe- th t the no0el -i- not sp !/ the s )e /in- o. o*t! +e -ispl ye- ,y the 7*sli)s o0e! the ' !toon o. 7*h )) -. So they tho*+ht o. !e0i0in+ the initi l sho'/ n- /in-lin+ n o*t! +e .!o) lot o. people espe'i lly C tholi's ,y .o'*sin+ on theo!y th t (o*l+ene! te lot o. p*,li'ity. Hen'e this Lon-on ' se ,o*t pl +i !is) o. the p!e0io*s 89:% ,oo/4 5The Holy Bloo- n- The Holy ;! il5. The s i- ,oo/ n- 5The D 6in'i Co-e -e l (ith the the)e o. Jes*s ) !!yin+ n- h 0in+ 'hil- ,y 7 !y 7 +- lene n- thei! ,loo-line ,ein+ p!ote'te- ,y the )yste!io*s 5P!io!y o. Sion5. To C tholi's this is se!io*s ' se o. ,l sphe)y. Yet they -i- not !e 't s 0iolently s the 7*sli)s -i- (hen ' !toon ,o*t 7*h )) - ( s p*,lishe-. This is the !e l ,e *ty o. the C tholi' < ith. 2ts st!en+th lies in one o. its )ost , si' te 'hin+ to 5lo0e yo*! ene)ies5 to ,e 'o)p ssion te n*n-e!st n-in+ to the). 2n-ee-4 s < the! John4 n A)e!i' n p!iest o. the Op*s Dei s i-= 5the h l. , /enotions tosse- !o*n- the D 6in'i Co-e ,o*t Jes*s n- 7 !y 7 +- lene sho*l- not ,e te!!i,ly sho'/in+ to nyone. When D n B!o(n>s .i'tion l 'h ! 'te!s s y th t Jes*s is not the i))o!t l son o. ;o- ,*t )e!ely ) n4 they !e only s yin+ (h t )ost o. the non?.i'tion l people on the pl net @ the 7*sli)s4 Je(s4 Unit !i ns n- Aon?Ch!isti ns o. ll st!ipes @ h 0e l( ys ,elie0e-. 2n sho!t4 i. D n B!o(n>s 'h ! 'te!s !e ,l sphe)in+ on this point4 then so is )ost o. the (o!l-5. B*t o*! C tholi' < ith lso t *+ht *s th t e0en s (e h 0e to ,e 'o)p ssion te to the sinne!s4 (e still h 0e to -eno*n'e thei! (!on+ -oin+. 2t is the sin4 not the sinne!s. Th*s <!. W *'/ .*!the! s i-= 5The ,oo/>s n*)e!o*s . 't* l e!!o!s ,o*t Ch!isti n histo!y ll (o!/ to+ethe! .o! sin+le p*!pose= not to -e. )e Jes*s Ch!ist o! Op*s Dei4 ,*t ! the! ) /e the Ro) n C tholi' Ch*!'h @ 5the 6 ti' n5 @ ppe ! to ,e n e0il4 )iso+ynisti'4 po(e!?h*n+!y ,li+ht on (o!l- histo!y5. Usin+ (o!/ o. .i'tion s +*ise4 B!o(n>s .i'tion l 'h ! 'te!s !e llo(e- to *tte! . lsehoo-s n- ) /e .!eB*ent !e.e!en'es to 5histo!i' l e0ents th t ne0e! h ppene-5. The t!e)en-o*s i)p 't o. the no0el n- n enti!e t(o ho*! )o0ie 'on0eyin+ the i)p!ession o. Ch*!'h s 5 ) ssi0e '!i)in l ente!p!ise o!+ niCe- to -e.en- .! *-5 is *ni) +in ,le in-ee- 'onsi-e!in+ the )illions o. -oll !s ,*sinesses p y .o! .e( se'on-s o. -0e!tise)ents4 'ontin*e- <!. W *'/. So (h t>s (!on+ (ith the D 6in'i Co-eD To ns(e! this B*estion <!. W *'/ *ses n n lo+y. He s/s *s to 5i) +ine (h t yo*! !e 'tion (o*l- ,e i. no0elist (e!e to tell yo*= E2 ) +oin+ to (!ite no0el ,o*t yo*! . )ily4 in (hi'h yo* (ill ,e po!t! ye- s , n- o. '!i)in ls n- pe!0e!ts. 2 ) +oin+ to *se yo*! !e l n )e n- the n )es o. yo*! p !ents n- +! n-p !ents. All the in.o!) tion !e+ !-in+ yo*! . )ily @ . i! ,it o. (hi'h (ill4 in . 't4 ,e t!*e @ (ill ,e p!esente- s i. it (e!e the p!o-*'t o. ' !e.*l histo!i' l !ese !'h. B*t@not to (o!!y @ it>s only no0el4 n- .te!( !-s 2>ll +i0e yo* 'h n'e to !espon- to the . lsehoo-s in )y ,oo/>. This is the 'on-e)n ,le st*.. in the 5D 6in'i Co-e54 the ,oo/ n- the )o0ie. Boy'ottin+ it is the le st (e ' n -o to e1p!ess o*! p!otest.

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