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ABSTRACT : Synchrophasor Technology is a power full tool to diagnose, prevent and cure the Grid system .Synchrophasor is high speed real time synchronized measurement device used for finding health of* Electric Grid*. This advanced technology has been adopted in our Grid only after Indian Grid code 2010 passed in parliament. POWER GRID the Nodal agency proposed to go in big way WAMS (Wide Area Measurement System) for the whole country. based on GPS (Global Positioning System technology) Under pilot Project 4nos PMUs (Phasor Measurement Units) have been deployed in North Grid at 4 locations VIZ (1) KANPUR (2)VINDHYACHAL (3) DADRI (4) MOGA ,400 KV SUBSTATIONS and is being monitored at NRLDC (North Region Load Dispatch Center)DELHI .The results are very much encouraging. This seminar describes Synchrophasor Technology and its advantages over present SCADA system and how Utilities can integrate Synchrophasor dates in existing SCADA/EMS .WAMS technology using PMU units data is found instrumental in early warning system. It reduces the likely hood of power disturbance,false trips and cascade tripping leading towards* BLACK OUT* Recently INDIA faced world worst BLACK OUT on 31st JULY 2012 affecting 60 corers population of 3 grids in 21 States of N,NE East regional for more than 8 hrs .life was paralyzed in day time (13hrs to 21hrs).No effect was observed in west & South States. This technology is worldwide considered solution to avoid future black outs of the system. Along with other advantageous applications of the PMU systems. This seminar also introduces a new approach to fault analysis using synchronized sampling. A digital fault recorder with Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite receiver is the source of data for this approach. Fault analysis functions, such as fault detection, classification and location are implemented for a transmission line using synchronized samples from two ends of a line.

This technique can be extremely fast, selective and accurate, providing fault analysis performance that can not easily be matched by other known techniques.

A real-time and direct method of measuring the absolute value of sag on a transmission-line conductor using a differential global positioning system (DGPS) is presented. The method includes a real-time data-processing module integrated into the DGPS system. The GPS signals corresponding to physical movement of the midspan of a transmission-line conductor were obtained so that conductorto-ground clearance could be recorded in real time. Several field tests were designed and implemented totest the DGPS method under varying conditions of the transmission- line current. A comparison of results obtained from the DGPS method with those from a laser-range finder indicates an accuracy of 1 in.

REFERENCE: 1. M. Kezunovic, J. Mrkic, B. Perunicic, An Accurate Fault Location Algorithm Using Synchronized Sampling, Electric Power Systems Research Joumal, Volume 29, Number 3, May 1994. 2. R.E. Wilson, Methods and Uses of Precise Time in Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on Power Deliuery, Volume 7, Number 1, January 1992. 3. IEEE Working Group Report, Power System Relaying Committee, Synchronized Sampling and Phasor Measurements for Relaying and Control, IEEE Transactions on Power Delicery, January 1994. 4. Global Positioning System, Volumes I, 11, and 111, papers pub lished in Nauigation, reprinted by the Institute of Navigation, Washington, D.C., 1980 5. Application of GPS for Sag Measurement of OverheadPower Transmission Line Sangeeta Kamboj and Ratna Dahiya 6. Arun Phadke,Synchronized Phasors articleIEEE Computer Applications in Power,April 1993. 7. V.K.Agarwal and P.K.Agarwal,[Power Grid,India Limited]commissioning of PMUs Pilot project in north region of India, Nation Power System Conference 2010,India. 8. IEEE Standard C37.118-2005,IEEE Standard for Power Systems.

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