English Words

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1. Studies have shown that strong friendships make people more confident.

Someone who is confident believes in his own abilities and so does not feel nervous or frightened. Confident means sure of success, sure of oneself, presumptuous. It is derived from Latin word confdens which means trusting, having self-confidence, and from word confdere which means to have complete trust in. Example: She is confident in her ability to do the job well. Do not confuse confident with confidant. Confident means believing that you can do things well, whereas confidant means a reliable person that you tell private or secret things to. 2. Reliable means able to be trusted, capable of being relied on; consistently dependable in character, judgment, performance or result. Example: Tom is a reliable and caring person who has helped me out in many times of need. 3. People who are reliable are also considerate. Considerate means polite and caring, careful not to inconvenience or harm others, showing concern for the rights and feelings of others. Example: He is always considerate to his younger siblings and elderly people. 4. Sibling means each of two or more children or offspring having one or both parents in common; a brother or sister. Example: Not all kids have siblings and they need to be around other kids. 5. Many of us look up to our older siblings. In fact, it isn't until adulthood that siblings truly appreciate one another. Look up to has a meaning of having a great deal of respect for someone or feeling admiration for someone. Example: My brother was older and more experienced, and I looked up to him. 6. People we look up to are determined and ambitious. Determined means making a firm decision and being resolved not to change it; decided; settled; resolved; devoting full strength and concentrated attention to something. Example: Emma is determined that this year things will be different. 7. Ambitious means having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed;intention to satisfy high aspirations that are difficult to achieve. Example: Her parents were intensely ambitious for her and her younger sister.

8. Most people will admire those people who keep their cool and just take whatever is thrown at them. They are said to be easy-going persons. Easy-going is used to describe people who are relaxed and tolerant in attitude or manner and are not getting easily upset about things. Example: If you were more easy-going, you'd be less stressed out. 9. Conventional wisdom are generally accepted beliefs or theories that most people accept as correct. Example: Conventional wisdom has it that a book should never be judged by its cover. 10.Charming means very pleasant, polite, friendly, delightful and likeable. It also has a meaning used for saying that you do not like what someone has done. Example: There are lots of charming little restaurants along the river. 11.Quiet means little or no noise; without much activity, disturbance, or excitement; without being disturbed or interrupted. It is used about people who are not talking or who do not usually talk much. Quiet persons are not showy or obtrusive. Example: On the way home, she grew quiet and thoughtful. 12.Creative means involving the use of the imagination or original ideas to create something. Originality of thought. It is used about people who create works of art, especially as their job. Example: Some jobs may combine creative with technical skills, such as technical jobs in the arts. 13.Outgoing means friendly and socially confident, responsive to others. People who are outgoing enjoy meeting and talking to people. Example: Outgoing personality means you will always get a warm welcome at the store! 14.Keep tabs (or a tab) on means keeping something under observation. To watch someone carefully to see what they do, or to watch something carefully. Example: The police have been keeping close tabs on the organization. 15.Get away with murder means informal succeed in doing whatever one chooses without being punished or suffering any disadvantage. Example: He talks all day on the phonethe supervisor is letting him get away with murder.

16.Overlook means fail to notice or consider someone or something; ignore or disregard (something, especially a fault or offence),pass over (someone) in favour of another. Example: He seems to have overlooked one important fact. 17.Accommodating means willing to help; kind; obliging. Accommodating person fits in with someones wishes or demands in a helpful way. Example: We expected a more accommodating attitude during discussions. 18.Down to earth means without illusions or pretensions; practical, sensible and realistic. Down-to-earth person is someone who is not pretentious or affected and who doesn't put on airs, but who is instead simple and sincere. Example: Sarah provides commentary for the ' behind the curtains ' clips, and she's really down-to-earth and fun to listen. 19.Pretentious means attempting to impress by affecting greater importance or merit than is actually possessed. It has also meaning of having or creating a deceptive outer appearance of great worth. Example:Paul tries not to sound too pretentious whilst writing about himself in the third person. 20.Quick-witted means characterized by an ability to think or respond quickly and effectively. Quick-witted persons are able to think of good ideas or good answers quickly and they are mentally alert, sharp and very keen. Example: She was quick-witted and never at a loss for a smart answer. 21.Receptive means willing to consider or accept new suggestions and ideas. Person who is said to be receptive is open to arguments, ideas or change. Example: You are a convincing speaker, but not especially receptive to the ideas and opinions of others. 22.Manipulative means influencing or attempting to influence the behavior or emotions of others for one's own purposes. Manipulative person is skillful in controlling a person or situation. Example: Her manipulative father is well aware of the king's instability and is hoping that eventually he will have all the power.

23.Cite means to mention or bring forward as support, illustration, or proof. It refers to (a passage, book, or author) as evidence for or justification of an argument or statement, especially in a scholarly work. Example: Global warming skeptics often cite contradictory reports from a generation ago warning of global cooling. 24.Limelight means at the center of public attention, observation or notoriety. Example: Most of the honors go to people who are not in the limelight, for services to their community or industry. 25.Gravitate means to move towards or be attracted to a person or thing. Also it means to move under the influence of gravitation. Example: Good students will gravitate toward the best universities. 26.Advocate means to support or recommend publicly. A person who advocates upholds or defends a cause; supporter. Example: The evolutionists advocate that mammalian life evolved from aquatic. 27.Override means to set aside or disregard with superior authority or power. A person who overrides something uses authority to reject or cancel a decision, view.. Example: The needs of war are likely to override any objections this time. 28.Aloof means not friendly or forthcoming; distant physically or emotionally. An aloof person is distant, unsympathetic, supercilious in manner, attitude and is feeling reserved. Example: The mental and moral sciences could continue to hold themselves aloof from the natural sciences. 29.Spontaneous means performed or occurring as a result of a sudden impulse or inclination and without premeditation or external stimulus. Happening or arising without apparent external cause. Example: Be well enough prepared that you can allow yourself to be spontaneous. 30.Stubborn means having or showing dogged determination not to change ones attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good reasons to do so;difficult to move, remove or cure. Example: But the king became stubborn again and did not let the people go.

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