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theSun | FRIDAY AUGUST 7 2009 5

news without borders

API reading as at 5pm yesterday
Balok Baru, Pahang 103 Miri 106
Malacca 109 Samarahan 117
107 103

Ministry lifts control

Bintulu Sibu
0-50 Good 51-100 Moderate 101-200 Unhealthy 201-300 Very Unhealthy 301 Hazardous

on Tamiflu
by Husna Yusop pitals to take the A(H1N1)
H1N1 figures
(as at 8am yesterday)

» New cases:
» Imported cases:
» Local transmissions: 16 tests if the influenza-like
illness (ILI) symptoms
» Total no. of cases: 1,492
PUTRAJAYA: In a move to were mild.
fight the influenza A(H1N1) It would only be a waste
virus swiftly, the Health Min- of resources and an un-
istry has lifted the “control” of necessary burden to institu- » Total no. of deaths: 14
Tamiflu from today. tions running the tests – the
Health director-general Institute for Medical Researh
Tan Sri Ismail Merican said (IMR) and Sungai Buloh and
all health clinics manned by Kota Kinabalu hospitals. At the recent inter-ministe-
medical officers would be rial committee meet-
supplied with the anti-viral, ing on the A(H1N1)
in addition to existing govern- pandemic, the
ment hospitals and 22 private INFLUENZA A(H1N1) HOTLINE government decided
hospitals. » 03-88810200/300 there was no need
“Also, private clinics will be for all ILI cases to
allowed to buy the anti-viral » 03-88834414/415 take the A(H1N1)
from local suppliers who have test unless they are
already assured the govern- hospitalised.
ment of sufficient stock,” he “The public should not However, he said, there
told reporters in a briefing at rush to the clinics – some even were reports in newspapers of
the Health Ministry yesterday. waited until 2am or 3am – to people expressing uneasiness
However, Ismail reminded take the test. No need. The test because the hospitals did not
pharmacists not to sell the is only necessary for those want to run the tests on them.
anti-viral without any prescrip- with co-morbid conditions like Ismail said the IMR was
tion and medical practitioners lung disease, kidney problem, flooded with close to 500 cases A hazy view of Kuala Lumpur
must not prescribe the anti-vi- asthma, obesity and diabetes,” a day requesting for tests and yesterday.
ral to patients as a prophylactic he said. 80% to 90% turned out to be
(preventive measure). “The majority of patients negative.
He said Tamiflu was not with ILI are advised to stay at “When we sent specimens
effective as a prophylactic and
could also create side effects as
well as developing resistance
home, and wear masks if they to the IMR, they have to be
are going out. God willing, in from patients warded with
three or four days, they will severe pneumonia or other
New dengue diagnostic
like “what is happening in the
United States, Mexico, Japan,
get well even without taking severe complications. The IMR
medication.” can then concentrate on these
protocol in UMMC
Denmark and Canada”. Of the 14 deaths to date, 12 cases and study whether there
He said most A(H1N1) infec- had co-morbid conditions. was any mutation, resistance
PETALING JAYA: A new dengue di- of a year’s study funded by the World
tions in the world were light “The whole world is now to the Tamiflu anti-viral and agnostic protocol that can detect up Health Organisation involving more
cases and 98% of those infected trying to figure out why those all other sophisticated cases,” to 90% of suspected dengue patients than 1,000 samples.
would recover without having non co-morbid patients died. he said. during their first visit to the hospital UMMC is the first local hospital
to consume any medicine. We are looking for indicators He appealed to private hos- has been implemented in to implement the protocol and it
Therefore, there was no but it is still undergoing a lot of pitals to send only specimens University Malaya Medi- hopes the protocol
need to panic and rush to hos- studies,” he said. from highly suspicious cases. cal Centre (UMMC). would help curb the
“In the past, labora- dengue menace in

H1N1 tests costly, says don tory diagnosis is often

delayed as the most
common test looking
for dengue antibodies
Malaysia, which has
claimed 62 lives this
He said UMMC
by Hemananthani Sivanandam (CDC) in the United States and it is Sazaly said the results are usu- may be negative in the had been using the a standard method used globally,” ally obtained within 24 hours. Praying early stages,” Prof Dr protocol since April
said Prof Dr Sazaly Abu Bakar, “UM has applied for a RM1 for Sazaly Abu Bakar (pix) as a test run but it
PETALING JAYA: Some 100,000 the director of Tropical Infectious million grant from the government said. was only officially im-
tests to detect the influenza Diseases Research and Education to conduct research to produce a better A second blood plemented yesterday.
A(H1N1) virus has been done to Centre (Tidrec)) in the Faculty of cheaper A(H1N1) virus detection health test is required a few Sazaly said there is
date and this has cost the govern- Medicine in Universiti Malaya method. We’re trying to develop pg 8 days later before a no vaccine for dengue
ment more than RM18 million. (UM). an alternative A(H1N1) screening positive result may yet but early detection
The figure is derived based on He said the tests were also process using cheaper and more be found, but during of the virus would save
the cost of RM180 a test. conducted using expensive tech- affordable technology,” he said. this time, the patient lives.
The Real Time Polymerase nology. He said the grant was not only continues to be infec- He said Tidrec is
Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) tests are “The equipment used for the for developing cheaper screening tious to uninfected mosquitoes that c o n d u c t - ing a gene sequencing
being done by the Institute for RT-PCR costs about RM500,000 techniques for A(H1N1) but also for may bite the patient. study to facilitate a databank for the
Medical Research (IMR) and the each and we only have four in other viruses and diseases such as The delay in diagnosis not only different types of dengue virus.
public health laboratory in Sungai the country in IMR and in Sungai malaria and leptospirosis. delays treatment but also delays insti- “Contrary to popular beliefs, the
Buloh Hospital. Buloh,” he said. Leptospirosis is a disease tuting public health control measures dengue virus is not the same for all
“People should know that the “This means samples from caused by bacteria carried by like fogging and eliminating breeding countries,” he said.
tests are not free. The test we are other states must be sent to Kuala rodents. Two detainees from the sites of the mosquitoes around the “Different countries have different
using is the one recommended by Lumpur for the tests and extra Juru Detention camp in Penang patient’s house. types of the virus and to date, there
the Centres for Disease Control logistic costs are incurred.” died from the bacteria in May. Sazaly, who is the director of the hasn’t been any vaccine developed in
Tropical Infectious Diseases Research other countries.
and Education Centre (Tidrec) in the He said the Science, Technology

Flu death spikes to 14 Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Ma-

laya, said the protocol was a result
and Innovation Ministry has given a
RM3 million grant for the study.
by Husna Yusop A(H1N1). The case was confirmed 11 were sporadic infections. A(H1N1) positive yesterday. The cumulative A(H1N1) cases
The Kuantan Hospital case up to 8am yesterday numbered Bank branch closed to cease classes for one week.
In Perak, Maktab Rendah Sains Mara
PUTRAJAYA: The number of involved a six-year-old boy who 1,492 with 14 deaths – 917 (62%) KUALA LUMPUR: A bank in Kuala Lumpur
influenza A(H1N1)-related deaths developed symptoms of fever, local transmission and 574 (38%) (MRSM) Pengkalan Hulu was ordered to close
and six schools – three in Kelantan, two in for a week after 24 students were confirmed
rose to 14 yesterday with another sore throat and flu on July 24. imported cases. Of this, 1,421 Penang and one in Perak – were directed
two victims in the Kuantan and He had received treatment in (95%) have recovered. positive of the H1N1 virus. – Bernama
to close yesterday to prevent the spread of
Putrajaya hospitals. a private clinic but was admitted The number of A (H1N1) cases influenza A(H1N1).
The latest casualty was a 57- to the hospital on July 31 after still receiving treatment in ICUs is The Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN) More labs to be set up
year-old retired man with a history developing breathing difficulties. 11, and 43 are receiving anti-viral branch in Taman Leng Seng was closed for KUALA LUMPUR: The Health Ministry will
of fever, cough and breathing dif- “He was confirmed A(H1N1)- treatment in isolation wards. Of two days when a member of the staff was set up more Influenza A(H1N1) laborato-
ficulties. The man, who was also positive on Sunday and warded the 11, five are of high risk as they confirmed H1N1 positive. ries in hospitals nationwide as the virus is
a diabetic suffering from hyper- in the ICU on Monday. He died at are obese (two), just given birth The BSN said in a statement all its em- spreading rapidly in the community.
tension, was warded in Putrajaya 12.45pm on Wednesday,” Ismail (one) and an infant (one). ployees at the branch were directed to go for Its minister, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai,
Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU) told a media briefing at the min- On the global situation, Ismail a medical check while the bank was being said the laboratories at the Institute for
on Wednesday. istry. said 199,146 cases were reported cleaned up. Medical Research (IMR), and the Sungai
Health director-general Tan Sri There were 16 new cases, as of yesterday with 1,446 deaths. In Penang, SMK Convent Butterworth and Buloh and Kota Kinabalu hospitals were
Ismail Merican said the patient all local transmissions involving from 171 countries – infections SK Lahar Kepar in Kepala Batas were ordered already used to full capacity. – Bernama
died on the same day due to acute Malaysians, yesterday. Five cases rose by 5,460 cases, and 85 more
pulmonary oedema secondary to were from two new clusters, and deaths were recorded.

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