Bai Tap Ve Phrasal Verbs 0801 8689

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Everyone knows about the pollution problems, but not many people have _____ any solutions. A. come up with B. thought over C. get round to D. looked into . !any "actories break the anti#pollution laws and _____. A. get away with it B. put up with it C. take it over D. come round to it $. Disposing o" waste and rubbish is a hard problem to _____. A. deal with B. carry out C. put up D. get away %. !ost people in cities should _____ cycling instead o" using cars. A. take up B. set up C. rely on D. get round to &. !ost governments seem to 'ust _____ dealing with environmental problems. A. put o"" B. make up "or C. do without D. take a"ter (. )hat time did you turn _____ last night* A. in B. away C. up D. over +. ,e "inally broke _____ his new shoes. A. in B. o"" C. on D. away -. .he got up when the alarm went _____. A. o"" B. over C. in D. up /. 0ut _____ the cigarette, please. 1 2 don3t like the smell o" it. A. out B. in C. up D. o"" 14. .i5teen people showed _____ "or her volleyball training session. A. up B. on C. through D. over 11. )ere you brought _____ in the city or in the country* A. up B. "orward C. over D. o"" 1 . 6our computer can sometimes let you _____. A. down B. out C. up D. o"" 1$. 7o matter how she tries, she never _____ over her shyness. A. gets B. goes C. sees D. comes 1%. 8heir marriage "inally _____ apart a"ter three months. A. "ell B. got C. went D. moved 1&.8he police have been _____ in to deal with the riot. A. called B. taken C. put D. pushed 1(. Don3t let him treat you badly. _____ him. A. .tand up to B. 9et away with C. Come down with D. :eep on at 1+. ,ow many people _____ in the storm a "ew days ago* A. passed on B. called by C. broke o"" D. gave o"" 1-. )e can trust ;im. ,e is the kind o" person who always _____ his promise. A. stands by B. comes up C. looks up to D. pays back 1/. .uccess o"ten _____ to luck. A. boils down B. comes down C. goes up D. depends on 4. 2 was _____ in a month in autumn 4 years ago. A. taken up B. put up C. given to D. brought "orth 1. 7o witnesses to the murd<r have come _____ and the police are struggling to solve the crime. A. "orward B. around C. across D. back . )hen they "irst met, :ate was =uite taken _____ ;im. A. with B. away with C. to D. through $. 2t is wrong to _____ poorer people. A. look down on B. make o"" with C. get away with D. put down to %. )hy don3t you _____ a more "amous school* A. go in "or B. put by C. give "or D. move on &. 2 _____ in the middle and missed the end o" the "ilm. A. dropped o"" B. "ell o"" C. dropped out= D. "ell out (. 8he new maga>ine about maintenance will _____ tomorrow. A. come out B. take o"" C. get out D. go about +. 2 was going to the "ootball match when 2 was suddenly held _____. A. up B. down C. o"" D. away with -. ,is aunt told _____ ,ugh "or making so much noise. A. o"" B. down C. over D. aside /. 2 think a sip o" wine can bring him _____. A. round B. up C. out D. "orth $4. 8he ceiling "ans were on, but un"ortunately they only _____ the hot, humid air. A. stirred up B. poured through C. turned into D. cut back $1. ,e _____ this city down so much that 2 don3t know why he doesn3t leave. A. runs B. pulls C. talks D. holds

$1. 8hey didn3t take _____ each other the "irst time they met. A. to B. in C. with D. out $ . 2t was a serious =uarrel, and they took a long time to make it _____. A. up B. over C. through D. o"" $$. 2" the weather doesn3t clear up, we3ll have to knock _____ early? we can3t work in the rain. A. o"" B. out C. down D. up $%. All her hard work paid _____ in the end and she3s now very success"ul. A. o"" B. back C. out D. up $&. 8he hotel didn3t _____ my e5pectations. A. come up to B. get up to C. come down to D. get down to $(. 0lease bring the matter _____ at the ne5t meeting. A. "orward B. into C. away D. o"" $+. 8he meeting didn3t _____ until late. A. break up B. hold down C. cross o"" D. turn over $-. Don3t make up your mind at once, _____ it _____ with your lawyer "irst. A. talk @ over B. get @ up C. go @ in D. show @ up $/. )e all were _____ by his disguise. A. taken in B. got o"" C. brought up D. given in %4. A"ter the music had died _____, there was a storm o" applause. A. away B. out C. o"" D. down %1. ,e takes _____ his "ather in many ways. A. a"ter B. in C. on D. up % . 8he 0ress thought the "ootball manager would be depressed by his dismissal but he 'ust _____. A. laughed it o"" B. ran it down C. turned it down D. called it o"" %$. )hen the "unds "inally _____, they had to abandon the scheme. A. petered out B. "obbed out C. "aded away D. clamped down %%. )e are doing _____ our kitchen today and we could do _____ more paint. A. up A with B. over A with C. away A up d. without A with %&. 9eorge decided to step _____ "rom his position as company chairman. A. down B. aside C. back D. out %(. 8he police car drove into the car park and pulled _____ sharply. A. in B. up C. aside D. about %+. 23ve been meaning to get _____ repairing that "ence "or ages. A. round to B. out o" C. up to D. on to %-. )e "inally managed to _____ our point o" view. A. bring her round to B. "ool her into C. take her up on D. "i5 her up with %/. 8here was so much noise that we could hardly _____ what the speaker was saying. A. take in B. take up C. bring in D. get out &4. 2" order keeps coming in like this, 2 will have to _____ more sta"". A. take on B. gain on C. add up D. give up &1. )e are looking "or someone who can _____ with the rest o" team. A. "it in B. act up C. work o"" D. get up & . 2 would love to be able to _____ my children in the country. A. bring up B. get up C. grow up D. wake up &$. 2 warned them to _____, otherwise they would hit their heads. A. bend down B. put down C. let down D. lie down &%. 8he two boys _____ to the building easily because there was no security. A. broke in B. put in C. came in D. checked in &&. .he was relieved to _____ o" the party 1 it was so hot in there. A. get out B. run out C. come out D. break out &(. ,e will _____ leaving the door open 1 it drives me madB A. keep on B. go on C. carry on D. hold on &+. )e were so late, the plane nearly _____ without usB A. took o"" B. got o"" C. went o"" D. set o"" &-. ,e _____ her di""icult behaviour even though it made him angry. A. put up with B. got on with C. hung on to D. looked "orward to &/. 9ive me your blouse and 23ll see i" the stain will _____. A. come out B. "all out C. get out D. go out (4. 8he horse was in'ured and had to be _____. A. put away B. given o"" C. died out D. done away with

0,CA.AD EECB. 1. Fn 7ovember &, a lot o" "irework is _______ o"" in England. A. set B. gone C. sent D. burned . Det3s move ______ to the ne5t item on the agenda. A. in B. by C. up D. on $. 2 am "ed ________ hanging around here with nothing to do. A. up on B. out o" C. up with D. by %. Fn "arms, when the cattle are too ill, "armers o"ten have to put them ______ . A. in B. down C. up D. away &. 8he pro"essor broke ________ her lecture when she heard a cell phone ringing. A. away B. in C. o"" D. out (. 2 could not ________ the peak o" mountain in the "oggy weather. A. get over B. make out C. see through D. go into +. )e all need "riends whom we can ________ when we are in trouble. A. call on B. break o"" C. rely on D. go by -. Constantly staying in cold weather may bring _______ pneumonia. A. in B. about C. up D. on /. Don3t let poachers get ________ hunting animals. 8hey deserve to be punished. A. o"" B. out o" C. on D. away with 14. 2 cannot stay up late at night. 2 pre"er _________ in early. A. going B. breaking C. turning D. doing 11. !y little son is learning how to ________ his shoes. A. put o"" B. get on C. take to D. do up 1 . 2t took a long time "or him to get _____.the disappointment o" losing the match. A. o"" B.over C. down D. through 1$. 2 am sorry to hear that 0eter and Dick have _____. 8hey were such good "riends. A. "allen against B. "allen out C. dropped out D. dropped against 1%. 23ve been trying to ring him all evening but 2 can3t _____. A. get over B. get through C. get across D. get by 1&. !aybe we should _____ !r. .mith to see his rose garden. A. call at B. call on C. call "or D. call out 1(. All the children in this area have gone _____ mumps. A. down with B. along with C. out with D. in "or 1+. ,e "elt he was badly let _____ by his best "riend. A. o"" B. out C. down D. away 1-. At "irst the children en'oyed the game but =uite soon the novelty _____. A. went o"" B. died out C. died down D. wore o"" 1/. 2" business was bad, they had to _____ some o" their sta"". A. put down B. lay o"" C. take on D. hang up 4. 8he workers decided to _____ until their demands were met. A. stand up B. lie bebehind C. sit in D. sleep out 1. 8he union threatened to _____ the workers on strike. A. call out B. ask up C. hear out D. see down . Fn an impulse he _____ his 'ob and went abroad. A. gave in B. put o"" C. threw up D. set down $. 8he sta"" _____ in support o" their pay claim. A. "ell o"" B. walked out C. kept back D. turned o"" %. )e got to the stop 'ust as the coach was _____. A. taking o"" B. making out C. settling down D. pulling away &. Fnce again poor Colin has been _____ "or promotion. A. stood by B. passed over C. locked out D. strucked o"" (. 2" my work conditions don3t improve, 2 will _____ my notice. A. give up B. "ire o"" C. hand in D. give out +. 8he police told us to keep _____ the area. A. o"" with B. away with C. away "rom D. in with -. ,e had been putting some money _____ every month. A. aside B. "orth C. by D. A and C are correct /. A"ter years in prison, he3s now _____ lost time. A. making up "or B. bringing round to C. taking away "rom D. going by $4. 2 told the boys _____ "or making so much noise. A. apart B. o"" C. on D. against

PASSAGE 1: 2 G1H________ an old "riend by accident the other day. 2 was going to G H________ my son "rom school when suddenly my car broke G$H________. 2 called G%H________ my husband on my cell phone. )hile 2 was waiting "or him to G&H________, a truck crashed into my car. 8he driver G(H________ the truck to check G+H________ the damage. 2t was my "riend 0atrick. 2 hadn3t seen him since 2 G-H________ college. Iortunately, nobody was hurt. )e G/H________ and it was nice to G14H________ the in"ormation about other "riends while we were waiting "or my husband and the tow truck. 1. . $. %. &. (. +. -. /. 14. A. ran into A. pick on A. down A. up A. turn up A. got away with A. up A. gave up A. chatted awa A. take back B. came across B. pick up B. o"" B. in B. show up B. got out of B. in B. dropped o"" B. talked into B. deal with C. ran across C. drop in on C. up C. away C. come into C. went out C. out C. dropped by C. spoke up C. catch up on D. A, B, C are correct D. take out D. away D. on D. Both A and B are correct D. Both A and B are correct D. out o" D. gave o"" D. "ell "or D. carry out

PASSAGE 2: 8he 8errys were sitting calmly having a"ternoon tea in their lounge when the van G1H______ up outside. 8he words JCeliable Cemovals 1 you can G H______ us3 were printed on the side o" the van in large blue capitals. .oon a"terwards, an enormous man covered in tattoos appeared on the doorstep. 8im opened the door. J.orry we3re late, guv,3 sail the tattoo man, Jwe hadn3t G$H______ all the tra""ic on the motorway, otherwise we3d have been here sooner. 2sn3t that right, Dester* ,is companion, an unshaven man roughly hal" his si>e, 'oined inK J)e didn3t budge "or a good hal" hour, and we G%H______ up coming o"" the motorway and going through the villages. 2 did try and phone, but 2 couldn3t get G&H______. Anyway, we3re here now, so let3s G(H______ some serious work.3 8im said, JErm, 2 think there3s been some sort o" misunderstanding, gentlemen.3 1. . $. %. &. (. A. drew A. ask a"ter A. got up to A. brought A. down A. do away with B. "ollowed B. bear out B. "aced up to B. ended B. across B. "all out with C. cropped C. count on C. !argained for C. broke C. over C. get down to D. called D. draw up D. added up D. came D. through D. come up against

PASSAGE 3: )hen the war G1H______ 2 must have been G H______ 1- years o" age, and like most boys o" my age, 2 received the news with a kind o" naLve enthusiasm, born out o" youth"ul ignorance and ine5perience. )hen 2 was G$H______, 2 still had a romantic vision o" marching =uickly to victory and being home in time "or tea. 2 have an old picture o" mysel" standing proudly in my new uni"orm 1 a young man about to G%H______ his responsibilities in li"e. 2 look like a boy pretending to be a man 1 and not =uite managing to G&H______ it o"". Dittle did 2 realise 'ust what 2 had G(H______. 1. . $. %. &. (. A. came A. getting on for C. getting round to A. counted on A. draw up A. call A. come in "or C. come down to B. bore D. "eeling up to B. broken up B. face up to B. break C. !roke D. carried B. "alling back on C. ca""ed up D. asked a"ter C. do away with D. bring about C. get D. carr B. co#e up again$t D. come up with

PASSAGE 4: 8he small resort o" 0alama G1H______ out rather in the 1//4s, as the tourists "locked to the more obvious attractions o" the nearby resorts o" Calapo and del !are. But now, thanks to a ma'or new hotel development plan, business is G H______, and 0alama is more than G$H______ its poor past showing and un"ashionable image. 8he kindest thing one can say about 0alama is that it G%H______ you i" you3ve been staying there "or long enough. 2t is being G&H______ up as a shining e5ample o" the latest retro#style o" modern hotel architecture, but as "ar as this observer is concerned, it only occasionally G(H______ its billing. 1. . A. held A. picking up B. missed B. making out C. #ade C. paying back D. gave D. giving over

$. %. &. (.

A. putting in "or A. grow$ on A. played A. "ive$ up to

B. hanging on to B. hold with B. put B. holds out

C. hitting it o"" C. puts up with C. he"d C. makes "or

D. #aking up for D. pushes on D. made D. puts across

PASSAGE 5: Phil West test drives the Mondo XJS 6ou3d be hard#pushed to "ind a more com"ortable drive 1 the superb suspension system makes G1H______ an easy drive over bumpy roads, although the per"ormance is somewhat let G H______ by the handling round corners. !aybe 2 'ust drove this monster too "astB 8he construction manual G$H______ that the M;. can hit a top speed o" %4 kphK 44 would be nearer the mark 1 still not a "igure to be sni""ed at. 8he dashboard controls are an absolute picture and easy to operate, although some o" the electronics were a bit temperamental on my trial run 1 at one point, alarmingly, the windscreen wipers decided to G%H______. Also 2 did not G&H______ with the gearbo5, and only "ound third gear with di""iculty. But hey, 23m the world3s most demanding critic 1 this thing is a beastB Don3t be G(H______ by the price, a cool N-&,444. 1. . $. %. &. (. A. out A. up A. puts up A. give away A. hit it off A. missed out B. o"" with B. down B. pulls o"" B. miss out B. pull it o"" B. owned up C. for C. in C. #ake$ out C. put o"" C. have it out C. put off D. up D. "or D. holds up D. pack up D. live it down D. hit upon

PASSAGE 6: 8elesales have become the bane o" my li"e. Cecently 2 have been so inundated with them that 2 now re"use to answer the phone between ( and / in the evenings. Iriends and relatives understand, and don3t bother calling at these times. Dast week 2 was almost G1H______ accepting a year3s subscription to a video company, be"ore the red mist descended 'ust in time, and 2 slammed the phone down. 2" it3s not advisors promising to G H______ out your "inances "or you, or persuading you to G$H______ li"e insurance, it will usually be home improvement companies. !y advice is, don3t be taken G%H______ by the "riendly chat at the beginning o" the conversation. 6ou can G&H______ all their charming chit chat with ease 1 all they really want is your custom and your money. .o G(H______ them, and, pre"erably politely, 'ust say Jno3. 1. . $. %. &. (. A. set in A. try A. run into A. in A. turn out A. stick up "or B. stuck up "or B. set B. take out B. over B. take to B. tie in with C. worn o"" C. $ort C. set about C. up C. tell o"" C. $tand up to D. ta"ked into D. run D. stand by D. o"" D. $ee through D. run up against

PASSAGE 7: !eetings with G1H______ too much o" managers3 time are being blamed "or ine""iciency and lost revenue, according to a report "rom the 2nstitute o" !anagerial A""airs. 8he report concludes that a lot o" meetings which take place in the business world are a waste o" timeK the decisions made in them could be arrived at by other means, or the manager3s presence delegated, with a capable deputy standing G H______ the manager. But it seems this message has not G$H______ in yet, "or the number o" hours devoted to meetings continues to increase annually, in most countries o" the world. 2n#house meetings are bad enough, but some companies insist on lavish a""airs in hotels or restaurants, G%H______ huge bills in the process. )ith delicious irony, one leading "inance company has G&H______ a committee to investigate the new scourge o" unnecessary meetings. 8he number o" weekly meetings "or the committee has 'ust been G(H______ up "rom two or threeB 1. . $. %. &. (. A. run over A. by A. $unk A. taking on A. run into A. sent B. set in B. in for B. set B. sending up B. sorted out B. $tepped C. turn out C. up to C. taken C. working out C. taken out C. run D. take up D. "or D. turned D. running up D. $et up D. taken

PASSAGE 8: ;oe G1H______ the building work his team was doing on the new companies o""ices because he had heard that the company was going to bankrupt. ,e knew the money was going to dry G H______, so he was not prepared to continue. !ost o" the team immediately G$H______ up what they were doing but some o" them

"irst G%H________ the task they were working on. ;ow himsel" =uickly G&H______ the last o" his paperwork and then packed G(H______ too. 1. . $. %. &. (. A. ca""ed off A. o"" A. thought A. "inished o"" A. thought over A. up B. called upon B. up B. called B. wrapped up B. gave up B. o"" C. puts o"" C. out C. brought C. got through C. po"i$hed off C. out D. A and C are correct D. away D. !roke D. A, B and C are correct D. broke down D. away

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