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Head Types

We manufacture a range of dished heads and cones to varying shapes and standards. This includes Torispherical, 2:1 Semi-Ellipsoidal, Hemispherical, Shallo Head, !ones and !ones for "ressure #essels, $lat, %nverted &ish and %nverted !ones.

Torispherical heads are the most common type of head used for the manufacture of pressure vessels and usually the most economical to form. The %.!.' is e(ual to the %.& of the head or less. We normally suggest allo ing the %.!.' to )e )et een *+, to *-, of the %.& of the head. The %...' needs to )e )et een /, and 1+, of the %.!.' of the head. The S.$ is normally )et een 1+mm and 0+mm depending on the diameter and thic1ness of the head to )e formed.

2:1 Semi-Ellipsoidal.

2:1 Semi-Ellipsoidal heads are deeper than a torispherical head and therefore stronger and a)le to resist greater pressures. These heads are more difficult to form o ning to the greater depth re(uired. 2s a result these are more e3pensive to form than a torispherical head, )ut may allo a reduction in material thic1ness as the strength is greater. The %.!.' is +.4 of the 5.& of the head. The %...' is +.1-6 of the 5.& of the head. The ma3imum diameter e can form a 2:1 Semi-Ellipsoidal head to is 201+mm %.&. The S.$ is normally )et een 1+mm and 0+mm depending on the diameter and thic1ness of the head to )e formed.

Hemispherical heads allo more pressure than any other head. Ho ever, the hemispherical head is the most e3pensive to form, as they consists of a num)er of petals or gores. The num)er of hich depends on the si7e of the head and the thic1ness of the plate to )e used. The depth of the head is half of the diameter. Hemispherical heads are also used in architectural applications )y 8oining t o hemispheres together to form a spherical )all. 5ther common applications are for stainless steel coo1ing 1ettles ith steam 8ac1ets.

Shallow Head.
Shallo heads are the most common type of head used for the manufacture of atmospheric tan1s and vessels and usually used on hori7ontal tan1s fa)ricated to 2S1/*2. These heads are not suita)le for pressure vessels and not recommended for tan1s or vessels ith e3ternal loads. %.e. agitators, no77les ith high loads. %f unsure, you should have the design chec1ed. We normally suggest allo ing the %.!.' to )e )et een 1.- to 2.+ times the %.& of the head. This can )e ad8usted if you re(uire a specific depth of head. The %...' for these heads is usually 02mm, -1mm or 9/mm depending on the diameter and customer re(uirements. The S.$ is normally )et een 1+mm and 0+mm depending on the diameter and thic1ness of the head to )e formed.

!ones are the most common type of head used for the manufacture of atmospheric tan1s and especially stainless steel tan1s. Ho ever they can )e used in the manufacture of pressure vessels

su)8ect to certain criteria as listed )elo . :!ones for pressure vessels; !one angles are varia)le and are at the discretion of the customer. The %...' for most cones is usually 2-mm, 02mm, -1mm, 9/mm or 1+2mm depending on the diameter, thic1ness and customer re(uirements. We are a)le to form larger 1nuc1les on some cones, su)8ect to the material thic1ness and cone angle.

Cones for Pressure Vessels.

The ma3imum internal ape3 angle for cones to )e used in the fa)rication of a pressure vessel is 12+ &egrees. The %...' for cones to )e used in the fa)rication of a pressure vessels need to )e a minimum of /, of the inside diameter of the vessel. The S.$ is normally )et een 1+mm and 0+mm depending on the diameter and thic1ness of the head to )e formed.

Fla .
2 flat end ith a 1nuc1led outer edge. Typically used as )ases on vertical atmospheric tan1s and lids for smaller tan1s. The %...' for most flat ends is usually 2-mm, 02mm and -1mm depending on the diameter, thic1ness and customer re(uirements.We are a)le to form larger 1nuc1les on some flat ends, su)8ect to the material thic1ness and diameter. The S.$ is normally )et een 1+mm and 0+mm depending on the diameter and thic1ness of the head to )e formed.

&ished only heads are generally used for atmospheric tan1s and vessels and for )ul1 heads or )affles inside hori7ontal tan1s or tan1ers. Typically the %.!.' is e(ual to the diameter or dished to a nominated %.!.' )y the client.

"n#er ed !ish.
%nverted Head. <enerally used on tan1s and vessels re(uiring the strength of a dish hilst minimising the depth. =seful in the construction of tan1s and silos )y providing a sloping, fully draining )ase ith radius corners.!an )e used in pressure vessel applications. >ore e3pensive to form and 1nuc1le than a regular torispherical head.

"n#er ed Cone.
<enerally used on tan1s and silos re(uiring a sloping, fully draining )ase ith radius corners. !an )e used on large stainless steel mil1 silos in lieu of a flat sloping )ase to protect against oil canning and su)se(uent stress crac1ing of eld seams during the hot ? cold !%" process. >ore e3pensive to form and 1nuc1le than a regular cone.

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