Chuyen de VingTo Vbaitap

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Luc van chinh

V + V-ing , V+ to V , V + sb + to V ,V + sb + V-bare inf

Cc ng t phi c V-ING theo sau
V + V ing
Cc ng t phi c
TO-V theo sau
V + TO V
Cc ng t + O + To
V infinitive
V+ SB + TO V
Sau n ng t ch cm gc
th t g nguyn thO k cha.
V + sb + V -bare inf
1 avoi! "t#nh $
% a!&it "tha nh'n $
( a!vise ")hu*+n nh, $
- app#eciate "nh gi $
. co&p/ete " ho0n th0nh $
1 consi!e# " 2e& 23t $
4 continue"tiep tuc$5go on5 )eep on" ti6p t7c
8 !e/a* " t#9 ho:n $
; !en* " t ch<i $ = give up(t b)
1> !iscuss " tho /u'n $
11 !is/i)e " )h?ng th@ch $5hate
1% enAo* " th@ch $5/i)e5fee/ /i)e5/ove
1( finish " ho0n th0nh $$
1- &ention "B c'p $
1. &in! " phiBn C ngDi $
11 &iss "nhE C FG /H $
14 postpone " tr ho:n $ =stop" dng $
18 p#actice "/u*In t'p $
1; Juit "nghK C th?i $
%> #eca// " nhLc nhM C nhE $
%1 #eco//ect " nhE #a $
%% #eco&&en! "nhLc nhM $
%( #eg#et " tiec #ang$Ving 5
Fe so##* aFout Ving5 Fe so##* sF fo# Ving
%- #esent "FNc tOc $
%. #esist ")hng cN $
%1 #is) " #,i #o $
%4 spen! "su !ung thoi gianC$
%8 suggest "B nghP $
%; to/e#ate "tha thO $
(> un!e#stan! " hiQu $
(1 canRt he/p ")o thQ t#nh S nhPn TUc $
(% canRt stan! " )o thQ chPu Nng c $
(( canRt Fea# " )o thQ chPu Nng c $
(- It is no use S It is no goo! " v? @ch$
(. Vou/! *ou &in!"c /0& phiBn)$
(1 to Fe use! to " Juen vEi $
(4 to Fe S get accusto&e! to "!Wn Juen vEi $
(8 to Fe Fus* " F'n #n $
(; to Fe Vo#th " 2Ong ng $
-> to /oo) fo#Va#! to "t#?ng &ong $
-1 to have !ifficu/t*"in$S fun S t#ouF/e
-% to have a !ifficu/t "in$ ti&e
-( TO GO + V-ING (cc hot ng,vu
44. be afraid OF =be frightened OF = be
terrfied OF = be scared OF (s)
45. be interested IN = be fond OF
= (v) keen ON (thch,quan t!)
4". be tired OF (!#t)
4$. be bored %ith=be fed u& 'I()
4+. be ,ood -bad FO. (t/t -01u cho)
42. be ,ood-bad 3( (,i4i- d5t v6
57. be sur&rised - shocke
1 affo#! ", )h
% ag#ee "Yng Z $
( appea# " 2u[t hiIn $
- a##ange " sLp 26p $
. as) " hGi C *+u cWu $
1 Feg " n0i nK C van2in$
4 ca#e " chX& sc $
8 c/ai& "\i hGiC*+u
; consent " F]ng /\ng
1> !eci!e " Ju*6t Pnh $
11 !e&an! " *+u cWu $
1% !ese#ve " 2Ong
1( e2pect " &ong Ui $
1- fai/ " th[t FDi $
1. hesitate "!o !N $
11 hope "hi v^ng $
14 /ea#n " h^c $
18 &anage "sLp 26p $
1; &ean "Z Pnh $
%> nee! " cWn $
%1 offe# "B nghP $
%% p/an " /+n )6 hoDch $
%( p#epa#e " chu_n FP $
%- p#eten! " gi v` $
%. p#o&ise " hOa $
%1 #efuse " t ch<i $
%4 see& " !T`ng nhT $
%8 st#ugg/e "[u t#anh $
%; sVea# " 2in thB $
(> th#eaten "e !oD $
(1 vo/untee# " t9nh
(% Vait "Ui $
(( Vant " &u<n $
(- Vish " &ong $
a2 b ce ag#ee to
sta#t ea#/*
1 a!vise ")hu*+n $
% a//oV " cho ph3p $
( as) " *+u cWu $
- Feg " van 2in $
. cause " gd* #a $
1 cha//enge " thch
thOc $
4 convince " thu*6t
ph7c $
8 !a#e " !& $
; encou#age " )hu*6n
)h@ch $
1> e2pect " &ong Ui $
11 fo#Fi! " c[& $
1% fo#ce " Fuc $
1( hi#e " thu+ $
1- inst#uct " hTEng !en
1. invite " &`i $
11 nee! " cWn $
14 o#!e# " #a /Inh $
18 pe#&it " cho ph3p $
1; pe#sua!e " thu*6t
ph7c $
%> #e&in! " nhLc nhM $
%1 #eJui#e "\ hGi $
%% teach " !D* $
%( te//" Fo $
%- u#ge " thfc gi7c $
%. Vant " &u<n $
%1 Va#n " Fo t#TEc $
a2b ghe a//oVe! &e to
use he# ca#
1 .hep (gp )
2. et (cho php)
3.fnd( thEy)
4.seem(dng nh)
5.make(m,to cho)
6.fee(cm thEy)
(=fee ke+ V-ng)
7.ook ke(trng c v)
9.observe(quan st)
10.had better(tt hn )
12.taste(c v)
13.notce(ch ) xem)
1.Feco&e"t#o /en$
11soun!"nghe $
14nothing Fut") g9 h
nhTng chK$
18cannot Fut ") c\n cch
n0o hin /0 $
ju :
-nu et/make b ng th V c
to(be et/made +to V)
- 8 9 : ( be, see!, ;ook, fee;,...)
9 3<= 9 to :(n>u c? tnh t@ theo
sau : thA &hBi c? to)
T#* *ou# Fest k *ou Vi// Fe successfu/ 1
Luc van chinh
-a!Caed-astonished - 3((DE)F
n,Gc nhiHn,kinh n,Gc
j sau gioi tu"inConCat$ + Ving jVithoutS
+ving 5 no+ving")hong$
Lu : Mt s ng t c bt c nhng trng hp khc nhau.
I) to Try(c5 ,Jn,, thK)F L trM (c5 ,Jn, ) 9 to :
L trM ( thK) 9 :Lin,
N) to Make (;O!) F L !ake 9 sb 9 :Pbare inf (k chia)
Lto be !ade 9 to :(bQ bJt ;O! ,A...)
R) to need ( cSn) F
Lneed 9 :Lbare inf (khi need T?n, vai trU nh !Vt TVn, t@ khuM>t thi>u haM tr TVn, t@ )
W0FI need not earn !oneM(t/i k cSn ki>! ti6n) , Need Mou tM&e this ;,I neednYt.(bGn c? cSn T*nh
!*M bZc th nOM kXk t/i k cSn)
Lneed 9to : (need ;O TVn, t@ th[n,)
W0F I donYt need to earn !oneM.(t/i k cSn ki>! ti6n)
Lneed 9 :Lin, ( need !an, n,h\a Tc cSn thiHt tron, cu bQ TVn,)
T#* *ou# Fest k *ou Vi// Fe successfu/ %
Luc van chinh
W0F this knife needs shar&enin,.= this knife needs to be shar&ened (con dao nOM cSn Tc ;O! sJc).
our car needs re&airin, no%.(0e c]a ch^n, ta cSn Tc sKa ch_a n,aM)
4) to have (c?)F
L!`u cuF have-,et sth done(:Led) F cho ai T? ;a! ,A.LW0F I have !M car c;eaned.(t/i cho n,[i rKa 0e c]a t/i)
L!`u cuF have sb do sth F nh[ ai T? ;O! ,A.LI have !M brother c;ean !M car.(t/i nh[ anh t/i rKa 0e)
5)to get(lam cho) F
L!`u cuF,et sth done(:Led) cho ai T? ;O! ,A.LW0F I ,et !M car c;eaned.(t/i cho n,[i rKa 0e c]a t/i)
L!`u cuF,et sb to : sthF nh[,khi>n ai T? ;O! ,A. LW0F I ,et !M brother to c;ean !M car.(t/i nh[ anh t/i rKa
") to suggest ( T6 n,hQ)F
L1) su,,est 9 :in, Le0 IF theM su,,est bui;din, a bi, house.
L2) su,,est 9 sb 9 :Lbare inf Le0 NF the teacher su,,ests !e staM at ho!e.
9 8hou;d : the teacher su,,ests !e shou;d staM at ho!e.
L3) su,,ested 9 sb 9 :Led Le0 RF !M dad su,,ested !e used the red car.
9 shou;d : !M dad su,,ested !e shou;d use the red car.
7 ) ( would / d) prefer = ( would / d) rather : (thYch hn) c 3 trng hp
1-cu c 2 ng t:-(%ou;d)&refer9:Lin,9sth9to9:Lin,9sth=(would)rather+V(bare inf)+sth+THA+V(bare
inf)+sth:THYCH LM G HN LM G. Ex: I d preper drvng car to rdng a bke . Id rather drve car than
rde a bke.(t thYch t hn xe my)
2-cu c 1 ng tFL(%ou;d)&refer 9to : sth = (woud) rather + V(-bare nf) sth: a thYch g hn.
Ex: she woud prefer to dance . = she woud rather dance. C Ey thYch khu v hn.
3-cu c sb v 1 ng t. L(Yd) &refer 9 sb 9 to : sth =(d) rather + sb + V-ed : thYch a m g hn.
Ex: he prefers me to go out now . = he rathers me went out now . anh Ey thYch t ra ngo by g hn.
Cac trng hp ngoa e khac:
Aow/ permt/ recommend/ advse . + V-ng
+ O + To V
Stop + to V : dng a e..
V-ng: t bo (tho quen)
Remember + V-ng: nh a am g (qua kh)
To V: nh se am g (tng a)
Forget + V-ng: a quen am g (qua kh)
To V : Se(khong) quen am g (tng a)
Regret + V-ng: ho han v a.
To V: thong bao mot tn xau
Try + V-ng: th am g o
To V: co gang am g o
Need: neu chu ng ch ng: 8 9 need, require, %ant 9 to :
Neu chu ng ch vat: 8 9 need, require, %ant 9 :L in, or to be :(&&)
W0erciseF ahoose the best ans%erF
1. Many young peope are fond of -------------- footba and other knds of sports.
A. pay B. to pay C. payng D. payed
2. They coudnt hep -------------- when they heard the tte boy sngng a ove song.
A. aughng B. to augh C. augh D. aughed
3. Your house needs -------------- .
A. redecorated B. redecoratng C. beng redecorated D. to redecorate
4. I remember -------------- them to pay n my garden.
A. to aow B. aow C. aowng D. aowed
5. It was a nasty memory. Do you remember both of us wearng sungasses to avod --------------
by the supervsors?
A. to recognze B. to be recognzed C. recognzng D. beng recognzed
6. I cant bear thnkng back of that tme. Id rather -------------- equay.
A. treat B. be treated C. have treated D. treatng
T#* *ou# Fest k *ou Vi// Fe successfu/ (
Luc van chinh
7. Dd you accuse Nam of -------------- a pate? We, I saw hm -------------- t off the tabe wth hs
A. break/ knock B. breakng/ knockng C. to break/ to knock D. breakng/ knock
8. We found t very dffcut -------------- wth Gamma.
A. to work B. work C. workng D. worked
9. I cant read when I am traveng. It makes me -------------- sck.
A. fee B. to fee C. fet D. feeng
10.I need -------------- whats n the etter. Why dont you et me -------------- t?
A. to know/ to read B. know/ read C. to know/ read D. knowng/ read
11.I suggest -------------- some more mathematca puzzes.
A. do B. to do C. dong D. done
12.We regret -------------- you that we cannot approve your suggeston.
A. nform B. to nform C. nformng D. nformed
13. The drver stopped -------------- a coffee because he fet seepy.
A. have B. to have C. havng D. had
14.Have you ever consdered -------------- a pharmacst?
A. become B. becomng C. to become D. became
15.You had better -------------- at home unt you fee better.
A. stayng B. stayed C. to stay D. stay
16.I remember -------------- my mother sad the grass n the garden needed --------------.
A. to hear/cuttng B. hear/cut C. heard/to cut D. hearng/ cuttng
17.Peter sometmes hep hs sster --------------.
A. do homework B. to do homework C. wth homework D. a are correct
18. I woud rather -------------- at home than --------------out wth you.
A. stayng/gong B. to stay/ to go C. stay/go D. stayed/went
19.I woud rather you --------------.
A. drve B. to drve C. drove D. drven
20.She ddnt say a word and eft the room.
A. She eft the room wthout sayng a word B. She eavng the room wthout sayng a word
C. She eft the room sayng a word D. She eft the room to say a word.
21.My father wanted me -------------- a pot.
A. become B. to become C. becomng D. became
22.Pease wat a mnute. My boss s busy -------------- somethng.
A. wrte B. wrtng C. to wrte D. to wrtng
23.My teacher doesnt aow us -------------- whe he s expanng the esson.
A. tak B. to tak C. takng D. taked
24.We have penty of tme. We neednt --------------
A. hurry B. to hurry C. hurryng D. hurred
25.I promsed -------------- on tme. I mustnt -------------- ate.
A. be/be B. to be/to be C. to be/ be D. be/to be
26.Mary and I are ookng forward -------------- you.
A. of seeng B. for seeng C. to seeng D. to see
27.Im sure that he knows -------------- ths new machne.
A. to use B. usng C. how usng D. how to use
28.Psychatrsts and doctors have faed -------------- peope not to drnk.
A. to te B. teng C. te D. tod
29.The students are used to -------------- n the schoo brary.
A. workng B. work C. to work D. worked
T#* *ou# Fest k *ou Vi// Fe successfu/ -
Luc van chinh
30.Our room needs -------------- up.
A. tded B. to tde C. tdy D. tdyng
31.Mercurys ow gravty makes you -------------- very ght n a spaceshp.
A. fee B. feeng C. to fee D. fet
32." Was the test ong?". " Yes, |ohn was the ony one -------------- t"
A. to fnsh B. fnshng C. fnshed D. fnsh
33.A ots of needs -------------- to the house before anyone can move n.
A. be done B. dong C. to do D. done
34.It s about tme you -------------- harder for the next exam.
A. worked B. workng C. work D. to work
35.If he reay doesnt fee ke -------------- now, I suggested that he shoud go out for some fresh
A. work B. to work C. worked D. workng
1 lassing the )itchenC he stoppe! to !#in) a /a#ge g/ass of Vate# "!#in)$
% chen the ca# F#o)e !oVnC she sta#te! " put$
( me#ens the &one* I oVe *ou I &eant "give$
- To /ose VeightC In! a!vise *ou "cut out$
. 1 foun! that &* Fac) stoppe! Vhen " ache$
1 To he/p &e get to s/eepC I t#ie! "thin)$
4 The o#chest#a Vas Aust Feginning "p/a*$
8 l/ease !onnt hesitate "ca//$
; chen he foun! that he cou/!nnt Va/) he Fegan "shout$
1> The han!/e ca&e off Vhen I t#ie! " /ift$
1 Choose one of the verbs in brackets

complete each sentence. (1-4)
1 a I taught oi& to !#ive a ca# Fefo#e the age of 18 "hope!S taught$
F I hope! to !#ive a ca# Fefo#e the age of 18
%a ce hi& to go to the pa#t* "a//oVe!S ag#ee!$
F ce to go to the pa#t*
(a The* fo# the )ittens to go to goo! ho&es "Vante!S a##ange!$
F The* the )ittens to go to goo! ho&es
-a me the chi/!#en to sta* aVa* "Va#ne!S th#eatene!$
F me to sta* aVa*
.a The po/ice fo# his p#otecto#s to give hi& up "appea/e!S fo#ce!$
F The po/ice hi& to give hi&se/f up
1a ghe hi& to visit the e2hiFition Fefo#e it en!e! "p#o&ise!S to/!$
F ghe to visit the e2hiFition Fefo#e it en!e!
4a pi! *ou fo# the Fe! to Fe !e/ive#e! o# sha// I co//ect itq "nee!S a##ange$
F pi! *ou the Fe! to Fe !e/ive#e! o# Vi// *ou co//ect it *ou#se/fq
8a I &* &othe# to Fu* a neV ca# "!eci!e!S pe#sua!e!$
F I to Fu* a neV ca#
% There is at least one mistake in each sentence. !ggest appropriate corrections (tA! ;bi vO sKa). (IL")
1. She onged the hodays to come so that she coud be wth her famy agan.
% I ove#hea#! sa* that hens thin)ing of &oving to rancheste#
( ce Vatche! to p/a* footFa// unti/ it sta#te! to #ain
- Ve#* #e/uctant/*C he consente! he# to /en! the &one* to oanet
. r* pa#ents a/Va*s encou#age! Vo#) ha#! at schoo/
1 so# *ea#s the g#oup has Feen ca&paigning an inJui#* to ho/! into the acci!ent
41 thin) Ve shou/! /et the& to sta* unti/ the Vee)en!
8 ga& p#o&ise! &e to shoV &e hoV to fish fo# sa/&onC Fut he neve# ha! the ti&e
; mospita/ Vo#)e#s ha! to &a)e the& to !o Vith a 1.t pa* inc#ease this *ea#
1> 1 hea# he# te// that shens got a neV AoF "5 so&eone to/! &e aFout it$
11 This ca#! entit/es to ta)e an e2t#a pe#son Vith *ou f#ee
T#* *ou# Fest k *ou Vi// Fe successfu/ .
Luc van chinh
1% The* /et &e to Fo##oV thei# ca# Vhi/e the* Ve#e on ho/i!a*
( uepo#t these sentences !sing one of these verbs and a to-infinitive "se each verb once onl#.(vi>t ;Gi cu dca vOo t@ ,i d)
ag# ee encou# age i nvi t e o# !e# p# o&i s e # ef us e vo/ unt ee# Va# n
1vou cannt Fo##oV the ca#k me #efuse! to /en! &e the ca#
% vou #ea//* shou/! continue the cou#se me
( In// phone *ou soon me
- O)a*C In// co&e Vith *ou me
. gtop the ca# me
1 cou/! *ou /i)e to go out fo# !inne#q me
4 IR// Vo#) /ate at the Vee)en! me
8 ponRt go out Vithout an u&F#e//a me
$ to-infinitive
$ -ing
to ta/) aFout a g#a!ua/ change to sa* that so&eone &oves in the
Va* that is !esc#iFe!
wfte# so&e *ea#sC the* ca&e to
accept he# as an eJua/
xme ca&e h!rr#ing up the path
go on to &ean that so&ething is !one af
to sa* that so&eone &oves in the
te# so&ething e/se is finishe! Va* that is !esc#iFe!
j wfte# the inte#va/C lava#otti Vent
on to sing an a#ia f#o&
j w/though she as)e! hi& to stopC
he Vent on tapping his
pen on the taF/e
to sa* that Ve inten!"e!$ to !o
to sa* that so&ething has so&e- thing
e/se as a #esu/t
jI &eant to phone *ou /ast Vee) jIf Ve Vant to get the#e F* 4>>C
that &eans getting up Fefo#e .>>
j to sa* that Ve a#e aFout to !o
so&ething Ve a#e not happ* aFout
jto sa* Ve have a/#ea!* !one so&e thing
that Ve a#e not happ* aFout
j I #eg#et to info#& *ou that *ou#
app/ication has Feen unsuccessfu/
jItns too /ate noVC Fut In// a/Va*s
#eg#et asking oohn to !o the Vo#)
to &ean that #e&e&Fe#ing co&es Fefo#e
the action !esc#iFe!
to &ean the action co&es Fefo#e
jue&e&Fe# to take *ou# hat Vhen *ou
go out "fi#st #e&e&Fe# an! then
ta)e it$
j I #e&e&Fe# going to the Fan)C
Fut nothing afte# that "I #e&e&Fe# that I
Vent the#e
to sa* Vh* Ve stop !oing so&e-
to sa* Vhat it is that Ve stop !oing
x ghe stoppe! to make a cup of tea
x The* stoppe! la!ghing Vhen
ra/co/& Va/)e! into the #oo&
t#* to sa* that Ve atte&pt to !o so&e thing to sa* Ve test so&ething to see if it
i&p#oves a situation
T#* *ou# Fest k *ou Vi// Fe successfu/ 1
Luc van chinh
x I t#ie! to get the taF/e th#ough the
!oo#C Fut it Vas too Fig
j I t#ie! ta)ing so&e aspi#inC Fut the
pain !i!nnt go aVa*
1 Complete these sentences %ith either a to-infinitive o# an -ing fo#&. Choose an appropriate verb. ometimes more
than one verb is possible. "%$
a!&i#e Fu* chec) enAo* int#o!uce #ace sa* s&o)e spen! ta/) te//
tea# tu#n !oVn /ive notif* put
1 a w/though it Vas ha#! at fi#stC she ca&e to enAo* Vo#)ing fo# the ai#/ine
F ws I Va/)e! th#ough the gateC the !og ca&etoVa#!s &e
c wfte# Vo#)ing Vith he# fo# so /ongC I ca&e he# patience an! efficienc*
! veste#!a*C To& Vas so /ate he ca&e !oVnstai#sC g#aFFe! a cup of coffee an! /eft
% a The chi/!#en Ve#e shouting an! sc#ea&ingC Fut he Vent onto s#an)
F cenve t#ie! to pe#sua!e he# to stopC Fut she Aust goes on
c p# ma##is Ve/co&e! the &e&Fe#s of the co&&ittee an! Vent on
the suFAect of the &eeting
! ThenC in he# /ette#C she goes on that &ost of he# fa&i/* have Feen i//
( a I #eg#et*ou that the &o!e/ *ou Vant is out of stoc)
F ce #eg#et *ou that *ou# #eJuest fo# a ta2 #efun! has Feen #eAecte!
c w/&ost as soon as I ha! poste! the /ette#C I #eg#ette!the AoF
! It cost &e a fo#tuneC Fut I !onnt #eg#et a *ea# t#ave//ing a#oun! the
- a zi// Vas ve#* *oung Vhen the* /eftC an! he cou/! no /onge# #e&e&Fe#
in the house
F pi! *ou #e&e&Fe#a neVspape# on the Va
c ue&e&Fe#*ou# ansVe#s Fefo#e han!ing in *ou# e2a& pape#
! I #e&e&Fe# the &one* in the top !#aVe#C Fut itns not the#e noV
1 Complete the sentences %ith one of these ve#Fs and& if necessar#& an appropriate ob'ect& as in 1. (f it is possible
to have an ob'ect or no ob'ect& incl!de an ob'ect b!t %rite it in brackets& as in ).
1 Th#ough the Fe!#oo& Vin!oVC I spotte! &* siste# /eaving the house
% I #e&e&Fe#e! "hi&$ Fo##oVing the Foo)C Fut not #etu#ning it
( The evi!ence see&e! ove#Vhe/&ingC Fut rason {{{{{{{{{co&&itting the &u#!e#
- ce cannt{{{{{{{{{{{ Fu*ing a neV ca# an* /onge# The one Venve got noV Aust !oesnnt sta#t in the &o#ning
. ce sea#che! the houseC an! eventua//* {{{{{{{{{{{{#ea!ing a Foo) in he# Fe!#oo&
1 I{{{{{{{{{{ ca//ing &* na&eC so I Vent outsi!e to see Vho Vas the#e
4 I c/ose! &* e*es an! {{{{{{{{{{{ /*ing on a !ese#te! Feach in the sunshine
8 ws the sun setC Ve {{{{{{{{{ appea#ing in the s)*
; ra#) Vas a goo! guita#istC an! afte# he Vent ho&e Ve {{{{{{{{{{p/a*ing in the ga#!en in the evenings
% *ill z#oVn Vas arrested for stealing a car. +ere are some of his ansVe#s to ,!estions d!ring his trial. -eport %hat he said %ith the verbs given $
an -ing fo#&
a!&it consi!e# !en* notice #eca// #eg#et
|vesC I Vas ce#tain/* in toVn a#oun! &i!night{{{{{{ I saV tVo &en /oo)ing into a// the pa#)e! ca#s {{{{{{ noV *ou
&ention itC I thin) I !i! hea# a ca# Feing !#iven aVa*{{{{{{{ I !i!nnt thin) aFout te//ing the po/ice{{{{{{ I ce#tain/*
!i!nnt stea/ the ca#{{{{{{{ I Vish I ha!nnt gone out that nightk|
./ample0 me a!&itte! Feing in toVn a#oun! &i!night
1hich of #o!r sentences co!ld be re%ritten %ith having + past pa#ticip/e %ith little difference in meaning2 "-$
( (f 3ossible& re%rite these sentences !sing the possessive form of the ob'ect& as in 1. (f it is not possible& %rite 4. ".$
1 I !isapp#ove! of hi& s&o)ing in the house I !isapp#ove! of his s&o)ing
% ce !iscove#e! the chi/!#en hi!ing the choco/ates un!e# thei# Fe!s
( The p/an envisages Ton* Feco&ing pi#ecto# ne2t *ea#
- If the autho#ities catch an*one F#ea)ing the #u/esC the punish&ent is seve#e
. I cou/! i&agine the ca# fai/ing its annua/ inspection
T#* *ou# Fest k *ou Vi// Fe successfu/ 4
Luc van chinh
1 ce oFAecte! to the co&pan* Fui/!ing a pet#o/ station in ou# #oa!
4 It a&uses &e to thin) of hi& sitting at a !es) in a suit an! tie
8 r* &othe# !isapp#ove! of the cat s/eeping in &* Fe!#oo&
- Consider %hich verb form is more likel# and %h#). "1$
1 I hea#! the FaF* cr# 5 cr#ing fo# &ost of the night
%I fe/t the sna)e bite 5 biting &e an! saV it s/ithe# off into the Fushes
( chen *ou ca&e out of the stationC !i! *ou notice the chi/!#en pla# 5 pla#ing &usica/ inst#u&ents ac#oss the st#eetq
- I notice! he# Juic)/* slip 5 slipping the nec)/ace insi!e he# coat an! /eave the shop
T#* *ou# Fest k *ou Vi// Fe successfu/ 8

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