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Improving Large Assembly Design Using SolidWorks Step-byStep Learning Guide

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SolidWorks Essentials or equivalent experience.


A self-study guide to improving your large assembly productivity with SolidWorks software. Learn the tools and techniques to more efficiently design large assemblies and projects using SolidWorks. Learn at your own speed as you explore the different elements that comprise efficient assemblies.

Features Unlock the full power of SolidWorks tools and techniques to more efficiently design large assemblies with the helpful instructions and tips available only from technical training experts on staff with Dassault Systmes SolidWorks Corporation Explore the elements that make assemblies more efficient and the practices that can speed up your work. Examine the different hardware choices that contribute to a more productive design environment. Introduction and Overview In Search of the Magic Bullet How Much Will It Cost Me? Root Causes Best Practices Planning and File Management Large Project Design Planning How to Implement a Strategy File Management Product Data Management Goals of Data Management The Manual Data Management Method SolidWorks Workgroup PDM SolidWorks Enterprise PDM Software Settings Performance SolidWorks Options System Options Document Properties SolidWorks Add-ins Windows Options System Maintenance Running Other Programs Virus Protection SolidWorks Rx Saving Settings Components Parts, Part Origins Symmetry Features In-Context Modeling Creating In-Context Features InPlace Mates Alternative Method External References Part Configurations Simplified Configurations The Simplify Tool Patterns Templates Additional Consideration for Parts Level of Detail for Purchased Components Feature Statistics Fasteners and Toolbox Assemblies Issues in Large Assembly Management Opening Assemblies External Reference Search Order Referenced Document Search Path Recursive Searches Loading Assemblies and Parts into Memory Other Methods to Reduce Loaded Information Other Selection Tools Solving Mates

CAD MicroSolutions Inc. | 65 International Boulevard | Suite 103 | Toronto | ON | M9W 6L9 | Canada T: (416) 213-0533 | T.F.: (888) 401-5885 | F: (416) 213-0538 | MyCADServices Portal

Other Performance Enhancement Techniques Converting Files Appearance Performance Assembly Features AssemblyXpert Layouts Drawings Drawings Drawing Performance Quick view, Lightweight, SpeedPak Open to a Specific Configuration or Display State Detached Drawings eDrawings Drawing Templates and Sheet Formats Organizing Your Templates Performance and Display Issues Making a Backup Copy Hardware Choosing Hardware Operating System How Much RAM Storage Whats Important? Type of CPU Cores/Threads Video Cards Networks

Planning Large Design Projects Using SolidWorks Introduction to Large Project Design Planning Your Project File Storage Stage of the Design Level of Detail Components of a Large Assembly Models from Outside Vendors or Sources Visualization and Collaboration Document Control Detailing (Drawings) Review Performance by the Numbers Bottom Line Summary Hardware

CAD MicroSolutions Inc. | 65 International Boulevard | Suite 103 | Toronto | ON | M9W 6L9 | Canada T: (416) 213-0533 | T.F.: (888) 401-5885 | F: (416) 213-0538 | MyCADServices Portal

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