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The State Policy Network (SPN) is an umbrella group of right-wing think tanks across the country.

Founded by Bowling Green businessman Chris Derry, the Bluegrass Institute is SPNs cookie-cutter think tank in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. While the Bluegrass Institute claims to be focused on issues important to Kentuckians, it actually pushes an agenda dictated by its national right-wing funders and partners.

The determination of conservative think tanks, in particular, to undermine public education is a fierce thing to seeKentucky has such a think tank. Or maybe it is better described as a think puddle. Pet project of a retired Bowling Green businessman, the Bluegrass Institute issues position papers that get mixed reviews at best. The group's spokesman wouldn't tell our reporters the sources of its income or size of its duespaying membership. [The Courier Journal, 10/26/2007]

The Bluegrass Institute is the publisher and sponsor of This website uses a Wikipedia type format to present information to Kentuckians, but with language that favors its right-wing agenda, including: Defunding and privatizing Kentuckys schools through vouchers Opposing workers collective bargaining rights and pushing so-called right to work legislation Blocking access to affordable healthcare for Kentucky families Opposing Kentuckys prevailing wage laws Calling for a more transparent state government, although the institute a public nonprofit is far from transparent when it comes to disclosing its own funding sources.

The Bluegrass Institute has close ties, largely through current and past positions held by its board and staff, to other right-wing organizations including the Charles Koch Institute, the Heartland Institute, the Mackinac Center, and the Ohio Republican Party. The institute also participates in the Charles G. Koch Summer Fellow Program, where they receive free summer interns paid by the Koch brothers. Bluegrass has also supported the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) by publishing ALEC-content on their website and even taking credit for ALEC adopting a model anti-environmental bill sponsored by the Bluegrass Institute.

While the Bluegrass Institute is not required to disclose its donors, and does not do so voluntarily, the identities of the few known funding sources behind the Bluegrass Institute demonstrate that the organization is largely funded by out-of-state right-wing organizations. Known donors include the Koch-funded Donors Capital Fund and Cato Institute, the Roe Foundation (of SPN founder Thomas Roe), the Coors family's Castle Rock Foundation (of Coors Brewing Company), and the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation. FUNDER BASED IN AMOUNT YEARS Donors Capital Fund VA $680,000 2005-2011 Jaquelin Hume Foundation CA $185,000 2005-2011 The Roe Foundation SC $125,000 2004-2011 Dunn's Foundation for the Advancement of Right Thinking FL $55,000 2007-2011 The Cato Institute DC $50,000 2006 JM Foundation NY $35,000 2004-2006 Castle Rock Foundation CO $15,000 2008 Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation AR $5,200 2011

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