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The Daily

MUSIC D !"# AD !I$% E&ER' ( $ )E"S C ##EC$ED

*EAS$S F E"+#A"D

!#I%!&S 'I(' THE H"%!#S B!(' )"T )* %!#)R !#I%!& *!R%

Another step forward for equality between animals.
"y "#le $eed As the humans approached the farm, Snow all calmly gave orders, so every animal knew where they must e and what they must do. The irds led the first attack, ut where driven ack, which was the plan. Snow all then led a charge with the sheep and donkeys, driving panic into the men. They then faked a HUMANS have these been farmers sent retreat, tempting closer *our legs ))D+ two legs B!D packing from Animal Farm, after in. aThe simple and entered quick battle. farmers the yard, and Animal tasted victory in were am Farm ushedhas immediately, y the an important moment in the history full force of Animal Farm. They of equality. couldn#t cope and fled immediately. Yesterday, attempted The pigs cut the off humans the escape route, to retake the farm that is now whilst the other animals led a rightly ours. They came marching horrifyingly rutal attack on the men, up to the front gate, armed with with Snow all at the front of it. $r sticks and guns. %ones, that evil man, attempted to kill Snow all is the leader of 'nterviewer( &ow do you feel Our wise and kind leader, our leader, ut mortally wounded a the successful Animal +hat are your a out the recent outcome of thewas 'nterviewer( Snow all had e!pected this down for a y sheep instead, efore taken Snow alls leadership so The sheep died in the Farm. +e requested an plans for the future of Animal "attle of the )owshed, long time, and this meant we were the most rave Snow all. great, only one fatality occurred, interview with him, which Farm. name of *ustice however, Snow all( ' e!pected to win, of far more prepared than the farmers "o!er the horse, yet again that of a rave young sheep, and will always e tell was graciously granted to Snow all( '#m afraid ' can#t course, seeing as we had would e!pect. See page $ performed admira ly, setting an with a great future ahead of her. remem ered. All animals us, during Snow alls own you that, it#s classified planned for this moment for a urn to page ! for more details. e!ample to all of us. killed a This is due to the wickedness of should prepared, free time, whilst he&e was information, ut ' e can tell youas this long time. ' had read an young sta le oy, who would#ve the humans, who took away a we have young was, to give rela!ing from the difficult that no sheep worries a out ookefore a out surely grown up to e as despica interesting le light it the had reached anything, its up their life for Animal *o of leadership. life is etter than A brave leader% Sno&ball gives orders. 'llustration( )lover ever. campaigns ofpotential. %ulius )aesar. as the other farmers. full Farm.

Boxer sets example to all animals with faith and loyalty.

!nimals win battle by using ,ampaign booInter.iew with Snowball about (aesar.

Hero of the battle against the humans. SPIDERPI H!S RET"R#ED

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