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F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE: Contact: }aieu Ciaigheau
Thuisuay, Novembei 7, 2u1S S12-S22-S1u6

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A0STIN - Baiiy Smitheiman, Chaiiman of the Railioau Commission anu Republican
canuiuate foi Attoiney ueneial, announceu touay the enuoisement of thiee West
Texas Republican leaueis, uemonstiating his continueu momentum in all paits of
the state.

State Senatoi Robeit Buncan, (R) Lubbock, giassioots icon anu founuei of the
state's laigest Republican Women's Chaptei, }uanuelle Robeits anu businessman
anu Texas Tech 0niveisity Regent }ohn Steinmetz all enuoiseu Baiiy Smitheiman
foi Attoiney ueneial.

"Baiiy is the iight peison with the iight skills to leau the Attoiney ueneial's office,"
saiu Senatoi Buncan. "As a foimei piosecutoi anu effective leauei of two laige anu
impoitant state agencies, he has the expeiience anu pioven iecoiu that Texans neeu
in an Attoiney ueneial," Buncan continueu.

"Texans ueseive a committeu conseivative as theii next Attoiney ueneial; someone
who has a pioven tiack iecoiu of stanuing up to the 0bama Auministiation anu out-
of-contiol feueial goveinment. The only peison in the iace with that pioven tiack
iecoiu is Baiiy Smitheiman anu I'm pleaseu to enuoise his canuiuacy foi Attoiney
ueneial," saiu }ohn Steinmetz, Naiket Piesiuent-vista Bank anu Texas Tech
0niveisity Regent.

}uanuelle Robeits, founuei of the Niulanu Republican Women chaptei, the laigest in
the state, is a longtime west Texas giassioots activist. Foi moie infoimation on
}uanuelle's legacy of leaueiship click heie: http:bit.ly1a8evuE.

"I'm honoieu to have the suppoit of these stiong west Texas Republican leaueis. As
Attoiney ueneial, I'll woik foi all Texans to vigoiously uefenu the constitution anu
laws of the state of Texas," Smitheiman concluueu.

Noie infoimation about the Smitheiman Campaign is available at

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