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JifBt (Sfrman OHyrtHtiatt

Forwarding Agent - Mrs. Lloyd Judy 318 Lake Street, Buchanan, Michigan


iWerrp CJjriJJtmasf


Christmas! A time when we like to write a special letter of

Greeting to our friends in America and throughout the world

to let them know in a very special way that we are thinking
about them!

David, as you probably alreacfy know, is attending pre-med at Pepperdine College. His address is: "Pepperdine College,
1121 W. 7i)th St., Los Angeles, California 90044." Knowing

how lonely he feels from being so far away from home, we

are sure that a letter from you from time to time would be
greatly appreciated.
Debbie Ann is a Junior in High School. She is taidng crea

tive wr i t i ngjwhich she e n

y s teemendously. She not only

writes for the school, but also finds time to he^p^th^tHe U^ping in the office.

Bobby is in the sixth grade and is looking forward towards entering the Frankfurt Junior High next Fall. Besides be ing busy with his school work and puppy, he is taking an
active part in the Boy Scouts.

The past summer went by so fast, we hardly realized that

another Christmas is now upon us! Last Spring, we enjoyed a wonderful trip to Greece as a family. (Our last vacation

together while David was still with us.) It was a real thrill
to see and visit the actual places where the Apostle Paul
had been.

Except for the usual rounds of colds, we are all well, and
hope that this word of Greeting finds vou enjoying the very
best of health.


Recently, Ron Butler and Ed Fausz made a survey and factfinding tour of southern Germany, France and Switzerland,
as they toured and visited radio listeners in that area to de

termine a new field of service for the Ron Butler family. We feel that this trip has been very successful, as invitat ions were extended to Ed to come and hold evangelistic

meetings and to help them in>^ta^JLig5iHg=:Sfefc^

Congregations. One establishedieilffegation~on5eS7e^6^0

and 120 members was contact^\n Zurich, Switzerland

plans were dl s cus s ed to hav^v^^^^me down next year

hold a city-wide evangelistic campaiSaT
ders of this congregation is. being maintained through cor

Besides preparing this Newsletter for printing by Bob Green in the U.S., a Christmas letter in English and another one in German (for our German mailing list); we are now in the process of printing four tracts in the German language here in Germany. -These tracts have been illustrated by Brother Fausz and are in various stages of development as he writes
the materials for them. This series of tracts are entitled:

"Cod's Teaching on: (1) Faith; (2) Repentance; (3) Confession; and (4) Baptism." Still other tracts in various stages of de velopment are: "God's Teaching on the Lord's Supper" and "God's Teaching on Giving." Samples of these tracts may be had for display purposes and/or for handing out to Ger
man friends upon request, just as soon as Sid has run them

off the pressj^___^.^

Titer jias been purchased to enmatter and to expedite

the operation of the Printing Ministry. It is a tremendous as set to our printing, and a sample of the type can be seen in
this Newsletter.

V.W. Bus Delivered !


Mr. & Mrs. Edward W Fausz Anzengruberstrasse 2, (6) FRANKFURT AM MAIN GERMANY v:; ::; :X:


. ^

Non-Profit Organ.
U.S. Postage Paid
Permit No. 65

Mailed by:

First Christian Church

1102 Cedar Street


Michigan City, Indiana


Box 9^8
Mis^^iON Services
.!ol[e:t, Illinois

Michigan City, Ind.

WBBt Oi^Frman OHirtBttatt





4 9 107





fflpBt ^rrman dfyriatian
Anirr>crubemrMM 2. (fij rrviUurt/Mtin Germany
Jvtuir^' 2.


Our Ottf Pr1o4 Ui CKrm

An ui^cei MpfmiJ lor prtyrr

bellftU of DCSBtE ANN

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vmJ Mrd t> oihr Mi^hbortfig In Uw enetinlimc. we hall ftlvuu riehU witJ) Uv pJrltiut

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Sr\u4 our l^rd la Onaasy.

WE CANNOT THANK GOD nor His people enough for the wonderful way in which He has answered the prayers of many who were praying in behalf of Debbie Ann. She is back in school now, -with no apparent permaneni injuries. She wants to use this means to thank everyone for their prayers and beautiful cards. May God bless each of you !


Februan' 18th-25th

with Ed and Mar\-.

SUNDAY SERVICES begin at 9^00 A.M. This in volves getting up quite early on Sunday morning,

in order to arrive at the U.S. Army's 97th Gen eral Hospital on time. This hospital is located on
the other side of Frankfurt. We meet in the Con

ference room located on the 5th Floor. Average

attendance has been running around 25 to 30 each

Lord's Day. Dr. Paul Jones of Portland, Oregon

teaches the Adult Bible School Class and his wife

Jan, teaches the Junior Class. Since Dr. Jones works at the hospital, he has arranged for us to have this meeting place for which no rent is re quired. Marj' (Fausz) teaches the Primary Class.

After preaching for the morning service,

is over at between 10:30 to 11:00 A.M.

Since we

are members of the Terrace Club (Officer's open

mess) Mary and I allowed ourselves the "Luxurj'''

of eating lunch at the club this Sunda5\
The afternoon was spent in entertaining three Am
erican Servicemen who are now stationed in Butz-


one of which is a member of the Christian

Church in Huntsville, Alabama where Philip Mc Pherson is minister. We enjoj'ed a wonderful af ternoon of Christian fellowship with Jimmie Tobej*. MONDAY was another busy day beginning in the office around 6:30 A.M. I like to do my studying and preparing of sermons early in the morning before the rest of the family gets up. At 7:45, I have breakfast with the family, and then return
to the office to work. (The office is right In our

apartment.) The German secretary,

whom we

have engaged to help us on a "part-time" basis came to work at 9:00 A.M., and we put him to work on typing letters which I had dictated to him earlier in reply to our German radio listeners who had written in. Since Mary (Allsbury) attends a German class on Monday morning, Sid came at noon this day, to run the press. Mary (Fausz) did the family washing in between the times that she was hand-addressing envelopes for mailing
materials to our listeners in iron curtain coun


We all worked until 7:00 P.M.

at which

time the German secretary went home.

He and I

had worked all afternoon typing sermons in pre

paration for preaching them on tape the following day. Mary and I entered the office after dinner, and we worked together xmtil after 9:00 P.M. as
the children did their home work.

TUESDAY morning, I drove to the Allsbuiy's to

pick up Sid and the two of us went to Wetzlar

where I recorded twenty sermons on tape. Upon arriving in Frankfurt at 4s00 P. M., Sid returned to the Print Shop to process some films, and I worked in the office until late in the evening. WEDNESDAY, I began working on several more German tracts while Mary and the German sec retary mailed out the week's sermons. Mary was working in the office until 3:30 P.M. at which time she went over into our apartment and began cleaning up the house and preparing dinner for

guests, Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Eichenlaub. They had after which they had planned to help us in the Mission work. After dinner, the Eichenlaubs, Sid and Mary, the German secretary, Mary (Fausz) and I cut, fold ed and stapled tracts on Baptism. We had run about 5, 000 on the press, and completed about half of them. The German secretary worked until 9:00
been invited to our home for supper,

P.M., after having worked about ten hours. The rest of us stayed on and worked until after 11:00,

THURSDAY (February 22nd) was an American holiday. Sid and I went to the market to buy in
groceries for our families, take care of some

banking business and I bought Bobl^ a pair of shoes. We got back in time for lunch, and after putting the groceries away, we made plans to
meet with the Church people to tour the Guten

berg Museum. After picking up the Allsbury fam

ily, we met in front of Dr. Jone's home to form

a motorcade to Mainz. Besides our family and the Allsbury's, there were Dr. and Mrs. Jones and children, Mr. & Mrs, John Perry, Mr. and Mrs. James McCorkle and children and later, we
met Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Eichenlaub and children

who met us at the museum since they live close to Mainz. A special guide was assigned to our group to show us the press and other things of interest, including the original Gutenberg Bible. In the evening, the Fausz's, the Allsbury's and the Eichenlaub's attended the regional basketball tournament at Rhein-Main Air Base. By the way, Frankfurt lost the game by just two points.

FRIDAY proved to be another busy day. Sid came

to the Print Shop to run off the covers for the

Correspondence and Bible Study Course which I had made up earlier. The German secretary and I worked in my stu<fy on German correspondence and typing more sermons which I had prepared
earlier that morning. I began a new series of ser
mons on the Bible to follow the one on the N. T.

Church. After typing four sermons and answering a stack of German letters, we paused for lunch. After he had eaten, the secretary continued with the typing of sermons and I set the type for an
other German tract which T had written earlier.

Dear Mom, Dad, Debbie and

I am taking a break from studying for my history ex ams to let you know how
things are going.

I didn't get much sleep last night for a very good reason.
At 12:30 this morning, my room-mate accepted Christ

in Christian Baptism. An other boy performed the ceremony, but two or three
of us talked to him about it,
after he showed interest in

becoming a Christian. We had to get the key from the

Church office of the Church of Christ here on

campus. I don't think I'll ever forget that ex perience and I'm sure that my room-mate won't.

He still has a long wa^^^go. Sunday, he prayed

for the first time in jl^gvears and this mor

ning he said Ms firsrp^R^iJ before a meal.


is also enr

from Hong Kong man in Pepper-

dine College. -

During the Winter season, while the weather was too bad to go out on long trips to call on radio
listeners and Bible Study Groups, our time was

well-spent in writing, translating, preparing and printing tracts and Bible Stucfy materials. In order to give you an idea of what has been done so far, we will present the facts to you at this


A tract on "Forgiveness"

as taught in the New Testament. Since this tract was in such a great demand, we have printed fif
teen hundred of them.


DIE TAUFE" An actual translation of "New Test

ament Teaching on Baptism" by Dr. Lewis Fos ter of the Cincinnati Bible Seminaiy. Five thous

and copies of these have been printed in German.

"DIE ZUNGENKRAFT" A tract dealing with the

power of the tongue as taught in the Epistle of

James. Fifteen hundred have been printed.

written by Ed in German, which is designed for use in hospitals and calling on the sick and af
flicted. It deals with "The Blessings of Suffering"

and is designed to bring comfort to those in dis tress. We have printed fifteen hundred of these.

i^ of lessons which Ed has written to coincide

wth the German radio broadcast on "God's Plan for His Church." Ed is now working on another series on; "FORSCHET IN DER SCHRIFT!" or

"Search the Scriptures!" which establishes the

power and authority of the Bible as the Word of


We worked quite late into the evenijig, to niaJce up for the American holiday the day before. After supper, I drew the layout work for another tract cover. We fell into bed physically exhausted, but with the satisfaction of kno-^dng that we had put i.ii aj.other full day's work for our Lord! SATURDAY, although equally busy, offered some diversity from the usual routine. We had to pre pare for Sunday, remind the children of their hHiselhoId chores, buy in groceries for the week
end. and clean the house. Besides these things,

l\Iar>' and I worked in the office going over the

niail.ini^ list and mapping out the work schedule ibr the week to follow. In the evening, all of us mei the Eichenlaub family and we attended the fi nal game of the basketball tournament.

Dr. & VMrs. Paul Jones

Twelfth Anniversary
At an Adult Bible Class Party, Ed and Mary were presented with a Hummel Figure (shown be low) to commemorate their having served twelve

years on the Mission Field on February 16th. It

is hard to believe that that many years have gone by since first coming to Germany. As we look back upon these years, we thank God for the won derful way in which He has blessed our efforts. The Mission has come a long way since when we used to meet in our home. Of course, we owe our thanks not only to God, but also to His people!


The Hummel figure on the left, depicts a boy picldng flowers in the Alps. The flower on his hat is an Edelweiss which grows wild in the Alps of Bavaria, Au
stria and Switzerland. Because

they grow on high peaks and on treacherous slopes, a young man often risks his life to pick one for his girl friend. For this reason, they have Decome a symbol of bravery. The flower itself is very small, white and fluffy and is in the shape of a

"ERHEBET DEINE AUGEN!"An evangelistic tract on the subject; "Lift Up Your Eyes!" Fifteen hun dred of these have also been printed for distribu tion throughout the German-speaking peoples of
"DIE KRAFT PER SCHWACHHEIT" or translated; "The Strength of Weakness". An insert to the

hospital tract of "Die Segnungen des Leidens" which is designed to be a booklet when it is all complete.
Other tracts and sermons which have been com

pleted this quarter (Jan. Feb. Mar.) are;

"Die Reise des Glaubens" "Altare des Glaubens"

"Altare des Dlenstes"

"Die Wahre Zufriedenheit"
"Die Freiheit der Wahl"

"Die Wamungen und VerheiBungen Gottes"

"Die Liebe Gottes"

besides the Newsletters, Post-Cards, Form let

ters, Scripture Reference Cards, Booklet Covers

and Letter-heads which were designed and printed

in German. So we are off to a good start.

Jlrl| tr^rtnag alUa htr tntrlj mHrlyltg

(Philipper 4, 13b)

iJ**'^'.'rli^Wi .i*-'





iiber die TAU



For several weeks prior to the "Lenten" Season, the German people join in a period of "MerryMaking" which they call the Fasching Season or Kamival. Many of the children dress up in cos tumes very much like our Halloween. Even some of the adults dress up and join in the parade. At this time of the year, you can find more "Indians and Cowboys" in Germany than you could find in
the "Wild-West". Here are some of the costumes

which the children were wearing, some parents spend a great deal of time on them to make them authentic and elaborate. Did you know that there
is an "Indian Club" here in Frankfurt which does

research and stucty of the early Indian tribes? This is another reason why the costumes appear
so authentic.

Field Address:

Mr. & Mrs, Edward W.


Anzengruberstrasse 2,
6000 Franlcfurt/Main. Germany


Mailed by:
First Christian Church

Non-Profit Organ. U.S. Postage Paid

Permit No. 65

11 02 Cedar Street

Michigan City, Ind.

Michigan City, Indiana



Box 968
MISSION Services lOLiET, Illinois


W^Bt Cl^^rman Qllynsttan

Mrs. Lloyd Jud>', Forwarding Agent 318 Lake St., Buchanan, Mich, 49107


November & December 1968



We want to thank you first of all for your patience in waiting for this report. It is

very difficult to maintain a regular time for reporting news from the field. Since there are so few of us here in Germany, and so much of our time is being demanded by the work, our correspondence with Churches and friends in America has suffered terribly. We do want you to know, however, that you are constantly in our thoughts and prayers, and
we are looking forward towards our furlough next summer when we can see you in person and renew the wonderful Christian fellowship which we enjoyed during our last furloi^h.



The Lord's work in Germany is being made possible through the many prayers which

are being said in our behalf, as we work shoulder to shoulder to take the Gospel of Christ to the German-speaking peoples of Europe. We have felt the strength of your prayers as three members of our family were hospitalized this year (Debbie, David and Mary) and al might continue for those souls living under Communism behind the iron curtain, and other
souls which are enslaved to the various isms in Europe. Please turn to "Prayer Needs"

so as we reached out through the radio and printing ministries. We ask that your prayers

in the back of this Newsletter, where we have listed the various problems and needs which
confront us today.


TVe can never find words to adequate express and convey the gratitude which we feel

towards God and His people for the many sacrifices which are being made so that His work in Germany can continue. Your gifts and offerings have not only maintained the operation of our work, but have also helped in the purchasing of new equipment so that we could ex pand it. It makes us humble to know so many who are praying and giving in order to make this work possible, and there is no greater privilege than to serve our Lord and His peo ple in a way that enables their Faith to be felt in more than 25 different coimtries. We pray that God will bless each of you, as you continue to invest in world-evangelism.


Through the years, there have been some \^o have given over and beyond their tithe and offering, and have even invested some of their time in this work. Right now, we wish to thank our Forwarding Agent, Mrs. Lloyd Judy for her complete devotion and unselfish ness as she spends many hours (gratis) in the role of a forwarding agent. We also wish

to thank Bro. Bob Green, minister of the Church at Griffith, Indiana for having spent so
many hours in the printing of our Newsletter. And a special thanks goes to the Missions Committee of the First Christian Church at Michigan City, Indiana whose members have spent many hours in the mailing out of our Newsletter. Last but not least, we wish to al so thank the elders of the Buchanan Church for serving so well in the capacity of Trustees and Spiritual Oversight of the work in general. May God bless each of you!


0 '


We feel that our Report and Newsletter would

be incomplete without a few words of personal and heartfelt greetings, not only from the four of us here in Germany, but also from David who is now attending the Cincinnati Bible Seminary.
Time seems to be our greatest problem in

writing personal letters to our many friends in Christ throughout the States, and we feel ashamed
that we are unable to write as often as we would

like to. However, we do want to use this oppor tunity to assure you that you are in our prayers,
and that we treasure the memories of those whom

we have met personally, and the fellowship of the many friends and churches whom we have come to know only through the exchange of letters. We hope that our furlough time will enable us to be come personally acquainted with those whom we haven't met, and to renew the fellowship of those
whom we have.

Except for the Lugano Retreat in which Mary and I both taught classes, we have had no vacat
ion this summer. With David in College and Deb

bie in her Senior year in High School, this has been not only a busy year, but an expensive one.

Bobby became a teen-ager (13) last month, so

we have three teen-agers in the family all at one

In closing, we want to send each of you our personal greetings for a very MERRY CHRISTMAS

Your Missionary Fagnily,

Ed, Mary, DaWd, Debbie'
and Bobby.




Pages 13

Pages 48 & 14


Pag'es 911

Page 13

Pages 11 & 12


''M f'i'

\ 111,.




Sunday, October 6th, 1968 marked the Tenth Anniversary of Gospel Preaching in the German language over Radio Luxembourg. On that day, a total of 520 sermons had been prepared, taped and aired over a radius of more than 1, 000 miles into a total of twentyfive European countries to a potential radio audience of approximately 100 million souls. Throi^h the financial cooperation of the Gospel Broadcasting Mission through which funds are raised to pay for the actual broadcasting time on Radio Luxemboui^, the Gospel of Christ has found its way into millions of homes on both sides of the iron curtain. This is a tremendous undertaking in carrying out the Great Commission on a large scale so that the millions of souls who are still out of Christ might have an opportunity to accept Him
on His terms and be added to His Church.



Although radio alone has its limitations, it also has tremendous possibilities for tak ing Christ to the Nations of Europe. We have used radio and shall continue to use it as a means for making initial contact with the interested souls who have a sincere and genuine desire to "Search the Scriptures" and discover the Truth which only Christ can offer them. For those living behind the iron curtain, it is the only means which we can employ for reaching them. If only one/hundredth of our potential audience tunes in, we are still able
to reach a million souls through this means. Of course, we have no way of knowing ex

actly either the extent of its effectiveness nor the total number of conversions which have
resulted. We can find comfort and assurance, however, in the words of our Lord: "Heav en and Earth shall pass away, but My Words shall never pass away!"

While radio is being used to open many doors and many more hearts, it is up to us

to follow up these contacts with personal calls and continuous teaching. It is in this area
where we are now pleading for help! WE CANNOT DO THE JOB ALONE! Many opportun

ities which we have today, will be lost forever, if we do not have more qualified and ex perienced personnel to help us. Our contacts are too scattered and numerous for one man to be expected to carry out this phase of the work by himself. Sometimes \ve must travel a full day to baptize a soul into Christ. We will outline this problem in more detail under
the heading of "Our Needs" in the back of this Report.
The nature of our broadcast: "Forschet in der Schrift!" (Search the Scriptures!) is

evangelistic and personal. It follows the same pattern and program as a pulpit ministry to capture and maintain the interest of its listener and to patiently teach him in a spirit of love and humility, the Christ of the New Testament and His Church. Every message is prepared and given with the listener's soul and eternal destiny in mind, and with a prayer that God's Spirit and Word will move the soul to complete surrender to our Lord, Jesus

The cost of this weekly, Sunday broadcast is comparatively low when compared with the cost of our Salvation on Calvary's cross and what the soul living under the heel of Communism is willing to pay for the Freedom which is offered through Christ's blood. The cost of renting the studio at Wetzlar is $25.00 per broadcast. This includes musical

copyrights and tape used in recording. Of course, this cost is over and above the amount
which is raised each week by the Gospel Broadcasting Mission, and it is up to the West

German Christian Mission to supply the recording/production costs from its funds.
Although we have a regular and growing response to this program, it would be totally unfair to judge its effectiveness on the basis of the few letters we publish from time to time. Neither time nor space would permit us to translate and print them all. And even if we could print them all, it still would be inadequate evidence on which to base a sound judgment, because only a fraction of them who hear it, mil take the time to write us. We must, therefore, place our full and complete trust in the Gospel of Christ, which is "the power of God unto Salvation" that it will fall upon the ears of souls who are eager to hear it and act upon it. To limit its propogation and try to measure its effectiveness would be to deprive God of His Voice and to invalidate His promise that "it would not return unto Him void, but that it would accomplish the purpose to which He (God) had intended it!"
Within the next six months, before we are able to come home on furlough, we must prepare and tape two years of sermons in advance, so that this phase of our work can continue during our absence and enable us to have a year's reserve after our return from furlough to enable us to delve into the. calling and teaching program and to get caught up with other phases of the work. We would appreciate your prayers in our behalf that God will supply us with the strength we need to finalize these plans.






"Please send me the text of your radio message on Baptism and weekly sermons... " -Dr. Med. W, Reinhold



West Germany

al position and exact time and times of your broadcast for distribution among our members..." -Prof. Dr. Dekan

"Please send me more information regarding your doctrinEvangelical Minister,





West Germany


us sermons!"

and to then be baptized by immersion into Christ, Please send

"Send me your worth-while sermon copies fron now on!

Bible, that we first believe, then repent and confess our Lord,

"We appreciate your nice and scriptural teachings from the

A Family in Czechoslovakia


ki. L /' ' '' ^^


i /


XO y
/ V


Your sermons are right out of the Bible!" Family, E, Germany

"In gratitude for your broadcast and missionary labors, I
want to give them to others." Frau "X" - East Germany,


am sending you 1,000 Dinars." -Family in Yugoslavia 20 ON 20 SERK\ONS SERK\ONS ON "Please send me 20 copies of your sermons each week. I TAPE / tape /

ArTrP PRfACHIN Arrrp preachin

Many other letters from France, Switzerland, West and East Germany, Poland, Hungary, Austria and Romania in addition to those countries already listed are too numerous
to quote.

1. Austria

1. Albania







5. Finland (Neut.)

6. Germany (W)
7. Greece

6. 7.

Germany (E.) Hungary


8. 9.

Iceland Ireland


9. 10.
11. 12.

Lithuania Poland
Rumania Russia

10; Italy


12. Luxembourg
14. Norway 15. Portugal
16. Sweden

13. Yugoslavia

17. Switzerland

SnnnziziiiEi^ siiSsssssi^T'

~ ^'

18. Spain 19. Turkey 20. Tyrol






(From last report in March 1968 to the present.)

Several "Stu(fy-Type" booklets have been completed. One of these is entitled: "GOTTES
PLAN FUR SEINE GEMEINDE" which was in the process of being started during our last

report. Translated, this means: "God's Plan for His Church". Although Ed had finished
the writing and typing, Sid was not able to complete the printing until after the Lugano Re treat. A total of 1,200 copies of these have been printed and bound of which about half
were mailed to radio listeners in Western Europe for Bible stu^. It has 16 lessons.

The purpose of this booklet is to acquaint the reader with the Church of the New Test ament and to prepare him for further study. It is to be used in teaching and training lead ership in the various Bible Study groups as Ed travels from place to place and also to help the individual to get a firmer grasp of God's teachings until Ed can come and teach them in person. It was extremely important that we complete this booklet as a stu(fy-guide in our teaching and calling program. In addition to containing sermons on the Church, sup plementary study helps and suggestions for additional study are provided in the back of
each lesson. This booklet is also being used as a guide-line for a Correspondence Course (mentioned previously) for those who desire it. Considerable work and time went into the production of this booklet. With the help of

Miss Sherry Shafer and Miss Linda Ronesburg (working with Alva & Janice Phillips in the Black Forest) together with Mary Fausz and Mary Allsbury, Debbie and Bobby, Ed and Sid were able to print, bind and mail these booklets in about one week's time after the
plates were finished.

Another booklet: "JESUS UNSER FREUND" (Jesus our Friend) which is especially de

signed and prepared for children, was also completed for use in Vacation Bible School. It contains ten lessons, the art-work of which was copied from Standard Publishing. Only 400 of these were prepared, as the demand was not as great on them. 100 copies were deliv
ered to the Black Forest Christian Mission when we drove Debbie to Gechingen to help the

Phillips by teaching a daily class Hn'Hng their Vacation Bible School.

A teaching-training booklet for adults called: "FORSCHET IN DER SCHKIFT!" (Search the Scriptures!) containing 16 lessons on the theme that the Bible is the inspired Word of God was prepared, typed and printed as a follow-up to the one on God's Plan for His
Church. While some of these booklets have been distributed in their present form, it is

Ed's desire to add a few more pages of stu^-helps and supplementary materials before production begins on a larger scale.

"DER EWIGE FELS" (Rock of Ages), a third booklet for Bible stu(fy was prepared and written by Ed, but he has not completed the type-setting for this as yet. He has finished the cover and began the general lay-out work. The piurpose of this booklet is to acquaint the student with a general knowledge of Old Testament prophecies being fulfilled in the New,
It will contain seven lessons with additional notes and study helps in the back of each one.

The costs involved in the printing of these booklets is very low wiien compared with commercial rates. For example, the booklet: "GOTTES PLAN FUR SEINE GEMEINDE"

complete with plastic bin ding and heavy-stock cover was produced at a cost of only 10 cents per copy. This rate would be reduced even more if printed in larger quantities.






A great deal of work takes place "behind the scenes" in the art and lay-out work which is accessary to the printing ministry. Here Ed is busily engf^ed in providing the covers of two tracts; "Die Lehre des Neuen Testaments iiber die Taufe" and "Die Vei^ebung". In or der to make such work possible, Ed gives many of his evening hours and week-ends to it. Photography is also used in the production of special effects for the tracts. Both Sid and Ed provide the photography needed for this. Since it takes complete "team-work" to pro duce this printed material, Ed and Sid discuss the various techniques and effects even be fore the actual work begins on the tracts. With the additional equipment (discussed later) the work has not only been accelerated but improved with the added possibilities of a Repro Camera (see picture) and Head-liner. Besides the printing samples which are shown in this report, we will be glad to sup ply you with actual copies of these tracts upon request. However, we suggest that you al low four to six weeks for the materials to arrive, and ask that you include a dollar or two for mailing costs. Instead of ordering them through our forwarding agent, you may wite
your request directly to us here in Germany.

I ACLOSE UP of the
drawing board where


Ed had been working

to make the covers for German tracts.

Several new tracts have also been completed since our last report. 1.

Among these are;

"Die Aufgeschlagene Bibel"

"Die Austeilende Bibel"

4. 5. 6.

"Die Bibel - Das Bret unseres Lebens;

das Licht unserer Seele"

"Die Kraft der Bibel" "Das Inne\vohnende Wort" "Das Abendmahl"

(The Open Bible) (The Rightly-Divided Word) (The Bible - The Bread of Life; the Light of our Soul) (The Power of the Bible) (The Indwelling Word) (The Lord's Supper)

The lay-out work has been completed on ten others, two of which are complete with cov ers. Ed has done the type-setting on all of these, and Sid will reduce them on film after which he will bum the plates and run them on the press.
Visible results of the Printing Ministry (to date) are seen in the responses which we receive from the recipients on our mailing list. Demands are being made for printed tracts and booklets in increased amounts. No charge is being placed on the x'equests of from one to five copies, but we have considered a minimum charge of the actual cost of each book let on all orders over that amount to help defray the mailing and printing expenses. Some are demanding tracts in greater quantities. Like the radio ministry, the printing ministry's effects cannoL be measured in terms which are tangible. Printed materials are not only being sent to our mailing list in the West, but are also finding their way behind the iron curtain. Just how many souls will ul timately read the same tract or booklet is anyone's guess. We do know of reports which have returned to us from those living under Communism, that Bibles are so scarce, that the people are using our materials for preaching and teaching.







In reference to our long-range production of printed materials, we have scarcely be

gun. More teaching-type text books and training booklets are required for our "Teachii^-Training program in preparing leadership in the various groups. While in the States

on furlough the last time, I obtained permission from Burris Butler to translate many of their "Teacher's Training" booklets and courses. I was given a number of sample book

lets for translating and/or rewriting. Work on this material is hardly begun.
Our current need is a Stucfy-Outline for our series of lectures and lessons on "Through the Bible in Forty Days". We have changed this series from a ten-day course to include a more thorough teaching program with other European missionaries participating. In addit ion to our series on the Church, we feel that a general knowledge of the Bible is needed in some areas and among some of the "un-c hu re h e d" people. This course would provide a panoramic view of God's eternal plan for man, and would be supplemented with more spe
cific courses in later meetings with them.

New equipment consists of a Reproduction C amera {shown below) and a Head-liner. By mutual agreement with the Allsbury's and the European Bible Press, the West German

Christian Mission purchases all of the equipment needed for the Printing Ministry, and it is up to the European Bible Press to maintain its operating costs, since neither of the two
Missions is able to finance both. Commercial

' "


" .

printing equipment is expensive. With the financial cooperation of both missions, this printing
ministry is being made possible. The operational expenses which are supplied by Sid consist of



paper, film, ink, plates and chenucals which are

f n t


used in his work. He is ^reed to carry more of

expenses as his income increases. (These ad-

/w \


ditional expenses include partial payment of the

heating, rent and electricity used in the printing

shop, which are currently being paid from West

I Bm I If tj mSM

German Christian Mission funds.) We are hoping

that through his assuming more responsibility of the printing ministry's operational expenses, Ed
more German secretarial

help which will enable him to spend less time in

the mechanical operation of the printing ministry

and office work (such as type-setting) and will give him more time for calling and writing. At

least one full-time or two part-time German secretaries are needed in addition to Debbie's ser-

The above Reproduction-Camera was purchased by the West German Christian Mission re cently at the cost of DM-5,330.20 or equivalent to about $1,332.55. It is able to reduce and enlarge films to the exact size required for printing. Ed has taken out special insurance to cover anyone who might get hurt in operating the printing press or other high-voltage equipment. Although this too, is expensive, it is imperative that the mission offer protection for anyone who might be operating this equip





The future holds unlimited opportunities for reaching millions of souls for Christ

through the printed page. However, we can expand this ministry only as funds and help permit us to do so. We firmly believe that this printing ministry can grow into a tremen
dous teaching-arm for Christ as periodicals, tracts, text-books and other materials are made available through it. It can become as important to the churches in Europe as our

Lord and His people want it to be. Our long-range program includes periodicals and text
books in increased numbers. Our present need is more and more smaller booklets and tracts in greater numbers to help prepare and teach these people in the New Testament Church and in implanting Restoration principles. Already, there is an overwhelming re

Every Mission has its problems, and the West German Christian Mission is no excep

tion. Perhaps the easiest way to describe these problems is simply "Gro\ving Pains". The Mission has grown to the point where more qualified personnel is desperately needed. One
solution is more service link funds to hire German secretarial help. So far, all of the

work of proof-reading, type-setting, lay-out, and some of the other jobs have fallen upon Ed. In times before, he had always hired student, part-time help. However, the students are not always available when you want them, nor are they always reliable. The Mission therefore, needs a capable German with a college degree who is able to be hired on a reg
ular basis within the framework of Germany's employment laws. These laws are complex.

They include a social-security system, vacations with pay, six-week's termination notice and back salary, not to mention the many fringe benefits. We are seriously considering, in fact, we are now in the process of incorporating the Mission in Germany under German law as a non-profit organization in order to save the Mission the taxes (11% on every thing) and take advantage of the privileges which are offered to a non-profit organization. In this manner, we shall be able to use part of the funds whichwe save in partial payment
towards the salary of a regular employee. We need an additional $200.00 per month ser
vice link income (a conservative estimate) to cover this additonal expense.

To operate a Radio Ministry, a Printing Ministry and be engaged in a "Teaching and Training" Program, in addition to the Correspondence work associated with both, and the EvangeUzing of five German-speaking Nations (Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzer land and Luxembourg) and four nations (Netherlands, France, Belgium and Denmark) where German is spoken along their borders by only two missionary families (Fausz's and Allsbury' s) is completely unthinkable. Any one of these areas such as Radio, Printing, Teach ing and Evangelizing requires an entire staff of workers. In addition to this, every one of these nations requires a host of missionaries to come in and do the work of establishing
New Testament Churches. Ed has been making a desperate appeal to the Churches in Am

erica now for twelve years. His health, his strength, his time is limited and HE CANNOT
DO THE WORK ALONE! Sid has all that he can handle with the printing ministry. Unless

the Churches respond to this appeal, Ed will have to spend his entire furlough time in re cruiting and challenging more qualified workers for the European field. The appeal is ear nest, the need is urgent! WHO WILL ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE?



The preceeding pages (9 & 10) are of radio listeners who have heard our broadcast and have been baptized into Christ. One of them is from behind the iron curtain. He came
to visit us last summer while Prof, Beard and his wife were here to see us. Others who

live a distance from Frankfurt want us to have Bible Stutfy in their home. Still another

family wants to have Sunday evening preaching, teaching and communion services. Invita
tions have been extended to us from as far North as Schleawig-Holstein, as far East as

Berlin and Vienna, as far South as Swtzerland and as far West as Lyon, France for us to come and teach them. After reading about our radio ministry, printing ministry, and the correspondence which is connected with both, plus the need for writing more material for further Bible Study, you can see that the calling and teaching program requires more than one or two families to do the job. For this reason, we are renewing our appeal for more qualified workers who can speak German and who have had some experience to con
sider working in this field.

The Lord'^Et work in Europe is far greater than any one, two or even three Mission

ary families bn handle. Ed's plan for evangelizing the German-speaking people on the continent has alwayS\Qalled for additional families to come and help. The Mission work of

preparing the field W the Gospel of Christ has outgrown the ability of both Ed and Sid
sible it is for one or two families to do all that needs to be done and yet do justice to any one of the phases involved.

to keep up with alone. As you read this plan, you can plainly see how completely impos


1. Maintaining a Radio Ministry in the German langu^e to the German-speaking people of Europe. For ten years, we have produced, taped and broadcast a 15-minute weekly ra
dio broadcast in German to lay the groundwork for evangelizing Europe. The follow-up
work in connection with this ministry alone, consisted of maintaining a running corres

pondence with an ever-growing mailing list who received copies of the broadcast. The personal correspondence consisted of answering doctrinal questions, counseling and on
occasions, entering iuto a debate through the exchanging of letters. Besides the cor respondence, there was calling to do and baptizing whenever and whereever possible. The follow-up also included making contact with souls behind the iron curtain, and pat iently following through with scriptural teaching both before and after an actual conver sion. Incidentally, and without interfering with the German work, both Ed and Mary en gaged in teaching American servicemen in both the Army Chapel's Bible school and in special Lord's Day morning services where both Church and Communion were observed
with Ed doing the preaching. This was over and above the mission work.
2. Maintaining a Printing Ministry consisting of New Testament Tracts, Sermons, Lesson

materials and Booklets for the German-speaking Churches, Bible Stu^ ^!P"PS and Ra

dio listeners. Before the AUsbury' s arrived, this work was being carried out on a lim ited scale when compared with the printing operation today. Just in one year's time, since the Allsbuiy family arrived in Germany, more than 250, 000 pieces of literature have been run off the press. We have still not reached our peak in production, and we
will not be able to until our staff is increased, so that Ed will have more time to pre pare new materials.

3. Public and Personal Evangelism to be conducted throughout the German-speaking nations

of Europe. This, too, has been done on a limited scale, but can be increased as more







Missionary families arrive to help us. We would like to see more missionaries located
in the various strategic areas in aries in occasional meetings and the hope of helping train natives man churches. We are even now which we have contacts, and work with these mission two to three week intensive teaching sessions with the for elders and positions of leadership among the Ger printing materials for use in such a program. Before

our printing ministry began, we had no materials of this kind available for new recruits.
4. To establish and maintain a Leadership Training College to train native Evangelists and Elders to go out and establish local, indiginous. New Testament Churches. Also, in connection with this, to maintain a traveling (mobile) training school to train a Native Eldership in the area where the Elder lives and works. We now have the facilities but until more help arrives on the field, we lack the time and personnel. For this reason, we are seeing if more missionaries now present in Europe can possibly help us in this phase of the work.

The Lord willing, we hope to return to the States in June 1969 for a year's furlough. We are looking forward towards being reunited with David and with friends and relatives

with our many friends inChrist as we visit and spe^ in the various supporting churches.
Our itinerary is still in a formative stage, but we will annoimce our plans more definite

in America. It will be a wonderful experience to renew the ties and Christian fellowship

ly as they develope. A great deal depends upon where David and Debbie go to college, as
to where we will make our home, because we will naturally want to be with them as much
as possible.



FLASH ! IT' S A GIRL - for Sid and Mary Allsbury, bom in Franlrfurt, Germany on Tues day, November 19th! They have named their new daughter "Heidi Dawn". Both Mother and daughter are doing well, and Sid is as proud as a peacock!



NEWSFLASH! MARY FAUSZ is slowly recovering from surgery which she underwent re cently at the U.S. Army 97th Hospital in Frankfurt. She had suffered a set-back and had to return for additional treatment. We would certainly appreciate your prayers in her be


MEMBERSHIP; Attendance of the Frankfurt Church has been averaging between 25 and 30. At present, Ed is doing the preaching each Lord's Day and Sid is teachii^ the Adult Class of Dr. Paul Jones. Mrs. Jan Jones is teaching the Junior Class and Mary Fausz teaches the children. This \vork is being carried out over and above the Mission work and does not interfere with the German work in any way. It consists mainly of American Military Personnel who have contacted both the Fausz's and the Allsbury's upon their arrival in Germany so that they might continue in the fellowship of Christians and in the Lord's Sup per regularly. The Church meets in the Conference Room of the 97th General Hospital at 9:30 A.M. for Bible Stucfy and Worship.

A MISSION-MINDED CHURCH, the Frankfurt Church helps in the German work in many

ways. Having been made up of faithful Christians from various States in the U. S., these
families are dedicated and extremely interested in the Lord's work in Germany. For this reason, all of the offering (after expenses for literature from Standard Publishing) goes in to the work and helps tremendously in the pajdng of rent, etc. Neither Ed nor Sid receive

a salary for this work. Besides helping the Mission in a monetary way, it also contributes to the work in hours spent to help us in the work. For example, all of the men pitched in last week to help in the preparing and mailing of packages to the East Zone. This project
alone, saved hours of work which normally would have taken a day and a half for one man to complete. The men made it possible to complete the work in one evening. In addition to this, a special offering was taken to provide the Mission's printing ministry with a headliner. It was used in the preparing and lay-out work of this report. Before its purchase, each letter had to be cut out by hand and placed on a sheet of paper by use of a magnify ing glass and tweezers. This foot-operated machine saves hours of time as it photographs the letters directly to film. The machine cost 185.00 without the letters. This special offering was over and above the regular contributions. Still another project was the rais ing of funds with which to purchase food for the East Zone packages. Since money is still
coming in for this, we cannot complete the report at this time.

Military families \\iio have been stationed in Germany and who have attended the ser vices here, are still supporting the Mission, having been sold on the work which is being done for our Lord in Germany. Among these are Major & Mrs. W. F. McMillen who are now stationed in Waco, Texas. Another member, M/Sgt. Bruce Eichenlaub, while on em ergency leave in Savannah, Georgia, spoke in his home church concexning the work, which
resulted in that Church voting to send regular support to the Mission.

SPECIAL ACTIVITIES; The Frankfurt Church is being host to the Third Annual Mid-Winter Rally. It will be held in the Bethel Baptist Church on the 26th & 27th of December, 1968.
Bruce Eichenlaub, with the U.S. Air Force, is Chairman of the Committee for Local Ar

rangements. Various families are opening their homes to entertain the European Mission ary families who will be attending and participating. The women of the Church are serving a Fellowship Luncheon. The Annual Mid-Winter Rally was launched by Bro. Guy Mayfield and Thelma Mayfield, who saw the need for a closer fellowship between our servicemen abroad and missionary families in Europe. It is a Preaching-Missionary-Reporting" Rally.




das Abendmahl


Eduard W. Fauss, Evangelist

JScif uprmag allrs durrl; brn, Jier rnirlf tnart;lig marlfl -

<}%illpper 4, ISb)



we: love to. ge:t m\i!








318 LAKE ST.,






My present mailing address is correct as it appears:

My address should be changed to read:



Zip Code No.

Missions Committee Chairman:



This book contains a survey of sixteen countries of free, Western Europe including Ger
many and the conditions which make them mission fields in our generation. It was written

by Robert P. Evans and is available through Moo^ Press. If you want a comprehensive
view of the spiritual plight of Europe and the importance of radio, printing and other me

dia for getting the Gospel of Christ to the peoples of Europe, we URGE you to READ this
BOOK! Here are a few excerpts from it:

If we assume that the peace we are now experiencing is provisional, our outlook on the conquest of Europe for Christ must be aflFected. Since time is running out, several strategies for our day suggest themselves. One is a "saturation attack" on the common man through the twin means

of literature and radio. There is little vision in Europe along lines of reaching a whole city, an area or a country with gospel literature. Some evangelical radio broadcasting is being done through Europe's few com mercial stations, butthe need for a gospel transmitter has been the subject of much prayer for years. Although an evangelical short wave station is

now on the air, Europe remains 5ie only continent without a long and
sustained and intensive sowing of the seed of the Word.

medium-wave evangelical radio voice. Such a station would permit the

The closing paragraph of the chapter on Germany:

To recapitulate: In the East, foreigners cannot enter to serve Christ.

With refugees they may now have a limited, decreasing ministry in the West. But radio broadcasts, literature, and above all, prayer, can pene
trate the Communist shield with the story of salvation. In the West hun

dreds ofthousands who need the gospel can be easily reached. Admitted ly this fluid situation will probably change for the worse some day. Mean
while a great opportunity awaits the Christian worker with vision.

PRAYER in behalf of ALL of the Christian workers and unreached souls in Europe!
PATIE NC E with the few missionary workers who are being taxed to the limit!

SUPPORT of tithes and offerings to enable us to hire more native secretarial help!

PRAYERS to the Lord of the Harvest to send more qualified laborers into the field!

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