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West Pakistan, PoJK and various others categories. The BJP delegation, while presenting separate details of these categories of refugees, said that refugees from Pak occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK) have been running from pillar to post for the last 66 years for their property claims. Till date even notification has not been issued for the registration of these refugees. The delegates told the MPs that the refugees from West Pakistan have not been even granted citizenship rights, they cannot vote in the state assembly and neither they can acquire land for residence even after 66 years of their residence in the state. Similarly, the refugees of 1965 and 1971 have not been compensated adequately for the losses besides they too do not have property rights over agriculture land. They said that lakhs of people who migrated from Kashmir in 1989 and thereafter due to militancy, are living in other parts of the country as the government has not taken any effective steps to ensure their return to native homes and hearths. They further said that the people from terrorist affected areas of Jammu province are also living as migrants in Jammu and elsewhere since 1990 and they too have been made to suffer on account of nonseriousness of the state government to ensure their dignified return. The BJP delegation urged the visiting team of MPs to recommend immediate redressal of the long pending justified grievances of the refugees, disbanding of custodian department and grant all the benefits and rights which are being enjoyed by other citizens of the country.

Rahul describes it right imitative for holistic women development

I am a supporter of Omar says Rahul

SRINAGAR, NOV 07: Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi Thursday said he is a supporter of Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah. "I am a supporter of Omar, absolutely. We have a government here together," Rahul Gandhi said in reply to a question whether he would campaign for Abdullah ahead of the general elections. The Congress leader was speaking on the sidelines of a function for a women's self-help initiative 'Umeed' in Badgam district.Meanwhile, Omar Abdullah said the issue of alliance between the Congress and the regional National Conference (NC) in the state would be decided by the 8Contd p2

JAMMU, NOV 07: BJP State President Jugal Kishore Sharma, a high level delegation of the party comprising of leader of legislative party Ashok Khajuria, National Executive Member Dr. Nirmal Singh, Stat Vice-

President Vibodh Gupta, State Secretary Charanjit Singh Khalsa and Party MLA Sukhnandan Kumar called on the visiting team of MPs at Jammu on Thursday to brief them about the miseries and problems of refugees from

BUDGAM, NOV 07: Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah Thursday said that UMEED scheme has given fillip to the endeavours of government to seek holistic welfare and economic independence of women in the State. He said UMEED has in fact given impetus to the hope of achieving the goal of women empowerment. Addressing UMEED beneficiaries at a function here, Omar Abdullah said

that among various gifts to people of the Country and the State by the UPA Government, the launch of UMEED scheme in the State projected and piloted by Rahul Gandhi is a special gift to the women of Jammu and Kashmir for their comprehensive development and economic independence. The Chief Minister said that since the inception of the scheme 8Contd p2

High Court Bar S&P says it may cut India's sovereign Association felicitates rating after Lok Sabha polls MUMBAI, NOV 07: restore growth, improve the judges Standard & Poor's said on country's finances, or allow
SRINAGAR, NOV 07: Describing bar as nursery of judges, Chief Justice, M.M. Kumar Thursday said that learning which comes from the bar is unique. We admire the system of choosing Judges from the bar and if the same is strong, we are bound to have a good bench and the practice 8Contd p2 Thursday it may cutIndia's sovereign rating to below investment grade should the next government fail to provide a credible plan to reverse the country's low economic growth. Alternatively, the credit ratings agency said it may revise India's outlook back to "stable" should a new government have an agenda to the implementation of an effective monetary policy. S&P is the only of the three major credit agencies with a "negative" outlook on India. The country is rated "BBBminus" or its equivalent by these agencies, or the lowest investment-grade rating, meaning it would fall into socalled "junk" territory with any downgrade. 8Contd p2

Anti-Congress wave blowing in the SAUDI ARABIA BANKS ON PAKISTAN FOR NUCLEAR WEAPONS: BBC entire country: VarindeiJeet Singh
JAMMU, NOV 07: Senior leader of B.J.P. S. Varindeijeet Singh addressed Party Workers and prominent citizens in Dashmesh Nagar, Digiana, Jammu in connection with Election Mission 2014 and NarenderModi's Rally in Jammu on 1 December, 2013 and appealed everyone to work together and with unity. He said that Indira Gandhi and Rajeev Gandhi were assassinated because of their wrong policies and wrong deeds. Bodyguards of Indira Gandhi who killed her were given Death sentence and were hanged till death then why even one death sentence is not given till date to those persons who killed and murdered 14 thousand Sikhs. The murderers were given treatment Like 8Contd p2 LONDON, NOV 07: Saudi Arabia has invested in Pakistani nuclear weapons projects and believes it could acquire atomic bombs "at will," the BBC reported on Thursday. Saudi Arabia's quest has often been set in the context of countering Iran's atomic programme though it is now possible that the Saudis might be able to deploy nuclear devices more quickly than Pakistan, said the report that quoted unnamed Western and Pakistani officials and intelligence operatives. "Earlier this year, a senior Nato decision maker told me that he had seen intelligence reporting that nuclear weapons made in Pakistan on behalf of Saudi Arabia are now sitting ready for delivery," said Mark Urban, diplomatic and defence editor of BBC's Newsnight programme. Last month Amos Yadlin, a former head of Israeli military intelligence, told a con-

JAGDALPUR, CHHATTISGARH, NOV 07: Narendra Modi today unpacked a litany of accusations against his adversary, Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, who he described, as arrogant. The leaders have over several fractious years crafted the technique of political jousting without naming each other, a tradition Mr Modi displayed today. At an election rally in Chhattisgarh, which votes for its next government this month, Mr Modi configured an image of Mr Kumar as an uncaring chief minister "whose body language suggested happiness" after last month's serial blasts in Patna which preceded a criminal negligence" of Mr Kumar and his government. In June, Mr Kumar pulled the trigger on a 17-year alliance with the BJP over its decision to give Mr Modi the starring role in its campaign for the national election. After the Gujarat riots of 2002 in which more than 1,000 people were killed, Mr kumar distanced himself from Mr Modi, describing him as a polarizing leader. In Chhattisgarh, the BJP and chief minister Raman Singh are seeking a third consecutive term in power. Mr Modi used a Naxal attack in the state in May in which several Senior Congress leaders were killed 8Contd p2

2 CRPF personnel killed

PULWAMA, NOV 07: Two Central Reserve Police Force or CRPF personnel were killed in a terrorist attack at Awantipora in Pulwama district in Jammu and Kashmir. The attack took place outside Pandav park near Awantipora, about 30 km from Srinagar, this evening, sources said. The CRPF jawans were part of a Road Opening Patrol deployed to secure the highway when they were attacked, said the sources. Both the jawans were shot at point-blank range and died on way to hospital, The security 8Contd p2

ference in Sweden that if Iran got the bomb, "the Saudis will not wait one month. They already paid for the bomb, they will go to Pakistan and bring what they need to bring". Since 2009, when King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia warned visiting US special envoy to the Middle East Dennis Ross that if Iran crossed the threshold, "we will get nuclear weapons", the country has sent the US numerous 8Contd p2

massive rally held by the BJP leader. Mr Modi, who is the BJP's candidate for Prime Minister, was not harmed in those explosions. Six people were killed and 83 injured; the BJP has attributed the terror attack to the "gross

Address: 409-410, Sec-7, Channi Himmat, Jammu


ROHIT SINGH RANA It was an Rs 950 crore scam, fudged bills relating to fodder, medicine, carriage charges. Animal farms set up which turn out non-existence. The case hangs for seventeen long years. During this time span, many attempts are made by him as Chief Minister followed by his wife Rabri to influence the investigation and delay the case. Congress and the UPA strained all efforts to go in for the ordinance on tainted law makers, tailor made in the Congress factory to benefit Lalu and others. Finally, he is convicted and sentenced to five years jail. Instead of repenting Lalu says, When I have done nothing how am I being punished? All politicians behave the same way. They will not resent and repent but parrot the line; they will go to Peoples Court and appeal in High Court. This way their behavior is same as to the reaction of the accused in the Nirbhaya gang rape and murder case. When their sentence was pronounced, they too asked for mercy and lesser punishment. During the course of investigation, many times they declined involvement in the crime. One thought the politicians would behave in a much dignified way. Lalu headed a big state. He was Railway minister and commanded a clout. Congress handled him with respect. But all power and authority make these politicians more arrogant and blind to their crimes. How good it would have been had he accepted the verdict with humility and gone on a self purging course of repentance and reform. He will not. His family, the wife and son plan to tour all Bihar to rally support. Support for who is the question, a tainted convicted man as a powerful politician had a responsibility to control corruption rather than promote. The five year sentence marks perhaps an end to his political career. He stands to lose his Rajya Sabha membership that will bring him at par with other criminals. Time is a great leveler. Once Lalu, on his carefully managed MY (Muslim, Yadav) vote bank rode roughshod on Bihar and imposed himself on the nation. His so called third class jokes and a rustic faade did him well but falling victim to the oldest vice in the world drew curtains on his image. Greed and power corrupts the mind, even it corrupts the soul. Otherwise the bravado displayed by Lalu and his family would have not been exhibited. A man of character smolders inwards at the slightest stain to his image. Here stains added more to the political attire than stir the vestiges of conscience. The Leader now in the jail and the Family will play the tune in all villages of Bihar. They may not cut much ice because the Mascot is not with the Family, he is in jail. May be good things are beginning to happen for the country. One by one those who deserve jail are entering it no doubt with customary cries and noises. Rather than adding sanity and sincerity to the political scene of India, Lalu added a dash of joke. He was a clown who would never get big. Bihar was his political boundary and he remained within its fence. Surprisingly, many politicians are upset over his conviction. Shatrugan Sinha in his characteristic baritone voice feels sad for him. So do many others. Digvijay Singh poured cold water on the whole judicial process when he said RJD supremo was framed. One could safely construe the obvious from it that birds of same feather flock together. Lalu types develop egos and authority. Otherwise they would not have been dismissive of poor mans plight. Rashid Masood was eager to show a hearty Rs 5 meal but nobody found it in Delhi. Today he and Lalu will eat full meals free of cost along with tea and Roti. The difference is subtle, instead of plush drawing rooms they will be served in jail. Long Live India!


Toilet politics is not bad but why to bring in temples in between. There are millions and millions of people in the country of all faiths go to ease themselves in the open and in the fields. This has continued for ages. To bring in religious places in between to high light the necessity of having toilets is only selective and not in any case a good thing to do. The majority community is pushed to the wall for many things. And now Modi in his Pehle Shouchalaya phir Devalaya (First toilet and then temple) has unnecessarily brought in Hindus in between. Had he mentioned the religious places of all faiths it would have been received well. The mention of any religious place in the public was not needed at all. Modi sometimes goes beyond the edge. In April UPA Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh too stressed that toilets were important than temples. There seems a compulsive competition to point only to temples. In fact temples have nothing to do with toilets. It is the civic sense of the people that has to be upgraded and Congress as well as other political parties did not care to bring in toilets in their election manifesto instead only developed the vote bank sense. Let civic sense go to hell. Who cares too hoots for it. Nobody will say toilets are more important than votes that will be a political suicide. In between poor temples come handy. Many vouch for their destruction and many are ill at ease with their presence, great secularism of India at war with its temples. RANASAHIB

2.qxd 11/7/2013 10:34 PM Page 1


Ahmad Gurezi, Minister of State for Rural Development, Vikar Rasool, General Secretary INC, Ambika Soni, President, Pradesh Congress Committee, Prof. Saif-ud-Din Soz and local MLA, Aga Syed Ruhullah. been clear for many years that Saudi Arabia has given generous financial assistance to Pakistan's defence sector, including, Western experts allege, to its missile and nuclear labs. Visits by the then Saudi defence minister Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz al Saud to the Pakistani nuclear research centre in 1999 and 2002 underlined the closeness of the defence relationship," the report said. It said some experts think it is a cash-and-carry deal for warheads while others believe it is an arrangement whereby Pakistani nuclear forces could be deployed in the Kingdom. However, Samore was quoted as saying that giving Saudi Arabia nuclear weapons would be a "very provocative action". Qadri, Registrar General, Suresh Kumar Sharma, Senior Advocates, Former Judges of the High Court, Former Presidents of the Bar Association, Members of the bar and Subordinate Judiciary, besides others were present on the occasion. While congratulating the elevated judges, the Chief Justice said that they have earned it through their excellence and merit and urged all the budding advocates to come forward and take inspiration from their elevation. Earlier, in his welcome address Senior Advocate and President Bar Association M. K Bhardwaj said that the function has been organized to honour the five newly elevated judges and presented a brief insight into their meritorious background. On the occasion, mementos were also presented to the newly elevated judges. Vice President Bar Association Ms Sindhu Sharma presented the vote of thanks. indicates that we may lower the rating to speculative grade next year if the government that takes office after the general election does not appear capable of reversing India's low economic growth," S&P said in a statement. "If we believe that the agenda can restore some of India's lost growth potential, consolidate its fiscal accounts, and permit the conduct of an effective monetary policy, we may revise the outlook to stable. If, however, we see continued policy drift, we may lower the rating within a year." The credit agency affirmed India at "BBB-minus" on Thursday, citing its low external debt, ample forex reserves and an increasingly credible monetary policy. S&P had cut its outlook on India to "negative" in April last year. Still, India's economy has been a key drag on its ratings after growth slowed to a decade low of 5 per cent in the fiscal year ended in March. Analysts have widely attributed the middling growth to the government's lack of decisive policy action and high interest rates. The current account and fiscal deficits are also seen as leaving the country vulnerable to foreign investor sell-offs, most recently in late August when the rupee fell to a record low. The Sensex nearly gave up all gains to trade 0.2 per cent up on the day from 1.1 per cent after the S&P report. The partially convertible rupee fell to 62.73 per dollar, its weakest since September 30. "While the overhang of a potential S&P downgrade is not new, it can introduce higher volatility," said Varun Khandelwal, managing partner and director at Bullero Advisors. "December to April will be critical and most likely markets will shrug off today's statement," he added.

requirement is to bring this wave to Voter boxes. For this every workers has to do hard work. The corruption, scams and wrong policies of Congress should reach everyone and this message should be circulated to every house that C o n g r e s s HataoDeshBachao. . In the meeting Gurdyal Singh Bali and Rajinder Singh also expressed their views.

UMEED a ...
he is observing confidence, enthusiasm and zest to achieve economic independence in the members of the women groups established in the State during the last two years under UMEED scheme. "I am happy to observe your confidence to move ahead with a purpose and seek not only your own betterment but that of the entire women folk", he told the UMEED members and recited the Alama Iqbal's couplet"Khudi Ko Kar Blund Itna Ki Har Taqdeer Sey Pehley Khuda Bandey Sey Khud Puchey Bata Teri Raza Kya Hay" and said that this verse highlights the need of confidence and sincerity behind achieving the goals. He advised the women to take best advantage of the scheme and ensure their economic betterment as also the welfare of their sisters and mothers. Omar Abdullah invited Rahul Gandhi to address similar functions at Lar, Basholi and Chenani where this programme has also achieved remarkable progress. Rahul Gandhi in response to the invitation accepted it wholeheartedly and said that he is ready to accompany the Chief Minister to any area which he wants him to visit and

witness the progress of UMEED scheme. Speaking on the occasion, Vice President, Indian National Congress (INC), Rahul Gandhi referred to the progress achieved under UMEED in UP and said that when he launched the scheme in Utter Pradesh some eight years earlier many had predicted that it will not be a success but today the success of UMEED in UP is itself reverberating and speaking loud and clear that when intensions are clear and efforts sincere targets are achieved definitely. He said at present more than 10 lakh women are getting benefit under UMEED in UP. He said with this success in mind he has initiated launch of UMEED in Jammu and Kashmir to seek comprehensive welfare and economic betterment of J&K women. Rahul Gandhi said that UPA Government has focused on three issues in Jammu and Kashmir which are women empowerment, employment to youth and empowerment of Panchayats. Present on the occasion were Union Minister for Rural Development, Jairam Ramesh, J&K Rural Development Minister, Ali Mohammad Sagar, Minister for Horticulture, Raman Bhalla, Minister of State for Horticulture, Nazir

I am a ...
party at the right time. "We (NC) are committed supporters of the UPA. I do not see any reason why that should change," Abdullah said.

Arrogant Nitish ...

to compare and contrast the Chhattisgarh chief minister's performance to that of Mr Kumar's. "Dr Raman Singh met the victims, instituted an investigation to look into the shortcomings of the government." He added, "When the Bihar Chief Minister was questioned on the blasts, his arrogance was evident. See how an empathetic Chief Minister behaves and how an arrogant Chief Minister

Saudi Arabia ...

signals of its intentions. Gary Samore, who was President Barack Obama's counter-proliferation adviser until March, said, "I do think that the Saudis believe that they have some understanding with Pakistan that, in extremis, they would have claim to acquire nuclear weapons from Pakistan." The report said the story of Saudi Arabia's project including the acquisition of missiles capable of delivering nuclear warheads over long ranges goes back decades. In the late 1980s, the Saudis secretly bought dozens of CSS-2 ballistic missiles from China, the report said. These rockets, considered by many experts too inaccurate for use as conventional weapons, were deployed 20 years ago. "It has also

Anti-Congress wave ...

Ministers, they were given Govt Bungalows and ZZ security. Normal Corporators were made MPs and Central Ministers. He said that Rahul Gandhi said that his father cried when his grandmother died and he also was in tears seeing his father cry but he never saw the tears in the eyes of thousands of children who were left homeless and orphaned in the after moth of killings after India Gandhi's death. Those orphaned Sikhs children are still waiting for justice. S. VarinderJeet Singh said that a strong anti Congress wave is blowing in the entire country, now the

High Court ...

should continue, he said. Chief Justice, M.M Kumar was speaking at a function organized by Jammu and Kashmir High Court Bar Association, Jammu at the High Court Premises here, to felicitate the five newly elevated Judges of the High Court, Justice A. M. Magray, Justice D. S. Thakur, Justice TashiRabstan, Justice B. L. Bhat and Justice J.R Kotwal. Justice Mr Virender Singh, Justice HasnainMasoodi, Advocate General, M. I

2 CRPF ...
forces have cordoned off the area, but the attackers managed to escape, the sources said. No outfit has claimed responsibility for the attack, which is the second incident in Awantipora in three months, On August 28, two civilians were injured when motorcycle-borne militants opened fire on a police party outside the local police station.

S&P says ...

S&P added it will conduct its next review on India's ratings after the elections, which are due by May 2014, unless the country's fiscal or external standing deteriorates. "The negative outlook

'Jaw-dropping' breakthrough hailed as landmark in fight against hereditary diseases as Crispr technique heralds genetic revolution
NEW DELHI, NOV 07: A breakthrough in genetics described as "jaw-dropping" by one Nobel scientist - has created intense excitement among DNA experts around the world who believe the discovery will transform their ability to edit the genomes of all living organisms, including humans. The development has been hailed as a milestone in medical science because it promises to revolutionise the study and treatment of a range of diseases, from cancer and incurable viruses to inherited genetic disorders such as sickle-cell anaemia and Down syndrome. For the first time, scientists are able to engineer any part of the human genome with extreme precision using a revolutionary new technique called Crispr, which has been likened to editing the individual letters on any chosen page of an encyclopedia without creating spelling mistakes. The landmark development means it is now possible to make the most accurate and detailed alterations to any specific position on the DNA of the 23 pairs of human chromosomes without introducing unintended mutations or flaws, scientists said. The technique is so accurate that scientists believe it will soon be used in gene-therapy trials on humans to treat incurable viruses such asHIV or currently untreatable genetic disorders such as Huntington's disease. It might also be used controversially to correct gene defects in human IVF embryos, scientists said. Until now, gene therapy has had largely to rely on highly inaccurate methods of editing the genome, often involving modified viruses that insert DNA at random into the genome - considered too risky for many patients. The new method, however, transforms genetic engineering because it is simple and easy to edit any desired part of the DNA molecule, right down to the individual chemical building-blocks or nucleotides that make up the genetic alphabet, researchers said. "Crispr is absolutely huge. It's incredibly powerful and it has many applications, from agriculture to potential gene therapy in humans," said Craig Mello of the University of Massachusetts Medical School, who shared the 2006 Nobel Prize for medicine for a previous genetic discovery called RNA interference. "This is really a triumph of basic science and in many ways it's better than RNA interference. It's a tremendous breakthrough with huge implications for molecular genetics. It's a real gamechanger," Professor Mello told The Independent. "It's one of those things that you have to see to believe. I read the scientific papers like everyone else but when I saw it working in my own lab, my jaw dropped. A total novice in my lab got it to work," Professor Mello said. In addition to engineering the genes of plants and animals, which could accelerate the development of GM crops and livestock, the Crispr technique dramatically "lowers the threshold" for carrying out "germline" gene therapy on human IVF embryos, Professor Mello added. Germline gene therapy on sperm, eggs or embryos to eliminate inherited diseases alters the DNA of all subsequent generations, but fears over its safety, and the prospect of so-called "designer babies", has led to it being made illegal in Britain and many other countries. The new gene-editing technique could address many of the safety concerns because it is so accurate. Some scientists now believe it is only a matter of time before IVF doctors suggest that it could be used to eliminate genetic diseases from affected families by changing an embryo's DNA before implanting it into the womb. "If this new technique succeeds in allowing perfectly targeted correction of abnormal genes, eliminating safety concerns, then the exciting prospect is that treatments could be developed and applied to the germline, ridding families and all their descendants of devastating inherited disorders," said Dagan Wells, an IVF scientist at Oxford University. "It would be difficult to argue against using it if it can be shown to be as safe, reliable and effective as it appears to be. Who would condemn a child to terrible suffering and perhaps an early death when a therapy exists, capable of repairing the problem?" Dr Wells said. The Crispr process was first identified as a natural immune defence used by bacteria against invading viruses. Last year, however, scientists led by Jennifer Doudna at the University of California, Berkeley, published a seminal study showing that Crispr can be used to target any region of a genome with extreme precision with the aid of a DNAcutting enzyme called CAS9. Since then, several teams of scientists showed that the Crispr-CAS9 system used by Professor Doudna could be adapted to work on a range of life forms, from plants and nematode worms to fruit flies and laboratory mice. Earlier this year, several teams of scientists demonstrated that it can also be used accurately to engineer the DNA of mouse embryos and even human stem cells grown in culture. Geneticists were astounded by how easy, accurate and effective it is at altering the genetic code of any life form - and they immediately realised the therapeutic potential for edicine. "The efficiency and ease of use is completely unprecedented. I'm jumping out of my skin with excitement," said George Church, a geneticist at Harvard University who led one of the teams that used Crispr to edit the human genome for the first time. "The new technology should permit alterations of serious genetic disorders. This could be done, in principle, at any stage of development from sperm and egg cells and IVF embryos up to the irreversible stages of the disease," Professor Church said. David Adams, a DNA scientist at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Cambridge, said that the technique has the potential to transform the way scientists are able to manipulate the genes of all living organisms, especially patients with inherited diseases, cancer or lifelong HIV infection. "This is the first time we've been able to edit the genome efficiently and precisely and at a scale that means individual patient mutations can be corrected," Dr Adams said. "There have been other technologies for editing the genome but they all leave a 'scar' behind or foreign DNA in the genome. This leaves no scars behind and you can change the individual nucleotides of DNA - the 'letters' of the genetic textbook without any other unwanted changes," he said. Timeline: Landmarks in DNA science Restriction enzymes: allowed scientists to cut the DNA molecule at or near a recognised genetic sequence. The enzymes work well in microbes but are more difficult to target in the more complex genomes of plants and animals. Their discovery in the 1970s opened the way for the age of genetic engineering, from GM crops to GM animals, and led to the 1978 Nobel Prize for medicine.

Abu Salem gets bail in extortion case Apologise 100 times for comparing
businessman Ashok Gupta, from whom Salem had allegedly demanded Rs five crore and had also threatened him, and his son Abhishek. Gupta told the court he had received various extortion calls from Salem in April 2002 in which he had demanded Rs five crore from him and had also threatened that he would eliminate his family members if the demand was not fulfilled. "On April 5, 2004, I again received a call from Abu Salem on my another phone on which the recorder was not installed. In these talks, Salem demanded Rs five crore and threatened me that in the event of non-fulfilment of this demand, my family will be eliminated," he told the judge.

Nigerians to cancer: Goa minister

NEW DELHI, NOV 07: Extradited gangster Abu Salem, who is facing trial for allegedly demanding Rs five crore as protection money from a businessman in 2002, was on Thursday granted bail by a Delhi court. Additional Sessions Judge Dharmesh Sharma allowed the bail plea of Salem on a personal bond of Rs one lakh with one surety of the like amount after considering that the other co-accused in the case are already out on bail. "The main prosecution witnesses have already been examined in this case and only three police officials are to be examined totality of facts and circumstances, accused Abu Salem is granted bail...," the judge said. During the hearing on the bail plea, advocate MS Khan, appearing for Salem, told the court that

his client is in judicial custody in connection with the extortion case since June 2007 and all the other co-accused have already been granted bail. Salem, extradited from Portugal in November 2005, had last month filed the bail application before the court. In his bail plea, Salem had said he has already been granted bail in two cases pending against him in separate courts in Delhi and due to his long "incarceration", he is entitled to get relief. During the proceedings today, the court also recorded the statement of

A Govt. registered firm requires 57 M/F for management staff in Jammu and all Districts of J&K State. Note: Freshers can also apply. Qualification: 8th, 10th, 12th, Graduate, MBA and above (ayurvedic Doctors) Income: 8500 to 15500 PM (As per Co. rule) Come with biodata at MLCC 824-A last Morh Gandhi Nagar, Jammu Opp. Allen Cooper Showroom. (M) 9796020257, 9796256081


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A Govt. registered firm requires 57 M/F for management staff in Jammu and all Districts of J&K State. Note: Freshers can also apply. Qualification: 8th, 10th, 12th, Graduate, MBA and above (ayurvedic Doctors) Income: 8500 to 15500 PM (As per Co. rule) Come with biodata at MLCC 824-A last Morh Gandhi Nagar, Jammu Opp. Allen Cooper Showroom. (M) 9796020257, 9796256081


PANAJI, NOV 07: A minister in Goa who said "Nigerians are like a cancer" has told NDTV today, "I apologise 100 times and regret my mistake." Dayanand Mandrekar, the Arts and Culture Minister in the BJP government, said, "I said what I felt... (but) I did not mean to label the entire Nigerian community." The Goa government's reaction to the murder of a Nigerian last week has been described as "insulting" by Nigerian diplomats, who allege that a drive to identify and deport foreigners without valid visas has been racist and indiscriminate. After last week's murder of a Nigerian in Mapusa, a group of 200 Nigerians blocked a major high way and clashed with the police and locals. Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar then ordered the police and officials to identify Nigerians who are illegal residents of the state, and said they must be deported. In a village in Mapusa, a banner that declares "Say No to Nigerians, Say No to Drugs" reflects

the unsubtle racism that has engulfed the area. When asked if this was a matter of concern for his government, the Chief Minister said, "There is this feeling because more Nigerians have been arrested for indulging in the narcotics trade." His colleague Michael Lobo, BJP MLA from Calangute too said that "98% of Nigerians and African nationals were involved in the drug trade in Goa". When asked if these were sweeping generalizations or if he could substantiate his claim, Mr Lobo said, "Ask anybody in Goa. They will all agree."



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SRINAGAR, NOV 07: The Minister for Fisheries and Cooperative, Dr. Manohar Lal Sharma on Thursday said that the Regional Fish Farmers Development Agency (RFFDA) established by the Department of Fisheries especially for providing the training cum awareness programmes to the beneficiaries mainly focussed on privatisation of privatize fish farming to educated un-employed youths of the state. He said it is the vision of the Chief Minister that such mission should reach to the nook and corner of the state so that the educated un-employed youth shall adopt aquaculture practices as a source of their livelihood. The Minister said that the fish farming is a profitable venture and the private fish farmers shall make use of such training-cum-awareness programmes in order to develop their skills with the latest techniques being adopted in fish farming. The training cum awareness programme was conducted at Fish Farm Aliyalpora Shopian under National Mission for Protein Supplement of RKVY where the private fish farmers of District Pulwama and Shopian were imparted technical-know-how about the modern techniques of fish culture. Chief Project Officer, Mr. M. M. Bazaz on this occasion said that RFFDA of the Fisheries Department is the nodal agency to transfer the latest technology from lab to land so far the research techniques regarding pre-stocking, stocking and post stocking management in Fish and Fisheries is concerned and implemented worldwide. Keeping in view the local climatic conditions with shorter growing periods, the private fish farming was introduced utilizing the exotic carps. The trouts are voracious sight hunters for food and the growth rate of trout depends on the various factors viz.; season, age, photoperiod, genetic factors, nutrition, flow rate, grading efficiency and other physico-chemical parameters of water such as temperature, oxygen content, relative alkalinity etc with preferred range of pH 6.4 to 8.4. It also depends on the quality and quantity of feed consumed and the feeding rate depends on fish size, growth and intake of feed. During winter at cold temperatures the food intake and growth rate are low. The rainbow trout accepts artificial feed easily, withstands higher temperature, low dissolved oxygen, incubation period shorter, more resistant to diseases, and above all faster growth rate. Sh. Mohi-ud-din Wani and Sh. Mohammad Rafiq Sofi, Assistant Director Fisheries Pulwama and Shopian respectively also spoke on the occasion and conducted technical sessions of the carps and trout. Besides Sh. Gurmeet Singh and Sh. Mohammad Qasim Rangreze, Inspectors Extension acquainted the farmers about fish farming management techniques. Several fish farmers shared their success stories where they have achieved an annual income from Rs. 0.45 lakh to Rs. 3 lakh. The farmers were happy to know that the trout seed shall be provided to them @ Rs.5 (5 gm to 10 gm) and Rs.10/= (11 gm to 15 gm ) for advance fry and fingerling respectively.

Involvement of Tour, Travel Operators must for Fish farmers achieved Rs. 3 showcasing tourism between Countries: G. A. Mir lakh annual income this year
'J&K keen to welcome foreign tourists'
Countrymen about the magnificent and mesmerizing tourism destination of Jammu and Kashmir. Over 5000 delegations from different countries of the World participated in WTM London, where Jammu and Kashmir Government has also set up stalls showcasing the varied distinct tourism potential of the State. Tourism Minister briefed the Participants that the Jammu and Kashmir with its varied topography, climate, landscape, and rich cultural mosaic is undeniably the most ideal tourist destination in the world, with the valley of Kashmir often described as the "Eden of the East" and "Paradise on Earth." Ladakh, on both sides, represents the stark beauty of the challenging mountain destinations the Himalayas and the Karakoram. Jammu, in the foothills of the Himalayas, is a repository of the composite culture of the state and housJAMMU, NOV 07: The Jammu and Kashmir Tourism Minister, Mr. Ghulam Ahmad Mir has called upon the overseas Tour and Travel bodies to guide the people of their countries to the visit of Jammu and Kashmir, the most ideal tourist destination in the world. He assured that J&K is as peaceful State as other parts of the World and people of State are enthusiastic to welcome the foreigners on their visit here. Addressing the Concluding function of 4-day World Travel Market at Excel Center London, the Minister said that tour and travel operators can play an active role to promote tourism between Countries. He assured fullest cooperation of Jammu and Kashmir government to the foreign and domestic Tour and Travel Operators in this regard. He said that J&K government has taken several significant steps to upgrade the world class tourist infrastructure at varied destination of its famed regions, besides introducing new destinations and tourism activities in the State. The Tourism Minister assured the Tour and Travel Operators that State government would facilitate air travel of foreign tourists intending to visit Jammu and Kashmir. The Tourism Minister invited domestic and over seas' Tour and Travel operators to see for themselves, varied tourism potential of the State. He said such a visit would help in showcasing the rich tourism potential of the State. He said that State government has also developed conventional tourism facilities in the State and Kashmir is an ideal place for holding national as well as international conferences. He made a fervent appeal to all the participant Tour and Travel operators to be ambassadors of J&K in spreading good message among their es the world-famous school of miniature paintings. In addition to some of the highest lush green mountains besides famous pilgrim site Mata Vaishno Devi. "Unfortunately, uncertain conditions in the past have prevented a full exploration of the tourism potential of the different regions of the state. Ladakh is perhaps among the most promising region for the promotion of tourism'', he said and added that the Kashmir Valley with dozens of side valleys, are perfect resorts for leisure tourism and shrines in Kashmir, temples in Jammu, and monasteries in Ladakh are major attractions in the area of pilgrimage tourism. The delegation also utilized the trip as promotional campaign in several cities of London and informed Londoners about the innovative measures taken by the State government for developing new destinations like Yousmarg, Doodpatheri, LolabBangus valley, Mughal road etc., besides creating of world class tourism infrastructure with focus on development of new attraction like gondola riding and eco- tourism. Mir hoped that in future the State would witness a big boom of domestic and foreign tourists. He said that "Tourism is the mainstay of our state's economy and the government has launched a vigorous tourism promotion campaign in and outside the country." The Minister assured London functionaries that Kashmir is as safe as London or for that matter any other country in Europe." We know that Tourism is one of the major binding forces for spreading friendship and uniting souls. All of us have to act as Tourism ambassadors and try our best to unite those parts of the World which are still less connected'', Mir appealed.

DDC reviews progress under Saakshar Bharat Mission

ANANTNAG, NOV 07: An officers meeting to review the progress registered under Saakshar Bharat Mission was held here under the Chairmanship of District Development Commissioner Anantnag, Dr. Farooq Ahmad Lone here on Thursday. District Development Commissioner while addressing the meeting said that the aim of conducting meeting is reconstituting of committees at District Level, Block Level and Panchayat Levels, the District Level Committee will be now as Zila Lok Shiksha Simiti, Block Level Shiksha Simiti and Panchayat Lok Shiksha Simiti. He said all the coordinators have been already engaged at District Level. The members including BDO's, ZEO's, CDP's, unanimously agreed that the adult education centres under the scheme will be established soon for which accommodation will be provided by Education and Rural Development departments. He said that the selection list of 594 candidates under Saakshar Bharat Mission was made in the district out of which 503 candidates have joined. The resource person from Kashmir University stressed for organizing orientation training programmes under which the Block and Zonal Level coordinators be imparted training to know how their role. He also suggested for opening of Zila, Block and Panchayat Level Accounts and down load their performance for onward transmission to Human Resources Ministry Government of India so that funds will be made available on the performance report of the committees. He also directed the Block Level Coordinators for involving them in implementation of Central Sponsored/ Flag Ship programmes like RMSA, SSA and MGNREGA.

Speaker reviews pace of work on Eidgah Constituency Hospitals

JAMMU, NOV 7: The Speaker, Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly Mr. Mubarak Gul on Thursday directed the officers of Planning & Dev. Dept & Health & Medical Edu Dept to gear up their field functionaries and ensure early functioning of Mother and Child Care Hospital (MCH) Noorbagh and Primary Health Centre (PHC) Sangam. The Speaker passed these directions while addressing a joint meeting of officers of Planning and Dev Dept and Health and Medical Edu Dept convened here today to review the pace of progress of health institutions of Eidgah Constituency. Minister for Planning and Development and Labour and Employment Mr. Ajay Sadhotra was also present in the meeting. Mr. Gul asked the concerned to ensure creation and posting of Medical & Para-Medical staff for health institutions of Eidgah Constituency on war footing basis so that the people of the area will get medicare facilities at their door-steps. He directed the concerned authorities to ensure equipment like Ultra-sonography, X-Ray Machine & ECG in all health institutions of the constituency. Health sector is important sector and focussed attention is being given to upgrade the infrastructure of all health institutions of the State for the convenience of the people. The issues regarding creation of staff to Noorbagh, Sangam & Palpora Hospitals, shifting of dispensary to PHC Sangam, release of funds for construction of PHC Palpora, acquisition of land for Noorbagh hospital and availability of equipments in all health institutions of Eidgah Constituency were also discussed threadbare during the meeting.

Parli Sub-Committee interacts with various migrant delegations

JAMMU, NOVEMBER 07: The Parliamentary SubCommittee (PSC) on the rehabilitation of J&K migrants headed by Member Parliament Mr. Rajiv Pratap Rudy on Thursday held marathon interaction with a number of delegations of various migrant organizations at State Guest House, here today and took stock of their problems. The PSC which was on three-day visit to State to study the affairs of migrants in different migrant camps and to assess the implementation of PM's relief package on ground obtained firsthand information and problems being faced by the migrants in various camps. The Committee also interacted with the delegations of PoK/Pak/West Pakistani and Chhamb Refugees and listened to their grievances. The other Members of the PSC included, Mr. Naveen Jindal, Co-Chairman, Mr. Raman Deka, Mr. Neeraj Shekhar, Mr. Sanjus Kujar, Mr. Navneet Singh, Mr. E. T. Muhammad Basheer and Mr. ShafiqurRehmanBurq, all Members Parliament. Members Parliament, Mr. MadanLal Sharma, Ch. Lal Singh, MLA and President of BJP State Unit, Mr. Jugal Kishore, Legislators, Mr. Ashok Khajuria, Ch. Sukhnandan Kumar and Mr. Ravinder Sharma who were also present in the meeting and put forth their view points on the rehabilitation of migrants and other refugees in the State. The Chairman of the PSC, Mr. Rajiv Pratap Rudy maintained that the Committee has been mandated to assess the ground situation with regard to the problems of the migrants living in various relief camps and implementation of PM's package for the rehabilitation of migrants, adding that the input gathered by the Committee would be incorporated in the Report to be submitted to the Parliament so that the shortfalls, if any to improve the conditions of the migrants are overcome.

GREF accused of using sub-standard material in road construction of Bhaderwah Bani

BHADERWAH,NOV 07: The GREF 114 RCC which is doing the construction and widening work of the Bhaderwah Bani road are allegedly using substandard material in construction of different development projects on road in violation of the rules and regulations and the practice is still unchecked by the authorities concerned, local whistle blowers and social workers of the Bhaderwah alleged . They further alleged that the development works done by GREF 114 RCC start crumbling immediately after the construction while the competent authorities are passing the bills and releasing the salary of officials included of GREF BR2 JEs without confirming and checking the quality of the material on Bhaderwah Bani road from zero point to Nalthi belt and mant times they bring the matter into the notice of concerned PWD minister but all in vain .Sheikh Mushtaq Ahmed , Shah Nawaz ,Neeraj Manhas and Jangir Ahmed alias Lasa all whistle blowers and social activists who visited to Bhaderwah Bani road said that GREF JEs are using substandard material in connivance with the higher authorities or they are doing so deliberately under the shelter of some influential persons and with the support of political figures as most of the JEs are their blue-eyed." In case, the practice of using substandard material continued unchecked, the project of Bhaderwah Bani road would be reconstructed soon and that mean the competent authorities are wasting billions of rupees of the national exchequer in the name of construction of road work," they said, adding that in fact the some GREF JEs are getting advantage of the political situation because the year 2014 is an year of general elections and the politicians want to complete maximum development projects in minimum time just for point scoring and getting sympathies of the voters of their constituencies concerned. The contractors are doing this unlawful practice because they know quality of work of these small projects is rarely checked by the authorities concerned or the elected representatives.They further alleged and complained that the GREF 114 RCC not only used low quality material in the construction of the road but also ignored the levelling which is causing stagnation of water in the road which now is stinking due to lack of cleaning facilities in the area.They appealed to Defense Minister and other higher authorities to take action against such GREF 114 RCC JEs and BR2s who are not only minting money by using substandard material but are also deceiving the government in the name of quality construction work. They further appealed them to form proper mechanism to check quality of martial before releasing any bill and salary of JEs . They alleged that administration also adopted pick and choose in widening of road near zero point and instead of taking compensation some people have state land in their possession and administration and GREF not taken their land for widening which should be inquired and responsible officials should be booked under proper law . It is high time for the state government and administration to constitute a team and book the officers who are hell bent to use low quality materail in all works.

Sadhotra for optimal benefits to workers under ESIS

JAMMU NOV 07- Minister for Labour, Planning and Development Mr Ajay Sadhotra has called for adequate health cover for skilled and unskilled workforce in Jammu and Kashmir, saying their welfare and wellbeing is priority of the government. Taking a review of medical facilities available to this segment of society under Employees State Insurance Scheme, the Minister emphasized the need for close synergy by the service providers and the department overseeing the welfare of skilled and unskilled workforce to ensure unhindered health cover to them. Mr Sadhotra, who is also the Chairman of ESIS Board said that the government is seized of infrastructural and human resource needs of the Corporation and assured that this aspect will get focused attention. Appreciating the role of ESIS tion so that more and more benefits accrue to the workers. For this purpose, he stressed the need for close cooperation between the employers and the representatives of workers. The Board has been carved out in 2003 though the scheme has been in force since 1989. The Board discussed various agenda points, took review of the functioning of various institutions and discussed ways and means for further streamlining their functioning. The meeting was attended Mr Michael Dias, Member of ESIS Board, B.A Runyal, Secretary Labour and Employment, Ms Nirmal harma, Commissioner Labour and Employment besides C.P Singh employees representative. The meeting also took review of the infrastructural upgradation of the institutions under the scheme.

Muharram arrangements reviewed in Kulgam

KULGAM, NOV 07: To review the Muharram arrangement District Development Commissioner convened a meeting of officers here on Thursday which was attended by the officers of PDD, PHE, R&B, CA & PDS, Health and Municipal Committees. The District Development Commissioner directed the district officers of PDD and PHE to ensure uninterrupted power and water supply during the holy days especially in Shia dominated areas of the district. PHE authorities were asked to keep tanker service available at Imambarahs while PDD officers directed to install gen sets near Imambarahs. CA&PD authorities were asked to ensure adequate availability of essential including cooking gas, K.oil and sugar to the consumers.

for the welfare of the employees, the Minister said that the government will supplement the efforts of the Corporation to ensure best possible health care to the targeted segments of workers. While several steps have been taken in this regard, he said more is required to be

done and "the government led by Chief Minister Omar Abdullah will do whatever possible in a phased manner". The Minister, who was chairing the meeting of General Purpose Medical Care Club Committee (GPMCSC), sought implementation of the scheme with a sense of devo-

Sericulture Development Department Budgam organizes Kissan Mela at Khag

BUDGAM, NOV 07: An awareness camp about various centrally and state sponsored schemes was held under centrally sponsored scheme ATMA at Tehsil Khag District Budgam which was attended by a large number of cocoon producers associated with silkworm rearing in the District. Additional Director, Sericulture Development Department Kashmir inaugurated the camp. Giving details on the occasion, Deputy Director, Sericulture Development Department District Budgam i said that during the current year, 18000 kg of cocoons were produced in the District which generated an income of Rs 36 lakh covering 500 families across 66 villages in the District like Kanihama, Churmujroo, Isgandarpora, Nasserpora, Labran, Khag, Taalpora and Chrawni. In addition to it, the Department has provided 28 silkworm rearing houses and 19 silkworm rearing kits to the farmers costing Rs 0.75 lakh and Rs 0.20 lakh each during the current year. Under new and innovative scheme of insuring female cocoon producers, 53 families have been insured as the silkworm rearing is generally done in the residential houses and practiced by the whole family. It is pertinent to mention here that due to sustained and continuous efforts of the Department in introducing scientific technological interventions in silkworm rearing production capacity of the farmers increased with it resulted ill A grade quality cocoon produce and subsequent enhancement in the income generation. Additional Director, Sericulture Development Department Kashmir informed that Tehsil Khag has huge scope for cocoon production in District Budgam due to the favourable climatic conditions like temperature and humidity which are conducive for healthy silkworm growth and subsequently good quality cocoons. He also informed that due to peculiar topography and climatic conditions of the Tehsil, the Department is covering the Tehsil under new bivoltione cluster for the 12th Five Year Plan in which 250-300 cocoon producers of the Tehsil will be provided all the modern scientific facilities for conducting successful silkworm rearing. Besides awareness of various developmental schemes, cocoon producers were given technology awareness to enhance their cocoon production and cocoon quality. Representatives from NABARD and Silk Development Cluster Organisation also participated in the camp. They stressed on the need to establish Community Based Organisation and Self Help Groups among the silkworm rearers of the District so that maximum benefits can be taken from the centrally and state sponsored schemes.

PSC for further improvement in migrant camps

JAMMU, NOV 07: The Parliamentary SubCommittee on the rehabilitation of J&K migrants has urged the State Government to take concrete steps to implement Prime Ministers package for the rehabilitation and welfare of the Kashmiri migrants in the State. The Parliamentary SubCommittee on Home Affairs, constituted to look into the implementation of 137th Report on the Rehabilitation of Jammu and Kashmir Migrants, which concluded its 3-day visit to the State, today had interactive meeting with the senior officers of the State administration and reviewed the PM's relief package for the State migrants, here today. The Committee shared the feedback which it gathered during its visits to various migrant camps in Kashmir and Jammu and urged the State Government to tone up the machinery and take all necessary steps to improve the facilities in these camps. The Parliamentary SubCommittee comprised by its Chairman, Mr. Rajiv Pratap under construction accommodation for the migrant employees in the Valley. The Committee asked the officers to create an environment to maintain constant liaison with the migrants in various camps to address their problems expeditiously. The Committee also discussed the issues of Pok/Pak/West Pakistani and Chhamb refugees with the State administration and asked them to take necessary steps to mitigate their genuine problems. The issues which do not fall in the purview of the State Government, the Committee asked for mooting suitable proposal to the Centre for settlement. The officers of the State administration briefed the Committee about various steps taken by the Government for the welfare of the migrants in different camps. The officers, however, maintained that the suggestions of the Committee will be taken due cognizance and administration will take all possible measures to further improve the conditions of migrants.

Rudy, MP, Mr. Naveen Jindal, Co-Chairman and Members, Mr. Raman Deka, Mr. Neeraj Shekhar, Mr. SanjusKujar, Mr. Navneet Singh, Mr. E.T. Mohd. Basheer and Mr. ShafiqurRehmanBurq, all Members Parliament. Additional Secretary, Union Ministry of Home Affairs, Mr K. Skandan, Principal Secretary Planning & Development, Mr. B. R. Sharma, Principal Secretary, Finance, Mr. B.B. Vyas,

Director Rajaya Sabha, Mr. Vimal Kumar, Divisional Commissioner, Jammu, Mr. Shantmanu, Divisional Commissioner, Kashmir, Mr. Shelendra Kumar, Secretary Revenue, Mr. Vinod Koul, Deputy Commissioner, Jammu, Mr. A.K. Sahu, SSP, Jammu, Mr. Atul Goyal, Deputy Commissioner, Samba, Mr. R.K. Verma, Relief Commissioner (Migrants), Mr. R.K. Pandita were present in the meeting.

The Sub-Committee urged the officers of the State Government to pay special attention to improve the basic conditions of the migrant camps, like medicare, electricity, drinking water, sanitation, security, education, repair of flats and disbursement of timely relief, which were prominently highlighted by the migrants during the visits of the Committee. The Committee also asked for expeditious completion of

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Ind vs WI: Rohit Sharma hits century on debut to put India in command
Shillingford, Tendulkar would be cursing his luck for being given out to a doosra that seemed to be going over the stumps. The ball did all the talking for Shillingford as WI had Sharma and Virat Kohli heavily-guarded. Kohli became the off-spinner's fourth victim. India's backbone was broken after they lost three wickets - Pujara, Tendulkar and Kohli as the hosts were tottering at 120/5 at lunch. The first new ball deteriorated after 51 balls and had to be replaced, giving WI a ray of hope. Like last day, the ball-change did the trick as Dhoni was dismissed immediately by Tino Best, breaking a promising 73-run sixth-wicket partnership. However, Sharma's resolute innings proved to be the difference as India did not have a West Indies-like collapse. The buzz around Tendulkar's dismissal, in fact, helped Sharma go about his task quietly, while Ashwin attacked. Sharma hit a boundary in the first over after tea to level scores with the West Indies and there was no looking back after that. The absence of a second frontline spinner hurt the West Indies cause badly even as they showed promise in Shillingford. Sharma had some trouble with uneven bounce and when the ball stayed low on the slow turner, but the West Indies had little option in their spin armoury. Besides technique and temperament, Sharma's innings had its fair share of flair. He was flawless and built his knock brick by brick. Ashwin, at the other end, was all aggression as he attacked the spinners, particularly rookie Veerasammy Permaul, to complete his fourth Test fifty from 71 balls. He punched one through cover to get to the mark. Sharma, too, got into the groove as he danced out of the crease to hit Shillingford over midwicket for the first six of the innings and in the next over of the offie, he went into his nineties with a silken cut to the fence. Getting into the nineties however was not a nervous affair for the Mumbaikar, who he hit left-arm pacer Cottrell, also a debutant, for three consecutive boundaries to become the 98th batsman overall to score a century on debut. Earlier, it was a heartache for the Eden crowd as Tendulkar was dismissed cheaply for 10. Just 39 minutes into the day, with the Eden still half-filled, Tendulkar was forced to come in after the top-order crumbled thanks to lack of application.

Paes-Stepanek suffer defeat in World Tour Finals

KOLKATA: Rohit Sharma stamped his class by hitting a sparkling century on debut as India recovered from a toporder collapse to take a firm grip of the first Test against the West Indies with a 120run first-innings lead on Thursday. Sharma stole the thunder with his unbeaten 127 as the hosts, who were precariously placed at 83 for five at one stage, reached a comfortable 354 for six at close on an eventful second day's play. Ravichandran Ashwin was the other batting hero of the day as he remained unbeaten on 92 as he combined with Sharma to pull India out of trouble. Sharma became the 14th Indian to score a century on debut. With retiring legend Sachin Tendulkar being given out in a contentious manner in his penultimate match, the inform Sharma along with Ashwin added 198 runs for the seventh wicket to almost bat the visiting side out of the match on a tricky Eden Gardens strip. Handed the Test cap by Tendulkar after his Man-ofthe Series performance in the recently-concluded ODI series against Australia, Sharma struck 16 fours and one six while facing 228 balls. The 26-year-old Mumbai right-hander was playing in his maiden Test three years

and nine months after playing his first ODI. Ashwin played the perfect foil as the off-spinner made invaluable runs in their match-turning partnership that helped India get past the West Indies first innings score of 234. On a pitch that has started to crumble, the match is tilted in favour of India, who will be looking to seal the issue without needing to play on the final day. For the elegant Mumbai batsman, who was assured of a Test debut on the morning of February 6, 2010 against South Africa before a freak collision with Wriddhiman Saha dashed his hopes, it was perseverance that paid off. Having come after the unlucky dismissal of Tendulkar, Sharma showed

amazing resilience. As wickets started to tumble with Shane Shillingford (4/130) reducing the hosts to 83/5 in the first session, it was left to Sharma and Ashwin to do the recovery act. Sharma got to the century in style, gliding one past between first slip and gully. And, the ones bowled by Sheldon Cottrell, just before and immediately after the batsman got to the three-figure mark, were also spanked for fours on either side of the turf. Sharma, who had amassed 491 runs including a double hundred at an average of 122.75 in the Australia ODI series, remained composed as he initially rebuilt the innings with Indian skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni (42).

Barring Tendulkar, who got out to a dubious lbw decision by English umpire Nigel Llong, the frontline Indian batsmen Shikhar Dhawan (23), Murali Vijay (26), Cheteshwar Pujara (17) and Virat Kohli (3) were lacking in temperament. But Sharma showed temperament and excellent technique, and lived up to the challenge. Dhawan (187) was the last Indian to score a century on debut against Australia in March. Sharma walked out to the centre in the middle of an intense first session's play when the Eden crowd's emotions were punctured with the dismissal of Tendulkar after a 41-minute outing. Getting into the groove with two boundaries off

LONDON: Leander Paes and his Czech partner Radek Stepanek lost their second Group B match to David Marrero and Fernando Verdasco, a defeat which has made their road to semifinals at the year-end ATP World Tour finals tougher. The seventh seeded IndoCzech pair fought hard before losing 4-6, 6-7 (5) to their Spanish rivals in one hour and 29 minutes. Now Paes and Stepanek, the US Open winners, must beat Marcel Granollers and Mark Lopez for making it to the next stage without any favour from other teams. The Indo-Czech pair had beaten Alexander Peya and Bruno Soares on Tuesday. With their win today, Marrero and Verdasco became the first team to qualify for the semifinals with two wins in as many matches. They are sitting atop the table in Group B. The top two teams in each group will qualify for the

semifinals. Marrero and Verdasco mixed up net and baseline play to negotiate a break of the Stepanek serve to 30 for a 54 lead in the first set. Verdasco clinched the 34minute opener with a hold to love, finishing with an ace. The pair had lost just two of their service points. Paes lost his serve to 30 in the opening game of the second set, but the Indian-Czech team recovered from 0-2 by winning three straight games. Both teams completed routine service holds through to the tie-break. Verdasco served for the set at 6-4, but hit a double fault. His second serve hit Marrero on the shoulder. Both players turned to one another and smiled. Marrero made sure on their second match point opportunity when he hit a powerful forehand to the feet of Paes. The Spaniards won 34 of their 41 first service points in total.

Rao hits ton for Gujarat, Delhi's Narwal takes five-for 56

SURAT: Y Venugopal Rao struck a fine century as Gujarat posted 281 for seven in their Ranji Trophy Group A match against Delhi, whose star performer was medium pacer Sumit Narwal, who picked up five wickets on Thursday. At stumps on the opening day, Akshar Patel and Rakesh Dhurv were batting on 22 and two, respectively. Venugopal Rao found the fence 13 times and cleared it once during his 190-ball knock, which stabilised the Gujarat innings after the hosts elected to bat at the Lalabhai Contractor Stadium. Narwal returned impressive figures of five for 56, including the wicket of Gujarat skipper Parthiv Patel, who was sent back for 22, and Venugopal Rao. Manpreet Juneja made 50 before being trapped in front of the wicket by Ashish Nehra, the experienced leftarm fast medium bowler fin-

Anand promises attacking game in World Chess Championship

Nadal fends off Wawrinka to seal year-end No. 1 ranking

LONDON: Rafael Nadal guaranteed he will finish 2013 on top of the world rankings with a 7-6 (7/5), 76 (8/6) victory over Stanislas Wawrinka at the ATP World Tour Finals on Wednesday. Nadal arrived for the prestigious season-ending event knowing two Group A victories at London's O2 Arena would be enough to ensure he couldn't be caught by second-placed Novak Djokovic in the race for the number one ranking. The Spaniard achieved that aim in typically dominant fashion, beating Swiss seventh seed Wawrinka 24 hours after opening the tournament with a straightset win over David Ferrer. It is the third time Nadal has finished a calendar year in pole position in the rankings -- and the first since 2010 -and he celebrated with a jubilant jig around the court. He is the first player to end a year at number one three years after his last seasonending top spot. The 27-year-old's straightsets victory over Wawrinka also booked his place in the semi-finals of the Tour Finals, with one group match against Tomas Berdych still to come. Nadal's return to the top is a remarkable achievement given he only came back in February after seven months

ishing the day with 2/47. Juneja struck five fours in his 102-ball knock, while Bhargav Merai made 45 off 98 balls, and with the help of five hits to the fence. Delhi captain Gautam Gambhir used six bowlers, with only two proving to be successful. Gujarat were off to a bad start losing three wickets with just 67 runs on the board. After the well-set Juneja was dismissed by Nehra to make it 124/4, Venugopal Rao and Merai joined hands to forge a century stand and stabilised the innings.

Their partnership was broken when Narwal bowled Merai in the day's 73rd over. Venugopal Rao followed suit as Delhi got a couple of important breakthroughs before stumps. Buoyed by their comprehensive innings win over Vidarbha at Nagpur, Gujarat are hoping for a similar performance to consolidate their position. Delhi team wears a formidable look with Virender Sehwag, Ashish Nehra, Unmukt Chand, Mithun Manhas and Rajat Bhatia in its ranks.

Warner, Smith hit tons ahead of Ashes opener

MELBOURNE: David Warner and Steve Smith boosted Australia's Ashes preparations with centuries for New South Wales in the Sheffield Shield on Thursday. Warner struck 104 off 87 balls and Smith hit 107 off 169 deliveries with 13 fours and two sixes. Both batsmen are expected to play in the opening Ashes Test against England in Brisbane on November 21. Warner, who scored three hundreds in last month's one-day domestic competition, pounded 16 boundaries. After averaging 23 in three Ashes Tests in England in July-August and scoring 21 and 15 in last week's Shield opener against Tasmania, Warner lifted his game at first-class level with a series of lusty pulls and off-drives in a welcome sign ahead of

CHENNAI: As a stern test awaited his quest for a sixth title, Indian chess wizard Viswanathan Anand was a picture of confidence and he promised an attacking game against Magnus Carlsen of Norway in the much-awaited World Championship match that begins on Saturday. Anand, the undisputed world champion since 2007, faces a strong challenge from the 22year-old Norwegian sensation Carslen in one of the most awaited World Chess Championship matches in recent history. Asked how well he has prepared for the

event, Anand said, "I worked as I always did. Couple of months of training and I think I am ready to attack. We will see how it goes but I think I am ready to play." The two players sought to play a bit of mind games in their first press conferences ahead of the match, with Carlsen refusing to disclose the names of his seconds after Anand said Indian Grandmasters K Sasikiran and Sandipan Chanda, Hungarian Peter Leko and Poland's Radoslav Wojtaszek would assist him in the November 9-28 event.

the Ashes opener. But it wasn't good news for former Pakistan asylum-seeker and Test hopeful Fawad Ahmed, who claimed one for 91 with his leg-spin off 21 overs for Victoria. NSW were bowled out for 353 at stumps on day two at the Melbourne Cricket Ground, a lead of 117 in reply to Victoria's first innings of 236 in their Sheffield Shield match.

out with severe knee tendonitis that threatened to cut short his career. "I had a lot of emotions today, it's the perfect scenario to be the year-end number one," Nadal said. "After missing this tournament last year, it's been an unbelievable comeback. "Being number one at the end of the season is something really difficult as there are some unbelievable competitors out there. "But without my team behind me, it would be hard to think about achieving this, especially after what happened last year. "Stan played really great. He had chances at the end and I was a bit lucky, but I'm happy to be through to the semi-finals in the last tournament of the year." Since his return from injury, Nadal has won the French and US Open titles, as well

as eight other tournaments, and a maiden triumph at the Tour Finals would be a fitting end to such a memorable campaign. Wawrinka has enjoyed the best season of his life, qualifying for the Tour Finals for the first time and winning his career-best 50th match of the year with a three-set victory over world number five Berdych on Monday. But Nadal had won all 11 of his previous meetings with the 28-yearold, who had never even taken a set off the Spaniard. Wawrinka played well for long periods here, hitting twice as many winners as Nadal, but he could never deliver the knock-out blow and 45 unforced errors proved his downfall. A double-fault from the Swiss in the fifth game of the first set gifted Nadal the first break of the match.

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1959 Karakoram claim line. Second, China can shift the military-held Line of Actual Control in Ladakh, formed after the 1962 war, further east should it desire. And third, with no border (but a mere frontier) with India in Ladakh, Chinese forces are free to be in the territory under Pakistans occupation in Jammu & Kashmir. In strategic terms, the Siachen glacier under Indias control is threatened from both by the Chief of Air Staff was ruled out as it could have meant an immediate escalation to war. The Chief of Army Staff offered two options: To hit Pakistani posts across the LoC with artillery fire, which would have blown the ceasefire up in smoke. India did not want to be seen as the ceasefire spoiler, as this would not have gone down well with the people of Kashmir. The other option was a quick ingress by the Indian Army to capture Fort Abbas, which is 10km to 15km from the border in the south desert terrain and held lightly by Pakistani forces. This option had three advantages: First, it could be done in 48 hours by maintaining surprise with combat strength (pivot corps) already available with the Indian Army without further mobilisation. Second, capture of Fort Abbas which is in Pakistans Punjab, but faces Indias Rajasthan State, would have embarrassed Pakistans Punjabi Army Chief, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani. And three, even if India was to vacate Fort Abbas soon, a firm message would have gone to Pakistan that India could defend its dignity and was not a soft state. To be sure, once both sides would have started mobilisation, India could have sent word to Pakistan through the United States that it would pull back its forces. While the gamble may or may not have worked, it needed tremendous courage on the part of the Indian leadership, and India would have been labelled an aggressor. In all previous wars 1947-48, 1965, 1971 (on the western front) and 1999 Pakistan has always been the aggressor. Interestingly, after the November 29 meeting, the then National Security adviser told the Army to prepare for the Fort Abbas option. Orders were given within the Army to not cancel leave (which would have alerted Pakistan), but not allow available troops to proceed on leave. After 10 days, the Army was quietly told to stand-down; this was the time when Gen Kayani was challenging India to war. The inevitable inference regarding the two successful military coercions for India is that it is not enough to have a standing military. The political will to stand up to proactive and non-status quo adversaries should also be there. And this requires a foreign policy which both appreciates and dovetails military power.


Foray in deep space
Pravin Sawhney
Indias deteriorating national security found no mention in Prime Minister Manmohan Singhs foreign policy thoughts which he shared with the nations top diplomats in New Delhi on November 4. He believes that economic growth alone is enough for Indias rise, even if it means unprecedented lows like the April-May Depsang (Ladakh) intrusions by China this year and the November 26, 2008 (26/11) terrorist attack in Mumbai by the Pakistani Army. The Prime Minister should know that his foreign policy doctrine of greater regional cooperation and connectivity will remain hollow unless neighbours assess that India can credibly defend its territorial integrity. What good is cooperation with a power which can be kicked from both sides on disputed borders by China and Pakistan? The Depsang humiliation would not have happened if the Prime Minister had taken Chinas announcement in December 2010 that it has a mere 2,000km long border with India, seriously. (According to Indias Ambassador in China, Mr S Jaishankar, the total border is 3,488km long.) The public declaration meant that closed-door border negotiations, which began half-a-century ago with the April 1960 visit of Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai to New Delhi, were finally over. The last word from Beijing is that it will not accept a border with India in Ladakh (Jammu & Kashmir), and the 2,000km long border, which is 90,000sqkm State of Arunachal Pradesh, under Indian occupation. Historically and legally, India and China have never had a border in Ladakh. Starting in 1846, when the British added the State of Jammu & Kashmir to the Empire, they had been assiduously urging China to agree to a boundary in Ladakh, which did not happen. The Empire was itself unclear about whether Indias border with China was the far Kuen Lun mountains or the near Karakoram mountains; hence it was agreed that the area between the two formidable ranges remain a no-mans land which neither side had reasons to trespass. This status quo was maintained until 1959 when both sides, after border skirmishes, started talking about traditions and customs and watershed principle in Ladakh as the basis

The successful launch of India's first spacecraft to Mars, Mangalyaan, is a huge achievement for the Indian Space Research Organisation and a matter of tremendous pride for the country. It ushers India into an elite club of deep-space pioneers the US, Russia and the European Union who have tasted a measure of success in sending out probes to the Red Planet. As the 44.4m Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle-C25 carrying the Mars orbiter in its head, lifted off from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota on Tuesday, it marked the beginning of a 300-day, 780 million kilometre long journey to orbit Mars, where, if all goes according to plan, the craft will survey the planet's geology and atmosphere. The lift-off was just the first of three phases next month, the orbiter is expected to break out of Earth's orbit, and then somewhere in September 2014, it should enter the Martian orbit. Undoubtedly, the road ahead is a challenging one, especially when one considers that no other country has succeeded in its mission to Mars in the first attempt. We hope that Mangalyaan is able to fulfil its mandate this time itself, but the fact that even technologically-advanced countries like China (in 2011) and Japan (in 2009) have failed, is a sobering thought. We must keep our fingers crossed. One of the criticisms of Mangalyaan is that it was launched on a Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle instead of the more advanced Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle. The latter has failed twice in previous launch tests in 2010 and many believe that ISRO has made a mistake by rushing into the mission with the PSLV. But the space organisation has strongly defended its decision to not wait for a new batch of rockets as that would have delayed the project by three years. Others from the scientific community, including some senior people previously associated with ISRO, have also disapproved of the project's overall aims, saying that they are vague and will not in anyway further national priorities. But while informed criticisms cannot be wished away, what deserves to be summarily rubbished is the argument that a nation which has failed to provide even basic amentities to its people, cannot afford to spend enormous amounts of money on exploring space. Such an assertion is flawed on many counts. First, just because some departments have failed to do their job does not mean that others should be penalised. Second, contrary to what rhetorical critics have claimed, the Mangalyaan does not carry a huge price tag. At just Rs 4.5 billion, it is a budget programme. Not only is it a fraction of the money that other countries spend on space exploration, it is also far less than what some of the Government's flagship and shoddily implemented poverty alleviation schemes cost the national exchequer. Second, the space programme versus social welfare debate is a rehash of the old guns and butter debate that has long been junked. Finally, the assumption that space exploration does not deliver benefits to the common man, is incorrect. Space research has given us technologies that have improved everyday life predicting weather and natural calamities. These were, for instance, used to save lives during cyclone Phailin.

of their border claims. Interestingly, Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, who was in border talks with Premier Zhou in April 1960 in New Delhi, came out of the room to ask his advisers why they were insisting on Kuen Lun range (which makes Aksai Chin a part of India) as Indias border and not accepting Chinas proposition of the Karakoram range as the border. Without any basis, his advisers told

It is not enough for India to have a standing military. The political will to stand up to proactive and non-status quo adversaries should also be there. And this requires an approach which both appreciates and dovetails military power
him to stick to Kuen Lun as the border, which he did. Premier Zhou also hardened his position saying that China would accept the McMahon line as the de facto and not de jure border in the east, conditional to India accepting Karakoram as the border in the west. The rest, as they say, is history. Against this backdrop, there are three military implications of Chinas December 2010 position. First, by the April-May intrusions this year, China demonstrated its muscle to make India restrict itself to its sides; and Leh, the capital of Ladakh, faces a two-front war scenario for the first time. In short, if India were to up the ante on the LoC in J&K, Pakistan could in connivance with China immediately threaten north Kashmir. The 26/11 attacks by Pakistan were another example of successful military coercion. On the morning of November 29, 2008, when the Prime Minister met his three Service chiefs, he was given numerous options. The option of surgical strikes given


Hiranmay Karlekar
As the alliance led by the Bangladesh Nationalist Party and the Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, backed by the fundamentalist Hefazat-e-Islam, continues its violent agitation against the Awami League Government, India must persist steadfastly in supporting Ms Sheikh Hasina. The need for this will be clear on recalling that the BNP-Jamaat-led Government had not only harboured and supported leaders of the United Liberation Front of Asom and other secessionist organisations active in northeastern India but also contemptuously dismissed India's requests to act against them. To cite just one example, the then Director General of the Bangladesh Rifles, Major

The Congresss hypocrisy

By refusing to take action against its MP from Kollam in Kerala, N Peethambara Kurup, who had molested award-winning Malayalam movie actor Swetha Menon in front of thousands of people and dozens of TV cameras, the Congress has once again proved how hypocritical and irresponsible it is on issues of protecting the honour of women. In the case of Mr Kurup, who had committed the shameful act of making sexual advances to the actor even after she expressed her objection through vivid expressions and gestures, the Congress allowed its middle-level leaders to unleash attacks on her personal integrity in its urgency to protect him. The police of Kerala's Congress-led UDF Government extended all the support it could to these leaders and Mr Kurup, by refusing to register a case against him suo moto when TV channels repeatedly telecast clippings of him nudging and gripping Swetha's body at the venue of the President's Trophy Boat Race in Kollam on November 1, at which she was the chief guest. The molestation became news after Swetha complained to the district Collector and informed the media. The Collector, for obvious reasons, later denied receiving any complaint. The police refused to register a case even after Swetha revealed the ordeal she had to suffer from Mr Kurup, who was one of those who had sat in the Lok Sabha to amend the law on sexual atrocities against women in the aftermath of the Delhi gang rape case. The Congress leadership remained silent when its functionaries, MLAs and MPs continued their vicious attacks against Swetha by saying how she deserved to be molested after she allowed herself to be filmed during her delivery and appeared in a contraceptive advertisement. They even went to the extent of threatening her with Income Tax raids. The Congress had reportedly forced top Malayalam film personalities to warn her on the dangers of taking on Mr Kurup. Under pressure and after Mr Kurup himself apologised to her telephonically and publicly, Swetha withdrew the complaint she had lodged with the police. But the hypocrisy of the Congress came out in the open again when Mr Kurup said that he had apologised not because he had molested her but because he was an organiser of the event at which the incident took place. As far as the people are concerned, they are not surprised by the approach of the Congress towards the Swetha Menon incident. They have seen how the various systems of the State administration under the partys rule had colluded in persecuting the victim of the Suryanelli serial rape scandal of 1996 for being firm on her allegation that Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman PJ Kurien was one of the 42 men who had raped her for 41 days. But it is highly despicable that a party which boasts of Gandhiji's legacy and is headed by a woman, can be this hypocritical and irresponsible when it comes to the matter of protecting women's honour.

Given historical facts, it's surprising that some Indians argue that New Delhi should not distinguish between the BNP-Jamaat combine and the Awami League
General Mohammad Jahangir Alam Khan Choudhury, had said in Delhi on September 28, 2004, with reference to the list of insurgent camps in his country provided by the Border Security Force, There is not a single camp in Bangladesh. We looked for the camps' locations given in the BSF list. Some of the addresses were of our cantonment area and out headquartersSome addresses even pertained to the Bay of Bengal. The brazenness and untruth characterising the BDR chief's statement was typically
medium category employees living hand to mouth. Their only source of income is their salary. During my posting in frontier district of Leh, Ladakh few years back, I met an officer of district cadre equivalent to my designation. One evening, just asking him about his postings till date, after serving 30 years of service he disclosed to me that right from joining services, he was posted in far flung mountainous areas of J&K State where one has to walk on foot for three-four days to reach the posting place from the bus stand. I was stunned to know that the officer being an honest, hard working, very loyal to duties, used to be transferred from one place to another of different districts without proper tenure i.e. two years. And, according to him and as per his service records, he remained posted in these areas till 30 years. The officer ultimately went into depression and was on medication. Recently, it was mentioned in your esteemed paper about transfer policy of frontier district Leh Ladakh of employees whore serving in these places and who have completed their tenure of two-three years but still theyre not transferred. If Government takes one decision of two-three year tenure in one place then what is the reason that they ignore, betray their own decisions causing serious problems for the sufferer employees who often have to face depression, heart problems and live on medication. We see police officers being transferred, shuffled from one range to another even to other districts without giving them chance to settle. How law and order will be maintained when officers are not sure whether they have to complete two years at that post. For the development of a particular region, in all spheres of activities, the need of the hour is honest, dedicated, and hardworking employees. Thus, the Supreme Court has very rightly come to the rescue of the poor employees and to streamline the transfer policy of States. Yours faithfully, Kaushal Kotwal, Jammu.


Politicians at it again!
Dear Editor, This refers to the article by Ravinder Kaur published in your esteemed daily. The writer has rightly observed that as election season is round the corner, the political opponents are at it again. Counter-politics have emerged as the flavour of season. 1984-Sikh pogrom and 2002 Gujarat carnage are being raked up by the leaders of two main political parties to target each other. But the wiser electorates very well know the real face of both the parties and they are aware that for both of them the masses in general and the minorities in particular dont matter at all. The writer has rightly pointed out that this kind of counter-politics does hardly any good for minorities and in fact this reflects failure of political imagination to even speculate a future beyond two political parties i.e., Congress and BJP. Yours faithfully, Arnav, Jammu.

Transfer policy of government employees

Dear Editor, The much controversial issue of transfer of government employees seems to get some relief with the intervention of Supreme Court landmark notice to state governments. The decision is well appreciated by the employees who have to be ready with their bed holdings to join their new place of postings without completing basic tenure that is two years; even in some cases, without allowing the employees to avail joining time. In many cases, intelligent, honest, hard working employees are the victims of these orders. Their only fault is that they have no approach in the higher-ups and are poor

reflective of his Government's arrogant hostility toward India. On September 7, Bangladesh's Foreign Minister M Morshed Khan, had in a speech in Dhaka, said, with reference to what he described as restrictions placed by India on imports from Bangladesh, that Dhaka, Could end India's three billion dollar trade here by issuing an SRO (Statutory Regulatory Order) on all goods entering Bangladesh. Some of Mr Khan's statements were even more threatening and calculated to create tensions between the north-east Indian States and the rest of the country. Bangladesh is India-locked. Delhi has also to remember that the seven north-eastern Indian States are Bangladesh locked. If this was a stark attempt to intimidate by underlining north-eastern India's vulnerability to hostile moves by Bangladesh, particularly in the context of the latter's active promotion of insurgency in the region, an attempt to sow discord between north-east Indian states and the rest of the country came through clearly in his speech as reported by The Daily Star of September 8, 2004. According to the report, he blasted the Central Bank of India [the Reserve Bank?] for acting unilaterally against the interests of the common people of the north-eastern States [of India] by imposing non-tariff barriers, such as not allowing individual States to open letters of credit (LCs) without permission from Delhi. The outburst, which occurred in the presence of the Indian High Commissioner and other diplomats in Dhaka, suggested that the BNP-Jamaat coalition was fully involved in the implementation of the Pakistani Government's strategic doctrine of promoting regional insurgencies to Balkanise India and, failing in that, to weaken India to prevent it from playing an important role in Asia. Significantly, general-turned-President Ziaur Rahman had established the Directorate General of Forces' Intelligence, the Bangladeshi counterpart of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate, on the lines of the ISI after a visit by the latter's then chief, Major General Ghulam Jilani Khan, in 1977. Until Ms Hasina's current tenure as Prime Minister, the DGFI had been Bangladesh Government's principal weapon for conducting subversion in India. In keeping with the then Government's stance, Justic Joynul Abedin, a BNP loyalist who conducted the judicial inquiry into the notorious attack on Ms Hasina and other Awami League leaders on August 21,

2004, and whose report the BNP Government did not publish, had openly insinuated on October 2 that year that India was behind it, when the Harkat-ul-Jihadial-Islam and (allegedly) a section of the BNP were responsible. The surprise is that there are Indians who argue that New Delhi should not distinguish between the BNPJamaat combine and the Awami League!

The outburst, which occurred in the presence of the Indian High Commissioner and other diplomats in Dhaka, suggested that the BNPJamaat coalition was fully involved in the implementation of the Pakistani Government's strategic doctrine of promoting regional insurgencies to Balkanise India and, failing in that, to weaken India to prevent it from playing an important role in Asia. Significantly, general-turned-President Ziaur Rahman had established the Directorate General of Forces' Intelligence, the Bangladeshi counterpart of Pakistan's InterServices Intelligence Directorate, on the lines of the ISI after a visit by the latter's then chief, Major General Ghulam Jilani Khan, in 1977.

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Raman Singh govt. failed to tackle Naxal menace: Sonia

to ask all of you here, what kind of government is this? Innocents are being killed in Naxal violence. This year itself Congress leaders have sacrificed their lives in Naxal attacks and we are all very sad about it. We are feeling their loss in a big way today. The Chief Minister was forced to admit his governments failure. But, I want to ask you what is the use of shedding crocodile tears?, Ms. Sonia asked. On May 25, Naxals attacked a convoy of Congress leaders in Jagdalpur district killing the partys senior leader Mahendra Karma and injuring former union minister V C Shukla. The bodies of PCC chief Nand Kumar Patel and his son were later found in the forests. A former Congress MLA Udya Mudaliyar was also shot dead by the Maoists who attacked the convoy when they were returning from a Parivartan rally. The Congress has a history of sacrifice, development...and changing lives of the poor and weaker sections and bringing happiness in their lives. We trust people that they will not fall prey to false promises and assurances, but will remember Congress history Ms. Gandhi said. Holding the state government responsible for poverty in the state, she said while other states showed a decline in poverty, in Chhattisgarh it was on the increase due to the misrule of BJP in the last 10 years. BJP talks of good governance, but because of its mis-governance in Chhattisgarh, poverty has increased. There are law and order problems here. What has the Chhattisgarh Government done about it? she asked, saying, the reality is BJP only talks big, but does nothing.

K O N D A G A O N ( C H H AT T I S G A R H ) , NOVEMBER 7: Congress president Sonia Gandhi on Thursday played an emotional card by reminding people of sacrifices of its leaders killed in the Maoist attack in May and accused Chief Minister Raman Singh of shedding crocodile tears over it and failing to tackle

naxal violence. Addressing her first election meeting ahead of the first phase of polling in Chhattisgarh on November 11, Ms. Gandhi said while her party stood for the legacy of making sacrifices, the BJP made only tall claims and did nothing. You all know the security situation in the state. I want

Animal rights activist and co-founder of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Ingrid Newkirk lies on a mock barbecue stand as a sign of protest in Mumbai.

NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 7: Investigating agencies say they have evidence that the terrorist cell that bombed Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi's rally in Patna last month also carried out Julys attack on the Buddhist shrine at Bodh Gaya.Sources in the National Investigation Agency told The Hindu they were basing their conclusion on documentary evidence found during a search at Iram Lodge in Ranchi, where the alleged perpetrators stayed before the attack. Key among the evidence, the sources said, was a hand-drawn map marking out locations where bombs were to be placed at Bodh Gaya, as well as code-names for the men carrying the explosive devices.The map tallies accu-

Patna terror cell behind Bodh Gaya strike too: NIA Review FDI policy in defence: IAF officer
rately with the Bodh Gaya attack, a senior NIA officer said. The NIA, he said, also recovered documents mapping the Gandhi Maidan in Patna, where Mr. Modis rally was being held when the bombs went off, as well as material on future options.Nine bombs were recovered from Iram Lodge at Hindpiri on November 4. Two young men Mujibal Ansari and Salim Ansari had rented the room. Both went missing a week ago along with a suspect, Hyder Ali.Interestingly, the NIA had moved an application before a special court in New Delhi on Oct 25 seeking an arrest warrant against Ali, now named by investigators as a key member of the terror cell. NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 7: Air Marshal P.P. Reddy VM, Director General (Inspection & Safety), Indian Air Force, wanted a rethink of the governments policy of putting 26 per cent limit on foreign direct investment (FDI) in defence. I do not think it is attractive for the foreign industry. Why do we restrict FDI? We need to ponder over it, he said. There have been attempts by the Commerce and Industry Ministry in the past to raise the FDI limit to 49 per cent, but Defence Minister, A.K. Antony had taken a firm stand against it. The government had stated it was ready to consider increased FDI on a case-tocase basis for induction of state-of-the-art technology. He said aircraft, engines and equipment absorbed the major chunk of capital budget. R&D funds should be made available to the private sector too. Air Marshal Reddy was speaking at the 8th international conference on Energising Indian Aerospace Industry, co-organised by CII and the Centre for Air Power Studies in association with the IAF, here. He said the IAF was likely to procure equipment and platforms worth $150 billion in the next 15 years. Industry should be given tax holidays and offered a friendlier import and export regime, he felt. Air Marshal Vinod Patney (retd.) Director, Centre for Air Power Studies, said India cannot become a major power without a flourishing aerospace industry. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) had not enjoyed the benefits of defence offsets and government support. Therefore, they should get due attention from the government as well as large companies. The business model must undergo a change. Transfer of technology and licensed production should be looked at as a stop-gap arrangement. The FDI limit should be relaxed and the private sectors greater involvement was required.

Bodh Gaya bomb planters identified; motives and methods still under probe
PATNA, NOVEMBER 7: The National Investigation Agency has identified those who planted bombs at Bodh Gaya, following the recent raids in Ranchi. We have identified the group and the planters. But how the conspiracy was hatched, how the plan was executed is still to be ascertained, an NIA official told The Hindu. The investigators recovered, during a raid at Iram lodge in Ranchi, a sheet of paper which they say were prepared by Hyder Ali, a suspect named in the Patna blasts FIR, currently absconding. All five of Hyder, Imtiaz Ansari, Tariq alias Ainul, Taufeeq and Mujibal Ansari are planters in the Bodh Gaya case, NIA sources told that. Except Mujibal, all others are named in the Patna blast FIR. Ainul, who was injured while planting a bomb in the toilet of the Patna railway station, succumbed to his injuries. Hyder was the planter of the bomb near the Bodhi tree. The sheet not only plots the blast locations, such as wall and tree, but also lists the number of bombs at each location and the name of the planter besides it. The document was prepared by someone who only addressed himself as me. It could possibly be Hyder, NIA sources said.This Ranchi module of the Indian Mujahideen, mentored by IM operative Tehseen Akhtar, is the group identified for the Bodh Gaya blast. Interrogation of IM commander Yasin Bhatkal revealed that the group had been aiming to target Bodh Gaya for over a year. While the specific motive of the attack is still under investigation, the possible aim was to avenge the Rohingya issue in Myanmar, where Rohingya Muslims have faced persecution.

Thai royals mark cultural connection with Assam Tundas judicial custody extended till November 13 Ancient idols,
NAMPHAKE (ASSAM), NOVEMBER 7: The cultural roots that connect the TaiPhake community of Namphake village in Assams Dibrugarh district to Thailand were strengthened on Wednesday with the observance of the Royal Kathina robe offering ceremony by Thailands Royal family in the Buddhist monastery of this village. The migration history of the Tai-Phake people in Assam can be traced back about 650 years to Chinas Yunan province via Myanmar. A 23-member royal delegation from Thailand headed by Kiattikhun Chartprasert, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, brought Royal Kathina robes and other gifts sent by the King of Thailand, Bhumibol Adulyadej, for the monks of Namphake Buddhist monastery and handed them over to the chief abbot, Gyanpal Mahathera, on Wednesday. Mr. Chartprasert also handed over a donation of Rs.5.07 lakh by the King for renovation of the monastery. Thailands Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been organising the Royal Kathina ceremony in several countries including India since 1995. Kathina offering or Poi Kathin is an ancient Buddhist tradition of offering special robe and other necessities to monks who maintain strict discipline of retreat during the rainy seasons. Each year the Royal Kathina ceremony is observed in only one Buddhist temple outside Thailand and this year the Namphake Buddhist temple was selected. In February 2009, Thai Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn had visited the Namphake village. The main purpose of the ceremony is not merely for religious belief but also to strengthen the relationship between Thailand and other countries This year, His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej has designated me to present the Kathina robe to the congregation of Buddhist monks who have gathered here today at Namphake Buddhist temple in NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 7: A Delhi court on Thursday extended till November 13, 2013 the judicial custody of top Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) bomb expert Abdul Karim Tunda, arrested in connection with a 1997 bomb blast case lodged against him in New Delhi. Tunda was produced before Additional Sessions Judge Dharmesh Sharma after expiry of his judicial custody and the court extended his remand till November 13. He was earlier sent to Hyderabad after the special investigation team of Hyderabad Police had moved the court on October one seeking his custody in connection with a production warrant issued against him by a court in Nampally there in a 1998 case lodged against him and others. Hyderabad police had said that of the 29 accused, 17 have been arrested while the remaining 12 including Tunda were on the list of absconders.

jewellery stolen from temple

JAIPUR: Ancient gold-plated idols, silver items and some jewellery was stolen from the 600-year-old Laxminarayan temple at Bilandarpur village, 50kms from here, in the wee hours on Thursday, police said. No priest was present on the temple's premises when the theft took place, Amarsar police SHO Ramroop Meena said. Three ancient ashtadhatu (eight-metal) idols of god Narsingh, six silver "chhatra" (umbrellas), some jewellery was stolen, he said. Irate villagers held a demonstration outside the temple demanding arrest of the culprits, he said. A case has been registered and police have begun search operation after alerting all check posts to nab the thieves, he said. In preliminary investigation, it was found that the priest forgot to lock the temple entrance which may have enabled the thieves to enter the temple after breaking the front gate lock, Meena said.

Namphake village, the home of Tai-Phake people whose identities, traditions and cultures are very much similar to the Thai people, said Mr Chartprasert in his speech during the ceremony. He said the Royal Kathina ceremony was in line with the policies of both India and Thailand in promoting Assam and the Northeastas the gateway between Southeast Asia and India.Chief of the Namphake village Aisheng Weingken told The Hindu that the TaiPhake people of the village migrated from Kunming in

Yunan to the Howkong valley in Myanmar about 650 years ago and subsequently came to Assam in 1775. We migrated from one place to another before finally settling down at Namphake on the bank of the river Burhidihing in 1850. The Namphake monastery was also established in the same year, he said. There are 80 Tai-Phake families in Namphake village who speak both the Tai-Phake language and Assamese. He said the Tai-Phake people share cultural similarities with Thai people in northern Thailand.

It had claimed that Tunda is a hardcore terrorist of LeT module and they need his custody in connection with the case. He was produced before the court here after his interrogation in the case lodged in Hyderabad under various sections of the IPC, the Arms Act, the Explosives Substances Act, the Passport Act and Foreigners Act was over.

Seventy-year-old Tunda was arrested from the Indo-Nepal border at Banbasa on August 16. He was earlier remanded to police custody for questioning in connection with 37 bomb blast cases across the country. Tunda is one of the 20 terrorists whom India had asked Pakistan government to hand over after the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks. He is the first on the list to be arrested.

Brinda Karat bats for tribal people

KHAMMAM, NOVEMBER 7: Asserting that traditional methods of cultivation, including podu (step) cultivation, are permitted under the law, CPI(M) Polit Bureau member Brinda Karat has vowed to spearhead a spirited struggle to enable tribal people secure their rights. She was addressing a huge gathering of tribal people at the Pavilion grounds here on Wednesday organised by the CPI(M) to protest against the denial of pattas to tribal people for lands under their occupation and foisting of cases against party cadre for fighting for the tribal peoples cause. Tribal people from across the district took out a large rally which later culminated in a dharna in front of the Collectorate here. Ms. Karat accused the Forest department of blatantly violating the Forest Rights Act in the State by handing over vast tracts of forest lands to the Van Suraksha Samithi (VSS) in the name of community rights. This amounts to illegal grabbing of forestland and undermining the interests of scores of Adivasis, she said. Lack of governance in the State due to the extreme opportunistic politics being pursued by the persons at the helm of affairs had jeopardised the interests of Adivasis and all other marginalised sections, she said, accusing the government of rejecting more than 50 per cent claims of the tribal people under the Forest Rights Act. Earlier, speaking to reporters she said that eviction and displacement of tribal families was rampant in Andhra Pradesh. The greatest violence against tribal people is the violation of the Forest Rights Act, she alleged.

Bodh Gaya bomb planters identified; motives and meth- Rs 12 lakh looted from cash ods still under probe van in Delhi PATNA, NOVEMBER 7: wall and tree, but also lists
The National Investigation Agency has identified those who planted bombs at Bodh Gaya, following the recent raids in Ranchi. We have identified the group and the planters. But how the conspiracy was hatched, how the plan was executed is still to be ascertained, an NIA official told The Hindu. The investigators recovered, during a raid at Iram lodge in Ranchi, a sheet of paper which they say were prepared by Hyder Ali, a suspect named in the Patna blasts FIR, currently absconding. All five of Hyder, Imtiaz Ansari, Tariq alias Ainul, Taufeeq and Mujibal Ansari are planters in the Bodh Gaya case, NIA sources told The Hindu. Except Mujibal, all others are named in the Patna blast FIR. Ainul, who was injured while planting a bomb in the toilet of the Patna railway station, succumbed to his injuries. Hyder was the planter of the bomb near the Bodhi tree. The sheet not only plots the blast locations, such as the number of bombs at each location and the name of the planter besides it. The document was prepared by someone who only addressed himself as me. It could possibly be Hyder, NIA sources said.This Ranchi module of the Indian Mujahideen, mentored by IM operative Tehseen Akhtar, is the group identified for the Bodh Gaya blast. Interrogation of IM commander Yasin Bhatkal revealed that the group had been aiming to target Bodh Gaya for over a year. While the specific motive of the attack is still under investigation, the possible aim was to avenge the Rohingya issue in Myanmar, where Rohingya Muslims have faced persecution. In addition, on the cylinder bombs that were defused at the temple site, investigators had found chits stuck on the cylinder carrying some text. We have found the original material that links to the text of these papers. It is jihadi literature, an NIA official said.

NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 7: In an attack on BJPs prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi, Union minister Kapil Sibal on Thursday said that instead of sharing their vision on issues, opposition leaders were discussing matters like erecting statues. The debate that we are hearing in the country is you have done this, you have done that, you have damaged the country. Talk issues, he said, adding that the present political discourse was revolving too much around criticism and opposition. What is your vision on health, education. What is your vision on the economy. What is their alternative vision, nobody is discussing

Opposition leaders discussing HC pulls up UP govt. for giving statues, instead of vision: Sibal security to unauthorised persons
that. And what is being discussed is that we want to raise a statue. That statue, it is a feeling, you keep it in your heart. The feeling of unity arises from the heart or can it be created by erecting statues, he said. Mr. Sibal was apparently referring to Mr. Modis pet project of installing the tallest statue of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel in Gujarat. He said that those who focussed solely on criticism and opposition, cannot succeed. What we should see is a debate on issues like what kind of a country we should have. What kind of education should be provided to children to allow them to grow, he told reporters here. A L L A H A B A D , NOVEMBER 7: The Lucknow Bench of the Allahabad High Court on Thursday directed the Uttar Pradesh government to explain the grant of security personnel to unauthorised persons in the State and "recover" the amount that was spent on them. A Division Bench of Justice Imtiyaz Murtaza and Justice Devendra Kumar Upadhyaya passed the order on a PIL by Lucknow based social activist Nutan Thakur. In its counter-affidavit, the Uttar Pradesh DSP (security wing), Ajay Kumar Singh pointed out that presently 830 persons beyond the authorised list were awarded security by the State. Of this, 170 were awarded security free of cost, while 650 were awarded security on payment. The total expenditure on the persons beyond the authorized list was Rs. 4.83 crore, of which Rs. 3 crore has been recovered. A balance amout of Rs 1.83 crore is yet to be recovered, the affidavit said. The Court asked the State why the rest of the amount had not been recovered and directed the Principal Secretary (Home) to file the reply and ordered that the pending amount be recovered within 15 days. The Court also said that in all those cases where security was provided without the recommendation of the district security committee, the State government shall present the copy of the Court order, if any, on which the security was provided and in all other cases, the security must be withdrawn immediately. The affidavit also gave named many persons who have been granted security even without any recommendation of the respective district security committees. Dr. Thakur said the list included former MLAs, lawyers, eyewitnesses and district heads of political parties. The Court has directed her to file the rejoinder. The next hearing is due on December 2.

NEW DELHI: Six people looted Rs 12 lakh from a cash collection van here Thursday afternoon, police said. The incident occurred on Ravidas Marg in central Delhi around 12.05pm. "The robbers intercepted the cash van, owned by the CMS cash collection company, in their Honda city car. At the same time, two other accused riding a mobike joined them. They looted Rs.15 lakh from the van and decamped in the car," said deputy commissioner of police Alok Kumar. A CMS official, however, told IANS the robbed amount was Rs 12 lakh. Kumar said the custodians and the guard of the van were also beaten up when they tried to resist the robbery attempt. "The accused left the mobike at the spot and escaped in the Honda City car. After reaching Pusa Road, they also abandoned the car. Both the vehicles have been impounded," said Kumar. "The van was coming after collecting cash from the Life Insurance Corporation and the Delhi Jal Board offices," added the officer.

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7 Rakhmon reelected Tajik President Mullah Fazlullah is new Pakistani Taliban head


MOSCOW, NOVEMBER 7: Tajikistans President Imomali Rakhmon has won re-election by a landslide on Wednesday, extending his 20year-long rule by another seven years. Mr Rakhmon received 83.1 per cent of the votes, the Central Election Commission announced on Thursday. Almost 87 per cent of the countrys 4 million eligible voters cast their ballots. The 61-year-old leader ran against five little-known and largely loyal candidates, none of who garnered more than 5 per cent of the votes. The only credible challenger, rights activist Oinihol Bobonazarova, was disqualified for failing to collect the

signatures of 5 per cent of the nation's eligible voters. Several opposition parties, including the popular Islamic Revival Party of Tajikistan, boycotted the election, accusing the government of campaign violations and intimidation. Mr Rakhmon has ruled Tajikistan since 1992 and is credited with winning a fiveyear civil war against Islamic militants relying on Russias support. Mr Rakhmons new presidential term must be his last under the Constitution, which has been changed twice to enable him to prolong his stay in power. Tajikistan is one of the poorest states in the former Soviet Union, with more than one

million Tajiks earning a living in Russia. In the run-up to Sundays election Tajikistan signed an agreement with Russia on a 30-year extension of the Soviet-era 201 military base, which Moscow considers as a bulwark against Islamist insurgency and drug trafficking from Afghanistan. The Tajik Parliament ratified the deal after Russias President Vladimir Putin promised to support Mr Rakhmons reelection for another presidential term. Moscow has also allowed Tajik migrant workers to stay in Russia for three years running, against one year for the citizens of other former Soviet states. India helped Tajikistan refur-

bish an air base at Ayni in the past decade in the hope of

securing a bridgehead in the strategically located region

Google accused of delaying EU antitrust resolution

NOVEMBER 7: Googles rivals have strongly criticised the search engines newest proposals to settle its long-running antitrust case with the European commission. The internet company has also been accused of slowing down the arbitration process, which has so far ground on for three years and might not be resolved before next spring.Documents outlining Googles proposals to tweak its presentation of search results are currently being considered by 125 organisations across Europe. The latest proposals are supposed be confidential. However, I have seen two separate copies of the proposals, through which Google is trying to avoid a fullon legal battle with Joaquin Almunia, the commissions antitrust chief. At least one copy has also been leaked to the Financial Times.Mr. Almunias office announced in November 2010 that it was investigating Google over potential abuse of its monopoly position on internet search in the European Union, where it has over 90% of search traffic. In May 2012 Mr. Almunia said that a key commission concern was that in its general search results, Google displays links to its own vertical search services differently than it does for links to competitors.Under the leaked proposals, Google would continue to show links to its own sites such as maps, YouTube and shopping prominently in search results, and give rivals only limited exposure. On desktop searches, rival sites would be shown as small links below Googles own larger sponsored links, with an option for the user to hide them. On mobile phones, there would be a link to other sites beside Googles sponsored links at the top of searches. Users would have to click the link to see the rival offerings. The new proposals were dismissed by rivals, who also rejected an earlier set of public proposals in April, on the basis that Google could still use its monopoly in search to corner the separate markets of paid shopping and maps searches.Shivaun Raff of Foundem, the British search company, was one of the first to complain to the commission about what she says was Googles manipulation of search results to reduce her sites visibility. She looked at the new documents and told the Guardian: Googles revised proposals remain fundamentally unchanged and suffer from all of the same fatal flaws that rendered its previous proposals considerably more harmful than helpful. Were the commission to adopt anything along the lines of these proposals it would be aiding and abetting Google in its long-running strategy to transition organic traffic into paid traffic. As with Googles previous proposals, it would be better for the commission to do nothing than to adopt them. The proposals were sent out last week to 125 interested parties for comment. At the time Googles spokesman in Brussels, Al Verney, said: Weve made significant changes to address the commissions concerns, greatly increasing the visibility of rival services and addressing other specific issues.

ISLAMABAD, NOVEMBER 7: Mullah Fazlullah, the militant commander who ordered the assassination of teenage activist Malala Yusufzai, was on Thursday named by the Pakistani Taliban as its new chief to replace Hakimullah Mehsud, killed in a U.S. drone strike last week. The outlawed Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan elected Fazlullah as its new chief, commander Asmatullah Shaheen was quoted as saying by Pakistani news channels. The move came almost a week after Mehsud was killed in the drone attack in North Waziristan on Friday. Fazlullah, nicknamed Mullah Radio for his fiery sermons on an illegal FM station, led a parallel administration in the northwestern Swat Vally till the Pakistan Army sent troops into the region to flush out militants in early 2009. He fled with hundreds of his fighters to Afghanistan, from where he ordered the attempt on the life of Malala Yusufzai. The teenager survived despite being shot in the head by a

Taliban fighter and was taken to Britain for treatment. Fazlullah came to prominence as a leader of the Tehrik-e-Nifaz-eShariah-e-Mohammadi and later became the head of the Taliban in Swat Valley, located 160 km from Islamabad. He led a brutal rule in the region during 2007-09 and was accused of personally ordering the killing of scores of people, including women. He often announced his fatwas and orders for executing

people on his radio broadcasts. The Taliban Shura or council had initially agreed on Khan Syed alias Sajna as the new chief during a meeting in South Waziristan but later withheld the decision due to opposition from commanders belonging to Nuristan. The Taliban then named Shehryar Mehsud and Asmatullah Shaheen as caretaker chiefs before Fazlullah was named the new head of the TTP.

3 killed, 6 hurt in Detroit barbershop shooting

DETROIT, NOVEMBER 7: Detroit police say gunfire broke out at a barbershop on the citys east side, leaving at least three people dead. Police spokeswoman Kelly Miner said the shootings happened about 6 p.m. at Als Barbershop on Wednesday. Ms. Miner says nine people were shot and three of them are confirmed dead. Ms. Miner says she doesnt know the ages or gender of the victims or how many people may have been shooting. The barbershop is in a strip mall along a major road. Additional

Greek police oust workers from ex-broadcaster

ATHENS, NOVEMBER 7: In a predawn swoop Thursday, Greek riot police ended a nearly five-month protest by sacked workers broadcasting from what was once the headquarters of the defunct ERT state broadcaster, removing a few dozen people occupying the complex. Police said four people were briefly detained during the operation in the northern Athens suburb of Agia Paraskevi. About 50 people were removed from the building, which will be handed over to ERTs successor that is now broadcasting from cramped studios in another part of Athens. Among the detainees was radio journalist Nikos Tsimbidas, who was broadcasting live as police entered the studio. Believe me, its a shocking experience to be on the mic with two platoons of riot police surrounding the live broadcasting booth, he said on air. We are being removed, Ive just been informed that it appears orders have been given for me to stop talking. The evacuation was peaceful, although police later used tear gas to push back a crowd of about 200 who turned up outside the complex to support the former ERT workers. The main opposition Syriza radical left coalition protested the illegal police operation, with several Syriza lawmakers joining protesters outside the building. The government ... has created a black page in the history of state television and democracy in our country, a party statement said. Government spokesman Simos Kedikoglou said the evacuation was to restore the rule of law. The complex had been occupied by the protesting ex-employees since June 11, when Greeces conservativeled government abruptly closed ERT and fired all 2,700 staff, citing the need to cut costs due to the countrys severe financial crisis. They continued to produce unauthorized broadcasts online, including airing news reports and documentaries. These ended Thursday, although regional former ERT branches were still broadcasting their own unauthorized programs. The broadcasting complex had been illegally occupied, and that resulted in daily financial losses for the Greek state, Kedikoglou said. The (police) intervention was carried out in the presence of a prosecutor. ERTs abrupt closure triggered a political crisis that prompted a junior left-wing ally to walk out of the governing coalition, amid daily protests in Greece and international condemnation. The former workers had turned down repeated government calls to leave the ERT headquarters so that full-scale state broadcasts can resume from the complex. Former ERT staff have called for a protest near the Agia Paraskevi building later Thursday.

details about the shooting were

not immediately available.

Web founder denounces NSA encryption cracking

NOVEMBER 7: Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the computer scientist who created the world wide web, has called for a full and frank public debate over internet surveillance by the National Security Agency and its British counterpart, GCHQ, warning that the system of checks and balances over these two powerful bodies has failed. As the inventor of the global system of inter-connectivity known as the web, with its now ubiquitous www and http, Berners-Lee is uniquely qualified to comment on the internet spying that has been revealed by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden. In an interview, he expressed particular outrage that GCHQ and NSA had weakened the security of the internet by cracking much of the online encryption on which hundreds of millions of users rely to protect the privacy of their data. He said the agencies decision to break the encryption software was appalling and foolish, as it directly contradicted the efforts of both the US and UK governments to fight cybercrime and cyberwarfare, which they have identified as a top national security priority. Sir Berners-Lee also decried the move as a betrayal of the technology industry. In contrast to several senior British politicians including prime minister David Cameron who have called for the Guardian to be investigated over its reporting of the Snowden leaks, Sir Berners-Lee sees both the news organisation and Mr. Snowden himself as having acted in the public interest.


Twitter sets IPO price at $26, will raise $1.8B Sensex ends 72 points down at fresh one-week low
NEW YORK, NOVEMBER 7: Twitter has set a price of $26 per share for its initial public offering (IPO), which means the companys stock can begin trading on Thursday on the New York Stock Exchange in the most highly anticipated IPO since Facebooks 2012 debut. The price values Twitter at more than $18 billion based on its outstanding stock, options and restricted stock thatll be available after the IPO. Thats more than Macys, which has a market capitalization of $17 billion, and Bed Bath & Beyond, which is around $16 billion. The pricing means the short messaging service will raise $1.8 billion in the offering, before expenses. The company is offering 70 million shares in the IPO, plus an option to buy another 10.5 million. If all shares are sold, the IPO will raise $2.09 billion. The company, named after the sound of a chirping bird, is set to begin trading on Thursday morning under the ticker symbol TWTR. Twitter, which has never turned a profit in 7 years of existence, had originally set a price range big theme in the weeks leading up to Twitters IPO. The company tried to avoid the trouble that plagued Facebooks highprofile offering. Facebooks public debut was marred by technical glitches on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange. As a result, the Securities and Exchange Commission fined Nasdaq $10 million, the largest ever levied against an exchange. Those problems likely led Twitter to the NYSE. Still, $18 billion is a lofty valuation for Twitter compared with its peers. At its current price, Twitter valued at roughly 28 times its projected 2013 revenue 650 million based on its current growth rate. In comparison, Facebook trades at about 16 times its projected 2013 revenue, according to analyst forecasts from FactSet. Google Inc. meanwhile, is trading at about 7 times its net revenue, the figure Wall Street follows that excludes ad commissions. Research firm Outsell Inc. puts Twitters fundamental value at about half of the IPO price, says analyst Ken Doctor. That figure is based on factors such as revenue and revenue growth. MUMBAI, NOVEMBER 7: In volatile trade, the benchmark Sensex on Thursday fell by over 72 points to a fresh one-week low on heavy selling in consumer durables, banking and power shares after rating agency S&P cautioned it could downgrade India if the next government fails to reverse the slide in GDP growth. After gaining nearly 248 points to cross the 21,000 mark in early trade, the bluechip index ended down at 20,822.77, a drop of 72.17 points, or 0.35 per cent - the third straight loss. This the Sensexs lowest value at closing after 20,570.28 hit on October 28. Among the 30 Sensex constituents, 17 stocks fell led by RIL, SBI, ICICI Bank, BHEL, Bharti Airtel, GAIL India, HDFC Bank, Tata Motors, Tata Power and Maruti Suzuki. Traders said investors booked profits in the intra-day upmove. ITC, HUL, Sun Pharma and Dr Reddys gained today. Based on our discussions with market participants, most appear to be taking into account a small but non-negligible possibility of a ratings downgrade in the coming months, said financial major Barclays in a note.

Finance Ministry releases Rs. 17,772 crore as oil subsidy

NEW DELHI: The Finance Ministry has released Rs. 17,772 crore cash subsidy to state-run oil marketing companies (OMCs) to cover up a fourth of their losses for selling diesel, kerosene and domestic LPG below cost in September quarter.The Finance Ministry on November 6 informed the Petroleum Ministry that it had approved Rs. 8,772 crore as subsidy for Indian Oil Corporation (IOC), Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) and Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL). It is learnt that through a fresh communication, the Finance Ministry informed about releasing another instalment of Rs. 9000 crore as subsidy.The three OMCs lost Rs. 35,328 crore in revenues on selling diesel, cooking gas (LPG) and kerosene at government controlled rates in July-September quarter.

of $17 to $20 per share for the IPO, but that was an obvious lowball designed to temper expectations. It was widely expected that the price range would go higher. Back in August, for example, the company priced some of its employee stock options at $20.62, based on an appraisal by an investment firm and its unlikely to have lost value since. On Monday, Twitter raised the price range to $23 and $25 per share, signalling an enthusiastic response from prospective

investors. Twitters public debut will be one of the most closely watched IPOs since Facebooks in May 2012. But Twitter has valued itself at just a fraction of Facebook and sought to cool expectations in the months and weeks leading up to the offering. With that, the San Francisco-based company is likely hoping its stock avoids the fate of Facebooks shares, which didnt surpass their IPO price until more than a year after the offering. Tempering expectations was a

The Sensex has now lost over 417 points in the past three days in stark contrast to the jubiliant mood after the index closed at all-time high of 21,239.36.on Sunday. Similarly, the broader-based National Stock Exchange index Nifty fell by 27.90 points, or 0.45 per cent, to end at 6,187.25, after touching the days high of 6,288.95. Also, SX40 index, the flagship index of MCX-SX, fell by 23.07 points, or 0.19 per cent, to 12,393.24 at close. The rupee also fell to the lowest level in five weeks by plummeting to 62.73 per dollar

in early trade and was last trading at 62.5 levels. The weak rupee helped IT stocks like Infosys and TCS gain. However, the broader market was in a cautious mood influenced by weak Asian cues and lower opening in Europe ahead of US economic growth data and European Central Bank rate decision. Sectorally, BSE Realty sector index suffered the most by losing 2.62 per cent, followed by Consumer Durables (2.26 per cent), Banking (2.11 per cent) and Power (1.97 per cent). However, IT, Metal and TECk gained.

Cabinet clears FPO offer of Power Grid to raise Rs. 7500 crore
NEW DELHI: Giving a big boost to the disinvestment programme to raise Rs. 40,000 crore this fiscal, the Cabinet on Thursday gave approval for follow-on public offer of staterun Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) to raise about Rs. 7,500 crore. ``The 17 per cent follow-on public offer of PGCIL has been cleared by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA). This includes 13 per cent fresh equity and 4 per cent stake sale by the government, Minister of State for Power (Independent charge) Jyotiraditya Scindia said after the meeting. The FPO will comprise 13 per cent fresh equity by the PGCIL and 4 per cent stake sale by the central government. The government will sell 18.51 crore shares in the public sector company. The company will issue fresh 60.18 crore shares through the offer. Out of these fresh shares, about 2.4 per cent would be reserved for the employees.

MUMBAI, NOVEMBER 7: The rupee on Thursday fell to its lowest level in five weeks but recouped most of the losses to end almost flat at 62.41 against dollar ahead of European Central Banks interest rate decision and thirdquarter US GDP data. After falling 77 paise to 62.39 against dollar on Tuesday, the rupee opened at 62.35 but fell to intra-day low of 62.73. This mirrored the uneasiness in the domestic stock market after S&P warned it could downgrade India if the next government fails to reverse the slide in GDP growth. Mild dollar demand from banks and importers also weighed on the rupee. However, it clawed its way back to end at 62.41, down just 2 paise or 0.03 per cent compared to yesterday, after the US currency held steady in the

Rupee shrugs off initial setback Ranbaxy got USFDA nod with no data to end almost flat Vs dollar or fraudulent data, says whistleblower
overseas markets. Any upside surprise to the US GDP numbers will result in gains in the dollar and hence will lead to weakness in all Asian currencies including Rupee. Technically, if the USD/INR sustains above 62.20 levels for next couple of sessions, then we can see 63 plus levels, said Abhishek Goenka, Founder & CEO, India Forex Advisors. The European Central Banks decision on interest rates is due at 12.45 GMT, amid speculation that a rate cut is in offing after falling Eurozone inflation data. Soon after, investors would take cues about the economic health of US when third-quarter GDP data arrives. The Bank of England also holds a policy meet on Thursday. Globally, the Euro is trading W A S H I N G T O N , NOVEMBER 7: Indias drug major Ranbaxy Laboratories used fraudulent data to get USFDA nod to sell its generic drugs, according to whistleblower Dinesh Thakur, who has also accused the drugmaker of faking test results. In an interview to CBS News, he said: The data is important because the FDA or other agencies globally look at that information to give you marketing authorisation to sell the drug. An ex-employee of the company, Mr. Thakur, who was tasked with investigations of alleged malpractices in the Ranbaxy, further said: We started getting the files, and, lo and behold, we find that none of that exists in the first place....It means that weve gotten approvals from the FDA to sell drugs that were based on no data, or data that was fraudulent. Pointing out how test results were allegedly manipulated, he said: When you find a blood sample rework for one patient copied 23 times because there are 24 patients needed to prove bioequivalence, thats not an error. Comments from Ranbaxy Laboratories could not be obtained as spokespersons could not be reached. Elaborating how the companys drug failed to provide relief, he said: The expectations is the drug is supposed to work as intended...What we saw in this particular case is that trust was broken. Recounting an incident where his son was prescribed a Ranbaxy antibiotic for a fever, Mr. Thakur said: He (son) kept getting worse, so we got another companys formulation and the fever went away. In May this year, Ranbaxy had pleaded guilty to felony charges for violating manufacturing norms and agreed to pay $ 500 million penalty to US authorities. The settlement was the largest-ever with a generic drug-maker over drug safety, according to the US government. It included $ 150 million in payments for a criminal fine and forfeiture and $ 350 million in payments for civil claims. Mr. Thakur was awarded $ 48.6 million by a US court for the role he played in exposing malpractices in the company. The USFDA had banned Ranbaxy in 2008 from shipping 30 generic drugs to the US from its two units in India Paonta Sahib in Himachal Pradesh and Dewas in Madhya Pradesh.

steady ahead of the key ECB rate policy meeting with markets divided as to whether the central bank will cut its benchmark rate. Some analysts believe that markets are expected to remain unclear and would have to wait until tomorrows US non-farm payrolls data. This raft of data could influence US Feds timing of paring

its $ 85 billion-a-month bond purchases that has led to increase in FII inflows into emerging markets like India. Meanwhile, after rising 248 points in early trade, the Sensex on Thursday surrendered all gains to close 72 points down at a fresh 1-week low on heavy selling after the S&P warning.


KU's DLL establishes skill school at Gurez Valley

Army concludes T-20 Cricket Championship Varsity expanding its juris"champions Trophy" at Bhadarwah
BHADERWAH, NOV 07The Rashtriya Rifles located at Bhadarwah under the aegis of the Counter Insurgency Force (Delta) concluded 'T20 Cricket Championship' at Govt Degree College, Bhadarwah in collaboration with Youth Combined Cricket Club, Bhadarwah . The Championship was started on 06 October 2013. A total of fifty teams participated in the Championship. The matches were played as per existing rules by league cum knockout basis. Various teams from Srinagar, Anantnag, Ramban, Banihal, Doda, Kishtwar, Bhadarwah, Jammu & JKP participated with true spirit of sportsmanship and displayed their skills and enthusiasm to beat each other. At closing ceremony the strength of approximately six thousand persons were present at the sight from several nearby villages, they all praised the Army for the conduct of the Championship and taking activities for youth development. Commander of Doda Sector GUREZ, NOV 07: In a bid to reach out to the frontier areas of Kashmir Valley, the Directorate of Lifelong Learning, University of Kashmir has commissioned its first outreach program in the frontier area with the launch of skill development programs including basic Computer, Electrician and Advanced Cutting and Tailoring - a move, appreciated by the people here. The courses were launched by the Minister of State for PHE, Irrigation and Flood Control Nazir Ahmad Khan Gurezi and varsity's ViceChancellor, Prof Talat Ahmad at a function held at Dawar area of Gurez Valley. The function was organized by the DLL in connection with 'Vocational Training and Skill Development outreach programme, entitled as 'One day State Level Event on Community Development and Skill Enhancement at frontier area of Gurez Valley". Three courses, including Basic Computers, Electrician and Advanced Cutting and Tailoring were started while other advance courses would be started next year. "It is difficult for government to give government jobs to everyone so there is a need to impart technical and professional education to everyone," Gurezi told participants at jam packed auditorium here. "Number of new schools and colleges has been opened with the aim to improve the education scenario across the state," he said. The Minister said that higher educational institutions of J&K should emphasize on quality Education and Human Resource Development to strengthen the society. "In community development good and skilled human resources is always important and role of KU's DLL is highest in that," Gurezi added. In his address, ViceChancellor, University of Kashmir, Prof Talat Ahmad highlighted the importance of vocational trainings and skill development among the students. "It is important for us to encourage youth for self employment generation and it is possible only when there is skill among them. University is focusing on such initiative and we are expanding our jurisdiction to every part of the state to help communities," he said. "It is an achievement we could reach out to this beautiful frontier area." KU VC announced that separate examination for both regular and private students will be conducted for Gurez students because of climatic conditions. On the occasion, the VC handed over the authority letter to the Director, Bandipora College of Information Technology (BCIT) Fayaz Ahmad Fayaz for running the skill development courses in the area. The Dean Academic Affairs, KU, Prof AM Shah said: "It was the responsibility of the University towards the community which brought us to Gurez. We are working in a way so that these trained students not only become job seekers but will also become job creators and ensure the involvement of the youth enmasse." The Director DLL, Dr. GH Mir highlighted the role of directorate in community

diction across the state: VC

mobilization and awareness. "The directorate has been working for the professional upliftment of youth and development of society as a whole. Outreach programs have so far been started in far-flung areas of, Shopian, Pulwama, Bandopra, Baramulla and other farflung areas," he said. Dr Mir asked for support from the people to make outreach programs success. "Any development program is impossible without the support of the locals and stakeholders," he said. The programme was coordinated by the Project Officer, DLL, University of Kashmir, Nazir Ahmad Ganaie. Detailed discussion was also held on collection of forms for both regular and private Degree Course classes of 1st, 2nd and 3rd year at Gurez. The KU authorities decided that the examination forms will now be collected in Degree College Gurez. Later, the Minister and VC distributed woollen sweaters, donated by Arnimaal NGO among the students and poor people of the area under Community Development initiate.

Rashtriya Rifles as 'Chief Guest' & Commanding Officer of Rashtriya Rifles at Bhadarwah motivated the teams and youth of Bhadarwah during closing ceremony. The final match was played between JKP-11, Jammu and Youth Combined Cricket Club, Bhadarwah, in which The Youth Combined Cricket Club, Bhadarwah won the

finals by 16 Runs. The winner and runner-up teams were facilitated with trophies and cash prizes. Individual cash prizes were also given to Man of the Series, Man of the Match, Best Batsman and Best Bowler. At the end Mr Zaheer Khan of Cricket Club Bhadarwah said "The sports activities promoted by Army in Bhadarwah Tehsil will defi-

nitely provide an opportunity to the youths to showcase their talent and acquire a level of self-confidence and their energy will be utilised in constructive direction which in turn will contribute in building the Nation. He also thanked the Army for cooperating in organising the event and said that locals would look forward to more such events in future".

Inf Deptt organizes awareness programme

SAMBA, NOV 07- To create awareness about the dengue fever and creating a healthy environment, Department of Information Samba organized a function at Government Girls Middle School Arazi Samba and Govt. High School Behri here on Thursday. District Information officer Samba, Vikas Anand educated the students about precautionary measures ought to be taken to save themselves from dengue fever. He said that mosquitoes which spread dengue can be controlled by keeping the surroundings, clean and free from stagnant water. He asked the students to wear full sleeve shirts and socks so as to prevent themselves from mosquito bite. Chief Education Officer Samba Surinder Mohan Mahajan enriched the students about the ways to prevent themselves from dengue fever. He said simple method to avoid the breeding of the dengue virus mosquito was to keep changing water at least once in five days, in flower pots, money plants, trays of water pots, tires, bottles, bath tubs and tanks besides regular cleaning of choked drains. He asked the teachers to educate the students during morning assembly on routine basis and special care should be taken for the cleanliness in and around the school.

Journalist Association to organize live debates on ongoing Political chaos

SRINAGAR, NOV 7: In an important meeting held at Headquarters of Jammu & Kashmir Young Journalist Association (JKYJA) at Lalchowk Srinagar under the Chairmanship of Ajaz Ahmad War several burning issues confronting the society at large were debated. Pertinently, the delegates in the meeting felt that common man on ground zero is facing alot of difficulties on account of growing inflation and other problems. The forum on the other hand strongly felt that in the current atmosphere where anti-election rallies and pro-election rallies are going parallel on the ground, the local population of Kashmir has been left in much chaos. The association while taking a strong note of the ongoing chaos in the minds of local population, further decided to provide a platform to both the parallel thoughts via organizing live debates so that the ongoing chaos will get a suitable solution. Ajaz Ahmad War, President JKYJA stated -"Our society has the potential to grow intellectually as well as geographically in the form of development. While development and killings cannot go parallel to each other, and the volume of innocent killings turn up day by day, the state population has to come forward and find a suitable solution to both the issues. In such case we believe in providing a platform to every school of thought to debate such crucial issues in a tolerant, effective, dialogue based manner rather taking out parallel rallies." It was reaffirmed that the premier journalist association JKYJA would continue to deliberate the burning issues faced by people of Jammu & Kashmir and would usher to see that masses issues get conveniently addressed.

Skillsoft introduces mainframe technology courseware in India

NEW DELHI, NOV 07: Skillsoft, in partnership withInterskill Learning introduced a portfolio of e-learning courseware on mainframe technology in India on Thursday. This specialist elearning collection provides the full range of formal and on-demand learning courses designed to help address the needs of organizations that leverage mainframe computing. Vinay Pradhan, country manager-India, Skillsoft, said: "The Indian IT industry has a significant focus on providing mainframe services to global companies. We have formed a partnership with Interskill, a leading provider of mainframe e-learning content, to help address the gap in availability of this courseware in India. This portfolio of courseware will be hosted and delivered on Skillsoft's Skillport platform, thus giving a uniform experience to our customers." Although considered to be a legacy technology, mainframes continue to remain a primary and strategic business platform for most organisations globally. They play a central role in the daily operations of large corporations across the banking, finance, health care, insurance, utilities and government sectors. The workforce, therefore, needs instant access to high quality training on a broad array of mainframe and mainframe related topics. Up-skilling of the workforce has the potential to save organizations time and money, minimizing errors, thus resulting in higher output. The Interskill collection is the computing industry's only mainframe e-learning curriculum and consists of a comprehensive and up-todate set of over 200 courses representing over 1,000 hours of e-learning courseware. These courses are interactive and help the learner in authentic activities designed to motivate, engage and produce quantifiable change.

NEW DELHI, NOV 07: In the first meeting of the project approval board (PAB) for the Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan - the ambitioushigher education programme to reinvigorate state universities - 56 new model degree colleges were approved in as many districts with a total outlay of Rs 672 crore. Uttar Pradesh has got 29 model colleges, followed by eight each in Karnataka and Odisha, Andhra Pradesh (7) and Kerala (4). The meeting also sanctioned second instalment of funds for 31 existing model degree colleges spread across Assam, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Punjab. Ministry officials said, "We have got enthusiastic response from states. Already, 15 states and four

56 new model degree colleges Dr. Bloeria briefs Governor about functo come up in 56 districts tioning of Jammu Central University
union territories have responded to the ministry." The meeting considered the proposals of states and UTs and approved 12 states and four UTs eligible for support under RUSA. Gujarat's proposal came late so the PAB agreed to give the state preparatory fund. J&K submitted the proposal but since it did not give any undertaking, PAB did not consider their request. Tamil Nadu also failed to give undertaking. Proposals of Andaman & Nicobar, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chandigarh, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu, Himachal, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Manipur, Nagaland, Odisha, Punjab & UP were approved. RUSA makes it incumbent upon the states to fulfill certain conditions. One, lift the ban on recruitment of teachers; two, carry out comprehensive academic and administrative reforms. State universities are expected to move towards semester system, credit transfer and similar other reforms. The HRD ministry has also decided to set up a RUSA Resource Centre in association with the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) at an estimated cost of Rs 45 lakh. JAMMU, NOV 7 - Dr. S. S. Bloeria, Vice Chancellor, Central University of Jammu, called on Mr. N. N. Vohra, Governor, at Raj Bhavan here on Thursday. During the meeting, the Governor, who is Chancellor of the Central University of Jammu, discussed with Dr. Bloeria various matters relating to the development of this University. Dr. Bloeria also briefed the Governor about the to-date status of the teaching and research facilities and those to be put in place at the upcoming Campus of the University.

Workshop for polytechnic students organized

JAMMU, NOV 07- Annual Workshop on Operational Plan (O-Plan) was conducted by NITTTR, Chandigarh at Government Polytechnic, Jammu in which the Principals and senior HOD's of various Government and Private Polytechnic colleges of the State participated. The workshop was inaugurated by the Director Technical Education Jaipal Singh who highlighted the role of Technical education and stressed upon incorporating the advanced technologies in the curriculum of Diploma engineering students. The Principal of the Government Polytechnic Jammu Arun Bangotra welcomed all the participants in the workshop. The resource persons from NITTTR Chandigarh included Prof. Parmod Kumar Singla, Dr. C. Ramakrishna and Prof. Ritula Thakur. In the workshop various demand driven staff development programmes and other need based courses were identified as a part of O- Plan to be conducted by NITTR for the year 2013-14 in the various Polytechnics of J&K and at NITTTR Chandigarh for the development of staff and to improve the overall scenario of Technical Education in J&K. Others who attended the workshop were Secretary State Board of Technical, Er. N. H. Malik, Joint Director Technical Education, Er. M. S. Bhat and Principal Women Polytechnic, Jammu Dr. Neetu Maini.

Salad Making Competition held at MV International School

JAMMU, NOV 07: Salad occupies a prime place in our diet for good health, to emphasize this fact. A Salad Making Competition was held in MV International School, (07-11-2013). The students of all the four houses (Darwin, Edison, Einstein and Newton) participated in the Competition. They prepared Peacock Salad, Vegetable Salad, Mexican Tadka Salad and Russian Salad using commonly available ingredients. The participants of each house explained the specialty of their salad and also the importance of including salad in our regular diet for

DDC Ramban inaugurates two days workshop

maintaining good health and keeping diseases at bay. The main focus of the Competition was not only the preparation of salads but also upon their artistic presentation which carried an asthetic aspect. Equal emphasize was on the hygienic considerations which was to be kept in view while preparing and dressing the final product. Sonia, Pooja, Samiksha and Anjana of Darwin House prepared the Peacock Salad; Amaninder , Jagriti, Neha Dogra, Neha Sharma and Vishali of Edison House made Vegetable Salad

Mumbai students not as skilled as eastern zone's in reading: Survey

MUMBAI, NOV 07: Students from city schools are not as good as their counterparts from the eastern region when it comes to reading abilities. A nationwide survey done to check English proficiency of high school students (Std VIII-XII) reveals that those in the west zone, comprising Mumbai, have poorer skills. But they are better than students from the north and south zones. The English Proficiency Global Survey Test by Education First (EF), with a sample size of 3,000 across the country, reveals that reading skills of Indian students across the east, west, north and south zones are very poor and has great scope for improvement. Whilethe national English proficiency index (EPI) in reading is 53.6%, in the west it is 59.6% and in the east 68.8%. Both genders have weak reading skills across the country, which is reflected in the national average. "Schools in the western zone offer students non-academic material like general books, newspapers and magazines to read. Despite this, the reading skills of students are poor and schools need to work on them," said Sunitha Perumal, country product manager, EF International Academy. On the contrary, Indian students are very good at conversing in English, reveals the survey. Indian students have a high proficiency in vocabulary, with a national average of 80.4%. Under this parameter too, the EPI of the western region (84.1%) stands second with schools from the south having a proficiency of 84.2%. "This can be attributed to increasing viewership of English movies and English cartoon serials on television," the survey said. Students from the western zone were not the best even in listening skills. The eastern zone topped with an EPI of 75.9%, while the western zone had an EPI of 74.6%. The global group offers training in various programmes, including language training and cultural exchanges. The agency claims to have a mix of students from various education boards, including international ones. Gauri Kedia, a Std VIII student of Dhirubhai Ambani International School, Mumbai, topped the country in the proficiency test with 99%. The survey concludes that schools from the south zone need to improve on reading and listening skills, compared to the other zones, while the eastern zone needs to focus on vocabulary. Perumal said students from across countries will be tested on these parameters and a comparative report will be out soon. The agency has initiated similar surveys in other Asian countries.

whereas Parul, Tan ia, Revati, Vanshika and Sonali of Einstein House and Vanshika,Sakshi, Malvika , Tanu and Komal of Newton House prepared Mexican Tadka and Russian Salad respectively. Newton House was adjudged First, Second and Third position went to Einstein and Darwin House Thus efforts of the students were appreciated by the Director, Mr. Gorav Abrol and The Principal. They exhorted the students to make salad eating a routine habit for enabling them to maintain a healthy life.

RAMBAN, NOV 07District Development Commissioner, Ramban M. H. Malik inaugurated the two days workshop on "Support to State Extension Programme for Extension Reforms" under Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA) organized by the Agriculture Department. Dr. K.S. Risam, Director Extension, SKUAST-Jammu and Director, SAMETIJammu presided over the inaugural function and gave detailed background and importance of the Workshop on Thursday. DDC stressed upon the participants to get the training

with dedication so that the motive of the training will achieved and further served for the upliftment of Agriculture scenario in our district as well as State. He impressed the technocrats of agriculture and allied departments to go in the field to impart the Know-how of scientific farming with modern agriculture machinery to farmers he also instructed the officers to aware the farmers about agriculture schemes launched by the state and centre government for the socio- economic development of farmers. During the interaction session the recourse persons of various department including

Agriculture, Horticulture, Sericulture, sheep Husbandry, Animal Husbandry and Floriculture departments etc delivered the lectures on the different topics which include RKVY, ISOPOM, National Food security Mission, Seed Village Programme, Extension Reforms, Horticulture and other departmental programmes and other centrally sponsor schemes. Deputy Director Centre, C. M. Sharma, Mr. R Dhar, V. K. Zutshi, Ajab Singh and other district and senior Officers of the different departments were the Recourse Persons.


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