Indonesia: #OGP13 Summit Commitment

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OGP Annual Summit Commitment Template It would be most helpful to us to have a brief description of all national commitments in the

form below. This will ensure we accurately and clearly represent the commitment that your government had made in any final documents arising from the summit. COUNTRY Indonesia TIT ! O" CO##IT#!NT Catalyzing Sustainable Change: Meaningful Youh Engagement on Open Government $!%CRI&TION 'up to ()) words*

+ith ,( million Indonesian youth under the age of (, and up tp -) million new young voters in ().,/ engaging youth in Indonesia0s 1ourney for more openness is imperative. Indonesia is committed to meaningfully engage its youth in disseminating and wal2ing the core values of open government. 3s O4& embar2s on its broadening 1ourney/ engaging youth as change agents is crucial to ensure sustainability of O4& as a global movement. Indonesia0s commitment will translate into an ongoing process of dialogue and mutual partnership with young people who continue to invent and innovate new approaches to various development challenges. It is hoped that this meaningful engagement will lead to trust building and creative collaboration in accelerating collective efforts to establish openness. +ith youth0s creativity and entrepreneurial spirit/ they will offer new/ fresh/ and out5of5the5bo6 approaches. Thus/ youth will not only understand/ but also meanigfully participate in Indonesia0s open governance and development agenda. 3s a start/ , Indonesia0s Young 3mbassadors for Open 4overnment has been selected through #odel Open 4overnment &artnership '#O4&* 5 a rigorous national selection mechanism embedding O4& values and operations. $uring Indonesia0s ead Chairmanship/ Indonesia will introduce series of actions that will involve greater youth participation 7 through collective pro1ects/ local campaign/ and media engagement 7 in advancing openness in Indonesia/ and globally.

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