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Media Contact Mario Diaz Howard R. Miller Communications mdiaz@gohrmc.

com 305-573-088


New Web Feature to Globalize t e Online Rare Colored Dia!ond In"e#t!ent Mar$et% E&clu#i"el' On () S) Fine Auction#
-Jewelry and Diamond investors are welcomed to set up bids before an auctionMIAMI * No") +% ,-./ * !"ter a record-#rea$ing auction on %cto#er &' 0&3' H. (eigel )ine !uctions in association with Rare Colored Diamonds *RCD+' a "ull-ser,ice in,estment "irm that s-ecializes in o""ering their .orth !merican and glo#al clients the "inest in,estment-grade rare colored diamonds and museum-/ualit0 1ewelr0' is -roud to launch a new we# "eature to its alread0 inno,ati,e online auctioning -lat"orm' allowing -otential #idders "rom all o,er the world to login -rior to an auction and set a Ma&i!u! 0id "or each lot. 2nterested in,estors are in,ited to ,iew a,aila#le catalogs and set utheir -ro"iles at3 www.hs" 45e had o,er 650 -eo-le sign on to our %cto#er &st auction'7 added Harold (eigel' C8% and "ounder o" RCD and H. (. )ine !uctions. 45ith this new #idding s0stem' we will e9-and this glo#alizing mar$et e,en "urther #0 allowing in,estors "rom other countries to -artici-ate in our online auctions des-ite time di""erences.7 :he new "eature allows -otential in,estors to setu- a s0stem which -laces #ids on their #ehal" automaticall0 during the auction. :he #idding s0stem will #id an amount that is under' or e/ual to' the ma9imum #id the user has selected "or the lot. ;sers can also set an accumulated Ma9imum Total A!ount "or the entire auction. :his will -re,ent !utomated <idding "rom occurring on a user=s #ehal" once the Ma9imum :otal !mount has #een reached. ;sers can modi"0 their settings at an0 time' u- to & hour #e"ore the auction. :his s0stem was tested as -artici-ants "rom all o,er the world in,ested o,er >500'000 in the %cto#er &' 0&3 auction' which "eatured the %-rah 5in"re0 !rg0le ?in$ Diamond .ec$lace and 8arrings and the ?aloma ?icasso :i""an0 Diamond Ring@ ma$ing this one o" (eigel=s most success"ul auctions. H. (eigel )ine !uctions re-resents the "irst and onl0 real-time li,e auction we#site in the world that can sell high-end colored diamonds' estate 1ewelr0 and rare collecti#les. Moreo,er' it=s the onl0 we#site where owners o" colored diamonds can -lace their diamonds u- "or auction and "ind interested #u0ers "rom -otential lu9ur0 mar$ets "rom all o,er the world to li/uidate their in,estment. Rare colored diamonds and other hard assets -ro,ide a sa"e wa0 "or in,estors to #uild a "inancial "irewall that will allow them to maintain their wealth amidst increased economic glo#al insta#ilit0 and im-ending in"lation. :he scarcit0 o" rare colored diamonds and other hard assets has historicall0 -ro,ided high-net worth in,estors with a huge -otential return o" in,estment. %ut o" the &&0 million carats o" diamonds mined each 0ear' onl0 '000 o" them will #e cut and -olished as colored diamonds. :he0 can #e sold in other currencies and res-ond to in"lation as well as gold' without the ris$. :he0 are a ,er0 sa"e in,estment and are a -orta#le' -ri,ate wealth that can #e trans-orted easil0.
&&75 .8 & 5th (:R88:' (;2:8 6&8' .%R:H M2!M2' )A 33&6& B :el. 305.573.088 B )!C. 305.8D5. E& in" B Follow 1# On: htt-3FF#it.l0FHRMC"ace#oo$ htt-3FFtwitter.comFG%toHRMC htt-3FFwww.0outu#e.comFG%HRMC

:o in/uire a#out -urchasing diamonds' 1ewelr0 and other "ine collecti#les or "or more in"ormation into this new and e9-anding glo#al in,estment mar$et ,isit and www.hs" About RareColoredDia!ond# and (arold Sei2el Fine Auction# Rare Colored Diamonds *RCD+ is a "ull-ser,ice in,estment "irm that s-ecializes in o""ering their clients the "inest in,estment-grade rare colored diamonds. .ot onl0 do the0 hel- clients ac/uire rare diamonds' #ut the0 also o""er an integrated e9it strateg0 through their real-time li,e auctions we#site H. (eigel )ine !uctions www.hs"' the world=s -remiere diamond and "ine collecti#les auction we#site. :his uni/ue secondar0 mar$et hel-s in,estment clients resell their colored diamonds to -otential #u0ers and targeted lu9ur0 mar$ets. About (arold Sei2el Harold (eigel' a -ioneer o" the in,estment diamond industr0 with o,er three decades o" e9-erience as a "inancial in,estment e9-ert' is the -resident o" Rare Colored Diamonds. (eigel -roduces and hosts an hour-long national radio news show called :he 5orld )inancial Re-ort. !s a host' (eigel has a long histor0 o" success in identi"0ing in,estment trends in the glo#al mar$et-lace and o""ers -redictions and conser,ati,e in,estment ad,ice. 2n addition' "or o,er 0 0ears the show has o""ered listeners timel0 in"ormation on glo#al mar$ets li$e oil' -recious metals' currencies' commodities and hard mone0 mar$ets such as rare colored diamonds and collecti#les. :hrough his e9tensi,e $nowledge o" these in,estments' (eigel has a--eared on the <loom#erg :H=s Mone0 Mo,es' the Aang I %=Aear0 89change' C..' C.<C' Rush Aim#augh and man0 other -rominent .orth !merican media as a -reeminent "inancial in,estment e9-ert.


&&75 .8 & 5th (:R88:' (;2:8 6&8' .%R:H M2!M2' )A 33&6& B :el. 305.573.088 B )!C. 305.8D5. E& in" B Follow 1# On: htt-3FF#it.l0FHRMC"ace#oo$ htt-3FFtwitter.comFG%toHRMC htt-3FFwww.0outu#e.comFG%HRMC

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