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Switzerland Europe

Zurich Financial Services AG (ZURN VX) Veolia Environnement SA (VIE FP)

• The insurer reported a 29 % decline in second- • The water company said first-half profit fell 56% as
quarter profit because of lower general insurance the recession cut demand for waste treatment.
earnings and investment losses. Net income fell to Net income slid to EUR 220.3 Mn ($317.3 Mn) from
$892 Mn from $1.25 Bn a year earlier. EUR 500.5 Mn a year .

Petroplus Holdings AG (PPHN VX) Commerzbank AG (CBK GY)

• The independent oil refiner said second-quarter • The bank reports a second-quarter net loss of EUR
profit fell 68% on weaker demand for fuels such 746 Mn ($1.07 Bn), compared with a profit of EUR
as diesel. Net income declined to $205 Mn from 817 Mn a year earlier, due to higher provisions for
$638.6 Mn a year earlier. bad loans and costs related to the integration of
the Dresdner Bank business it acquired this year.

LEM Holding SA (LEHN SW) Air France-KLM Group (AF FP)

• The maker of electricity measuring devices had a • The airline has begun replacing speed probes on
first-half net loss of CHF 1.3 Mn. its Airbus SAS’s A330 and A340 planes with those
made by Goodrich Corp., conforming to last
week’s order from the European Union’s airline-
safety regulator.

Deutsche Telekom AG (DTE GY)

• The phone company reported a 32% increase in
second-quarter profit, less than analysts had
anticipated, partly as it lost U.K. mobile
customers. Net income rose to EUR 521 Mn ($750
Mn), from EUR 394 Mn a year earlier.


Future Current Chg Pct 1d Trend

DJIA . Sept ’09 9243 -0.02% 
S&P 500 Sept ’09 1000.1 -0.07% 
Nasdaq 100 Sept ‘09 1609.25 -0.33% 

U.S. After market

Cisco Systems Inc Chief Executive John Chambers said it was too soon to call a recovery and forecast another drop in quarterly
revenue. Rupert Murdoch's News Corp reported an 11% drop in quarterly revenue on falling advertising sales at its local TV stations and
newspapers, but said it expects modest improvement in coming months. Procter & Gamble Co posted a disappointing 11% decline in
quarterly sales, hurt by weak demand for some Gillette razors and Braun shavers. Fertilizer maker CF Industries Holdings Inc said on
Wednesday it would hike its hostile offer for rival Terra Industries Inc by 22%, upping the ante in the struggle for dominance in the
lucrative North American market. General Motors Co will use some of the funding left from its bankruptcy reorganization to accelerate
key vehicle launches as it focuses on recapturing lost market share. Shares of battered financial companies including insurer American
International Group Inc and lender CIT Group soared on Wednesday, as investors rushed to buy shares to cover short positions in the
companies. Garmin Ltd's quarterly profit blew past market expectations as PND sales picked up and expenses fell, but said the margins
in the quarter were not sustainable. Devon Energy Corp and XTO Energy Inc said Wednesday that quarterly profits fell alongside a drop
in crude oil prices, but lower costs helped the U.S. oil and natural gas companies boost output, and results topped expectations.
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Oil fell from a seven-week high after crude stockpiles in the U.S., the largest energy-using nation, increased as
refiners reduced processing. An Energy Department report released yesterday showed a bigger-than-estimated
gain in crude stockpiles, pushing them to a five-week high. U.S. refiners utilized 84.5% of their capacity last week,
the lowest in more than two months. Crude oil for September delivery fell as much as 78 cents, or 1.1%, to $71.19
a barrel and traded at $71.30. Yesterday, the contract rose 55 cents, or 0.8%, to settle at $71.97, the highest
since June 12. Prices have gained 60% this year. Oil advanced yesterday after the Energy Department report
showed that distillate supplies dropped. Fuel demand climbed 3.1% to 19.3 Mn barrels a day last week, the
highest since February. About four-fifths of that gain came under the “other oils” category that includes natural
gas liquids such as butane and liquefied refinery gases.

Gold advanced as a falling dollar and weak U.S. economic data bolstered the precious metal’s appeal as a
haven investment. Bullion climbed toward a two month high after service industries in the U.S. shrank more than
forecast in July, and companies cut another 371,000 jobs, indicating rising unemployment will erode spending in
the world’s largest economy. The dollar was little changed at $1.4416 per euro after touching $1.4447 yesterday,
the weakest level since Dec. 18. Gold for immediate delivery gained 0.1% to $964.40 an ounce. It reached
$970.47 on Aug. 4, the highest since June 5. Gold holdings in the SPDR Gold Trust were unchanged for a fifth day
at 1,072.87 metric tons as of yesterday. Among other precious metals for immediate delivery, silver was down
0.1% at $14.69 an ounce, platinum was little changed at $1,288.25 an ounce and palladium added 0.5% to

Soft Commodities
Corn futures fell for a third day on speculation producers are rushing to lock in prices ahead of the harvest
beginning September as they expect expanding U.S. output will extend price declines. Wheat also dropped.
Harvests in the U.S. will increase 3.7% to 12.554 Bn bushels, the second-highest on record, as yields rise. Corn for
December delivery lost as much as 1.5% to $3.5175 a bushel and last traded at $3.5125. The most-active
contract has dropped 4.8% in the past three days. Wheat for December delivery lost 1.1% to $5.5075 a bushel,
extending its losing streak to 4.6% since Aug. 3. The grains also fell on expectations the U.S. Department of
Agriculture will report lower export sales later today. Shipments of wheat have fallen 41% so far this year, while
overseas sales of corn have dropped 30%. Soybeans snapped a five-day rally, the November-delivery contract
dropping 1.4% to $10.30 a bushel.

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The yen traded near a seven-week low against the euro as speculation Japanese companies will report stronger
earnings triggered an advance in stocks, reviving demand for higher-yielding assets. The pound was close to a
nine-month high against the dollar before the Bank of England’s policy-setting meeting today at which the
central bank is expected to leave its benchmark interest rate at 0.5%. Australia’s dollar traded near its strongest
level since October against the yen after the South Pacific nation unexpectedly added workers in July. The yen
traded at 136.90 per euro from 136.79 yesterday. It dropped to 137.69 on Aug. 4, the lowest level since June 15.
Japan’s currency was at 95.06 per dollar from 94.97. The dollar was little changed at $1.4403 per euro after
touching $1.4447 yesterday, the weakest since Dec.18. The pound fetched $1.6979 from $1.6989. The Australian
dollar bought 84.20 U.S. cents from 84.06 cents yesterday, and was at JPY 80.03 from JPY 79.82.

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Treasuries snapped a three-day decline as the Federal Reserve prepared to buy government debt for a second
time this week, seeking to cap borrowing costs. Notes were little changed before a Labor Department report
tomorrow that economists said will show the U.S. unemployment rate rose to a 26-year high of 9.6%, adding to
speculation joblessness will limit the strength of any economic rebound. The 10-year note yielded 3.75%. The
3.125% security due May 2019 traded at 94 30/32. Japan’s Ministry of Finance sold JPY 551.4 Bn ($5.80 Bn) of 30-
year bonds at an average yield of 2.315%. Japanese government bond futures fell to match a six-week low as a
gain in stocks damped demand for the relative safety of debt. Ten-year futures dropped for the third time in
four. Ten-year bond futures for September delivery fell 0.20 to 137.49. The contract dropped as low as 137.45,
equalling the least since June 24. The yield on the 10-year bond rose half a basis point to 1.44%. The price of the
1.5% security due June 2019 fell JPY 0.044 to JPY 100.517.

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Equities Commodities
Index Current Change % Change % YTD Index Current Net Change 1d Change % YTD
MSCI World 1,062 -0.48% 15.37% GSCI ER 433.52 3.73 11.40%
SPX 1,003 -0.29% 11.01% GSCI Agriculture ER 56.23 -0.63 -2.62%
INDU 9,281 -0.42% 5.75% GSCI Livestock ER 198.05 0.35 -14.70%
NDX 1,614 -0.86% 33.24% GSCI Precious Metal ER 142.20 -0.38 10.18%
SX5E 2,643 -1.04% 7.99% GSCI Industrial Metal ER 224.97 7.35 62.95%
DAX 5,353 -1.18% 11.28% GSCI Energy ER 276.50 2.96 11.87%
SMI 5,912 -0.47% 6.82% AIG ER 132.92 1.15 13.37%
UKX 4,647 -0.52% 4.80% WTI 71.27 -0.70 26.59%
CAC 3,459 -0.51% 7.48% Brent 75.51 1.23 29.97%
NKY 10,422 1.65% 17.63% Natural Gas 4.03 -0.01 -34.82%
HSI 20,594 0.48% 43.14% Gold 964.70 -1.60 8.37%
IBOV 56,384 0.62% 50.16% Silver 14.64 -0.13 29.28%
KOSPI 1,558 -0.07% 38.59% Aluminium 2,042.00 78.75 35.43%
SENSEX BSE 30 15,821 -0.52% 63.99% Copper 6,132.00 215.00 111.30%
RTSI 1,094 1.84% 73.17% Zinc 1,903.50 70.75 52.89%
Tin 15,715.00 582.00 49.24%
Volatility Nickel 20,402.00 1,100.00 72.02%
Current Net Change WTD Net Change 1m Lead 1,932.50 29.00 93.06%
VIX 24.90 -1.02 -4.10 Corn 351.25 -5.75 -22.20%
VSTOXX 27.59 -0.54 -5.96 Wheat 551.00 -5.75 -18.10%
VDAX 28.27 0.64 -4.03 Soybean 1,024.00 -21.00 1.71%
VSMI 22.23 1.16 -3.95 Sugar 19.37 0.02 45.64%
Cocoa 2,902.00 -83.00 11.96%
Currencies Coffee 131.50 -1.50 10.92%
Current Change % 1d Change % YTD Cotton 61.87 -0.39 12.65%
USD/CHF 1.0618 0.01% -0.65% Live Cattle 89.45 -0.38 0.28%
USD/JPY 95.0723 -0.11% 4.66% Feed Cattle 101.15 0.58 3.48%
CHF/JPY 89.5350 -0.11% 5.31% Lean Hogs 49.28 -0.93 -29.51%
EUR/USD 1.4406 -0.01% 3.02%
EUR/CHF 1.5303 0.00% 2.40% Credit
GBP/CHF 1.8047 -0.04% 13.44% iTraxx Europe IG 5yr 115.21
USD/BRL 1.8136 0.15% -27.62% iTraxx Europe Crossover 5yr 721.75

Libor Rates Swap Rates

1M 0.28 0.48 0.16 0.58 0.21 1Y 0.88 1.33 0.54 1.32 0.61
3M 0.47 0.84 0.36 0.87 0.41 2Y 1.66 1.91 0.84 2.34 0.62
6M 0.91 1.12 0.47 1.09 0.64 5Y 3.15 2.89 1.75 3.72 0.92
12M 1.50 1.33 0.77 1.41 0.83 10Y 4.01 3.57 2.56 4.22 1.50


US: Date Event Survey Actual Prior

03.08.2009 ISM Manufacturing 46.5 48.9 44.8
04.08.2009 Pending Home Sales MoM 0.6% 3.6% 0.1%
04.08.2009 ABC Consumer Confidence -47 -49 -47
07.08.2009 Unemployment Rate 9.6% - 9.5%

EU: Date Event Survey Actual Prior

04.08.2009 Euo-Zone PPI (YoY) -6.6% -6.6% -5.8%
05.08.2009 Euro-Zone Retail Sales (YoY) -2.2% -2.4% -3.3%
06.08.2009 ECB announces Interest Rates 1.00% - 1.00%

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by Reuters. © EFG Financial Products AG. All Rights reserved.

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