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Dictionarv J

Over 100 English words to improve the mind - taken from the world's
most trusted learner's dictionary.

altiiclal antellignce
(also&rmal ot humorow aca.dem /'akad:.m/) noun|U} e world of learning, teaching, research, etc. at miversities, and the people involved in it Ga.dem.ic /,aka' demIk/ ad,j,, noun .odj. lusual]y before noun] comected Wi education, especially studying in schools and universities: The students return in october or thp start o the neu atadmic ,er high / lou mdemit standards o an acadmit carur 2 [usually before nom] involving a lot of reading and studying rather than pmctical or technicat skills: tradpmic subjects/ qmliftcations 3 good at subjects involving a lot of reading and studying: sh2 u6n't uer! rcad,emb and hated schnl. 4 not connected to a real or practica] situation and erfore not importmt: It is a purelJ) aca,dzmic qupstion. The whole thing's academic rcrue mn't uin anluar. > aca.dem.ic.a1.1y /-kli/ adv.: You haue ta do WlI academbally to get into med,iral



A little introduction
This Little Book includes lots of words and phrases that you will find usefirl and
fun to learn.

On some page you will see references to other entries in the Oxford Aduanced LeArrler's Dictionary which we have not
been able to include here. [f you would like to know more, why not

r noun a person who teaches and,/or does research at a univerity or college ,/'pkjamon; a'lu:man/ noun lJl the ability to
commerc ia l / inant b l acurun ,all-'nighter noz n (AnxE, inonnal) a time when you stay awake

understmd and judge things quickly and cleaily: busiws/

alumnl /a'lffiaI/ rcun h|.l (6puiauy AnD

all night studying

Alumni Aociation (/,ena'Ltlkl/) (also ana.lyt,lc /,ana'lnsk/) adj. 1 using a logical method of thinking bout sth in order to

and female students of a schml, college or university: ,loruard

the former male

understand it, especially by looking at a the parts separately: she h6 a clear d,nalytbal mind. an amlytic approath to the problem 2 using scientiic malysis in order to find out about sth: drulytiml methads o r6%rch analr)ti,cal chmistry
>,a1.1y /-k7/ adD. /'o:nsa(r),, An E't/ rcun

take a look at the complete dictionary?

EE haw/knd^, all th 'an$weE (inonnal, often digpprouing) to be conident that you know s, especially when you actually do not .l think h2 knows all the areus, ,artificlal in'telligenc noun vl @bbr Al) <@mputira) an area of study concerned with making computers copy intelligent hman behaviow
t!zJ3tJ @ tea van @
sh@ vi8ion chain


OD jam thin this




as.simi.late /a'smalelt/

lffi# /a,smro'le{n/ roiln ul: the rapid assimilation of reu ideas a hb sinibtian into thp politbal conmunit, /,beko'lc:riat/ noun 1 the last secondary school exam in Frmce and other comtries, and in some international schools: to sit/the/pass/ail your batcalaumle 2 (in e Us) a religious service or talk for students who have completed high schoo] or college be.hav.iour.ism (BrE) (AmE be.hav.lo.ism) /bl'he$janzam/ noun IIli @srchology) the t}eory at a]l human behaviour is learnt by adapting to outside conditions and at letrning is not inluenced by thoughts and feelings > (Br8) (mE be.hav.lori gl) / -jarusv noun black.board /'bleekba:d; nJ -bJ:rdl (also chalk board especia\\y |n AmE) nouu a large board with a smoo black or dark green surface at teacheIs write on wi a piece of chalk: ro urite on the blackboord-compare WHnEBoARD blInd /blalnd/ adi., uerb, noun, adu. lIEt the blind loading the 'blind a situation in which people with ahnost no experience or knowledge give advice to others

idea or some information so that you ile able to use it yourself: The committ@ uill nd time tn 6simil,a2 this report. 2 - Gb) (into/to sth) to become, or allow sb to become, a part of a country or cormunity raer than remaining in a separate group: |vl Neu arriDals ind it hard tn assimilrte, and ma! not uish to. vN} Inmigrants haue bun sumssJully into the ^milated conrnunit!. 3 [VN] loften passive] - sth into/to sth to make m idea, a person's attitude, etc. fit into sth or be acceptable: These chaqes ue graduall, xsimilated, into eDerydaJ, lie.


[VN] to

fully utlerstand an

an exa]i: a Postgrddwte CertiJirute in Education Educalion (= 2 a British qualiouali_ ' fication for teachers) note at DEGREE rDer /sa'tflke AmE sar't-/ [VN, VNto n] (BrE) to give sb an oficfa] docment proving that they have successfully completed a training course, especially for a pmticular profession class.mate /'k]o:smelt; mE'kl@s-/ noun a person who is or was in the Same class as you at school or college cog,nition /kDg'nln; AnE ka:.g-/ noun III} (psrchotagy) tbe process by which knowledge and understanding is developed in the mind: chia sfudbs mtring on theorias o cognition co.gnos.centi ,/,kDnjJ'Jenti; AmE ,kl:n-/ noun h].'| (the knowledge about a particu]ar subject

exm; a qualiication obtained after a course of study studv or

proving at you have comilleted a cowse oi study or passed

cognoscenti) (from ltalian, ormal) wople With

a lot


'boarding school


noun a school where children can live during the TEW,/sEMEsTER{omprc DAY scHool, rbyJ:/ ad,j. (oftendisapproing> interested in read. ing and studying, raer thm in more active or practical things bul.sary /'b3:sori Ang'b3:rs-/ mun (pr, _ies) (BrE) il amount of money at is given to sb so that ey can study usually at a college or university m scHoLAxsHrP, cMM Gertafi.cate rcun, Uerb . mun /sa'ffiIkati AnE sar'tJ (abbr crt.) an oficial document t}at may be used to prove that e facts it states are true:

who a]so have no exrerience or knowledge


ln both BrE and mE a college is a place Where you can. go to study after you leave secondary school. ln Britain you can 90 to a college to study or to receive training in a particular skill. ln the USA you can study for your first degree at a college. A university offers more advanced degrees in addition to irst dgrees. ln AmE cllBge is ofien ued to mean a university, especially When talking about people who are studying for their first degree. The is not used When you are talking about someone studying there: My n has gone auag to collele 'Whm did, you go to college7 'ohio State I]ni\sity.' ln Br8 you can saY,. My d,aughter is qt colkge My ddughter is at uniDsitr, ln An E you cannot use university in this way You use it With a of the to mean a particular universit}a M9 dawhter is at @llege. I didnt uant to go to a brge uniDersity,

a birth/marriage/duth urtfuate 2 an oIicial document

co1.1e9e /'lrDhd3; AmE'ka:.L./ tnun [c, u] (often in nmes) (in Britain) a place where students go to study or to receive training after they have left school: a college o urther edwtian 1= providing education and training for people over 16) o
aaeloo my now go cI boy neil

@q:e3:aIi;iD J:^ouu cat faeI ten bird about lt s* mey gol saw cup put actual too




@jw pue yes wet

common sens
a technhal/secretarial mlleEe the Roral college o Art a coll2ge ury/librar!/stu.dmt sh?'s at @lrege.-see a]so CoMMUNITY coLEGE(1), sIxTH-FoRM coLDGE 2 [c,U] (often in nmes) (in the Us) a miversity where students can study for a
degree a.fter they have left school: Carleton Cnllege c a college carnpus / student a priuate ullege o He got intested in politi,cs uhen he uu in mllege. She's auay at college in California.see also coI\,IUNrrY coillcE (2) 3 [c. U] one of e separate institutions that some British universitieg such as oxford and Cambridge, are divided into: Kiugb collage, cambridge a tour of oxford colleges Most studants liue in college. 4 (in the US)

list o addrsa o a comprehereiu report / stud! / suruq, comprehensiue ireurane (= covering all risks) 2 (BrEl @f education) designed for students of atl abilities in the sme school } com.pre.hensive.nss noun [U] lnoun,(also compre'hensive school) (in Britain) a secondary school for yog people of all levels of ability
informatigl, etc., that may be concerned:


com,puteF'IiteJate adj. able to use conputers

trained in music md eatre

a secondary school, especially one where you must pay: Eton College 7 Cl (formaD (usually in names) an organized group of profesional people with special interests, duties or powers: the Rowl Colkge o Physfuiare the Amican Qoilege o cardinlugyaee also ELEcToru coLEGE ,common 'sens noun [Ul the abity to think about things in a practical way and make sensible decisions: For goodw' ffike, just use lour cornrnon ynse! o a @mnlon-sefe approrch to

one of e main divisions of some large miversities: ?/r3 histor! d,epartment is part o the collage o Arts and sciences5 [c+sing./pl. U.] the teachers anor students of a college 6 [C] (especially in names, in Britain and some other countries)

> com, puter 'litacv rcun [v] /kan's3:vatwo:(I)i AnE :$:rv-/ (BrE) (AmE con.ser,va.tory) noun a sc}lool or college at which peop]e ile


con,tinuous as'sosment noun |ul (Brr) a giving

con.vo,ca.tion ,/,kDnvo'ke{ mE ,kl:nl rnun (formal) 1 -oi |Cl a large formal meeting, especially of Churctr officials members of a university 2 tU] e act of calling together a convocation 3 lcl GmE) a ceremony held in a universitv or

a student a inal mtrk/grade based on work done a comse of study rather than on one exam

system of


cor]e]spondence course cam /kfF.m/

40q" o the

coege When students receive


Gom'munaty coalge mun

and offers programmes


do at home, using books and exercises sent to you by post/mail

degrees noun a course of study that you noun N]work

tiat at tre two years long, induding progranrmes in practical ski]ls. some students go to a university or college offering fo-year progrmmes ater they have inished studying at a colmmity college. com.pre.hen.slon /,kDmprl'henjn:, AmE,kdm-/ noun |J, Cl [U] (especia[y uritten) the ability to derstand: speech and

local community as well as to its oM students 2 (in the uS) a college that is mainly for students from the loca] co]mmity

1 (also com'munity school) (irtr Britain) a secondary school that is open to adu]ts from e

students do during a cowse of stud}a not in exams, that is iryhdgq in their final milk,/grade: Qourseuork accounts or

/'kc:sw3:k; mE'kJ:rswe:.rk/


students to understand a ]mguage: listening compreh2reion a reading comprehensinn Gom.pre.hen.3ive /,kDmprihensv; AnE,kd:.m-/ adj., noun r adj. l including aJI, or alnost all, the items, detils, facts,

umplex iretructiorc. o ris behaDiour uas mnxpl2lal, belond comprehension (= impossible to understand). o She had no comprehension o uhat uas inuolued. 2 m exercie that trains

o The tuk rquires a gud mmprehension of

Der Gmm) - (sth) into/onto 9th | - (sth) in to push or force sb,/sth into a small space; to move into a sma]l space With e result at it is ful]: [VNl He cramilEd eight pmpk into his car. o I coua neer cram in all thnt shl does in-a day,'o t managed to cram doun a eu mouthuh offood- o supporters amnvd, the str@ts. Iv] We all mmged, to cram into his mr. lalso VN-ADJ] 2 [V] - (for sth) (rather old-nhiorctolearn a iot of things in a short time, in preptrationfor an exarn: He's been Camminq or his mrns all ueek. cul.tured /'k^ltjad; AnE -t!atd/ adj. 1 (of pople) Well educated md able to understand and enjoy art, literature, etc. 2 (of @lls or bacteria) grown for medical or scientific stucly 3 (of

inal marks,

t &e

pearls) grown artificiatly

cur.ricu.lum3) the subjects that are included

/ka'ntdalam/ noun Q)l. curric.ula ,/-lal or in a cowse of

8hoe viion

bdf bad alid


s set

hk hat


lmn leg man





vz vu


chain Jm

thin this silg


day school
c ur r

'day school noun 1 (old-fashinre@ a private school with students who live at home and only go to school during th day{ompare BoARDING scrroor, 2 (BrE; a couse o:f education lasting one day at which a palticular topic is dlscussed: a day sch@l at Leeds Uniursity on wom in
victorian tirEs

tudy or taught in a school, college, etc: the schaol cufticulum (BrE) spanish b on the cutrbulum. (AmE Spanish is in the bu lum. ---compare syLLABus /disemelt/

drill /drll/ Db

,/dl,seml'nen,/ noiln

llation, knowledge, etc. so that it ieaes ";_; fi;; haue been widely dissernindted. >

Dqb|vN] (rfon@r) to sDread infor_


repeating it often: It was dritled into


'drill sth into sb to make sb remember or learn s bv ^


A degree is uually the qualification that you get by completing a course of study at a college or university: a buhelnr's degu Igot my d,egree in 1987. ln BrE il can also mean the couse ilself: she's doing a physbs de{reeDiploma and crtiicateare both Words for official documents that show you have done or achieved something. Diploma is used for degrees and other courses of stuay but certiflcate can be more genelal: a Hiah school diploma o a dzgree ctiicate a cerfirtufu o attpndalne a suimming wtiJimta ln Br8 the qualmcation or course of study can also be called a diploma or a certiicat: a tuo-rear diplnma @W I'n studlinq or the Fist CertirDafu in English-

de.ten.tion /dr'tensi/ rcun 1 [Jl e

havins had e Krno ot education mentioned: having been to i schoolcollege or miversity mentioned: priuoty iriiniii|i d British-educated lqwer o He's a ninn-eai-ii. nad _a high standard of education; showins a hish nlvm_c ol sTiloard education: an educatad and, artitulate rmn-o tfu educated elite o He spokg in an "aiiiiir.''"ai ,educ_atd 'guess a gueis at is based on some-de-m"li mowleoge, and is therefore lely to be correct edu,taan.ment /,edju'temmanv naun Nl products such aS Doot{s,_ television programmes and especially computer soFTWARE that both educate and entertain egg.head /'eghed,/ noun (inormal, diilpproDinP or hufrcro8\ a. p9rion who is Very intelligent and is only interested in

/'almpaot: u.E'dTa:p-/ noun 1 a person who leaves scnool or college before they have finished iir studies: collese aropouts a uniDersity uith a high dropout rate 2 (disannru,ng) a perso_n_ who rejects the ideas and ways of behavinf at are ac@pted by the rest of society edu.cated /'ed3ukeltld,/ adi. Goducated)


drop litter.



students have gone home: Thq can't giue me @\ dctmtion or also DETAIN 'ftis..-see /d!'plaumo; n-g :plou-/ noun 1 (BrE1 a course of dip.lorna study at a college or vl]ercity: a tuo-lear diploma courre o \he b taking a diplnma in managemnt studies. 2 a document showyou ing that have completed a coure of study or part of your education: a Eiah school diplo,zr note at DEGREE @o: e3:6 I i:iDcl^Uu: cet fther ten bird about sit see mey got saw cup put actua.l tm

stte of being kept in a place, especially a prison, and prwented from leavirig: a senterce o 12 mnths' datmtian in a roung oend,er iwtitutin police powrs o atrest and, d,etention d,llagations o torture and. d,etention withaut trial o a detentinn camp 2 |v,c1 the punishment of being kept at schoo] for a time ater ther

,ele'me ary school


(also inormal 'gade school) noun (rn_the Us) a schoo| for children between e ages of bout 6 and 12 en-c, 1BrE also -pae.dia) /m,sa*l3'pi:d ie/ noun a

Knowledge or about different areas of one particu]ar subiectusually arranged in atphabetica] oraer; a siiiiiti coti";ti;;;:i rfiormatlon on a cD-RoM eu.dite /'erudalt i adj. (formal) having or showins sreat knowiedge that is gained from academic study essay noun, Derb .noun /.'esq/ - (on sth) a hort piece of writing by a stutlent as part of a course of study: an essay on the cae;"oithe i;;;; aaelauo my now say go

DooR.or set of_books giving information aboui all areas of

JI boy



eooajw hai! pe ye


subject, written

(on ath) a short piece of !riting on a particular in order to be published: The book untaire a esffiys on uomu in Wi2tr. 3 - (in sth) attempt to do sth: llirsl say in politbs uas a

Worawdr 2

nmb o intil*tw

complete d,is6ter. ) Derb / e'sel/ [VN] (lirrary)

to try to do sth



usinq y_our,ingtips. lIM hrre sth at your 'fingertips to have tlre information, knowledge, etc. t6at is neded'in particular situation md be able to find it easily md use it qliclrly to your 'ingrtiqs(BrE) in every wy: Slref
tfl]lrkl urb <inomuL espuially AmE) 1 to fail an exam. a test_or a coursg [VN] I flunked, math in stond gradL. La]so v] z [VN] to make sb fail an exam, a test, or a couse bv sivin


hil ingertips,

Exam is the usual Word for a written, poken or practical test at chool or college, especially an important one that you need to do in order to get a qualiication. Examination is a Very formal Word. A test is something that students might be given in addition to, or somtimes instead o regular exams, to see how much they have learned. A Very short inormal test is called a quiz in mE. Qulz in both AmE and Bralso means a contest in Which people try to answer questions: a triDia quiz a quiz shou.

oun'dation cou?se_mun /'fre!men/


them a low mark/grade: She's flunkecl 13 o th? ta n, lliE flunk 'out (of sth) (AmE. inormaI)-to have to leave school or a col]ege because you marks/grades are not good
(Br&) a general cose at a college


/,ekspe:'ti:z; AmE -p3r't-/ noun al - (in sth/in doing sth) expert knowledge or ski]l in a particular subject,
hnDe the expertise to hPlp you run your breiress.

activity or iob: proessional / scientiJic / tuhniul upertise o Thq haue considerable expertis in daaling u)ith oil spills. We

sity{ompare HIGIR EDUCTIoN ,9.en9r?! 'knowledge noun [U] knowledge of facts about lot of different subjects.. a gemal knouledg quiz

noun Q)l. -mn .-mn/) (espci ally AmEl a student who is in his or her irst year at a universitv co|lese or high school: ig' rhool / mllegefreshrun o du7ing Tytr"flrlmn year---4ompare soPHoMoRE ,further,edu'cataon noun Ul @bbr. FE) (BrE) education that ls provided for people ater leaving sctrooi,'tut irot at a unlvia

at prepares students for longer or more dificult coses


fac.ultyl /'akJti/ rcun (pl -ies) 1 [c,usuaily


pl.] any of the physical or mental abilities that a person is born with: lre aculty o suht o She retained fur mental uulti (_ the ability

g.naus "d5i:nios/ noun Q)l, ge.niuses) rul unusuallv sreat intel]igence, skil] or artistic a6i]ity: he smius o Shakes;nre o d statesman o genius o gq ia24 w6' a strcke o Eeniua. 2 tcl

o lour aculties (= be able to speak, hem, see, mderstmd, etc,) 2 [sing.] - of/for (doing) slh (formI) a particular ability for doing sth: the acult! o understand,ing complex issux a a mlty or wing his on mistakgs 3 c'l a departnent or group of related departments in a college or uniles7ty: the Frculty o Inu the Arts Faulty 4 [c+sing. / pI. u.] al] the teachers in a faculw of a college or university: the Iau school rcult, o a aculty n eeting a!:ulty rembers
5 [c, u] (often the faculty) (AmD) au the teachers of 1r university or college:acult! rumbers


and understand) until the day she died. a to be in



in.ger.tip /'fuganp; AmE

bdfghkI bad diat fall

-gatt"/ lnu.n lusuaily pt.l the end of the finger that is furthest from e hand: Appl, the crum gently

sth/for. doing sth a special skiU or ability: Ue ha genius people feel at holru. @ sbb Lood/evil 'qiniui (especinll, BrD a lprson or spirii who is-thought to iave a goobad inluence over you gov.ern.ess /'g^vanas; AmE -varn-/ noun (especially in e past), a woman employed to teach the children oT a ricir fmily in thea home and to live with them gfadu.aie rcun, uerb .noun /'gradsuat/ (a]so inoml grad especiallv in AmE\ 1 - (in sth) a lErson who has a university degree: a gradmte in history o a scimce gradulte o a graduate o Yal/a YaIe

a person who is unusual]y inteUigent or artisti,r who hai very high level of ski]], especiatly in one area: a rnathernd,tical / comic genius He's d. genius at orgdnizing p@ple. o You dDn't hae to be a gmil to s@ that tha! are iiwI 3 tsing.] - for

for mking

Bet hat cat


mn man


pr pen


stvz a@ tea van


hoe vision chain


d3O! jm thin is sirg

gradurtg . d grduate studcnt / curse 2 (mE) a person who has completed t}rea school,studies: a high-rchool gradwte
note at STUDENT /,Igno'rmas/ _;:::.l i Who does not have much knowledge: When it coW to n6ic. /}n .$.::; ] a mmplate ignoramE-m.part /an'pti AnE n'pa:,/ urb |vN] comat) 1 - sth (to 3b) to pass irormation. knowledge, etc. to other people M coNvEY: lo impart acts / rreus / skills 2 - sth (to sth) to give a particular quality to sth [YNl LEM: The spbe impdrts an Easternflauour to tfu dish. in.t1.1ec.tual /,nta'lektluav adj., noun . a-dj. [usually before noun] connected wi or using a person's
o m intellectual rcuel a person) weu educated md enjoying activities in which you have to ixk seriou about ings: She's very intellactlul. > in.t1.16c.tu.a1.1y adu: int2ll2cWlly chauzngina / gied intellec.tua|.|sm /,mta'lektjuaLam,/ mrn (usually disapproDing) .rcm a person who is well educated [tI] and er\ioys activities in which they have to think seriously about things in.te! /m,teh'd5entsia/ (usuatly the intelligentsia) noun [sing.+ sing. / pl. D.] e people in a country or society Who are well educated and m interesttl in cu]ture, politics, litera-


mun (uslal]y humorore) a person

luerb /'gradlaeltJ tV1 - (in sth)| - (from.., ) to especially your first degree, from a university or

ham.mer,/'hama(r)/ Der b Elllil ,hammer sth-'home 1

colJege: nly thirty studffits g|adrutcd in Chiw last year. o She grWta from Earurd this ywr. o He grad,uated rom York uith a daEre in Pvchology. 2 [V] - (from --- ) (AmE) to complete a cours in edumtion, especially at mGH scHool: Martha gradult2d rom high shml two yws oi,o. 3 [VN] - sb (from sth) ( mE) ta give a degree, DPLoMA, etc, to sbl Thg collgge grad,mted arl stud,ents last W. 4 |v1- (from th) to sth to start doing s more difficutt or important thm what you were doing before: she recentl| grad,uatedron being a dnn&r tn haDing a full role in a muie.

get a degree,

WNN; intellactudl dewloprunt / curiosity

ability to think in a logical way and understand things


2 (of

|IrE get the 'hang o slh <inomar) to letrn how to do or to use s; to understand sth: It's nat dimcuh ollte you get thL hang o it, ,head 'teachnoun (espuiatb) BrE (ArnE Bually principal) a teacher who is in chrge of a school,tlc /hju'nstJk/ adj. (/ormaD heurisflc teaching or edu. cation encourages you to Ieen by scovering things for yourse

hang /hT'/ rcun

to emphasize a point, m idea, etc. so that people fully understand it 2 to kick a balt hard and score a goa],hammer sth 'lnto sb to make sb letrn or remember sth by repeating it many times

highr edu'cation nom

compare ruRTIlER EDUCATIoN

ing at college and university especially to degree level-

|v1 @bb". HE) education anrl


'high school

compare sEcoNDAR scHool, /'halJmw3;ki, AmE'houmw3:rkl nouh [\ 7 mt* that is given by teachers for students to do at bome: 1 sri hawn't dore m, ggraphy homeuork. , Hu mrch tuteuork qo you get? I haDe to urite up the nates or 2 (informa work that sb doe to prepare for s: You @uld tell 'mnurDorl that he had rull, done his horngork (= found out alt he needed to know}.
@de 3:a @t faer ten bird about

noun C,Vl (in the US and some other countries) a school for young people between e ages of 14 md 18 2 often used in Britain in the names of scoob for youg people between e ages of 11 md 18: ogord Eigh schnl-

/naan; Aminom/l <"ot iffi i,i" prog'.iJ"i.i'"t",i'"i'Jl "."O toknow a ]ot about a particu- "'. lm know your 'stut (inomaI) job lar subject or know what tlou're 'lalking about(inomaD j to have knowledge about sth from your om experience: ,[be liued in China, I knou uhat lrn talking about. 'know-all (BrE) (also 'know-it-all AnE, BrE) noun (infomal, digpproDing) aperson who behaves as if they know everying 'know-how noun Jlinomar) knowledge of how to,do sth and experience in doing it: we need skillad uorks and techniml knou-hou. /'Leman/ noun Qll. -men /_man/) (a]so lay.person) #i a 1rerson who does not have expert knowlealge of a prticulm ];fi;:. subject: a book uritten or profxiomls and Inyrun alike tn explain sth in laynan's terms (= in simple language) 2 a person who is a member of a Church but is not a priest or

te, etc. inter.dis.cap.lln.ary,/,mta'sapLnari:,4mE,mtar'dlspLneri,/ adj. involving different areas of knowledge or study: interd,isciplinary rerearch an intdisciplindry approach know ,/neo; AnE nou/ erb (knew /n:n:; AmE nu:/ known



IIiDa:^ouu sit w mey got

aw cup put actual too

daoelo my nov



o go

JI boy





oojw pure yes




lean /b:il

member of the cIRGY-see also uYiloMAN

t9 inf, v wh-] He's learnin+ tn darcr. U"s ili-i"", darce, o Iv wh-l Toda, ue learnt how "n use the neu soiiiO note at orscolun 2 - (of/about) sth to become awa6iitii Dy neilrng about it from sb else: Lvl I learnt o her arriualfroi a.closeri2nd., o [v (that)] We Wre Dery surpr:xea to uam inol| sne nad got nutriad again, o [V wh-] We only lcarrud uti n neu teach2r _uas aeu d,ays dgo. a [vNl Hou did th2, rea.ct uhen the lvus? VN that] 3 a|so to study [VNl and rereat T?.uan]2d sTn m order to be able to remember it ffi wuoruza: We haie n lelrn oru o Haml2fs spuches for rch6n^ou. i--'iir" srn) to gradually change your attitudes about s so at vou Denave ln a dilrent way: |vl ]'m sure sh?'ll learn from-hpr mlstahes, [V(that)] fell just haDe m learn (thaa'he cail aluars nave hrs own war. a Iv lo infl I soon lparrud rnt D ask ,naro
[v to

9r :r(ll, 9y studying, from experience, frcm being tawht. e L,VNJ rc_ Earn _a language / a mrebal iretrurunt / a skilt a I lmnlal a lot rom m, athar. You can learn a erat deal iusj Jrom uatchlng other players. o Lvl she's Dery k2il-n barn aout Japanese culture. a The book is about hou childrm leun. o

or (lea_rn_ed! learned)

Uerb (leafnl,.learnt ,/b:nt: AmE 13:rnt/\ (sth) (from sb/sth) to gain knowle.lpp

learn.ed /'biildi AmE'ls:rm adj. [usually befoe noun]

1 CormaI)baving a lot of knolilledge because you have studied

mzr) connected with or for leilned people; showing and expressing deep knowledge ffi] a l2arred journal 3 j!z:nd; Amalernd/ devetoped by training or experiencei not existing at bi: a lcarncd skill We cll haw d,ifferent learfnd r6pore6 to anger 'learning cuve raun the rate at which you learn a new subject r a new skiu; t}le prmess of lerning from the

lec.ture /'lektja(r)/ noun, Uerb l 1pyn - (t9 sb) (on .bout sth) 'l

mistakes you make

'lesson to learn what to do or not to ao irr-ttr trttrre'Lcii you,have had a bad experience in ttre past-milatioiili]

ant experlences, rather an from being told leam t6ur

m,an! guestlan!.lm ,l.arn (sth) the way to nna ut ?9 now to benave by leaTning from your mista}es or fn rrno]eas-


LftTr, RoPE n.

learn sludy


uhat u d,i,d lasl ueek. placals.e_(BrE) (AmE practiee) I ,ou practise speakilg English, you'll on improue.

rilis (BrE (AnE e\!iew)In this cl6s ue'll reDise/mbu

Ee's learning spanbh / to suim / hou to driueShe sttldied chemistry for three gears. I cdn't go out tonight I'm mmming or the qam

onl| had uo ueek



rehaarse th? plaJl

o to attend a Wias o kctur* on Jane Austen a ktture roon / hdll 2 a long angry talk at sb gives to one person or a group of people because ey have done s Mong: I knou I should stop smking--4an't giue ru a lecture about it. I Uerb 1 - (in/on sth) [V] to give a ta]k or a series of ta]ks to a group of people on a subject, especia]ly as a way of teaching in university or college: She lectures in Rnsian liwature. 2 vvl - sb (about/on sth)| - sb (about doing sth) to criticize sb or telt them how you think ey sholrld behave, especia]ly when it is done in an mnoying way: Don't art lecturing nE! He's dlucrys lacluring ru dbout the ua! I d,ress. lit.e].ate /'Ltorat/ odj. able to read md write @ ,LrIERATEsee also NIJMERAm, CoMPIITER-LrrERATE 'mastey's dgaee (also master's) noun a further miversity _{iJ" degree that you study for after a irst degTee ma.tric.ulate /mo'tnkjulelt/ t)erb vl (ormal) to ofrcially '-become a student at a university: she matriculated, in 196B, > /ma,trju'len/ noun [U] ma,ture 'student noun (BrE) an adult student who goes to college or university some years ater leaving school mem.oi,Ize (8rEalso -ise),z'memarz/ erb|vN] to learn s careflrly so at you can remember it exactly: to nlemorize a poem modu,lar /'mDdjala(r); AmE'ma:d3+/ ad,j. 1 (of a course of study especially at a British Wiversity or college) consisting of separate its from which students may choose several:

a talk that is given to a group of people to teach theri about a particular subject, often as part of a miversity or coege cours: ,o deliuer / giue d lecture to


fg fall

hk hat


lm npr lec tm Eow IEn


st9z &e tea vil

hoe vision


chain jm

0 thi! is




a_modular course 2 @f machines.. buildings, etc.) consisting ol sePtrate pilts or units that can be;oineaiogii-"--*'" 'mortar board noun ablack hat,wi a stiff .!o*" top, ,o, by some university teachers and students at speiat cei"e'mn]

nu,mer,acy /'nju:morasi: em1 'nw,t..mun'M;;-o.#il;; knowledge of mathematics: th ability t" 'a""'.iiia"i' work with numbers: standards or tiieracy'i";r;";;; l > Pass-'fail adj.
(AmE| .orr"it"d wittr a gri-ains ;;;;^;". school classes, etc, in which a stuaeni_paes oiririi"r:uiii -ri"



Nurses in training should, fu giDen d guarantu o mplorwnt following qmli|rc-ation, A Dbtory in this game uill earn thzm qualirtcaonor the Wortd, clr\l.


nu'merate /'nju:marat: Amt'nu:i adj.::iia;b';;itri num2rate and literaE wlun thn !2aD2 lghool


;l "' "' /_rLll\ teaching meuoas:'peaaopi|u7j i,?;!,TI!r2lierning lr:Qks a Peoa'go9lc,a1,1Y /,pede'gDd5lk]i: lmt :goids-t Pr adu. Po_st'9radu,ate r,paust'giad5uat; ene ,poustt 1esirraiil rE) noun a person who already holds a frsi'decree m;h;i's ::59__19uT"Jd_.tudY or research; a cnmuart stuttent pJ o a p657g7o6ro'effiury ,:r:?Ytestud:nts plla_rv school nozn_ (BrE) a school fornoteatit"-' chilen b-eti,leen 11 2 @ld-ashioned, enol = el1a :T^i9*_9] 5 and UHooHompile sEcoNDAiY scHool, Pro'sPec,tus /pr'spektas/ noun 1 a book or printed docu, ment that givs inforation about a scho"l;u"d;; ffi' to advertise it 2 (busiress) a document t"t u&'iri"rir"a]ti* about a company's sruros efore they ,.";nid;"Ti;""'"" quali,fi,ca.tion /,kwDldikelju AmE ,kwuL-/ mun 1 n usuallY Pl.] an exam that you have passe or, .n,ii; "o". "r Jnalyo.u hlv_e successftrlly completed: proiesnml/Duational qualirlcatians ""o*nitaitii}j", o a nuoij7iff;." Iet ffhool_uith ffhoot uith noformal no ormat qwliJici;;';'ii q'tiiii;';"i?, .He let !!:u!:'.ot?" ?r:l|:i"t:_!,: ,!: l:?^!,2D:,eIrrierce countsor mre than paper-awttfitatioii. l"^l'_:|}'1.o"tJPeofexperienceatyouneearoiap-artiurii Joo or actlvltY: f7eDious t"uhinp experietm x a necesiary qi licationor thisjob, 3 tC. U] infrmanon that you add to a statF ment the eJTect that it has * the ;rlii" ifr; i , ace?t .to.Iin)it his thmrics, but not uithout certain qwiibaiio:-;-h; O,jT^!"^r__1!?r9y:O ui,thout qualiimtim. +'lr" ir n"!l mg an exam, comDletins a course of_ trainin or .ea"niie standard necessary to d a job * ta. p"i]''n"-i i"ijtiiii,!

-Jirii; than receiving a grade as t"ttJ" >,Pass''falladu: totakeachLsspass-fail " --''' 'Pedag0gac /,peda'gD:/4,Ergo:d3_/ (als ]rda.omic.rl

e-g-sz:rtlt n,] (also r.sarchs[pl.] especially in BrE) - (into/on sth/sb) a (reful stutty of a sub. ject, especially in order to discover new facts or information abdnt t: mecai/ economb / historbal/ sciiltirtr r*urch d to do / condrct / indtrtake rMrch Ee has carriud, out utensiDe research into reneuabl2 efErEJ) soures. a Recent research on d2a children has produced some interestinE findings about their speech. o What hdue their researches shoun? a a rMrch ircjicttgrani/stiudent-see 4u also venxnt DLaNl msEARcH, ruA opER_




.uerb /n'$it]"i AmE :$|t!/ - (into/in/on sth) to study

REsENcH /rlvnn/

carefully and try to discover new facts about it |v| |Ihey,re researciing int ua9s o impiouii pe -t-i-it. o vul to research a problem / topic / market -H spnt 20 years ramrching Nazi Germany. She's in Neu York raurching her neu Doolr 1= 1in6;n, facts and information to put in i"9. 1al"o v wh-] > re,sarch. nouu


with the intention o_f changing itla iystm in nud of reusibn a reDision o trading standards 3-tv] (BrE) the process of learning work for an exam: Haue you iuiied yur rtston yetl ol/aTt AmEol/ noun [U] (often usetl aan atljective) the Process of learning sth by repeating it until you remember it than by understanding the meaning of it| to learn b! 'ather a rote learning role 3ab.bat.ic.._al /sa'bEtlkl,/ ,/sa'betlkl,/ noun C,lJ) When c,u) a period of time when Sb. especially a teacher at a university. is allowed to stop sarrrry/ /'savi/ noun, adj. . n9u{ IU] {inormal)-practical knowledge or understanding of sth: nsiiis) pi|iat sauuy . aaj; <injoriai,iiiuiatlr- AmE) having practical knowleclge and understanding of sth; ti""i"i Zo:'lq- s...u, ,orry shoppers,trauellers
aaela my now

noun [C] a change or set of changes to stb: He made ffime Ininor re\isions to thP rebort beore prnting it out. 2 [U, Cl the act of changing sth, or f exaining sth


sabbatical d sabbatical tern / year He's on sabbtical.


3; -."'

t fatlter ten bird



see mmy got


cup put actual too



ocl!os co boy rear hair

ajw pure yes


/'skDlali; r2d'skoiarli/ adj. (of a person) spending a lo1 of time studying md having a lot of kriowtedge bout an academic subject: He u6 a Der! scholarly 9oung mi,. 2 connected wi academic study: a scholarly jorial o Thge ure an aQlosion o yholarl, interct in her poetrr. /'sknlajrp; An& 'sko:larJry,/ noun 1 |C] an amot of money given to sb by il organiztion to help pay for their edumtion: she Don a scholarsiip to stuay at stilo.a. o Ee uent tn drona sQhool on a scholahip. 2'[ the erious study of an academic subject and the knowledg ntl meorls involved: a mdgnitrrcmt work o scholdrship

scondary school
(th school) [sing.] alt the children or students and e teachers in a school: I had to stanl, up in o the uhole rchoolront FOR PART|oULAR sKltll 5 [c] (often in compomds) a place where


When a school is being referred to as an institution, you do not need to use he: When do th2 childmrtnish sclrool?When you are talking about a particular building, he is used: I'lI m@t ,ou outsidp the hool. Prison, jaii cout, and church Work in the same Way: Her hubana spen three yurs in prison.
at ooLLEGE, HosPlTAL

a college or miversiwi e time at you spend there: amnus schnob likl yale d,lld, Harwrd I'De knoun h2r sbne lau hool. a Wh2re da you go ta vhaol?+e also GmUffi scHool, 7 [cl a deparfuent of a couege or university tJnt teaches a particu]fr slbiect: thg uniuersity n edical / lau vhool the school o Dentistry / Languaqes 0t WR|TERS/ARTlsTs l 8 [C] a group of Writers, trtists, etc. whose style of work or opinions have been iiluenced by the same person or ideas: the Dutch school o painting 0t FlsHl 9 [c] a large nmber of frsh or other sea animals,

people go to learn a prticula subject or ski: a langmge/ riding school thg Inndan Bwirc khml


6 p,IJ] 6mE, Wonnal)

a school o dolphins/shdrks/uhdley sHoAL llElE There ee mmy compods ending in school. You wi]l find them at their place in e alphabet. lElE school(s) of 'thought a way of inking that a nmber of people share: There are two schools of thought about hou this illns shoua be ffeared.-more at oLD
swimming together:



,/sku:l/ noun, Db noun WiERE ci{llqREN LEARN| [c] a place where children go to be 9_qu9lted: Mt brother and, I uEnt to the ffiftu schml. o Gornal) Wh_ich school da they attend? o I'm going to thL rchool bday talk to Kim's teachar o We nced. more mney for roads, hospals and, schools. o rchml build,ings / rules / buses 2 [{l] (useat with_ out or a) the process of lemning in a school; e time during your le when you go to a school (BrE) to start/ teue school 're (AmE) to start / quit hool Where did ,ou go to sclml? a (Briit AlI my hi,ds are slill at yhool. o mE AlI mj kids are still in school. a (AmE) to tedch school (= teach irr a school) o ?lr traBition from school to uork can be diJicult, 3 n (used without ,h? or a) e time dins the dav when chiien are working in a school: 9hat I met you d|ter rchnl tod,ar? o School begire at 9. o The kid,s are at / in scnol until 3-30. a ftschool actiuities / clubs

ln Br.8 someone Who is attending school is at school: u6 at school uith her sister. ln AnxE in school is used: 1 hale a ten-year-oa in sch0ol ln school in m' can also

mean'attending a university'.



sb/yourself/m animal to do sth: [VN] to school a horse o She had sch@Iad, hersl in pati2re, o [VN to infj I haDe schaoled myyl to remdin cdlm under prusure. cHlLDl 2 tVN] cornnl) to ed\lcate a child: Sfte sould, be vhooled

1 - sb/yourself (in

sth) (/ornal) to kain

'secondary school

uith fur purs.

the ages of 11 and 16 or l8-compare

noun a schoo] for young people between PRIMRY scHool,, HIGH

bdf bad did


9h get


klmn cat leg man





tv see tea v

zl3tjd3 z@ ahoe vision chain



tis sirg

scfiGGG.3 ,sel.'eGa3s rcUn se.me3.t9r

[U] a method of tetrning in which stud,ents

a particular topic: Tuching is by lectur and seminars. o a Eraduate seminar a winar' rmm / group 2 a meeting fot disdssion or trainilg: a oreday mnaqen ent yminar 'sixth-form coltge noun (in Britain) a school for students over the age of 16 sopho.more /'sDfamc(r);.ArL'scuf-/ noun(Amu) 1 a stutlent in second year of a course of study at a college or university 2 a high chml student in the 1fth GnDE<ompare resHMAN

/sllnesta(r),/ nouu (especially in the US) one of the two periods that the school or college year is divided into: spring / all sernestefaompare TRMESIER '/r sem.inar ,/'semmu(r)/ noun 1 a class at a university oT college when a smal] group of students and a teacher discuss or study


choos tlreir materials md use them to study on their own: a

entre/ librar!

(or slh) (BrE, btorBD to study very htrd, especially in order to prepar for m am ElEg ,swot sth*'up l wot 'up on sth (BrE, inontuD to stndy a particulal subject very hard, especially in order to prpre for m *m: Make sure you swt up on thg company Wore tlv interuiau. sy!.la.bus /'srlabos/ nDun Q)l. sy|.|a.buses or l2ss requml sy|.|abi /'sllobal/) a list of the topics, booBs, etc. t}at students shou]d study in a particular subject at school or mlleg+ compile cURHcLIrM 'tefm-tame rcun ' (BrE) e period of time srhen classes
(-1t-) [V]


are held at a school, college, or universit}l as opposed to the holidays/vacations: I neD Wnt out in th,e euenings during terrn-tiru. > 'term-time ad,j. or'ly before nom]: Pl2ay state ,our lnme dnd tern7-time ad,dress.

A student is a person Who is studying at a school, college, univesity, etc. ln BrE until recently pupil riras used for children at school, but this is becoming old-fashioned and student is used instead, except for yong children. An undergraduate is a student Who is tudying for their first degree at a univerity or college, ln BrE, a graduate is a person Who has completed a irst degree at a university or college. ln m' graduate ls usually used with another noun and can also apply to a psonwho has finished high school: a high 5chool gradmte o a gra,duate stud,ent. A postgraduate is a person who has finished a irst degree and is doing advanced study or research. This is the usual term in 8r4 but il is fomal in AmE and graduate student is usually used instead.

lbach John

educale our priorit,

ru hou

teaclus FYerch at tle

to d,rie.

lnal hooL M! mther


o drugs.

is to edrcdt2 people dbout the d,angers

laln she's

ft,re equipmPnt.

Mellrbers o dr shoua be instr.rted, in th2 use a trained tnid,wife. o He's training the British


He's the bestootball plarer I'ue eDer coahed. She coachas some o the laffil chiaren in mdths. (BrE) o the laul chiaren in mth, (AmE) she tutors

olympic suimming tedm.


swot /smt; mE
. noun (BrE)

spends too much time studying

swa:.I/ noun, uerb <AmE gind) <inormal, disapproDing) a person who

leachr school / coll2ge t2rcurs instructor a suimming / scierce iretructor tainel a horse tmin a Do lou hde a trErml trainer? coach aootballcod,ch

lulo tutors my

uorking uith migrant chiaren


Bt faer

e3:aI lDc:^ouu: ten bird about it see hmy got 9w


put actual t@

eI y


oclloea6]w go boy ne



yes wel

. noul,

noun, adj text) a bmk that teaches a particular subject especially in schools md colleges: a trhool/

well 'read

at is

r adj. [only before noun] med to describe sth that is done exactlv as it should be done, in the best possibleway: It uu a textbooh exmple o hou th2 gdme should. be played,thesis /'oi:sIsz mun Q)l. lhe3es /'oi|stz/) 1 - (on sth) a long piece of writing completed by a studnt as part of a university degree, based on their oM research: (BrE1 a doctnral/Phb thesis (AmE) a thesis for a mster's d,egree 2 a statement or an opinion at is scussed in a logical way and presented with evidence jn order to prcve that it is true: Th6e latest Jindings

odj. having read mmy books and therefore having gained a lot of knowledge white.boa]d /'wa'l.bci' AmE -baird./ noun altge board with a smoo white surface that teacher, etc. write on with specia]

wase /waa/ adj.,Derb (wiser, wis.Gst) 1 (of people) able to make sensib]e deci,



sions md give good advice because of the experience and knowledge that you have: a uise oa m,on o I'm older and wiser ater tm,ears in thp busilBss. 2 (ot actions md behaviour) sensible: b6ed on good judgement: a ui dnisian / precaution o It uas Dery wi'se to leaue qhm you did. The uisest mury oJ rction is

suplnrt the thesis that

thdn choiu.


is detennined b, mture


lnoun 1 a period of teaching in a university at involves

trimastT o preguLncJ, 2 (AmE) -_ ,IEPJ: The *tnol year is diided into thr@ trirusters-4ompee SEMESIER tu.itaon /tjuTn; AmEt!-/ noun tU] l - (in sth) orormr) e act of teaching sth, especiatly to one person or to people in sma]l groups: Sfte rwiued priuate tuition in Frerch. 2 (also tu'ition fees [pl.]) t}re money that you pay to be taught, eslEcia]ly in a college or university tu.tor.ial /tj!:; tc-,riali AnE tlri-/ noun, adj.

trl.mes.ter /traimesta(r),/ rcun 1 (medbdt) a period of t}rree months when a woman is pregnant: thg fir/wnd/thixd

discussion between an individual student or a small gmup of students and a tutor 2 a short book or computer prcgram at gives information on a particular subj&t or explains how sth is done: An onlilg tutorial is proidqd. t ddj. connected with the work of a t|tor: tutorial st o (BrE) a tutorial mllege (= a private school that prepres students for

(often disapproing) to mderstand sth, or realize what you should have done, only ater sth has happened be/get 'wise to sb/slh (inormal) to become aware that sb is being dishonest: He thought h2 could,l ru but I gat uise to him. put 3b 'wise (lo glh) (inormaD to inform sb about sth luerb Wll,wise 'up <to slh) (inormaD to become awee of e unpleasant truth about a situation wo]k.sheet /'w3:k_[i:t; n 'w3irk-/ noun 1 a piece of paper on which there is a series of questions md exercises to be done by a student 2 a piece of paper on which work at has been done or has to be done is recorded

jlLst wre grateful for her wise counselfl!, nothw. o > adD.: she rcddBd, uiselr. o He wisely duided to teu the trutlLE' be none the 'wier I not be any the 'wiser 'l to not understand s, even after it has been explained to you: I'ue rud thg iretrrctinre, but I1n still none the uier 2 to not know or fmd out about sth bad at sb has done| I you put the morey buk, no one uill be any the uier b ,wise aftr the e'vnt





degree note at STIIDENT val.edlc.tor.ian,/,valral'ta:rian/

/,^nda'grabuati AnE -dar'gJ mun a Wiversity or colleg student who is studying for eir irst degree: a rt,rst-r%r undergradmte , dn undEraduate murse / stud2nt /

noun (AmE) the student who has the hi8hest milks,/grades in a particutil group of students and who gives the valedictory speech at a cneouerron ceremony
did fgh fall set

bd bad


kl @t





pr IEn


st se


yzJ vm zoo


vision c.hain




t] this ilg

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