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How to See Hidden Folders on Mac OS X and Other Recent Models

Showing Hidden Files Hiding Files

Certain les and folders on your Apple Mac computer are usually hidden by default, so you are unable to see them from MAC OS X Lion's Finder program. If you need to reveal these hidden les, perhaps to make advanced system changes or to implement a software x, it is possible to do so by using the Terminal utility on your computer. Daftar Ide Inovasi Disini
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Method 1 of 2: Showing Hidden Files

Click the "Finder" icon on your dock.

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Open Terminal. Terminal is a utility that provides command-line access to the OS X Lion operating system. It can be opened in one of three ways: Click on "Applications" in the left-hand pane, then on "Utilities." Then, doubleclick on "Terminal."

Open the OS X Lion Launchpad. Click the "Utilities" folder. Then, double click on "Terminal."

Find Terminal on the Spotlight search menu. Click the magnifying glass icon on your top menu bar, type "terminal," and then click on the program when it appears.

Type the following text into the Terminal window. Then, press "Enter:" defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES

Close the Terminal program. This can be done by selecting "Quit Terminal" from the Terminal menu.

Restart Finder. The new setting will not take effect until you relaunch nder. To do so, hold down the "Alt" key and right-click or two-ngered click on the Finder icon.

Select "Relaunch."

Open Finder by clicking its icon in the Doc. You will see that the hidden les are now visible. Hidden les/folders are shown with lighter text and icons than normal


Method 2 of 2: Hiding Files

If you don't want to keep your hidden les visible, you can reverse the process by following these steps.

1 2

Click the "Finder" icon on your dock.

Open Terminal. Terminal is a utility that provides command-line access to the OS X Lion operating system. It can be opened in one of three ways: Click on "Applications" in the left-hand pane, then on "Utilities," and then double-click on "Terminal."

Open the OS X Lion Launchpad. Click the "Utilities" folder. Then, double click on "Terminal"

Find Terminal on the Spotlight search menu. Click the magnifying glass icon on your top menu bar, type "terminal," and then click on the program when it appears.

Type the following text into the Terminal window. Then, press "Enter:" defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO

Close the Terminal program. This can be done by selecting "Quit Terminal" from the Terminal menu.

5 6

Restart Finder. This must be done before the new setting to take effect. Hold down the "Alt" key and right-click or two-ngered click on the Finder icon. Select


Open Finder by clicking its icon, and the hidden les will no longer be visible.

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Usual day-to-day usage of a Mac doesnt require hidden les to be visible. After you have performed a task that requires these les to be shown, it is wise to hide them again to protect against any accidental damage.

OS X Lion hides the "Library" folder by default, whereas previous version of OS X had this folder visible. In order to show just the library folder, without showing all other hidden les and folders, type the following command into the Terminal window instead: chags nohidden ~/Library/ When you type the text into Terminal, ensure "Finder" has a capital "F" or the command will not work. Daftar Ide Inovasi Disini
MeaningfulInnovation.Asia/Indonesia Submit Ide Untuk Pengembangan Desa, Ada Dana 1,5 M Untuk Mewujudkannya!

It is possible to do serious damage to your programs and / or operating system if you incorrectly delete or change system les. A mistake could cause your system to stop working or require reinstallation. For this reason, follow all instructions very carefully when working with hidden le and folders.

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Article Info

Categories: Mac OS X Recent edits by: Teresa, ElizabethD, Emma In other languages: Espaol: Cmo ver archivos ocultos en Mac OS X y otros modelos recientes, Deutsch: Wie man versteckte Dateien in Mac OS X und anderen modernen Modellen anzeigt, Portugus: Como Ver Pastas Ocultas no Mac OS X e Outros Modelos Recentes, Italiano: Come Vedere Cartelle Nascoste su Mac OS X e Altri Modelli Recenti, Franais: Comment faire apparatre les dossiers cachs sur Mac OS X

Referred Academic Journal Fast Review, Publishing & Printing International Journal(US Published)

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