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OGP Annual Summit Commitment Template

COUNTRY Tanzania

TITLE OF COMMITMENT Enabling the Public to Access Public Information

DESCRIPTION (up to 200 words) The Government collects and holds information in the public interest, that most people have difficulty accessing, because of outdated laws and culture of government secrecy. Tanzania seeks to liberate this information for public benefit by enshrining the right to information in law. The Government commits to prepare and present to Parliament, by April 2014, after meaningful consultation with civil society, a Bill on The Right to Information that reflects the highest international standards of open government. The Bill will guarantee the presumptive right of the public to access information held by government except that which is strictly related to national security or that undermines genuine privacy. It will specify standards for sharing information, including formats, response times, level of specificity, cost, and it shall specify practical sanctions for any official who fails in their duty to disclose information. The Bill will reflect progressive Open Data Charter principles. It will embody the principle of citizen-centered and user-friendly access, with a commitment to use technology to make information easy to understand, use, compare and respond. It will create the institutions that are necessary to promote and safeguard such commitments, including independent monitoring body and/or ombudsman. The proposed law shall affirm progressive principles regarding the public right to information and establish robust mechanisms to realize such commitments, so that every Tanzanian comes to see that the government listens, and seeks to be transparent, responsive and accountable to its people.


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