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4 theSun | FRIDAY AUGUST 7 2009

news without borders

Ooi withdraws ‘extremist’

remark against JIM MCA slams PAS for
infringing on rights
by Himanshu Bhatt and Bernard Cheah “I would think it would be appropriate for Jeff Ooi, if he had made the remark that JIM is an
extremist organisation, to withdraw it,” he said.
GEORGE TOWN: The chief minister’s chief of Penang PKR Youth called on Ooi, who is
staff, Jeff Ooi, has withdrawn his remark label- also the Jelutong MP, to apologise to JIM and
ling Jemaah Islah Malaysia (JIM) an extremist the Muslim community for portraying Islam as
Islamic organisation. extremist.

of non-Muslims
In a statement faxed from Hongkong yester- Its secretary, Khairil Anuar Kamarudin, said
day, Ooi said: “I am withdrawing my statement yesterday the group gave Ooi 24 hours to apolo-
calling JIM an ‘extremist organisation’ that was gise before they considered action.
published by The Star on Sunday. I was advised “We call on Ooi to apologise for his talkative-
by Lim (Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng) and I fully ness, rudeness, and attitude,” he said in a memo-
comply with the directive. randum delivered to Lim’s office.
“However, for clarity, it is imperative to estab- “We believe Pakatan Rakyat (PR) has principles
lish the relevant context.” on religious tolerance and should look seriously by Karen Arukesamy
Earlier, in advising Ooi to withdraw his re- at the approach used by Ooi, which does not con- He also slammed Selangor executive
mark at a press conference in his office, Lim said: tribute to strengthening the coalition. Instead, it councillor Datuk Dr Hasan Ali for his state-
“I know JIM. It is not an extremist organisation. provokes the anger of the Muslim community.” PETALING JAYA: MCA yesterday hit out at ment on Tuesday asking non-Muslims to travel
“If it was, (state executive councillor) Chow Khairil and several PKR Youth members, PAS’s outcry and use of “Muslim sentiments” outside Muslim majority areas to buy beer and
Kon Yeow would not have appointed its repre- including Bayan Baru MP Annuar Ismail, met on the “brewing beer conflict” in the Pakatan blamed Barisan Nasional for failure of such
sentative to the MPPP as a councillor.” Lim’s political secretary, Ng Wei Aik, on the Rakyat-ruled Selangor and for infringing on the implementation.
Lim declined to comment when asked whether second floor of Komtar before heading up to the rights of non-Muslims. “PAS, as usual, is one up against Umno when
JIM member Mohd Razali Abdullah, whom Ooi chief minister’s office. Its central committee member and non-gov- it comes to showing their arrogance and non-
had criticised last Saturday, was fit to be in the He stressed that the memorandum was not ernmental organisation liaison bureau chair- tolerance in absolute disrespect of the rights of
council, saying it was a separate issue. intended for DAP “but to Ooi to apologise”. man, Datuk Ti Lian Ker, said in a statement non-Muslims rights as provided by the law,”
Selangor PAS’s proposed guidelines regulating Ti said.
beer sales be made in tandem with the Syariah He said Hasan’s arguments that non-Mus-
Exco man lodges police report against ministry adviser Enactment (Selangor) 1995 is “flawed and bad lims have to drive further away to buy beer “is
in law”. retarded and discards the existence of DAP as a
by Opalyn Mok “I have written to Zainal twice, the details to update its records on In calling for a blanket ban on beer sales in political partner”. once on April 7 and again on May the aid received by the 22 families. Muslim-majority areas, he said, “PAS is effec- “(Selangor executive councillor) Ronnie Liu
12, to get details of the recipients Now we don’t know who the 22 tively extending syariah laws onto non-Muslims should advise Pakatan Rakyat (PR) partners, PAS
GEORGE TOWN: State executive and how the sum was distributed families are and what they have on the pretext of Muslim sentiments”. leaders, to concentrate on the dakwah activities
councillor Phee Boon Poh has to the families. However, I have received from the ministry.” “We are ruled by law and not sentiments and not impose prohibitions and penalties on
lodged a police report against not received any reply from him,” Phee said the state govern- based on race or religion. PAS cannot, in effect, non-Muslims,” he said.
Rural and Regional Development he said. ment has a complete list of hard- extend the provisions of the Muslim enactment On Tuesday, Hasan had urged Selangor Men-
Ministry adviser Datuk Zainal “So I have no choice but to core poor families in the state and impose it on non-Muslims,” he said. tri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim to impose the
Abidin Osman to obtain details of lodge a police report on this issue and will continuously update Referring to the civil law for non-Muslims, beer ban in Muslim-majority areas in Selangor
the RM1.1 million allocated by the on July 31 so that he furnishes me it whenever they find families Ti said it clearly allows non-Muslims to buy and called for Liu’s portfolio be reviewed after
ministry to help 22 hardcore poor with the details of the allocation. that may have slipped under the and sell beer in cans and bottles without any accusing him of “interfering” in local council
families in Penang. “The state government needs poverty line. restrictions or licence. enforcements on the sale of beer .
“If PAS cannot respect an express provision The controversy had resulted in a gag order
of the law, how can we ever trust PAS to rule by Khalid on all the state excos until today when
the nation and be fair to non-Muslims? How can he will announce a solution for the problem.
DAP falsely assure the community into voting DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang, when contacted,
for PAS?” Ti asked. said he would issue a statement later on the
He said enforcement officers cannot act matter.
based on the sentiments of a Muslim-dominated

t w il l resolv e beer issue

t Selangor go
PAS confiden an d no t co ns ume Selangor PAS
lah Ri dz
w w
Youth chief
an denied
- Islamic la not Hasbul anned to
R: PAS is confi beer. We do ation that it pl
KUALA LUMPU state govern- alcohol or where we should specul ah Alam over
gor y strate in Sh
dent the Selan le handle and have a polic ket ban on beer demon ntrove rsy.
ab bl an er co
ment would be in impose a in Kelantan, which the be sing a newspaper
er controversy sales. Even Critici
resolve the be PA S (ru le ) fo r day, Hasbulla
the state. Datu k ha s been under ch ba n,” report yester er called me
neral, is no su rt
said: “The repo evening and
Its secretary-ge ess con- so long, there
ta fa Al i, to ld a pr he sa id. , on W ed nesday a
M us
day it would le
t ustafa sa id u (PAS) have
ference yester Besar Tan Sri However, M ns iti vi tie s asked me, if yo uths join? I
the se n Um no yo
Selangor Men
tri in respect of ilers rally ca r there is no such plan
deliberate on lims, the reta fa
Khalid Ibrahim lic beverages of the Mus ven a guideline said so e waiting for the state
the sale of alco
ho should be gi ar
the and we council’s decision or
e M us lim -m ajority areas in an d be allow ed to continue ex ecut ive
in th lim majority e issue ...”
the state. les in non-Mus feedback on th
the Islam ic perspec- sa s and restrict the sales in
“From - area
force non-Mus ajority areas.
tive, we cannot ply with the Muslim-m
s to al so co m

Accept offer, Lim tells villagers

by Himanshu Bhatt They accused the state government and the developer of using “pressure tactics” by show-
ing them the detailed building plans only at 5pm
GEORGE TOWN: The Penang government yesterday before today’s noon deadline.
urged the Kampung Buah Pala villagers yes- A spokesman for the residents association,
terday to agree in principle to an offer of 24 O. Selvaraj, said: “The state government wants
double-storey terrace houses for displacement, to project a picture of benevolence for itself, and
stressing that other logistical details would be a picture of greedy squatters for us.
sorted out later. “Railroading us into submission is not a com-
At a press conference, during which he petent approach to solving the problem.”
showed the building plans for the proposed He said the villagers need more time to
structures, Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng stressed study the proposal as “it is only now that we
that each household would be given a legally- can discuss the plans with our families and the
binding title through a 99-year lease. residents”.
He said issues like temporary residences for Selvaraj also said that “on the average,
the villagers while waiting for the homes to be each household is sitting on land worth RM3.5
built would be sorted out later. million”.
Space for a Hindu temple would also be It is understood the terrace houses will
provided in the area, he said. occupy a section of the land, which is now
But the villagers, who have until noon today owned by Koperasi Pegawai Kerajaan Negeri
to submit their agreements to the developer, Pulau Pinang. The remaining larger portion o will
Nusmetro Ventures (P) Sdn Bhd, have pleaded be used to develop Nusmetro’s condominium
for more time to study the proposal. project called “The Oasis”.

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