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Kenneth Daniel 11/30/12 CPD As I thinketh in my heart in thinketh in my brain.

In order for me to think in my brain I have to look from the outside in. I have to be someone else looking at myself. Looking at myself from when I was born to when I die. I have to be that person that wont change to know what I think. I have to be an fly on the way to myself. I have to be my own looking glass. Who is Kenneth L Daniel Jr.? This is the question of a century, well let me tell you that Kenneth is a complex person. He has the heart of gold and the soul of a Million bucks. He is complex because he is not like any other person he has ever met. He enjoys no loves doing stuff for others. He is always asking can he help. It does not matter who it is or what it is he is always there to help. He will rather do work and read than hang out with friends. Kenneth has never been a trouble maker. He has always been the model student and respects being that. Kenneth was born on a warm summer day. He was born in Detroit, MI at Hutzel Hospital. This was an emotional June day. This was the 21st day of June to say the least. This is also the first day of summer. The birds were singing and the world stopped just for a second because it knew that a great humane being has just been released to the world. Then after 24 hours of labor, Kenneth L Daniel Jr. was born. I am the master of my own destiny but those who surround me also helps, those who I call family. Those who love and care for me. Those are the ones who allow me to keep fighting. Those who call dont want me to succeed those that I call enemies are the ones who make me fight stronger. To get become who I want. Kenneth is the proud son of Kenneth L Daniel Sr. and Brenda Ross-Daniel. He has always made his family proud. No matter what he does he always makes them proud. If it is winning the science fair or getting a 50% on a quiz they always stood behind him in his journey in life. Being

the only child helps to. Kenneth is the only child to his mother and his father has an daughter named Nicole. Some of Kenneths biggest fans would have to be his big sister Nicole Valentine, Eric Valentine and his little niece Rudy Valentine. This would have to be Kenneths biggest fans because they always are there to push him on. Lets start with his sister Nicole. Nicole is 28 and has been through this road already, she can help Kenneth with homework and with the struggles of high school. Eric is her husband. He is a cool person to be around. He is a true meaning of the American dream because he has a family who loves him and a steady job. Rudy is the love of

Kenneths life. He was so excited about Rudy. He wanted to do anything for her. Before she was born he just wanted to spoil her. If it was not for the Summer Pre-school Kenneth would not be at Cass and would not be as successful as he is at this point of his life. The Summer Pre-School taught the basic but their also taught you life lessons that you will never forget. You know the sharing is caring and all of that but the Summer School taught you everyday lessons. Lessons like conflict solving and how to respect others. When you are taught that at a young age it sticks to you like salt on ice. The Summer Pre-School also taught you how to be a kind and respectful person. This including playing with each other and building social skills. His Aunt Jack. He loves his Aunt Jack. His Aunt Jack spoiled him like crazy. She would go the extra mile to make sure he was on the right track. Since she used to work at his old school this really applied then. His Aunt Jack used to keep a close eye on him. She never had to report anything but that helped keep him out of trouble. Kenneths old school was a charter school named Commonwealth Academy. He went to this school from 2nd grade all the way to 8th. He

made a lot of great friends there and learned a lot of knowledge there. This is not just stuff like 2+2=4, they taught him about going into the working world. Yes that meant a lot of work and a lot of study filled nights but it was worth it all. Kenneth believes that this was all worth it. Kenneth is now going to Cass Tech and is proud of it. Ever since Kenneth got accepted to Cass Tech. He has felt like a new person. The trees looks a little greener and life seems a little sweeter and He feels like the king of the world. When Kenneth got that letter he felt like he could climb to Mount Everest and still have time for lunch. Being at Cass is a huge achievement. Whenever Kenneth tells someone he is going to Cass people stop what they are doing and all eyes are on him. Everybody has their downfalls in life and 1 of Kenneths would have to be his spelling. If it was not for spell check Kenneth would be in trouble. But day by day he tries to expand his vocabulary by one word a day. If you think about it if he sticks to that he would have learn 365 words in one year and times that by 60 or 70 years, he is going to be one smart cookie. Kenneths has never been selfish in his life. When never he sees and homeless person on the street he would look at them and make sure they are safe and take to them and get to know their life story. He has met some veterans that lost their jobs and has no where to go and he has even seen an business man that had it all, a family , house you name it he had it and when the recession hit it was all gone. There is not one person that does not have a life story. A life story can be anything from you having it all to you having nothing at all. You have to stop and listen to people if you want to do right. Everyone has a life story. If a baby could talk they would have nine months of stories.

Values in life are important to Kenneth. He believes if you Do right by others, others will do right by you. What this means is if you see someone messing with a little kid go help them. Dont be a follower be a leader. You have to lead in something. If you think about it when you are following you are leading. You are leading yourself right into the wrong path. Dont be the shadow make it. So instead of having a negative image make a positive image. This is what Kenneth is saying. I Think I Can I Think I Can I Know I Can YES I CAN! The future for Kenneth is as bright as an LED flashlight. He is trying to become an business man. He wants to be the next Donald trump but less arrogate. He wants to help people with his money and be known as a good guy. A business career needs patience. You would have to deal with hundreds of different attitudes and work ethics. You would have to be patient with all of the different people so that your overall job morale is high. He wants to become an Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of an major corporation. These are my thought. From my beginning to my future. I hold the key to my own door, the door to success. I am what I think and no one can take that away. NO ONE. I believe.Why because I am him.

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