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Subject: production & oper tion ! n "e!ent

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Co!4 t4 In4titute O& In&or! tion Tec$no3o"% 6 $ore7


A 1or8 bre 8do1n 4tructure (WBS/ in project management and systems engineering is a tool used to define and group a projects discrete work elements (or tasks) in a way that helps organize and define the total work scope of the project. A work breakdown structure element may be a product, data, a service, or any combination. A !" also provides the necessary framework for detailed cost estimating and control along with providing guidance for schedule development and control. Additionally the !" is a dynamic tool and can be revised and updated as needed by the project manager #he ork !reakdown "tructure is a tree structure, which shows a subdivision of effort re$uired to achieve an objective% for e&ample a program, project, and contract 'n a project or contract, the !" is developed by starting with the end objective and successively subdividing it into manageable components in terms of size, duration, and responsibility (e.g., systems, subsystems, components, tasks, subtasks, and work packages) which include all steps necessary to achieve the objective. #he ork !reakdown "tructure provides a common framework for the natural development of the overall planning and control of a contract and is the basis for dividing work into definable increments from which the statement of work can be developed and technical, schedule, cost, and labor hour reporting can be established. A work breakdown structure permits summing of subordinate costs for tasks, materials, etc., into their successively higher level (parent) tasks, materials, etc. *or each element of the work breakdown structure, a description of the task to be performed is generated. #his techni$ue (sometimes called a "ystem !reakdown "tructure ) is used to define and organize the total scope of a project. #he !" is organized around the primary products of the project (or planned outcomes) instead of the work needed to produce the products (planned actions). "ince the planned outcomes are the desired ends of the project, they form a relatively stable set of categories in which the costs of the planned actions needed to achieve them can be collected. A well+designed !" makes it easy to assign each project activity to one and only one terminal element of the !". 'n addition to its function in cost accounting, the !" also helps map re$uirements from one level of system specification to another, for e&ample a re$uirements cross reference matri& mapping functional re$uirements to high level or low level design documents. 'i4tor% #he concept of ork !reakdown "tructure developed with the program evaluation and ,eview techni$ue (-.,#) in the /nited state 0epartment of defense (0o0). -.,# was introduced by the /.". 1avy in 2345 to support the development of its -olaris missile program. hile the term

6work breakdown structure6 was not used, this first implementation of -.,# did organize the tasks into product+oriented categories !y 7une 2389, 0o0, 1A"A and the aerospace industry published a document for the -.,#:;<"# system which described the !" approach. #his guide was endorsed by the "ecretary of 0efense for adoption by all services. 'n 238=, the 0o0 issued 6 ork !reakdown "tructures for 0efense >ateriel 'tems6 (>'?+"#0+==2), a military standard re$uiring the use of work breakdown structures across the 0o0.#his standard established top+level templates for common defense material items along with associated descriptions ( !" dictionary) for their elements. W$en to u4e it: A work breakdown structure is an essential element in project planning and project management. 'n the $uality planning process, !" begins with a generalized goal and then identifies progressively finer levels of actions needed to accomplish the goal. 'n the $uality improvement process, the tool is especially useful for creating an implementation plan to remedy identified process problems. *or !" to accurately reflect the project, however, it is essential that the team using it have detailed understanding of the tasks re$uired. 'o1 to u4e it: Identi&% t$e pri! r% re2uire!ent or objecti9e. #his should be a clear item, based on customer re$uirements, to which the entire team agrees. rite this re$uirement at the top of the chart. Subdi9ide t$e re2uire!ent 4t te!ent into ! jor 4econd r% c te"orie4. #hese branches should represent re$uirements, products, or activities that directly lead to the primary objective or that are directly re$uired to fulfill the overall re$uirement. #he team should continually ask, ( hat is re$uired to meet this condition@), ( hat happens ne&t@), and ( hat needs to be addressed@) rite the secondary categories below the primary re$uirement statement. /sing sticky notes at this stage makes later changes easier to accomplish. Bre 8 e c$ ! jor $e din" into "re ter det i3. As you move from top to bottom in the !", products and activities should become more and more specific. "top the breakdown when each task is tiny enough to be easily completed and evaluated for accuracy. 'f the team does not have enough knowledge to continue at some point, identify the individuals who can supply the information and continue the breakdown later with those individuals present. Re9ie1 t$e WBS &or 3o"ic nd co!p3etene44. >ake sure that each subheading and path has a direct cause+and+effect relationship with the one before. .&amine the paths to ensure that no obvious products or actions have been left out. Also ensure that the development of listed products or completion of listed actions will indeed lead to the anticipated results.

'n )i"ure

?arge, comple& projects are organized and comprehended by breaking them into progressively smaller pieces until they are a collection of defined 6work packages6 that may include a number of tasks. #otal e&penses ," 39A,AAA project is simply a lot of projects joined together. #he ork !reakdown "tructure ( !") is used to provide the framework for organizing and managing the work. 'n planning a project, it is normal to find oneself momentarily overwhelmed and confused, when one begins to grasp the details and scope of even a modest size project. #his results from one person trying to understand the details of work that will be performed by a number of people over a period of time. #he way to get beyond being overwhelmed and confused is to to break the project into pieces, organize the pieces in a logical way using a !", and then get help from the rest of your project team. #he psychologists say our brains can normally comprehend around 5+3 items simultaneously. A project with thousands or even dozens of tasks goes way over our ability to grasp all at once. #he solution is to divide and con$uer. #he !" helps break thousands of tasks into chunks that we can understand and assimilate. -reparing and understanding a !" for your project is a big step towards managing and mastering its inherent comple&ity. #he !" is commonly used at the beginning of a project for defining project scope, organizing Bantt schedules and estimating costs. 't lives on, throughout the project, in the project schedule and often is the main path for reporting project costs. <n larger projects, the !" may be used throughout the project to identify and track work packages, to organize data for .arned Calue >anagement (.C>) reporting, for tracking deliverables, etc. 'n planning and supervision phase we do planning .budgeting and coordinating. *or this estimated cost is -D, 4AAAA.and time re$uire for this is 9 days.

'n guest listing phase of project estimated cost is for printing card and making phone call for honorable guests will be -D, 4AAAA and re$uired time is 2 day. 'n speaker invitation phase of project we needed contact with speaker and speaker invitation cost will be -D, 9AAAA and will complete in one day ,oom and e$uipment that re$uire booking of room and decorating of rooms .#he estimated cost is -D, 4AA,AAA and will complete in threedays. <ur menu cost will be -D, 9AA,AAA and it takes one day for preparation the menu list for honorable speakers. *or staffing it takes -D, 2AAAAA and it takes one day for planning.

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