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FORM irregular verbs: 2nd column of irregular verbs I spoke regular verbs: verb + ed I worked NEG: Ex. INTER: Ex: Ex:

USAGE We use past simple to describe: 1. A completed Action in the Past

SIGNAL WORDS yesterday last night week month etc the last time the first time

2. A series of completed actions.

3. An action which interrupts another

ago a da! two weeks etc WHEN


past form of "be" + #erb +ing

We use past continuous to describe: 1. Actions in progress in the past Ex: 2. Two actions happening at the same time Ex:



3. Ex:

With the past simple! the interrupted action.

"#$$E"T T%E &'(TA)E(. 1. &* mum was often dri+ing when she was *ounger. 2. While dadd* didn,t loo-. (usan put it in her poc-et. 3. ' needed to tal- to her. And at 1/ ' was calling her. 0. 1our English is +er* good. Where were *ou stud*ing2 3. As the* wal-ed along the ri+er. the* saw something strange in the water. 4. ' was ta-ing her to 5o+er. We had a great time. 6. When he met her. she wore a hat. 7. (he was arri+ing home. and prepared dinner.


FORM irregular verbs: 2nd column of irregular verbs I spoke regular verbs: verb + ed I worked NEG: Ex. INTER: Ex: Ex:

USAGE We use past simple to describe: 1. A completed Action in the Past

SIGNAL WORDS yesterday last night week month etc the last time the first time

2. A series of completed actions.

3. An action which happened after another one

ago a da! two weeks etc


had + $rd column of irregular verbs e%: had + infinitive + ed e%: NEG:

We use past perfect to describe an actions which too- place happened! before something else in the past. Ex:

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<se the right tense: Put the +erbs into the correct tense (imple Past or Past Perfect!.

1. 2. 3.

The removal van &arrived'had arrived( before the! &finished' had finished( packing )efore the! &moved' had moved( to this town* the! &lived'had lived( in +hicago ,fter the kids &ate' had eaten( their lunch* the! &took' had taken(a little nap ,fter school we &met' had met( at the !outh club .hen I /////////////// &come( home* m! mother//////////////// &alread!'prepare( .hen 0onica /////////////// &finish( her homework* she//////////// &go ( out to pla! with .hen we ////////////////&meet( ,ndrew* we/////////////////// &tell( him about our I went to the librar!* then I ////////////// &bu!( some milk and went home .e got home and found that someone//////////////// &break( into the house


her friends 1 plans 2 3


6ulie was ver! pleased to see that 6ohn //////////////////// &clean( the kitchen

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