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2 theSun | FRIDAY AUGUST 7 2009

news without borders

Suhakam admits
it has no bite Malaysia mulls joint oil
by Charles Ramendran

KUALA LUMPUR: The Human Rights Commission (Su-

hakam) has admitted that its advice to the government
that peaceful street protests or rallies be allowed has
fallen on deaf ears.
lifts control
on Tamiflu
pg 5
exploration with Brunei
BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN: Ma- implementation of elements
Commissioner Tan Sri Prof Khoo Khay Kim said Su- laysia has proposed to Brunei the agreed upon in the document.
hakam was helpless in such instances as it lacked the possibility of embarking on joint oil “The important thing is that
authority to compel its recommendations be followed. exploration in the territorial waters there is a principal agreement
He said due to its inadequacies and the government’s of both countries. on both land and maritime
failure to adhere to the commission’s advice, Malaysia’s Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib border issues so we can now
position on human rights matters on the international Abdul Razak said yesterday the move forward and not al-
scale has deteriorated over the years. government was also looking at low that to get in the way of
“Suhakam is not all that independent and lacks various aspects, including the role improving bilateral ties,” he
power and authority. of Petronas, which would be worked said.
“We cannot change laws. We are only able to raise
out within the framework of the Ma- He said the
laysia-Brunei Letters of Exchange
human rights issues and make recommendations, but
( L o E s )
the lawmakers should bring about the changes,” Khoo

“Justice must not only be done but also be seen to
be done.
“In a democracy, the people are always right and
they decide how the country is run. So, as voters they
must decide what they want,” he said yesterday when
receiving a memorandum from a group of Suaram
coordinators on the high-handedness of the police in Remembering
handling last Saturday’s anti-ISA protest at the commis- history ...
sion’s headquarters at Jalan Raja Laut.
Suaram coordinator and GMI secretary E. Nalini told Former
Khoo that Suhakam should play a significant and con- prime
crete role in human rights matters instead of meek and minister
subtle approaches which have not resolved the issue Tun Dr
despite being brought to its attention over the years. Mahathir we can talk about other new things,
Reading out the memorandum, another Suaram Mohamad so we want speedy development that
coordinator Temme Lee said police had gone overboard and would be very tangible,” he said.
in their actions at last week’s rally, including using ex- wife Siti Describing his visit as a “big
cessive chemicals in the water they used to spray on Hasmah milestone” in achieving new heights
protesters. Mohamad in terms of bilateral ties, he said, the
“The water from the water cannons stung and Ali lay a four-eyed annual meeting empha-
burned worse than other times in the past. They prob- wreath at sised economic integration, includ-
ably laced it with a stronger concentration of chemi- the 64th ing investment potentials for Brunei
cals,” she said. memorial investors in the Sarawak Corridor
She said the arrest of underaged individuals includ- service for of Renewable Energy (Score), Sabah
ing the remand order of four days on a 16-year-old boy the atomic Development Corridor and Iskandar
bomb Malaysia in Johor.
should also be condemned.
victims at
He said Malaysia was also open
Khoo said Suhakam will try to make a firm decision to opportunities for investment in
to overcome the problems faced by organisers of such the Peace
Brunei as Malaysian companies
rallies. Memorial
were strong in the construction
“The police and judiciary should not interfere or get Park in
industry besides having expertise in
involved in politics. They should be apolitical and uphold Hiroshima, niche areas, including Information
only what they are entrusted with by the people.” he Japan Communication Technology (ICT)
said. yesterday. and the services sector.
survey of “At the same time, Brunei and
the demarcation work on the Malaysia are exploring markets for
pertaining to ground might take some time due to joint third country investments,” he
the demarcation of land and mari- the long boundary. said.
time borders. On the proposed collaborations Najib said both countries were
“I don’t want to go into specifics between the two countries, includ- also looking at marketing tourism,
but the Brunei side is aware of some ing the energy, hydro, halal hub, especially from Sarawak and Sabah,
of the things that we would like them Islamic banking, oil palm cluster as the prospects were even better
to take into account,” he told Ma- and tourism sectors, Najib said the for the flow of people, products and
laysian journalists at the end of his cabinet ministers had been tasked services.
three-day official visit here to attend to discuss such matters with their He said the various routes taken,
the 13th annual leaders’ consultation Brunei counterparts, and Wisma whether by land, sea or air, ways to
between the two countries. Putra and Foreign Minister Datuk increase flight frequencies, including
He said the proposal was among Anifah Aman would then coordinate using smaller aircraft, or through
the consequential matters following things. introduction of ferry services and
the signing of the LoEs on March “I think there is a desire to make land communication so that the Pan
16 in which he and Sultan Hassanal things happen quickly and I am Borneo highway concept could be-
Bolkiah reaffirmed their commit- hoping that by the time the next come a reality would be examined.
ment to work together towards the consultation takes place in Malaysia – Bernama

Kelantan, should be given attention in conducted by the Home Ministry

a fair manner. voted the Internal Security Act (ISA)
“A high degree of understanding as a draconian law and more than
briefs (between the federal government
and Kelantan government) cannot be
85% wanted it abolished.
More than 15% voted ISA as a
achieved within a short time, but what preventive law while the rest were
is important is the sincerity and mutual unsure of what kind of law it is.
Nik Aziz’s presence a respect shown by the leaders of both The poll is aimed at gauging the
sides,” he said on the last day of his public perception of the ISA and
good sign, says PM three-day official visit to Brunei. the findings will be used as supple-
BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN: Kelantan Najib was asked to comment on Nik mentary data for the government’s
Mentri Besar Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Aziz’s statement that he was grateful review of the highly controversial
Nik Mat’s presence at the visit to the for the reception from the prime min- law which allows for detention
East Coast Economic Region’s Special ister during his visit to Pekan. without trial.
Economic Zone two days ago shows “I appreciate Nik Aziz’s comments More than 80% understood what
the PAS leader’s desire to forge good and his willingness to participate the ISA is all about while more than
relations with the federal government, in that day’s programme,” he said. 10% were confused. Some 4% said
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul – Bernama they do not understand the ISA.
Razak said here yesterday. The survey also asked respond-
He said relations between the Online voters want ents what they required from the
federal government and state govern- ISA, to which more than 85% said
ments, especially those under opposi- ISA abolished they wanted it abolished.
tion rule, should not be an issue but PETALING JAYA: More than 75% of The survey is accessible through
the interest of the people, including in respondents in an online survey or

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