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Escape the Cuban Police

You (as Alex Mason - no relation to the Red Faction Martian guy) will have a Commando (not invented yet) with a Reflex Sight and Grenade Launcher (7 grenades) and the ASP handgun (from the bar). On Veteran difficulty, you may want to use the grenade launcher on the cop cars -- 1 per car (five cars) and you will deal with most of the cops easily.

A grenade launcher is a great tool for eradicating law enforcement. The police cruiser explodes when the explosive impacts, and kills the officers within. Head for your escape vehicle and leave to end this portion of the tutorial. Use the rifle's scope and pick apart the enemies as you movel slowly down the street. Right before you reach the plaza, you may want to hang back and lob a grenade or two at the police blockade before heading for the escape vehicle where Carlos is waiting. Follow the on-screen button prompts to escape in the car (it's buttons only).

Infiltrate Castro's Villa

Hook-up behind Woods and zip down the rope. The weapons you had on the street will be what you have now, including that ASP handgun. You won't need the handgun except as a last-ditch defence weapon, and you will likely replace it with the RPG-7 towards the end of the stage. Head into the shack and take down the sentry with melee and shadow Bowman and Woods.

Engage local defences and neutralize the HVT

Enter the villa and Bowman will depart, leaving you alone with Woods. Sweep through the left side of the wing (through the kitchen) and toss a grenade into the hall to thin out the crowd. When you make the turn in the hallway, Bowman will report B-26 Marauders will be bombing the palace, shaking the camera, and making things hard to aim at.

Inside the villa, the enemies swarm thick. Go down the left corridor and eradicate the opposition. When you breach the first room, take down the enemies from right to left; Woods' A.I. prioritizes from left to right. Regrouping with Woods at the next door (to breach) will put you at the halfway point of the level. Breach through the first door, and zap the three Cuban soldiers in the room. Reload your weapons -- you might want to swap the handgun for something with more zoom (but that's not necessary) and stack up with Woods at the door. When you breach again, you will encounter Fidel Castro (minus his cap). Take him out. Bonus Task - Death to Dictators Sic Temper Tyrannis. After Mason and Woods breach into Fidel's boudoir, take aim and fire a shot at Castro's noggin. You should have enough time to take aim thanks to the slow-motion sequence. Send that one all-important message to El Presidente and get some bonus points (or a trophy).

Mason will auto equip the handgun for the attempt on Castro's life; if you have very little ammunition, the "dramatic weapon" for this scene will have plenty of ammo. You only need one slug to end tyranny.

Regroup at the front of the villa

Since you just killed the beloved leader of an entire country, it would be very prudent to GTF out of Dodge, like right the f--- now! Unfortunately, there are several waves of soldiers you need to chew through to reach the front of the mansion. Use the Commando's scope to take down enemies from afar and be wary of walking too far forward too quickly. You may out-pace the events needed to trigger another scenario, and wind up being stuck. Proceed ahead if there are few (or no) enemies around. Bowman and Woods will head downstairs in the villa's foyer. Head down with them (watch that enemy to the right of the stairs) and get some unfortunate chatter.

Get to the airfield and escape Cuba

Wait at the front of the villa. Carlos and his band of merry men will scale the wall and clear out most of the enemies in the yard (you may want to snipe the ones in the towers, or they may kill you). This isn't the

The three threats are from the two towers and the shooter at the Technical's gun. Down them and then pick up the damn RPG-7. You will need it to blast the BTR so you can safely escape. It's not over yet. Notice there's a conspicuously placed RPG-7 near the front entrance. Take it and use it to blast the enemy BTR before you flee through the breach in the wall, or it will cut you down. Hopefully, none of your allies will be nearby, or the explosion will kill them instantly.

The RPG-7 is behind the sandbag on your left when you exit the villa's front door. The BTR will not fire until it stops, so you have a few second to take aim and blast the mo'fugger'chugger into scrap metal. Escape across the sugar cane field and fast-rope down the slope. From the bottom of the slope, slip into the hangar and make your way across the airstrip towards the cargo plane.

Flee through the tarmac and get on board. Once you are, you will have infinite M-60 ammunition for the escape. Aim true and don't die. When Mason hops off to man the final gun, take out the vehicles at the end of the runway. Mission accomplished.


Follow Reznov
Conk out the guard, and until you find something better, your fire button will also do melee. Unless you're fond of thinking you're playing Richard B. Riddick in a videogame, it's suggested that you follow Reznov as quickly as possible. Once you meet Sergei, no more enemies attack until you exit the jail.

After the giant prisoner gives the Russian guard a gastronectomy, take the Markarov pistol and follow the inmates. Take the 9x18 Markarov handgun from the slain guard and wait by the sides of the door. After the initial rush, follow Reznov and Sergei to the mine cart.

Follow Reznov when the machinegun fire slackens. Crouch, follow the cart, and be wary of the enemy guards who appear. Two rounds of 9x18 Markarov will down a soldier. Pop and move, pop and move. That's how prison escapees move, unless you were a star on Prison Break. Follow behind the cart (ducking) and place two shots on each Russian prison guard as they swarm up the sides. Blow away the enemies and wait when the cart stops. Once the explosion occurs, you are free to step out from cover and follow Reznov to the next phase of the escape. Head into the small building, and while Sergei starts breaking down the door to the armory, you need to get to the roof and help the other inmates. To use the slingshot, simply approach it to "glue" Mason's body to the sling's basket. The shot will be loaded automatically. From there, simply walk back to give your sling the oomph needed to fling the contents. Bonus Task - Slingshot Kid Destroy all three of the targets with one Molotov cocktail each. Working the slingshot is easy -- by pulling back fully, the shot will always travel in the same arc. Place the bottom tip of the aiming target on top of the target you want to die in a fiery death, and release the joystick. Very easy comrade.

To score a direct hit with the Molotovs, place the top of the target at the bottom tip of your aiming reticle, pull back all the way, and let fly the Molotov cocktail. At least you're not dropping Stalin's breadbaskets. Finnish gamers know what that's all about.</div>

Destroy the chopper

Regroup with Reznov and take up a 7-shell shotgun. Head outside, blast the lock, and then the first Russian bastard you see. Swap the Markarov handgun for a trusty AK-47 and start the hosing. The right path has an RPG soldier on the roof, and by the time you reach the left side (towards the building where you down the chopper), more troops will have deployed. Take the path of least resistance and duck into the marked building.

Wait for the guys holding the weapon to drop the harpoon gun before stepping out sideways -- this is so you can pick up and fire the harpoon gun at the chopper instantly instead of using up precious milliseconds to turn and

fire. Once inside the building, you should be safe from enemies. Head upstairs once you're health has regenerated and stop at the door. When both of the prisoners are killed by the chopper's guns, run out quickly to the harpoon gun, turn 90 right and hip-fire the weapon at the chopper (Reznov will blcok you from going back inside). With some luck, you will have hit the chopper (this kills the gunner instantly) and you can head back down.

Fight to breach the main armory

There is a pre-set AK-47 with a Kosteyer grenade launcher just leaning against the pillar inside the armory building's 1F. Take it and use the grenades judiciously (you don't get extras). Keep the shotgun around though -you will need it later. Head upstairs (carefully) and thin out the enemies.

After opening the shutter, wait in the booth for Reznov's bot to sneak past. If you don't, you might as well retry the level, because you glitched him out of the map. Aim for the closing shutter and get inside. To continue the mission, locate the booth with the shutter's controls. Open the shutter to let Reznov in. From this booth, you are relatively safe. Use the opportunity to snipe some of the enemies on the catwalk. Head upstairs to the second level to get a checkpoint and follow Reznov to the welder. The enemies who appear now will have ballistic armor (they look like the blue Russian SWAT troops in Modern Warfare 2's "No Russian"). If they don't notice you (on Hardened or Veteran) you can take one down quickly with a shotgun (up close), otherwise, you will need to use grenades and some choice shots on their heads to kill.

Enemies fast-rope in from the ceiling, and are perfect for an impact grenade. Remember that the projectile needs a distance to spin before arming itself. Fired too close, the detonator will not arm, and the explosive will not go off. Use the riot shells to surprise the enemy as they step past its protection. Protect Reznov until he moves to a large steel door and starts cutting. You can use the riot shields to reduce the amount of gunfire you get from one firing arc. Survive the enemy counter-attack -- use up all your ammunition if you like. When Reznov opens the armory, take the mini-gun inside.

Fight outside and reach the prison gate

The mini-gun has 999 rounds, and pretty much destroys everything it hits, so feel free to "-pre-spin" (aim) the barrel and let out a few bursts of gunfire on enemies who are not yet focused on attacking you.

A mini-gun pretty much means you can destroy what you want, where you want, and whenever you want. While firing this weapon, you cannot sprint or move quickly, so you need to use your firepower to silence the other side before they can attack. Destroy vehicles early, as well as the red explosive drums, and you should be relatively fine.

Reach the train by motorcycle

After being gassed, you will lose all weapons and wind up in the prison motor-pool. Your next goal is to ride the motorcycle to freedom. Before you do that, make sure you're ready to leave. The rest of the stage is a motorcycle race (with shotguns) and a truck ride to the speeding train. Enjoy, unless you're after some extra task. The motorcycle has decent handling and a sawed-off Olympia that's deadly at long range. The DShK machinegun on the Technical is even better -- it has no cool down and fires as fast as the mini-gun. Hose, hose, hose! EXECUTIVE ORDER

Follow Woods
Woods will be your principal NPC guardian for this stage, so just follow his lead and don't f--- up. Remember, like in Modern Warfare 2's Spec Ops Charlier tier mission "Hidden", the A.I. in Call of Duty is not designed for a "stealth simulation." Hence for campaign (and especially campaign) all the stealth elements are choreographed encounters. Stray from the script, and the game's A.I. will simply shred you with no regrets. On the bright side, the games industry isn't unionized ...

Follow Woods to the two sentries you can ambush -- take out the one who is standing upright. Woods will sprint and crouch at the pipe to avoid the enemy gunship. Do the same and stay on his ass. Follow him while touching the pipe and head around the corner. Mantle up and over the pipe where Woods goes and be sure to melee kill the marked soldier (or you fail).

In case the marker doesn't show up, it's the standing soldier. Push your key or joystick forwards to lug the body to the hiding spot and you will be in another zone.

Regroup with Bowman & that other COD Red-Shirt

Follow Woods past the enemy guards and meet up with Bowman. Stay close, or you will fail the mission by straying from the squad. The fireteam will bluff their way towards the main comms tower. Let Bowman (stay with Woods) do their little animation thing with the guards, then head through the door and start shooting Russians in the back.

Clear the comms building

Check the top of each stairwell with caution, as enemies will be set, braced, and likely already aiming in your direction. You can also occasionally snipe one of the guards from the bottom of the roof ladder, but this is more a rarity than common occurrence. Paint the place red with the blood of Commies. Use any weapon you want, as the two weapons you have (the AK-47 and Colt Python) will be replaced with new weapons after this sequence. The rooftop has two final enemies who need to be cleared out before Woods and Mason proceeds to the next scripted sequence.

Cover Bowman's team and Rescue Weaver

When the rooftop is clear, head over to where Woods is and cover Bowman with the crossbow. For this section, you will have a crossbow with explosive bolts. Use them to tag enemies anywhere on the body, and the resulting explosion will be both glorious and messy. Apart from catching groups of enemies in explosions, you will want to focus on the shooter on the Technical. When breaching in to save Weaver, down the enemy by the window, then the shooter near the hostage. Neutralize with extreme prejudice. Be sure to give priority to the gunner on the Technical and try to group enemies together. Enemies shot by the bolt will stagger (and stop moving forwards) so if you peg the leading enemy, he is the perfect method to vector ground zero for his squad buddies. When Woods gives you the rope arrow, shoot it at the wall just above the window where Weaver is; your weapons will change back to the MP5k/SD and crossbow as you zip-line down for the rescue.

Stop the Soyuz Launch

Down the enemies in Weaver's room (you may want to shoot the guy pointing the gun at your teammate's head first), and fight through the next section. On Veteran and Hardened, you may want the crossbow or AK-47 with an ACOG attachment to down enemies from afar. Despite the time limit, rushing ahead will likely get you killed.

You will have limited time to reach the control center for the Soyuz rocket, but use that time well by sniping enemies from afar with the crossbow. The dead bodies at the launchpad are revealing as to the damage you can wreak from afar. The timer will expire when you traverse the launch pad and the maintenance lines to the control bunker. You will need to breach into the booth with an explosive; once you do, you set off events to down the Soyuz before it reaches escape velocity.

Enemies will be thick, but you can disable them with a flashbang and a frag grenade. Remember, flashbangs blow on impact, while frags run on a timer. Stand near this air conditioning unit to pick-up Bowman's missile setup. If you don't stop the Russian rocket in time, you fail the mission.

Pursue Kravchenko and Dragovich

The maintenance corridors are both short and long distance fighting. Your MP5's red dot sight should be enough for all but the longest distance engagements. If you make it to the locker room, you hit the final checkpoint for the level. The exit is just 30 feet away. Follow the team into the base's under-facility. Down enemies in the tunnels and know that you have no time limit for this section. You do want to move up to insure that enemies do not keep respawning and attacking you (since you eventually run out of ammunition). When you clear the final few hallway (past Lenin's room with the intel) you complete the mission.

S.O.G Get out of the f---ing trench!

First thing's first -- get out of the damn way when mortars are coming down. Push up (or forwards) on your key or joystick to move Mason forwards. You and Woods will drag a concussed Hudson to the bunker, where you should instantly go inside (once you have control) since the spot you're on will be demolished with incoming mortar fire.

You need to quickly take any weapon outside, as the explosions will be constant once it starts. Follow Woods and Hudson through the trenches and stay low. Note that after the enemy bombardment ceases (or slackens), you can walk back out quickly to swap your M-16 with one that might (random) have an ACOG attachment. The M-60 you're lugging around will be handy for medium and close range fighting. Just remember that if you need to reload, the M-60's animation takes a little while to process & complete.

Reach the next bunker / defence point

The trench will be constantly under assault by the Viet Minh, so you may want to crouch and move against the trench wall to avoid being shot. There is no intel (yet), so stop exploring and get to your next destination.

The fallen M113 marks the halfway point of the first set of trenches. Get to the detonator and wait for Woods' audio signal to "blow up the motherf---ers". Premature detonation will result in reduced casualties for the enemy, and increased opposition for you. Apart from the scripted ambush by the Vietnamese fighter, you need not worry too much about the encroaching enemies unless they drop into the trench, or have detected and are firing on you. Once you are past the collapsed M113 (tracked box-like APC), you should be in the tank zone.

Destroy enemy armor (tanks)

When you reach the clearing past the crashing APC, you will be beset by enemies past the perimeter. Quickly locate the bazooka tubes in a side bunker, or the sandbagged emplaced position on top of the base (near the fake wall of artillery shells). This is so you can put yourself in a position to defend against the damn tanks. The tanks are threatening only if they choose to fire on you (and not your dime a dozen, expendable allies). Pick up a bazooka either from the side bunker or atop the hill and zap both pieces of hostile armor before moving on. Note that one of the weapon caches here has an M-14 with ACOG. If you prefer that weapon to the M-16, feel free to do a swap.

Locate the bunker or the lookout point with the M-72 bazookas. You will need a couple to take down the two enemy tanks attacking your hill.

Defend the hill

The term "defend" is a misnomer, since you're essentially tasked to either stem the tide of enemies coming in, or (somehow) get past them to the next tunnel (atop the ashened hill). Since Hardened and Veteran will not let you proceed very far without stopping enemy respawns (especially with the rate being so high for this zone), you need to stop the spawns to proceed safely. The game marks the trench that you must avoid but not the two bumble-bee (black and yellow) naplam jelly drums that you have to interact with. These two drums are atop the two bottom bunkers by the trench. Simply use context action and Mason will spill the drum's contents into the trench to create a fire wall.

The two barrels of fire jelly have yellow and black bands. Woods will tip over a third to show you if you're following him. These two barrels you have to do manually (and they are not marked). Once the fire wall is erected, you can proceed up the ashen hill without worrying about enemies attacking you from behind.

The engagements on the ash hill is a good spot for weapons with ACOG. The top of the hill is a cinematic battle. That .357 Magnum slug makes some great red liquid confetti. Merry F---ing Christmas Charlie! Head up the ashened hillside and use some marksmanship to down the enemies here. Without the spawns from behind and a safe zone forward, you should be able to proceed up the zone without much trouble.

Take out the final wave of tanks

There is a short bunker run (very few enemies) before you get to the final on-rails sequence with Woods, Hudson, and the NVA tanks. Before you run ahead, there is a secret to find. You will get on top of a jeep with an M-60 and a bazooka. The n00b tube is useless for the most part -- you will have a guided TOW missile for the tanks (and the launcher has infinite ammo). Switch to the M-60 and keep enemy infantry away by hosing the place when your jeep moves to each new spot.

Use the M-60 if you have soldiers nearby -- you only need to take out as many soldiers as needed to avoid dying. The six tanks are your main concern. There will not be a repeat of Dien Bien Phu this time. The jeep moves between each attack wave. The first wave has one tank, the second has two, and the final wave has three tanks. When the jeep stops, Mason gets on the TOW and cannot exit TADS mode until all the enemies are neutralized. When all six tanks are gone, the mission ends.

THE DEFECTOR Reach the defector's safe room

You will crash into the admin building and be armed with just the SPAS-12 "Dragon" and a Commando with a red dot sight and grenade launcher. Start the killing, but note that there are civilians amongst the hostiles.

The presence of civilians means you with-hold fire until the enemy kills them off. Proceed to neutralize after the coast is clear. Beware of ambushes from enemies past areas you cannot go to. The fires obscure lots of stuff. To minimize you being held accountable for friendly casualties (game over instantly), let the enemy kill the civilians before you return fire. For game-purposes, it will be the A.I. enemy who kills them. The enemies have FN-FALs (Belgian made, and sold to the British as marksman rifles) so stick with what you have for now. FN-FALs only fire semiautomatically in Black Ops, meaning they lack the versatility of fully auotmatic weapons.

Regroup with the team outside and escape

There should be slain MACV guards with dropped Commandos (also not invented yet back in 1968). Replenish your ammunition for the 552, but don't take any new weapons unless you feel your starting Commando 552 is insufficient for the operation. Having "multiple attachments" is generally better unless the weapon is completely lacking in what you need it to do. The fighting outside is generally long range, but your red-dot sight is sufficient. This is because you will get your hands on some heavy firepower in about 60 seconds.

A crazy vengeful Russian veteran teamed up with a homicidal American G.I. This is called a win-win situation. Your grenades should have been expent on the losers attacking the embassy lobby. That's not a worry, as you will pick-up a UH-1B gunship for your street battle. There's a rookie with a radio asking for support near the revetment over-looking the street. Talk to him, take the radio and use air support to work your way down the street.

Destroy the tank

Follow the M113 (callsign "Bottom Feeder") until it turns right and trundles down the street towards the Vietnamese theater. Duck into one of the side houses so you have a sniper's view of the enemy tank. Call in the UH-1B (callsign "Texas") and that's one less tank, and four less NVA to worry about. This is easy ... with the right tools. If you were marching behind the friendly APC while calling in airstrikes, you might have died in the explosion. You may want to stick to the sides of the street and work through the buildings while calling down strikes.

Flank and destroy the ZPU

The next tank will not be easy, as the enemy has an anti-air ZPU unit covering it. Hence, before you can attack the tank, you need to destroy the ZPU, and doing that is an involving task.

Assist Woods in opening the door, then head upstairs to flank the ZPU. Shoot/kill all the VC on floor 2, mantle over the window and head downstairs. The game kicks you into the next zone. For one thing, head into the building and get the cinematic explosion. Once that occurs, head upstairs and take out the enemies there. Mantle through the window to the next building and head downstairs.

Waste the little buggers in the plaza, and locate the room underneat the firing AA gun. Stand on the table and place the (story-based) explosive. Head outside and then detonate. In the rare instance when you do not see the hologram of the C4 charge, you may have scrolled off Reznov by moving ahead too quickly. You may need to re-do the entire level (if restarting from the checkpoint doesn't resolve this issue).

When Mason and Reznov get up again, destroy the enemies at the plaza, then place the det-pack on the marked spot of the ceiling. When you are at a safe distance, trigger the explosive and your gunship will return and destroy the enemy tank. You should also get your airstrike option back.

Survive until the escape vehicle arrives

Your fireteam and the defector should arrive in a wide plaza by the riverside. The escape point is the dock on the water, but you need to wait until the boat arrives. Use the mines and remote charges to trap the streets leading to the center of the area.

The gate to the escape vehicle is on the wharf past the purple smoke at the LZ. Find a safe place to hold up (away from the eyes of enemies) and from where you can laze the tank so Texas can blast it while you make a run for the extraction point. With 20 seconds on the clock once the EV arrives, you don't have much time. About the only thing you should worry about is the enemy tank that growls in near the building where the intel was. The cannon can kill allies on the hardest difficulty, so you will need to call down an airstrike A.S.A.P. while you head for the escape vehicle.

NUMBERS Escape to Clarke's weapon cache

Follow the button prompts to see what happens when you chew broken glass. Unlike the fake Grace Jones from In Living Color, it's less hilarious IRL. LOL. Note that the first section is timed. If you do not leave, the Nova 6 gas will catch up and kill you. Follow Clarke (who becomes an ally) up the ladder and work your way to the rooftop. The enemies here are pretty fierce, so you may need to use the rooms and cover to avoid being killed on Veteran.

Fighting is very close-up and personal, but ranges quickly fluctuate as you head to the rooftops. Unless going for the stupid trophy/achievement, look for weapons that have decent long-range scopes.

Additionally, for Veteran difficulty, you definitely need to find a way to aim-down-sight and destroy the red barrel on the opposite rooftop before you sprint and jump off. You will get to Clarke's weapons room. Take up your new gear (be sure to swap the dual-wield handguns for something more automatic if you're going after the achievement or trophy, although a sniper rifle is better) and move on.

The PSG-1's sniper scope is very handy when beset by enemy marksmen on the rooftop. On Casual difficulty, you can easily walk off the damage, but you will find it very hard to do so on Veteran and Hardened.

Continue your escape, reach the fire escape

Battle through the blocks on the rooftop. Several times, you may need to stop and snipe enemies (this assumes you're not just running through like Lara Croft on speed -- only on Casual can you do this) through windows before you can move on.

Around the time when Clarke rails at Dragovich for destroying his lab, there is a second cabinet of weapons to be found (before moving to the next roof). Restock before moving on. Slide down the red water pipe and land on the cable carrier. Shoot then knife the two enemies below, and keep moving after sniping enemies who appear. For now, enemies are limited in number.

After a few more drops, you will have a breach/clear event where enemies storm into the room you're in. Shoot through the smoke, and remember that even if you don't have your NODS, you still have flashbangs and frag grenades to slow, then stop, the enemy.

Defend Clarke so he can open the airlock

The small room near Clarke's airlock has some weapons, and it's here where you have to defend against an onrush of enemies until the Clarke NPC fulfills some hidden condition and you can move on.

Hide just around the corner from the right entrance, and shoot any enemy who walks in trying to take you down. It takes the A.I. some time to realize you're there and fire. The best place to hide seems to be the edge of the room, behind the jamb. Enemies tend to run in, ignoring you for about 2 seconds as they dash to cover. While they do this, you can shoot and hose them while they adjust. When the door opens, you need to a get a window in the enemies so you can flee and follow Clarke. Remember to sprint and jump to the next roof (like before).

Escape Hong Kong ... a.k.a., Hidden Pirate Island

After Clarke leaves, you and Weaver need to go down the rooftops and get to the escape vehicle. Drop down carefully, and drop enemies from afar when possible (for Double Trouble, set it to casual and run).

After Clarke's jump, enemy marksmen will be firing from various windows, so take your time to deal with them before moving. The final encounter in this mission is essentially Hudson with a handgun and multiple badguys. If you are lucky, Weaver will draw some fire before the enemies realize you are around and open up. At the last drop, you will lose all your weapons except one handgun. Quickly down the enemies near Weaver, then the ones armed with automatic weapons. Remember you have aim-snap in campaign, so use it and quickly down all the enemies with two or three shots each. Approach the van and you can leave. PROJECT NOVA

Find Steiner in the Nazi camp

Head into the first section of the Nazi base, and don't be afraid to shoot the head of friendly soldiers if they have that scoped Mosin-Nagant you need. The preset Nazi weapons are limited to the basic MP40, STG43/44, and Panzershrek -- none of which have the zoom level you need. Check out some of the dead bodies on the ground. Some of the initial Russian casualties may have a MosinNagant with a scope. A handy attachment for sniping later. Keep the PPSh-41 for now, but you can also swap it for either the STG-43/44 or the ever popular MP40. Proceed towards your objective and take down enemies as you see them. It should be noted that surrendering in big battles was a rare occurence; as the official records go, there were no prisoners encountered.

Head deeper into the camp

Let Dmitri take the lead on the attacks in narrow buildings. If he can at least get enemies firing on him, you can pop out and shoot at the distracted enemy. The second stretch of the camp is more heavily defended. Nazi soldiers will have emplaced turrets on the walkway, but Reznov will have smoke grenades to mark targets for mortars. Use mortars to suppress one side of the avenue while you focus and attack the other. The walkway has a Panzershrek soldier and a turret, so you can either snipe the hostiles, or attempt to toss a smoke grenade and mark the ground for mortars. The artillery should wreck the entire structure.

The second walkway is indestructible since you need to cross over its top to reach Steiner's office. Head out of the V2 hangar and get up to the second exterior walkway. Steiner is at the end of the walkway. Enter the office and you will be warped to the next zone.

Enter the ship

If you need a guide for this part, please sell your game. kthxbai

Escape the ship

You will start with the PPSh-41 and some ammunition, but the British commandoes will have the Sten Gun Mk.2. Take out the enemies before you place an explosive on the gas cannister. Once the bomb is activated, you have 3 minutes to escape.

Heading in, you can see a V2 angled skywards on your right. This is the missile that you shoot at to create a ramp when you escape. Be sure to place the bomb first, or the strut will not be made vulnerable. Once on the deck, it's a race to the winch. Hope you make it. The only way to create the escape route is to place a bomb -- once that occurs, one of your allies will point out a support spar that can be shot to create a ramp leading to the deck. From there, you locate the cargo winch that leads from the deck down to the ice. Easy ... if it weren't timed and on Veteran. Using the winch won't be enough to escape the ship. Be sure to run forward some more after dropping off the ship, or the breaking ice may kill your careless ass. VICTOR CHARLIE

Escape the chopper

Take out the incoming enemies, then play the button rapid-pressing game to open the door to escape. Quickly down both enemies with aim-snap and quick fingers. Two shots will down each target. Afterwards, spam the displayed button or key to yank the door open. Swim to the marked spot on the boat and you will automatically kill the enemy and take his AK-47. Shoot the rest of the s.o.b.s and listen to that sweet, sweet sound of metal thunk through flesh and bone. As long as it's not happening to you, you're in good shape.

Woods will take out one enemy, and leave the remaining three for Mason to take down. Indulge in some red confetti and paint the jungle red.

Infiltrate the VC camp

Stay on the sampan and blast the two enemies who appear on the bluff in the distance. Once done, proceed down river carefully and use what you have to down the enemies. Since your weapons change, it won't matter what you use or keep.

Shadow Woods and swim underwater when approaching the patrol boat. For some reason, these guys didn't hear the gunfire and screaming downriver, not that they'll be doing any screaming after their throats are cut open. Swim underwater for the next portion. Keep your selector on the SOG knife so you don't accidentally fire off any loud shots. Hitting melee on the patrol sampan nets you your first silent kill.

Set-up ambush
Meet Bowman on the dock, talk shop, and head back into the water. Place the satchel charge on the marked holographic and follow Woods into the hooch. Kill either of the sleeping VC and Woods will take care of the other. Go ahead and waste the other VC eating dinner. If you were Dick Marcinko, you'd also booby-trap the bodies for massive lawlz during casualty recovery, but that's another story altogether.

After meeting Bowman and placing the first det-pack, follow Woods into the hooch and selectively terminate some threats. Maintain noise discipline, or you will be discovered, and the mission a failure. Place the second charge once you're underwater. Mason will move automatically to the last hut and meet Woods, Bowman, and that other guy.

Turn the Enemy Inside Out

Start the evisceration by blasting the hooch. Unfortunately, enemies will keep respawning from monster closets all around the map. Down the RPG soldier on the roof before moving forwards; the Commando with the grenade launcher is handy with smashing apart groups of enemies, and the Walther WA2000 (not yet invented in '68) is your marksman weapon.

Keep an eye on the roof of this hut, as an RPG soldier will emerge from it. Down him before you continue. Move towards the center and either kill all the enemies coming out of the tunnel, or lob a grenade into the hole to close it. Around this time, Bowman will point out the ZPU on the dock. The soldier carrying the M-202 will die near the docks, but blowing up the ZPU without the Grim Reaper isn't needed. You can shoot the explosive barrels across the water and achieve the same result (or lob a grenade from the Commando). Once the ZPU is destroyed, you can move on.

Close the spider-hole from a hut (the underslung grenade works if you can detonate it at the mouth) otherwise, you will have to get close (nearly impossible on Veteran). For the ZPU on the dock, locate the glowing M-202 launcher and fire on the emplacement.

Past the second hut, there is an emplaced machinegun. Take it out with the launcher for a trophy/achievement or use an underslung grenade launcher to amputate the limbs of the shooter. Once exposed to such grievous injury, the enemy bot will drop dead.

Enter the tunnel complex

Your weapons will change to the Colt Python and the flashlight. You will not be able to take any weapons from this point out, so be accurate with your shots. Take it slow and empty two shots (at most) on each enemy Remember that like the real tunnel rats of Chu Chi, if you use more than 3 bullets in one encounter, you're likely f---ed as another enemy can appear and you will be out of ammo. Fire your three or four rounds, stop and reload. In a videogame, you can control when enemies appear by how far you go (or where you step).

The Tunnel Rats' rule of three -- three rounds out, three rounds in. If you expend more than three rounds, you better have a second gun (Mason won't) or everyone better be dead. Go slow and reload after every 3 or 4 shots. If you expend all six rounds, you better have cleared the immediate zone of enemies. Get to the end of the tunnel complex, confer with Reznov and escape. Simply press forward and melee the rocks in order to dig and get out.

Before boarding the PBR, or river monitor, be sure to check the secret beforehand. If you already grabbed it, then go right ahead and climb aboard. If you're just chugging up-river and not going for total destruction, you can go through this section pretty quickly since you have plenty of firepower and the ability to zoom ahead. Light up the tree line with gunfire and rockets (the explosions should shred nearby infantry).

You have limitless ammo, but your weapon systems are tied to the logistics of time. The gun overheats if fired constantly, and the rockets take time to reload. Squeeze off a few rounds (away from friendly soldiers) and get a feel for how they work. Destroy the three mortar vehicles, blast the dam, and continue onwards. Along the way, you will be attacked by:

Groups of RPG soldiers: Hose with zoomed-in machinegun fire, augment with rocket-fire. RPG soldiers in guards towers: Destroy the guard tower. Enemy sampans: Sink them with rockets and machinegun fire, as the closer they get, the more fire they pour out.

Enemy riverboat: More protected than the sampan and has a macheingun on its bow. If you can manuever to its side or rear, you will take less gunfire.

Your bow gunner auto-tracks and fires on enemies. You can use his A.I. as a way to plan out your next set of attacks. Make sure to zap the guard-towers to reduce the incoming rocketfire.

Dock and Clear

After destroying the NVA river monitor, your boat will chug on and dock on a beach near the plane crash. Once you land, get your bearings and be prepared to do some heavy jungle fighting. Snipers will be in the trees (the Viet Minh loved burrowing through the thick growth trees and perching a sniper on top to take pot-shots at U.S. troops. In Black Ops, some of the enemy snipers will wear headlamps on their helmets, making them easier to spot. If not, simply be alert for the tree tops as you head forwards.

If you get lucky and a marksman's sniper rifle drops into the playfield, take it and use it to pick off enemies from afar. For those snipers you down, check the spot where they fall. They may have their SVD with scopes nearby. Take one if need be so you can return sniper fire yourself. Fight towards the rocky field, then head uphill (more snipers in the trees). You should be within sight of the wreck now.

Reach and inspect the wreck

The plane's wing shifts right midway up the span. If you start on the left side, you will have plenty of leftover room to side-step (left) and avoid falling to your death.

Going up the plane wreck is dangerous if you received a checkpoint with enemies still active -- that's because you have to go up partially, then stop and re-adjust your footing (usually to the left), when the plane's wing shifts. After the wing shifts, and you are not dead, you can go up the rest of the way without incident.

Take the China Lake grenade launcher and stay hidden in the wreck. You need to deal with the incoming sampans (they have RPG soldiers). If you cannot aim well with the grenade launcher, use a sniper rifle and down the man at the bow of each boat -- he's the rocket guy. Swap your weapons with the gear you find in the plane. You want a sniper rifle and a grenade launcher to attack the enemy below. Fire at the troops attacking your allies, blow up the boats on the river, and sit tight when the choppers show up. Once the explosion ends, the mission should be over.

W.M.D Take off every Zig.

In the 1960s, technology started to be dumbed down to make an idiot-proof Air Force. Follow the on-screen buttons and take off. FYI - the refeuling is no joke for the SR-71A. At the altitude and speed it flew, the metal plates expanded, hence each plate had gaps to allow for this. This also meant the Blackbird couldn't be completely fueled on the ground since the tanks would leak; it refueled in mid-air (when the gaps were sealed) and proceeded on mission.

Taking off in the SR-71A is so easy, even a caveman can do it. The real action starts when you start issuing orders to Hudson's team on the ground. IGN would like to note that the logistics of this mission back in 1968 would be technologically impossible. Other interesting story: one of the Skunkworks engineers mentioned each of the titanium screws had to be handmade since the project wasn't open to normal bidding. Each of those little bastards cost about $600 in 1965 money. Good times for Lockheed-Martin. The commands for the RTS mode is JUMP for confirm/move-to destination and DUCK (default) to stop and drop. The game will pop-up button prompts, but not fast enough for accidents (like death) to occur. To guide the squad without incident:

Move to the marker on the road. When the trucks are mentioned (and heard, for some weird reason) ... ... move into the building. Hudson and the squad will move into the small building. If there is a routing problem with the bots, tell them to move somewhere else, then re-click the correct destination.

How are you gentlemen.

Inside the small building, it will be a silenced gun-battle. Kill all the enemies who flashbang the building, and when everyone is gone, the action heads back upstairs.

There's a brief firefight in the small buildings. Stay low and Weaver and your buddies should greatly help you clear the room.

We get signal. Main screen turn on.

Move the squad out the back, and notice the two enemies on the snow ramp. Have the squad attack them by simply moving at the enemies. Your bots will take them down if you ordered the men to move at the enemy, and not near them or past them. That done, head back down-slope. Avoid the enemy patrol by having the squad duck and cover (the default duck button) as enemies approach. Wait until the enemies are all gone before giving the final move order, and that's into the enemy barracks.

Someone set us up the bomb.

Shoot the barracks up with your AUG-9 silenced. You should have plenty of ammunition. Be sure to reload your silenced AUG-9 and then walk over the other AUGs (not silenced) to replenish your ammunition. To move on, place the explosive on the marker on the barrack wall. Actually, you can place the charge, explore, and then detonate. Once you blow the building, you will move to the next zone.

Rappel to the next area.

Before you reach the rappel point, stop short of the guardhouse and go prone. If you don't, you will need to kill the sentry and attack dog.

Unlike rappelling with Soap and Price, Hudson will need to descend and break accordingly. Rappel for about 2 seconds before braking, or you can see what happens when you BASE jump with a short ceiling (it's lulzy). Hudson, Weaver, and his buddies will breach in when you get down to a certain point. When you've cleared the room, you will head outside and down the stairs to the perimeter station. It's time for a pretty nifty stealth mission.

You have no chance to survive.

Hudson will have the silenced AUG-9 from before, along with a crossbow (with scope) and two arrow types (explosive and reh-goo-larr). You will want to use the regular bolts if you want to maintain noise discipline. You need to, in order to clear this zone on Veteran (otherwise, infinite soldiers) and to complete the bonus task.

(1 and 2) The first two enemies are the ones chopping wood. Let your squad catch up so they shoot the enemy you don't.

(3) The next target is the soldier nearest your position as you enter the clearing with the detection station. Downing him early lets you proceed at a leisurely pace with the other targets.

(4 and 5) Take out the two guys in the left garage next. Either the one doing the welding or the one dragging the drum.

(6 and 7) Two enemies are on the far edge of the clearing, doing some welding on the building's wall. Let your squad catch up after downing enemies 4 and 5 and they can help you waste this pair.

(8 and 9) Where you enter the clearing, hug the right wall and follow the ramp. Two enemies will be refueling a truck below you. Waste one and let the squad down the other.

(10) There is an enemy on the roof of the right garage. Take him out at long range.

(11 With the sentry out of the way, look for an enemy patrolling (ground level) on the right side of the clearing. Kill him when the snow machine safely hides his body from the enemies at the right garage.

(12) The guy in the right garage should not notice any of the two previous enemies unless you missed and some bullets plinked near him.

(13) The last enemy patrols the catwalk near the entrance to the objective building. Use the AUG-9 and approach the stairs going down to the walkway slowly. This way, you spawn him, but don't get close enough to alert him.

Make your time.

Loud or soft, you now breach into the perimeter station and kill everyone inside. You must breach from the second floor (the rest of the team fast-ropes in). This gives you the advantage of flinging bombs downstairs. Don't rest when you've cleared the area; a second squad will come in and attack before you can get the go ahead to cut the power. Prepare yourself.

On a breach and clear, stay upstairs and send explosives and gunfire downstairs. The upper level is a better place to be as you can meet and engage the Russian patrol coming back in. Cut the power of the perimeter building by locating the room on the first floor and interact with it. Once you're done, head outside. Hop the gap and sprint down the trail in pursuit of your fire team. You will arrive at the bottom of the mountain, none the worse for wear.

After you regain control of Hudson, sprint and hop the gap (just like the rooftop hop in Hong Kong). Anything less warrants you to be reassigned to remedial Physics 101.

All your base are belong to us.

Take over the base by starting your fire fight. Chew up the enemies and work your way through and then into the warehouse. Before you approach the ominous looking structure in the middle of a bomb-laden warehouse, check your equipment and look around. You need a sniping weapon and (preferably) grenades to get out quickly (the exit is the large door that's closed right now). After you enter the building and get Steiner's message, you need to escape before the place blows up. When you leave the control booth, head left and toss a flashbang and a grenade at the main door. Stopping the enemies and then blasting them will clear out most of the opposition.

The parachute sequence at the avalanche is easily done, provided you were sprinting to get away in time. To escape Yamantau, fight outside, kill the Technical's shooter, and board it. You just need to hold off enemies and Weaver will eventually start the motor. With most of the enemies cleared, you can take out the truck gunner. Head for the Russian flatbed and use the vehicle mounted gun to keep enemies away while Weaver starts up. Once the engine hums, you're outta there.

PAYBACK Escape imprisonment

Definitely no chance of di-di-mau here. You (the player) springs into action with a Colt 1911 taken from the guard. Just wait -- and don't miss. Wait for the moment, and then savage the guards in the chamber with the handgun. Take the nearest automatic weapon and head outside. The tunnels are tight, so you need to move carefully and pick off enemies, recharge health, and then move ahead, or you will not survive.

That'll learn ya not to put a loaded weapon anywhere near a professional SpecWar operative. Find cover (as best you can) for the battle at the waterfall room. Only after you clear the area of enemies (or manage to run past them) can you take out the Russian interrogator. After he is shot, approach Woods and you can leave the tunnels.

The way forward is dramatically timed (not really timed). The Russian interrogator is your exit, so you will always catch up to him. Take your time and clear the vermin from the tunnels with Woods. One less infestation (and danger on Veteran difficulty) to worry about.

Hijack the chopper and take the skies

Clear out the enemies by the chopper and explore the little camp. The weapons you take here are carried over (there is a weapon cache where you land as well). When you are ready, board the chopper. For the most part, IGN recommends you use Casual if you trying for the bonus task (use rockets only for this section). Otherwise, you'd better be damn good about strafing side to side to avoid incoming enemy fire.

The way forward is dramatically timed (meaning it's not really "timed" as much as "scripted" to piss you off). The Russian interrogator is your exit, so you will always catch up to him. Take your time and clear the vermin from the tunnels with Woods. One less infestation (and danger on Veteran difficulty) to worry about. Remember this, the rockets on the Hind can be queued up to ripple-fire. You may want to build-up a massive load of warheads and unleash them with your chaingun on a deserving target (like a monitor or chopper). Take out the enemy vehicles going for the VC base first. Once they are down, you will have to deal with the enemy. Zap each one (cannonfire helps, but rockets also work, if just slower while you wait for a reload) and try not to take too much damage (vehicle damage doesn't regenerate). Engage the river monitor at the waterline, then turn and destroy the Soviet Hind. After you destroy the first set of targets, your chopper will go around the bend and be beset by SAMs. The SAM launcher is immobile, but the missiles it hurls are lethal instantly (all difficulties).

With so much firepower (infinite) at your disposal, there's nothing stopping you. However, if you choose to use only the rockets, then you may have to adopt a more patient approach -- acquire a full lock-on before firing to maximize your damage rating. Luckily, they don't home in, so you can dodge them by moving side-to-side as you close the distance to the SAM launcher. When you feel you are close enough, unload your weapons and destroy the enemy emplacement. Past the SAM launcher is a large village with anti-air and RPG assets in the towers. Take out the critical enemy assets with rocket/cannon runs, and tkae your time doing it. After dealing with the village (you should try to pacify it completely so you have a safe zone to fall back to), take on the two enemy Hinds next.

Enemy RPGs from the ground still originate chiefly from towers, but there are a few ground troops. Follow their smoke trails and blast them. Unlike real enemies, these bots will not move after firing. If you have trouble, try moving back to the village, and see if just one chopper follows (sometimes, this happens). If just one does, you can cheese it to death with weaponsfire around the corner. Hopefully, your barrage will catch the enemy full blast, and you can move on to the next section.

Bust up the POW camp and kill Kravchenko

Land the chopper and take the weapons you want. If you're going for the bonus task, you will take a different weapon later, but if not, use a GALIL (Israeli copy of the AK-47 ... so not sure why it's being used in a Russianrun Vietnamese POW camp) and see if you can take one with a scope for medium distance sniping.

Upon landing, get the weapons you need. A scoped weapon is preferable to take out the RPG soldier and shooter on the Technical at the POW camp entrance. This set-up is eerily familiar to the caves in Afghanistan.

Take out the patrol (by the trees) then the RPG sniper and the emplacement by the cave entrance. The AK-47 with the flamethrower attachment is on the containers; if you don't need it, you can stick with the Galil or AK-47 (either with a scope) and simply zap each baddie and make way towards the cells. Approach the prisoner cages and you will release them as allies. You will proceed deeper into the camp to locate Kravchenko. Stand at the cave entrance and snipe the enemies. Note that for a small cave, there are sure a lot of enemies. Grenades will definitely help in clearing out the crowd. Watch for the stairs on the right side, as enemies will use it heavily.

The POW camp is a furious but short (distance wise) firefight. Make your way to Kravchenko's room. You can see him past the window during any lull in the action. Head towards the admin structure and locate Kravchenko. When Mason opens the door to the office, the mission will end.

REBIRTH Sneak into Steiner's compound

This sneaking mission is very pre-set ... since the A.I. doesn't allow for stealth gameplay anyway. Begin by subduing the Russian mechanic outside the cargo cage. And by subdue, IGN means you rip his throat out with your bare hands just like Sly "Adrian" Stallone in Rambo 4.

Kill the first enemy and then follow Reznov. You will only kill one more enemy before you break noise discipline, so stick close to the Russian. At this point you follow Reznov, unless IGN tells you otherwise. For now, follow Reznov (after killing Mr. Goodwrench) and stay close to him. After the chopper moves past (and the containers are set down), run to the next location -- under a small scaffold. The chopper should return (coming back). Wait with Reznov under the scaffolding, the move with him when he does.

When you move out from under the scaffolding, move to the next enemy soldier and hack his face off with the melee button. Reznov, being Russian A.I., ain't particularly communicative about this next step. Sometimes the voice bit is heard (muffled) but he relies on his hand motion to tell you (Mason) to cack the next dude. Well, that didn't work so well.

This is the next man set-up to die. Kill his ass and Mason will find an AK-74U. It's not sound suppressed, so don't fire until Reznov gives the okay. After killing this second dude, Mason will arm himself with an AK-74U (handy little weapon issued to T-55 tank crews ... in Soviet Russia, tanks crew you!). However, maintain noise discipline and head up the ladder to the next zone.

Follow Reznov to the rooftop. Melee the enemy at the top of the ladder (QTE/Quick Time Event) and enjoy the back-breaking fun. Melee the enemy at the top and you will get yourself a new shotgun as well. Once you and Reznov go down the ladder and into the elevator shaft, you can start the butchery.

Locate Chemikalien Wissenschaftlerfuhren Steiner

The goal in the lab is to turn the inhabitants in the left screenshot into the that of the right screenshot. Enemies are numerous and way too close for sniping, so the red dot sight on the AK-74s are great for taking down the enemies. Use cover as best you can and lob grenades slowly (the AK-74U with grenade is best). You have a lot of enemies to weed through and too many explosions will also lock out one of the level's secrets. Naturally, if you got it already, let'er rip.

Get past the galleries in the main Nova 6 test chamber, and you will locate a door where you and Reznov will encounter Steiner, and take him out Delta-Green style.

The Nova-6 main test chamber has galleries up top; detonating a grenade against the back wall of each gallery generally shreds the opposition, but not always.

Get to the compound alive

You will now play as Hudson. Begin by using your machinegun intermittently, but hose grenades like no tomorrow. Try to catch enemies in a grenade blast. Save the MG for single enemies or those who are in positions where you cannot hope to explode a grenade with any reliability. All troops and vehicles on the ground are valid targets -- only the choppers are invalid (they are story elements).

The armored car has infinite ammo, but the machinegun overheats. The grenades don't have a thermal cap/limit, but their rate of fire is slower. Use grenades on enemies on the ground and enemy ground vehicles; use the machinegun for taking down lone RPG soldiers. After your vehicle is destroyed, you will be in the yellow fog. Unlike normal damage, damage to the suit will accrue over time and break the faceplate. If your suit is breached, you will die a horrible, horrible death. Best to fall back and use the L85 with FLIR scope to pick out enemies in the fog. It is distance sniping, and if you have enemy fire coming in, stop, crouch, and look before you continue.

With the pea soup atmosphere, you will need all your wits to survive. Taking too much damage will break the mask and expose Hudson to insta-death. Use the Enfield's FLIR scope to pick out enemies from a distance (and scout ahead). One shot to the head will be sufficient to break the enemy's gas mask.

Past the building on fire, you will need to fight some choppers. Head outside to flank the Russian squad holding down Weaver's team. After waste them, one of the Reds drops a STRELA-3 (an anti-air missile). Sprint out when the coast is clear and take it, then head back into the house. Since the environment is indestructable from vehicle fire, you can simply spam fire the STRELA-3 (the missile will auto-track) and back away once the missile leaves the tube.

As your faceplate breaks, you may only take less and less damage before you are instantly killed. Past the burning buildings, you will flank the enemy squad pinning down Weaver's fire-team. Kill them, take the STRELA3 and head back into the house. Locate an exterior balcony (or a window) and hold both AIM and FIRE on a chopper until the missile leaves the tube. The missile is fire-and-forget, so retreat once you shoot. When the choppers are gone, use the L85 and snipe the remnants of the soldiers outside the base. As you enter, switch one weapon to a red dot sight and brutalize the enemy until you reach the end of the road. Once Hudson locates Mason, the mission is over.

Once past the Nova-6 (you can actually backtrack once the mask is off -- the gas effect will be gone) assault the facility and locate Herr Doktor Steiner to end the mission.

REDEMPTION Disable the ship's defences

Start roving over the enemy ship and turn a pristine cargo freighter into a smoking hulk. The Rusalka's model is similar to the ship model used for the Nazi ship in Project Nova.

Use the chopper's rockets and guns to hose the deck of the enemy ship. Get rid of people, emplacements, and anything marked by a yellow objective dot. The rockets are double-shot, and never reload, so just hold down the rocket trigger and watch the spot at the end of your scope explode.

After protecting Weaver's team, back off from the ship and engage the enemy Hind-17. Upon destroying the enemy craft, steer your own UH-1B onto the stern landing pad. Mason and Hudson get out automatically. When the first team lands, cover them by elminating the next set of yellow dots. Only after they enter the ship will you have to worry about the enemy Hind which spawns above you and starts attacking. You may want to fly past it, turn, and then attack. Like the choppers in the previous missions, staying to its side and rear will reduce the damage you take.

Land and Scour

Land the chopper on the marked helipad, then get busy with the infantry on the deck. Head to the marker on the end of the ship and watch out for snipers in the windows, and choppers in the skies.

Just past the blown out cargo container is the Valkyrie SAM. Take it and head back into the container for cover. Unlike the STRELA-3, the Valkyrie requires user-guidance. Fire and steer the warhead into the enemy. You can detonate the missile anytime by pressing FIRE again. Destroy the two enemy choppers with the Valkyrie launcher dropped on the deck of the ship. You can use the open cargo container to shield yourself from being mauled and destroyed.

Breach and Blast

Head into the ship's interior and ditch the ACOG guns. You can use the MAC11 you started with, or pick a stronger Galil with a masterkey or Red Dot sight. Since the weapons are random, take what you find and work with it.

The fighting goes from close to far in the span of a few rooms. One weapon with moderate zoom will help you nick enemies across the way. Engage the enemy in the diving bay and work your way around and down towards Weaver. Once you meet up, you will move into the next zone.

The name's Mason. Alex Mason.

Queue the G--D--- James Bond muzak. You and Hudson will be attacking an underwater base, just like in Atari's Thunderjaws. Swap the weapons for something with close-up sights (and perhaps dual or extended magazines). The corridors here are tight, so there is no room for you or enemies to move once either is in firing view. However, the water interferes with your vision -- not the A.I., which can kill you easily through water, smoke, or other visual impairments.

The base's dock are easy to fight in at first, but when the place starts leaking, water will interfere with your ability to visually detect enemies. If you find a weapon with a FLIR scope (a random drop), you may be able to use it to scout ahead. Just don't use Fine AIM / ADS, as the FLIR scope will throw your aim off at tight quarters. Fight through the tunnels and control rooms until you get to the panel emitting the transmission. Once you trigger the switch, Mason will have to battle Draaay-go-vitch. Punch him out with the buttons displayed on the screen and end the mission.

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