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1904 Dali is born May 11th at Figuras, Spain. As a son of a notary he was spoilt, only the entrance of the kitchen was prohibited. When Dali saw the paintings of Ramon Pichot he decided to become a painter too, the family of Pichot encouraged this. 1918 He shows some canvases for the first time, at a show of local artists work held at the Teatre Municipal in Figueras. 1919 The review Stadium published by the Figueras Institut begins to receive contributions from Dali. His regular articles on art are devoted to the painters he most admires (El Greco, Goya,....) 1921 In February his mother dies. He is enrolled in the San Fernando School of Fine Arts in Madrid. At the students residence he meets Bunuel and Lorca. 1923 Dali is expelled from school for a year. He was accused of inciting his fellow students to rebellion against the school authorities. 1925 Holiday with Lorca. First one-man show at the Galeries Dalmau in Barcelona. 1926 Dali visits Paris and Brussels for the first time. In Paris he meets Picasso. He is definitively expelled from the School of Fine Arts. 1927 He joins the army to do his military service. He develops the aesthetics of objectivity. 1928 Lluis Montanya, Sebastia Gasch and Dali issue the Yellow Manifesto. 1929 Dalis second journey to Paris, in connection with the shooting of Bunuels film Un Chien Andalou. Miro introduces him to the Surrealist group. He meets Paul Eluard and his wife Gala. That summer Dali and Gala fall in love, which leads to a break with his family. 1930 Publication of Dalis text LAne Pourri, in which he lays the foundations of his paranoic-critical method. He writes, illustrates and publishes The visible Woman. Purchase of a little fishermans house in Figueras where he will spend most of his time with Gala. 1931 Publication of the poem LAmour et la Mmoire. 1932 Participation in first Surrealist exhibition in the United States. He writes the script for Babaou, one of his many non-realised movie projects.

1934 At the Salon des Indpendants, Dali shows The enigma of Willem Tell which leads to a difference of opinions with the Surrealists and Andr Breton. Publication in Paris of Les Chants de Maldoror, illustrated by Dali. 1935 He publishes the book The Conquest of the Irrational. 1936 Spanish Civil War 1937 Dalis interest in the Marx Brothers grows, and he paints a portrait of Harpo, as also some drawings for a film which is never made. He publishes his paranoiac-critical poem The Metamorphosis of Narcissus, while at the same time collaborating with Elsa Schiaparelli on designs for hats, materials and dresses. 1938 He participates the Surrealist exhibition in Paris. In London he meets Freud. He makes several portraits of the psychiatrist.

1939 Definitive break with Surrealists. In the United States he publishes Declaration of the independence of the imagination and the rights of man to his own madness. He does the scenery and the libretto for the paranoic ballet Bacchanal. 1940 Dali and Gala return to New York, where they will live in exile until 1948. 1941 Dali-Miro exhibition in The Museum for Modern Art in New York. 1942 Publication of his illustrated autobiography The Secret Life of Salvador Dali. 1944 Publication in New York of his only novel Hidden Faces. 1946 Dali and Walt Disney begin to work out an idea for a cartoon film to be called Destiny, which comes to nothing in the end. He works with Alfred Hitchcock on the dream sequences in Spellbound. He illustrates Shakespeares Macbeth. 1948 Illustration of 50 Secrets of magic craftmanship. 1949 Return to Europe. Dali designs the scenery and costums for Viscontis As you like it. 1951 He finishes the editing of the Mystical Manifesto. 1952 A major retrospective of Dalis work is presented in Rome, Venice and Milan. This is his mystical nuclear art-period. 1953 In the Sorbonne he gives a lecture on Phenomenological Aspects of the Paranoic-Critical Method. 1956 Exhibition in the National Gallery in Washington. 1958 At a happening in Paris, Dali presents a baguette with a length of 15 metres. 1960 He paints big mystical works such as Ecumenical Council. 1961 First performance of the Ballet de Gala. Settings and costumes by Dali, choreography by Maurice Bjart. 1962 Robert Descharnes publishes his monograph Dali de Gala. 1963 Publication of his book The Tragic Myth of Millets Angelus. Publication of his illustrated books of La Divine Comdie by Dante Alighieri. 1964 Major retrospective show of Dalis work in Tokyo. 1966 In Paris he publishes the book Open letter to Salvador Dali.

1967 Publication in Milan of the illustrated Biblia Sacra, Les Pomes Secrets by Apollinaire and Pomes by Mao Tse Tung. 1971 Opening of the Dali museum in Cleveland, consisting largely of the Reynolds Morse Collection, which will be moved to St.-Petersburg in 1982. 1973 Publication in Paris of Les Diners de Gala. 1974 Publication in Paris of the illustrated Les Amours Jaunes by Corbire and Moses and Monotheism by Freud. 1978 At the Guggenheim Museum in New York, Dali presents his first hyperstereoscopic work. He becomes a member of the Acadmie Franaise des Beaux-Arts. 1979 Retrospectives in the Centre Pompidou in Paris and the Tate Gallery in London. 1982 Death of Gala. Dali lives in the castle of Pubol, a gift to Gala. He receives the Grand Cross of the Order of Carlos III, the highest decoration of the Spanish State. 1983 Introduction of Dalis perfume. Retrospective in Madrid and Barcelona. 1984 Retrospective in Ferrara, Italy 1985 In Barcelona the script for the opera-poem Etre Dieu is published. 1988 First Dali-exhibition in Moskou. 1989 On January 23rd Dali dies. He is buried in the crypt of his Theatre-Museum in Figueras. By will, he left his whole fortune & all his works to the Spanish State.

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