Marketing Plan of PEPSI

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Strong Vs Weak
Executive Summary
Company Description
Mission Vision
Goals & Objectives
Core usiness !rea
SWO" !nalysis
#n$ustry !nalysis
Marketing Mix
"arget Market
Market Strategy
Marketing Environment
%oints o& Di&&erence
%epsi Organi'ational C(art)Department
About PepsiCo India
PepsCo entered Inda n 1989 and has grown to become the countrys
argest seng food and Beverage Company. One of the argest
mutnatona nvestors n the country, PepsCo has estabshed a
busness whch ams to serve the ong term dynamc needs of
consumers n Inda.
PepsCo nourshes consumers wth a range of products from treats to
heathy eats that dever |oy as we as nutrton and aways, good
taste. PepsCo Indas expansve portfoo ncudes conc refreshment
beverages Peps, 7 UP, Mrnda and Mountan Dew, n addton to ow
caore optons such as Det Peps, hydratng and nutrtona beverages
such as Aquafna drnkng water, sotonc sports drnks - Gatorade,
Tropcana 100% frut |uces, and |uce based drnks - Tropcana
Nectars, Tropcana Twster and Sce, non-carbonated beverage and a
new nnovaton Nmbooz by 7Up. Loca brands - Lehar Evervess Soda,
Dukes Lemonade and Mangoa add to the dverse range of brands.
PepsCos foods company, Frto-Lay, s the eader n the branded saty
snack market and a Frto Lay products are free of trans-fat and MSG.
It manufactures Lays Potato Chps, Cheetos extruded snacks, Unce
Chpps and tradtona snacks under the Kurkure and Lehar brands and
the recenty aunched Ava savoury crackers. The companys hgh
fbre breakfast cerea, Ouaker Oats, and ow fat and roasted snack
optons enhance the heathfu choces avaabe to consumers. Frto
Lays core products, Lays, Kurkure, Unce Chpps and Cheetos are
cooked n Rce Bran O to sgnfcanty reduce saturated fats and a of
ts products contan vountary nutrtona abeng on ther packets.
The group has but an expansve beverage and foods busness. To
support ts operatons, PepsCo has 36 bottng pants n Inda, of whch
13 are company owned and 23 are franchsee owned. In addton to
ths, PepsCos Frto Lay foods dvson has 3 state-of-the-art pants.
PepsCos busness s based on ts sustanabty vson of makng
tomorrow better than today. PepsCos commtment to vng by ths
vson every day s vsbe n ts contrbuton to the country, consumers
and farmers.
%epsiCo establis(e$ it*s
business operations in #n$ia in
%epsiCo #n$ia an$ its partners
(ave investe$ more t(an +SD,
%epsiCo #n$ia provi$es $irect
an$ in$irect employment to
,-.- an$ (as gro/n to become
one o& t(e country0s lea$ing
&oo$ an$ beverage companies1
One o& t(e largest multinational
investors in t(e country2
%epsiCo (as establis(e$ a
business /(ic( aims to serve
t(e long term $ynamic nee$s o&
consumers in #n$ia1
billion since t(e company /as
establis(e$ in t(e country1
,342444 people inclu$ing
suppliers an$ $istributors1
PepsiCo Boilerplate
PepsCo s one of the words argest food and beverage companes,
wth revenues of neary $60 bon. PepsCo offers the words argest
portfoo of bon-doar food and beverage brands, ncudng 19
dfferent product nes that each generates more than $1 bon n
annua reta saes. Our man busness - Frto-Lay, Ouaker, Peps-Coa,
Tropcana and Gatorade - aso make hundreds of other nourshng,
tasty foods and drnks that brng |oy to our consumers n more than
200 countres.
PepsCos peope are unted by our unque commtment to sustanabe
growth, caed Performance wth Purpose. By dedcatng ourseves to
offerng a broad array of choces for heathy, convenent and fun
nourshment, reducng our envronmenta mpact, and fosterng a
dverse and ncusve workpace cuture, PepsCo baances strong
fnanca returns wth gvng back to our communtes wordwde. For
more nformaton, pease vst www.pepsco.com1
Our Msson and Vson
Our Mission
"To be the word's premer consumer products company focussed on
convenence food and beverages. We seek to produce heathy fnanca
rewards to nvestors as we provde opportuntes for growth and
enrchment to our empoyees, our busness partners and the
communtes n whch we operate. And n everythng we do, we strve
for honesty, farness and ntegrty."
Our Vision
"To bud Indas eadng tota beverage company, deghtng
consumers by best meetng ther everyday beverage needs, and
stakehoders, by deverng performance wth purpose, through our
taented peope."
PepsiCo Sustainability Vision
"PepsCos responsbty s to contnuay mprove a aspects of the
word n whch we operate - envronment, soca, economc - creatng a
better tomorrow than today"
Our Core Vaues and Prncpes
Organizational Values
Our commtment s to dever sustaned growth, through empowered
peope, actng wth responsbty and budng trust.
Our Commitment
Our vaues refect our aspratons - the knd of company we want
PepsCo to be. We express our vaues n the form of a commtment.
Our commitment is:
Sustained Growth
Sustaine$ Gro/t( is
&un$amental to motivating an$
measuring our success1 Our
5uest &or sustaine$ gro/t(
stimulates innovation2 places a
value on results2 an$ (elps us
un$erstan$ /(et(er to$ay*s
actions /ill contribute to our
&uture1 #t is about gro/t( o&
people an$ company
per&ormance1 #t prioriti'es
making a $i&&erence an$ getting
t(ings $one1
Empowered People
Empo/ere$ %eople means /e
(ave t(e &ree$om to act an$
t(ink in /ays t(at /e &eel /ill
get t(e job $one2 /(ile being
consistent /it( t(e processes
t(at ensure proper governance
an$ being min$&ul o& t(e rest o&
t(e company*s nee$s1
Responsibility & Trust
6esponsibility an$ "rust &orm
t(e &oun$ation &or (ealt(y
gro/t(1 #t*s about earning t(e
con&i$ence t(at ot(er people
place in us as in$ivi$uals an$
as a company1 Our
responsibility means /e take
personal an$ corporate
o/ners(ip &or all /e $o2 to be
goo$ ste/ar$s o& t(e resources
entruste$ to us1 We buil$ trust
bet/een ourselves an$ ot(ers
by /alking t(e talk an$ being
committe$ to succee$ing
Peps - Yeh Ha Youngstan Mer
"ran# $istory
Peps s a hundred year od brand oved by over 200 mon peope
wordwde. The argest snge seng soft drnk brand n Inda s the
ubqutous' socaser' at every occason.
Youngstaan oves t. 200 mon peope wordwde ove t. But what
has made Peps the snge argest seng soft drnk brand n Inda s
actuay a formua concocted a century ago n a far away contnent.
1886, Unted States of Amerca. Caeb Bradman, the man wth a
pan, got on to formuate a bockbuster dgestve drnk and decded
to ca t Brads drnk. It was ths doctors poton that was to become
Peps Coa n 1898, and eventuay, Peps n 1903.
Peps has aways payed on the front foot and snce ts ncepton has
come out wth revoutonary concepts ke Det, 2L bottes,
recycabe pastc coa bottes and the envabe My Can.
"ran# !#%antage
Peps has become a frend to the youth and has ed many youth
cutures. Youngsters over the generatons have grown up wth Peps
and share an emotona connect wth t, unke any other coa brand.
Be t partes, hangouts, or |ust another day at home, a day s never
compete wthout the fzz of Peps!
Peps, Crcket and Boywood have been |oned at the hp snce the
begnnng. Shah Rukh Khan, Sachn Tendukar, Saf A Khan,
Amtabh Bachchan, Kareena Kapoor, Pryanka Chopra, Vrender
Sehwag, M. S. Dhon, |ohn Abraham, Ranbr Kapoor and Deepka
Padukone are a few ceebrtes who w go any ength for a ched
The Peps My Can s undoubtedy the most popuar coa pack of a
tmes. It s not |ust a pack but a stye statement for todays youth.

Sce - Pure Mango Pleasure
"ran# $istory
Sce was aunched n Inda n 1993 as a refreshng mango drnk
and qucky went on to become a eadng payer n the category.
In 2008, Sce was reaunched wth a 'wnnng' product
formuaton whch made the consumers fa n ove wth ts taste.
Wth refreshed pack graphcs and cutter breakng advertsng,
Sce has drven strong appea wthn the category.
"ran# !#%antage
Wth the aunch of "Aamsutra" campagn n 2008 aong wth a
wnnng taste & most appeang pack graphcs, Sce created
dsruptve exctement n the category and ceebrated mango
ndugence ke no other.
Whe other payers have portrayed mango as a smpe and
nnocent frut, Sce ceebrates the ndugence and sensuaty of
consumng a Mango. The creatve dea "Aamsutra"
communcates the art of experencng pure mango peasure
through the taste of Sce.
As a frst ever by any brand n the |uce and |uce Drnks
Category, Boywoods regnng Dva, Katrna Kaf was sgned on
as the Brand Ambassador on Sce.
Sce took INDULGENCE to a new eve n 2009 wth the aunch of
the Sce Pure Peasure Hodays, gvng ts consumers a chance
to wn uxurant a-expense-pad hodays to ther dream
European destnatons ke Pars, Venna, Greece and Vence. To
know more,vst
7UP - Mood Ko Do Lemon Ka Lft
"ran# $istory
7UP, the refreshng cear drnk wth natura emon and me
favour was created n 1929. 7UP was aunched n Inda n 1990
and ts nternatona mascot Fdo Ddo was used for advertsng n
1992 to poston the brand as a coo drnk for youngsters. Fdo
became an nstant ht wth hs trendy ook, ad back atttude and
refreshng take on fe. Durng the brands eary years n Inda,
7UP ganed market eader status n the emon me category by
beng one of the frst to be natonay dstrbuted as we as beng
marketed as a heather aternatve to other soft drnks.
"ran# !#%antage
For the past 2 years, 7UPs ambton as a brand has been to
capture and own the emon refreshment terrtory wthn the cear
me category. Lemon has proven to be a cear and reevant
dfferentator for the brand. Further, t has aowed the brand to
adder up to an emotona payoff of upftng refreshment.
After estabshng tsef as &T'e (emon Drin) *, n |an 2009,
7UP contnued to bud further on the theme of mood upftment
wth ts new tagne "Mood ko do Lemon ka Lft"
7UPs brand communcaton s premsed on the products natura
emon favor , guaranteed to provde upftng emon refreshment
that rases ones sprts.
Mountan Dew -Darr Ke Aage |eet Ha
"ran# $istory
The man formua of Mountan Dew was nvented n Vrgna,
named and frst marketed n |ohnson Cty, Tennessee and
Knoxve, Tennessee n 1948.
In Inda, Mountan Dew set the soft drnk category abaze n 2003
wth ther conc aunch campagn "Cheetah Bh Peeta Ha".
"ran# !#%antage
It s a soft drnk that exharated ke no other because of ts
darng, hgh-energy, actve, extreme ctrus taste. Chaenge, a
can do atttude, adventure and exharaton s deepy entrenched
n ts brand DNA and the brand has aways ceebrated the bod
and adventurous sprt of the youth.
Ths exharaton and exctement of Mountan Dew has aways
been refected n the hgh-adrenane advertsng of the brand
that connected t to outdoor adventure.
Nmbooz - Ekdum As Indan
"ran# $istory
Nmbooz was aunched n Inda ths year on the 28th of February
2009. Latest addton to portfoo of Peps Beverages.
"ran# !#%antage
The brand devers very strongy on certan expectatons. These are
(ocally Rele%ant Taste
Nmbooz s a great tastng product whch has captazed on the
exstng famarty & behavor of hgh frequency consumpton of
unpackaged / Home made nmbu pan. It has been true to ts As
Indan Identty by ownng and appropratng nmbu pan Codes such
as the Matka (Earthen Pot) and Squeezer.
Con%enience an# +reat Value
The product s avaabe n 3 convenent formats, 350m PET, 200m
RGB and 200m Tetra at magc prce ponts of Rs.15, Rs. 10 and Rs.
10 respectvey.
Nmbooz s Indas frst natonay avaabe packaged Nmbu Pan.
It s |ust ke home made nmbu pan, so that one can en|oy that
natura and decous emony refreshment anywhere you go.
"(e company main objective is to ac(ieve t(e (ig(est level o& 5uality an$
t(eir all strategies are relate$ /it( t(is objective1 "(e company is 5uite
success&ul in ac(ieving t(is objective2 as t(ey are kno/n &or t(eir 5uality in
t(e market1
Company*s secon$ main objective is pro$uct $evelopment1 !long /it( t(e
pro$uct 7uality Company largely emp(asi'es on t(e $evelopment o& t(e
Company*s t(ir$ objective is to increase t(eir revenues &rom international
!t t(e corporate level2 %epsi (as centrali'e$ an$ &ormal structure1 !ll t(e
policy matters relate$ to $i&&erent businesses an$ regions are ma$e at t(e
upper level an$ gui$elines are receive$ &rom t(e parent o&&ice in +S!2 t(e
routine an$ local level $ecisions are ma$e by subsi$iary itsel&2 like t(e
$istribution net/ork2 marketing etc1
%epsi (as a policy o& setting sales targets &or eac( region1 "(ey (ave also
t(e targets &or earning certain level o& revenues &rom eac( region1
%lans relate$ to t(eir objectives an$ policies are as &ollo/s8
"o accomplis( t(eir goal o& ac(ieving (ig(est 5uality pro$uct1 "(ey use
t(eir tec(nical expert terms to visit t(e $i&&erent plants an$ collect samples
to sen$ t(em "okyo &or lab testing2 every mont(1 9o/2 t(ey are planning
&or &urt(er tig(tening t(e 5uality stan$ar$s by &orcing t(e &ranc(isers to use
$i&&erent ne/ tec(ni5ues &or total 5uality management1 So2 t(ose (ig(est
5uality stan$ar$s coul$ be ac(ieve$1 "(ey invite $i&&erent experts o&
&ranc(isers &rom $i&&erent countries to participate in s(ort courses relate$
to 5uality at $i&&erent area (ea$ 5uarters1
"o accomplis( t(eir goal o& ne/ pro$uct $evelopment2 t(ey are spen$ing
(uge amounts o& money on 6&D1
:or ac(ieving t(eir t(ir$ goal o& increasing international revenues2 t(ey are
planning to expan$ t(eir international operations1 Especially2 t(ey are
targeting to t(ose un$er$evelope$ countries2 /(ic( (ave (ig( GD% an$
per capita income1
%epsi is $ealing /it( too many pro$ucts all over t(e /orl$1 ut in #n$ia it is
$ealing only /it( beverages1 "(e packages $ealing /it( are as &ollo/s8
,1 %E%S#
;1 M#6#9D!
<1 = +%
>1 %E%S# Diet
31 = +% ?ero
@1 Mountain De/
=1 !5ua :ina /ater
.1 Slice Mango Auice
-1 Sting Energy Drink
Eac( an$ every bran$ (as its o/n percentage in t(e business o& %E%S#
#nternational1 "(e bran$ picture o& $i&&erent bran$s o& %E%S# is as &ollo/s8
Brand Pi%ture &''(
Pi%ture &')'
#& /e compare t(e bran$ picture &or last t/o years /e /ill reac( to t(e conclusion
t(at %ercentage o& mountain $e/ /as increase$ in year ;4,4 t(an year ;44-1
"(is means t(at no/ Mountain $e/ is t(e stronger bran$ a&ter %E%S#1
Brand pi%ture &''(
%epsi Diet
=up Diet
Mountain De/

BRA$* PICT#RE &')'
%epsi Diet
=up Diet
Mountain De/
). Company Ima/e
#t also is a reputable organi'ation an$ is /ell kno/n all over t(e /orl$1
%erception is o& pro$ucing a (ig( 5uality pro$uct1
&. 0uality Cons%ious
"(ey maintain a (ig( 5uality as %epsi Cola #nternational collect sample &rom
its $i&&erent pro$uction &acilities an$ sen$ t(em &or lab test in "okyo1
1. Good Relations with 2ran%hise
"(roug(out its (istory it (as a goo$ relation /it( &ranc(isers /orking in
$i&&erent areas o& t(e /orl$ /(ere t(ey (ave t(e pro$uction &acilities1
3. Produ%tion Capa%ity
#t (as t(e pro$uction capacity i1e1 @42444 ottles per (our &or ;34 ml & ;,444
bottles per (our &or %E" packages is not only in #n$ia
4. 5ar6et Share
#t (as a (ig(est market s(are i1e1 @4B in #n$ia an$ lea$ing a &ar step (ea$
&rom its competitors1
7. ar/e number o8 diversi8ies businesses
"(is is also its main strengt( as it (as $iversi&ie$ in many businesses suc( as8
%epsi beverages
%epsi &oo$s
%epsi restaurants
9. -i Te%h Culture
"(e /(ole culture an$ businessCoperating environment at %epsi Cola C West
!sia (as 5uick access to a centrali'e$ $atabase an$ t(ey use computers as
business tools &or analysis an$ 5uick $ecisionCmaking1
:. Sponsorships
"(ey mainly use celebrities in t(eir a$vertising campaign like !b(itab(2
ars(a$ /arsi2 sac(in ten$ulkar2 s(a(ruk( k(an2 sai& ali ka(n etc1 ecause people
make icons2 an$ t(ey &ollo/ t(eir icons1 !lso sponsor social activities
programmes like music etc1
(; "ariation in produ%t Ran/e
"(ere is muc( pro$uct variation in %E%S# in &orm o& $i&&erent packages as
/ell as bran$s1 Ol$ like = +p muc( /(ile c(il$ren like %E%S# & younger like
M1 De/ muc( as compare$ to %epsi1
). *e%lines in Taste
During t(e last year2 it /as publis(e$ in :inancial %ost t(at t(ere (as been big
complaints &rom t(e customers /it( regar$ to t(e ba$ taste t(at t(ey experience$
$uring t(e span o& six mont(s1
&. Ima/e as a 2ran%hiser
Suc( as in #n$ia2 Damayun !k(tar is its &ranc(isee t(at (as a strong political
support &rom a political party2 /(ic( is in opposition1 #n t(eir era in government
less tax is impose$ on t(em but retaliation increases as t(ey come in opposition1
So t(e selection is not appropriate as t(is t(ing surely (arm&ul to t(eir image as
/ell as t(e strategies1 !lso some people treat it as a local in$ustry as compare$
to coke because it is t(e &ranc(ise o& %E%S# international1
1. Short Term Approa%h
"(ey (ave a lack o& emp(asis on t(is in t(eir a$vertising suc( as currently
/(en t(ey losses t(e o&&er &or o&&icial $rink in t(e ,--@ Cricket Worl$ Cup t(ey
starte$ a campaign in /(ic( t(ey (ig(lig(t t(e &actor suc( as Enot(ing o&&icial
about it1
3. +ea6 *istribution
"(ey lack be(in$ in catering t(e rural areas an$ just concentrating in t(e
urban areas1
). In%reasin/ Population
!s almost in all over t(e /orl$ gro/t( rate is increasing /(ic( in turn
increases t(e $eman$ o& pro$ucts an$ re5uirements an$ especially in !sia t(e
market is gro/ing at a &aster rate as compare to ot(er continents so t(ey (ave a
to attract ne/ entrants1
&. Chan/in/ So%ial Trend
!s in all over t(e /orl$ people are rus(ing to/ar$s &ast &oo$ an$ beverage
because o& li&e /(ic( (as become muc( &aster2 it provi$e t(e company a &avor to
capture t(is &ast moving market /it( its take a/ay pro$uct1
1. *iversi8i%ation
"(ey may enter in garments business in or$er to promote t(eir bran$ name2
by making sports clot(es &or players t(at represent t(eir name by /earing t(eir
clot(es1 !s /ell as t(ey (ave t(e opportunity to move to/ar$s juices an$ c(ips1
). Government Re/ulation
"(ey &ace problem i& government employ taxes on t(em2 /(ic( &orce t(em to
raise t(e price o& t(eir pro$uct1
&. Raw 5aterial Supply
!gain t(is is also a serious t(reat &rom it supplier as i& supplier is un(appy /it(
t(e company1 De may re$uce t(e supply an$ exploit t(e company1 "(is action
/ill surely a&&ect t(e pro$uction process1
Competitor=s Analysis
%eople vie/s about beverages are no/ c(ange$1 #n t(e past t(ere /as only t/o
main bottlers /ere $oing business in beverages Coka Cola & %E%S#1
9o/ t(ere are &ollo/ing strong bran$s in market1
,1 %E%S#
;1 Coca Cola
<1 Gourmet Cola
>1 6C Cola
31 S(an$y Cola
@1 !mrat Cola
=1 Macca Cola1
"(e picture &or competitor0s analysis is as &ollo/s1
Competitor0s package $etain in given belo/1
%E%S# Coca Cola
%E%S# D#E" Coke Diet
= +% Sprite
= +% D#E" Sprite ?ero
M!6#9D! :anta
MCDEW Minute Ma$e %ulpy Orange
#& /e look at above table /e /ill reac( on t(e conclusion t(at %E%S# (as
intro$uce$ more pro$ucts in market as compare$ to COFE1
Coke is t(e biggest an$ (eavy competitor o& %E%S# in Worl$/i$e as /ell as in
#n$ia1 ut i& /e see market bot( companies (ave almost same market s(are1
Coke0s main &ocus is at 6estaurants2 Colleges2 Cinema Dalls etc1 ut in market
most o& t(e market is $ominant by %E%S#1 Coke gives (eavy $iscounts to its
customers1 "(at0s /(y more public places pre&er to market Coke1 #& /e analy'e
t(e %rices2 bot( o& t(em (ave same process1
5ar6etin/ 5i>
Marketing Mix is t(e set o& marketing tools t(at t(e &irm uses to &ollo/ its
marketing objectives1 Marketing mix (as a classi&ication &or t(ese marketing
tools1 "(ese marketing are classi&ie$ an$ calle$ as t(e :our %s i1e1 %ro$uct2
%rice2 %lace an$ %romotion1
Produ%t variation
%E%S# (as muc( pro$uct $eviation in case o& bran$s an$ packages1 "(is lea$s it
to $i&&erent age person as /ell as $i&&erent income level people1
Produ%t Ran/e
%E%S# (as a vast pro$uct range varying &rom ;34ml to ;;34m1 Decision about
above packages is in progress1
:or CSD0s pro$uct range varies &rom ;34 ml to ;;34 ml
:or !5ua :ina pro$uct range varies &rom <44ml to ,344ml1
!ll pro$ucts o& %E%S# (ave very attractive packaging1 6ecently %epsi (as
c(ange$ its logo an$ it is %epsi0s ,4
biggest c(ange o& logo1 ecause %epsi
t(inks t(at c(ange is must an$ consumer nee$s c(ange an$ i& any pro$uct is
continuously consume$ t(en its utility starts $ecreasing1
%rices &or $i&&erent packages o& %epsi are as &ollo/s8
,1 ;;34ml CSDCCC .4)C
;1 ,344ml CSDCCC =4)C
<1 344 ml CSDCCC <4)C
>1 ;34 ml CSDCCC,>)C
31 ,344ml !5ua :inaCCC <4)C
@1 344 ml !5ua :inaCCC ,.)C
=1 <44 ml !5ua &inaCCC ,3)C
!ll prices are in rupees1
%epsiCo a$vertise$ its pro$ucts t(roug( many $i&&erent /ays e1g1 printing me$ia2
electronic me$ia2 sign boar$s etc1 "(roug( "V2 /e (ave seen $i&&erent
a$vertisements o& its pro$ucts suc( as %epsi or De/1 %epsiCo also a$vertise its
pro$ucts by targeting t(ose &avorable television programs2 like sports especially
Cricket2 talk s(o/s etc1 "(e use o& %osters are also use$ to create a/areness o&
t(e %epsi1 %epsi (as been a $ominant sponsor o& t(e #n$ia Cricket "eam since
t(e ,--4s
%E%S# %6OMO"ES #"S +S#9ESS G +S#9G :OHHOW#9G S"6!"EG#ES
). Advertisin/
%E%S# (as very strong a$vertising strategies1 %epsi a$vertises t(roug(
print an$ electronic me$ia1 Most o& its a$vertisements &ocus legen$ players2
actors or actresses like #mran F(an2 Wasim !kram etc1 Some o& its
a$vertisement t(e mainly communicate to special age group1 9o/ %epsi is
more emp(asi'ing on yout( like Mu(amma$ !amir2 !isam +l Da51 ecause
people make icons an$ t(ey &ollo/ t(eir icons1
&. In%entives to sales persons
%E%S# gave (eavy incentives to its sales team &or ac(ieving targets1 "(is
motivates employees to /ork (ar$ an$ sincerely1
1. In%entives to shop 6eepers
%E%S# team also gave incentives & re/ar$s to s(op keepers on t(e basis
o& t(eir sale1 "(is can be in terms o& &ree'ers2 sign boar$s &or s(ops2 as /ell
as in terms o& $iscounts1
3. Publi%ity at PEPSI outlets
%E%S# $o (eavy a$vertisement at its outlets1 "(ey put attractive signboar$s2
%aint at $i&&erent %E%S# outlets1
4. By ma6in/ /ood relations with 6ey a%%ounts
%E%S# (ave many key accounts in terms o& restaurants an$ s(opping malls1
"(ey (ave very goo$ relation to its key accounts1
%E%S# (as a very vast $istributive teams2 /(ic( main objective is to make %E%S#
available at an arm0s lengt(1 6ia' ottlers is a $irect $istributor o& %epsi in Ha(ore
an$ Fasoor1 "(ey (ave . /are (ouses in Ha(ore an$ > in Fasoor1 :rom eac(
an$ every /are(ouse %epsi team $o $irect $istribution to its customers1 %E%S#
Ha(ore is using $irect $istribution tec(ni5ue &or sale an$ marketing o& its pro$uct1
an$ ;>4 ve(icles serves pro$uct in market1 6ia' bottlers (as ,.444 outlets on
Ha(ore an$ Fasoor1
%epsi*s market s(are is increasing , or ; points over t(e last . to ,4 years2 /(ic(
is 5uite signi&icant1 #& /e take up to last ,4 years2 it0s almost ,;B increase in t(e
companies s(are1
,--@ /as a ba$ year &or %epsi because t(e pricing /as (ig(1 "(e company
prices /(en to 6s1. an$ as t(e consumer income (as caug(t up to 6s1. so
(ope&ully consumer /ill no/ get &amiliar to t(is price c(ange1
"(ere /ill be no/ more competition an$ /(enever t(ere is competition t(ere
is a lot o& market activity2 $istribution improves2 promotion improves an$
a$vertising improves1 !s in Farac(i2 at t(e en$ o& ,--@ in 9ov12 Dec12 /(en Coca
Cola launc(e$ its <44 Ml pack %epsi also launc(e$ its <44 MH1 "(is create$
competition an$ prices /ent $o/n to 6s1<1 "(is increase t(e market so muc(2
t(at %epsi sales /ere so (ig( $uring 9ov12 Dec12 t(at it (as never been /(ole
year1 "(is s(o/s t(at #n$iai market (as great potential to gro/1
%epsi customers are teenagers young an$ a$ults1 #t also targets at sc(ools2
colleges2 universities2 (omes2 restaurants an$ stores1
usiness mission o& %epsi2 in #n$ia2 is to be t(e best an$ biggest seller o&
carbonate$ so&t $rinks1
"o sell maximum amount o& cases2 to (ave an$ try to capture maximum
market s(are1 %epsi (as set t(eir marketing objectives2 accor$ing to t(e
resources t(ey possess2 an$ t(ese objectives are 5uite appropriate2 un$er t(e
prevailing competitive position an$ t(e opportunities1
Core marketing strategy is to ac(ieve t(e objectives2 to provi$e consumer t(e
pro$uct (e /ants1 "o provi$e %epsi at an Iarms lengt(E2 to t(e consumers1 :or
t(is company (as allocate$ su&&icient resources1
Company (as allocate$ su&&icient resources to $i&&erent market segments1
Su&&icient resources are provi$e$ &or pro$uct $evelopment2 a$vertisements2
promotion an$ ot(er marketing mix elements1 "(is can be seen by t(e 5uality o&
a$s pro$uce$ by %epsi1 %epsi a$s are o&ten s(o/n $uring t(e most expensive
time on t(e prime time $uring $ramas2 talk s(o/s2 i1e1 bet/een =144 %m to -144
"(ey also sponsor cultural events2 musical concerts2 cricket matc(es etc t(at
involves very (ig( costs1 ut %epsi is able to get t(e $esire$ results out o& its
(uge investments in promotion2 a$vertisements an$ pro$uct $evelopment1
Demograp(ic c(anges an$ $evelopment poses some t(reats an$
opportunities1 %epsi Cola #nternational keeps close tracks o& $emograp(ic tren$s
an$ $evelopment in t(e market1 #ncreasing migration to cities provi$es
opportunity &or %epsi to increase its pro$uction2 a$just its prices2 accor$ingly1
%eople are no/ becoming more a/are o& calories an$ are more conscious about
t(eir (ealt(1 %epsi begin t(is tren$ by o&&ering $iet version &or lo/ calories
conscious consumers1 So %epsi #nternational keeps a very close eye on t(e
$emograp(ic c(anges2 occurring in #n$ia an$ t(en plans its marketing strategies
accor$ing to t(ese $evelopments1
%epsi is a luxury pro$uct1 #t*s not like E6olls 6oyceE2 but it is also not like
E&lourE1 %eople can $rink /ater too instea$ o& %epsi1 ut rising income al/ays
a&&ects t(e company1 W(en people (ave more $isposable income2 %epsi sells
#t is also an $esire pro$uct1 #t (as no planne$ purc(ase1 9ormally2 /e $o not
go out2 especially to $rink %epsi1 Very o&ten2 /e see %epsi sign boar$2 a k(ok(a2
an$ $eci$e to buy %epsi1 #n #n$ia2 %epsi*s* sales /ere rising2 along /it( ot(er
t(ings t(at t(e company $i$2 like2 sales promotion2 a$vertisement an$
$istribution2 /(ic( /as very e&&ective1
Developments in political environment also a&&ect company*s strategies1
Dig(er percentage o& sales tax an$ excise $uty (as been impose$ on t(e
company*s pro$uct2 /(ic( a&&ects t(e selling price2 an$ ultimately t(e buying1 #t
a&&ects packaging1 Due to current sales structure2 manu&acturing bigger packs
become unviable1
Current $uty structure (as a&&ecte$ %epsi0s take (ome packages2 i1e1 ,13 liter
bottle2 ;1;3 liter pet an$ nonCreturnable packages1 ;34 ml is t(e most viable
package un$er current con$ition1
!lt(oug( %epsi is an international bran$2 but it is very closely aligne$ /it(
#n$ia cultural environment1 %epsi2 in #n$ia is no $oubt 9o1, beverage bran$1 Get it
is also recogni'e$ as a E9ational $rinkE1 %epsi*s (as relate$ its a$s an$
promotion2 to nationalism2 like sponsoring
Dil Dil #n$ia2
%epsi /it( eck(um2
%epsi /it( s(aruk( an$ sai& ali k(an2 etc1
"(is re&lects t(at %epsi is a part o& #n$ia1
C(anges in li&e style o& consumer a&&ect t(e Company*s pro$uct1 :or
example2 in a $epresse$ society like in #n$ia2 /(en people go out &or picnic2 an$
$uring leisure time1 "(ey enjoy t(emselves by cooking t(emselves2 an$ very
o&ten take 96 %epsi /it( t(em1 .4B consumption o& %epsi is2 outsi$e
!s yout( is t(e target segment o& %epsi2 so t(eir c(anging li&e styles also
provi$e opportunities &or t(e company to alter its strategies1 Goung people are
more tren$y an$ &as(ionable2 an$ t(eir be(avior c(anges &rom time to time1
%epsi*s slogan
?Choi%e o8 a new /eneration?@
Das appeale$ t(e #n$iai yout(2 allot2 an$ t(e company sales /ere increase$
consi$erably1 "(en2 t(ey s(i&te$ to ne/ slogan2 EGE$ERATIO$ $EAT? an$ no/
one more step a(ea$ /it( ?AS< 2OR 5ORE?.
:ast urbani'ation also provi$es opportunities to t(e company1 %eople
migrating to cities2 are in&luence$ by t(e cultural c(ange2 an$ t(ey ten$ to buy
%epsi more as people in urban areas are more a/are about so&t $rinks1
"(ere is a uni5ue point o& $i&&erence /(ic( $i&&erentiates %E%S# &rom ot(er
"(ey are as &ollo/s8
Dil Dai to Mango !ur
2or 9 #p
Style ?ara Datke
2or 5ountain *ew
De/ 9a Fya "o %(ir Fya Aya
2or ABua 2ina
:ina 9a(in to %eena 9a(in
!b Sir& !5ua :ina De %eena
These types of research desgn used pro|ect are exporatory.
Exporatory research s that n whch new reatonshp are
Design o- Conclusi%e Researc'
Stu#y o- Secon#ary sources o- in-ormation:.
Dfferent book of marketng and research served as sources
of nformaton. The nformaton from Internet was very usefu
as we.
Sur%ey o- in#i%i#ual /it' i#eas on
general sub0ect:.
Informaton was aso coected from owner and dstrbutor of
Peps, whch s base of ths whoe pro|ect.
Data Collection Met'o#:.
The method used to coect data s from prmary sources.
Ths method s approprate as compared to secondary data
avaabe ookng at the ob|ectves of the report.
The method used to coect data s a survey n whch
questonnare s prepared and s gven to the respondent to
f t.
Sampling met'o#:.
The unverse of ths research report conssts of 1 deaers and
15 customers those served as source of nformaton.
Researc' #esigns:.
Researc' Type : Exporatory
Data Collection Met'o# : Prmary &
Venue : Sagar
Researc' !pproac' : Survey Method
Researc' Instrument : Ouestonnare
Sample Size : 15 Customers & 1
Sampling Unit : respondents of
To get nsght nto the avaabe brands n the market.
To know about varous features of Peps.
To know about quaty and performance of the peps.
To know about the customer satsfacton of the peps.
To know the market share of varous brand.
To know the meda effectveness of the peps.
To know the prce rsng of barrers avaabe mode of
<3B <3B
"EHEV#S#O9 9EWS%!%E6 #9"E69E" O"DE6S
The meda effect on product sae anayss shows that both
Teevson & Newspaper pay ma|or roe n seng of the
product .e. 35% both.
In#ustry S'are o- CCI
In Carbonated drnk 60% market share s of Peps.
In Frut drnk 36% market share s of Peps.
In packaged water 33% market share s of Peps.
Mar)et S'are -or Carbonate# Drin)s
It can be nterpreted that Peps occupy 60% of market share
for the carbonated drnk n comparson to Coca Coa &
Lmted Tme avaabe for ntervewng the respondent.
As a resut of ths t was not possbe to gather fu
nformaton about the respondent.
Some tme the probem whch I face s anguage
probem for whch I have to make them understood.
The tme constrant face n my pro|ect mght have
affected the comprehensve of ts fndngs.
Some tme the retaers & customer do not respond
rghty to the questonnare.
Sampe sze was very sma as compare to the
popuaton of Sagar cty.
Peope dd not gve fu response and they are bas n
some persona questons.
Step shoud be taken for short run specazed ad
campagn that speak to our target audence.
Must focus more on the avaabty and affordabty of
ts products.
Shoud ncrease R & D to mprove the quaty & taste
Re|uvenate & strengthen the exstng brand.
The Dstrbuton channe shoud be propery estabshed
and reduced ts prce to certan extend so that t can
extend ts reach to rura market.
Company shoud ntroduced saes promoton schemes
ke, free gfts, coupons, cash dscount, contest etc.
Step to be taken to reduce the proporton of defectve
product n tota quantty supped2
%E%S# is t(e goo$ reputable bran$s o& t(e /orl$ an$ one o& t(e top bran$ in
#n$ia1 %eople /(o are really bran$ conscious t(ey use t(is $rink11 %eople make a
use o& t(is bran$ as many &unctions as t(ey can1 Due to sponsors(ip to $i&&erent
cultural events or legen$s2 t(is bran$ (as a goo$ image to t(e citi'ens1 %epsi is
suc( a bran$ t(at it /ill market it itsel& no/a$ays even no extra &orce is re5uire$1
ut company is promote$ it bran$ at its maximum by making $iscounts2
Sc(emes or in term so&t key accounts1 !&ter t(e a&g(an /ar an$ #ra5 attack some
political parties make a ba$ impression at t(e usage o& t(is bran$1 ut $ue to t(at
e&&ects t(ere came no c(ange in its sale1 ran$ loyal people use t(e pro$ucts
$ue to goo$ taste an$ 5uality1

1. PHILIP KOTLER, Principle of Markein!"
#. $.$. S%ar&a, Markein! Re'earc%"
(. C.R. Ko%ari, Re'earc% Me%o)olo!*"
1. ---.-ikipe)
#. ---.pep'icoin)
(. ---.!oo!
.. ---.'cri/).co&
Name : ----------------------------------------------
Address: ----------------------------------------------
Contact No. : ----------------------------------------------
Q1). From how long you are associated with the company?

< years -1! years

1!-1 years "1 years
Q#). $hat is your opinion regarding the %ales Force &' the Company?

(ighly %atis'ied %atis'ied Neutral
)issatis'ied (ighly )issatis'ied
Q*). Are you satis'ied with the current commission system o' the company?

(ighly %atis'ied %atis'ied Neutral
)issatis'ied (ighly )issatis'ied
Q+). $hat is your opinion regarding the sales person ,isit in a month?
-nade.uate Ade.uate /egular
Q). As per you what is the proportion o' de'ecti,e products in total .uantity
! - #0 # - +0
+ 1 20 " 2 0
Name : ----------------------------------------------
Address: ----------------------------------------------
Contact No. : ----------------------------------------------
Q1). )o you )rin3 4epsi?
a. 5es 6. No
Q#). &n $hat 6asis you purchase the product?
a. Company -mage 6. 4rice c. Quality d. 7aste
Q*). (ow o'ten do you 'ind that product supplied to you is o' older dates?
a. 8ostly 6. %ometimes c. /arely d. Ne,er
Q+). $hat Facility you desire 'rom the company?
a. Ade.uate ser,ice 6. &''ers
c. 9''ecti,e Ad,ertisement
Q). Are you satis'ied with the price o' the product?
a. Yes b. No
DATE: __________
The Summer Training report entitled on
Prepared by , under the guidance and
supervision of Dr. (Lecturer
OF MBA Deptt. Of S.V.N.I.T. Sagar) for the partial
fulfillment of the degree of Master of Bus!ess
Ad"!strato! is satisfactory in respect of :-

Signature o- 3aminer Signature o-
Signature o- $2O2D2
DAT#$ %%%%%%%%%%
I declare that the Summer training report on
is my own work, conduct under the supervision of Dr.
(Lecturer OF M.B.A. Deptt. Of SVNIT SA&A')
ffiliated to !r" #ari Singh $our %niversity, Sagar"
To the best of my knowledge the report does not
contain any work which has been submitted for the
award of any degree, anywhere"
Signature o- t'e Can#i#ate
I would like to pay my sincere thanks to D'. Pra"es+
&auta" ,ead of t+e Dept., SVNIT (o--ege
Sagar for providing me the opportunity of doing the pro&ect
M,0 .
I would to e'press my deep sense of gratitude to Dr.
Lecturer of SVNIT (o--ege SA&A' for his valuable
guidance, advises, (ooperation ) (onstant encouragement
during the pro&ect preparation" #e is very supporting and
without his help I would not have completed my pro&ect
report successfully"
I e'press my heartful thanks to Miss" Sushma Thakur,
Mr" Manish Shrivastava, Mr" *ahul Paney and to the staff of
+"T"I"*"T" (ollege, Parents and friends for their kind support
and suggestion"
I am very thankful to retailer and customer whom I had
approached for collection of necessary data and who give
their valuable time and comments, which were the inputs for
my survey"
M+ ,
The pro|ect report has an ob|ectve to get the
MBA student famar wth rea fe busness stuaton
and gves an opportunty to the student of
understand the theoretca concepts of marketng
and fnance n practca way.
In todays word "Consumer s the Kng"
consumer test and preference go aone way n the
actua saes of the product. Every research work has
to dea wth varous peope n concern organzaton
and each of them have ther own opnon and
thnkng about varous topcs.
The man am of the tranng report was to
determne the
I tred my best to express the report through
satsfactona representaton, graphs, pe dagrams
etc. and t heped me to enhance my knowedge I am
extremey happy to pace before our esteemed

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